 Texto íntegro 
Acta literal de los debates
Miércoles 11 de noviembre de 2015 - Bruselas

3. Aprobación del Acta de la sesión anterior
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  President. – The Minutes of 29 October 2015 have been distributed.

Are there any comments?


  Udo Bullmann (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Als der Vorsitzende der SPD-Abgeordneten im Europäischen Parlament möchte ich für uns und für unsere Fraktion, die Sozialistische Fraktion, sagen – und ich glaube, ich darf das für das gesamte Haus tun –, dass wir trauern um Helmut Schmidt, den ehemaligen Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, einen großen Staatsmann, einen großen Sozialdemokraten, einen großen Europäer.

Ich bitte das Präsidium, dass wir in unserem nächsten Plenum in Straßburg eine Würdigung seiner Persönlichkeit vornehmen, damit dies angemessen vorbereitet werden kann. Ich danke für Ihr Verständnis und ich danke für Ihre Unterstützung.


  President. – Thank you for your words, Mr Bullmann.


(The minutes of the previous sitting were approved)



  Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE). Madam President, I have a point of order if I am allowed to make one. Yesterday we heard the British Prime Minister’s speech at Chatham House in London, and he also sent a letter to Mr Tusk. It is clear that the changes that Mr Cameron is asking for are important but, at the same time, we also have a number of other problems in the European Union that we have to solve.

As you know, we in this House requested the presence of Mr Cameron, inviting him to come to explain his demands before this House. This is the house of European democracy. This is the European Parliament. My request to you is to ask our President what is now the status of the invitation that has been sent to Mr Cameron to come before this House.



  President. – We will indeed request information from the President on your question. We know the invitation has been sent so we will ask for an update to answer your point. Thank you for raising it.


   Marcel de Graaff (ENF). Mevrouw de voorzitter, vóór het begin van de vergadering wil ik een punt aan de orde stellen. Vandaag, 11 november, herdenken we het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog, een verschrikkelijke gebeurtenis in onze geschiedenis, die miljoenen doden heeft veroorzaakt. In veel landen in de Europese Unie is deze dag ook een nationale dag waarop bij die doden wordt stilgestaan. Toch houden wij hier een vergadering, met als gevolg dat een aantal parlementariërs niet aanwezig kunnen zijn omdat zij die herdenking zo belangrijk vinden. Ik wil dan ook twee dingen doen. Ten eerste wil ik mijn spijt uitdrukken voor het feit dat wij net vandaag vergaderen. Had dat niet een andere dag kunnen zijn? Ten tweede wil ik vragen of u zelf als voorzitter bij de doden van de Eerste Wereldoorlog kunt stilstaan.


  President. – Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Colleagues, I think we will express our sympathies just by listening to your fine words, and we will also pass on your message about the plenary sitting to the President and his Cabinet.

Colleagues, with your permission I will now move on to make some announcements and bring to your attention the following:

The screening of the three contending films for the 2015 Lux Prize has started. The three films nominated are: Mediterranea; Mustang; Urok (The Lesson). You can watch these in the Lux Theatre in the Yehudi Menuhin until 20 November or on the VOD or, by request, DVD. The films are subtitled in all EU official languages. Members of Parliament can cast their votes until 23 November. Moreover, today is a very special day, and for the first time ever one of the films competing for the Lux Film Prize, Mediterranea, will be screened simultaneously in eight cities of the European Union, with the film director Jonas Carpignano attending the screening here in Brussels.


  Silvia Costa, presidente della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, voglio solo ringraziarla per aver ricordato questo importantissimo evento, e cioè la possibilità per gli europarlamentari – e lo dico soprattutto ai nuovi europarlamentari, che magari non conoscevano questa iniziativa, che ormai è arrivata all'ottava edizione – di votare per il vincitore di questa rassegna europea di film d'autore, film di cineasti particolarmente giovani.

Vorrei dirvi che quest'anno si tratta di tre film di eccezionale bellezza, che sono stati presentati già in alcuni festival europei (Karlovy Vary, Venezia) e stanno girando in questi giorni, che sono i "Lux days", anche nelle vostre città. Quindi sarebbe molto interessante valorizzare questa proiezione. Si tratta di tre film che sono tutti e tre opere prime molto mature su tematiche di grande attenzione per l'Europa.

Penso che sia molto bello il fatto che a Strasburgo verrà dato questo premio solennemente dal Presidente Schulz al vincitore che sarà proclamato da noi. Quindi inviterei veramente a dare il segnale di un'attenzione a questi giovani cineasti, oltre a ricordare anche che l'originale premio del Lux Prize consiste nella sottotitolazione dei tre finalisti nelle 24 lingue ufficiali europee per favorire la circolazione in Europa e fuori dall'Europa.


  President. – Thank you, Ms Costa, for the additional information for colleagues.

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