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Pirmadienis, 2015 m. birželio 8 d. - Strasbūras

13. Vienos minutės pasisakymai svarbiais politiniais klausimais

  Elnök asszony. – Következő napirendi pont a fontos politikai kérdésekkel kapcsolatos egyperces felszólalások.


  Claude Rolin (PPE). Madame la Présidente, il n'est nul besoin d'insister ici sur le défi que représente le chômage, en particulier celui des jeunes. Nous ne pouvons tolérer de voir sacrifier ainsi une génération: plus de cinq millions de jeunes sont au chômage, plus de 50 % dans certains États. Ce n'est pas acceptable. La garantie "jeunes" se met en place et des moyens supplémentaires ont été dégagés. C'est important, mais il faut poursuivre l'effort.

Trop de jeunes quittent le système scolaire sans qualification. Trop d'emplois ne trouvent pas de candidat faute de qualification et de formation adéquate. Tous les acteurs reconnaissent aujourd'hui la nécessité de développer l'enseignement en alternance et l'apprentissage. Là où ces systèmes sont mis en place, cela fonctionne.

Alors, tirons-en des enseignements et mettons en place un système ambitieux de formation en alternance au niveau européen. Nous avons besoin de relancer le dialogue social. Les acteurs sociaux font le même type d'analyse. La Commission peut proposer aux partenaires sociaux de négocier un accord pour relever ce défi d'importance.


  Anneliese Dodds (S&D). Madam President, the second reading of an EU Referendum Bill will take place tomorrow in the British House of Commons. It looks as though the referendum will occur next year. Until then, David Cameron has said he will focus on trying to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the EU.

Labour MEPs have been fighting for many years to reform Europe. We have argued that the EU budget must focus more on promoting jobs and growth; that national parliaments should engage more with EU policymaking; and that where EU regulations are not working, they must be changed. But Cameron is taking Britain’s name in vain in these negotiations. His plans include abandoning the tightening-up of the Posted Workers Directive, making wage—undercutting worse, not better. He is also trying to dilute forms of protection in the Working Time and Agency Workers Directives and the Social Chapter.

Yes, we need EU reform, but we need reform that works for employees, for pensioners, for the unemployed and for the vast majority of businesses, which accept the need for a minimum floor of protections at work.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). Благодаря, г-жо Председател, последното предложение на Европейската комисия за разпределение на нелегалните мигранти в други държави – членки на Европейския съюз е скандално и то пряко засяга и застрашава интересите на България.

За миналата година България е приела и дала статут на 2,5 пъти повече нелегални мигранти, отколкото Италия, и на 2,7 пъти повече, отколкото Гърция, и сегашното ново предложение да бъдат преразпределени нови мигранти е несправедливо, несолидарно и противоречи на националния интерес. Държавата не може да си позволи да приеме повече нелегални мигранти.

Би трябвало да се задейства и в този случай Договорът за Европейския съюз, член 73, и тази тежест да бъде понесена солидарно между държавите членки, защото обратното означава несправедливост и означава едно порочно и несолидарно решение на този въпрос. Настоявам Европейската комисия да преразгледа своето предложение и да обяви България за държава в извънредна ситуация.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). Madam President, today Wolfgang Münchau said it clearly: Greece needs to survive and eventually to prosper within the eurozone. Anything less than that is surely not acceptable to the Greek people. With a 25% drop in income and debt piling up on all sides, the Greeks know that more of the same simply will not work. If the rest of the eurozone does not see what is in front of their noses, then they are just plain stubborn, they are happy to play with fire or they simply do not care.

This week many of us will speak of the geopolitical importance of a trade deal with the US, and we are right to do so. Yet at so many different levels we have a geopolitical crisis sliding towards disaster within the eurozone. Whether your cold logic tells you that we must preserve an intact eurozone, or whether your social conscience cannot live with the impact of the economic crisis on Greek citizens, does not matter, because this has gone way beyond politics. European politicians have to stop playing to the gallery, whether in Brussels, Strasbourg, Athens or Berlin. If we do not fix it – and properly this time – we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction.




  Matt Carthy (GUE/NGL). Mr President, in Ireland almost four family homes a day are now being lost to banks. This is not happening by accident: it is a result of Irish government policy that has been pursued with the approval and the instigation of the European institutions. It is a policy that resulted in 42% of the cost of Europe’s banking crisis been burdened on the Irish people, and now Irish families are paying the price with their homes. It is a policy that saw Irish and European banks bailed out and preferential interest rates offered to those of extreme wealth, while those who played no hand, and had no part, in the creation of the crisis are now forced to become homeless.

The Irish people had a debt of EUR 64 billion foisted on our backs, and we are now witnessing our friends, our families and our neighbours paying again with their homes. This is not a recovery, not by any objective standards. There should – and must – be a change in direction by the Irish Government and at EU level to place the burden of debt on those who actually championed the cause of our crisis.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). Senhor Presidente, na União Europeia e na zona euro, a crise não tem ainda um fim à vista. A perspetiva é que se possa arrastar por muito tempo, havendo mesmo quem fale de uma estagnação secular.

Desemprego e pobreza persistentemente elevados e estruturais, desigualdades crescentes, é com este pano de fundo que assistimos a novas e reiteradas tentativas de chantagem política e de asfixia financeira para dobrar a vontade do povo grego, mas não apenas dos gregos, em geral de todos os que ousem levantar-se contra a exploração, o desemprego e a fome, e lutar pela democracia e a soberania nacional, pelo progresso e a justiça social.

Mas o que Merkel, Hollande, Juncker, Draghi e Lagarde julgam ser uma demonstração de força não é senão um sinal da sua imensa fraqueza. Está cada vez mais claro aos olhos dos povos a incompatibilidade radical entre as regras da União Económica e Monetária e qualquer projeto de desenvolvimento soberano capaz de romper com o retrocesso de dimensão civilizacional em que vários povos foram enredados.

A opção é clara: a rutura ou o retrocesso.


  Josep-Maria Terricabras (Verts/ALE). Señor Presidente, quiero denunciar un hecho gravísimo que ha ocurrido hace poco: la pasada semana, Interpol organizó en Barcelona un importante encuentro de las policías y los servicios de inteligencia de 37 países sobre la lucha antiterrorista y el yihadismo internacional.

El ministro de Interior español, Jorge Fernández Díaz, ha conseguido que Interpol no invite al encuentro a la policía de Cataluña, que ha prestado importantes servicios en la desactivación de células yihadistas. La policía catalana no ha sido invitada en Barcelona; las demás del mundo, sí.

Resulta grotesco e incomprensible que la obsesión antinacional catalana del ministro español prevalezca frente a su obligación de proteger a los ciudadanos, y resulta incomprensible también que Interpol acceda al desvarío del ministro y no esté interesada en saber en Barcelona qué está haciendo la policía de Cataluña. Mi denuncia y mi queja van contra el ministro Fernández Díaz y contra Interpol. Van e irán.


  Louise Bours (EFDD). Mr President, during the recent UK general election, Mr Cameron said that scrapping the tampon tax would be quite difficult. It is not quite difficult, it is nigh on impossible. The UK is subject to EU rules on VAT which force us to impose a 5% tax on these and many other products. There is nothing anyone can do about it because only the unelected and unaccountable EU Commission can propose or begin to amend legislation.

So it does not matter how you vote in elections, you cannot vote for anybody that can actually initiate change to EU law. The only way we are going to get rid of this ridiculous tax is for politicians to start listening to the electorate, decide they will do what is best for their voters, not the project, and leave the EU. Once we leave the EU we can act swiftly, follow in Canada’s footsteps and get rid of this archaic tax on feminine hygiene products.


  Mario Borghezio (NI). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, da alcuni mesi a Roma l'autorità giudiziaria sta svolgendo un'indagine denominata "Mafia Capitale". Pensate, la città capitale europea, in cui sono stati firmati i trattati di Roma, oggi è oggetto di un'indagine denominata "Mafia Capitale", con appalti, una cupola mafiosa, appalti su appalti, tangenti, un sistema di potere radicato in tutti i partiti che dominano la politica della capitale d'Italia, Roma.

Io chiedo che il Parlamento europeo faccia sentire la sua voce, il Presidente chieda al governo italiano per quale motivo non sia ancora stato sciolto per mafia il comune di Roma. Bisogna liberare i cittadini romani, che sono in stragrande maggioranza persone oneste che lavorano, dall'occupazione di questa cupola mafiosa affaristica dei vari partiti, che addirittura speculavano attraverso cooperative infette dalla mafia sui contributi per i migranti e per i nomadi: una vergogna! Basta con Mafia Capitale!


  Ivan Štefanec (PPE) Ako Európania dobre vieme, aké následky má šírenie nenávistnej propagandy. Možno sme si mysleli, že niečo podobné sa už nemôže opakovať. Ruská štátna televízia však nedávno označila obyvateľov Československa, ktorí v roku 1968 čelili sovietskej invázii, za fašistov. Rovnako tak nazývajú aj obyvateľov Ukrajiny, ktorí bojujú za územnú celistvosť svojej vlasti. Vyzývam Vás, kolegyne a kolegovia v Európskom parlamente, ako aj všetky členské štáty Európskej únie ku solidarite a spoločnému postupu proti takýmto klamstvám a manipuláciám. Nemôžeme vedieť, kto sa  nabudúce stane ich terčom. Nálepkovanie a dehumanizácia protivníka je vždy prvým krokom k ospravedlneniu agresie a násilia. Verím, že práve spoločný európsky postup je najlepšou odpoveďou proti šíreniu lží, propagandy a agresie. Vopred ďakujem za Vašu podporu.


  Richard Corbett (S&D). Mr President, my colleague Anneliese Dodds has already spoken eloquently of what Mr Cameron is trying to do at the moment, as he scuttles around Europe placing demands for so-called reform on the table, trying to find a route between the trivial and the impossible.

However, the right wing of his party is trying to push him into making demands that are not in the British national interest, nor in the European interest, but are highly partisan Conservative policies that they wish him to impose on the rest of Europe. He will only succeed, if he goes down that route, by two rounds of blackmail. In round one he says to other EU countries, ‘Accept these changes or we are off, and I really mean it’; and then in round two, if he gets those changes, he says to the British people, ‘You have a choice between what I have negotiated or leaving Europe’. It is Cameron’s Europe or no Europe, and at that point he will tell the British people to stay in and accept his terms.

I do hope that there are still some pro-European Conservatives who dare raise their head above the parapet and argue against him in their own party to make sure that this does not happen.


  Zbigniew Kuźmiuk (ECR). Chciałbym zwrócić uwagę Komisji Europejskiej na bardzo trudną sytuację rolników – producentów mleka – w moim kraju, w Polsce. Na skutek rosyjskiego embarga, a także zniesienia limitów produkcji mleka, ceny tego surowca spadły już o około 20%. Jednocześnie rolnicy będą obciążani karami za przekroczenie limitów produkcyjnych już drugi rok z rzędu. Kary te wyniosą około 150 milionów euro i będą pobrane z wypłat dla rolników za bieżące dostawy mleka do września tego roku, przy jednoczesnym gwałtownym spadku cen za dostarczony surowiec do punktów skupu. W tej sytuacji, po zapłaceniu kar, pozostająca część dochodów uzyskiwanych ze sprzedaży mleka na pewno nie wystarczy na pokrycie kosztów produkcji, a to oznacza straty i niemożność regulacji pozostałych zobowiązań gospodarstw mleczarskich, w tym zobowiązań kredytowych. W związku z tym jeszcze raz proszę Komisję o zainteresowanie się sytuacją gospodarstw mleczarskich w Polsce i przygotowanie rozwiązań wspierających tę produkcję w całej Unii w tym bardzo trudnym okresie dla producentów mleka.


  Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL). Mr President, Ireland has been rocked by another financial scandal that the European Parliament should be made aware of. Our Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, was missing in action, while one man, media mogul Denis O’Brien, tried to censor coverage of the scandal. He sought to prevent disclosure of a deal between himself and the state-owned IBRC through which he acquired a company at a discount of EUR 190 million at the taxpayers’ expense.

While Denis O’Brien was slapping gagging orders on our national broadcaster and threatening to sue parliamentarians for using Dáil privilege, Enda Kenny was nowhere to be found. This is the same Enda Kenny who in Paris was quick to defend freedom of the press. At the same time, the Finance Minister, Michael Noonan, was absolving the government of any involvement in the whole saga. This is the same Michael Noonan who ruled out support for any debt deal for Greece, but who declared debt write-downs to be normal when it comes to selling assets to powerful friends. So, once again, we have the Irish taxpayers picking up the tab for corporate greed.


  Ernest Maragall (Verts/ALE). Señor Presidente, de Turquía nos llega este domingo una esperanza; pasado mañana, deberemos corresponder con la misma quietud.

Pero hoy yo quería hablarles de Palestina. He estado allí cuatro días intensos, escuchando la voz de unos y otros, y entendiendo, tocando, tratando de comprender lo que sucede. La conclusión es clara: Europa está ausente ―o presente en grado mínimo y secundario―, mientras Israel despliega con contundencia y sin contemplaciones una estrategia de hechos consumados que hace imposible cualquier solución pacífica, y aún menos la teóricamente aceptada hipótesis de un territorio y dos Estados.

Estamos instalados en una normalidad obscena que Europa no puede admitir ni aceptar, manteniendo el silencio pasivo que nos caracteriza. Un silencio pretendidamente compensado por las frecuentes resoluciones que este Parlamento aprueba, pero que de hecho sirven para confirmar la impunidad absoluta de la actual política gubernamental israelí. Está en manos de Europa evitarlo.


  Jonathan Arnott (EFDD). Mr President, in my constituency, the North-East of England, we have a proud sporting heritage. Today I would like to mention the sport of boxing. Last year two North-East boxers faced each other for a world title for the first time, and today the United Kingdom has five world champions at different weights.

For young people boxing provides opportunities. A young disadvantaged person who would otherwise find themselves tempted by crime, drugs and violence can find a safe refuge where they can learn about self-discipline, respect and how to properly deal with life’s problems. Research shows that boxing is actually far less dangerous than many other contact sports. It is a safe and rewarding activity that is brilliant for physical fitness and has taken many young people to the Olympics and beyond. So I would just like to pay tribute to the many trainers who work very hard with young people in my constituency.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). Június 4-én volt a 95. évfordulója a trianoni békediktátum aláírásának. Nekünk, magyaroknak ez gyásznap. A győztesek igazságtalan diktátuma az I. Világháború végén hazámat, a háborúért nem felelős Magyarországot büntetésből brutálisan szétdarabolta: elvették területeink kétharmadát, három és fél millió magyart hajtottak idegen államok uralma alá. Mi, magyarok ebbe soha nem nyugszunk bele, soha nem fogadjuk el.

Az önrendelkezés joga minden népet megillet, de ezt a magyaroktól a mai napig megtagadják, holott az elmúlt három évtizedben számos európai nép élhetett vele, önálló államot alkothattak, egyesülhettek az anyaországgal vagy területi autonómiát valósíthattak meg. Az elcsatolt területeken többmilliónyi őshonos nemzeti közösségnek minősülő magyar él jogfosztottságban szülőföldjén. Szégyen, hogy az Európai Unió ezt eltűri.

Az európai biztonság megőrzése érdekében is követeljük a gyalázatos trianoni diktátum revízióját, és önrendelkezési jogot az Erdélyben, Felvidéken, Délvidéken és Kárpátalján élő magyaroknak! Nem, nem, soha! Vesszen Trianon!


  Andrea Bocskor (PPE). Tisztelt Elnök Úr! Egy nagyon fontos ökológiai és szociális katasztrófára szeretném felhívni a figyelmet, mely az ukrán-magyar-román határ közelében található Aknaszlatina sóbánya-település elhanyagolt állapota, és a Tisza folyamatos töménysóoldattal való szennyezése miatt veszélyeztet több európai uniós tagországot.

Aknaszlatina Európa legkiterjedtebb sómezője fölött jött létre. A kilencvenes évektől a sóbányák műszaki állapota egyre romlott, a rendszeres vízhiány, pénzhiány nagy veszélybe sodorta a sóbányák vízbetörés-védelmének a hatékonyságát. Rendszeressé váltak a bányaomlások, hatalmas méretű kráterek keletkeztek a sóbányák közelében, közvetlenül veszélyeztetve a település lakosait és infrastruktúráját. Bár a sóbányák működését beszüntették, mára az omlások nagysága több mint három millió köbméter. A jelenlegi helyzet miatt azonban az ukrán kormány nem tud erre figyelmet és pénzt fordítani, megszűnt az erre irányuló finanszírozás. A hatóság a megoldást a lakosság kitelepítésében látta, negyvenöt kilométernyire a jelenlegi sóbányától. A lakosság nem fogadja el ezt a kitelepítést, ezért itt az utolsó pillanat, hogy segítsünk ennek az ökológiai és szociális katasztrófának a megakadályozásában. Köszönöm!


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il rapporto annuale Istat 2015 presenta l'Italia a due velocità anche nella sanità. Manco a dirlo, al Nord funziona e al Sud è in difficoltà. Nel meridione siamo ai minimi di spesa pro capite, solo 1 700 euro in Campania, mentre in altre aree del paese si superano i 2 000 euro pro capite.

Quest'aspetto forma una viziosa spirale, che unita all'inversa statistica che vede più elevata al Sud l'incidenza di molte malattie, rende il principio della qualità della vita evanescente e addirittura utopico. Un livello di cura inclusivo ed equilibrato che in definitiva sia alla portata del cittadino è nelle regioni del Sud una chimera. Il sonno della ragione di una pianificazione mai avviata ha generato i mostri del collasso delle strutture e i decessi incomparabilmente più alti della media nazionale, sia per uomini che per donne, per tutte le principali cause di morte.

Auspico che ritorni la consapevolezza che ogni giorno di attesa è giorno di mancato aiuto a chi ha il diritto di riceverlo. La Commissione stimoli, con le autorità nazionali e regionali italiane, le linee di intervento più idonee per garantire l'universalità della cura per mezzo di un servizio sanitario senza disparità sociale e territoriale.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga (ECR). Panie Przewodniczący! W odpowiedzi na zakaz wjazdu do Rosji, nałożony na grupę parlamentarzystów europejskich, przewodniczący Parlamentu Martin Schulz zastosował sankcje dyplomatyczne i ograniczenie kontaktów międzyparlamentarnych. To słuszne i trafne decyzje. Chociaż znajduję się na czarnej liście rosyjskiej, uważam, że retorsje parlamentarne podjęte zostały znacznie za późno. Właściwym momentem była bezprawna aneksja Krymu czy też czas późniejszy, kiedy samozwańcze władze łamały masowo prawa mniejszości żyjących tam od wieków, albo też kiedy łamane były – podpisane przecież – porozumienia mińskie. Sądzę, że tak nałożone sankcje pozwoliłyby nam uniknąć kontrowersyjnych rozmów z panem Puszkowem w komisji AFET czy równie kontrowersyjnych spotkań w czasie posiedzeń delegacji Unia-Rosja.


  Yana Toom (ALDE). Mr President, I am deeply concerned about practices in relation to the application of the Schengen rules by the Baltic States. During the last seven months, a dozen Russian scholars, experts and people from the art world have been denied entry to, or expelled from, the Baltic States. Among them, for instance, was Valery Tishkov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His case is very curious. While in Russia, he has previously been harassed for his political and academic views.

Baltic intolerance towards criticism by experts and scholars sends a very bad signal to the Kremlin. Bad practices on the part of the Baltic States may shed some light on the reasons behind the so-called Russian blacklist. National authorities are given wide discretion to decide on entry to their territory and to the territory of the Schengen zone. I believe, however, that we need more coherent supranational control over the application of the Schengen rules. Such application should not compromise the democratic image of the Union.


  Giulia Moi (EFDD). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sarà giunta anche al cuore dell'Europa l'eco dell'inchiesta che sta sconvolgendo Roma: per tutti è Mafia Capitale. Per noi del Movimento Cinque Stelle è la punta di un iceberg di malaffare e scambi di voti e di mazzette che denunciamo da tempo.

La corruzione dei politici locali e dell'apparato amministrativo è una zavorra che viene caricata sulle spalle dei cittadini e che ostacola lo sviluppo di tutto il paese. La mia regione, la Sardegna, è purtroppo ormai da decenni una mangiatoia a cui molti, troppi soliti noti attingono impunemente senza regole e aggirando le leggi. Sono senza controlli e solitamente non hanno nessuna punizione. Intervengo oggi affinché tutti i nostri colleghi non si lascino abbagliare dalla propaganda che il nostro esecutivo sta mettendo in moto per oscurare quanto avviene in Italia, ma siamo anzi consapevoli del disastro dentro al quale i nostri governi ci stanno trascinando.


  Gilles Lebreton (NI). Monsieur le Président, vingt ONG viennent de claquer la porte du forum européen "alcool et santé". Elles reprochent à la Commission d'abandonner la stratégie européenne sur l'alcool, qui avait été lancée en 2006. Beaucoup d'eurodéputés veulent relancer cette stratégie. Je ne suis pas de leur avis.

Il est certes important de lutter contre l'alcoolisme, notamment en développant une politique de prévention à l'égard des jeunes, mais j'estime qu'il appartient aux États, et non à l'Union, de le faire. Conformément au principe de subsidiarité, chaque État est en effet plus à même que l'Union de trouver un équilibre adéquat entre la lutte contre l'alcoolisme, d'une part, et la protection de ses traditions viticoles, d'autre part. Il en va de la sauvegarde de sa souveraineté.

C'est pourquoi je me félicite du recul de la Commission de Bruxelles et j'espère qu'il n'est que le premier d'une longue série.


  Ελισσάβετ Βόζεμπεργκ ( PPE). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το τελευταίο διάστημα παρατηρείται ανεξέλεγκτη αύξηση των παράτυπα εισερχόμενων μεταναστών στην Ελλάδα από τα βόρεια ελληνοτουρκικά θαλάσσια σύνορα, που αγγίζει πλέον το 500% συγκριτικά με πέρσι, ειδικά στα νησιά του νοτιοανατολικού Αιγαίου.

Έχω ζητήσει επανειλημμένα έγκριση ειδικών κονδυλίων για την Ελλάδα προς αντιμετώπιση του φαινομένου, το οποίο επεσήμανε και η Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες, σημειώνοντας μάλιστα ότι ειδικά αυτά τα νησιά δεν διαθέτουν την κατάλληλη υποδομή για επαρκή φροντίδα των ανθρώπων αυτών.

Οι τοπικές αρχές των ελληνικών νησιών κρούουν τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου να δοθεί στην Ελλάδα η αναγκαία οικονομική βοήθεια και να εφαρμοστεί τάχιστα το νέο πρόγραμμα της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για τη μετεγκατάσταση 16.000 μεταναστών σε άλλες χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Απευθύνω έκκληση στην Επιτροπή να επισπεύσει την εφαρμογή των έκτακτων μέτρων, εν όψει τουριστικής περιόδου, για την ανακούφιση των περιοχών που πλήττονται.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). Gospodine predsjedniče, otkada je uveden, jedinstveni europski broj za hitne službe 112 značajno je unaprijedio sustav pomoći unesrećenima diljem Europe. No, od tada malo je pozornosti posvećeno njegovom unapređenju i promociji.

Podaci govore kako tri četvrtine građana Europske unije nije svjesno da taj broj može spasiti njihove živote, a 70 posto nije ništa čulo o njemu u zadnjih godinu dana. Nema napretka ni u preciznom određivanju lokacije unesrećenih, unatoč razvoju tehnologije. Ekspertna skupina za hitni pristup nije se sastala od 2013. Također, SMS usluga kontaktiranja broja 112 u roamingu ne radi, što je značajan problem za osobe s posebnim potrebama.

Dakle, hitno trebamo bolju koordinaciju i informiranje da efikasnije zaštitimo naše građane i olakšamo posao onima koji nesebično pomažu unesrećenima. Tu svakako pripada i Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja, 800 volontera koji brinu o sigurnosti građana 24 sata dnevno. Ove godine je i Europski parlament prepoznao njihov rad dodijelivši im nagradu Europski građanin, na čemu im još jednom čestitam.


  Marek Jurek (ECR). Pani Przewodnicząca! Komisja Europejska z pogwałceniem ustaleń Rady Europejskiej forsuje w tej chwili zasadę przymusowego i kwotowego rozsyłania imigrantów po Europie – w imię solidarności – ale solidarność, której nas Polaków nie trzeba uczyć, to jest najpierw szacunek dla cudzych praw. To jest szacunek dla wspólnych ustaleń. Oczywiście solidarność to jest najpierw szacunek dla praw, których już powinniśmy przestrzegać. Polscy rolnicy do tej pory nie odbierają takich samych dopłat bezpośrednich jak korzystający z nierównej konkurencji rolnicy z wielkich krajów Unii Europejskiej – tych krajów, które należały do Unii wtedy, kiedy w okresie gdy zawieraliśmy stowarzyszenie w latach dziewięćdziesiątych naszym rolnikom ograniczano możliwości eksportowe, mimo że nasz rynek otworzyliśmy bez ograniczeń na eksport zachodniej Europy. Tę niesprawiedliwość trzeba jak najszybciej naprawić.


  Romana Tomc (PPE). Pred kratkim smo dobili študijo Eurostata, ki je skušala orisati različne dimenzije kakovosti življenja, naše blaginje. To pomeni nekega življenjskega standarda oziroma posameznikovega dostopa do blaga in storitev.

Posebno pozornost mi je vzbudila navedba, da visoka izobrazba lahko pomeni boljšo prihodnost, boljšo kakovost življenja in višji standard.

Ampak, ali je temu res tako? Zakaj imamo potem tako imenovano izgubljeno generacijo? Zakaj je toliko visoko izobražene mladine v Evropski uniji brez ustreznih zaposlitev?

Imamo številne strategije, poročila, delamo vse na evropskem nivoju, da bi zagotovili mladim dostojno prihodnost, ampak rezultatov enostavno še nismo deležni v takšni meri, kot si jih želimo.

Ali res delamo vse prav, in ali ne bi bilo treba nekaj spremeniti na tem področju?


  Csaba Molnár (S&D). Az Európai Parlament a legutóbbi strasbourgi plenáris ülésén már foglalkozott a magyar kormány által indított idegenellenes és megtévesztő ún. nemzeti konzultációval. Ezen a héten még határozatot is fogunk elfogadni erről itt a Parlamentben.

Azóta azonban sajnos sokat romlott a helyzet Magyarországon, hiszen a héten a kormány egymillió euró közpénzt felhasználva egy bevándorlóellenes, idegengyűlölő óriásplakát-kampányt indított szerte az országban. Ez óriási felháborodást váltott ki a magyarokból, valóságos nemzeti mozgalom indult azért, hogy ezeknek a plakátoknak legalább az idegengyűlölő részeit átfessék. Erre reakcióként a magyar rendőrség elrendelte ezeknek a plakátoknak a védelmét. Civil ruhás nyomozókat rendeltek ki a plakátok mellé szerte az országban, sőt még az ott meglévő ujjlenyomatok rögzítését is elrendelték. Ez a fajta rendőri fellépés nyilvánvalóan túlzó és aránytalan, ezt világossá kell tennünk, ahogy ezt egyébként magyar, volt rendőri vezetők meg is tették. Itt, az Európai Parlamentben ezt a fajta fellépést el kell ítélnünk.


   Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Pane předsedající, dámy a pánové, zasedání G7 se pokoušelo předstírat evropskou jednotu. Paní Merkelová dělala, co mohla, ale významného posunu v odsouzení ruské agrese na Ukrajině nedosáhla. Sankce budou pokračovat, to je kladný výsledek summitu. Dnes však je úplně zřejmé, že ani samotné sankce, ani jakékoliv další minské dohody nestačí.

Každá taková nerozhodnost, jakou jsme viděli v Bavorsku, je to, co Putin potřebuje. Vždyť se nám, dámy a pánové, Putin vysmívá. Dále útočí na Donbas těžkými zbraněmi, rozvíjí hybridní válku vůči Evropě. Ukrajina se statečně rozhodla nepodřídit se mocenskému tlaku Ruska a svobodně vykročit ke své budoucnosti. Jak má aplikovat reformy, plnit požadavky Mezinárodního měnového fondu, když je cupována na svém vlastním teritoriu? Hrajeme o čas, konflikt Ukrajinu rozkládá.

Ze summitu nezazněla žádná zpráva o tom, že je nanejvýš nutné podpořit Ukrajinu vojensky dodávkami zbraní a munice a otevřeně to deklarovat. Sláva Ukrajině!


  Emilian Pavel (S&D). Domnule președinte, vreau să trag un semnal de alarmă cu privire la situația de azi din România, pe care colegii din PPE încearcă în mod greșit să o transforme într-un motiv de dispută politică în plan european, în condițiile în care opoziția cere demisia premierului, încercând să ajungă la guvernare prin mijloace nedemocratice și să răstoarne o majoritate legitimă.

Ce face acest guvern momentan? A relansat economia; acum înregistrăm cea mai mare creștere economică la nivel european, de 4,3 %; a mărit constant salariile, pensiile și a dublat alocațiile pentru copii; a redus TVA-ul la produse alimentare astfel încât avem reduceri de 12 % la alimente; a redus taxele de muncă generând peste 90 000 de noi locuri de muncă doar în ultimul an; a finalizat un master plan de transport; a mărit enorm absorbția fondurilor europene și are în lucru o lege a salarizării care va duce la creșterea salariilor mici.

Ce-a mai făcut? A blocat mai multe mafii care exploatau abuziv pădurile, căpușau piața energiei, furau TVA, făceau evaziune și contrabandă. Această bună guvernare este pusă azi în pericol pentru că cei de la PNL doresc neapărat să ajungă la guvernare înainte de anul viitor.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). Mr President, excess alcohol contributes to about 25% of all road deaths in Europe – that is 6 500 deaths per year – and, according to research by the Commission, a large part of the problem involves high-risk offenders who offend regularly and exceed legal blood/alcohol levels by a large amount. Road deaths in Europe at present stand at 26 000 per year. That is down from 55 000, over the 14 years since 2001. A target has been set to reduce the figure to zero, and Commissioner Bulc is doing a lot in this area.

The Commission is also currently reviewing which technologies should be included in new vehicles. I would like to promote – and to ensure that they include in their communications with Member States – alcohol interlocks. Interlocks are automatic control systems which are designed to prevent driving with excess alcohol by requiring the driver to blow into an in-car breathalyser before starting the ignition. This technology can be part of the armoury available to national judicial systems, and I would urge the Commission to ensure that the success of these devices is included in its armoury and shared with Member States.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D). Domnule președinte, colegii de la PPE v-au dezinformat și din această cauză mă văd nevoit să aduc o serie de clarificări cu privire la situația din România.

Vă supun atenției situația critică pe care au declanșat-o și o susțin membrii opoziției din România printr-o abatere gravă de la practicile europene democratice, situație de natură să afecteze și stabilitatea politică regională în Europa de Est.

Mai exact, în ziua care PNL a depus moțiunea de cenzură împotriva guvernului Ponta, premierului României i s-a adus la cunoștință de către DNA că este suspect într-un dosar penal, fără să fie în prealabil audiat și fără să i se fi oferit șansa să-și prezinte poziția. Apoi PNL a început să exercite presiuni politice și mediatice pentru a determina demisia premierului Victor Ponta cu scopul declarat de a prelua guvernarea exercitată acum de un guvern legitim, susținut de o majoritate parlamentară legitimă girată de o largă coaliție.

Atrag atenția că acțiunile liberalilor nu doar că pot conduce la o gravă criză politică, dar implică abuziv justiția în deciziile politice, nesocotind astfel atât legislația națională în vigoare cât și legile europene general valabile. ...

(Președintele a întrerupt discursul vorbitorului.)


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Domnule președinte, regret că parlamentul nostru nu a acceptat să-l audieze de urgență pe Victor Ponta.

Premierul român este acuzat de corupție de către procurorii DNA și atunci când președintele țării i-a cerut să demisioneze a răspuns că aceasta ar fi o lovitură de stat.

Azi când socialiștii domnului Pittella îl apărau aici, în plen, premierul român îi amenința cu anchete penale pe liderii opoziției și pe cetățenii care ar îndrăzni să iasă în stradă ca să protesteze în următoarele zile. Aceasta e o derivă autoritară gravă.

Specialist în plagiat, Victor Ponta copiază acum comportamentul antidemocratic al lui Viktor Ianukovici. Dacă ar fi inocent, Premierul ar cere ridicarea imunității sale parlamentare pentru a putea lămuri acuzațiile de corupție care îi sunt aduse.

În loc de aceasta, el a mobilizat statul pentru a nu suporta rigorile legii. Premierul socialist de la București trebuie oprit fiindcă își propune acum să desființeze o instituție care se ocupă de anchetarea corupției. „Pleacă!” îi strigă cetățeni la București - o fac și eu aici.


  Preşedintele. Acest punct de pe ordinea de zi a fost închis.

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