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Procedūra : 2015/0125(NLE)
Procedūros eiga plenarinėje sesijoje
Dokumento priėmimo eiga : A8-0245/2015

Pateikti tekstai :


Debatai :

PV 08/09/2015 - 10
CRE 08/09/2015 - 10

Balsavimas :

PV 09/09/2015 - 8.10
CRE 09/09/2015 - 8.10
Balsavimo rezultatų paaiškinimas

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Posėdžio stenograma
Trečiadienis, 2015 m. rugsėjo 9 d. - Strasbūras Atnaujinta informacija

8.10. Italijos ir Graikijos labui nustatomos laikinosios priemonės tarptautinės apsaugos srityje (A8-0245/2015 - Ska Keller) (balsavimas)

(before the vote on Amendment 47)


  Ska Keller (Verts/ALE). Mr President, we have an oral amendment here which has been agreed among the shadow rapporteurs. It is basically an update in relation to what we heard this morning about Commission President Juncker’s new proposal. Members will find it in writing in their voting list, because it is a bit difficult to read out, but basically we say that a further relocation of 120 000 applicants from Italy, Greece and Hungary should be completed on the basis of the new Commission proposal. That is the essence of it. Members will find the wording that is specifically going to be voted on in their voting lists, so please read it as it is very complicated.

(the oral amendment was not accepted)

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