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Procedure : 2015/0094(NLE)
Forløb i plenarforsamlingen
Dokumentforløb : A8-0372/2015

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Forhandlinger :

PV 20/01/2016 - 15
CRE 20/01/2016 - 15

Afstemninger :

PV 21/01/2016 - 8.1

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Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Onsdag den 20. januar 2016 - Strasbourg Revideret udgave

15. Stabiliserings- og associeringsaftalen mellem EU og Kosovo (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Külügyi Bizottság ajánlása az EU–Koszovó stabilizációs és társulási megállapodásról (10725/2/2015 - C8-0328/2015 - 2015/0094(NLE)) (Előadó: Lunacek Ulrike) (A8-0372/2015).


  Ulrike Lunacek, rapporteur. Madam President, as Vice-President of this Parliament in charge of the Sakharov Prize network I would like to start before going into details of the SAA with commemorating the Sakharov Prize laureate from 1998, Ibrahim Rugova, who died just 10 years ago on 23 January 2006. He is still the symbol of Kosovo independence, a symbol of nonviolent struggle, a great poet and leader of Kosovo-Albanians whom I would like to commemorate here at the start of this debate.

I now come to the EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). It was negotiated between October 2013 and May 2014; it was initialled in July 2014; the Council agreed to its signature on 22 October 2015 and then it was signed here in Strasbourg on 27 October by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and by Commissioner Johannes Hahn, on behalf of the EU, and also by the Republic of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and the Minister for European Integration Bekim Çollaku. The Kosovo Assembly ratified it on 2 November 2015. Now it is up to us here tomorrow to vote for this Stabilisation and Association Agreement of the European Union with Kosovo and afterwards it can enter into force.

This is a historic moment for Kosovo because for the first time the EU and Kosovo will have contractual relations. It is the first official formal step on the way to full EU integration and to becoming a member of the European Union. Yes, it has taken some time because of Kosovo being a new country, its independence was just eight years ago, and in the Council too it took some time, but let me express my welcome for the fact that the five Member States who still have not recognised Kosovo have also given their consent.

This is a big step forward and I would just like to urge them to move forward on that and go on to recognise Kosovo. Some of these countries have ministers visiting Kosovo, meeting with government officials, so please just go ahead and recognise Kosovo, this youngest republic in the European Union. I can tell you that it does not hurt. It would just help people.

So what is this SAA about? As I said, it introduces contractual relations for the first time. It provides for enhanced political dialogue, trade integration and new forms of cooperation. It covers numerous sectors, be they strengthening of democratic principles or human rights, but also a framework for cooperation on sectors such as education, energy, environment, justice and home affairs and many more. It also sets out rights and obligations and it provides a powerful incentive for the implementation and institutionalisation of reforms, because Kosovo still needs reforms and there the government has to move on.

It also creates opportunities for investment but at the same time good governance is required through the application of European standards and approximation to European Union laws. Furthermore it creates great opportunities for enhancing contacts between people, between experts, between citizens, in sectors such as education, environment and culture, but also of course on combating crime and trafficking, and it foresees further strengthening of relations and cooperation with neighbouring countries, thus contributing also to stability in the region.

But of course this exchange between people, between citizens, also needs both Kosovo and the European Union to move ahead with visa liberalisation. Kosovo is the only country in the region where citizens still cannot travel freely. They feel locked in. So this SAA is a very important step but visa liberalisation has to come. The best would be now in the next couple of months.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Madam President, let me start by thanking you for your support for the continuing development of EU-Kosovo relations. I also want to thank the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Committees and rapporteurs – Ulrike Lunacek in particular – for their support.

Tomorrow’s vote on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, renegotiated with Kosovo, is testament to this focus. The SAA is a milestone in EU-Kosovo relations and of critical importance for the future of Kosovo and the whole Western Balkans.

The agreement is the first formal contractual relationship that ties the European Union and Kosovo together. It allows Kosovo to join the rest of the region, sharing the benefits of deepening political and economic interdependence and sharing in the common European perspectives that make peace, stability and prosperity our joint goal.

The agreement will help Kosovo with much-needed economic reform underpinned by the rule of law. This should ensure a more predictable business environment, leading to much-needed growth and jobs. The agreement helps establish a stable legal framework and gradual approximation with EU laws and standards. It also promotes the free movement of goods, services and capital and envisages higher standards and increased choice and lower prices for Kosovo citizens.

It should stimulate Kosovo’s progress in the area of transport and energy as it foresees the gradual integration into Europe’s energy markets and the development of quality infrastructure. The agreement should also strengthen regional cooperation. Under its terms, Kosovo commits itself to a visible and sustainable improvement in relations with Serbia. This is an essential principle of our agreement. The continuation of the EU-facilitated dialogue with Serbia is therefore a legal obligation.

Kosovo will need to implement the agreements it has reached and continue to work towards further agreements. As we have seen over the last few months, this sometimes involves taking difficult decisions and the need for compromise.

Finally, I want to underline that the agreement includes provisions that commit Kosovo to high international standards in terms of respect for democratic principles. This is of particular relevance to the challenges Kosovo is facing at the moment. It means that the institutions set up to ensure democratic government and the rules that allow these institutions to do their work should be respected.

It also means there can be no obstruction to free and transparent political discourse. Obstruction and violence have no place in a democratic system. Allow me to use this opportunity to call on Kosovo’s politicians to engage in a free political exchange to solve the differences in a way that is worthy of the country’s European perspective: without obstructions, without violence and without threats and intimidation.

Allow me to thank you once more for your support, and I look forward to the debate.


  Adam Szejnfeld, autor projektu opinii Komisji Handlu Zagranicznego. Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Szanowni Państwo! W imieniu Europejskiej Partii Ludowej chcę jednoznacznie poprzeć wdrożenie układu o stabilizacji i stowarzyszeniu między Unią Europejską a Kosowem.

Kosowo to mały kraj na zachodzie Bałkanów, ale też musimy pamiętać, że to jest ostatni kraj spośród tych wszystkich, z którymi podpisujemy te umowy. Najważniejsze jest to, co prezentował już pan komisarz. Umowa ta niesie ze sobą wiele dobrych rozwiązań dla Unii Europejskiej, a przede wszystkim dla tego małego państwa i tego małego narodu, który cierpi biedę, chyba największą spośród wszystkich narodów Europy. Mamy więc tutaj szansę na wsparcie i wspomożenie Kosowa. Z drugiej jednak strony będzie to także korzystne dla Unii Europejskiej, chociażby w aspekcie migracji, która jest dzisiaj bardzo dużym problemem i wyzwaniem.


  Lars Adaktusson, för PPE-gruppen. Fru talman! Det är en glädjande och historisk händelse när stabiliserings- och associationsavtalet med Kosovo nu är på väg att bli verklighet. Avtalet är en milstolpe för Kosovo och innebär bland annat nya möjligheter för landets ekonomi. Besvärande hinder när det gäller den inre marknaden försvinner och med avtalet bekräftas att Kosovos framtid är europeisk.

Samtidigt kan vi konstatera att europeisk integration inte kan tas för given. Den kräver politisk vilja och den kräver politisk beslutsfattande. Det handlar inte minst om att implementera överenskomna reformer. I det sammanhanget noterar jag att parlamentets föredragande, fru Lunacek, har påtalat vikten av att intensifiera arbetet för att bekämpa korruptionen. Detta är centralt. Korruptionen är ett avgörande hinder för Kosovos fortsatta utveckling.

Den politiska viljan måste också omfatta genomförandet av avtal som kan vara impopulära bland de egna väljarna men som samtidigt är avgörande för en normalisering av relationerna med grannlandet. Detta är ett ansvar som åligger regeringen, men också oppositionens företrädare. Avslutningsvis vill jag uttrycka mitt stöd till detta historiska första formella avtal mellan EU och Kosovo.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, questo Accordo di associazione e stabilizzazione con il Kosovo rappresenta un passo importante perché può creare le condizioni per un avanzamento del processo di avvicinamento all'Unione europea. È un accordo, come detto, che stabilisce relazioni contrattuali che garantiscono un maggiore dialogo politico, un'ulteriore integrazione commerciale e nuove forme di cooperazione nei diversi settori.

Certo, quest'accordo è importante ma non è risolutivo. La situazione in Kosovo rimane ancora molto problematica, come abbiamo visto nelle recenti, gravi manifestazioni, e l'esigenza di un consolidamento democratico delle strutture istituzionali kosovare è questione fondamentale per assicurare una positiva prospettiva al paese e alla regione balcanica. E ne abbiamo bisogno soprattutto nella fase attuale, che è caratterizzata da enormi problematiche, come quella migratoria, che fanno della regione balcanica e del Kosovo un crocevia estremamente delicato sul quale dobbiamo mostrare una grande attenzione perché è chiaro che può essere foriero di grandi problemi anche per quanto riguarda l'Unione europea.

Per queste ragioni, nel dare il nostro pieno consenso all'accordo di associazione e stabilizzazione, crediamo nello stesso tempo utile invitare la Commissione europea ad accompagnare il Kosovo verso obiettivi più avanzati. Abbiamo assolutamente bisogno che questo paese si avvii seriamente sulla strada delle riforme e del consolidamento democratico.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. Г-жо Председателстващ, уважаеми колеги, моята група ЕКР приветства Споразумението за стабилизиране и асоцииране на Косово с Европейския съюз. Аз приветствам и поздравявам г-жа Луначек за подготовката.

Косово е в изключително трудна ситуация – институциите и независимите регулатори са силно политизирани, съдебната система не функционира коректно, няма напредък в борбата срещу организираната престъпност и корупцията, а икономическата среда и високата безработица карат хората да бягат от страната.

Интеграцията е жизненоважна за Косово, защото страната има нужда от помощ в изграждането на своята държавност и институции, а косоварите имат нужда от работни места, развитие на бизнеса, икономически растеж и покачване на жизнения стандарт.

Надявам се, че Споразумението ще стабилизира страната и ще помогне за установяването на етнически мир в страната. Няма друг регион в Европа, като Балканския полуостров, където етническото разбирателство да влияе толкова много на самото съществуване на държавите.

За да избегнем напрежение и конфликти на етническа основа, не бива да си затваряме очите и омаловажаваме нарушенията на правата на етническите общности, както в Косово, така и в останалите страни от региона и предприсъединителния пакет. Говоря за българите в Македония, българите и гораните в Косово, хърватите в Сърбия и на много други национални общности, българите в Сърбия също, останали извън пределите на своите страни след опустошителните войни в края на изминалия век.


  Jozo Radoš, u ime kluba ALDE. Gospođo predsjednice, gospodine povjereniče, u ime ALDE grupe dajem punu potporu potpisivanju i skorom stupanju na snagu Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju s Republikom Kosovom i jednako tako očekujem da će uskoro doći do potpisivanja okvirnog sporazuma o sudjelovanju Kosova u programima Europske unije. Kosovo je zemlja koja je suočena s unutrašnjim poteškoćama, nestabilnostima u jednako tako nestabilnoj regiji. Treba znati da dvije zemlje prostora jugoistočne Europe, Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina nisu priznale Kosovo. Postoji niz otvorenih, međusobnih pitanja, neke političke snage ne žele, ne priznaju de facto, skriveno ili ne, zemlje u kojima žive, nagovješćuju promjene granica što na tom prostoru vjerojatno ili gotovo sigurno ne bi prošlo bez novih sukoba.

Zato je važno da se ovaj Sporazum u potpunosti vrlo ambiciozno primjenjuje. To nije samo gospodarski sporazum, to je sporazum koji uključuje i izgradnju demokratskih institucija, izgradnju cijeloga društva, jačanje pravosuđa, tako da je vrlo važno da se te komponente ovoga sporazuma iskoriste vrlo ambiciozno i vrlo predano. To je u interesu Europske unije. To je jednako tako u interesu građana Kosova jer samo na takav način ćemo dobiti Kosovo koje će moći vrlo uskoro podnijeti zahtjev za članstvo u Europskoj uniji i time se pridružiti ostalim zemljama regije kako bi na takav način, uz pomoć toga puta prema Europskoj uniji dobili zemlju koja će biti stabilna i regiju koja će biti stabilna jer to je prostor koji se nalazi unutar Europske unije, i naravno i interes Europske unije, a ne samo građana Kosova i ostalih zemalja je da taj proces pridruživanja Europskoj uniji bude što je moguće kvalitetniji i što je moguće brži.


  Javier Couso Permuy, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. Señora Presidenta, en nuestro Grupo no hemos variado nuestra postura sobre Kosovo, al cual consideramos un pretendido Estado, impuesto al margen de la comunidad y del Derecho internacional. De hecho, la autoproclamada República de Kosovo no pertenece a las Naciones Unidas y no es reconocida por más de la mitad de sus miembros, incluyendo mi país. Aún sigue rigiendo la Resolución 1244 de las Naciones Unidas, que debe supervisar las instituciones de autogobierno de Kosovo a la espera de un acuerdo político. Y, a día de hoy, ni el Gobierno de la República de Serbia ni las autoridades provisionales del autogobierno han concluido todavía una solución política diferente al status quo actual.

Detrás de algunas posiciones de apoyo a Kosovo, más que el Derecho internacional está Camp Bondsteel, la segunda mayor base militar de los Estados Unidos en el mundo, cercana a Oriente Próximo, al Cáucaso, a Rusia, que permite el control sobre oleoductos y corredores energéticos vitales.


  Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος ( NI). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, στα Βαλκάνια οξύνονται επικίνδυνα οι ιμπεριαλιστικές αντιθέσεις λόγω της γεωστρατηγικής τους θέσης δίπλα σε περιοχές που σπαράζονται από ανταγωνισμούς και πολέμους και που αποτελούν πέρασμα προσφύγων αλλά και αγωγών ενέργειας, όντας πεδίο μεγάλων επενδύσεων και προγεφύρωμα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του ΝΑΤΟ σε περιοχές με έντονο ενδιαφέρον και για τη ρωσική αστική τάξη.

Η πολεμική επέμβαση Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και ΝΑΤΟ έφερε τη διάλυση της Γιουγκοσλαβίας, έστησε προτεκτοράτα και καλλιέργησε εθνικούς και θρησκευτικούς διχασμούς στους λαούς για την εξυπηρέτηση των Ευρωνατοϊκών συμφερόντων και των τοπικών αστικών τάξεων. Η συζητούμενη συμφωνία σύνδεσης αναγνωρίζει ντε φάκτο ένα τέτοιο προτεκτοράτο, το Κόσοβο. Τεράστιες ευθύνες έχει και η ελληνική κυβέρνηση που πράττει το ίδιο. Πυροδοτεί εθνικισμούς, αλυτρωτισμούς μεγαλοϊδεατισμούς, εδαφικές διεκδικήσεις και προωθεί αλλαγές συνόρων, όπως είναι η επισήμως επαπειλούμενη ένωση Αλβανίας και Κοσόβου σε ενιαίο κράτος που θα τρέφει βλέψεις εναντίον γειτονικών χωρών όπως η FΥRΟΜ και η Ελλάδα. Μια ανάλογη αναζωπύρωση εθνικισμών εξυπηρετεί και η απαράδεκτη συγκρότηση Ομάδας λόμπι ευρωβουλευτών με την ονομασία «Φίλοι της Μακεδονίας». Οι λαοί πρέπει να επαγρυπνούν. Συμφέρον τους είναι να αντιπαλέψουν τα ιμπεριαλιστικά σχέδια και να ανατρέψουν τον καπιταλισμό που σπέρνει πολέμους και δυστυχία και προσφυγιά...

(Η Πρόεδρος διακόπτει τον ομιλητή)


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, first of all I would like to congratulate Kosovo’s government and parliament on finalising and adopting this agreement – it is a milestone in our relations with Kosovo. Establishing contractual relations will open new opportunities on the road to closer integration between Kosovo and the EU.

The agreement provides an incentive for the implementation of reforms in Kosovo. As one of the poorest countries in the region, Kosovo should take this agreement as an opportunity for economic and social growth, but also as a chance to make substantial political and institutional reforms. The EU shares responsibility for development in this region. We therefore have to tighten our relations with these countries and their citizens. The SAA with Kosovo is a step in this direction. The next step should lead to visa-free travel for Kosovars. This will be crucial to enable Kosovo businesses and people to fully benefit from the SAA. In other words, with the SAA we have taken an important step, dismantling barriers in our relations with Kosovo. We should be ready to take the next step, dismantling the barriers in our relations with the Kosovan people.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). Gospođo predsjednice, pozdravljam potpisivanje Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju s Kosovom nakon nepunih godinu dana pregovora. Kao voditelj Izaslanstva za odnose s Kosovom, vjerujem da će Europski parlament sutra dati svoju suglasnost njegovom sklapanju. To je svojevrsno priznanje predanosti Kosova punopravnom članstvu i europskoj budućnosti kao ključnim ciljevima. Istodobno, ovime je završen proces uspostave ugovornih odnosa sa zemljama Zapadnog Balkana.

Ovaj sporazum je važan korak jer može stvoriti prilike za investicije, rast i financijski razvoj kroz primjenu europskih standarda i zakona Europske unije. No, daljnji napredak će ovisiti o konstruktivnoj suradnji svih političkih dionika, što još uvijek nije slučaj. Ponovo se, nažalost, zbiva regionalni problem opstrukcije oporbe u Parlamentu i nasilne reakcije vlasti. Ružni prizori kojima svjedočimo u zadnje vrijeme zaista su neprilične za zemlju koja ima europske aspiracije. Potrebno je nastaviti s borbom protiv terorizma i radikalizacije, mjerama za smanjenje broja ilegalnih migranta i tražitelja azila u EU-u, ali i radom na spuštanju visoke stope nezaposlenosti što je ključni preduvjet za uspjeh ovih nastojanja.

Nadam se da će Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, kao prvi ugovor Kosova i Europske unije, biti poticaj tolikim institucionalnim i zakonodavnim reformama koje Kosovo treba usvojiti i primijeniti. Bilo bi, naravno, izvrsno da na tom putu najmlađa europska država što prije dobije i nepodijeljenu europsku podršku.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Gospođo predsjednice, napori koje su kosovske vlasti poduzele kako bismo došli do potpisivanja ovog sporazuma najbolji su jamac europske perspektive Kosova. Riječ je o mladoj demokraciji pred kojom se nalazi još puno izazova i ozbiljnih zadaća pa je iznimno važno da su vlasti doista posvećene procesu euroatlantskih integracija.

Taj je proces veliki test za državu Kosovo, ali i za Europsku uniju koja mora pokazati liderstvo i optimalnu razinu zajedničke vizije država članica kad je riječ o našem europskom dvorištu.

U kontekstu Kosova tu prije svega mislim na međunarodno priznanje. Koliko smo mi doista iskreni prema Kosovu kad je riječ o njihovoj europskoj perspektivi ako neki od nas još uvijek ne priznaju ni samo postojanje ove države?

Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju nije ni prvi ni najvažniji korak na europskom putu Kosova. Taj ključni korak je međunarodno priznanje od strane svih država članica pa ovim putem pozivam one koje dosad nisu priznale Kosovo da to konačno učine.


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός ( NI). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, στις 10 Ιουνίου του 1999, το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ έθεσε το Κόσοβο υπό μεταβατική ηγεσία, δημιουργώντας κρατίδιο εντός της Γιουγκοσλαβίας και αργότερα της Σερβίας. Το Κόσοβο, υπό την ιστορική, γεωγραφική, πνευματική και ηθική πραγματικότητα, είναι η καρδιά της Σερβίας και η ψυχή του σερβικού λαού. Δεκαεπτά χρόνια αργότερα και 627 συνολικά από τη Μάχη του Κοσσυφοπεδίου μεταξύ των Ηνωμένων Σέρβων, Βόσνιων και Κροατών εναντίον των Οθωμανών Τούρκων, η οποία σταμάτησε την προέλασή τους στη Δυτική Ευρώπη, κάποιοι ανιστόρητοι και αφελείς πολιτικοί προωθούν τη Συμφωνία Σταθεροποίησης και Σύνδεσης Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Κοσόβου. Αυτό είναι έγκλημα.

Το Κόσοβο δεν είναι κράτος ούτε υφίσταται Κοσοβάρικο Έθνος. Δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε τα εγκλήματα των κομμουνιστών του Τίτο που μετάλλαξαν κράτη και βίασαν κυριολεκτικά την ιστορική αλήθεια, δημιουργώντας Μακεδονικές ονειρώξεις και κοσοβάρικα εκτρώματα. Η προσχώρηση του Κοσσυφοπεδίου θα αποτελέσει αποδοχή της δια της βίας αλλαγής συνόρων ενός κράτους με μονομερή απόσχιση σερβικού εδάφους, βασιζόμενο στα εθνοτικά κίνητρα των Αλβανών – όπως ακριβώς επιδιώκετε όλοι εσείς να συμβεί με την τουρκική εισβολή και κατοχή του βορείου τμήματος της Κύπρου.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, all these countries from Eastern Europe have to and will join the European Union one day. It is in the interests of Europe and of all these countries.

I would like to congratulate Ms Mogherini for the historic agreement that she brokered in August last year between Serbia and Kosovo, working towards the complete normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Priština. However, Belgrade did not recognise the independence of Kosovo, and there are five European Union countries that have still not recognised Kosovan independence. So this mechanism which we are now implementing is a sui generis mechanism to bring Kosovo closer to the European Union. Probably the Commission and the Member States will have to find a way for this country to start accession negotiations with the European Union without it having been recognised by all Member States.

(The President cut off the speaker)


„Catch the eye” eljárás.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). Madam President, I have listened to the debate, a very mature debate, where most were in favour, some against this SAA. Obviously being in the EPP Group and on the Committee on International Trade, I am very much in favour and I look forward to Kosovo developing and in particular to its people enjoying a higher standard of living and greater confidence as this agreement comes into being, creating more trade and more jobs and a higher standard of living. Also I would say that I look forward to the day when Kosovo will become a full member of the European Union.

Coming as I do from the other side of Europe, Ireland, a small country off the west coast of Europe, that joined in 1973 and has benefited enormously from EU membership ever since, I can say that we would not dream of leaving the European Union, whatever our friends from the United Kingdom might do. I think the same will probably apply to Kosovo and other countries in that region because they have a lot to offer in terms of creating stability for us, a better neighbourhood and of course internal reforms which will be needed as well.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D). A stabilizációs és társulási megállapodások az Európai Unió nyugat-balkáni bővítési politikájának immár bevált hatékony eszközeiként sorolhatók. A térség stabilitása, demokratikus fejlődése érdekében éppen ideje, hogy Koszovó is profitálhasson az Unióval való szorosabb együttműködés lehetőségeiből – beleértve a vízummentes utazás perspektíváját is. Sajnálom vagy sajnálatos, hogy e folyamat kiteljesedését továbbra is gátolja az a tény, hogy öt európai uniós tagállam változatlanul nem ismeri el Koszovó önálló államiságát. Talán ennek az egyezménynek az életbelépése megfelelő alkalom lehet e tagállamok számára a jogilag és politikailag túlhaladott helyzet korrigálására. Ez meggyőződésem szerint a Pristina és Belgrád közötti párbeszéd és nem mellesleg közvetve a szerb csatlakozási folyamat politikai feltételeit is javítaná.




  Hilde Vautmans (ALDE). Het verslag van vandaag van mevrouw Lunacek gaat over een belangrijk stabilisatie- en associatieakkoord. Dat is een eerste en een heel belangrijke stap naar een verdere toenadering tot de Europese Unie. Het verdient dan ook onze volledige steun. We zullen binnenkort ook over het voortgangsrapport 2015 stemmen. Als het goed gaat, mag het ook gezegd worden. Er is vooruitgang. We moeten Kosovo volledig ondersteunen om een maatschappij van vrijheid en vooruitgang te worden.


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). Tudi sam bi se zahvalil poročevalki, gospe Lunacek, za izvrstno opravljeno delo in za ves trud, ki ga je vložila v vsebino tega poročila.

Mislim, da je pridružitveni sporazum ključnega pomena in pomeni pravzaprav okno v svet za Kosovo, ki je v zadnjih letih, desetletjih živelo eno težkih obdobij.

Ta sporazum pravzaprav pomeni odprta vrata za prost pretok dobrin, ljudi, blaga, tudi uveljavitve, končno, tako imenovanega vizumskega režima. In ta sporazum seveda omogoča tudi velik prostor na področju razvoja energetike, infrastrukture in pa seveda odpira možnosti za reševanje tudi okoljskih izzivov, ki na Kosovu niso zanemarljivi.

Predvsem pa moramo paziti: Kosovo tudi igra pomembno vlogo pri zagotovitvi stabilnosti v regiji in to je tudi potem odgovornost Evropske unije.


  Franz Obermayr (ENF). Herr Präsident! Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die Mehrheit unserer Bürger die größte Gefahr für Europa gegenwärtig im militanten Islam sieht. Würden wir diese Ängste der Bevölkerung ernstnehmen, dann wäre wohl auch ein EU-Kurs des Kosovo keine Option.

Doch genau diesen Kurs behält unser Bericht bei. Und das, obwohl heute in der Schweizer Zeitung „Blick“ die Frage aufgeworfen wurde: „Wird Kosovo der erste islamische Staat Europas werden?“ In diesem Artikel wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Saudi-Arabier dort den Großteil der Moscheebauten finanzieren. Zur Erinnerung: Saudi-Arabien ist das Land, wo erst im vergangenen Jahr die Folter an Raif Badawi durchgeführt wurde, was auch die Berichterstatterin zu Recht anprangerte, und wo in Serie geköpft wird. Für das saudi-arabische Königreich wäre das Kosovo ein perfektes trojanisches Pferd in der Union. Man muss kein Hellseher und keine Kassandra sein, um diese Gefahr auch deutlich zu erkennen. Für mich ist daher eine Assoziierung oder gar eine Mitgliedschaft unrealistisch und höchst gefährlich.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. Mr President, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo is an important step on Kosovo’s European path. It is a key contribution to the Union’s Stabilisation and Association Process for the Western Balkans. It allows Kosovo to join the mainstream with the rest of the region, sharing the same perspective, the same vision and the same future.

This includes, by the way, a clear European perspective given that a possible future Member of the European Union has to share European values, and this includes, for example, a clear division between the state and religion. So this is something we should keep in mind.

But the next challenge is implementation. The agreement will need time to kick in, it will not show results immediately. The agreement needs to be implemented in the manner and on the base that was agreed. It is not a magic cure that can fix all of Kosovo’s problems. However, I have no doubt that the agreement will help foster a sense of belonging; that it will provide a structure that is shared by others in the region; that it will offer a framework that supports Kosovo in its efforts to meet the aspirations of its citizens, a framework of peace, stability and prosperity.

Let me also take the opportunity of this debate to once again call on the government and the opposition in Kosovo to get around the table and discuss their differences. The political crisis Kosovo is facing has already taken far too much time, time that Kosovo can ill afford. Kosovo’s politicians owe it to the people to find solutions urgently. Kosovo’s citizens deserve nothing less. I continue to count on the support of this House to help Kosovo in its efforts to get closer to Europe.


  Ulrike Lunacek, rapporteur. Madam President, Commissioner, colleagues, I would like to thank you all – even those who are for not recognising countries – for your support for this report on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. This is a very important step, as I have already said.

I just want to refer to one of the non-supporters from GUE. I need to correct him, because more than half of the UN member states (111) have already recognised Kosovo. So it would be high time for Kosovo to become a member of the United Nations and its organisations.

Since all of the arguments have been exchanged now, I would like to end with two things. I would like to go back to commemoration of Ibrahim Rugova that I started with this evening, because he is a strong symbol of non-violent struggle. I would like to use that in order to urge the opposition parties in the Kosovo Assembly to follow Rugova’s example and to return to work in the assembly that they were elected to and not keep blocking the parliament’s work, because violence should not have a place in this youngest republic’s parliament – in the parliament of this youngest republic on this European continent.

And now to finalise, let me just mention something very different, which is very positive news for Kosovo. Last Thursday, a Kosovo short film – the first ever produced in Kosovo – was nominated for the Academy Awards for the best live action short film. It is called Shock. It is about friends. It is about two boys living during the war, which has already been over for a long time. I would really love to see this Kosovo film awarded an Oscar for best short film on 28 February 2016. It would be a great boon for this young country.



  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2016, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), napisan. Već sam izjavio da ću otvoriti najveći šampanjac kada i zadnja zemlja s Balkana postane članica EU-a. Vjerojatno će to biti Kosovo. Danas počinje maraton Kosova prema EU-u. Slavit ću jer vjerujem da će članstvo u EU-u svih zemalja s Balkana omogućiti mir i stabilnost, nakon mnogih stoljeća, svim građanima Balkana. Moramo jasno poručiti građanima Kosova da ekstremizmi koji se pojavljuju neće doprinijeti europeizaciji Kosova. Potrebno je jasno poručiti da Kosovo mora uspostaviti partnerske odnose sa Srbijom i pogotovo stvoriti mehanizme zaštite srpske zajednice na Kosovu. Iz tih razloga podržavam sve ono što u ovom trenutku čine premijeri Srbije Vučić i Albanije Rama. To je odlična pretpostavka za dugoročno stabiliziranje Balkana. Pozivam i 5 država EU-a koje nisu priznale Kosovo da to učine u korist mira u Europi.


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. Leping on suur samm Kosovo lähenemisel ELile ning peaks positiivselt mõjuma nii Kosovo majandusele kui ka ühiskonnale tervikuna. Leping tihendab ELi ja Kosovo poliitilist dialoogi, elavdab majandussuhteid ning mitmete sektorite koostöövõimalusi. Majandusliku ja poliitilise stabiilsuse saavutamine Kosovos aitab aga laiemalt kindlasti kaasa ka kogu regiooni stabiilsuse saavutamisele.

Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik