elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Tanács és a Bizottság nyilatkozata Koszovó európai integrációs folyamatáról (2015/2893(RSP)).
Bert Koenders,President-in-Office of the Council.– Madam President, firstly, let me welcome Parliament’s recent consent to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Kosovo. It was an important decision. We are now working in the Council to conclude the Agreement and have it enter into force as soon as possible.
The Stabilisation and Association Agreement – the first comprehensive agreement between the European Union and Kosovo – sends, in my view, an important political signal of support and it is of critical importance for the future of Kosovo. A lot will now depend on how the Agreement will be implemented. The people in Kosovo will feel the concrete benefits from the Agreement if comprehensive reforms are undertaken. It is, therefore, now essential for Kosovo to focus on the implementation of the Agreement. I think, in particular, attention should be made to improving the rule of law, including judicial independence. Kosovo also needs to intensify the fight against organised crime and corruption, which remains a serious problem, and to build a track record in high-profile cases.
The Council is concerned about the current political standoff in Kosovo which, in our view, needs to be urgently resolved. We condemn all use of violence and we have clearly called on all sides concerned to address the challenges through political dialogue and to engage on the implementation of Kosovo’s European reform agenda. Strong political will is required from all political actors now to overcome this difficult internal situation and move Kosovo far forward.
Political stability is an essential ingredient to consolidate the European process launched with the SAA. Association and stabilisation go, in the end, hand in hand. Stabilisation in this context also includes moving forward on the normalisation of relations with Serbia, as we just discussed in our previous debate. Unless stabilisation is clearly visible, it will be difficult to move forward on association.
We have seen very encouraging developments in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue over the last year. The key agreements that were reached in August are an important achievement, and we know that this has not always been easy politically. It continues to remain a very politically-sensitive issue and a divisive issue, and I think it will now be important for Kosovo to swiftly implement its part of these agreements, despite the internal difficulties it is facing. In this sense, I am encouraged by the meeting last week between Prime Ministers Mustafa and Vučić, by which they reaffirmed the importance of the dialogue for both countries.
The Council will closely follow these developments and we will continue to support Kosovo. We will put particular emphasis on furthering Kosovo’s socio-economic reform agenda, including through financial and technical assistance. Economic growth, and specifically, I think, creating employment, is a main concern of the Kosovo people.
Let me add just a few comments on the visa liberalisation process, which is a top political priority for Kosovo. The Commission’s recent report considers that Kosovo has been steadily and effectively progressing in all areas covered by the visa liberalisation roadmap. At the same time, it also notes eight outstanding requirements which will need to be fulfilled, of which four important areas remain key priorities. I think it will now be central for Kosovo to work on these areas. Once all these criteria have been fulfilled, the Council will revert to this issue.
Let me finally underline the important role EULEX continues to play to support reforms and further the rule of law in Kosovo.
Johannes Hahn,Member of the Commission.– Madam President, only two weeks ago I addressed this House to thank it for its support in the continuing development of EU-Kosovo relations and its support for the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) we negotiated with Kosovo. I would like again to thank the Committee on Foreign Affairs and in particular rapporteur Ulrike Lunacek for their support.
This House’s overwhelming vote in support of the SAA on 21 January was welcomed in both Brussels and Pristina. In Brussels it should allow the Council to adopt the agreement later this month, and in Pristina it reminded everyone of the support Kosovo has in this House. I look forward to the SAA entering into force in April or May. Implementation of the Agreement will not only deepen our political relations, it will also ensure a more predictable business environment, leading to much-needed jobs and growth.
I hope that political leaders in Kosovo take the opportunity of the adoption of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement to sit around the table to discuss their differences and find a way out of the political stalemate. The political paralysis in Pristina has lasted far too long and has caused a great deal of damage. It is high time that the opposition renounced violence and obstruction and got down to business.
Our 2015 report on Kosovo confirms that Kosovo needs to address structural reforms to tackle key economic reform challenges. Unemployment is unacceptably high and economic development is not sufficient. More focus is needed on delivery of results in the fight against organised crime and corruption. The same goes for the independence and capacity of the judiciary. Improvements in these areas should provide the people of Kosovo with a perspective for a better future.
As reflected in the SAA, we attach great importance to the normalisation of Kosovo’s relations with Serbia. Kosovo needs to implement the agreements it has reached and continue to work towards further agreements. Kosovo also needs to ensure that the specialist chambers become fully operational quickly. Kosovo’s cooperation with the chambers will be of critical importance to the country’s image and international standing and therefore to its European future. Similarly, Kosovo needs to continue to work with our European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) in the execution of its mandate. This is a legal obligation under the SAA.
We fully understand that visa liberalisation is a key issue for Kosovo and that Kosovo’s progress in this area is important to this House. The Commission’s third and final report on Kosovo’s visa progress last December noted substantial progress but also concluded that eight requirements still had to be fulfilled before it could proceed with the proposal.
Kosovo is working hard to fulfil the remaining recommendations and therefore I hope this will be possible very soon and then we can indeed have a positive report. Once again, allow me to thank all of you for your support, and I am looking forward to the debate.
Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group.– Madam President, Kosovo is the youngest European state. In two weeks it will be eight years since it declared independence after war, after very difficult times, and there are lots of young people there – younger and older ones – who are sure they want this country to become a member of the European Union, a fully-fledged member of this European community. It is a very pro-European citizenship there, and there has been progress over the last years, as you have mentioned, Commissioner, and also you, Minister, for the Council.
The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) was adopted just two weeks ago in this House and this will come into force very soon. There is also progress in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia: not good enough yet, but there is progress. Kosovo will soon, if things go well, have a telephone code of its own, which it has not had yet. So there is progress, but still it is not enough.
This Parliament has been supportive of Kosovo’s statehood, of its independence, since the beginning, and we need to move forward on that with the Commission and the Council, because this country is still not fully recognised by all EU Member States. Five are still blocking, for example, Kosovo from becoming a member of Europol or Interpol, to increase the fight against corruption and organised crime, or also blocking things as important to citizens as the International Football Association or UEFA – or even the Eurovision Song Contest for those who like it.
So, these things are important for citizens here. More needs to be done, and most of all visa liberalisation, as has been mentioned, because of this feeling of being locked in. Just imagine you live in a very small country; all citizens of countries around you can travel freely to the European Union to visit friends and families, and to visit the beautiful sights etc., of this European Union, and you cannot, although your parents and grandparents in Yugoslavia, more than 25 years ago, could do that.
So this is something where efforts need to be improved. Kosovo has to do a bit more yet, but so has the Commission – and here I directly address the Commissioner – to move forward as soon as the Commission gives a green light, and I would also call on the Council Presidency: please give the green light to make sure that Kosovo citizens can travel freely.
Coming to the domestic crisis in Kosovo: last week we had the European Integration Committee of the Kosovo Assembly here – all parties, government and opposition. This is the way forward, and I have called on the opposition time and again to stop blocking the Assembly, to stop using violence in the Assembly – and also outside, demonstrations are fine, but peaceful ones please – and to go back in, and I would also call on all of them to follow the call of President Atifete Jahjaga to get around the dialogue table and to find a non-violent solution to the domestic crisis.
When it comes to the implementation of the dialogue agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, I need a couple of sentences more, thank you. It is important to implement it, but also, for the association of Serbian municipalities, in line with the ruling of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. This is possible. It is about the laws and the statutes, whereas the agreement is only on the principles. The Constitutional Court is part of the statehood of Kosovo, with three international judges on it, so this is something I appeal also to this House to vote in favour of.
Many other details are in the report. I have no time to go into details on that. I would like to thank all the shadows for their good cooperation, and I hope from this House there will be good support for Kosovo in its European process, strong support from this Parliament as in all the years before.
Lars Adaktusson, on behalf of the PPE Group.– Madam President, the Commission’s progress report has been issued at a significant time for Kosovo. This Parliament has just voted positively on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, an agreement that is not only important for the economy but also for Kosovo’s integration within the EU.
Despite this, new and further steps need to be taken. Two examples: firstly, visa liberalisation. Many of us hope that the Commission will find the necessary criteria fulfilled as soon as possible, not least because we know that such a move would send an important signal to the Kosovars that the country’s pro-European alignment generates results. Secondly, the establishment of an association for communities with a Serbian majority is for the moment one of the most pressing issues facing Kosovar politicians. A successful implementation will hopefully mean further steps on the way to normalisation with Serbia and a return to a constructive relationship between government and opposition in Pristina.
The resolution we are debating today has been well prepared by Ms Lunacek and reflects the general view of Parliament. In order to support the people of Kosovo on their path towards the European Union, the EPP will vote for the resolution in the final vote.
Pier Antonio Panzeri, a nome del gruppo S&D.– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio l'onorevole Lunacek per il lavoro svolto. Questa relazione sui progressi compiuti in Kosovo fotografa la situazione attuale di piena transizione. Come è già stato detto, sono un fatto importante la firma e poi l'approvazione da parte del Parlamento europeo dell'accordo di stabilizzazione e di associazione, che ha confermato la prospettiva europea per il Kosovo.
Noi pensiamo ci siano le condizioni perché il Kosovo si indirizzi verso obiettivi consolidati di avvicinamento all'Unione europea. La relazione Lunacek indica quali sono gli impegni da assumere perché tutto ciò si realizzi. Bisogna consolidare i passi rilevanti verso una normalizzazione dei legami con la Serbia e sviluppare con maggiore celerità una politica di riforme. Gli sforzi compiuti di riforma della pubblica amministrazione sono importanti, ma la politicizzazione continua a destare enormi preoccupazioni. Tra i principali problemi economici vengono indicati fattori come la scarsa competitività, l'economia sommersa e l'alto tasso di disoccupazione, che frenano oggettivamente le possibilità di crescita e di sviluppo di questo paese. Vanno affrontati con serietà i temi dello Stato di diritto, la lotta alla corruzione e la lotta alla criminalità organizzata.
Noi su tutto questo ci aspettiamo passi avanti. Bisogna avere consapevolezza che sono la condizione essenziale per costruire una prospettiva positiva per il Kosovo, al riparo delle violenze e alle quali abbiamo assistito recentemente. È necessario fare tutto ciò al più presto anche per superare difficoltà e diffidenze, soprattutto di quei paesi che non hanno ancora riconosciuto e che noi ci auguriamo possano riconoscere questo Stato importante.
Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR.– Уважаеми г-жо Председател, г-н Комисар, г-жо Луначек, колеги, благодаря на колегата Луначек за работата по резолюцията и за цялостния ѝ принос в сближаването на Косово към ЕС. Благодаря и на колегите докладчици в сянка за сътрудничеството в изготвянето на крайния текст на резолюцията.
Безспорно, доволен съм от изготвения текст; засегнати са много от проблемите на страната и са отправени конструктивни критики и препоръки. Въпросът с етническите малцинства също е разгледан и призоваваме Косово да направи по-големи усилия, за да бъдат защитени и гарантирани правата на всички национални малцинства, в това число и на гораните или на българите особено в областта на Призрен, както стана ясно по време на нашите срещи и разговори с делегацията от Косово.
Искам обаче да обърна внимание на един призив, с който не съм напълно съгласен, а именно либерализацията на визовия режим с Косово. Както аз, така и моята група на ЕКР, сме на мнение, че визовият режим не бива и не е редно да се либерализира преждевременно, преди страната да е изпълнила всички свои задължения. Нека да не забравяме, че така нареченият „балкански батальон“ на Ислямска държава всъщност е съставен най-много от бойци от Косово, а след това и от Босна и Херцеговина.
Не Комисията, а Косово най-вече трябва да ускори работата си и в това отношение, да покаже истински напредък, истински и реални резултати в борбата с организираната престъпност, свободата на медиите, свободата на правосъдието и т.н. Именно за това нашата група ще внесе искане за разделно гласуване на тази част, г-жо Луначек, както Ви уведомих.
Още веднъж Ви благодаря, г-жо Луначек и се надявам резолюцията на Парламента да бъде приета с голямо мнозинство.
Hilde Vautmans, namens de ALDE-Fractie.– Er zijn landen die uit de Europese Unie willen en er zijn er die inspanningen doen om erin te geraken. It's a beautiful world, Europe, zouden we bijna kunnen zeggen.
Ik wil graag onze rapporteur, mevrouw Ulrike Lunacek, van harte danken. We hebben in een goede sfeer, mevrouw Lunacek, kunnen samenwerken met al onze collega's en het resultaat houdt ook wel degelijk rekening met de laatste ontwikkelingen. Die gesprekken van 27 januari tonen aan dat het beide partijen ernst is om toenadering te zoeken. Daartoe hebben we dan ook nog een extra amendement ingelast. Als het goed gaat, mag het óók gezegd worden.
We nemen vandaag, collega's, een heel erg belangrijke resolutie aan, enkele maanden nadat de associatieovereenkomst werd afgesloten. We zien vooruitgang. We mogen hoop koesteren. Nog maar 15 jaar geleden, collega's, stond ik aan die grens tussen Kosovo en Servië. Waar we nu studenten een uitwisseling laten doen, werden toen vijandelijkheden uitgewisseld. Kosovo heeft heel wat inspanningen gedaan het afgelopen jaar. Ze hebben zelfs een wet op de gendergelijkheid aangenomen en een visie ontwikkeld, iets wat we vandaag zelfs niet van onze Europese Commissie kunnen zeggen. Maar er blijven natuurlijk heel wat aandachtspunten: persvrijheid, de strijd tegen corruptie.
Voorzitter, we leven in een tijd waarin veel staten in de EU krampachtig reageren op de vluchtelingencrisis en hun grenzen sluiten. Een tijd waarin vluchtelingenkinderen - en daar heb ik gisteren heel hard op gehamerd - zonder hun ouders ronddolen - 10 000 kinderen zijn vermist - en het slachtoffer worden van mensenhandelaars. Ook een tijd waarin mensen gewoon op zoek gaan naar een betere toekomst. Kosovo is hierbij onze partner en we moeten hen helpen. De Commissie meent dat er een mogelijkheid bestaat voor een visaliberalisering als aan alle voorwaarden is voldaan. We zullen daarom in de toekomst debatteren over het statuut van Kosovo als veilig land. De ALDE-Fractie zal met veel plezier straks ja zeggen tegen deze resolutie.
Javier Couso Permuy, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL.– Señora Presidenta, estamos ante otro capítulo más de esa burbuja de «sobreintegración» en la Unión Europea, que algún día explotará. Pero, en este caso, estamos hablando de un pretendido Estado creado por las bombas de la OTAN, alentado por criminales financiados por la mafia albanesa que provocaron el ataque a la población civil y el éxodo de refugiados.
Solo hay que mirar al exministro Thaçi, acusado de tráfico de heroína, de armas o de tráfico de órganos por, por ejemplo, Carla Del Ponte. De hecho, en La Haya, en un tribunal financiado por la Unión Europea, serán juzgados estos crímenes.
La autoproclamada República de Kosovo no pertenece a la ONU, no ha sido admitida en la Unesco y más de ochenta países no la reconocen. Todavía sigue en vigor la Resolución 1244 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.
Y yo creo que la Unión Europea debería ayudar, en este marco, a que haya un acuerdo político y no a un pretendido Estado que más parece un portaaviones para la proyección militar estadounidense.
Georg Mayer, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion.– Frau Präsidentin! „Kosovo je srce Srbije“ – ich wundere mich ein wenig, dass wir hier über eine europäische Integration des Kosovo diskutieren. Wäre es nicht besser, über eine europäische Integration ganz Serbiens zu diskutieren? Denn der Kosovo ist eine Provinz im Herzen Serbiens, und die serbische Mehrheit dort wurde gezielt zu einer Minderheit befördert. Wenn man nun die muslimische Mehrheit im Kosovo als legitimen Grund dafür hernimmt, dieses Land anzuerkennen, dann werden – das ist sicher – andere Regionen in Europa folgen, die das Gleiche wollen.
Wichtig ist für uns auch, dass die Zerstörung der serbischen Identität in dieser Region traurige Realität ist. Vor kurzem wurde erst etwa ein Anschlag im Kloster Dečani verhindert. Am Balkan blüht und entwickelt sich ein radikal salafistischer Islam. Das wissen wir alle aus unseren Debatten, die wir hier im Haus schon leidlich geführt haben. In diesem Sinne werden dort auch am Balkan Nachwuchs-Rekrutierungslager geführt, die ganz bestimmt nicht im Sinne von uns allen sein können.
Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, αποτελεί ύβρη και τραγέλαφο και μόνο που συζητάμε για προοπτική ένταξης της περιοχής Κοσσυφοπέδιου - Μετόχια στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Η διεύρυνση που προωθείται με πρόσχημα την ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση και συνοχή εξυπηρετεί συμφέροντα οικονομικών και γεωπολιτικών κέντρων εξουσίας. Ας μου πει κάποιος πώς γίνεται να πραγματοποιηθεί η προσχώρηση ενός κρατιδίου, όταν δεν πληροί τα κριτήρια της Κοπεγχάγης.
Μιας περιοχής που εσκεμμένα εποικίστηκε με χιλιάδες Αλβανούς και η οποία οραματίζεται την ένωση της με την Αλβανία, σύμφωνα με τις δηλώσεις του Αλβανού Πρωθυπουργού Ράμα και του Κοσοβάρου Υπουργού Εξωτερικών Θάτσι, πρώην ηγέτη του UCK και γνωστού εγκληματία πολέμου. Ενός κρατιδίου που παράγει ισλαμικό εξτρεμισμό, διαφθορά, εγκληματικότητα, φιλοξενεί και εκπαιδεύει τζιχαντιστές και καλλιεργεί το μίσος απέναντι σε άλλους λαούς των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων.
Μιας περιοχής που αποσχίστηκε βιαίως από τη Σερβία και στο έδαφος της οποίας ακόμα επιχειρεί διεθνής στρατιωτική ειρηνευτική δύναμη. Ήδη πέντε κράτη μέλη της Ένωσης δεν έχουν αναγνωρίσει το κράτος μόρφωμα, οπότε τι ακριβώς συζητάμε εδώ; Ας πάψει λοιπόν η κωμωδία και ας κάνουμε το σωστό. Άμεση επανένωση περιοχής Κοσσυφοπεδίου-Μετόχια με τη Σερβία.
David McAllister (PPE).– Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Seit dem Europäischen Rat in Thessaloniki im Jahre 2003 gilt: Alle sechs Länder des westlichen Balkans haben eine klare europäische Perspektive. Dieses Versprechen hat die Europäische Union durch die Unterzeichnung des Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen der EU und dem Kosovo, welches wir als Parlament vor zwei Wochen ratifiziert haben, einmal mehr bekräftigt.
Leider haben Ausschreitungen auf den Straßen in Priština und Abgeordnete des kosovarischen Parlaments in Atemschutzmasken in den letzten Monaten das Bild vom Kosovo in der Öffentlichkeit geprägt. Ganz klar ist: Tränengas hat in einem Parlament nichts zu suchen, das kann nicht Teil einer funktionierenden Demokratie sein. Daher sollten Regierung und Opposition sich jetzt so bald wie möglich an einen Tisch setzen, um grundsätzliche Fragen der politischen Ausrichtung des Landes zu besprechen.
Abschließend möchte ich noch eine Anmerkung machen zu den laufenden Verhandlungen mit Serbien. Beide Premierminister – Aleksandar Vučić wie Isa Mustafa – haben meinen Respekt für die historischen Ergebnisse, die sie in Brüssel erzielt haben. Die Verhandlungen waren und sind nicht einfach. Nun müssen beide Seiten – Kosovo und Serbien – die bereits erzielten Vereinbarungen zügig umsetzen.
Mein Gruß geht an die anwesende Botschafterin, Frau Ahmetaj, und mein bester Dank geht an die zuständige Berichterstatterin, Ulrike Lunacek, für ihre gute Arbeit.
(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 8 der Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)
Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés.– Tisztelt képviselő úr! Ebben a Parlamentben több ország európai közeledését szoktuk vizsgálni. Koszovó esetében is elmondjuk a leckéjüket, hogy nekik mit kéne csinálni, de Ön vajon úgy érzi-e, hogy nálunk is van házi feladat? Például az Európai Unió öt tagországa még nem ismerte el Koszovót önálló államként. Mit gondol Ön erről?
David McAllister (PPE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“.– Klar ist, dass alle sechs Staaten des westlichen Balkans eine europäische Perspektive haben. So haben es die Staats- und Regierungschefs 2003 vereinbart. Alle sechs Staaten des westlichen Balkans bewegen sich in Richtung Europäische Union, wenn auch mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten. Und die Frage der Anerkennung des Kosovo ist eine Frage, die die Nationen selbständig treffen müssen. Tatsache ist, dass 23 EU-Mitgliedstaaten das Kosovo anerkannt haben, fünf eben nicht. Ich komme aus Deutschland, wir haben das Kosovo anerkannt.
Tonino Picula (S&D).– Gospođo predsjednice, čestitam kolegici Lunacek na izvješću jer cjelovito prikazuje prilike na Kosovu i napredak ostvaren u protekloj godini.
Svakako je najvažnije potpisivanje sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju kojeg smo nedavno ratificirali u Europskom parlamentu. To je svojevrsno priznanje za predanost Kosova priključenju Europskoj uniji. No daljnji napredak će ovisiti o suradnji temeljenoj na konsenzusu svih političkih dionika, što sada nije nažalost slučaj. Još jednom se događa problem opstrukcije oporbe u Parlamentu, koji mora biti matično mjesto raspravama o budućnosti zemlje. Scene koje u zadnje vrijeme gledamo ne priliče zemlji ozbiljnih europskih aspiracija. Nadam se da će biti istražene sve okolnosti slučaju koji uključuje uhićenja predstavnika oporbe. Očekujemo da predstavnici Vlade i opozicije sukobljavanja što prije zamijene suradnjom na europskim pitanjima.
U protekloj godini poboljšan je zakonodavni okvir čija će uspješnost ipak ovisiti o implementaciji. No organizirani kriminal, razina korupcije, visoka stopa nezaposlenosti, posebice mladih, i ugrožena sloboda medija i dalje snažno pritišću društvo. Vrijedi pohvaliti usvojene mjere za borbu protiv terorizma i radikalizacije, smanjenje broja ilegalnih migranata i tražitelja azila u Europskoj uniji, kao i napredak ostvaren u ispunjavanju kriterija za ukidanje viza za građane Kosova. Nadam se da će do sljedećeg izvješća i to pitanje biti zatvoreno.
Svakako vrijedi pohvaliti konstruktivan pristup i napredak u dijalogu sa Srbijom. Žao mi je što isti princip nije primijenjen prilikom apliciranja Kosova za članstvo u UNESCO-u. U cijelom procesu tranzicije od iznimne važnosti je komunikacija usvojenih politika s građanima što bi olakšalo njihovu primjenu, povećalo razinu njihovog sudjelovanja, ali i stvarno doprinijelo izgradnji multietničkog društva na Kosovu, posebno kada je riječ o obrazovanju i zapošljavanju pripadnika manjina.
Zaključno, nadam se da će Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju biti snažan poticaj brojnim reformama koje Kosovo treba provesti. Bilo bi sasvim u europskom duhu da na tom putu najmlađa europska država konačno dobije i nepodijeljenu europsku podršku.
Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski (ECR).– Pani Przewodnicząca! Koleżanki i koledzy! Myślę, że pan minister reprezentujący prezydencję holenderską w bardzo niewielu słowach najlepiej wyraził to, co powinno dziać się w stosunkach między Unią Europejską a Kosowem. Chodzi o wsparcie reform i jednocześnie oczekiwanie takich reform, które zbliżą społeczność Kosowa do standardów Unii Europejskiej.
Wolałbym, prawdę powiedziawszy, żeby sprawozdanie było bardziej oszczędne w treści, ale skoncentrowane na tym, co najważniejsze: na budowie demokratycznych struktur państwowych, niezależności sądownictwa, walce z korupcją, zwalczaniu terroryzmu. Zbyt dużo w tym sprawozdaniu akcentów ideologicznych. Lepiej mniej, ale wyraźnie i bardziej jednoznacznie. Podobnie jak mój kolega, pan poseł Dzhambazki, byłbym bardzo wstrzemięźliwy wobec pospiesznej liberalizacji ruchu wizowego.
Jozo Radoš (ALDE).– Gospođo predsjednice, gospodine povjereniče, gospodine ministre, Kosovo je najmlađa europska zemlja nastala u ratu koji je završio prije petnaestak godina. To posebno naglašavam zbog toga što je u zemljama koje su prošle rat puno teže vršiti unutrašnje demokratske procese, a jednako tako i normalizaciju odnosa tih zemalja sa susjedstvom.
A Kosovo je vrlo važna zemlja, koja je itekako važna za normalizaciju odnosa sa Srbijom. To je jedan od najvažnijih procesa na zapadnom Balkanu, a naravno da ima utjecaj i na stabilnost i odnose s drugim državama. Zato posebno pozdravljam potpisivanje Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, koji će pomoći ubrzanje demokratskih procesa na Kosovu, a sigurno bi pomoglo priznanje Kosova od strane ostalih pet zemalja Europske unije i liberalizacija viznoga režima.
Ali, naravno, prva pretpostavka za to je stabilizacija i deblokada unutrašnjih odnosa u Kosovu, u Skupštini Kosova, i zato pozdravljam činjenicu da je pri nedavnom posjetu Odbora za europske poslove u Europskom parlamentu bila prisutna i opozicija iz Skupštine Kosova.
Dominique Bilde (ENF).– Madame la Présidente, pendant que l'Union européenne se désintègre morceau par morceau (emploi, économie, sécurité et vivre ensemble), ce qui est plus que jamais le symbole de votre échec cuisant, vous continuez d'envisager l'adhésion d'une entité territoriale que rien ne qualifie pour une intégration à l'Union européenne.
Il semblerait en effet qu'il faille vous rappeler que le Kosovo n'est toujours pas admis, en tant qu'État souverain, par l'ensemble des membres de l'ONU, notamment par cinq États membres: l'Espagne, Chypre, la Grèce, la Roumanie et la Slovaquie. Plus récemment encore, le 12 novembre 2015, cinquante pays membres de l'Unesco ont refusé au Kosovo le statut d'État membre permanent de cette institution.
Vous devriez peut-être commencer par expliquer et démontrer aux Serbes du Kosovo – même si vous nous dites qu'il vient d'y avoir de nouveaux échanges –, victimes de véritables massacres entre 1999 et 2004 (235 000 exilés en moins de dix ans), ces fameux avantages aux minorités chrétiennes et orthodoxes aujourd'hui encore largement persécutées dans cette partie des Balkans.
Ce week-end encore, le monastère de Visoki Dečania été la cible d'une nouvelle tentative d'attaque terroriste islamiste à l'arme de guerre.
J'attends aussi avec impatience que vous nous expliquiez les avantages d'intégrer à l'Union un territoire où sévissent des trafics en tous genres et qui occupait, en 2014, la 110e place du classement mondial des pays qui résistent le mieux à la corruption.
Enfin, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, quand la maison brûle, on ne s'occupe plus d'agrandir le jardin, mais on s'inquiète des fondations. J'attends donc de votre part que vous preniez vos responsabilités et suspendiez toute perspective...
(La Présidente retire la parole à l'oratrice)
(L’oratrice accepte de répondre à une question «carton bleu» (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), pitanje koje je zastupnik postavio podizanjem plave kartice – Želim Vas pitati gospođo Bilde mislite li, kao što ja mislim, da je bolje da se vodi realna politika na Balkanu koja vodi k miru, a ne obnovi starih ratova i starih neprijateljstava?
I je li ipak bolje to što g. Vučić i g. Mustafa, premijer Srbije i premijer Kosova, imaju dijalog, nego da ga nemaju, jer sam siguran da to doprinosi miru, a ne ratnohuškačka logika?
Dominique Bilde (ENF), réponse "carton bleu".– Madame la Présidente, cher collègue, je suis bien sûr d'accord avec vous pour que ces deux pays continuent à avoir des échanges. Nous avons nous-mêmes déjà du mal, à l'heure actuelle, dans nos propres pays de l'Union européenne, à faire régner une ambiance à peu près calme. Je ne vois donc pas pourquoi nous pourrions intégrer tout de suite des gens qui n'ont pas trouvé eux-mêmes leur calme.
Eduard Kukan (PPE).– Madam President, I welcome the resolution on Kosovo and thank the rapporteur. The SAA agreement brings a new perspective to relations between the EU and Kosovo. I urge Kosovo to take advantage of this agreement and work on the reforms needed for its implementation.
This report justly welcomes progress by Kosovo in many areas. However, we also need to pay more attention to the state of the democratic institutions and issues related to the rule of law, justice and corruption, as they are at the very core of the integration process. Therefore, I am bit surprised that these issues have been sidelined in the report, especially when we are talking about phasing out EULEX.
We should give Kosovo a chance to develop and grow so that its people feel equal in the region. It is important not only to involve Kosovo in EU programmes and to move on with visa liberalisation but also to support its participation in regional organisations.
I cannot help but mention one thing concerning the rapporteur’s introduction. With all due respect, I cannot agree substantively with what you said. Concerning the implementation of the agreements, we say to Serbia: implement everything fully and unconditionally. Yet we are saying to the Kosovars: do not fulfil, do not implement, wait for the decision of the constitutional court. That is a double standard and I cannot accept it. I will vote against it.
Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE),– I always appreciate working with you, and that also goes for Kosovo, even if I know that your Member State does not recognise it. You have been very cooperative. But when you say now that I demand different things than I demand from Serbia in my report, then that is simply not true. Yes, Kosovo also has to implement for sure. But in certain things, like the Constitutional Court, it can be done in accordance with the agreement that was achieved on 25 August. This is possible, and I ask you to support that and not to vote against.
Franz Obermayr (ENF).– Frau Präsidentin! Ohne jetzt bei Ihrer Vorsitzführung anstreifen zu wollen, darf ich Sie aber doch bitten, etwas zu klären: War das eine blau Karte, war das eine Frage oder ein Koreferat? Wenn Sie schon der Frau Berichterstatterin über eine halbe Minute mehr Zeit geben bei ihrem Bericht, dann würde ich doch darauf achten, dass sie wenigstens, wenn sie schon mit einer blauen Karte eine Frage einbringt, dann auch tatsächlich eine Frage einbringt und hier nicht ein Koreferat hält und damit ihre Möglichkeiten doch etwas mehr als üblich in Anspruch nimmt. Frau Kollegin, bleiben wir doch alle solidarisch und halten uns an unsere Möglichkeiten und auch an unsere Zeit.
elnök asszony. – Úgy érzem, képviselő úr helyre utasított az ülésvezetésem miatt. Képviselő úr úgy gondolja, hogy minden képviselőtársam, amikor kékkártyát használ, akkor állandó jelleggel csak egy kérdést tesz fel és 30 másodpercre? A helyzet az, hogy nem. Úgyhogy az irány helyes, természetesen a kékkártyás kérdés kérdésre szolgál, ugyanakkor vélemény és válaszadási lehetőség is benne van. Köszönöm a figyelmeztetését.
Julie Ward (S&D).– Madam President, I welcome the recommendation by my colleague Ulrike Lunacek regarding the conclusion of this agreement, which not only enhances political dialogue and opens new forms of cooperation but also creates opportunities to enhance contact between peoples. Citizens and civil society must be included in the process of implementation of the agreement and citizens must be informed about the process in a transparent manner.
Citizen initiatives remain at the heart of ongoing work in Kosovo to document sexual violence conducted by Serbian military and paramilitary forces during the conflict, to locate missing people and mass graves and to rebuild lives, and this must be supported. I deeply believe that more consideration must be given to the power of civil society to pursue intercultural exchange, people-to-people dialogue and initiatives bringing together citizens from EU Member States and Kosovo, particularly in respect of young people. Kosovan youth are the promise of its future. They are the ones who stand to gain from the ongoing dialogue. A young generation of Kosovars have grown up with the European vision and we must not let them down.
Илхан Кючюк (ALDE).– Уважаема г-жо Председател, уважаеми колеги, Косово е най-младата европейска демокрация и ние трябва да се отнасяме с особено внимание, когато обсъждаме европейската перспектива пред страната. Косово постигна значим напредък през изминалата година и трябва да отчетем правителствените усилия за приемане на законодателство за правата на човека и за осъществяване на конструктивен подход в преговорите със Сърбия.
Това несъмнено доказва наличието на политическа воля за реформи и желание за европейска интеграция. Именно тази амбиция за промяна стои в основата на подписаното споразумение за стабилизиране и асоцииране с Европейския съюз, което ще даде нов импулс за развитие на крехката икономика на страната.
Без съмнение политическият диалог с Европейския съюз ще е от фундаментално значение в намирането на решения на сериозни проблеми, като върховенството на закона, свободата на словото, корупцията по високите етажи на властта и незадоволителното участие на гражданското общество в обществено-политическия живот на страната. Развитието на Косово е от огромно значение, както за Балканите, така и за Европа.
Този аргумент трябва да се вземе под внимание от страните членки, които все още не признават независимостта на страната, защото само пълната интеграция на държавите от Западните Балкани означава стабилност и просперитет за региона.
Andrej Plenković (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, ministre Koenders, povjereniče Hahn, prije svega zahvaljujem našoj kolegici Lunacek na kvalitetno pripremljenom izvješću o napretku koje bi trebalo biti poticaj za daljnji napredak na europskom putu Kosova, kojeg osobno snažno podržavam kao i nova hrvatska vlada. Pozdravljam ratifikaciju Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, koji je sada temelj europskih integracija Kosova. Ujedno mi je žao što Kosovo nije postalo članicom UNESCO-a.
Dobro je što je ostvaren napredak u odnosima sa Srbijom, a pritom treba provesti sve potpisane sporazume. Nastavak dijaloga sa Srbijom nužan je za normalizaciju odnosa između ove dvije države, a očekujem da će se riješiti i pitanje nestalih osoba. Kosovo je jedina država jugoistočne Europe čijim je državljanima još uvijek potrebna viza za putovanje u EU te se zalažem za viznu liberalizaciju za građane Kosova, čime će se smanjiti pritisak ilegalne migracije.
Drago mi je da izvješće uključuje i punu podršku namjeri Vijeća da Komisija nastavi razgovore o okvirnom sporazumu koji bi omogućio Kosovu sudjelovanje u programima Europske unije, a nadam se da će i parlamentarni dijalog između vlasti i oporbe na Kosovu biti kvalitetniji te djelovati konstruktivno u cilju dostizanja europskih standarda demokratskih institucija.
Daniele Viotti (S&D).– Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi permetto di ringraziare la collega Lunacek per il grande lavoro che ha fatto con il suo team. L'entrata in vigore dell'accordo di stabilizzazione e associazione è naturalmente un passo molto importante per il Kosovo, per il suo processo di riforme e anche per il rafforzamento della cooperazione in molte aree del paese. Quello che però chiedono i cittadini kosovari – lo sappiamo – è una sola cosa: la liberalizzazione dei visti. La liberalizzazione dei visti verso Schengen, soprattutto, verso i nostri paesi, e proprio in questi giorni è importante parlarne. Il Kosovo è l'unico paese dei Balcani occidentali i cui cittadini ancora non godono di questo status, ed è frustrante pensare che quando avevano il passaporto jugoslavo la situazione era ben diversa. Certo il Kosovo deve fare ancora grandi passi, deve fare dei passi verso lo Stato di diritto, verso la lotta alla corruzione. Compito di questo Parlamento sarà esattamente quello di vigilare che vengano garantiti i diritti ai kosovari e che il Kosovo faccia il necessario percorso di riforma.
László Tőkés (PPE).– A fiatal koszovói állam számára rendkívüli és gyors előrelépést jelent, hogy tavaly októberben az Unióval aláírhatta a stabilitási és társulási egyezményt. Az európai közösség támogatása azonban távolról sem jelenti azt, hogy a volt jugoszláv tartomány eddig elért eredményeivel elégedettek lehetnénk. Miközben joggal várhatjuk el, hogy a még hátralévő további öt állama is ismerje el Koszovó függetlenségét, Szerbia pedig normalizálja hozzáfűződő viszonyát, ugyanakkor az új albán állammal szemben is joggal támasztjuk azt az igényt, hogy minden tekintetben zárkózzon fel az Unióhoz, hajtsa végre a szükséges reformokat, küzdje le a korrupciót és az erőszakot. Mindenekelőtt pedig a területén élő szerb közösségnek biztosítsa azon jogokat, melyeket előző kisebbségi állapotában maga is joggal követelt meg az akkori szerb állami többségtől. Európai integrációjuk során Koszovó és Szerbia óhatatlanul egymásra vannak utalva. Csak rajtuk múlik, hogy egymást erősítve jutnak be vagy egymást gátolva maradnak ki az Unióból.
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D).– Madam President, after Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in early 2008, the EU almost immediately initiated Kosovo’s European integration process. The same applies to assuming the mantle of chief intermediary between Belgrade and Pristina, and I think there are two key points.
First, if Kosovans truly want to become part of our family of nations, European values of respect towards democracy, freedom of speech, good governance and others have to be fully respected. This is not conditional – it is obligatory.
Second, Kosovo and Serbia have to reach a mutually-satisfactory compromise, paving the way to long-term peace and cooperation. Serbians’ attitude towards Kosovo is that of grieving, disgruntled people who have lost their historic homeland. This mutual understanding has to resolve this serious injury.
And, of course, there can be no EU membership perspective for Kosovo unless all our Member States recognise it as independent. Cyprus, Greece, Romania, as you know, Slovakia and Spain – 5 out of 28 – have not yet done it, each for their own reasons.
Alojz Peterle (PPE).– Kosovo je moralo premagati notranje in zunanje ovire, da je sklenilo... da je s sklenitvijo stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sporazuma naredilo zelo pomemben korak naprej v smeri polne evropske perspektive. Tega sem vesel in k temu Kosovu tudi čestitam. Poročevalki kolegici Lunaček pa čestitam za še eno odlično poročilo.
Kar zadeva nadaljevanje pristopnega procesa, je jasno, da bo izgradnja odnosov s Srbijo še naprej igrala pomembno vlogo. Ne vidim boljše podlage za napredek v smeri trajnega sožitja znotraj Kosovega ali med obema državama, kot so evropska načela spoštovanja dostojanstva različnih identitet in sprave.
V tej zvezi posebej pozdravljam prizadevanja in dosežke komisarja Hahna in podpredsednice/visoke predstavnice gospe Mogherinijeve. Hkrati pa priporočam visoko pozornost do vprašanja viz, kar bi bilo treba kmalu rešiti.
Francisco Assis (S&D).– Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, não devemos perder de vista que as negociações das instituições europeias com as autoridades kosovares são também negociações em prol da cooperação entre o Kosovo e a Sérvia e, portanto, em prol da paz e da fraternidade na Europa. São indissociáveis da futura integração da própria Sérvia na União Europeia. Este processo prova que o espírito do projeto europeu continua vivo apesar das angústias que a União tem conhecido nos últimos tempos e prova também que o futuro da Europa passa por uma cultura de responsabilidade e de compromisso.
Quero saudar os esforços e o empenho pessoal de Federica Mogherini no quadro dos diálogos de alto nível para a normalização das relações entre Belgrado e Pristina, iniciadas em 2012 pela sua antecessora. Os benefícios desse diálogo são já visíveis no quotidiano do povo kosovar e do povo sérvio, com o mútuo reconhecimento de diplomas e com avanços significativos na liberdade de movimentos, para dar apenas dois exemplos. O caminho é claramente por aí.
Por outro lado, a pobreza dos kosovares e a sua falta de perspetivas são causa de grande ceticismo e desilusão. Uma taxa desemprego próxima dos 50 % e uma emigração em massa estão a minar a esperança da população. Mais razões para encorajarmos a implementação do Acordo de Cooperação e Estabilização entre a União Europeia e o Kosovo, pois por ele passa a melhoria das condições de vida das populações e uma gradual aproximação dos kosovares aos valores europeus.
Catch-the-eye procedure
Dubravka Šuica (PPE).– Gospođo predsjednice, želim iskoristiti priliku i zahvaliti se gospođi Lunacek na kvalitetnom izvješću, ali i gospođi Mogherini i gospodinu Hahnu koji su bitno doprinijeli da ne samo ovo izvješće, nego da stanje možemo ocijeniti kao napredak.
U svakom slučaju, bitan je napredak na Kosovu jer to doprinosi stabilizaciji cijelog Balkana. Isto tako, očito je da je najvažniji uvjet odnos sa Srbijom i tu je neophodno napraviti važan korak ka pomirenju. Već se tu puno napravilo, međutim treba na tome inzistirati. Naravno da je vizna legalizacija također važna. Važno je naglasiti da je Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju također jedan od važnih koraka i isto tako odnosi između vlasti i oporbe. Dakle, suradnja je neophodna, treba na tome poraditi.
Šteta je što se Kosovo nije uspjelo pridružiti UNESCO-u i loše je što se koristi ova situacija i na neki način ucjenjuje kako se ono ne bi pridružilo UNESCO-u. Isto tako želim naglasiti da bi pet država članica trebale polagano razmisliti i pristupiti priznanju neovisnosti Kosova.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR).– Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το Κοσσυφοπέδιο αποτελεί άλλο ένα θλιβερό τερατούργημα στρατιωτικών επεμβάσεων στις οποίες συνέδραμε και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Σημειώνουμε ότι το ψευδοκράτος του Κοσσυφοπεδίου έχει μονομερώς κηρύξει την ανεξαρτησία του, που είναι αντίθετη με το ψήφισμα 1244 του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ, το οποίο προβλέπει αυτονομία του Κοσσυφοπεδίου εντός της σερβικής επικράτειας. Σημειώνουμε, επίσης, ότι σε σχετική έκθεση του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης ο νυν Υπουργός Εξωτερικών και πρώην Πρωθυπουργός του ψευδοκράτους Hashim Thaçi κατηγορείται για σύσταση δικτύου παράνομης εμπορίας ανθρώπινων οργάνων.
Επισημαίνουμε τους συστηματικούς διωγμούς και τις απειλές που βιώνουν οι χριστιανοί του Κοσσυφοπεδίου, στην πλειοψηφία τους Σέρβοι. Σημειώνουμε ότι το Κοσσυφοπέδιο βρίσκεται στη λίστα των δέκα κρατών με τα υψηλότερα ποσοστά ανθρώπων που εμπλέκονται άμεσα στην ισλαμική τρομοκρατία του Daesh. Σημειώνουμε, επίσης, ότι το εθνικιστικό κίνημα που διεκδικεί ένωση με την Αλβανία λαμβάνει το 14% των ψήφων.
Τα στοιχεία λοιπόν αυτά δείχνουν ότι είναι απαγορευτικά για οποιαδήποτε ευρωπαϊκή πορεία ενός κράτους παρία, που άλλωστε δεν τυγχάνει αναγνώρισης από το σύνολο των κρατών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Csaba Sógor (PPE).– Nyugat-Balkán országainak uniós csatlakozása nélkül nem képzelhető el az egységes Európa, így tehát Koszovó sem maradhat ki ebből a folyamatból, bár kétségtelenül sok munka vár még az ország vezetőire. A reformok gyorsítását és a kapcsolatok szorosabbra fűzését segítené, ha az az öt tagállam is hivatalosan elismerné Koszovót, amelyek ezt még valamilyen oknál fogva még nem tették meg. Koszovó kiválása Szerbiából semmiképpen nem tekinthető egy olyan folyamatnak, amely a koszovói autonómia természetes fejlődési iránya lett volna. Ellenkezőleg! A tagállamok területén működő területi autonómiák csökkentik az etnikumok közötti feszültséget és hozzájárulnak az adott ország belső kohéziójának növeléséhez. Koszovó példája azt mutatja, milyen szörnyű következménye lehet annak, ha egy állam etnikai többsége nem figyel oda a kisebbség igényeire és szükségleteire. Éppen ezért egy újabb érv a jól működő területi autonómiák szükségessége mellett, nem pedig veszélyes precedens a szecesszióra.
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE).– Gospođo predsjednice, imam jednu malu molbu. Prethodna predsjedavajuća dozvolila mi je jednu plavu kartu i ako ALDE može dobiti riječ ja bih Vas ljubazno zamolio da gospodin Selimović govori umjesto mene. Pod catch-the-eye. Budite ljubazni, moli Vas dajte riječ gospodinu Selimoviću u ime ALDE grupe.
Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE).– Fru talman! Kosovos närmande till EU är välkommet och det kommer att betyda ett slut på en era som präglats av krig och tragedier och samtidigt kommer säkert en bättre framtid för Kosovo. Det är bara att hoppas att det kommer att gå snabbt och att nödvändiga reformer implementeras i tillräcklig takt. Därför måste också frågan om den serbiska minoriteten lösas snart.
På samma sätt som ett erkännande av Kosovo och normalisering av relationerna med Kosovo är ett villkor för Serbiens närmande till EU, måste ett avtal med Kosovo om frågan om serbiska minoriteten vara ett villkor för Kosovo, och där måste EU hjälpa till. Vi kan inte tillåta att ärliga och uppriktiga ansträngningar av en legitimt vald regering undermineras av oppositionen i inrikespolitiskt syfte. Jag förväntar mig att kommissionen skickar tydliga signaler om det.
Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE).– Tudi sam bi se zahvalil gospe Lunacek za izvrstno pripravljeno poročilo.
Torej Kosovo je ena najmlajših demokracij in država z eno najmlajših tudi populacij. In tudi na nas je, da jim omogočimo, da Kosovo postane normalna demokratično razvita država, kjer seveda ne bo prišlo do tega, da bi množične migracije seveda oslabile potem tudi perspektivo Kosova.
Je pa seveda še ogromno za storiti. Tu so pomembne strukturne spremembe, tudi vprašanje kriminala, korupcije, vprašanje o delitvi sodstva, nadzornih inštitucij, javnih financ in transparentnosti porabe, tudi kontrole nad porabo, javnimi financami, tudi regijski razvoj in pa medsosedsko sodelovanje, tudi Srbije.
Zdi se mi pa pomembno seveda, da se pusti... dopusti Kosovu vključitev tudi v različne mednarodne organizacije, na kar je bilo opozorjeno, od seveda nogometa do Evrovizije in pa seveda tudi Unesca.
James Carver (EFDD).– Madam President, in various questions that I have asked the Commission on territories seeking their right to self-determination, I have heard how the EU respects the principles of internationally-recognised borders and that they do not have the competency to recognise states. Does this not perfectly highlight the hypocrisy of the European Union: how willing it is to bend and even break its own rules when the ends justify the means?
Kosovo is not a United Nations-recognised state. However, the EU has extensive relations with the territory and even recognises it as a potential candidate country, despite no permanent and viable political solution between Serbia and Kosovo currently being on the table. If anything, the current heavy-handed diplomacy by the High Representative in the establishment of Serbian municipalities within Kosovo only works to further destabilise the region. Is there anything the European Union would not do to pursue its neo-colonialist agenda?
Franz Obermayr (ENF).– Frau Präsidentin! Ich glaube, wir sollten die Fakten offen nennen: 200 Dschihadisten kommen im Kosovo auf eine Million Einwohner. Das Land liegt damit noch vor Belgien und hat damit die höchste Dichte Europas und übertrifft sogar Libyen um 100 %. Im Land werden flächendeckend Moscheen von saudi-arabischen Hardcore-Islamisten errichtet. Der Kosovo ist heute weit weg von einem europäischen laizistischen Islam, wie wir ihn aus vergangenen Zeiten kannten.
Daher scheint die Prognose einer Schweizer Zeitung sehr realistisch, dass der Kosovo der erste islamische Staat der Union werden könnte. Nebenbei gilt der Kosovo als Drehscheibe der organisierten Kriminalität. Es sprechen also weder kulturelle noch wirtschaftliche und schon gar nicht sicherheitspolitische Gründe für eine Assoziierung dieses Landes. Respektieren wir daher den Willen der europäischen Bürger, die keine Erweiterung der Union wollen – schon gar keinen islamistischen Staat innerhalb der Union. Ich fürchte, dass wir mit dem Kosovo die nächste europäische Zeitbombe ticken haben.
(End of catch-the-eye procedure)
Johannes Hahn,Mitglied der Kommission. – Frau Präsidentin! Ich denke, die Mehrheit hier im Haus ist sich darüber im Klaren, dass wir die volle Integration des Westbalkans in die Europäische Union brauchen. Das Frieden, Stabilität, Versöhnung, Aufeinanderzugehen und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung nur gewährleistet sind im Setting der Europäischen Union und dass die gesamte Unsicherheit und Irritation, die von manchen heute auch geäußert wurde, sich nur auflösen kann, wenn es hier eine Inklusion gibt, wenn es eine europäische Perspektive gibt.
Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt auch aus strategischen und sicherheitspolitischen Gründen nicht vorstellen, dass es sozusagen einen white spot oder ein black hole hier auf dem Westbalkan gibt, wo eben nicht etwa europäische Regeln und Zuständigkeiten und Rechtsstaatlichkeiten gewährleistet sind. Es hätte nämlich wahrscheinlich noch viel schwerwiegendere Konsequenzen.
Wir müssen hier an der Entwicklung dieser Länder arbeiten. Keine Frage, es ist überhaupt nicht so, dass wir schon dort sind, wo wir sein wollen. Aber ich denke, an diesem notwendigen Prozess – und im Vordergrund hat der Begriff Prozess zu stehen und weniger Verhandlungen – führt kein Weg vorbei: Diese Länder müssen wirtschaftlich, in ihrer sozialen Entwicklung, in ihrer rechtsstaatlichen Entwicklung an die Europäische Union herangeführt werden. Für den Kosovo ist das Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsabkommen für den Moment das am besten geeignete Instrument, diesen Weg entsprechend zu befördern. Was jetzt wichtig ist, ist Umsetzung, ist Implementierung, und hier kann nur appelliert werden an alle politischen Kräfte im Kosovo, sich dieser Aufgabe zu widmen, sich dieser Aufgabe zu stellen.
Bei allem Verständnis für politische Auseinandersetzungen, die wir auch hier im Haus gewohnt sind: Es gibt sozusagen nationale gemeinsame Ziele, und die europäische Perspektive sollte doch jedenfalls die große Mehrheit der politischen Akteure im Kosovo einen.
Daher kann auch von dieser Stelle nur appelliert werden an die Verantwortlichen im Kosovo, sich hier an einen Tisch zu setzen, im Gespräch, in der Diskussion und in der Debatte letztlich die politischen Weichenstellungen im Interesse des Landes vorzunehmen und von jeglicher Form der Gewalt bzw. des Aufstandes Abstand zu nehmen.
Die Kommission wird sich ungebrochen bemühen und dafür einsetzen, im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten den Kosovo hier an die europäische Perspektive, an Europa heranzuführen. Visa liberalisation wurde schon genannt, oder die Stärkung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, die Verbesserung des Businessklimas.
Vergessen Sie nicht: Der Kosovo generiert heute noch mehr als ein Drittel seine Einkünfte aus Zöllen – in einem Europa ohne Zölle ist das nicht länger tragbar und nachhaltig. Daher muss man jetzt schon daran arbeiten, das langsam umzugestalten, damit dann auch die Voraussetzungen gegeben sind. Es gilt, auch die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit anzusprechen, den brain drain, den wir in dieser Region sehen, und all das sind die notwendigen Maßnahmen – wie gesagt, meines Erachtens alternativlos –, um den Kosovo heranzuführen und um einen Beitrag zu leisten, dass in der Region Frieden, Stabilität, Perspektiven für die Menschen gegeben sind, damit sie auch in der Region bleiben können und nicht gezwungen sind, etwa innerhalb Europas zu emigrieren.
Bert Koenders,President-in-Office of the Council.– Madam President, I would like first to express my sincere gratitude to the rapporteur Ulrike Lunacek for the very important work she has done on the important region of Kosovo. Kosovo has a very long history, as you know, with lots of violence, and I think some of you were referring to that this afternoon. I think that is correct. If we look at the situation since 1999 we see enormous progress, and that progress has to be reinforced. It has sometimes gone in cycles up and down, but I can tell you that the European Union will continue to assist Kosovo, including through its strength and presence on the ground. But obviously the primary responsibility for progress lies with Kosovo, with its leaders, with its institutions and with civil society.
Reforms are crucial, and they will require the political leaders to live up to their responsibilities for the good of Kosovo and of its citizens. Key EU- related reforms are essential, not just to please the European Union but because they are in the interests of Kosovo itself. On the political crisis we are obviously following the situation with concern with many of you. We have made it clear that violence for political purposes is not acceptable and have appealed to all sides that challenges need to be addressed as part of a joint effort through political dialogue.
Madam rapporteur, I think you were referring also to the Kosovo Constitutional Court. As we all know, it has ruled that the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities is to be established, as provided by the First Agreement in accordance with the Constitution. It will now be essential to work concretely on the drafting of the statute of the Association/Community in the framework of this dialogue.
You also spoke about the European aspirations of the people of Kosovo. Of course I have heard some of the language again, I think, from some of the representatives on that side of the corner with a known anti-Islamic language which has, in my view, nothing to do with the issue we are discussing today. When I represent the Council here, I would really like to appeal to you to confine yourselves to arguments that have to do with the case itself and not with religious discrimination.
We should also acknowledge that visa liberalisation is a process based on conditions. I would say that. Of course we hope it will be possible. As Ms Lunacek states, there is progress but it is not enough, and now the work has to be done to make it enough. I understand it in the prospect for the young people of Kosovo: they want to travel. The visa can help there, but at the same time I think Commissioner Hahn mentioned that combating corruption and organised crime, and the independence of the judiciary and the specialist chambers, are really important elements in this. This is a conditions-based policy.
We will continue to support Kosovo in its reform efforts with financial assistance and expertise through EULEX, and if Kosovo delivers on its obligations then of course we can consider and honour the commitments. Ultimately that, I think, will mean that the people of Kosovo will be able to travel freely like all other Europeans.
Lastly, I wanted to mention the importance of the entry into force of the SAA. After the consent that you have given, the Council needs to adopt a decision on the conclusion. It is planned for 12 February and then the Agreement enters into force on the first day of the second month following notification that internal procedures have been completed. It could be possible by 1 April or 1 May.
President. – I have received one motion for a resolution tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2)) of the Rules of Procedure.
The debate is closed.
The vote will take place on Thursday, 4 February 2016.
Written statements (Rule 162)
María Teresa Giménez Barbat (ALDE), por escrito.– Defendiendo los principios de soberanía e integridad territorial reconocidos a Serbia y garantizados por el Acta Final de Helsinki, mi país consideró la Declaración Unilateral de Independencia de Kosovo contraria al Derecho internacional. Sin embargo, esto no le ha impedido mantener una actitud constructiva, incluso dentro de la UE, siempre que las propuestas busquen favorecer el bienestar de la población y se incluyan las medidas necesarias que protejan nuestra posición de no reconocimiento. Ahora bien, me gustaría hacer especial hincapié en que, a pesar de que el Consejo Europeo de Feira (2000) declaró a los países de los Balcanes Occidentales como candidatos potenciales concretando los principios del Proceso de Estabilización y Asociación, esto no puede aplicarse a un territorio cuya Declaración Unilateral de Independencia se produce posteriormente. Por ello, el territorio kosovar podrá formar parte del Proceso de Estabilización y Asociación pero no del de ampliación, por lo que no puede ser considerado ni «candidato» ni «potencial candidato».