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Procedure : 2014/0107(COD)
Document stages in plenary
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PV 19/01/2016 - 17
CRE 19/01/2016 - 17

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PV 20/01/2016 - 7.5
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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 19 January 2016 - Strasbourg

17. Appliances burning gaseous fuels - Cableway installations - Personal protective equipment (debate)
Video of the speeches

  PUHEMIES. – Esityslistalla on seuraavana yhteiskeskustelu

– Vicky Fordin sisämarkkina- ja kuluttajansuojavaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä ehdotuksesta Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetukseksi henkilönsuojaimista (COM(2014)0186 - C7-0110/2014 - 2014/0108(COD)) (A8-0148/2015),

– Catherine Stihlerin sisämarkkina- ja kuluttajansuojavaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä ehdotuksesta Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetukseksi kaasumaisia polttoaineita käyttävistä laitteista (COM(2014)0258 - C8-0006/2014 - 2014/0136(COD)) (A8-0147/2015) ja

– Antonio López-Istúriz Whiten sisämarkkina- ja kuluttajansuojavaliokunnan puolesta laatimasta mietinnöstä ehdotuksesta Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetukseksi köysiratalaitteistoista (COM(2014)0187 - C7-0111/2014 - 2014/0107(COD)) (A8-0063/2015).


  Vicky Ford, rapporteur. Madam President, thank you for the opportunity to speak on the issue of personal protective equipment. This file has been an interesting case study in how the single market operates for both businesses and consumers across the 28 different countries, in the roles of the Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, and in how they interact. It has also been a case study on why it is important to have a seat at the negotiating table.

Just a few weeks ago, many of us saw the shocking images of a factory in Turkey manufacturing thousands of fake life jackets. Instead of helping a person to float, these jackets would make it more likely that the wearer would drown. In order to prevent fake, fraudulent or dangerous equipment from entering our markets, the European Union has had common standards on personal protective equipment for 25 years. This covers lifejackets, crash helmets and safety harnesses – sort of equipment that is used in many different workplaces.

I am sure colleagues will remember the recent Ebola crisis, where PPE was crucial to protect nurses and doctors from infection. When PPE fails, lives can be lost. Our European rules not only cover the responsibility of the manufacturers, but of importers and distributors too. They make it easier for our market surveillance authorities to track products that are found to be dangerous and to remove them from the market. Having a common standard in Europe can often help our manufacturers to secure sales in other parts of the globe, thus boosting our own trade.

The technical changes in the report that we are discussing today will help simplify and modernise 25 years of legislation. This is welcomed by manufacturers, consumer organisations and market players along the supply line, and I welcome it too.

But one of the key quandaries of a single market is always how much standardisation is necessary. In the Commission’s initial approach, they suggested increasing the scope of the legislation to domestic gloves. Now I believe we need a better approach to regulation, and new laws should be based on a clear analysis of the costs and benefits. There was no impact assessment to justify this increase in the scope. Furthermore, I do not believe we need an EU—level agreement on what we wear in our homes to do the washing up. I went into politics to get out of the kitchen not to write rules about what people do in their own sinks. I would like to thank my colleagues from the Parliament’s Internal Market Committee for voting to reject this Commission suggestion to extend the scope to domestic gloves.

We then went into negotiation with the Council – the representatives of 28 European governments. After much discussion, they agreed with most of what the MEPs had suggested. There will be no EU law on washing-up gloves. There will be no EU law on those handmade artisanal products which we see in our Christmas markets and craft fairs. But 27 of those ministers voted by a large majority that they would like to have an EU law on factory—made oven gloves. I personally do not see that need, but I do respect their democratic decision. Furthermore, given that many countries – including my own – already have a market standard on this product, I do not believe that this particular element would add cost to the consumers. I am therefore happy to concede to the Member States’ elected democratic governments on this point.

The gloves are off – at least the washing-up gloves – as are the umbrellas – one more minute, please – but by being at the table, we have made a hundred different amendments to the legislation, all making it simpler, clearer, less bureaucratic and also safer in life saving equipment. I hope that this will make it easier for businesses and consumers to trade.


  Catherine Stihler, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank the shadows, the Commission and the Council for their cooperation on this gas appliances file.

For those of us across the EU who have turned on their gas fire tonight or cooked their dinner on a gas cooker this evening, this proposal will ensure that these day—to—day household products we all take for granted are safe, do what they say they will do, and can be bought or sold across the European Union. Therefore, these new proposals set an example that, by cooperating together to create one set of rules affecting gas ovens, gas cookers and gas central heating systems, we can ensure the greatest safety of these products, which cover 500 million EU citizens. The mandatory essential requirements and the conformity assessment procedures to be followed by manufacturers must be identical in all Member States.

Tomorrow’s vote in plenary will be on the final text agreed upon in the trialogues. I hope everyone will be able to endorse the agreement, as I believe we have managed to find a good compromise between all parties involved. Subject to a positive vote in plenary tomorrow, the regulation will be transposed into national law by all Member States by January 2018.

The gas appliances sector covers a wide range of products, from simple portable cookers to boilers in big buildings. The current EU stock of gas appliances is at 470 million and growing, with more than 30 million units being sold annually. The annual sales for installed gas appliances account for around EUR 40 billion, and the annual turnover for fittings alone is around EUR 1.7 billion. With the scale of this market, it is absolutely imperative to set the highest manufacturing standards possible when producing and placing gas appliances on the EU market, in order to ensure the health and safety of persons and domestic animals.

When talking about health and safety, I would like to highlight this evening the issue of carbon monoxide. When a fuel burns, it generally reacts with the surrounding oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. However, when fuels are unable to burn fully, they produce the dangerous gas known as carbon monoxide, which is poisonous. I have insisted on certain references to carbon monoxide poisoning in this regulation, and I am happy to see this language reflected in the final text. However, not enough is being done by national governments and the EU in this respect and its importance seems to be downplayed despite statistics. In the UK carbon monoxide – often referred to as a silent killer – injures around 200 people per annum, and around 40 of such injuries are fatal. These deaths are all avoidable.

The case of British children Bobby and Christi Shepherd, who died in 2006 of carbon monoxide poisoning at the Louis Corcyra Beach Hotel in Corfu as a result of a faulty boiler, has provoked widespread anger and calls for change. The coroner in the case, David Hinchliff, has called for the tightening of EU—wide regulations in this area in order to prevent future deaths. The travel guidance group, Holiday Travel Watch, has estimated that half a million UK holidaymakers are at risk of CO poisoning every year. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), CO kills more people annually than HIV-Aids or skin cancer.

Currently there are no EU laws setting out minimum safety standards for hotels in Europe to comply with, meaning there exist varying levels of safety in hotels across Europe. Labour MEPs certainly feel this is clearly a cross—border issue deserving legislative action. Consumers deserve to be properly protected, no matter where they choose to stay. In the absence of further proposals for legislation on hotel safety, Labour MEPs support the review of the 1986 Council recommendation and want to see a firm provision for carbon monoxide safety within this revision. This is the only current EU legislative tool containing guidelines for hotels and fire and gas safety.

Without any new regulation, we want to see specific research provisions on carbon monoxide safety and the use of carbon monoxide detectors. There is currently also no body which collects pan-European data on carbon monoxide. If the effectiveness of EU measures taken in this area is to be assessed, this must be remedied.

I hope that you will agree with me that it is essential to deal with the importance of gas safety and carbon monoxide and that we must take further action. Thank you very much, Madam President, for your discretion on this subject.


  Antonio López-Istúriz White, Ponente. Señora Presidenta, existen actualmente alrededor de diecisiete mil quinientas instalaciones de transporte por cable en Europa occidental y en los Alpes. La industria europea mantiene una posición dominante en el mercado global de las instalaciones de transporte por cable —abarca un 60 % del mercado mundial—, siendo la industria del esquí el mercado principal de la tecnología del transporte por cable. Hablamos de cuatro mil puestos de trabajo directamente relacionados con las empresas de instalaciones de transporte por cable y de millones de usuarios en Europa y en el mundo. Estos números ponen en evidencia la importancia de garantizar una elevada protección del consumidor y una plena armonización de los requisitos técnicos, así como normas claras y detalladas que sean aplicables de modo uniforme en toda la Unión, creando un verdadero marco paneuropeo que marcará una pauta a nivel global y creando estándares comunes.

La armonización del mercado interior es un reto que los miembros de la Comisión de Mercado interior y Protección del Consumidor y yo mismo nos tomamos muy en serio. Desde la creación, en 1951, de la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero, el proceso de integración económica ha sido el motor principal en torno al que se ha construido una progresiva integración política. Un mercado interior armonizado permite una mayor integración económica y un mayor crecimiento de nuestras empresas. Hoy más que nunca, ante discursos antieuropeos, hay que poner en evidencia los beneficios de la Unión y todo el camino que todavía podemos recorrer para generar crecimiento y riqueza para nuestras empresas. Con esos tres informes que debatimos hoy aquí, damos un paso más hacia un mercado interior más eficaz, amigo de las empresas y de los consumidores.

El mercado de las instalaciones de transporte por cable se caracteriza por un alto grado de especialización. Por este motivo, estamos ante un informe de elevado contenido técnico. La Directiva de 2000, que hoy reemplazamos por un Reglamento, originó diversas divergencias en la transposición, que mañana suprimiremos. En realidad, el Reglamento que aprobaremos mañana permite una plena armonización y nos permite a todos cumplir con el compromiso político general de trabajar por la mejora de la reglamentación y la simplificación del entorno normativo europeo. Con esta propuesta se armonizan las condiciones para la introducción en el mercado de subsistemas y componentes de seguridad destinados a instalaciones de transporte por cable y se garantiza la libre circulación de estos productos en la Unión Europea.

A tal efecto, se garantiza la aplicación uniforme en toda la Unión, una armonización total, ya que los Estados miembros no pueden imponer requisitos nuevos o más estrictos en su legislación nacional. Esto confiere a la industria la garantía de que su mercancía cumple los requisitos técnicos para venderse en todos los países europeos y, por otro lado, se evitan los costes innecesarios de la transposición. No obstante, los Estados miembros seguirán siendo competentes para regular otros aspectos de las instalaciones de transporte por cable, como el uso del suelo, la ordenación del territorio y la protección del medio ambiente.

La mejora de la claridad jurídica fue otro de los objetivos fundamentales de este Reglamento. El nuevo Reglamento indica su ámbito de aplicación y enumera claramente las exclusiones. La propuesta aporta precisión, en particular en lo que respecta a las instalaciones de transporte por cable que sirven para el transporte de personas como también para las actividades de ocio. Se excluyen del ámbito de aplicación las instalaciones usadas con fines de ocio en ferias o parques de atracciones y las instalaciones históricas con más de treinta años. Se cumple así una petición de muchos Estados miembros, que se encargarán de las normas de seguridad para estas instalaciones.

Por último, hay que señalar todavía la integración de los subsistemas en los procedimientos de evaluación de la conformidad que se emplean para los componentes de seguridad. Tratar los subsistemas de manera diferente que los sistemas supondría dar lugar a distorsiones del mercado y diferencias de trato. Así, la propuesta mantiene los procedimientos de evaluación de la conformidad para los componentes de seguridad, extendiéndolos a los subsistemas.


  Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Member of the Commission. Madam President, first I would like to thank the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and congratulate the rapporteurs Ms Ford, Ms Stihler and Mr López-Istúriz White for their hard work on the three files, which made it possible to find a satisfactory compromise which will, hopefully, help us to swiftly adopt the three regulations at first reading.

A thorough and deeper single market is one of the priorities of the Commission. This package demonstrates that we are also not falling short on delivery. It is an important step in assuring a simpler legal framework. The three regulations on personal protective equipment, gas appliances and cableway installations cover a significant part of the products circulating in our internal market. They concern a vast range of products which millions of EU citizens use on a daily basis. It is crucial that single market legislation ensures that these products are safe and, of course, as regards personal protective equipment in particular, that this actually provides adequate protection.

We also need to ensure that the companies producing those products can count on the legal framework that meets their needs and allows them to be competitive and prosper: a legal framework that is clear and does not impose an excessive burden. This package is really a major step forward in our endeavour to simplify the regulatory environment as the so-called ‘new approach’ directives are changed into regulations, which will be directly applicable in every EU Member State. This will significantly facilitate the life of enterprises. Instead of analysing and researching 28 national transposition laws, companies can directly refer to one single text available in all official languages of the European Union.

With the adoption of the package we are also a step closer to completing the implementation of the new legislative framework, which will make the whole of our single market legislation much more consistent and easier to apply. New obligations have been introduced for importers and distributors, who now have a very clear set of tasks and checks that they must carry out before importing products from third countries into the EU. New rules on traceability will make it possible to follow a product throughout the entire distribution chain. The package will also give better tools to market surveillance authorities, allowing them to fight more efficiently against unsafe and non-compliant products on the EU market. This will be to the benefit of all companies, making them comply with the applicable rules. It will also reduce unfair competition. The benefits of this package are for all: for consumers, enterprises and authorities. And they are clearly there.

Let me make one short remark on an institutional issue. It must be clear – and the recently-concluded negotiations on the interinstitutional agreement on better law-making have confirmed this – that comitology committees are not the same as Commission expert groups. With the new interinstitutional agreement coming into place shortly, the Commission will play closer attention to the role of the committees.

The adoption of these proposals will doubtless have a positive effect on entrepreneurship and competitiveness in Europe. Thus, considering the agreement that has been achieved by the co-legislators and the benefits and significant added value for enterprises, citizens and national administrations, as I illustrated previously, the Commission welcomes the agreed compromise package.

Commission's Statements on:

1. Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on cableway installations [COM(2014)0187 - C7-0111/2014 - 2014/0107(COD)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Antonio López-Istúriz White (A8-0063/2015)

“With regard to recital 65 and the possibility of the European Parliament to be invited to meetings of expert groups, the Commission will implement this recital in accordance with its practice in the implementation of point 15 of the Framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission. Meetings of the Comitology Committee are explicitly excluded under this arrangement. Concerning the reference to infringements in the same recital, the Commission considers this misleading as infringements proceeding are discussed with Member States in the context of the procedures set out under article 258 TFEU.”

"The Commission regrets the adoption of Article 44(5) and recital 64 that creates confusion and legal uncertainty, and may compromise institutional balance. The role of the Comitology Committees which ensure control by Member States on the Commission's exercise of implementing powers is defined only by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011, adopted on the basis of Article 291, third paragraph, TFEU. Therefore, no other secondary legislative act can alter or would need to specify further this role. In particular, the Comitology Committees should not perform the functions which are those of the Commission's Groups of Experts. In addition, the rules of procedures of committees are adopted by the committees on the basis of Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. As such they are to be applied when the Committee exercises its role defined by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. Any reference to rules of procedures outside this context is superfluous and inappropriate. It also risks complicating the functioning of the committee."

2. Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on appliances burning gaseous fuels [COM(2014)0258 - C8-0006/2014 - 2014/0136(COD)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Catherine Stihler (A8-0147/2015)

“With regard to recital 74 and the possibility of the European Parliament to be invited to meetings of expert groups, the Commission will implement this recital in accordance with its practice in the implementation of point 15 of the Framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission. Meetings of the Comitology Committee are explicitly excluded under this arrangement. Concerning the reference to infringements in the same recital, the Commission considers this misleading as infringements proceeding are discussed with Member States in the context of the procedures set out under article 258 TFEU.”

"The Commission regrets the adoption of Article 42(5) and recital 73 that creates confusion and legal uncertainty, and may compromise institutional balance. The role of the Comitology Committees which ensure control by Member States on the Commission's exercise of implementing powers is defined only by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011, adopted on the basis of Article 291, third paragraph, TFEU. Therefore, no other secondary legislative act can alter or would need to specify further this role. In particular, the Comitology Committees should not perform the functions which are those of the Commission's Groups of Experts. In addition, the rules of procedures of committees are adopted by the committees on the basis of Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. As such they are to be applied when the Committee exercises its role defined by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. Any reference to rules of procedures outside this context is superfluous and inappropriate. It also risks complicating the functioning of the committee."

3. Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on personal protective equipment [COM(2014)0186 - C7-0110/2014 - 2014/0108(COD)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Vicky Ford (A8-0148/2015)

“With regard to recital 52 and the possibility of the European Parliament to be invited to meetings of expert groups, the Commission will implement this recital in accordance with its practice in the implementation of point 15 of the Framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission. Meetings of the Comitology Committee are explicitly excluded under this arrangement. Concerning the reference to infringements in the same recital, the Commission considers this misleading as infringements proceeding are discussed with Member States in the context of the procedures set out under article 258 TFEU.”

"The Commission regrets the adoption of recital 51 and article 44 (5) that creates confusion and legal uncertainty, and may compromise institutional balance. The role of the Comitology Committees which ensure control by Member States on the Commission's exercise of implementing powers is defined only by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011, adopted on the basis of Article 291, third paragraph, TFEU. Therefore, no other secondary legislative act can alter or would need to specify further this role. In particular, the Comitology Committees should not perform the functions which are those of the Commission's Groups of Experts. In addition, the rules of procedures of committees are adopted by the committees on the basis of Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. As such they are to be applied when the Committee exercises its role defined by Regulation No (EU) 182/2011. Any reference to rules of procedures outside this context is superfluous and inappropriate. It also risks complicating the functioning of the committee."


  Laura Agea, relatrice per parere della commissione per l'occupazione e gli affari sociali. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, commissaria Bienkowska, come relatrice del parere che la commissione per l'occupazione e affari sociali ha dato sulla relazione sui dispositivi di protezione individuale vorrei ricordare che il parere è stato approvato all'unanimità dalla commissione per l'occupazione e molte sono state le indicazioni fornite, perché riteniamo, come commissione per l'occupazione, che il tema della sicurezza dei lavoratori sia estremamente importante.

Abbiamo indicato che venissero dati degli strumenti fatti ad hoc per chi ne usufruisce, che venisse tenuto conto delle diverse conformità, delle diverse conformazioni degli utilizzatori, un'informazione adeguata, un linguaggio abbastanza comprensibile per chi utilizza questi strumenti. Ci rammarichiamo che il coinvolgimento della commissione occupazione rispetto alla relazione sia stato minimo e che le indicazioni importanti, soprattutto sulla comunicazione, che doveva essere data ai fruitori di questi strumenti, sia stata estremamente risicata. Ci riserviamo comunque di verificare quali sono esattamente le condizioni della relazione ed eventualmente dare il nostro okay alla relazione.


  Pascal Arimont, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich spreche zu Ihnen als EVP-Verhandlungsführer zu diesem Vorschlag einer Verordnung zu persönlichen Schutzausrüstungen.

Der europäische Binnenmarkt zeichnet sich weltweit durch hohe Standards im Verbraucherschutz aus. Ich würde sogar sagen und behaupten, nirgends wird ein Verbraucher so gut geschützt wie oder durch die EU. Konkret geht es hier bei dieser Verordnung um sehr hohe Standards bei Schutzhelmen, Ohrenschützern, Fahrradhelmen, Sonnenbrillen und Warnwesten. Es geht nicht um den selbst gehäkelten Topflappen, es geht nicht um Spülhandschuhe.

Diese Verordnung betrifft daher jeden einzelnen von uns. Wenn ich meiner kleinen Tochter einen Fahrradhelm kaufe, wenn mein Vater als Heimwerker eine Atemschutzmaske oder unzählige Arbeitnehmer auf dem Bau einen Schutzhelm aufsetzen, dann muss jeder darauf bauen können, dass ein optimaler Schutz garantiert ist – und das in ganz Europa.

Wir brauchen daher hohe verbindliche Standards, die den Verbraucher vor Artikeln schlechter Qualität schützen. Für uns als EVP war es aber auch wichtig, die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen des herstellenden Gewerbes zu unterstützen, diese neuen Vorgaben auch konkret umsetzen zu können. Und das ohne zu große bürokratische Auflagen, denn dem Mittelstand fehlt für überzogenen Papierkram ganz einfach die Zeit. Was nutzen daher die besten Vorschriften, wenn nachher niemand in der Lage ist, diese umzusetzen?

Ich begrüße in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem unsere Einigung zu einem vereinfachten Verfahren zur Rezertifizierung. Dies bedeutet, wenn ein Hersteller am Produkt nichts ändert und das Produkt nach wie vor allen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entspricht , dann sollte er auch nicht abermals für diese Zulassung bezahlen müssen.

Hier können wir also zeigen, dass wir beides können. Auf der einen Seite den Verbraucher in ganz Europa effizient vor Betrug und schlechter Qualität schützen und auf der anderen Seite auf die übertriebenen bürokratischen Vorgaben verzichten. Aus diesem Grund werbe ich ganz eindrücklich und ausdrücklich für die Unterstützung für diesen Bericht.


  Kerstin Westphal, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin! Die Regulierung von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung ist mit Sicherheit kein Thema, mit dem wir Abgeordnete große Anerkennung bei den Verbrauchern und Verbraucherinnen erhalten. Manchmal gilt es als Nischenthema. Aber dennoch: Es ist ein Thema, in dem viele wichtige Punkte behandelt werden. Eben die Sicherheit, wie gerade vom Kollegen angesprochen, die versprochen und die aber auch entsprechend eingehalten wird. Schutzausrüstungen beispielsweise für Feuerwehrleute, Helme, brandsichere Kleidung; aber auch für die Forstleute, die schnittsichere Hosen haben müssen. Schutzbekleidungen, die nicht weniger als 224 Millionen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer in der Europäischen Union dringend benötigen.

Aber es geht nicht nur um Schutzausrüstungen für Profis, sondern es geht auch um solche für den privaten Gebrauch. Ja, Frau Vorsitzende Ford, es geht auch um die Backofenhandschuhe, auch da muss Sicherheit gewährleistet sein. Denn überall, wo Sicherheit auf der Verpackung steht, muss natürlich auch Sicherheit drin sein. Das haben wir auch geschafft. In den Verhandlungen sowohl mit dem Rat als auch mit der Kommission waren wir uns beständig der Gefahr bewusst, zu bürokratisch zu sein. Deshalb haben wir ja auch einige Dinge herausgenommen, beispielsweise die Spülhandschuhe, aber eben auch die Sportbekleidung, die da schlicht und einfach nichts verloren hat.

Zudem haben wir auch einige Erleichterungen für die Hersteller erreicht: Sie bekommen Rechtssicherheit und können nun darauf vertrauen, einfach und schnell ihre Baumusterprüfungen verlängert zu bekommen. Verbraucher sowie Hersteller, aber auch Marktüberwachungsbehörden haben mit dieser Regulierung ein ganzes Stück an Gesetzgebung an die Hand bekommen. Ich empfehle das Verhandlungspaket meiner Fraktion zur Annahme.


  Daniel Dalton, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, I welcome the revision of the cableways legislation, which will cut red tape for businesses that want to sell into the EU. They will also make it easier for national authorities to check safety regulations, and it stops the protectionist measures employed by some Member States. But the Commission got it wrong by including historic cableways, and I am delighted that they have now been excluded from the scope of this regulation. This is great news for Bridgnorth Cliff Railway in Shropshire, which next year celebrates its 125th birthday. It originally started as a way to help local people avoid climbing the 200 steps between the high and low town in Bridgnorth, but it has evolved into a major tourist draw and a vital source of income for the town. It already complies with national health and safety legislation, so it is safe, but forcing it to comply with new one—size—fits—all rules on replacement parts would likely have led it to being shut down, given the expense of trying to get its custom—made parts to fit the new requirements. It’s great to see that in this case at least, a one—size—fits—all approach has been stopped in its tracks and historic tourist attractions like Bridgnorth Cliff Railway can continue to be enjoyed by future generations.


  Dita Charanzová, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, Madam Commissioner, these three files might not be the sexiest topics, especially at this point of time. But, because of the work of all us involved in the negotiations, every European citizens will be a little safer after tomorrow’s votes. Citizens will know that when they go to work, take a hot shower or take a ski lift to the top of a mountain – no matter where they are in Europe – the highest safety standards will apply. I am also happy that common sense prevailed in these negotiations. So, for instance the historical cableways like the one in Prague – the Petřín cableway – are excluded from the regulation.

For me, these files are good examples of where European harmonisation just makes common sense. Unless there is a justifiable reason that a technical standard should be different between one Member State and another, common technical regulations help to increase competition in the marketplace. Lower over-regulation and make our lives easier and safer. Madam Commissioner, I would like to encourage the Commission to continue to use its legislative powers to harmonise where it makes sense and the benefit is clear. Such acts are vital to a well-functioning single market.


  Jiří Maštálka, za skupinu GUE/NGL. Paní předsedající, jak bylo řečeno, je možná škoda, že je tak pozdě večer a my se zabýváme touto otázkou, která určitě zajímá občany Evropské unie. Cílem Komise, jak bylo řečeno, je nahradit původní směrnice z roku 1989 nařízením, které by zajistilo povinné a jednotné užívání OOP ve všech členských státech.

Je třeba zmínit, že jde o významný hospodářský význam pro evropský trh, který je odhadován v roce 2010 přibližně na deset miliard EUR a nadále roste, což stimulují zejména moderní technologie, technologické inovace, jako nová vlákna, inteligentní tkaniny a nanomateriály. Domnívám se, že většina navrhovaných změn je pozitivní. Nicméně některé považuji za problematické.

Například začlenění osobních ochranných prostředků proti teplu, vlhku a vodě nebo rozmanitost jazykových režimů zvolená pro různé informace, které je třeba sdělovat, nebo nesoulad mezi desetiletou lhůtou pro uchovávání technické dokumentace a pětiletou lhůtou pro platnost osvědčení o shodě. Klíčovou otázkou tohoto návrhu podle mě je, jak dosáhnout rovnováhy mezi ochranou zájmů spotřebitelů a výrobců, zejména malých a středních podniků, a prosazením používání osobních ochranných prostředků do globální politiky pro předcházení rizikům na pracovištích. Věřím, že tímto nařízením přispějeme k bezpečnosti našich občanů.


  Margot Parker, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President, ‘harmonisation’ and ‘European Union’ are words that go hand in hand. It is no surprise, therefore, to see a debate on three legislative reports aiming to increase harmonisation between Member States. The one-size-fits-all approach of EU regulation is far from perfect, and these regulations in discussion are no exception. The UK Government, for example, has highlighted concerns at the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation and announced that it opposes this regulation passing. Yet, as we all know too well, the UK will be forced to accept it. I am sure that we could all agree that prosperous, mutually beneficial and efficient trade between nations is desirable by all. But it is the growing number of harmonised regulations: are they really necessary? I am afraid I am not yet convinced.


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE). Doamnă președintă, în calitate de raportor din partea Grupului PPE pentru raportul doamnei Stihler, aș dori să le mulțumesc și să îi felicit pe cei trei raportori, doamna Ford, doamna Stihler și domnul Antonio López, pentru toată munca depusă de-a lungul ultimelor luni.

Noul regulament privind aparatele consumatoare de combustibili gazoși reprezintă un exemplu de legislație, de armonizare a Uniunii, asigurând atât libera circulație a aparatelor consumatoare de gaz, cât și introducerea pe piață sau punerea în funcțiune a aparatelor consumatoare de combustibili gazoși care să îndeplinească standarde mai ridicate privind siguranța consumatorului, diminuând astfel și riscurile de siguranță legate de gaz și asigurând, în același timp, utilizarea mai rațională a energiei. De la simple aragazuri portabile până la mari centrale pentru clădirile foarte mari, în Uniunea Europeană stocul actual de aparate consumatoare de gaz este de 470 de milioane, în creștere, vânzându-se peste 30 de milioane de unități în fiecare an.

Mă bucur și sunt foarte recunoscător că doamna raportor, doamna Stihler, a îmbrățișat ideea de a introduce și amenda textul din punct de vedere al siguranței consumatorului, adăugând modificări legate de măsurile de precauție care ar fi trebuit și care trebuie să fie avute în vedere pentru a evita și preveni intoxicarea persoanelor cu gaz, inclusiv cu monoxid de carbon, și scurgerea oricăror substanțe ce ar putea provoca probleme de sănătate și securitate, intoxicarea cu monoxid de carbon fiind o principală cauză de decese asociată utilizării aparatelor consumatoare de gaz. Noua legislație va aduce în mod clar beneficii cetățenilor europeni.


  Lara Comi (PPE). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, caro Commissario, la realizzazione del mercato unico è un obiettivo politico di primaria importanza, che dobbiamo perseguire con ogni sforzo, ormai sono anni che siamo in questa direzione. Il rafforzamento dell'armonizzazione delle legislazioni nazionali nei diversi settori resta un passaggio fondamentale, che non solo unifica e semplifica il quadro normativo per gli operatori del mercato, ma garantisce livelli più elevati di protezione del consumatore e in più migliora la vita dei nostri cittadini, questo è anche il nostro obiettivo.

In qualità di relatore della relazione sulla strategia per il mercato unico di beni e servizi, per la quale abbiamo condiviso molte osservazioni insieme, stiamo portando avanti questo approccio, evidenziando la necessità di eliminare effettivamente gli ostacoli concreti che avvengono nell'armonizzazione del sistema. Parliamo spesse volte di un'Unione economica ma in realtà non esiste questa a trecentosessanta gradi e quindi uno degli obiettivi che ci poniamo è quello di armonizzare sempre più il sistema ed eliminare questi ostacoli.

Le tre relazioni, per le quali mi congratulo con i relatori, che adotteremo domani vanno proprio in questa direzione: quella di rendere più efficace l'armonizzazione passando da direttiva a regolamenti. Questo è il vero passo avanti, è quello che secondo me come Parlamento e come Commissione dovremo sempre di più utilizzare, in modo tale che il regolamento venga adottato il più presto possibile, in modo estremamente rapido nei singoli Stati membri. È questo il vero senso, secondo me, dell'Europa e anche del ruolo del Parlamento europeo. Si tratta di ambiti, come abbiamo visto nelle tre relazioni, diversi ma molto significativi anche da un punto di vista economico. Pertanto, l'auspicio è che migliorandone le regole, gli effetti positivi si possano produrre anche sul fronte occupazionale ed economico, che è quello che ci preoccupa oggigiorno.


  Paul Rübig (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! Ich glaube, es geht auch darum, dass wir bei der Harmonisierung wirtschaftliche Effekte erzielen und vor allem für die kleinen und mittleren Betriebe die Marktzugängigkeit auch dementsprechend regulieren.

Darum ist eigentlich auch klar, dass die Verordnung über die Seilbahnen hier eine wesentliche Rolle spielen wird, weil die natürlich sehr stark im Tourismus verwendet werden, aber auch in Zukunft für die smart cities eine große Bedeutung haben. Gerade bei den smart cities wird man sehen, dass die Seilbahnen natürlich sehr wenig Lärm produzieren, auch sehr wenig Feinstaub, so dass auch über Brücken, über dementsprechende Hindernisse, die Seilbahn gut genutzt werden kann.

Klar ist es, dass das einheitliche Sicherheitsniveau auch die Unfälle im Straßenverkehr reduzieren kann, und dass die Warenverkehrsfreiheit klar zeigt, dass Europa dem Binnenmarkt ordentlich nützen kann und dass damit natürlich auch neue zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden können, weil diese hohe europäische Sicherheitskultur natürlich auch ein Exportschlager ist. Unsere Seilbahnhersteller haben hier die Märkte schon weltweit bearbeitet, womit für Leben und Sicherheit ein wichtiger Beitrag geleistet wurde.

Es werden hier in diesem Bereich Milliardenumsätze erzielt. STOA, der Wissenschaftsausschuss im Europäischen Parlament (Science and Technology Options Assessment) hat gerade die Seilbahnen auch für nachhaltigen Transport und für nachhaltige Mobilität in den Studien dementsprechend als wichtig erachtet. Diese Nachhaltigkeit, gemeinsam mit der E-Mobilität, wird in Zukunft eine wesentlich größere Rolle spielen.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). Madam President, firstly I think that everybody agrees that these are not headline topics, but they are nevertheless very important for consumers. I think it is fantastic that we have MEPs here in the House who are prepared to give their time, energy and expertise in dealing with issues like this when they get very little publicity out of it.

But they can be sure of one thing. Their work is actually going to save the lives of European citizens because of the harmonisation of standards and ensuring that everything is done according to spec. We are covering three areas here: cable installations, gas appliances and protective equipment. Obviously, in relation to cableways, we have 60% of the world’s cableways – 17 500 in Europe. In my own country, the little island, Dursey Island, is dependent on a cable car to connect it with the mainland, so obviously, the higher the standard, the greater the security.

In relation to gas appliances, we have 30 million stoves, boilers and cookers in Europe. Again, these can lead to major accidents. Carbon monoxide, in particular, is the highest killer in relation to these. In my own country we have had a very successful carbon monoxide awareness campaign. Again, having strong legislation here, harmonised across Europe, is very sensible and of course helps us to complete the single market.

Regarding the final area – personal protective equipment – I think all we have to do is listen to Vicky Ford, who showed us what can happen with inferior products which can come onto the marketplace. So, by having standards set here and by ensuring they are applied, it will encourage both the producers that there is a legal framework which they can work by, and also consumers that they have the highest possible standards, which they will be able to see on the labels on the various appliances they buy.


  Alberto Cirio (PPE). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, io credo che oggi noi stiamo affrontando una discussione relativamente a un argomento, che è estremamente importante, che può toccare tutte le materie e non soltanto quelle che sono oggetto di questi di questi documenti, perché evidentemente l'armonizzazione della normativa a livello europeo è un fattore estremamente importante. Sarebbe opportuno immaginare un'Europa dove evidentemente le norme fossero uguali per tutti e tutti i cittadini europei fossero uguali di fronte alle norme, perché questo aiuterebbe – credo – anche ad avere una visione dell'Europa più comprensiva e che magari rappresentasse maggiormente tutti i cittadini europei.

Oggi, in particolare, noi votando e discutendo in questi giorni, in questa sessione plenaria, l'armonizzazione delle norme sugli impianti a fune, quindi su tutto ciò che riguarda l'impiantistica delle stazioni montane della nostra Europa, credo che facciamo un grande passo avanti della tutela di tutte le nostre stazioni, perché è evidente, per chiunque abbia a un certo tipo di competenza nel settore, come a distanze, spesso limitatissime di chilometri, quindi a un chilometro di distanza in generale, due stazioni sciistiche, magari una in Francia e una in Italia, abbiano normative che sono completamente diverse e che le pongono peraltro in una condizione anche di concorrenza sleale l'una nei confronti dell'altra. Per cui, credo che oggi si stia facendo un passo avanti importante e che argomenti come questi, cioè andare ad armonizzare la normativa europea, dovrebbero in un certo qual modo toccare pian piano tutti i settori della nostra società economica.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). Paní předsedající, já se chci také připojit ke svým předřečníkům, v zásadě vše důležité již bylo řečeno. Dovolte mi, abych pouze řekl, že také považuji tuto problematiku za mimořádně důležitou. Chci říci paní komisařce, že považuji za důležité to, co na první pohled vypadá jako pouhá formalita, že se od směrnic přistupuje k nařízením.

Byl jsem v České republice pět let odpovědný za implementaci směrnic do národního právního řádu a dobře vím, jaké rozdíly potom mezi jednotlivými národními úpravami existují. To znamená jedna směrnice a dvacet osm různých implementací. Pokud tedy chceme vytvářet opravdu jednotný trh s jednotnými pravidly, tak je podle mého názoru mnohem lepší použít nařízení, které zkrátka platí jako jeden právní předpis pro celé území Evropské unie. Takže přechod od směrnic k nařízení je v tomto případě podle mého názoru mimořádně důležitý a samozřejmě i obsahově to, co dneska projednáváme a co bude, doufejme, platit, je mnohem lepší než dosavadní právní úprava v několika roztříštěných směrnicích.

Kolegové zde již hovořili o jednotlivých výrobcích, o tom, že zde budou jednotná pravidla pro požadavky na tyto výrobky. Já chci zvláště poděkovat zpravodajům a chci se vyjádřit k projednávání ve Výboru pro vnitřní trh a ochranu spotřebitelů, kde se podařilo racionalizovat to, jaké požadavky mají být zvláště na výrobky, které mají podobu osobních ochranných prostředků. To si myslím, že je velmi dobře. Děkuji a návrh podporuji.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, συζητούμε ένα πάρα πολύ σοβαρό θέμα το οποίο έχει σχέση και με την ασφάλεια των καταναλωτών αλλά και με την ασφάλεια των ίδιων των εργαζομένων.

Eίναι προφανές ότι η οικονομική παγκοσμιοποίηση και η απελευθέρωση του εμπορίου οδήγησαν στην μεταφορά της παραγωγής στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες. Εκεί δε, η προσπάθεια να μειωθεί το κόστος και να έχουν οι επιχειρήσεις μεγαλύτερο κέρδος είχε ως συνέπεια την εξασθένιση των προδιαγραφών ασφαλείας. Αποτέλεσμα ήταν λοιπόν να έχουμε εμπορεύματα και πολλές συσκευές στην Ευρώπη που αποδείχθηκαν επικίνδυνες και ιδίως συσκευές αερίου, οι οποίες ήταν εισαγόμενες από την Κίνα και προξένησαν πάρα πολλά δυστυχήματα, λόγω διαρροής του μονοξειδίου του άνθρακα. Σε χώρες μάλιστα με ενεργειακή φτώχεια όπως η Ελλάδα, η οποία έχει χτυπηθεί από το μνημόνιο, τα περιστατικά αυτά αποκτούν δυστυχώς ακόμη πιο δραματικό χαρακτήρα. Είναι σημαντικό που λαμβάνονται αυτά τα μέτρα.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I would like to thank the Members very much for all their comments on this package. This is the first time in my short (one-year) experience in the Commission that I have heard so many unanimous positive opinions, so I want once again to warmly thank the rapporteurs for cooperating so closely and ensuring consistency throughout the three texts, as well as with the new legislative framework package.

Let me just very shortly stress three key points. With those three regulations, we will have a simpler, fairer and more modernised legal framework. Replacing the directive with regulations will make life less burdensome for companies and we will be better equipped to fight non-compliant and potentially unsafe products, which is essential for our citizens and for protecting honest companies. Members, I therefore call again on your strong support for this package and would like to thank you very much, especially the rapporteurs, for your efforts.


  Vicky Ford, rapporteur. Madam President, our single market is meant to make it easier to trade across the 28 countries of 500 million consumers, and sometimes we do not need a one-size-fits all approach – but sometimes we do. Tonight we have been talking about keeping people safe from gas boilers so that they do not die from carbon monoxide problems, fall off a chairlift when it collapses or die or become injured because of personal protective equipment. Rules that we have had in Europe for 25 years have now been simplified, modernised and clarified.

By being at the table involved in the detail, we have negotiated a better position. On my own report I tabled 146 amendments to the Commission proposal. 117 of those are in the final legislation, including a new procedure to make it easier for small companies. We have made it less bureaucratic whilst maintaining safety, and done in a manner that should not increase costs for consumers or manufacturers. I hope this will make it easier to trade.

My colleague from UKIP said she did not understand why we need this legislation. She has not talked in a single debate or tabled a single amendment. When it comes to making the rules by which our businesses and consumers trade, I would rather be at the table negotiating a deal, because in Europe, if we are not at the table, we risk being on the menu.


  Catherine Stihler, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank all the rapporteurs. The warm words that we have heard this evening from colleagues have been really touching. I would like to say to Mr Kelly that we do all this work and get very little recognition, yet tonight we are trying to save lives. That is something that the few of us who are in this Chamber this evening should remember. Why we are here, even at ten minutes to midnight, is really important.

On the value of the single market, Ms Ford is absolutely right that we work together, we come up with a compromise and then we sit at the table. If UKIP had their way, they would have us leave the EU, have no say and we would still have to pay for the privilege. It is not a workable solution. We need to make sure that the UK remains in the European Union, that we have our say and that we influence policies that influence the single market.

I think it was the previous Dutch Presidency, all those years ago, which described the EU as this beautiful thing, this beautiful piece of process, but something very precious and something that we need to make sure we keep working upon. The fact that we have a single market with 500 million consumers, covering 28 countries, and tonight we can sit and make decisions that impact all of those people in a sensible, positive way, is something that is very precious and worth defending.

Thank you for your time this evening. Thank you for all your support. It has been a privilege working with people who want to make sure the single market works for our citizens.


  Antonio López-Istúriz White, ponente. Señora Presidenta, creo que como todos, estoy encantado con este trabajo conjunto con la señora Stihler y con la señora Ford. Creo que entre todos hemos hecho un buen trabajo, todos los componentes, aunque siempre hay alguna excepción; siempre hay alguien que no quiere participar en esto, pero bueno, ya es normal. En nuestro caso creo que hemos dado un paso enorme en el mercado interior, que es para lo que yo me integré en esta comisión. Yo soy nuevo en ella, y estoy muy orgulloso de que con este informe haya podido trabajar con las dos ponentes y creo que he aprendido muchísimo de las dos.

Quiero simplemente detallar unos cuatro puntos importantes sobre el informe final del que yo he tenido el honor de ser ponente. Hay más información para los consumidores, con una mención reforzada al sitio web de los productores en los considerandos y artículos; la redacción del artículo relativo al sistema de freno de los sistemas de transporte por cable se mantiene fiel al principio de neutralidad tecnológica y permitirá una competencia leal entre todos los actores de este mercado; un considerando nuevo relativo a sanciones ─quiero mencionar aquí a una ponente alternativa, Lucy Anderson, que ha insistido muchísimo en esta cuestión─ que ha logrado reforzar el sistema de sanciones de la propuesta de Reglamento; y, por último, hemos subsanado las preocupaciones de los Estados miembros en cuanto a las instalaciones históricas, que suelen presentar un elevado interés turístico.

Como responsable del Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo para este informe agradezco también a los ponentes alternativos su colaboración en este paquete sobre la armonización del mercado interior, lo que permitió que todas las enmiendas que eran conformes con las competencias de la Comisión de Mercado Interior y Protección del Consumidor fueran positivamente valoradas, llegando a un resultado muy satisfactorio del que todos los miembros de la Comisión IMCO nos podemos enorgullecer.


  PUHEMIES. – Yhteiskeskustelu on päättynyt.

Äänestys toimitetaan huomenna.

Kirjalliset lausumat (työjärjestyksen 162 artikla)


  Eva Paunova (PPE), in writing. The internal market of the European Union is an area of prosperity and freedom, giving 500 million Europeans access to goods, services, jobs and business opportunities of 28 Member States. While the construction of an internal market requires continuous efforts, the further deepening of the single market could yield significant gains for EU consumers and businesses if the remaining barriers are eliminated.

The Commission proposals for a regulations on appliances burning gaseous fuels, personal protective equipment (PPE), and cableway installations, update and align with the New Legislative Framework on the marketing of products. The PPE rules are now in need of updating to reflect the new developments in technology. I thus welcome the proposal, which lays down requirements for design and production of PPE to ensure the health and safety of users and the free movement of PPE in the EU market.

Apart from the harmonised approach, the new legislation does not imposing excessive burdens for businesses. This simplified and modernised legislation is needed especially for facilitating the inclusion of the Small and Medium enterprises in the market.

A harmonised internal market will facilitate greater economic growth. With the three reports we are taking a step towards a more effective Single Market which will be both business and consumer friendly.

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