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Proċedura : 2015/2977(RSP)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċikli relatati mad-dokumenti :

Testi mressqa :

O-000147/2015 (B8-1108/2015)

Dibattiti :

PV 25/11/2015 - 21
CRE 25/11/2015 - 21

Votazzjonijiet :

Testi adottati :

Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
L-Erbgħa, 25 ta' Novembru 2015 - Strasburgu

21. Edukazzjoni għal tfal f'sitwazzjonijiet ta' emerġenza u kriżijiet imtawla (dibattitu)
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad pytaniem wymagającym odpowiedzi ustnej skierowanym do Komisji przez Lindę McAvan w imieniu Komisji Rozwoju w sprawie edukacji dzieci w sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych i czasie przedłużających się kryzysów (O-000147/2015 - B8-1108/2015) (2015/2977(RSP))


  Linda McAvan, author. Mr President, I am pleased that we have chosen today to debate this issue because today, colleagues, we actually have something to celebrate in the midst of all the gloom in the news about us. We adopted the budget today, and when we adopted that budget we agreed one of the key demands of our resolution which we will adopt tomorrow, namely to increase the humanitarian aid budget for education in emergencies substantially – by EUR 26 million.

This is a figure that we proposed in the Committee on Development, and I want to congratulate Arne Lietz, our rapporteur. It is a big step towards the 4% target that we all want to see as part of the EU’s overall humanitarian aid budget, and I know that this is a cause close to the heart of nearly everybody in this room. Certainly, I know that for Commissioner Stylianides it is a big priority, as it is for for my own political group. I know that colleagues from the EPP, the Greens, the Liberals – all those I see here, and our colleagues in many Groups – have shared this view, and I thank you for your support.

It was when I went to Turkey with the Development Committee earlier this autumn that I got a real sense of why it matters that we put money into education, because I visited a refugee camp of 17 500 people. I also visited some of the many families in the community and I got a real sense of what it means to the families who come to have to leave their homes and everything else behind and to start again, and also of what it means to a country to have to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees and try and offer education. We saw some excellent projects run by UNICEF and other organisations. In the refugee camp in Kahramanmaraş we saw UNICEF organising schools, paying Syrian teachers a stipend to offer education to the children, and providing a school curriculum.

What was offered to those children was not just an education but a sense of normality, and the school was a happier place in that camp. We met children who were orphaned and had been through enormous trauma, but in the school they had a sense of normality: it was a place where they could be like other children. The Commission was providing kites and games and toys, as well as an education.

There is one issue, however, which I am concerned about, and that is what happens when children get to the age of 16, 17 or 18 and want to go on to higher education. I think that is where we need to do more – because we met young people in southern Turkey who had lost their sense of hope for the future. They had had plans to go to university, to study and to train, and yet, at 17 or 18, they did not see any outlet. Those are the young people who are getting on boats, risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean, and we have to find a solution for them. I think we could do this with our universities and colleges, by offering scholarships. I am sure there is something more we can do.

The message from our resolution was very clear. I know, Commissioner, that you are aware of the problem of the barrier between humanitarian aid and development funding. The Commission is trying to break that barrier down, and we welcome that. We have the new global goals now, on the basis of which we can work to consolidate education, particularly in countries which are precarious and fragile.

Our figures show that up to 1 billion children are living in conflict areas in the world today. We will also soon have the report that my colleague, Enrique Guerrero Salom, is preparing for the World Humanitarian Aid Summit, and at that summit, Commissioner and colleagues, we will have to argue to get other players to back our increase in funding for this type of education.

Thank you very much for your support. Let us hope we can build on what we have achieved today.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Mr President, I am extremely pleased that we are discussing this point today, and I would like to thank Linda McAvan very much for her support as Chair of the Committee on Development (DEVE). I strongly believe that education for children in emergency and conflict situations is paramount. It is the most powerful tool we have to protect children and to ensure that they can have a better future – a secure future.

Education in emergencies is a top priority for the Commission and for me personally. I know that it is a top priority for this Parliament, as Linda has already mentioned in a very strong way. Your actions speak loud. We are together in this and I am truly grateful for your support. Thank you so much again.

We all agree: education is the foundation for everything else. It is the strongest shield for vulnerable children, protecting them from radicalisation, protecting them against forced recruitment, protecting them from falling prey to terrorist and other extremist groups, protecting them also from forced marriages, from taking dangerous migration routes.

Education is therefore a primary need. I have seen it on the ground during my field visits in emergency and conflict areas and most recently in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon, and at the borders with Syria. My point is crystal clear: these people do not need aid only to meet their basic needs. They do not need just food and shelter. They also need dignity. They need hope and a real future for their children.

As you rightly stress in your resolution, less than 2% of global humanitarian budgets goes to education, at a time when the number of 60 million refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) is unprecedented. Today more than 34 million children are out of school due to humanitarian crises: 34 million children! This must change. We cannot continue with business as usual. New approaches are needed, definitely. Education is not a secondary issue, to be dealt with only in the second phase of an emergency, because education, by protecting children, also strengthens security, and it addresses one of the main causes of migration. Parents and children are not fleeing their homes just to get food and shelter. They are leaving because they also want access to education.

In the last few years we have increased our allocation from the EU humanitarian budget to this sector. From the symbolic EUR 2 million in 2012, we reached this year EUR 11 million. This is roughly 1% of our humanitarian aid budget. Now we have to do more: much more.

Earlier this year I committed to tripling this allocation in 2016 and reaching the UN target of 4% by 2019. I am really pleased and proud to announce today, in this Chamber, that I will reach the 4% target already from next year. This achievement is not my achievement; it belongs to you as well, because we could not reach the target without your strong support and without your proposal to allocate an additional EUR 26 million, as Linda mentioned, from the EU budget for this specific purpose.

Sincerely speaking, your leadership and your actions have made a real difference. Thank you again for that. I am grateful for your crucial help to secure the necessary funds. Let me reassure you from my experience on the ground. Every euro invested in education and emergencies, is an investment for peace.

I am working together with my colleagues Johannes Hahn and Neven Mimica, who are doing a great job in this field to meet this challenge, to make sure that children in emergency and conflict situations can benefit from projects in education, as we know through the Madad Fund in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and the Western Balkan corridors and in the other Trust Fund for Africa, and of course by establishing formal and informal schools through our experienced implementing partners on the ground. This is very important. All of you know very well the real impact of the informal schools, in particular in the Bekaa Valley.

We have a collective responsibility to give every child a bright future. This is crucial. Let us renew our collective commitment: no more lost generations of children.


  Davor Ivo Stier, u ime kluba PPE. Gospodine predsjedniče, 37 milijuna djece koja žive u područjima pogođenima konfliktom ne pohađa školu. Ako uzmemo u prosjeku da konflikti u prosjeku traju desetak godina, djeca i njihove obitelji provedu u izbjeglištvu 17 godina, onda bi mogli reći da su to čitave izgubljene generacije. A često kažemo da je obrazovanje putovnica za bolju budućnost. Stoga kakva je budućnost pred tom djecom i kakva je budućnost njihovih zemalja?

Djeca ne mogu čekati završetak ratova i kriza. Ako im mi ne damo knjigu u ruke odmah, netko drugi će im dati oružje. Osim što je obrazovanje osnovno pravo svakog djeteta bez obzira na okolnosti, obrazovanje je također najefikasnije sredstvo za promicanje mira, prosperiteta i stabilnosti te time predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih investicija. Zato je za klub zastupnika EPP-a obrazovanje djece u izvanrednim situacijama i dugotrajnim krizama bio prioritet u portfelju humanitarne pomoći. U ime kluba pozdravljam napore povjerenika Stylianidesa koji se kontinuirano zalagao za povećanje sredstava namijenjena tom području.

Od inicijative EU-a Djeca mira, koristi će do kraja godine imati čak 1,5 milijuna djece, a kao rezultat obrazovnih projekata u 26 zemalja. Dakle, pozdravljam ovu rezoluciju, pozdravljam i liderstvo koja je pokazala predsjednica Odbora za razvoj Linda McAvan i naravno pozdravljam odluku o dodatnom budžetu od 26 milijuna EUR za obrazovanje djece u krizama.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom, en nombre del Grupo S&D. Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, tenemos buenas noticias: tenemos 26 millones más en el nuevo presupuesto; mañana aprobaremos esta propuesta de Resolución que propone llegar al 4 %, al que ―según nos ha anunciado ya el Comisario― vamos a llegar. El próximo mes seguramente aprobaremos mi informe para la cumbre humanitaria en Estambul, que también propondrá llegar a este 4 %.

Pero tenemos, junto a las buenas noticias, un gran problema: cómo resolver la provisión de educación a tantos miles, centenares de miles, millones de niños en situación de emergencia. Porque la educación es determinante para el futuro de los niños, pero es también determinante para el futuro de las sociedades de las que forman parte.

La educación y el conocimiento son la única energía inagotable e irremplazable, y las sociedades que no tienen acceso a ellos están llamadas a fracasar en el futuro. Por tanto, apoyar la educación de los niños es apoyar a las familias, es apoyar igualmente el progreso de sus sociedades.


  Jana Žitňanská, za skupinu ECR. Miliónom detí vojnové konflikty bránia navštevovať školu, v ktorej by mohli nielen nadobudnúť pocit bezpečia, ale aj víziu v lepšiu budúcnosť ako pre seba, tak aj pre svoju krajinu. Vzhľadom k tomu, že vzdelávanie nie je prioritou krajín v kríze a rozvojová pomoc členských štátov Európskej únie je alarmujúco nízka, pre mnohé deti zostáva základná školská dochádzka nedostupná.

Túto situáciu však môžeme zmeniť aj my – jednotlivci. A to prostredníctvom programov adopcie na diaľku, ktoré fungujú, predpokladám, vo všetkých krajinách EÚ. Na Slovensku sa jej venujú napríklad nadácia Dobrota pre Afriku, Slovenská katolícka charita, ako aj nadácia Integra. Každý z nás takouto adopciou na diaľku môže zachrániť aspoň jedno dieťa.


  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, quiero empezar agradeciendo a la anterior Comisión el haber creado la iniciativa «Niños de la paz» de la UE con los fondos obtenidos por el Premio Nobel de la Paz a la Unión Europea. Imposible mejor inversión. Solo este año llegará a más de un millón y medio de niños.

También quiero celebrar el compromiso adquirido por el comisario Stylianides de duplicar antes de 2019 los fondos destinados a educación en situaciones de emergencia, pasando del 2 % al 4 %. Qué gran noticia escucharle hoy decir que lo lograremos en 2016. Si queremos alcanzar el ambicioso objetivo global número 4 —una educación inclusiva y de calidad para todos—, puntal de la Agenda 2030, no solo tenemos que aumentar su financiación, también es absolutamente crucial coordinar la programación de la respuesta de emergencia con la programación a largo plazo que requiere el desarrollo sostenible; una Agenda 2030 que no va dirigida solo a los países menos desarrollados, sino a todos los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas que la hemos suscrito, es decir, todos nosotros.

A este respecto, me gustaría hacer una reflexión: ¿Estamos cumpliendo nosotros, los Estados miembros, la obligación de proporcionar la educación debida a los refugiados que llegan al territorio de la Unión? Según la Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados de 1951, debemos conceder el mismo trato a los refugiados que a los nacionales en lo que respecta a la enseñanza elemental y dar el trato más favorable posible respecto a la enseñanza distinta. Tenemos que crear corredores educativos y aprovechar al máximo la tecnología a nuestra disposición para incorporar cuanto antes a los menores y jóvenes que llegan a Europa a la escuela o a la universidad y que sus vidas recuperen cuanto antes, al menos, un cierto tinte de normalidad, un lugar en el que sentirse a salvo. En medio de la destrucción, construir puentes, puentes entre la ayuda humanitaria y la cooperación al desarrollo, conectando de forma sostenible la asistencia, la rehabilitación y el desarrollo.

Me gustaría acabar con una frase que me gusta especialmente y que figura en el preámbulo de la Constitución de la Unesco de 1945. Dice así: «Puesto que las guerras nacen en la mente de los hombres, es en la mente de los hombres donde deben erigirse los baluartes de la paz.».


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, valoramos positivamente el apoyo de esta propuesta de Resolución al incremento de los fondos europeos destinados a mejorar la educación de niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia y de conflicto.

Estos meses contemplamos con horror la situación de los cientos de miles de refugiados que huyen de la guerra en África y en Oriente Próximo. El futuro de los hijos de esas familias depende de que reciban en los países de acogida una buena educación que les permita superar las dificultades de su situación y crecer como ciudadanos y ciudadanas de pleno derecho. Sabemos de lo que hablamos: Europa fue a lo largo del siglo XX un continente de grandes migraciones producidas por conflictos bélicos, así como por razones económicas ―como aún sigue pasando―.

Discrepamos en el enfoque privatizador que se introduce en el texto. La gestión privada de la educación no asegura ni una mayor eficiencia ni más calidad educativa ni más pluralidad. Por ello, defendemos sin ambages que estos fondos sean orientados a la educación pública.

Los recursos económicos aportados por la ciudadanía europea deben destinarse a reforzar la calidad de la educación pública, que históricamente ha demostrado ser la mejor herramienta de cualquier sociedad para reducir las desigualdades y aumentar las oportunidades de todas y cada una de las personas, vengan de donde vengan y estén en la situación en la que estén.


  Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Mr President, it is very important that more attention has been paid recently to the impact of fragility and conflict on people and their lives. We have been able to come to the conclusion that people living in fragile states, in conflicts and in emergency situations are in fact totally deprived of what they need to establish their lives later if the situation becomes calmer and they can resume living ordinary lives. Indeed, we do not know how long people will have to live in camps, and so we need to bring them hope. I agreed with the Commissioner when he said that we need both informal and formal education.

One bright example I saw in Zaatari camp in Jordan was that a Finnish NGO called Finn Church Aid actually had a circus school, one for boys and one for girls, where they learned skills, cooperation and to trust their own bodies through acting in a creative way.

So let us hope that the four per cent that the Commissioner has already promised for next year will be very well used for education in emergency situations.


  Nathan Gill, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Mr President, education is vital for every child’s future – that is a fact. But the quality of education a child receives is also vital. In developing nations, private schools are on the rise due to the failure of governments to provide children with a decent education.

In Mathare, a slum in Nairobi, 120 private schools now exist and some can cost as little as a dollar a week. This is a fantastic new phenomenon, which is happening organically. Incredibly, governments and NGOs are taking the view that private education should be discouraged, whilst in reality it could be the key in providing more and more disadvantaged children with education. Stop giving failing or corrupt governments our money to provide education for children and encourage the free market and entrepreneurialism in developing nations.

Proper education will end the cycle of poverty.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Heidi Hautala (Verts/ALE), blue-card question. I would not deny that we do also need private resources for education, and Mr Gill has given some good examples. However, Mr Gill, do you not also believe that we need to make sure the developing countries raise the necessary revenue from taxation and other sources so that they can provide public education too? Do you not think that international organisations which are supporting governments, such as Global Partnership for Education, are doing a fantastic job by trying to make sure that good-quality education is available for all children?


  Nathan Gill (EFDD), blue-card answer. Obviously it is crucial that economies in third-world countries are developed and expanded, because that is how people will get out of the poverty trap they are in. Corruption is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to expanding the economies of developing nations, as it basically takes the wealth from the people and puts it in the hands of corrupt officials and corrupt police officers, etc. So there are many ways in which we can improve the lot of people in the third world. However, education is one of the areas in which we need to ensure that nations can develop their own education systems organically, just like your nation and my nation did.


  Silvia Costa (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, è molto importante che oggi affermiamo concretamente che i bambini e i ragazzi sono titolari del diritto all'istruzione e all'educazione anche quando sono profughi o in situazioni di emergenza: talora lo dimentichiamo. Sono 10 milioni i bambini rifugiati, di cui una gran parte nei campi profughi del Libano, della Giordania, della Turchia;, altri sono arrivati in Europa. Molti di loro hanno già perso anni di scuola per i conflitti.

Eppure sappiamo, come lei ha anche sottolineato, che l'accesso all'educazione e al sostegno psicologico non è un secondo tempo dell'accoglienza ma ne è parte integrante. È uno strumento potente anche per sottrarli alle violenze, alla tratta, alla radicalizzazione; è un fortissimo aiuto psicologico ma è anche un elemento di progettazione del futuro per loro e per le loro famiglie. Nonostante l'impegno di UNICEF, di tante ONG, anche di privati, di centinaia di insegnanti, anche tra gli stessi profughi, le risorse stanziate finora – lo sappiamo – non bastano e apprezziamo molto che la Commissione abbia raccolto la proposta di raddoppiare la quota degli aiuti umanitari già dal 2016.

E rilanciamo anche un'altra proposta che noi abbiamo fatto in commissione Cultura – che è stata accolta e ringrazio molto la collega McAvan – e cioè di creare anche un corridoio umanitario, aprendo le porte delle università europee agli studenti profughi, anche con corsi a distanza.


  Ángela Vallina (GUE/NGL). Señor Presidente, Señorías, ¿pueden imaginarse ustedes a su propio hijo teniendo que coger un fusil en lugar de un libro?, ¿pueden imaginarse que su hija sea utilizada como esclava sexual en lugar de estar en el colegio aprendiendo y jugando con sus amigos y amigas? Pues esta, efectivamente, es la realidad de muchos niños y niñas del mundo.

Desgraciadamente, esta Unión Europea continúa a veces, con su doble moral, participando en la generación perpetua de conflictos internacionales o mirando hacia otro lado. Y, en paralelo, nos lavamos la cara con programas de ayuda humanitaria.

Como bien refleja esta propuesta de Resolución, garantizar una educación de calidad para niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas es una prioridad absoluta. Todos y todas estamos de acuerdo. Ellos son la vida y son nuestro futuro.

Lo que a mí también me resulta increíble es que se pretenda instrumentalizar asuntos de ayuda humanitaria para fomentar la privatización de servicios ―que deben ser fundamentalmente públicos, respaldados por organizaciones internacionales― como la educación en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas. La Unión Europea tiene esa responsabilidad y tiene esa capacidad de velar por los derechos de todos los niños y todas las niñas.


  Caterina Chinnici (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'istruzione è da considerarsi uno strumento di massima importanza nel percorso di sviluppo dei paesi che versano in situazioni di crisi ed emergenza prolungata. In tali circostanze, sappiamo che i bambini risultano essere i soggetti più vulnerabili, spesso vittime di abusi e di sfruttamento, anche sessuale, o facili prede per il reclutamento da parte di organizzazioni criminali e di gruppi armati.

Le crisi prolungate, peraltro, possono generare effetti devastanti per il corretto sviluppo psicofisico dei bambini, con il rischio di dar luogo al fenomeno delle cosiddette lost generation. In tali situazioni l'istruzione costituisce uno strumento efficace di prevenzione e di protezione per i bambini, con effetti positivi per il lungo periodo per sviluppare resilienza. E ciò è ancor più vero per quei bambini che sono stati separati dalle loro famiglie per effetto di conflitti o di disastri naturali.

Ringrazio la Commissione per la sensibilità dimostrata e chiedo però di agire tempestivamente per delineare una strategia globale di aiuti, che comprenda l'istruzione per i bambini in situazioni di emergenza.


  Elly Schlein (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, attualmente il settore dell'istruzione in situazioni di emergenze e crisi è tra quelli più sottofinanziati: riceve meno del 2% degli aiuti umanitari globali, sufficiente a finanziare appena un terzo dell'attuale fabbisogno.

L'educazione deve essere considerata prioritaria in questi contesti, poiché assicura una garanzia di protezione ai bambini, proprio nel momento in cui sono più vulnerabili. Come diceva prima Linda McAvan: la scuola dà loro un senso di normalità. Rinviare le attività educative a quando l'emergenza sarà passata può voler dire non farli più tornare a scuola, condannandoli spesso a un futuro di povertà.

Ed è l'istruzione il miglior antidoto alla radicalizzazione. Facciamo in modo che il sostegno all'educazione sia centrale nei progetti finanziati dai fondi fiduciari dell'UE e troviamo piattaforme che rompano le barriere tra aspetti umanitari e di sviluppo, che garantiscano continuità e coerenza a queste politiche. È giunto il momento che l'UE diventi il primo donatore internazionale a raggiungere il target del 4% di spesa in questo campo.

Ringrazio il Commissario Stylianides per il suo impegno e per la bella notizia che ce la faremo già dall'anno prossimo: è un bel segnale nell'ambito dell'implementazione degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS) che abbiamo appena approvato a New York.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Mr President, as Linda McAvan pointed out, education is a fundamental human right and the right of every child. It is vital in order to be able to enjoy in full all other social, economic, cultural and political rights. It is a catalyst for development, which improves the prospects of other interventions in the areas of health, sanitation, disaster risk reduction, job creation, poverty reduction and economic development. Efforts in this direction will ensure that the principle of policy coherence is respected.

I therefore absolutely agree on the need to ensure more integrated, systematic and effective responses to education needs in emergencies, and I strongly believe that the European Union must work with partner countries, other donors, the private sector and civil society to improve educational opportunities for children and young people in conflict situations. Education has to be considered as an integral part of the humanitarian response. All actors must increase their commitment to education by mobilising the education cluster in the early stages of an emergency and by ensuring that sufficient funds are dedicated to it.


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). Godātie kolēģi! Eiropas Savienībai nav spēcīgas armijas, lai risinātu konfliktus dažādos pasaules galos, bet Eiropas Savienība un Eiropas valstis ir lielākie humanitārās palīdzības donori pasaulē. Šī nauda, ja tā ir pareizi izlietota, dod daudz spēcīgāku ilgtermiņa rezultātu, nekā ieroči un armijas. Un finansējuma novirzīšana to bērnu izglītībai, kas ilgstoši atrodas krīzes situācijā, ir mūsu efektīvs ierocis pret nabadzību, pret noziedzību, pret terorismu.

Tīri statistiski, aptuveni viens miljards bērnu dzīvo dažādu veidu konfliktu skartās teritorijās. Ceturtdaļa no tiem ir jaunāki par 5 gadiem. 10 miljoni bērnu ir bēgļi, pie kam vēl 19 miljoni pārvietoti savās dzimtajās valstīs.

Secinājums var būt tikai viens – tas nav normāli, tas jākoriģē. Līdz ar to apsveicu Eiropas Savienības finansiālās palīdzības palielināšanu no 4,4 miljardiem līdz 4,7 miljardiem līdz 2020. gadam.

Lai padarītu šo ieroci efektīvāku, mums ir vajadzīga Eiropas Savienības politika, saskaņotība šajā jomā un finansējuma palielinājums. Tāpēc mums ir svarīgi neatdalīt vienu no otra un izdarīt visu nepieciešamo mūsu bērniem.

(Runātājs piekrita atbildēt uz „zilās kartītes” jautājumu (Reglamenta 162. panta 8. punkts)).


  Yana Toom (ALDE), blue-card question. Mr Mamikins, you were speaking about children in conflict regions and refugee camps. But are we ready to face the challenge of educating refugee children in Europe, in European schools? Maybe you have some good examples in your own country, in Latvia?


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D), atbilde uz zilās kartītes jautājumu. Paldies Toom kundze, ka jūs uzdevāt šo jautājumu! Bet diemžēl man ir jāatzīst, ka mana valsts — Latvija nevar palielīties ar īpaši veiksmīgu integrācijas politiku.

Es minēšu tikai vienu — manā skatījumā, paradoksālu — faktu. Mēs Latvijā runājam par valsts valodas nostiprināšanu utt., arī par latviešu valodas lomas palielināšanu, bet kad janvārī mana valsts pieņems bēgļus, tai skaitā arī bērnus, uz doto brīdi Latvijā tikai skolas ar krievu apmācības valodu pieteikušās uzņemt šos bērnus. Un to atteicās darīt skolas ar latviešu valodu. Līdz ar to man īsti nav ko atbildēt uz Jūsu jautājumu.


Pytania z sali


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Pane předsedající, děkuji za ocenění mé tradiční role spolu s panem kolegou Mariasem. Já bych chtěl svým úvodem ocenit právě dosažený úspěch pana komisaře. Nesmírně si toho vážím, protože i jeho úspěch pomůže odstraňovat bariéry právě ve vzdělávání mládeže.

Chtěl bych připomenout, že jsme právě zde dnes schvalovali zprávu paní kolegyně Datiové, která má část, která se přímo věnuje i otázce vzdělávání jakožto prostředku k předcházení radikalizace mládeže. Dovolím si odcitovat, že podle této zprávy právě školy a vzdělávací proces hrají ústřední úlohu tím, že pomáhají podporovat začleňování do společnosti, rozvíjet kritické uvažování. Já jsem velmi rád za aktivitu paní navrhovatelky a podporuji ji proto, že to pomůže právě při vzdělávání i těchto dětí, které do Evropy míří nyní v migrační vlně.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υπολογίζεται ότι εξήντα πέντε εκατομμύρια παιδιά ζουν κάτω από συνθήκες έκτακτης ανάγκης και τριάντα επτά εκατομμύρια στερούνται βασικής εκπαίδευσης λόγω αντίξοων συνθηκών διαβίωσης. Το γεγονός ότι τόσο μεγάλος αριθμός παιδιών στερείται εκπαίδευσης δείχνει ότι υπάρχει καταπάτηση βασικών ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων σε χώρες που βιώνουν κρίσεις. Αυτό ισχύει στις χώρες της Αφρικής, ισχύει δε πολύ περισσότερο στα στρατόπεδα προσφύγων στην Ιορδανία, στο Λίβανο και στα σύνορα Συρίας - Τουρκίας.

Η έλλειψη εκπαίδευσης αποτελεί πρόβλημα και σε αναπτυγμένες χώρες, όπως είναι η Ελλάδα, που βιώνει τις πολιτικές της λιτότητας και των μνημονίων και όπου ο προϋπολογισμός για την εκπαίδευση είναι όλο και πιο μειωμένος. Επιπλέον, η Ελλάδα παρουσιάζει αλματώδη επιδείνωση όσον αφορά τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης των παιδιών, ενώ η παιδική φτώχεια έχει πλέον επιπτώσεις και στην εκπαίδευση και αυξήθηκε πάνω από πενήντα τοις εκατό από το 2008 μέχρι σήμερα.

Απέναντι λοιπόν στην έλλειψη εκπαίδευσης καλωσορίζουμε την αύξηση των κονδυλίων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης που ανακοίνωσε ο Επίτροπος κύριος Στυλιανίδης.


  Julie Ward (S&D). Mr President, I just wanted to say something about the role of informal and non-formal education for these kinds of children, because often it is non-formal education providers who can make a huge difference. They are there on the ground, they can be significant others, and they play an enormous role in the development of children’s and young people’s confidence. They are often there when statutory agencies are not there and they can often develop a relationship of trust with young people. So it is very important that we recognise the role of these organisations, and this would include the role of sport and arts organisations which can develop children’s self-confidence, their sense of themselves, their sense of identity and help them to problem-solve and to be very resilient in the situations they find themselves in.


Koniec pytań z sali


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Mr President, I would like to thank Members very much for this very important discussion. I have noted your perspectives and suggestions, including the last one about informal education and the one about distance learning. We have already discussed some initiatives through UNRWA for Palestinian refugee children. I would like to thank Parliament very much again for this very special discussion. I am truly glad that we have such exemplary cooperation in this very difficult field.

I would like to say a few more words on two issues. One is informal education, which is a practical solution in exceptional circumstances in countries whose formal capacities are overstretched. Lebanon is an example of this. I visited the region again a few days ago and saw the practical value of such alternative mechanisms on the ground, in particular in the Bekaa Valley. Informal education is also the necessary first stage for the integration into formal education of a child, or even an adult, who has been out of school for a very long time. This has, for example, been the case for children who were actively involved in conflicts in Africa and the Middle East.

Secondly, on linking emergency assistance with the EU’s long—term assistance, linking relief, rehabilitation and development, the so-called LRRD: this is very important, and I strongly welcome the fact that you referred to this extensively in the resolution. Education ultimately requires a long—term perspective which humanitarian aid alone cannot provide. This is why, together with my colleagues Commissioner Mimica and Commissioner Hahn, we are working to ensure the complementarity of our instruments, as I have already mentioned, through new trust funds in Africa and the Middle East, to help in the Syrian crisis. This is something which is already ongoing with many instruments, and there are several instances where EU Children of Peace programmes have been continued or scaled up by development instruments.

I would like to say something about the engagement of the private sector in this respect. Members know that a lot of money, for example in some Gulf countries, has unfortunately not been utilised until now for the very specific purpose of education in emergencies. It is very important to see new global instruments, such as the new Global Fund, which may manage to utilise this money through private means. It is very important to allow this way to make a difference and to find solutions on the ground. It is not a dispute between the public sector and the private sector but something more than this.

I would once again like to thank Members for their strong leadership, especially my dear colleagues from the Committee on Development – Linda and other colleagues. Let us continue our efforts together. I would like to say that the real practical impact of these initiatives for education in emergencies is very important in showing the real benefits on the ground in conflict areas, such as the Bekaa Valley and the Zaatari refugee camp, and inside Syria. My next initiative is to find solutions for education in emergencies in the region around Aleppo.

Thank you so much again for your collaboration.



  Przewodniczący. – Otrzymałem projekt rezolucji złożony zgodnie z art. 128 ust. 5 Regulaminu.

Zamykam debatę.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Enrico Gasbarra (S&D), per iscritto. Con piacere sostengo l'interrogazione orale posta alla Commissione dalla collega McAvan, in merito all'istruzione per i bambini in situazioni di emergenza e di crisi prolungate. 37 milioni di minori vivono in 35 paesi colpiti da gravi crisi e non frequentano la scuola. Abbiamo il dovere e la responsabilità, in qualità di parlamentari europei, di rappresentanti delle sensibilità dell'Unione e di cofautori delle politiche socioculturali UE di promuovere ed investire sui diritti e sul benessere dell'infanzia, difendendo gli interessi ed una buona qualità della vita dei più piccoli, come sottoscritto nella carta diritti del fanciullo e promosso con gli orientamenti europei sui diritti del bambino. Il diritto all'istruzione è la base necessaria e imprescindibile per una crescita capace di riservare maggiori opportunità, assicurare più facilmente l'inclusione sociale e garantire un futuro professionale con uno spettro più ampio di offerta. Per questo l'Europa non si volti dall'altra parte, ma pretenda risposte e impegni per la formazione e l'istruzione di bambini che già si trovano ad affrontare situazioni drammaticamente complesse.


  Afzal Khan (S&D), in writing. The increase in emergencies worldwide has left millions of children out of school. Education is often neglected in response to emergency situations, not being seen as life-saving. However, schools provide safety giving a constructive alternative to joining the conflict. Education helps to overcome traumatic consequences and learn how to cope in emergency situations. Often a humanitarian phase lasts for years. Years without education mean lost generations, generations that could contribute to rebuilding their countries, and fostering inclusive and resilient societies.

Despite all this, education is one of the most underfunded areas in humanitarian responses. Funding education is not an expense. It is an investment! I welcome Commissioner Stylianides’ commitment to dedicate 4% of the EU humanitarian aid budget to education in emergencies. More however needs to be done. The international community must prioritise it, by increasing humanitarian aid and improving delivery on the ground. Development and humanitarian aid must be bridged to ensure the effectiveness of their programmes in fragile states. It is a human right that should be guaranteed for all children. Especially, in emergency situations. Food, shelter and security are essential, so is education. It gives hope and helps to build a better future.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), na piśmie. Dostęp do oświaty jest jednym z podstawowych praw dzieci w każdym zakątku świata. Niestety ze względu na długotrwały charakter współczesnych kryzysów około miliard dzieci zamieszkuje obszary objęte konfliktem i duża część z nich nie chodzi do szkoły. Ważne jest, aby traktować edukację jako integralną część zarówno działań humanitarnych, jak i długotrwałej pomocy rozwojowej. Aby była efektywna, pomoc ta musi na każdym etapie mieć zapewnione środki i powinna być wdrażana przy współpracy z lokalnymi władzami i aktorami. Należy także pamiętać o tym, że dla dzieci żyjących w krajach dotkniętych wojną edukacja często pełni rolę odskoczni od traumy i trudnych warunków, jakich doświadczają na co dzień.

Z zadowoleniem przyjąłem deklarację komisarza Stylianidesa dotyczącą przeznaczenia 4% budżetu humanitarnego UE na edukację dzieci w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Apeluję do Komisji Europejskiej, aby kontynuowała i poszerzała działania takie jak inicjatywa „Dzieci pokoju”, która została sfinansowana z pieniędzy przekazanych UE w ramach Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla. W kontekście obecnej trudnej sytuacji międzynarodowej należy podkreślić, że edukacja chroni przed radykalizacją oraz jest antidotum na nietolerancję i dyskryminację, które są najczęstszym powodem konfliktów i wojen.

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