 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2015/2744(RSP)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : O-000079/2015

Predložena besedila :

O-000079/2015 (B8-0568/2015)

Razprave :

PV 10/09/2015 - 4
CRE 10/09/2015 - 4

Glasovanja :

Sprejeta besedila :

Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Četrtek, 10. september 2015 - Strasbourg

4. Vidik spola pri trgovanju z ljudmi (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Iratxe García Pérez és Catherine Bearder által a Nőjogi és Esélyegyenlőségi Bizottság nevében a Bizottsághoz intézett, az emberkereskedelem nemekkel kapcsolatos vetületéről szóló szóbeli választ igénylő kérdésről folytatott vita (O-000079/2015 - B8-0568/2015)


  Catherine Bearder, author. Madam President, let me start by thanking the Commissioner for coming to speak to us today. As one of the rapporteurs for Parliament’s implementation report on the Anti-trafficking Directive to be drafted later this year, I am very happy, Commissioner, to hear from you.

The EU actually has a good record on action to protect victims of human trafficking. In 2011, the Anti-trafficking Directive was held up globally as the gold standard in protection of victims because it adopts a gender-specific approach. Although the very nature of this crime makes it difficult to get reliable data on the numbers of victims, the Eurostat report earlier this year estimated that between 2010 and 2012 there were over 30 000 victims registered in 28 Member States, 80% of which were women. These figures do not, of course, include the huge numbers of victims who are not identified by authorities as victims of human trafficking.

Although victims are varied, held and controlled for a variety of reasons, we cannot dismiss the significant gender dimension of this crime. The majority, which is 69% of identified victims, were trafficked for sexual exploitation and 95% of that number were women. These numbers show that however good the EU is at tackling this issue, we cannot rest on our laurels. So whilst this crime constitutes a huge abuse of fundamental rights, it continues and is hugely profitable for the traffickers.

Our work to protect victims must be vigilant and ongoing. Why, then, do we tolerate the lack of engagement by national authorities? How come, Commissioner, they are not pursued for the figures that they have committed to feed to your officers? It is clear that some countries have achieved a great deal and are cracking down on trafficking, whilst others have still to implement the directive fully and are dragging their feet in recognising this crime. What more evidence do they need to take real action, to which their governments have already committed themselves, in order to rescue the victims and pursue the perpetrators? How much longer do these people, who are controlled and sold as so much baggage, have to wait to get justice?

The evidence shows that human trafficking is an issue that European people want to see tackled with coordinated European action. When asked which forms of violence against women the EU should prioritise, trafficking in human beings comes out very high. The transnational nature of these crimes means that we can only address both the root causes, the rescue and care of victims, and the punishment of perpetrators, if we work together at both source and destination countries.

The Commission must come forward quickly with its post-2016 strategy towards the eradication of human trafficking. We in Parliament look forward to receiving these proposals so that we can work closely with you to crack down on this vile trade. The Commission must also ensure that they are monitoring and implementing the Anti-trafficking Directive in every single Member State. We hope that Parliament’s upcoming work on this will help feed into this work.

Trafficking is a crime committed upon the most vulnerable and those victims deserve better protection, but we cannot do that effectively unless we know the state of play in each and every Member State. However, it is important to remember as we debate migration and human smuggling this week that human trafficking is a different, truly vile trade that abuses victims’ human rights. Commissioner, we look forward to working with you in the coming months to tackle this crime.


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the Commission. Madam President, let me start by expressing my thanks to Mrs Bearder for having taken this initiative and submitted this question.

First of all, I would like to thank all Members of this House for your constant and keen interest in addressing trafficking in human beings and keeping it high on the European Union’s political agenda. Let us be clear, trafficking in human beings is about the buying and selling of people and their services. Trafficking in human beings is expressly prohibited in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and addressing trafficking means upholding fundamental rights.

At the same time, this is a serious form of organised crime as clearly stipulated in the European Union’s Treaties. This deplorable crime would not exist without the huge profits for traffickers and the demand that drives all forms of exploitation. If we want to prevent more victims falling prey to traffickers we must follow the money, both in the legal and the illegal sectors, and we must stop the flows.

Trafficking in human beings is now an integral part of the European Agenda on Migration and also of the European Agenda on Security. Indeed, it is a phenomenon with clear links to many policy areas within and outside the European Union.

Eurostat data indicate that for 2010-2012 the 28 Member States registered 30 146 victims. Eighty per cent of the victims were female and 70% of traffickers were male. Sixteen per cent of registered victims were children: girls and boys. Data prove that the most widespread form of exploitation is sexual exploitation – up to 69%, of which women and girls form the vast majority of the victims: 95%. Over 1 000 child victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation. These data clearly demonstrate a strong gender dimension to trafficking in human beings.

Let me be clear, the European Union has recognised that trafficking in human beings is a structural form of violence against women. It seriously inhibits women’s ability to enjoy rights and freedom on an equal basis with men. Gender plays a role at every stage of the trafficking process by increasing vulnerability to trafficking, by fuelling exploitation and influencing the effectiveness of assistance and support.

I am proud to say that the Commission has delivered a great deal and my services continue to deliver very ambitiously on work in this direction. We have a comprehensive legal and policy framework guided by the European Union’s Anti-trafficking Directive and the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012-2016.

The Anti-trafficking Directive is human-rights based and victim-centred. It is gender specific and child-sensitive. The deadline for transposition of this Directive expired on 6 April 2013. The Commission, as guardian of the European Union Treaties, initiated procedures without delay and I am pleased to inform you that, to date, 25 Member States have officially informed the Commission that they have fully transposed the Directive at national level. Only two Member States have not notified the Commission yet.

My services are currently analysing the information provided by all Member States and we will not hesitate to take all necessary steps to ensure full transposition and application of the European Union’s law.

The Commission will be submitting the following reports to Parliament and to the Council. First, in early 2016, the first European Union report on the progress made in addressing trafficking in human beings, as per Article 20 of the Directive, will be presented. Member States and civil society, as represented in the European Union’s Civil Society Platform, have submitted information to the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator as per Article 20 and the report is being prepared with my services. This report will address the gender dimension and relevant considerations.

Secondly, the Commission will submit a unified report under Article 23 of the Directive in 2016. This report will assess the measures taken by Member States to comply with the Anti-trafficking Directive. It will also assess the impact existing national laws criminalising those who use the services of victims of trafficking have on prevention of this crime, accompanied if necessary by appropriate proposals. This report will equally address the gender dimension of trafficking in human beings, including, particularly, the measures to reduce the demand that drives all forms of exploitation.

The European Union’s Anti-trafficking Directive sets forth the legal obligation to reduce the demand that fuels exploitation, including by considering criminalising those who knowingly use the services of victims. The Employers Sanctions Directive already criminalises those who knowingly employ victims of trafficking who are third-country nationals.

My services have commissioned a study on the gender dimensions of trafficking in human beings from a renowned academic institution to examine the gender dimensions of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and measures to reduce the demand that fuels this exploitation. The study also took into consideration the recommendation of this Parliament in its resolution of 26 February 2014 on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality. The study will be finalised by the end of this year.

The European Union Anti-trafficking Strategy comes to an end in 2016. As stipulated in the European Agendas for security and for Migration, we will adopt a post-2016 strategy. We will ensure that we consult old stakeholders and ensure that Parliament is kept abreast of developments. The gender dimension must be present in our post-2016 approach.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is imperative to continue delivering. We owe this to the victims and, of course, to our societies, to our children and to the future generations.


  Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, on behalf of the PPE Group. Madam President, trafficking of human beings has become the new slavery of our time. The figures mentioned by the Commissioner are stunning and the human stories are heart-breaking.

Commissioner, the EPP Group really welcomes your determination to ensure full compliance with a clear gender perspective. We are all concerned. This is serious organised crime with a cross-border dimension and it should be treated as such by all Member States. The network requires a common European response, with increased police cooperation and increased judiciary cooperation with Europol, Eurojust and Frontex.

It is really time to break the circle of impunity. There should be no hiding place for these criminals in and around Europe. We are calling on you, Commissioner, to present as soon as possible the report on compliance, ensuring a clear gender perspective because, as you said, sexual exploitation is one of the biggest causes of trafficking, as are the protection of victims (girls, women and people with special needs), reducing demand and supply and holding the users responsible.

The majority of victims of trafficking in human beings continue to be women and girls, and now increasingly migrants. Therefore, your new strategy against trafficking should, as you said, have a clear gender perspective: criminalise, strengthening cooperation and tracking funds.

The EPP Group continues to be committed to zero tolerance against trafficking of human beings and keeping gender rights on the agenda. No one should be mistreated, abused or exploited on their way to safety in Europe.


  Mary Honeyball, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, I too very much welcome what the Commissioner has said, and the action that is going to be taken, and particularly, Commissioner, that you are intending to make sure that responsibility is on the users of sexual services and not on the victims. As we have all said, trafficking is primarily a gender issue for women. It is so important that we work across Europe to deal with trafficking and that we acknowledge the emerging tactics of the traffickers themselves, who seem always to be one step ahead in this issue of modern slavery.

I also think it is important because I represent London, which is a major destination for traffickers, and as the EU goes into a period where we are preparing for a referendum on EU membership, I believe that the issue of human trafficking will be an important debate in that. It is women and girls who are being trafficked who are some of the most vulnerable people that we have to deal with. This is a European problem, and I believe that it has European solutions.


  Malin Björk, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. Madam President, I am happy to hear that the Commissioner will be focusing on addressing demand, but what is demand in this area? It is brothel owners and pimps, of course, but it is also men buying sex, and as in all other areas we have to address and target the market.

As the Honeyball report voted here last year concluded, the Nordic model criminalising both the pimps and the buying of sex services has been very effective in addressing the demand. So, what should the Commission be doing in targeting the demand for buying women and girls in the sex industry? So far, not enough has been done. I have read about the piece of research that has been awarded to a group of lobbyists and under-qualified researchers. I am very worried about this, and I think it is not serious. To put it bluntly, we do not need more police officers and border controls in this struggle. We need fewer brothels. So we look forward to a constructive dialogue with you to see what actions we can improve in order to make a difference for women and girls in Europe.


  Louise Bours, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President. It is the freedom of movement between countries that is enabling and encouraging this criminality, whether it is perpetrated against men, women, boys or girls. Having no possibility of any checks at any border obviously makes it easier than ever for people to be trafficked across our continent. The UK Government admits that EU free movement rules are helping organised criminal gangs to traffic and move not only illegal goods, but also people.

In a report from 2014 on the balance of competences, they say: ‘free movement within the EU is extensively exploited by organised criminals to bring illicit commodities including drugs, human trafficking victims, illegal immigrants and counterfeit goods to the UK.’ Europol admits that the free movement of people and goods across the EU’s internal borders reduces the chances of detection.

Eurostat asserts that 68% of people trafficked are women, and this is indeed a shocking percentage. However, surely the aim should be to end trafficking altogether – not worry about what gender-specific measures the Commission should take.

Free movement rules make trafficking easier for those who deal in human exploitation. We have to take steps to make this crime logistically impossible, we have to punish the criminals, and we have to punish them in such a way that it acts as an effective deterrent. Only then will this modern—day form of slavery be at an end.


  Mara Bizzotto, a nome del gruppo ENF. Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, parlare di questo importante argomento, davanti a 15 persone è umiliante, non è umiliante per me, ma credo sia umiliante per Parlamento europeo che io, noi, rappresentiamo, anche perché la tratta di essere umani in ogni sua forma è un orrore inaccettabile. Lo dovrebbe essere per quest'Europa ipocrita, sento tanta ipocrisia qua dentro, tanto falso buonismo, che serve solo a nascondere una coscienza macchiata di sangue.

È innegabile che esista una tragedia monetaria che coinvolge l'Africa e il Medio Oriente, così come è chiaro che esiste un sistema criminale che specula sulle sofferenze di tanta gente. Nel 2015 sono arrivati in Europa 250 000 migranti, molti hanno attraversato il Mediterraneo, 3 000 persone almeno sono morte. Non possiamo, come sappiamo, accogliere milioni di persone che partono dall'Africa – del resto, non lo voglio, perché non voglio l'Africa spopolata e piena di bandiere dell'ISIS – e non possiamo nemmeno lasciare questi assassini e trafficanti di morte continuare a fare questi viaggi della morte per dare speranza a uomini, donne e bambini. Dobbiamo creare dei corridoi umanitari là, vicino dove c'è la guerra.

(L'oratrice accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Bill Etheridge (EFDD), blue-card question. Ms Bizzotto, would you agree with me that the best common-sense way to deal with this awful crime – which for me as a man is a very emotional thing to hear about – is to firm up border controls so that we can properly check who comes and goes between our countries?


  Mara Bizzotto (ENF), risposta cartellino blu Sicuramente sì. Dobbiamo controllare le nostre frontiere. Questo ci chiedono i nostri cittadini ma soprattutto dobbiamo evitare che persone, clandestini, partano da queste terre, dobbiamo aiutare i profughi – chi parte dalla guerra – ma non possiamo accogliere tutti i profughi. Se siamo persone che devono difendere il popolo africano, dobbiamo sicuramente aiutarli là. Questo dovrebbe fare l'Europa, non deve spopolare il continente africano, deve aiutare il continente africano.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). Κυρίες και κύριοι συνάδελφοι, δεν χωρά καμία αμφιβολία ότι η εμπορία ανθρώπων είναι ένα φαινόμενο κατάπτυστο και απεχθές που συνιστά βόμβα στα θεμέλια του αξιακού συστήματος της Ευρώπης. Αδιαπραγμάτευτη στάση μας πρέπει να είναι η συνεχής προσπάθεια, όχι για τον περιορισμό του φαινομένου αλλά για την πλήρη εξάλειψη του. Γεγονός είναι ότι, στη σύγχρονη εποχή, οι γυναίκες είναι εκείνες που πλήττονται περισσότερο από αυτές τις πρακτικές, για λόγους που όλοι γνωρίζουμε. Δυστυχώς έχουν έρθει στο φως πάρα πολλές υποθέσεις, στις οποίες υπήρξε σιωπηρή ανοχή ή ακόμη και συνενοχή κρατικών λειτουργών. Πρέπει να υπάρξει εκ μέρους μας αποφασιστική δράση για την πάταξη των κυκλωμάτων που επωφελούνται από την εμπορία ανθρώπων. Δεν πρέπει να καταλήξουμε σε ένα ακόμα ηθικολογικό κείμενο, όμορφο στα λόγια αλλά χωρίς πραγματικό αντίκρισμα. Πρέπει να εξαντλήσουμε κάθε μέσο πίεσης προς τα κράτη μέλη ώστε να μην υπάρχει καμία ανοχή στη διακινητές. Όταν κάποιος προσβάλλει με τέτοιο βάναυσο τρόπο τις αξίες και τις αρχές των ευρωπαϊκών λαών, πρέπει να έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με τις αυστηρότερες δυνατές ποινές. Η Ένωση οφείλει να δεσμευτεί απέναντι στους λαούς της ότι θα τσακίσει τη διεθνή αυτή μαφία και θα γκρεμίσει όλα τα εμπόδια μέχρι να επιτευχθεί η πλήρης εξάλειψη του δικτύου, είτε αφορά εμπορία γυναικών, είτε αφορά εμπορία και εκμετάλλευση οποιουδήποτε ανθρώπου. Σας ευχαριστώ.


  Anna Hedh (S&D). Fru talman! Människohandelsdirektivet som antogs 2011 tar direkt upp det faktum att människohandel är könsspecifikt och att det påverkar män och kvinnor olika. Vad det innebär i verkligheten är att kvinnor drabbas i väldigt mycket högre utsträckning än män av människohandel. Framför allt när det gäller människohandel i sexuellt syfte, som också är den vanligaste formen av människohandel, så utgör kvinnor och flickor en klar majoritet.

Detta faktum innebär att kvinnor och flickor hotas av att säljas på en marknad där deras kroppar betraktas som en vara som män har rätt att köpa och utnyttja.

Vi kan inte längre blunda för den här sortens förtryck och utnyttjande av människor. Det är nu faktiskt dags för kommissionen att leva upp till sitt löfte om att utvärdera medlemsstaternas implementering av det direktiv som antogs 2011. Det är dags för kommissionen att ta ett krafttag i denna fråga, och då är en översyn av medlemsstaternas åtgärder det minsta jag begär.

Sex är ingen mänsklig rättighet. Däremot är människohandel vår tids vidrigaste brott, som förstör kvinnors och flickors liv. Därför vänder jag mig nu till kommissionen och EU:s medlemsstater när jag säger: Det räcker nu!


   Inês Cristina Zuber (GUE/NGL). É urgente e necessário, em primeiro lugar, atualizar os dados existentes sobre o tráfico de seres humanos. Os últimos dados disponíveis do Eurostat são referentes ao ano de 2012. No entanto, os desenvolvimentos decorrentes do agravar da situação económica de vários países, nomeadamente em países da União Europeia, mas também o agravamento das desestabilizações em vários países africanos e do Médio Oriente, leva-nos a crer que esta realidade é hoje a mais cruel e a mais dura. Uma realidade que é cruel para as mulheres. Em 2012, 74% das vítimas de tráfico de seres humanos eram mulheres e 13% do total eram meninas e os números são inequívocos, 66% dos seres humanos traficados são vítimas de exploração sexual e destes, 96% são mulheres.

Tal como reconhece a Convenção das Nações Unidas para a Supressão do Tráfico de Pessoas e da Exploração da Prostituição de Outrem existe uma ligação direta entre a prostituição e o tráfico de mulheres. Sem o negócio da prostituição grande parte do tráfico deixa de existir. É, por isso, necessário criminalizar aqueles que vivem da exploração sexual das mulheres.


  Daniela Aiuto (EFDD). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissario, nel Mediterraneo oggi si verificano i più gravi casi di tratta di essere umani, in cui le principali vittime sono purtroppo le donne. A fronte di tragedie che conosciamo e che sono state ampiamente strumentalizzate dalle cronache, vi sono chissà quanti altri casi sommersi che si verificano. Tante sono le donne migranti che vengono per esempio fatte imbarcare incinte e magari alle ultime settimane dalla gravidanza, per poi garantirne il parto in Italia, quindi in Europa. Chissà quanti neonati, per esempio, sono finora morti o le partorienti e i loro corpi gettati tra le onde nell'indifferenza di tutti noi.

Europol ricorda inoltre che vi sono almeno trentamila trafficanti che si celano dietro l'immigrazione in tutta Europa e che ne hanno fatto un'attività economica illecita. Parliamo di guadagni che oggi superano i proventi che vengono dalla vendita delle armi e della droga, quindi è il business illegale più redditizio che ci sia al momento. Quali sono le misure concrete che pensate di attuare per fronteggiare questo problema e combattere chi lucra su questo, su quella che rischia di diventare la più grave tratta di esseri umani contemporanea?


  Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, io credo che sia molto importante questa sollecitazione rivolta alla Commissione affinché venga monitorata anche l'azione prodotta dagli Stati membri. Io credo che noi come Parlamento dobbiamo agire sempre più speditamente, lavorare sempre con maggiore determinazione, perché il tema del diritto all'autodeterminazione delle donne nel suo complesso diventi un asse portante di qualsiasi politica sui diritti umani.

Mi permetto però qui di sollevare alcune questioni, anche in relazione al dibattito che ho sentito. Io credo che, ad esempio, il tema dell'educazione all'affettività e alla sessualità di cui abbiamo parlato ieri e avantieri in quest'Aula sia un tema fortemente connesso con quello di cui stiamo parlando. Io non credo che si possa al contempo seminare terrore sull'educazione all'affettività e sollecitare una dimensione di genere dell'approccio sulla questione della tratta. Penso che dobbiamo nominare non soltanto che il 68% di donne sono le vittime, ma anche nominare il sesso di chi sfrutta le donne: sono in gran parte uomini. Penso che non dobbiamo compiere l'errore – ho finito – di considerare anche noi quelli semplicemente come corpi, sono donne, sono soggetti, non sono solo corpi.


  Κωνσταντίνα Κούνεβα (GUE/NGL). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, βρίσκω το θέμα της σημερινής συζήτησης βαθύτατα θλιβερό. Θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ ένα δικό μου στοιχείο. Στην έκθεση που ετοιμάζω για λογαριασμό της Επιτροπής FEMM για το οικιακό προσωπικό και τους εργαζόμενους φροντίδας, διαπίστωσα με θλίψη πως ένα κομμάτι αυτού του τομέα εργασίας τροφοδοτείται από την παράνομη εμπορία και διακίνηση ανθρώπων. Ανθρώπινες ψυχές, που χωρίς να το ξέρουν, συναίνεσαν στο να γίνουν ένας ακόμα κρίκος στην αλυσίδα της παράνομης διακίνησης, ακολουθώντας διακινητές που τους υπόσχονται καλές δουλειές, ψυχές που κατέληξαν θύματα σεξουαλικής ή εργασιακής εκμετάλλευσης. Τι κάνει η Επιτροπή για να προστατεύσει τα θύματα αυτά, η πλειοψηφία των οποίων είναι γυναίκες; Βρίσκεται για άλλη μια φορά πίσω από τις εξελίξεις, καθυστερώντας ακόμα και να αξιολογήσει τα μέτρα που η ίδια ζήτησε από τα κράτη μέλη να λάβουν, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστεί το πρόβλημα της παράνομης διακίνησης ανθρώπινων ψυχών. Φυσικά και τα ίδια τα κράτη-μέλη έχουν ευθύνη, διότι επιτρέπουν στην πολιτική της ΕΕ να είναι αντιφατική, συχνά δε υποκριτική, στο θέμα της παράνομης διακίνησης. Μολονότι θέλει να φαίνεται «αυστηρή» η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όσον αφορά τα θύματα παράνομης διακίνησης, εντούτοις η ίδια επιτρέπει εμμέσως το φαινόμενο με τη μεταναστευτική πολιτική της, όπως την εφαρμόζει σήμερα. Κλείνοντας τις νόμιμες οδούς μετανάστευσης, σπρώχνουμε στην αγκαλιά παράνομων διακινητών χιλιάδες γυναίκες. Λυπάμαι που το διαπιστώνω, αλλά η Ένωση έχει συμβάλλει στην άνθηση του φαινομένου της παράνομης διακίνησης. Έχει όμως μια ευκαιρία για να ανακόψει το φαινόμενο, πριν να είναι πια πολύ αργά, εφόσον αξιολογήσει και αναθεωρήσει άμεσα τα μέτρα εκείνα που θα της επιτρέψουν να επιτύχει τους στόχους που έθεσε στη Στρατηγική 2012-2016. Δεν αρκεί μόνο αυτό όμως. Χωρίς συνοχή μεταξύ της μεταναστευτικής πολιτικής, της πολιτικής για τη παράνομη διακίνηση και της ανάλυσης της διάστασης του φύλου, θα βρεθούμε για άλλη μια φορά μάρτυρες περιστατικών απίστευτης φρίκης ...

(Η Πρόεδρος διακόπτει την ομιλήτρια)


„Catch the eye”


  Therese Comodini Cachia (PPE). Madam President, I recognise and thank the Commissioner for the efforts and actions being taken in the fight against human trafficking. The Anti-trafficking Directive requires better and more efficient application by Member States.

We also urgently need to ensure that victims are protected sufficiently to be enabled in exposing the criminals. Our fight is not with the victims but with the traffickers and those who assist them. Our fight also needs to address traffickers online as they continue to expand their activities through the use of the Internet. We also need to address the capacity of those working in areas of administrative government with whom victims of trafficking come into contact so that they too can identify cases of trafficking, and we cannot leave out the need to address businesses which benefit from the victims.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D). It-traffikar tan-nies hi problema gravi u allarmanti. Eluf ta' nies huma mibjugħa lejn jew ġew l-Ewropa kull sena u mġiegħla jaħdmu b'mod indinjituż. Użati għat-traffikar illegali ta' organi u għall-adozzjonijiet legali. It-traffikar ta' nisa u tfal għal skopijiet ta' esplojtazzjoni sesswali mhux biss qed tiżdied iżda saret l-akbar skop għat-traffikar tan-nies. Issa kif qed nitkellmu nisa u tfal qed jgħixu fi skjavitù f'idejn it-traffikanti kif ukoll qed jitilfu ħajjithom b'mod l-aktar indinjituż u kiefer.

Traffikar tan-nisa mhux aċċettabbli. Traffikar tan-nies hu mod modern ta' skjavitù. Hu delitt kontra l-umanità u ksur fundamentali tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem. Għal dawn ir-raġunijiet u elf oħra nixtieq nappella lill-Kummissjoni u lill-Membri Stati biex ikunu sodi fuq dan id-delitt. Iridu jieħdu inkunsiderazzjoni li hemm problema ta' gender f'dan kollu u l-akbar vittmi huma n-nisa u t-tfal. Dan qatt m'għandu jkun aċċettabbli.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). Ευχαριστώ κυρία Πρόεδρε. Η εμπορία και η παράνομη διακίνηση ανθρώπων είναι έγκλημα και ως τέτοιο πρέπει να τιμωρείται. Το πρόβλημα έχει αποκτήσει τώρα μια σημαντική διάσταση εξαιτίας των μεταναστευτικών και προσφυγικών ροών. Κύριε Επίτροπε, πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσουμε σοβαρά το ζήτημα των δουλεμπορικών κυκλωμάτων, τα οποία δρουν κυρίως στην Τουρκία. Δεν είναι δυνατόν να έχουν μεταφερθεί ένα εκατομμύριο πρόσφυγες από τη Συρία στα παράλια της Μικράς Ασίας, απέναντι απ τα ελληνικά νησιά, έτσι από μόνοι τους. Δεν έχει ξαναγίνει αυτό.

Το καλοκαίρι πήγα στο Kuşadası διότι ήθελα πραγματικά να δω τι γίνεται. Ενώ απέναντι στη Σάμο υπήρχαν χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες, οι οποίοι κυκλοφορούσαν, στην πλευρά της Τουρκίας δεν υπήρχε ούτε ένας, διότι γίνεται πολύ οργανωμένη διακίνηση, διότι τους εφοδιάζουν με σωσίβια και βάρκες, διότι τους έχουν σε οργανωμένες κατασκηνώσεις. Πρέπει να διοργανωθεί αποστολή αντιπροσωπείας διερεύνησης ...

(Η Πρόεδρος διακόπτει τον ομιλητή)


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjednice, trgovanje ljudima je danas sigurno najveće kršenje ljudskih prava kojemu svjedočimo praktički svaki dan. Trgovanje ljudima, pogotovo činjenica da su žene te koje su najoštećenije u svemu ovome, pokazuje koliko zlonamjernosti i licemjerstva postoji u svima onima koji toleriraju takvu situaciju.

Danas smo razgovarali o primjeni europskih propisa, neki dan o edukaciji djevojčica, a sada govorimo praktički o jednome i drugome. Propisi koje Europska unija izglasuje i donosi, zemlje članice nažalost nisu do kraja ispoštovale. Dapače, neke zemlje članice još uopće nisu implementirale te propise.

Zato se, da na kraju kažem i to, zalažem za skandinavski model rješavanja ovog problema jer vjerujem da se to u praksi pokazalo najboljim načinom rješavanja problema.


  Bill Etheridge (EFDD). Madam President, we are discussing an age-old problem: slavery and sexual exploitation. In a world where desperate people are migrating in vast numbers, the environment is perfect for people-traffickers to thrive. We have an obligation to deal with this. We need tough border checks. We need heavy punishment for the evil, criminal traffickers. We need cooperation between sovereign nation states to fight this international crime.

The truth is, the rule of law – and most particularly international law – is better enforced with effective border control. We have an obligation to these people – to these ladies and children who have been trafficked in this evil manner – to make sure that we do everything we can to safeguard their freedom, and give them a better future.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Paní předsedající, já samozřejmě souhlasím s tím, že otřesné zacházení se ženami, jak zde i ukázali mé kolegyně a mí kolegové, je nutno odsoudit. Ať je to obchod se ženami, ať je to prostituce, novodobé nevolnictví, internetové zneužívání, samozřejmě pašerácké sítě a tak dále.

Na jedné straně ovšem i některé mé kolegyně hovoří o potřebě evropské solidarity právě při zacházení s uprchlíky, a já jsem byl překvapen, že jsem si dneska ráno vytáhl jejich hlasování o zprávě paní kolegyně Kellerové. Byl jsem překvapen, že prostě ji nepodpořily. Ano, i některé mé kolegyně z mé frakce, které hovoří o potřebě evropské solidarity, ji nepodpořily. Já to považuji velký výraz pokrytectví. Nerozumím tomu, jak může někdo nabádat k evropské solidaritě a potom, ani jakožto tedy žena, nepodpořit to, co si myslím, že je nezbytné, a to je pomoci zemím postiženým touto uprchlickou vlnou. Já to opravdu považuji za odsouzeníhodné.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). Doamnă președintă, cred că trebuie să recunoaștem că, de fapt, nu cunoaștem cifrele privind acest trafic de persoane și, așa cum a spus raportoarea, cred că această cifră este mult mai mare decât evidențele pe care le avem, datorită faptului că victimelor le e teamă să vorbească și aici trebuie să acționăm, domnule comisar, și aceasta este așteptarea mea: să vedem cum nu numai monitorizăm situația în statele membre, ci găsim soluții pentru a proteja victimele. Se impune, clar, o monitorizare exigentă, dar aceasta nu este suficientă, așa cum am spus. Dacă nu găsim soluții, să mergem la cauză. Este nevoie, domnule comisar, de măsuri ferme, de pedepse dure pentru cei care înlesnesc și fac trafic de persoane. Infracțiunea este, din punctul meu de vedere, egală cu crima. De aceea, trebuie luate măsuri noi pentru a elimina această formă de violență. Ne rușinăm că ne întoarcem la sclavagism exploatând femei în mod deosebit. Poate ne puteți spune, totuși, domnule comisar, care sunt cele două state care nu au făcut notificări.


  Branislav Škripek (ECR). Áno, obchodovanie s ľuďmi predstavuje hrubé porušovanie základných práv a je závažnou formou organizovaného zločinu. Mali by sme venovať však zvýšenú pozornosť najmä jeho novým formám. Medzi ne patrí náhradné materstvo. Najskôr sa obchodovalo so ženskými vajíčkami, dnes ženy ponúkajú priamo svoje maternice. Ide prevažne o ženy z tretích krajín a ženy sociálne znevýhodnené. Je nutné poukázať na túto novodobú formu zneužívania a otroctva pod rúškom tzv. práva na dieťa. Z náhradného materstva sa stal veľký biznis a tomu je nutné povedať jasné nie. A absolútne neprijateľným je obchod s orgánmi potratených detí. Nedávno odhalené škandalózne praktiky Medzinárodnej organizácie plánovaného rodičovstva musia byť riadne vyšetrené. Do tej doby požadujem pozastavenie akejkoľvek finančnej podpory tejto federácii z našej strany. Európska únia ako strážca hodnôt a ochranca ľudských práv predsa nemôže pred takýmto zločinom zatvárať oči. Vo vyspelej a civilizovanej Európe nemá porušovanie základných ľudských práv miesto.


  Soraya Post (S&D). Fru talman! Om jag vore offer för människohandlare, skulle det innebära att de som köper sexuella tjänster våldtar mig varje gång. Jag är alltså inte bara ett vanligt offer. Det är flera kriminella aktiviteter som pågår. Det som sker, det sker ju inte i ett vakuum, utan det sker i våra samhällen, som har strukturer som tillåter detta.

Jag välkomnar kommissionens förslag och åtgärder, men det krävs också att man ser hur detta efterlevs i medlemsstaterna. Vidare kan det ju inte vara så att om jag blir våldtagen om och om igen, och väljer att anmäla det, bara får ett skydd under brottsutredningstiden, vilket gör att jag kanske inte vågar anmäla för då hänvisas jag tillbaka till samma situation. Alltså måste det finnas permanenta uppehållstillstånd för att slippa detta våldtäktsslaveri.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, trafficking in human beings is a severe violation of fundamental rights and a serious form of organised crime that we must fight with all means at our disposal. Women, men, girls and boys who are trafficked in different circumstances require gender-specific assistance and support. We must, therefore, incorporate a clear gender perspective and give priority to the rights of victims of human trafficking and their specific needs.

Our human rights-based approach must focus on the victims of trafficking and must discourage demand for all forms of human trafficking, including for the purposes of sexual exploitation, which is the most common form of exploitation. The action plan is designed to improve the capacity of the relevant stakeholders to prevent human trafficking. In order to do so, the Member States must respect the deadlines for transposition and compliance, and the Commission should assess, as soon as possible, the adequacy of measures implemented by Member States.


„Catch the eye vége”


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, Member of the Commission. Madam President, let me start with something more general. I see that some honourable Members use every opportunity to attack what constitutes a great – and maybe the greatest – achievement of the European Union: freedom of movement in a Europe without internal borders.

I will repeat that Schengen is a part of the solution: it is not the problem, Schengen is not the problem. By making full use of Schengen rules we can be more efficient in checking and controlling our borders.

Let me now focus on the issue before us. Colleagues, thank you very much for this debate. It was short but very substantial. We obviously share the same view. The gender question in human trafficking needs to be fully taken into account. Let me repeat it very clearly: trafficking is a crime against human rights as expressed in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. There are still many victims of trafficking, and that is unacceptable.

Ms Björk, as you well know, the criminalisation of users of services who knowingly use victims of trafficking is considered as a measure to reduce demand in the Anti-trafficking Directive. The Directive urges Member States to consider measures for criminalising the use of services with the knowledge that the person is a victim of trafficking. This means that the Directive does not oblige the Member States to criminalise such users of services: it simply obliges them to consider doing so, and some do. However, as I said, we are working on ways to reduce demand.

The European Union has already taken strong action. We need to assess our achievements, as we are coming to the end of the Union’s anti-trafficking strategy. I am fully committed to an exchange with Members on this topic, with a view to adopting the new strategy for next year.



Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Alessia Maria Mosca (S&D), per iscritto. Ci siamo più volte espressi contro il fenomeno della tratta degli esseri umani, considerandola una grave violazione dei diritti fondamentali. Purtroppo i recenti dati Eurostat ci consegnano una realtà davvero drammatica: in Europa le vittime della tratta sono per il 68% donne, il 17% uomini, il 12% ragazze e il 3% ragazzi. È chiaro che i nostri sforzi sono ancora insufficienti, per frenare o rallentare il fenomeno occorrono ulteriori misure di assistenza e di sostegno che integrino una specificità di genere, così come indicato nella direttiva 2011/36/UE.

Chiediamo, pertanto, alla Commissione di continuare a monitorare i progressi compiuti nell'attuazione della suddetta direttiva negli Stati membri, ad esempio attraverso la strategia UE per l'eradicazione della tratta degli esseri umani, la quale identifica chiaramente la violenza contro le donne e le disuguaglianze di genere come una delle cause alla base della tratta. Ma ci spingiamo oltre: chiediamo di indicarci quali misure concrete intende adottare per sviluppare le conoscenze sulla dimensione di genere della tratta di esseri umani e di adottare misure stringenti per condannare i ritardi nel recepimento e nella conformità da parte degli Stati membri di questa direttiva. La strategia attuale scade nel 2016, non possiamo più attendere!


  Adam Szejnfeld (PPE), na piśmie. Handel ludźmi jest zjawiskiem haniebnym i bez względu na kraj, kontynent, religię czy kulturę musi być nie tylko zakazany, ale też skutecznie zwalczany. Zjawisko to jest szczególnie bulwersujące, gdy dotyczy osób nieletnich, a także kobiet. Wysiłki podejmowanie przez państwa członkowskie i Unię Europejską nie dają oczekiwanego efektu całkowitego wyeliminowania w Europie tego karygodnego procederu. Dlatego oczekuję od Komisji Europejskiej przeprowadzenia oceny wdrożenia przez państwa członkowskie dyrektywy 2011/36/UE w sprawie zapobiegania handlowi ludźmi i zwalczania tego procederu oraz ochrony ofiar, a także przygotowania wniosków z funkcjonowania i wprowadzenia w życie strategii Unii Europejskiej na rzecz wyeliminowania handlu ludźmi na lata 2012–2016.

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