20. Ftehim Qafas dwar Sħubija u Kooperazzjoni Komprensivi bejn l-UE u l-Vjetnam (approvazzjoni) - Ftehim Qafas dwar Sħubija u Kooperazzjoni Komprensivi bejn l-UE u l-Vjetnam (riżoluzzjoni) - Ftehim Qafas dwar is-Sħubija u l-Kooperazzjoni Komprensivi bejn l-UE u l-Vjetnam (protokoll biex titqies l-adeżjoni tal-Kroazja) (dibattitu)
– the report by Barbara Lochbihler, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the other part (05432/2015 – C8—0062/2015 – 2013/0440(NLE)) (A8—0339/2015),
– the report by Barbara Lochbihler, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, containing a motion for a non-legislative resolution on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the other part (2015/2096(INI)) (A8—0342/2015), and
– a report by Sandra Kalniete, on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of the Protocol to the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (13079/2014 – C8—0282/2014 – 2014/0222(NLE)) (A8—0340/2015).
Sandra Kalniete,referente.– Es aicinu atbalstīt Eiropas Parlamenta rezolūciju par piekrišanu protokolam pie Pamatnolīguma par visaptverošo partnerību un sadarbību starp Eiropas Savienību un Vjetnamu, lai ņemtu vērā Horvātijas Republikas pievienošanos Eiropas Savienībai.
Šogad aprit 40 gadi kopš Vjetnamas kara beigām, un šogad mēs varam atzīmēt Eiropas Savienības un Vjetnamas attiecību pastāvēšanas 25. gadadienu. Eiropas un Vjetnamas attiecības ir strauji izaugušas. Tāpēc ir pienācis laiks attīstīt mūsu attiecību normatīvo pamatu. To tagad veidos Pamatnolīgums starp Eiropas Savienību un Vjetnamu.
Mums ir svarīgi atcerēties, ka Vjetnama ir daļa no Klusā okeāna valstu partnerības, kas ir jauns, tikko izveidots tirdzniecības bloks, tas aptver 36 % no pasaules iekšējā kopprodukta, un tam varētu būt ļoti tālejoša ietekme pasaules tirdzniecībā.
Eiropas Savienībai arī stratēģiski ir ļoti svarīgi panākt spriedzes atrisināšanu Dienvidķīnas jūras baseina valstīm, lai saglabātu tur mieru un stabilitāti un nodrošinātu jūras lielo transporta ceļu stabilitāti. Tas ir ļoti būtiski Eiropas tirdzniecībai. Tāpēc Vjetnamai ir stratēģiska loma kā svarīgai Eiropas Savienības partnerei Dienvidaustrumāzijā un ASEAN valstīs. Es esmu stingri pārliecināta, ka Eiropas Savienības un Vjetnamas visaptverošas partnerības un sadarbības nolīgumam un brīvās tirdzniecības nolīgumam ir jāpalīdz arī Vjetnamā nostiprināt pārticību un cilvēktiesības. Nolīgums veicinās arī sadarbību attiecībā uz labu pārvaldību, korupcijas apkarošanu, ilgtspējīgu attīstību, atbruņošanos un masu iznīcināšanas ieroču neizplatīšanu, kā arī veicinās cīņu pret terorismu. Tāpēc es, kolēģi, lūdzu atbalstīt piekrišanu protokolam.
Barbara Lochbihler,Berichterstatterin.– Frau Präsidentin! Im Parlament haben wir nur das Rahmenabkommen über umfassende Partnerschaft und Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und Vietnam diskutiert und sind im Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten doch zu der Empfehlung gekommen, dem Abkommen zuzustimmen.
Damit dieses Rahmenabkommen auch in Kraft treten kann, fordern wir die Mitgliedstaaten Frankreich, Irland, Griechenland und Italien auf, dieses Abkommen so schnell wie möglich zu ratifizieren. Wir waren uns fraktionsübergreifend einig, dass die Beziehungen Vietnam-EU auf einem guten Weg sind, und sich in den Bereichen Handel und Entwicklung, Korruptionsbekämpfung, Menschenrechtsschutz, Umwelt und Klimawandel, Wissenschaft und Technologie, Bildung und Kultur, Frieden und Sicherheit intensivieren sollen.
Vietnam hat sich in den letzten Jahren von einem der ärmsten Länder der Welt mit dem schweren Erbe zweier grausamer Kriege zu einem Land mit mittlerem Einkommen mit einem rasanten Wirtschaftswachstum gewandelt. Die Armutsquote fiel von 58 % im Jahr 1993 auf 11,8 % im Jahr 2011.
Bei der Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele hat Vietnam im Bereich Recht auf Bildung, Recht auf Wohnung und Recht auf Nahrung Hervorragendes geleistet. In Vietnams sozio-ökonomischer Entwicklungsstrategie für 2011 bis 2020 stehen Strukturreformen im Zentrum, unter anderem gesamtwirtschaftliche Stabilität, soziale Gerechtigkeit, ökologische Stabilität.
Zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Stabilität gehört auch die Bekämpfung der Korruption. Der durch Korruption verursachte Schaden für die Wirtschaft wird in einem offiziellen vietnamesischen Bericht von 2012 mit 1,7 % bis 3,3 % des Bruttoinlandsprodukts beziffert. Im Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex von Transparency International steht das Land auf Platz 119 von 175 Ländern. Die vietnamesische Regierung hat Gegenmaßnahmen ergriffen, es müssen aber noch konsequentere und weitreichendere Schritte unternommen werden.
In dieser Woche findet in Hanoi der Menschenrechtsdialog EU-Vietnam statt. Auch im vorliegenden Rahmenabkommen fordern wir ein deutliches Umsteuern der Regierung, um freie Meinungsäußerung zuzulassen, auch wenn sie Kritik am Regierungshandeln beinhaltet. Es gibt Zensur im Internet, soziale Medien und Websites werden oft blockiert. Fast alle Print- und Funkkanäle sind staatlich kontrolliert. Vietnam ist derzeit Mitglied im Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen und hat sich der allgemeinen Überprüfung des Menschenrechtsschutzes unterzogen.
Es würde hier zu weit führen, alle Menschenrechtsverletzungen aufzuführen. Unterstreichen möchte ich nur, dass Vietnam zugesagt hat, Verbesserungen beim Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung umzusetzen und ebenso eine unabhängige Zivilgesellschaft zuzulassen.
In der letzten Straßburg-Woche haben wir mit der Kommissarin Malmström das jetzt ratifizierte Freihandelsabkommen EU-Vietnam diskutiert. Es wird eine institutionelle Verknüpfung zwischen dem Freihandelsabkommen und dem Partnerschafts- und Kooperationsabkommen geben. Damit ist sichergestellt, dass Grundsätze bei Menschenrechten und Rechtstaatlichkeit ein wesentlicher Teil der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Vietnam sind –
auch bezogen auf den Handel zwischen beiden Parteien.
Die Kommission muss noch unbedingt die von der/dem EU-Bürgerbeauftragten angemahnte Menschenrechts-Folgenabschätzung nachholen. Auch im Bereich der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik kam es 2014 im Südchinesischen Meer zu Konflikten zwischen chinesischen und vietnamesischen Fischern. Wir begrüßen es sehr, dass die Staatsoberhäupter beider Staaten sich darauf verständigt haben, den Seestreit mit friedlichen Mitteln beizulegen. Ebenso begrüßen wir, dass Vietnam im Frühjahr 2015 seine offizielle Unterstützung für den Antrag der philippinischen Regierung erklärt hat, zu den chinesischen Gebietsansprüchen im Südchinesischen Meer den Ständigen Schiedshof in Den Haag anzurufen.
Insgesamt haben wir hier also eine sehr umfangreiche Entschließung mit konkreten Arbeitsfeldern für die gemeinsame EU- Vietnam-Kooperation. Ich danke noch einmal auch allen Schattenberichterstattern für eine sehr konstruktive und gute Zusammenarbeit.
Andrus Ansip,Vice-President of the Commission.– Madam President, I am pleased to speak here in Parliament today before the vote on concluding the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam, as well as on the Protocol for Croatia’s accession to the Agreement. This Agreement will provide a modern and comprehensive framework for the EU-Vietnam relationship, which has deepened and broadened over the past few years.
Twenty-five years ago the then European Community and Vietnam established diplomatic relations. In these 25 years, our ties have grown from their humanitarian origins to a multifaceted partnership with trade and development at its core. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, together with the Free Trade Agreement concluded two weeks ago, will allow us to go even further.
Today’s debate is an opportunity to acknowledge Vietnam’s role as a close partner for the European Union in South—East Asia and for our relations with ASEAN in particular. As ASEAN’s coordinator for relations with the European Union, Vietnam has provided valuable support in bringing our two regions closer together.
In South—East Asia, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies today. Social and economic progress in the last two decades has been impressive as millions have been lifted out of poverty. Its foundations were laid in the late 1980s through an ambitious economic reform programme. Today, the EU, in turn, is Vietnam’s second largest trade partner, the largest development donor and one of Vietnam’s largest foreign investors.
Vietnam is now entering a new phase of national development and aims to become an industrialised country by 2020. To do so it needs to move from a growth model based on low—cost labour to one based on innovation and productivity. This calls for major structural changes and continued investments in infrastructure and human capital.
The European Union wants a strong and prosperous Vietnam, a Vietnam that respects the rule of law and human rights. Our persistent message to our Vietnamese counterparts is that good governance, human rights and the rule of law are the driving force for development, that a free media and a free internet provide huge benefits for Vietnam to succeed in the new knowledge-based economy and to meet the myriad of challenges that come with a modernising society, and that greater openness and opportunities for people to participate and actively engage with the institutions are needed to support Vietnam’s vision of becoming an inclusive and modern society. It is therefore in Vietnam’s best interests to honour its international commitments regarding human rights.
Let me be clear. The European Union and Vietnam enjoy a close and ever—expanding partnership but, as in any relationship, there are areas where we have differences. These are, first and foremost, in the critical area of human rights and Mrs Lochbihler’s report rightly places much emphasis on this. In this respect we noted with concern the arrest today, just one day after the EU-Vietnam human rights dialogue, of Mr Nguyen Van Dai, a lawyer and human rights activist. We have expressed this clearly to our Vietnamese partners.
The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement provides us with a much better basis to address issues such as the rule of law and human rights than the Framework Cooperation Agreement of 1996. Respect for human rights and democratic principles constitutes an essential element of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, with a much broader and more comprehensive set of commitments when compared with the previous instrument.
The rule of law features among the fundamental principles covered by Article 1 of the Agreement. Let me assure you that these principles will guide us in our relations. The enhanced human rights dialogue that we agreed to establish in 2012 is the most visible evidence of our commitment here. The latest session was held just yesterday in Hanoi.
I trust that with the new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, and thanks to the strong ties between the European Parliament and the National Assembly of Vietnam, we stand a better chance to support Vietnam’s transition towards a more open society.
Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE.– Monsieur le Président, je souhaiterais tout d'abord remercier Mme Lochbihler et les autres rapporteurs fictifs pour leur bonne collaboration sur cette résolution.
Cet accord de coopération et de partenariat entre l'Union et le Viêt Nam est un bon exemple de l'affirmation croissante du pouvoir du Parlement, y compris en matière de politique étrangère. L'approbation du Parlement est une étape importante pour la ratification de l'accord que nous devons bien entendu soutenir.
Le Viêt Nam est désormais un partenaire incontournable de l'Union. Une relation plus étroite avec ce pays permettra non seulement à l'Union européenne d'avoir un accès privilégié à un marché dynamique de plus de 90 millions d'habitants, mais également d'asseoir sa position stratégique en Asie, tout en poursuivant ses objectifs de paix, d'état de droit et de démocratie.
Je tiens également à souligner la conclusion des négociations sur l'accord de libre-échange avec le Viêt Nam. Il ne faut cependant pas oublier que ce pays a encore beaucoup de défis à relever, et notamment en matière de respect des droits de l'homme. Les recommandations contenues dans la résolution permettront, je l'espère, d'accompagner le Viêt Nam dans les réformes nécessaires, telles que le respect des droits des minorités, la lutte contre la corruption ou la réforme du système judiciaire.
Tout au long du travail sur cette résolution, j'ai tenté de trouver des compromis avec mes collègues afin d'obtenir un texte équilibré, qui pourra être un outil pour accompagner la mise en œuvre de l'accord de partenariat. En ce sens, Mme Gill et moi-même proposons deux amendements pour le vote de demain, afin que le texte soit exact sur le plan juridique. Ce n'est qu'à travers une résolution contenant des propositions réalistes et concrètes que le Parlement pourra, lui aussi, jouer un rôle déterminant dans le développement des relations entre l'Union européenne et le Viêt Nam.
Neena Gill, on behalf of the S&D Group.– Mr President, firstly I would like to congratulate the co-rapporteurs. EU—Vietnam relations are of vital importance in the current geopolitical context, especially with Asia leapfrogging to global prominence, the US and China each spearheading mega trade deals in the region, and tensions in the South China Sea threatening stability in that region. So the EU needs to get actively involved in all of these developments to ensure we keep peace in the region.
That is why I wholeheartedly support this partnership and cooperation agreement. I believe it provides a basis for strengthening relations in fields that are of major importance from both a global perspective and our own bilateral perspective. I also welcome the agreement on free trade. I believe this gives Vietnam the opportunity to invest the benefits of trade for all groups within its society, reform its governance system, improve its human rights and join the global fight against climate change. I welcome the fact that my political group was able to secure the inclusion of important language on the need to step up efforts in all these fields, and particularly on human trafficking. It is a key migration policy, and the fight against trafficking and organised crime needs to be strengthened.
However, this is not just something that Vietnam has to deal with. It is also the EU’s responsibility to look at why – and how – we can stop a large number of Vietnamese children from being exploited across different parts of the EU. A specialised working group on cooperation in this field should be set up to address this.
The Commission has to be mindful that the success of any deal hinges on its implementation. Firstly, this means keeping in mind that Vietnam is still a developing country and we cannot ask it to do more than is realistically possible until we further step up capacity support. The European External Action Service also has to address shortcomings in relation to the information available to this House on international agreements to allow us fully to carry out our monitoring role and help us make this agreement a basis for a successful strategic relationship in the wider region too. I hope that we will be using this to build on progress achieved, thanks to coordination with Vietnam, to kick-start the re-launch of region-to-region FTA negotiations.
Finally, I would like to thank the rapporteurs, especially Ms Lochbihler, and the shadow rapporteurs for their excellent cooperation, as well as all the teams that supported us, who worked very hard to make this agreement achievable.
Amjad Bashir, on behalf of the ECR Group.– Mr President, the conclusion of the EU—Vietnam Free Trade Agreement is excellent news. Although I appreciate the concerns raised by some of my colleagues – property rights, child labour and access to education are obvious examples that come to mind – we should ensure that a carefully calibrated political message is sent to Vietnam. Comprehensive reforms should be encouraged, but threatening language could be counterproductive.
Considering the distraction caused by the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the newly formed ASEAN Economic Community, we should not overplay our hand by giving Vietnam an excuse to focus elsewhere. By all means let us be firm, but at the same time let us show flexibility and pragmatism whenever possible. Remember that governments do not do business with each other, people do. Fostering trade links is the quickest way to create wealth and prosperity for both Europeans and the Vietnamese.
Ivan Jakovčić, u ime kluba ALDE.– Gospodine predsjedniče, moja je generacija u Hrvatskoj prije četrdesetak godina sa simpatijama gledala na želju za slobodom vijetnamskog naroda. Kasnije se mnogo toga promijenilo i mnogi su od nas bili vrlo razočarani svime što se događalo u Vijetnamu i toj regiji. Danas, na sreću, ponovno imamo nadu da se stvari mijenjaju nabolje, jer vidimo želju za otvaranjem Vijetnama, za suradnjom u širem krugu zemalja u kojem se nalazi, uključujući i EU i SAD, što je naravno odličan pomak u politici Vijetnama.
Zato podržavam ovaj sporazum i sve ono što Komisija čini u naporima da približi naše dvije ekonomije i radujem se ekonomskom rastu Vijetnama, znanstvenoj suradnji koju očekujemo sa znanstvenicima EU-a i Vijetnama, radujem se kulturnoj suradnji koja se najavljuje. Mislim da takav sveobuhvatni sporazum može biti koristan za obje strane. Međutim, moramo imati na umu da je Vijetnam još uvijek jako daleko od temelja EU-a, kao što su pitanja slobode medija ili ljudskih prava. Podržavam sporazum, želim uspješnu realizaciju, ali imajmo na umu i sve ono što nam u današnjim vremenima ne odgovara.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in primis ci tengo a fare i miei complimenti all'onorevole Barbara Lochbihler, per aver presentato una relazione veramente orientata al rafforzamento dei diritti umani, cosa che non capita spesso.
Certo, non bisogna dimenticare la realtà dei fatti, ovvero che il Vietnam è uno Stato dominato da un unico partito e vive una situazione ben lontana da una vera democrazia e da un vero Stato di diritto. Le violazioni in tal senso sono innumerevoli ed è senz'altro un paese strategico per l'Occidente, visto che è uno dei tasselli della strategia di contenimento della Cina portata avanti dagli Stati Uniti e ciò spiega il grande interesse non solo economico nei suoi confronti. Ma a noi questo non interessa. Quello che conta è che la relazione UE-Vietnam sia votata a favorire non solo i diritti umani, ma anche la partecipazione politica, ad avere una maggiore tutela dei lavoratori e a salvaguardare l'ambiente e a consentire una vera libertà di espressione.
C'è davvero molto da fare, non sosterremo l'accordo di libero scambio ma sosterremo invece la speranza di questa relazione politica come quella del popolo vietnamita. Ma chiediamo anche passi concreti e soprattutto immediati perché la fiducia di oggi può essere revocata domani.
Goffredo Maria Bettini (S&D).– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'accordo di partenariato e cooperazione con il Vietnam è un passaggio fondamentale nei rapporti tra l'Unione europea e questo decisivo paese.
Il Vietnam ha una storia antica, travagliata e ricca di tradizioni e di cultura e ancora, come ricorda la relazione, porta i segni dei bombardamenti che ha subito ad opera degli americani, che hanno sganciato su quella terra più bombe che in tutta la Seconda guerra mondiale. Il Vietnam da alcuni anni ha una crescita economica vigorosa, la società civile si è messa in moto, importanti riforme sono state realizzate o avviate. Mi è capitato di constatare direttamente quanto stiano aumentando gli investimenti europei, la diffusione dei nostri prodotti, il rispetto di cui godiamo e, per quanto riguarda l'Italia, lo dico con un pizzico di orgoglio, il mio paese, il vero e proprio amore per il nostro stile di vita.
Certamente ci sono molte cose ancora da fare, in tema di libertà e di diritti umani il cammino è molto lungo. Tale cammino sarà spinto in avanti e verificato, come ha detto la Commissione europea, nel suo intervento qui in Aula, attraverso l'aumento dei nostri rapporti commerciali, economici e culturali con tutto il popolo vietnamita, nella consapevolezza anche delle condizioni in cui esso è stato costretto ad operare, anche a causa degli errori o, in certi casi, dei veri e propri orrori che l'Occidente ha compiuto.
Jan Zahradil (ECR).– Mr President, as Chairman of your Parliamentary Group ‘Friends of Vietnam’, and also as standing rapporteur for the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, I am very glad that Vietnam is once again is at the forefront of EU attention. While we are dealing with that partnership and cooperation agreement, I hope that it will be approved as soon as possible.
We also have to stress that we have already negotiated a free trade agreement, and those negotiations were finalised in August. The Treaty itself was signed two weeks ago by the Commission President and the Vietnamese Prime Minister. So it is good news. I think that it is also good news in the year where we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of EU-Vietnam relations. I have to say, however, that this report of Ms Lochbihler contains some elements with which I am not entirely happy. In particular, paragraph 33 seems to me a bit unfair and unjust towards the Vietnamese side, as it calls on Vietnam to ensure that fees set by the Vietnamese Ministry of Finances for the issue of documents are the same. It raises some doubts about the procedure. I do not think that this paragraph should be included in that report. I have serious concerns about that, and if that paragraph is there still tomorrow my position will probably be that I cannot support this report at all. However, I hope that we can find a solution for that.
Jozo Radoš (ALDE).– Gospodine predsjedniče, pozdravljam svaki sporazum kojim EU proširuje svoju suradnju pogotovo sporazum koji se odnosi na Socijalističku Republiku Vijetnam kao zemlju koja je vrlo siromašna i u razvoju, ali istovremeno vrlo značajna na području jugoistočne Azije, i to 25 godina nakon uspostave službenih odnosa.
Iskazujem zadovoljstvo zbpg toga što se i ovaj dio svijeta otvara međunarodnoj suradnji putem transpacifičkog sporazuma o partnerstvu, odnosno omogućavanjem direktnih stranih ulaganja u Vijetnamu. Očekujem da će potpisivanje ovog sporazuma poboljšati odnose Vijetnama i EU-a, omogućiti demokratizaciju i napredak te zemlje, ali jednako tako poboljšati suradnju EU-a sa širim prostorom jugoistočne Azije.
Seán Kelly (PPE).– Mr President, at the beginning of November I had the privilege of being part of a small delegation from the European Parliament who visited Vietnam; I see some of the colleagues who also went are here and will probably be speaking later. It was a wonderful occasion. We were well received and Vietnam was very appreciative, particularly of the EUR 400 million we are giving under the present framework programme, much of which is going to combat climate change. That is certainly to be commended. They also expressed a desire to see the Free Trade Agreement come into being as soon as possible and, as has been said, it has now been signed by us and by their Prime Minister a few weeks ago in Brussels. The people of Vietnam are, I think, lovely people. They ride around on little motorbikes, which is lovely to see, in their rather strange and chaotic traffic management system, but it works. We can certainly do an awful lot to help them. One area which we also need to focus on is the provocative actions by China in the South China Sea. This is not good enough and building artificial islands and so on is contrary to the international law of the sea and we have to stand with Vietnam in trying to bring China to heel on that matter.
I am very pleased to say that in my own country of Ireland we have had diplomatic relations with Vietnam since 1996 and have had an embassy there since 2005. We have an excellent ambassador, Cáit Moran, who does tremendous work, particularly in helping to oversee the Irish aid programme in Vietnam, and indeed we have some Gaelic football teams there as well, which is my background. So I think we can say that Vietnam is a country that is going places quickly. We can certainly help the Vietnamese regarding human rights. Sandra Kalniete said that with the FTA that will improve over time. Certainly, as a strategic partner I think we can make a lot of progress, from both a business point of view and a human rights point of view and particularly for improving the quality of life of the Vietnamese people in the future.
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D).– Mr President, when I was a little boy, on occasion I was treated with a medicinal balsam called ‘Little Star’, which was imported from Vietnam and could be bought at any local pharmacy.
Nowadays, Vietnam itself is a rising star of the Asian region. The positive results in many areas have been achieved thanks to the country’s openness to the world. Vietnam is actively participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and has recently signed a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union. Now we are moving towards the EU-Vietnam Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation.
Officially established a quarter of a century ago with an initial focus on trade and development, modern EU-Vietnam relations have now become much broader, incorporating energy, science, technology, culture and ecology. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement has been especially beneficial to our relations. Vietnam has become the EU’s major partner in South—East Asia. The principal objective of the Vietnamese people, which the star on their flag symbolises, is to build upon the existing successes and continue on their path towards greater progress and development.
The EU can undoubtedly assist Vietnam on this path, on occasion with a bit of friendly but constructive criticism on human rights, ecology, or the social sphere, but most importantly with productive cooperation. I fully support the conclusion of this agreement and hope it opens a new chapter of much more productive cooperation with Vietnam and its hardworking people.
Richard Ashworth (ECR).– Mr President, this partnership will bring real economic benefit to both parties, but it has a lot more to offer than trade alone. This is a time of great challenge in South-East Asia, not least the anxieties over the South China Sea. By working constructively with Vietnam, the EU can help build a peaceful, prosperous region which is founded on free trade and mutual recognition of international law. We do acknowledge the progress that has been made by the Government of Vietnam in its continued efforts to confront issues like corruption, human rights and good governance. To that end, this Parliament must reach out in a spirit of friendship and constructive dialogue to encourage and support that progress. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with some of the rapporteur’s comments, specifically, for example, paragraph 33, and in consequence would not be able to support that.
Olga Sehnalová (S&D).– Pane předsedající, v roce dvacátého pátého výročí navázání diplomatických vztahů mezi Evropskou unií a Vietnamskou socialistickou republikou budeme schvalovat dohodu o partnerství a spolupráci. Oblastí, kterých se týká, je mnoho a už tady o nich byla řeč.
Pro spolupráci mezi zeměmi je však nejdůležitější spolupráce mezi lidmi. Té musíme uvolnit cestu a dát jí mnohem větší prostor. Jako důležitý krok tímto směrem proto vítám rozhodnutí vietnamské strany o uvolnění vízového režimu pro občany pěti velkých evropských zemí. Zde bychom však neměli skončit. Pro rozvoj a zintenzivnění další spolupráce považuji za důležité, aby bylo toto uvolnění brzo rozšířeno i na další, byť menší členské státy Evropské unie.
Jednou ze zemí, která má ve spolupráci s Vietnamem dlouhou tradici, je i Česká republika. Zdejší početná vietnamská menšina byla nedávno oficiálně uznána jako etnická menšina. Je proto přirozené, že zde existuje i řada společných projektů. Jako perspektivní se jeví například spolupráce v oblasti vzdělávání, příkladem z poslední doby je projekt české univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně a vietnamské univerzity v Ho Či Minově Městě. Věřím, že tyto formy spolupráce mohou nastavit dobré, dlouhodobé partnerské vztahy, a to mimo jiné i tím, že pomohou ke vzájemnému poznání a porozumění skutečného života v našich zemích.
Pytania z sali
Stanislav Polčák (PPE).– Pane předsedající, je mi ctí vystupovat po mé kolegyni paní Sehnalové. Já jsem měl také na mysli pár věcí z té české reality, ona už to řekla.
Proto bych se zaměřil na to, že nejen že slavíme pětadvacet let uvolnění obchodních vztahů, ale že v roce 1996 byla ve Vietnamu otevřena slavnostně reprezentace Evropské unie. Myslím, že vždycky to uvolnění, ta liberalizace obchodních vztahů přináší zásadní efekty, a proto podporuji tento návrh dohody. Ten článek 33 se přiznám, že si ještě tedy prostuduji, co kolegové z ECR vytýkají této dohodě. Na druhou stranu bych chtěl říci, že už dneska funguje v rámci vztahů Vietnamu a Evropské unie víceletý orientační program, který má nepochybné výsledky. Zaměřujeme se jako Evropská unie na podporu energetiky, infrastruktury. Svědčí o tom i obchodní výměna mezi Evropskou unií a Vietnamem, i když v rámci importu Evropské unie do Vietnamu došlo k určitému poklesu. Každopádně podporuji další prohlubování vztahů mezi Evropskou unií a Vietnamem.
Marek Jurek (ECR).– Panie Przewodniczący!Według instytutu Open Doors, który zajmuje się badaniem prześladowań antychrześcijańskich, Wietnam jest krajem, w którym sytuacja chrześcijan jest gorsza niż w Chinach komunistycznych, niż w Mali, niż w Katarze czy w Egipcie. Wielu z nas, którzy pamiętają komunizm, dobrze zna te metody: permanentna inwigilacja, karanie ludzi za to, że upominają się o swoje prawa, na przykład o zwrot zabranej własności, kampanie propagandowe rozbudzające populizm antychrześcijański. Co możemy w tej sytuacji zrobić? Przede wszystkim monitorować sytuację i pokazywać wietnamskim chrześcijanom, że ich sytuacja jest dla nas ważna. Pokazywać władzom Wietnamu, że sytuacja chrześcijan w ich kraju jest dla nas ważna – i dlatego szkoda, że tak mało mówiliśmy o tym w naszej debacie, szkoda, że tak mało uwag na ten temat znalazło się w stosownym sprawozdaniu.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR).– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η νέα εταιρική σχέση Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Βιετνάμ είναι σημαντική κυρίως για τις ευρωπαϊκές πολυεθνικές οι οποίες έχουν εγκατασταθεί και έχουν πραγματοποιήσει επενδύσεις στο Βιετνάμ, όπου βέβαια ισχύουν οι μισθοί πείνας. Ταυτόχρονα, στο Βιετνάμ και ιδίως στα εργοστάσιά του, δεν τηρούνται βασικά εργασιακά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα, ενώ υπάρχει έξαρση του φαινομένου της παιδικής εργασίας. Επιπλέον, η διαφθορά, η παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, οι διώξεις χριστιανών είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη.
Η συμφωνία εταιρικής συνεργασίας Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Βιετνάμ, όπως και η συμφωνία ελευθέρων συναλλαγών θα πλήξουν τον ευάλωτο τομέα των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων στα κράτη μέλη της Ένωσης και θα αυξήσουν την ανεργία. Το Βιετνάμ οφείλει να εγκαθιδρύσει κράτος δικαίου, να σεβαστεί την ελευθερία έκφρασης, τις θρησκευτικές ελευθερίες και την ελευθερία του Τύπου και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από την πλευρά της δεν θα πρέπει, στο όνομα της κερδοφορίας των ευρωπαϊκών εταιρειών, να κλείνει τα μάτια στις παραβιάσεις των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Βιετνάμ, πολύ, δε, περισσότερο όταν η ίδια εταιρική σχέση δρα μόνο υπέρ των συμφερόντων των μεγάλων επιχειρήσεων.
(Koniec pytań z sali)
Andrus Ansip,Vice-President of the Commission.– Mr President, this has been a very useful exchange and I thank the Members for the clarity of their interventions. Once again, I would like to thank our rapporteurs, Sandra Kalniete and Barbara Lochbihler, for their sound analysis.
I have listened carefully and taken note of the Members’ expectations and concerns regarding the implementation of the partnership and cooperation agreement and, beyond that, regarding the overall relationship between the European Union and Vietnam. Let me conclude by emphasising that, with the partnership and cooperation agreement and the free trade agreement, we are laying solid foundations for a maturing political partnership.
Sandra Kalniete,referente.– Es gribu vēlreiz atbalstīt piekrišanu šim protokolam un ceru, ka arī tā dalībvalstis paātrinās nolīguma ratifikācijas procesu, lai nodrošinātu tā drīzāku stāšanos spēkā – lai attiecības starp ES un Vjetnamu ieietu normatīvi jaunā fāzē.
Barbara Lochbihler,Berichterstatterin.– Herr Präsident! Ich wollte nur auf einige der letzten Redner, die jetzt noch da sind, eingehen. Selbstverständlich ist im Bericht aufgelistet, dass wir einfordern, dass es freie Gewerkschaften geben soll, und auch die Verfolgung verschiedener religiöser Gruppen, unter anderem der christlichen Minderheit, ist im Bericht explizit erwähnt. Die ganze Terminologie und die Darstellung der Menschenrechtsverletzungen sind meiner Meinung nach nicht bedrohlich – so habe ich Herrn Bashir verstanden –, sondern sie spiegeln eigentlich das Vokabular und den Diskurs wider, den die vietnamesische Regierung selber pflegt, zum Beispiel innerhalb der Vereinten Nationen.
Der Kollege, der gesagt hat, es sei vielleicht eine Bedrohung für die mittleren Unternehmen in Vietnam, sei darauf verwiesen, dass wir in diesem Abkommen eine menschenrechtliche Folgeabschätzung dieses Freihandelsabkommens fordern, die gerade bewerten soll, ob große europäische Unternehmen, die auf den vietnamesischen Markt kommen, kleine KMUs verdrängen.
Und nun zu dem mehrfach genannten Artikel 33, der insbesondere nicht nur von der ECR-Fraktion, sondern auch von anderen kritisiert wird. Wir haben heute Nachmittag informell konsultiert, und ich glaube, die meisten Fraktionen werden gegen diesen Artikel stimmen, der sich mit Korruption und Visabefreiung beschäftigt. Ich muss aber nochmal kurz vielleicht mein Erstaunen ausdrücken, dass ich heute Nachmittag eine E-Mail von Herrn Zahradil, dem Vorsitzenden der vietnamesischen Friendship Group bekommen habe, in der er eigentlich angedeutet hat, er werde diesem Abkommen nicht zustimmen. Also das – ich hoffe, da habe ich ihn jetzt richtig verstanden – bezieht sich nur auf Artikel 33. Denn gerade die Zustimmung zu diesem Abkommen ist sehr wesentlich und wird ja auch von vietnamesischer Regierungsseite eingefordert, denn sonst kann man es ja überhaupt nicht umsetzen.
Hier kann ich nochmal dafür werben, dass wir eine große Zustimmung für das Abkommen in Gänze bekommen, und selbstverständlich kann man bei einzelnen Artikeln anderer Meinung sein.
Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.
Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 17 grudnia 2015 r.
Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)
Remo Sernagiotto (ECR), per iscritto.– Il Vietnam è uno dei mercati in più rapida crescita al mondo e attualmente uno dei partner più importanti dell'UE nel Sud-est asiatico. Basti ricordare, ad esempio, che l'UE rappresenta per questo paese il secondo maggiore mercato di esportazione e donatore di aiuti nonché il quinto investitore. È di grande importanza quindi individuare gli ambiti in cui la cooperazione dovrebbe essere migliorata, al fine di massimizzare i vantaggi per le due parti e sostenere allo stesso tempo lo sviluppo della capacità del Vietnam nel promuovere il rispetto per la buona governance, lo Stato di diritto e i diritti umani.