 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2015/2139(INI)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : A8-0373/2015

Predložena besedila :


Razprave :

PV 18/01/2016 - 17
CRE 18/01/2016 - 17

Glasovanja :

PV 19/01/2016 - 5.5
CRE 19/01/2016 - 5.5
Obrazložitev glasovanja

Sprejeta besedila :


Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Ponedeljek, 18. januar 2016 - Strasbourg

17. Vloga medkulturnega dialoga, kulturne raznolikosti in izobraževanja pri spodbujanju temeljnih vrednot EU (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  PUHEMIES. – Esityslistalla on seuraavana Julie Wardin kulttuuri- ja koulutusvaliokunnan puolesta laatima mietintö kulttuurienvälisen vuoropuhelun, kulttuurisen monimuotoisuuden ja koulutuksen merkityksestä EU:n perusarvojen edistämisessä ((2015/2139(INI) – (A8-0373/2015)).


  Julie Ward, rapporteur. Madam President, recent dramatic events, such as the refugee crisis and the terrorist attacks in Paris, have shown that, more than ever, Europe must tackle these common challenges and promote its fundamental values – not in a divided way, but with unity.

My report, therefore, aims to build on the common agreement reached by all 28 EU Education Ministers in the aftermath of the Paris attacks. This ministerial agreement acknowledges that joint efforts are needed in order to prevent and tackle marginalisation, intolerance, racism and extremism, and to preserve a framework of equal opportunities for all. The report identifies opportunities, along with challenges, and makes concrete recommendations for action at all governmental levels, as well as at EU level, including the increased use of culture in external actions and in the development agenda. It recognises the unique role that culture, inclusive learning and active citizenship can play in building strong, confident, resilient and cohesive communities of the future.

I decided to take a positive approach, particularly in respect of young people and the potential that they offer to society, and to celebrate that cultural diversity can create empathy, empower marginalised communities and foster more active citizenship. Intercultural dialogues and exchanges also address stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination by the majority. Intercultural practice demonstrates that you can only truly understand yourself when you encounter the other and thus see yourself reflected in another’s eyes. So the other becomes you and you become the other. You develop empathy, compassion and the ability to stand in someone else’s shoes. You see others, not as alien or unequal, but as neighbours, all part of the human family. When we refuse to engage in intercultural dialogue, the phenomenon of ‘othering’ begins and can ultimately lead to the terrible genocides we have witnessed.

My report promotes the need to reinvigorate and promote healthy dialogue between all kinds of communities, leading to a better understanding and acceptance of common fundamental values, thereby laying the foundations for more inclusive and pluralistic societies. Too often in times of crisis, the dominant media narrative is that somebody else is to blame for the world’s problems. This results in scapegoating and a culture of fear. However, when people come together and talk honestly and share in each other’s culture they learn that we are all human beings with common aspirations and concerns.

During the recent devastating floods in my north—west region, the much—maligned Muslim community were amongst the first to offer practical aid and moral support to remote rural communities, countering growing Islamophobia through spontaneous intercultural dialogue born out of true compassion and demonstrating a greater degree of sympathy and solidarity than the government did. Formal and informal education and intercultural dialogue are crucial tools for a more harmonious society. Children are not born to hate, so tackling things from an early age is vital.

But learning does not hold only one form and have only one purpose, nor does it solely concern children and young people. Learning to be an active and responsible citizen is a lifelong learning process that can take many forms. We are sometimes afraid of otherness, and the best way to address this is to talk to different people, to share different practices and learn from different cultures. In this way we grow as people, gaining confidence, making friends, being surer of ourselves and, incidentally, being more employable and more entrepreneurial.

I am proud to represent a region that includes examples of vibrant multicultural cities and towns, such as Manchester, Liverpool, Preston Blackburn, Bury, Bolton, Rochdale, Burnley, Accrington and others. I know, therefore, that cultural diversity is an opportunity, not a threat, and I firmly believe it is a solution, not a problem. My report adopts an integrated approach when addressing this broad and complex topic, not separating culture, education, youth and active citizenship into four different fields of action but building bridges and synergies between all those elements.

So I call on the Commission and Member States to also adopt a cross-cutting and coherent approach between all fields of their actions in and outside Europe. The European Union is at a particular point in history where notions of identity and belonging are contested, reconfigured and defended with strong feelings from a diversity of voices and divergent political perspectives. I look forward to a healthy debate and thank all those who have worked with me on this report.


  Tibor Navracsics, Member of the Commission. Madam President, the Commission wholeheartedly welcomes the report on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values. I would like to congratulate the rapporteur Ms Ward on the excellent result of her work. The terrible terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere in Europe remind us yet again of the importance of building cohesive societies, where everyone can feel safe and valued irrespective of one’s conviction or background.

The richness of the social, linguistic and cultural diversity that the EU represents is indeed held together, as the report says, by the fundamental values that we share: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Continuous efforts to promote multiculturalism, integration and social cohesion are needed to guarantee a Union in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail.

The Commission welcomes the strong emphasis of the report on the role of intercultural dialogue and education, which helps learners to show an open mind and be active, responsible citizens equipped with a critical mind and committed to our common fundamental values. This is precisely the point of the Paris Declaration which the Education Ministers and myself endorsed in March last year. To follow up on this declaration with concrete actions is a key priority for me. Preventing violent radicalisation by promoting an inclusive society and democratic values is firmly embedded in the European Security Agenda, which recognises the key role of education, youth work and intercultural dialogue in this context.

We will also follow up on the European Council’s call to address the factors underlying radicalisation. Such a complex phenomenon cannot be handled in a simplistic manner. Quick fixes and spectacular announcements will not do. We need deeper changes in the social fabric of our societies that can only be achieved through longer—term actions, particularly through formal and non—formal learning.

The Ward report identifies several very relevant areas for action: the need for civic education to start from an early age, the creation of common education platforms, the development of quality training programmes promoting diversity, the provision of counselling services at schools, the need to provide teachers with multilingual and intercultural skills, and the creation of rights-based and gender-sensitive learning environments.

Important steps have, in the meantime, already been taken. Firstly, the Education Ministers have agreed to anchor the objectives of the Paris Declaration firmly in the current priorities for European cooperation in the field of education and training. Secondly, we will also use the Erasmus+ programme to its full, in order to put the Paris Declaration into action. Projects linked to equity, inclusion and non-discrimination will be substantially reinforced. In 2016, EUR 400 million will be spent on transnational projects which will enhance, amongst others, the education of disadvantaged learners and promote the integration of newly arrived migrants. In addition, a specific call will soon be released with a budget of EUR 13 million to disseminate good practices in the field of inclusion, anti-radicalisation and integration of migrants.

The report also rightly emphasises the importance of intercultural dialogue in promoting fundamental values. The Commission Work Programme for 2016 stresses the importance for the EU to take advantage of opportunities to advance its values, as well as European history and culture. In line with this idea, I, together with High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini, am currently working on measures to further cultural diplomacy, in particular to enhance intercultural understanding through direct people-to-people contacts and civil society relationships. Again, this is fully in line with the report in front of us, which calls on the EU to include culture and cultural exchanges and to enhance education in EU external relations. Generally speaking, promoting intercultural dialogue, cultural awareness and cultural expression are high up on our working agenda with the Member States and they will be discussed at the European Culture Forum, which will take place in Brussels on 19 and 20 April.

I greatly appreciate the commitment of Parliament to stand behind this important agenda of enhancing fundamental values through culture and education. I am looking forward to working with you on these issues. We have no time to lose and we need to join forces to take concrete action now.


  György Hölvényi, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. Tisztelt képviselőtársaim! Az európai polgárok millióira tekintettel számos aktuális társadalmi teendőt tisztázunk a mai jelentésben. Az egyik kezdeményező – ezennel is szeretném megköszönni Ward asszonynak a remek munkáját – legfőbb törekvése volt, hogy semmi másból ne induljunk ki, csak a valóságból. A jelentés egyértelműen rámutat a család egyedülálló szerepére, lehetőségeire közös értékeink közvetítésében. Jelenlegi tapasztalásom szerint a családot semmi nem pótolhatja, ha a normák és a tudás átadásáról van szó. Örülök, hogy politikai táborokon felülemelkedve egyetérthetünk ebben az alapkérdésben.

A vallások társadalmi szerepe, ha közvetetten is, meghatározó marad, ellentétben minden korábbi jóslattal. Mindez – hangsúlyozni szeretném – nem hit kérdése, hanem szociológiai tény. A vallásközi párbeszéd a fiatalokat segítő politikák alapeleme kell, hogy legyen. A vallási közösségek többek között abban különböznek mindenfajta civil szervezettől, hogy az élet kezdetétől a végéig alternatívát ajánlanak az ember számára. Egy biztos, fontos feladat vár a társadalmi kohézió megteremtésében a vallásokra, illetve képviselőire.

A kulturális sokszínűség a migráció mérete miatt mára olyan figyelmet kapott, amelyre korábban nem számítottunk. A mai európai helyzetben szinte megoldhatatlan, ki a bevándorló, ki a menekült. Felelős közösségek nélkül nincs párbeszéd, nincs békés együttélés. Ezt próbáltuk megtenni.


  Silvia Costa, a nome del gruppo S&D.Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, con questa relazione, commissario, della collega Ward, che ringrazio, diciamo che la sfida oggi in Europa e nel Mediterraneo è culturale ed educativa e su questo terreno dobbiamo concentrare di più indirizzi e investimenti per costruire veramente uno spazio comune di dialogo tra le diversità culturali e religiose, educazione alla convivenza pacifica, condivisione dei valori fondamentali dell'Unione, attraversata da processi migratori, conflitti, terrorismo.

A un anno da Charlie Hebdo e dalla dichiarazione di Parigi dei ministri, chiediamo che tutte le politiche, non solo quelle educative, assumano un approccio interculturale che vada oltre l'assimilazione o il multiculturalismo, non privatizzando le appartenenze anche religiose, ma facendole incontrare e dialogare nello spazio pubblico, nel rispetto reciproco.

Servono segnali forti: nella politica estera di sicurezza, con l'iniziativa di una diplomazia culturale; nell'agenda economica e sociale; ampliando l'accesso alla cultura e alla formazione degli immigrati, con i corridoi educativi che abbiamo chiesto per gli studenti nei campi profughi; promuovendo inclusione con programmi di cittadinanza attiva, volontariato, servizio civile; sostenendo imprese creative e la pratica sportiva. Commissario, sì, apprezziamo i bandi ad hoc Erasmus e Creative Europe, ma credo che a questo punto sia necessaria una comunicazione forte su queste linee, per dare un senso più olistico a questa politica.


  Andrew Lewer, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, I would not seek to question the largely well-intentioned nature of where this report is coming from. Indeed, it contains positive elements, such as recognising the vital role of education and educators in integration and the importance of media literacy in the digital age.

It does nevertheless contain many more aspects that the ECR and its UK delegation are unable to support, and which go way beyond the 17 March declaration. These include calls for stronger EU representations within the UN, appointments of EU cultural attachés, harmonisation of visa procedures, adequate – which I would assume means ‘yet more’ – funding for Europe for citizens, which has many controversial elements, and proposals relating to Member State education policies and other items which are outside EU competences. The report is also full of references to EU citizens and EU citizenship, which many ECR members dislike and may surprise many UK citizens when efforts are being made by Europhiles to persuade them that the EU’s ambitions are limited and have no federalist element to them; clearly not the case judging by elements in this report.

As well as learning and understanding other cultures, it is important that we have understanding and pride in our own countries’ values. This is not referenced in this report, and may even be regarded as distasteful by some of its adherents: big mistake. Education and intercultural dialogue are indeed vital tools in the fight against violent extremism. An expanded role for the EU is not. Culture and education are national competences, and if the EU really wants to protect cultural diversity and subsidiarity they should remain so.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), pitanje podizanjem plave kartice. Gospodine Lewer, pažljivo sam slušao što ste govorili i mogu razumijeti dio vašeg izlaganja jer znam iz kojeg političkog spektra dolazite i kako razmišljate.

Htio bih vas pitati slažete li se sa mnom, kao što je i g. povjerenik izložio, da je osim o ovim temama o kojima ste govorili, edukacija o našoj povijesti, europskoj povijesti i svemu što se događalo u Europi u prošlom stoljeću jako bitna za generacije koje dolaze da znaju kako je razjedinjena Europa, Europa u ratu donijela velike nesreće svim njezinim narodima? Slažete li se sa mnom da to treba biti dio edukacije naših mladih?


  Andrew Lewer (ECR), blue-card answer. An understanding of European history and its culture is vital for everybody who lives in the Member States of the EU to progress, understand one another and cooperate. That does not in any sense translate into an added or statutory role for the EU in that particular area.


  María Teresa Giménez Barbat, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. Señora Presidenta, tal como pone de manifiesto el informe Ward, el diálogo intercultural es una herramienta necesaria para construir una sociedad europea más integrada. En esos diálogos, los interlocutores deben aceptar las diferencias y particularidades del otro, pero deben compartir, sobre todo, un mínimo de valores y principios básicos. Sin el reconocimiento de esos valores y principios el diálogo nace viciado. El diálogo intercultural posibilita conocer mejor al otro y puede, en ocasiones, ayudar a conocerse mejor a uno mismo. En cualquier caso, la finalidad del diálogo entre culturas debe ser siempre la convivencia respetuosa.

En el informe se hace referencia al extremismo violento y se lo vincula con la exclusión social. Tenemos ante nosotros un desafío cuando constatamos que ese tipo de violencia también la han manifestado jóvenes con títulos universitarios y que han crecido en entornos cultos, o bien personas pertenecientes a familias acomodadas y que durante su infancia y juventud no sufrieron problemas de integración, así que no resulta fácil hacer casar esas realidades contrapuestas.

Quisiera agradecer el trabajo de Julie Ward por la importancia que da en ese texto a la acción cultural exterior de la Unión Europea. La cultura puede propiciar vínculos estrechos entre países y la Unión Europea debería tenerla siempre presente.

En conclusión, en la Declaración de París de 17 de marzo de 2015 los ministros de Educación de los Estados miembros se comprometieron a emprender acciones con el fin de reforzar el papel del diálogo intercultural en la educación de los ciudadanos. Ha llegado el momento de pasar de las propuestas a las acciones eficaces.

(La oradora acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» (artículo 162, apartado 8, del Reglamento))


  Gerard Batten (EFDD), blue-card question. You spoke about intercultural dialogue and the need to accept differences. I am sure that you are aware that, for example, in the Qur’an, it says that Muslims must not take non—believers as their friends, advisers and confidants as they cannot be trusted. The Islamic religion teaches the doctrine of Taqiya, which says that Muslims may lie to non-Muslims in order to further the interests of their religion. Do you think that this is a bar to any meaningful intercultural dialogue and how do we overcome it?


  María Teresa Giménez Barbat (ALDE), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». Señor Batten, me parece muy interesante lo que me ha dicho. Si usted ha escuchado lo que he comentado, he insistido mucho en que es fundamental aceptar las diferencias entre las diferentes comunidades, pero, desde luego, respetando todos unos principios básicos que son elementales; es decir, sin estos principios no hay convivencia y el diálogo intercultural no es posible. En ese sentido, le podría dar la razón a usted.


  Inês Cristina Zuber, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. Senhora Presidente, será que o caminho para fomentar a democracia, a tolerância e o respeito consiste apenas na educação? Certamente que será parte importante, mas, sem ação concreta, não há aqui nada mais do que declarações de intenções em abstrato. O contraditório com o que este relatório proclama é que a União Europeia é a primeira a estigmatizar culturas distantes, quando ergue fronteiras externas e enxota os que querem chegar a território da União Europeia, fomentando a ideia de uma supremacia cultural numa União Europeia com fronteiras intransponíveis.

O que faz a União Europeia quando mistura o problema das migrações com as ameaças à segurança das pessoas? Não será a União Europeia a primeira a estigmatizar os migrantes em tantos discursos e conclusões, por exemplo, do Conselho Europeu?

Educação, sim. Mas é através da inclusão social que as barreiras e os preconceitos são, na prática, destruídos.


  Ernest Maragall, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. Señora presidenta, celebro haber coincidido con la señora Ward en este informe sobre el diálogo intercultural, por su compromiso firme con los valores europeos entendidos en su significación genuina, coherente con la voluntad inicial, pero también con el proyecto de construcción social compartida que hoy vemos amenazada.

Y, por la misma razón, rechazo la propuesta de Resolución alternativa presentada por la señora Bilde, que parte de hipótesis que están en las antípodas de lo que el informe de la señora Ward nos plantea acertadamente, con la educación como hábito central pero no exclusivo del diálogo, para trabajar con los hábitos democráticos y la cohesión social que querríamos ver presentes en toda Europa, enriqueciendo y no sustituyendo la diversidad histórica y cultural de todos nuestros pueblos.

Por eso, hemos de referirnos a la nueva y necesaria aproximación a muchos de nuestros modelos urbanos, que marginan en lugar de conectar, al fracaso constatado en la relación entre educación y trabajo, al ascensor social inaccesible para tantos jóvenes de nuestros barrios y ciudades.

Ahí es donde se juega el futuro de Europa, en Moleenbeek, en Saint-Denis, en tantas otras ciudades españolas, alemanas, italianas o inglesas. Hay que invertir en ciudadanía europea. Hay que ganar la batalla del respeto y la libertad real para todos y cada uno de nuestros ciudadanos, sea cual sea su origen, su año de llegada, su diferencia cultural o religiosa. Así, y no con la obsesiva protección de identidades nacionales supuestamente amenazadas; aún menos, mediante la construcción de muros o la recuperación de fronteras a las que hoy asistimos con un cierto fatalismo.

Falta únicamente que Europa crea en ella misma, que adopte de modo efectivo el contenido estimulante de este informe, que recupere la coherencia perdida entre sus palabras, la Declaración de París, por ejemplo, y sus hechos, los que cada día nos avergüenzan o entristecen.

Recuperemos el proyecto Europa, abierto y libre para la circulación de ideas, culturas y personas. Todos ganaremos con ello.


  Isabella Adinolfi, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio la collega Ward per l'approccio adottato nella relazione. Nell'attuale periodo di smarrimento che sta attraversando l'Unione europea, si è avuto il coraggio di indicare che i valori comuni che tengono unite le nostre società continuano ad essere: la libertà, la giustizia sociale, l'equità, la non-discriminazione, la democrazia, i diritti umani, lo Stato di diritto e la solidarietà. Il dialogo interculturale, l'istruzione e la diversità culturale vengono enucleati in maniera adeguata per ricordare, agli Stati membri e alle istituzioni dell'Unione europea, che la loro centralità debba accompagnarsi a misure credibili di coesione sociale. Condivido che l'azione delle istituzioni dell'UE e degli Stati membri debba essere orientata ad assicurare eguaglianza non solo formale ma anche sostanziale per il contrasto reale contro ogni forma di discriminazione e marginalità. Quindi auspico e spero che le istituzioni sapranno far tesoro di tali indicazioni.


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ENF. Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, visiblement, vous ne devez pas aimer cette Union européenne que vous prétendez toujours sauver à tout prix, puisque ce texte n'est d'autre qu'un véritable mépris des traités européens. En effet, je rappelle que l'article 6 du traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne fait de l'éducation et de la culture des compétences exclusives des États membres. Pourtant, ce rapport, sous couvert de bons sentiments, cherche à mettre dans le giron de Bruxelles les politiques éducatives et culturelles, dont les échecs, s'ils sont reconnus depuis longtemps par nombre de dirigeants européens, Mme Merkel et M. Cameron pour ne citer qu'eux, prennent aujourd'hui une forme des plus barbares.

Apparemment, qu'importe pour vous, que des femmes se fassent violer le soir du nouvel an, que des milliers de personnes soient victimes d'attentats terroristes sanglants, vous persistez à croire qu'en forçant les peuples européens à nier leur culture et leur tradition, le vivre ensemble sera sauvé.

Chers collègues, je ne saurais dire si voter un tel rapport relève d'une naïveté désespérante ou d'une irresponsabilité totale. Ceux qui aiment l'Europe et la diversité culturelle des États qui la composent voteront forcément contre ce texte.

(L'oratrice accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))


  Silvia Costa (S&D), Domanda "cartellino blu". Vorrei solo ricordare alla collega Bilde che l'articolo 167 del trattato dice in realtà che l'Unione europea, sulla base della convenzione Unesco sulla diversità culturale e la Commissione Unesco sul patrimonio culturale comune, ha il diritto e il dovere di intervenire, naturalmente nel rispetto della sussidiarietà degli Stati membri, in ambito culturale e promuovendo e valorizzando sia la diversità culturale, il dialogo interculturale e anche, naturalmente, il patrimonio sia materiale che immateriale. E così anche nella parte educativa c'è un metodo aperto di coordinamento fra le politiche educative e raccomandazioni dell'Europa sulle linee educative.


  Dominique Bilde (ENF), réponse "carton bleu". Madame la Présidente, oui, bien sûr, j'entends bien qu'il peut y avoir éventuellement des exemples sur des choses un peu moins compliquées que celles que nous observons à l'heure actuelle, notamment dans notre pays. Vous voyez qu'à cette heure-ci, on a plein de problèmes. On a eu des catastrophes qui se sont produites les mois derniers et on ne peut pas faire comme si elles n'avaient pas eu lieu. On a essayé de faire cela avec les monuments qui sont détruits. Regardez – quel que soit le côté vers lequel on se tourne –, on n'arrive pas à mettre en place un échange culturel qui marche. Il faut donc se servir de ce qui ne va pas pour essayer justement de trouver des solutions et de ne pas agir systématiquement parce qu'on a le droit de le faire. Je pense qu'il faut vraiment réfléchir.


  Sabine Verheyen (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! Die Förderung des interkulturellen Dialogs ist heute wichtiger denn je.

Gegenseitiges Verständnis und Respekt zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen muss Basis unseres Miteinanders sein, damit unsere Gesellschaft weiterhin in Vielfalt und Freiheit bestehen kann. In diesem Bericht fordern wir die Kommission und – Frau Bilde und Herr Lewer – auch die Mitgliedsstaaten auf, den kulturellen Austausch und die kulturelle Bildung zu fördern und als wichtigen Teil der EU-Außenpolitik, aber auch insbesondere der Europäischen Innenpolitik zu betrachten und auszubauen.

Gerade der Bildungsbereich spielt eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Schon früh sollte hier ein interkultureller und wertebasierter Ansatz verfolgt werden. Bildungseinrichtungen aller Art sollten nicht nur Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch ethische und zivilgesellschaftliche Werte, um ihre Schüler zu toleranten und verantwortungsbewussten Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft zu erziehen.

Die Rolle der Lehrer ist in der Werteerziehung auch essenziell. Das EU-Programm ERASMUS+ hat bereits vielen jungen Menschen diesen Austausch mit anderen Kulturen ermöglicht. Die Flüchtlingskrise ist eine der größten Herausforderungen der Europäischen Union heute. Wir müssen gemeinsam Extremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit verhindern und allen Formen von Diskriminierung und Ausgrenzung entgegenwirken.

Dazu ist die Vermittlung der gemeinsamen gesellschaftlichen Werte unabdingbar. Jedoch brauchen wir auch einen verstärkten Dialog zwischen den unterschiedlichen Kulturen, aber auch Religionen. Religionen beeinflussen das Handeln und Denken der Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass wir über den Dialog zwischen den Religionen Gemeinsamkeiten herausarbeiten und Gegensätze minimieren.

Es ist unabdingbar, dass aus allen Religionsgemeinschaften heraus Wege gefunden werden, im Einklang mit unseren gemeinsamen europäischen Werten zu stehen. Nur so können wir in Zukunft in Frieden und Freiheit miteinander leben.


  Γιώργος Γραμματικάκης ( S&D). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, όπως ανέφεραν προηγουμένως πολλοί συνάδελφοι και όπως επισημαίνει πολύ σωστά η έκθεση της κ. Ward, o διαπολιτισμικός διάλογος αντανακλά πράγματι ορισμένες από τις θεμελιώδεις αξίες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Οι αξίες αυτές έφτασαν στην αποθέωσή τους τόσο με την υποδοχή των μεταναστών από το γερμανικό κοινό, όσο και με τις ηρωικές προσπάθειες των νησιωτών στην Ελλάδα να σώσουν τους πρόσφυγες.

Όμως οι αξίες αυτές χάνουν τη σημασία τους χωρίς πολιτική βούληση και πράξη, και σε αυτό το σημείο έχουμε φτάσει. Πώς μπορεί λοιπόν να ενισχυθούν οι αξίες μέσω της εκπαίδευσης, του πολιτισμού, των τεχνών και του αθλητισμού; Για τις θρησκείες έχω δεύτερες σκέψεις, διότι συχνά είναι αντίθετες με τις διαφωτιστικές έννοιες της ανθρωπότητας. Δυστυχώς όμως οι πόροι των ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων που μπορούν να προωθήσουν τους στόχους αυτούς παραμένουν ανεπαρκείς, παρά τα όσα είπε ο κύριος επίτροπος. Ελπίζω η έκθεση να αποτελέσει την αρχή μιας άλλης, πιο γενναιόδωρης, ευρωπαϊκής προσέγγισης στα κρίσιμα αυτά θέματα.


  Gerolf Annemans (ENF). Ik weet niet of u het beseft - anders is daar altijd de ENF-Fractie om u eraan te herinneren -, maar uw verslag is dromerig en zweverig in het licht van de recente migratie-invasie die het gevolg is van uw Europese Unie en haar Schengen-Verdrag en van uw opengrenzenpolitiek, die overigens tot desastreuze en bijna chaotische resultaten heeft geleid in het afgelopen jaar 2015. In het licht van wat in Keulen is gebeurd, is uw verslag naïef en wereldvreemd.

Culturele diversiteit als een waarde op zich zien, is misplaatst. Europa, niet de Europese Unie - dat is iets anders -, Europa als cultuurruimte en als beschavingscontinent heeft behoefte aan een besef van de eigen identiteit en het openlijk verdedigen daarvan, in plaats van het te laten verwateren en open te stellen voor incompatibele waarden van overal in heel de wereld. Dat is niet de bedoeling.


  Milan Zver (PPE). Medkulturni in medverski dialog sta pomembna v času, ko se Evropa sooča s številnimi izzivi, povezanimi s priseljevanjem, verskimi in medkulturnimi spori in porastom radikalizma.

Kot sem poudaril že pri sprejemanju poročila o preprečevanju radikalizacije, ima izobraževanje pri urejanju tega izziva izjemno pomembno vlogo.

Želel pa bi poudariti, da sprejemanje različnih kultur in praks ne sme iti na račun temeljnih vrednost Evropske unije, kot so spoštovanje človekovih pravic, dostojanstva, svobode, demokracije, enakosti med ženskami in moškimi ter pravne države, ki so zapisane v členu 2 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji.

Strpnost do specifičnih kulturnih orientacij ne more biti pomembnejša od spoštovanja univerzalnih temeljnih vrednot.

Nisem zadovoljen s celotnim poročilom, vendar ga bom jutri podprl, med drugim tudi zato, ker poudarja pomen družine v celotnem procesu in pomen izobraževanja prikrajšanih otrok.

Pomembna se mi zdi tudi usmeritev, da se je potrebno ustrezno odzvati na ravnanja, ki niso v skladu s temeljnimi vrednotami okolja, v katerem živimo.

(Govornik se je strinjal, da bo sprejel vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka (člen 162(8)).


  Ivana Maletić (PPE), pitanje podizanjem plave kartice Zahvaljujem predsjedavajuća i zahvaljujem kolega Zver na prihvaćanju pitanja. U tijeku je razgovor o reviziji višegodišnjeg financijskog okvira pa me zanima smatrate li da se bolja implementacija međukulturnog dijaloga može postići snažnijim izmjenama proračuna na europskoj razini i većim izdvajanjem sredstava za aktivnosti o kojima ste govorili i koje su u izvješću isto tako objašnjene?


  Milan Zver (PPE), odgovor na vprašanje, postavljeno z dvigom modrega kartončka. Mislim, da je to ključno vprašanje, torej finančna podpora vsem tem našim željam in projektom, ki smo jih zapisali med drugim tudi v tem zadnjem poročilu.

Do revizije finančnega proračuna za sedanje finančno obdobje bo moralo priti. Brez dodatnih sredstev Evropa ne bo kos nalogam, ki so jih pred nas postavili novi in novi migrantski valovi.


  Момчил Неков (S&D). Благодаря на моята колежка Джули Уорд за конструктивната работа по доклада. Терористичните атаки в Париж през изминалата година показаха колко е важно да засилим междукултурния диалог с трети държави и да инвестираме в приобщаващо образование от най-ранна възраст.

За да превъзмогнем кризата на идентичността, която Европа пресича в момента и от която се хранят най-вече националистите, е необходимо да се съсредоточим върху разработването на подходящи образователни политики. Парижката декларация от 17 март 2015 г. ясно показа политическа воля на министрите на образованието на Европейския съюз с общи усилия да се преборят с маргинализацията, нетолерантността и расизма.

Както добре ни е известно икономическото, социалното и културното изключване на определени групи от социума е една от първопричините за проявата на насилие. Ето защо е изключително важно чрез насърчаване на културно многообразие и социално приобщаване да противодействаме на тези процеси. Изключително съм горд с програмата „Еразъм +“, защото тя има ключова роля в борбата срещу предразсъдъците и нетолерантността сред подрастващите.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). Paní předsedající, chtěla bych zdůraznit, že zpráva Evropského parlamentu, která se zaměřuje na mezikulturní dialog právě vzhledem k ohrožení radikalismem a konflikty, není důležitá jen právě pro tu svoji aktuálnost. Nemůže jít tedy jen o reakci na toto momentální ohrožení, ale musí jít o systematickou práci, která je tou nejlepší prevencí proti národnostním konfliktům a nesnášenlivosti a proti nárůstu násilí.

Evropské hodnoty, to není nic umělého. Jsou to přirozeně obecné lidské hodnoty, a proto je důležité, abychom my, občané zemí Evropské unie, jim rozuměli a dokázali je sdílet. Evropská unie vyrůstá z kořenů judaismu, křesťanství a antiky, ale je tvořena velmi odlišnými národy a kulturami, je ovlivněna globalizací, migrací, a proto je nutné pracovat na vzájemném lepším poznání a sdílení těchto hodnot. Zpráva zařazuje mnoho důležitých poznatků a návrhů, a proto jsem se rozhodla zprávu podpořit, protože zdůrazňuje potřebnost etické výchovy a etických hodnot, výchovy k občanství, znalost cizích jazyků, která je pro společné aktivity a dialog nezbytná a musí být podporována. Výuka musí být vedena nejenom k právům, ale také k zodpovědnosti. Myslím, že solidarita, kterou dnes projevují stovky dobrovolníků, je důkazem, že evropské obecně lidské hodnoty jsou živé a že stojí za to je podporovat.


  Damian Drăghici (S&D). Madam President, I would first of all like to congratulate Ms Ward for her great work on this very important topic in the current context of increasing concern over radicalisation and extremism in Europe and around the world.

More than ever, we need to focus on the high potential of intercultural dialogue and on the EU dimension in education to promote and develop a deeper inclusivity and sense of belonging, respect for cultural diversity, community spirit and acceptance of multicultural and multinational societies. As education has a central role to play in transmitting the principle of active citizenship and multicultural respect to younger generations, we need to fully engage all education stakeholders in this respect and ensure that culture, education and intercultural dialogue receive a central position in European policies. It is essential that we increase investment in education and create more inclusive learning environments, by ensuring equal access to high quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all learners, especially for those coming from disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.


  Anna Záborská (PPE) Kultúrna rozmanitosť Európy je naším spoločným bohatstvom. Máme ho len dovtedy, kým európske národy zdieľajú víziu o jednom európskom spoločenstve a snažia sa ju napĺňať. Toto bohatstvo sa stále len učíme využívať a treba povedať, že tu vidím prínos predloženej správy, ktorá podrobne mapuje potenciál aj nedostatky pri nakladaní s duchovným bohatstvom, ktoré je naším spoločným dedičstvom.

Mnohé z návrhov tejto správy považujem za správne. Principiálne však nesúhlasím s tým, aby sa tzv. rodová ideológia a rodové hľadisko priraďovali k spoločným európskym hodnotám ako solidarita, subsidiarita alebo dôstojnosť ľudskej osoby. Zmluvy ani Charta základných práv nepoznajú termín rod ani rodové hľadisko, poznajú len rovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi.

Samozrejme tieto termíny dnes nepochybne obohacujú európsku rozmanitosť. Môžu byť však nanajvýš predmetom medzikultúrneho dialógu. V žiadnom prípade nepatria k jeho predpokladom ani cieľom. Žiaľ, predložená správa v bodoch 20 a 27 tvrdí presný opak a to považujem za veľmi nešťastné. Napriek tomu správu podporím.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Stefano Maullu (PPE). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, credo che questa relazione si inserisca in un momento storico particolarissimo, che definisce in maniera puntuale la necessità di un dialogo interculturale che metta al centro i valori dell'Unione europea, in particolare verso tutti coloro che vedono in questa nostra dimensione culturale un momento di arrivo e di speranza.

I valori che rappresentiamo devono essere accompagnati da un momento che veda la società civile protagonista attraverso strumenti finanziari dedicati e programmi che consentano a questa rete straordinaria che ogni paese mette a disposizione, di mettere insieme diversità culturali e diversità religiose, proprio in un momento in cui l'integralismo religioso diventa l'elemento fondamentale attraverso cui il terrorismo si accompagna e crea le condizioni perché le giovani generazioni si possano abbeverare. Questa relazione va a contrastare in maniera assolutamente efficace questa dimensione onirica che viene proposta ai giovani che stanno dall'altra parte del Mediterraneo e merita quindi tutto il nostro supporto.


  Caterina Chinnici (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, io ringrazio la collega Julie Word per la sua relazione, che sottolinea come il dialogo interculturale sia una delle pietre fondanti dell'idea stessa di Europa. E in un momento come quello attuale ritengo sia più che mai necessario ribadire questo concetto, attraverso interventi concreti nella vita quotidiana della nostra società. Istruzione, educazione, formazione e cultura sono le chiavi di tali interventi.

A questo scopo l'Europa deve puntare sulla scuola, sottolineandone ancora una volta e con forza il ruolo fondamentale di luogo di diffusione e scambio delle culture. La mancanza di inclusione sociale e l'emarginazione delle periferie dei quartieri delle nostre città, ormai lo sappiamo, impediscono un reale dialogo interculturale, con il rischio di favorire l'insinuarsi dalla radicalizzazione. Occorre quindi, perché certe tragedie non accadano di nuovo, intervenire soprattutto sui giovani, tutti i giovani, che dobbiamo accogliere ed educare ai valori della tolleranza e del rispetto delle diverse culture, valori che sono propri dell'Unione europea.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Gospođo predsjednice, migracije su obilježile povijest čovječanstva, a događale su se iz raznih razloga. Bilo da se radilo o okupaciji, bijegu od pogibelji ili ekonomskoj migraciji, veliki priljev novog stanovništva uvijek je predstavljao svojevrsnu traumu – za matično stanovništvo, same migrante ili oboje.

I danas smo svjedoci masovnih migracija u Europu i moramo priznati da su one uzrok traume, kako za one koji dolaze u potrazi za sigurnošću i boljim životom, tako i za domicilno stanovništvo.

Nimalo ne dvojim kako je moderna Europa i više nego tolerantna prema različitostima. Svjedoci naše gostoljubivosti su milijuni migranata koje su države članice primile u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća i dale im priliku za bolji život.

No, takva prilika ne smije dolaziti bezuvjetno, a jedan od glavnih preduvjeta mora biti potpuna integracija – prihvaćanje demokracije, vladavine prava i naših kršćanskih vrijednosti, naravno, uz jamstvo zadržavanja vlastite posebnosti. Oni koji na to nisu spremni, ne bi trebali biti dobrodošli!


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE). Madam President, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur and all the shadow rapporteurs for their contribution to this report. Europe’s cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is rooted in the history of our continent, and it is significantly increasing in a transformative way. Today, according to statistical data provided by Eurostat, around 7% of the European Union’s population was born outside the EU. This cultural diversity is the core of the European project and ‘unity in diversity’ is the motto of our Union. Lately we have witnessed intolerance, racism and discrimination threatening Europe’s stability and development. This requires urgent action and there is no doubt that the most effective tool for tackling intolerance, racism and discrimination is education.

Actions to promote an intercultural approach in education are highly needed in order to support multiculturalism, integration, social inclusion and cohesion.


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). Multikulturni dialog je širok in kompleksen pojem, ki je danes v široki uporabi in v svoji osnovi pomeni komunikacijo med ljudmi, ki prihajajo iz različnih življenjskih okolij, verskih, socialnih, kulturnih, generacijskih.

In prav tako multikulturni dialog pomeni razmišljanje, refleksijo in sprejemanje drugačnosti z namenom sodelovanja in pa konstruktivnega dialoga.

Pomeni na nek način velik individualni in pa družbeni izziv sodobnega časa in ravno zdaj seveda smo v teh trenutkih, ko moramo temu dati še posebno pozornost.

Ta migracijski ciklus bo trajal, to gre za dolgoročni proces, in zato se strinjam s kolegi, ki so dejali, da moramo veliko več sredstev nameniti tudi za izobraževanje, za torej dvig in razumevanje pomena multikulturnega dialoga.


  Jonathan Arnott (EFDD). Madam President, as a Eurosceptic, I am all for respecting national culture. I do not want the homogenised amorphous blob that comes when people try to promote a sterile pan-European culture. But you can bet your bottom euro that calls for more taxpayers’ cash to be splashed on EU culture, on white elephants like the LUX prize, and on more EU at the United Nations, are going to end up promoting the ring of stars without doing the blindest thing to strengthen those precious national cultures that we should be holding so dear.

As for our education system promoting the EU, we need to remember that the Education Act of 1996 requires schools to be impartial on political issues. It is time to actually enforce that, not to have more and more EU pushed into our schools. Let’s be neutral. If you want to know what is wrong with the Labour Party in this place, you need look no further than this report.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). Közös anyanyelvünkön, magyarul szeretném kérdezni Navracsics biztos urat a következőről: egyetért-e azzal, hogy vannak bizonyos dolgok, ahol helye van a kulturális különbözőségnek, relativizmusnak és vannak olyan dolgok, amelyekben viszont nincsen, mert hogy azok abszolút és univerzális természetűek. Legalábbis Európában. Ilyenek az európai emberi jogok. Kérdezem Navracsics biztos urat és egyébként kollégáimat is és a raportőrt is, hogy a nők egyenjogúságát, egyenlő méltóságát és a testi integritáshoz és biztonsághoz való jogát melyik kategóriába sorolják. Én nagyon bízom benne, hogy ezt Önök európai emberi jogi kérdésnek tekintik, és például azt, ami Kölnben történt szilveszter éjszakáján, amit Európa fekete éjszakájának neveznék, azt az emberi jogok tömeges és durva megsértésének tekintik. Amennyiben így van, akkor kedves biztos úr és kedves Európai Parlament miért nincs ez a kérdés az Európai Parlament napirendjén.


(Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot päättyvät)


  Tibor Navracsics, Member of the Commission. Madam President, beginning with the question, I am really sorry that the honourable Member of the European Parliament, Krisztina Morvai, missed my first intervention because I was just talking about the importance of human rights and the importance of the rule of law among European values. The European Union is based on human rights and the rule of law, so I think that when we talk about intercultural dialogue and when we talk about the role of education in democratic socialisation, we have to take into account those values as well, which means the universal validity of human rights in the European civilisation.

I think there is a consensus that education plays an enormous role in democratic socialisation, and there is a consensus that if we want to make our democracies more cohesive and more efficient then we have to go beyond formal educational institutions and we have to map out all the opportunities in non-formal and informal education and in intercultural and inter—religious dialogue, and we have to map out the role of the family in democratic socialisation, in teaching democratic soft skills for our children, for the next generations.

The Ward report is a very important element and step in this long and pretty complex road. We are just at the start of that road and I am looking forward to working with you efficiently and, hopefully, successfully on this project.


  Julie Ward, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank the Commissioner and colleagues for participating in the process of creating this report and in debating what is an extremely emotional subject.

I thought I would just finish by telling you a story because to participate in intercultural dialogue does not mean giving up anything, it means engaging in a wider conversation with people from around the world, from different cultures, different places, different demographic areas, different ages, different religions, people of different skin colour, people from different walks of life, from different industrial areas and rural areas. It means a richness, not a giving up of anything.

I was brought up in a family that every week went to dance English country dancing. My father is a Morris man, and ‘Morris dancing’ probably comes from ‘Moorish dancing’. It comes from Africa, it comes from Islam. And it is important that people understand that our culture is not fixed; it is always changing. It needs to be open, because the richness of the past meeting with the present to create the future is what is so exciting about being human, about having conversations with other people. So this report is about openness and about welcoming, inclusive conversations with everybody. It is not about closing down society, and I look forward to working with you.


  President. – The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Tuesday, 19 January 2016.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), în scris. Într-o Uniune supusă în permanență provocărilor, este extrem de important pentru generația tânără să aibă acces la programe care să îi permită dobândirea de aptitudini și competențe de viață esențiale pentru dezvoltarea personală în perspectiva unei cariere viitoare și a unei cetățenii europene active. Consider benefic accesul timpuriu al copiilor, indiferent de mediul cultural și social din care provin, la alte culturi prin programe care le permit acestora crearea unui sentiment al apartenenței comune și o cultură a dialogului intercultural. În acest context, includerea unor vizite de studiu speciale în diverse state membre și mobilitatea transnațională a copiilor de vârstă mică prin cooperarea transregională și transfrontalieră constituie un mijloc necesar pentru a construi fundamentele culturilor, artelor, limbilor și valorilor europene. Pe de altă parte, mobilitatea tinerilor și a cadrelor didactice, toate formele de cooperare dintre școli și universități, de exemplu, prin platforme educaționale comune, programe și proiecte comune de studiu sunt elemente esențiale menite să susțină înțelegerea și aprecierea diversității culturale, precum și dobândirea de către tineri a unor competențe sociale, civice și interculturale.


  Филиз Хюсменова (ALDE), в писмена форма. Уважаеми г-н Председател, уважаеми колеги, основните принципи и ценности, върху които е изградена обединена Европа, са това, което я превръща в притегателна сила за хиляди хора по света. Европа такава, каквато е днес, е изградена именно върху основата на междукултурния диалог, върху културна пъстрота, многообразие на етносите, езиците и традициите.

За да продължи обаче Европа да съществува като пример за толерантността, справедливостта и мирното съвместно съществуване, всички ние, независимо от произхода и различията си, си дължим взаимно разбиране и уважение. Тук ролята на образованието е решаваща. Вярвам, че възпитаването в разбиране на културните различия ще е много по-дългосрочна, ефективна и дори икономически изгодна мярка, отколкото изграждането на стени помежду ни.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D), în scris. Dezvoltarea unui dialog intercultural și interreligios cu toate părțile interesate reprezintă un prim pas în abordarea eficientă a conflictelor social-culturale declanșate în ultima perioadă pe teritoriul UE, și nu numai. La fel de importantă este și educația în formarea tinerilor, a noilor generații, de a accepta diversitatea culturală, de a gândi liber și de a se respecta reciproc. Aceste două instrumente sunt esențiale pentru combaterea anumitor fenomene sociale tot mai răspândite, cum ar fi discriminarea, violența, radicalismul, rasismul și xenofobia.


  Ελισσάβετ Βοζεμπεργκ-Βρυωνιδη ( PPE), γραπτώς. Το τελευταίο διάστημα, η ΕΕ αγωνίζεται να ανταποκριθεί στην κρίσιμη συγκυρία που βιώνει εν μέσω της ανεξέλεγκτης ροής μεταναστών προς την Ευρώπη, της αυξανόμενης εισόδου στρατολογημένων μαχητών της θρησκευτικής τρομοκρατίας και της εξάπλωσης του διασυνοριακού οργανωμένου εγκλήματος με κύριο στόχο την Ευρώπη. Μεταξύ άλλων, μας συγκλόνισαν οι πρόσφατες καταγγελίες για πληθώρα σεξουαλικών επιθέσεων σε βάρος γυναικών στην Κολωνία από αλλοδαπούς, γεγονός που πυροδότησε για ακόμη μία φορά την εξάπλωση ακραίων ρατσιστικών αντιευρωπαϊκών μηνυμάτων, με κύριο στόχο τους μετανάστες και περιεχόμενο τη μη ανοχή στη διαφορετικότητα οιασδήποτε μορφής εντός ΕΕ. Στην Ευρώπη των 28, η ενίσχυση του διαπολιτισμικού διαλόγου είναι καταλυτική, ειδικά στον τομέα των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων, με στόχο την προώθηση των ευρωπαϊκών αξιών, όπως ορίζονται στο Χάρτη των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων της ΕΕ, και το σεβασμό της πολιτιστικής, θρησκευτικής και ανθρωπιστικής πολυμορφίας, όχι μόνο των ευρωπαϊκών πληθυσμών αλλά και όσων αναζητούν δικαιολογημένα ένα ελεύθερο περιβάλλον ισότητας και κοινωνικής συνοχής, για να εργαστούν και να μεγαλώσουν τα παιδιά τους, κυνηγημένοι από τη λαίλαπα του πολέμου. Υπό την πίεση μάλιστα του μεταναστευτικού/προσφυγικού ζητήματος, είναι αναγκαίο να κατανοήσουμε ότι είναι αδιανόητο πρόσφυγες, παράτυποι μετανάστες, εγκληματίες του κοινού ποινικού δικαίου και τρομοκράτες να εξομοιώνονται κοινωνικά και να τυγχάνουν μίας γενικευμένης ισοπεδωτικής και απαξιωτικής μεταχείρισης.


  Jarosław Wałęsa (PPE), na piśmie. W społeczeństwie wielokulturowym dialog stanowi pożądaną alternatywę dla relacji antagonistycznych między reprezentantami różnych kultur, sposobu edukacji, rozpowszechniania podstawowych wartości. Postawy wzajemnego szacunku i uznania stają się więc warunkiem owocnej współpracy między narodami. Dialog międzykulturowy jest w swojej istocie procesem działającym w dwóch kierunkach, w którym obie ze stron doświadczają korzyści. Wartościową inicjatywą stają się więc programy państw członkowskich UE (Tempus III, Mundus) promujące mobilność ludzi młodych, również nauczycieli akademickich. Dzięki wspólnym platformom edukacyjnym doświadczamy procesu synergii między pokoleniami. Ponadto poprzez uczestnictwo w wolontariatach, inicjatywach sportowych oraz dotyczących sztuki zachodzi proces wyodrębniania się jednostek, których działanie wzmaga zacieśnianie się relacji, co w konsekwencji ułatwia nawiązanie współpracy zespołowej. Współpraca ta pozwala na znacznie szybsze zmierzenie się ze zjawiskami społecznymi, tj. przemocą, radykalizmem, rasizmem, ksenofobią.

Kolejnym flagowym przedsięwzięciem jest partnerstwo miast europejskich, tj. „Europa dla obywateli”. Jego celem jest rozpowszechnianie wymiany kulturowej, informacyjnej, ekonomiczno-gospodarczej, aby w konsekwencji móc współtworzyć międzynarodową działalność u podstaw. Rola dialogu staje się więc tzw. „oknem na świat”, którego siła wynika z jego różnorodności.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), na piśmie. Dewiza Unii Europejskiej „Zjednoczeni w różnorodności” podkreśla, jak ogromnym bogactwem Europy jest różnorodność kulturowa, społeczna, językowa i religijna. W zgodnym współistnieniu różnych tożsamości i przekonań kulturowych w Europie ogromną rolę odgrywa dialog międzykulturowy. W propagowanie tego dialogu nie mogą być zaangażowane jedynie organy publiczne, wymaga to zaangażowania całego społeczeństwa, w tym przedstawicieli życia społecznego, przywódców religijnych, lecz przede wszystkim rodziny będącej podstawową komórką naszego życia społecznego. To w rodzinie każdy z nas zaczął zapoznawać się z kulturą, wartościami i normami obowiązującymi w społeczeństwie, dlatego to rodzina odgrywa tak ważną rolę w propagowaniu dialogu między kulturami.

Dialog międzykulturowy zbliża ludzi i narody, skutecznie przeciwdziała konfliktom i pomaga je rozwiązywać, sprzyja pojednaniu. Pozwala nam lepiej zrozumieć istniejące pomiędzy nami różnice. Jest to ważne, szczególnie w kontekście ostatnich tragicznych i niepokojących wydarzeń w Europie i na świecie. Należy poczynić wszelkie kroki w celu propagowania tego dialogu, wykorzystując nowe technologie, w tym media społecznościowe. W ten sposób dotrzemy do ludzi młodych, szczególnie narażonych na wpływ zniekształconego obrazu innych kultur.

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