 Teljes szöveg 
Az ülések szó szerinti jegyzőkönyve
2016. február 24., Szerda - Brüsszel

3. Az előző ülés jegyzőkönyvének elfogadása
A felszólalásokról készült videofelvételek

  Der Präsident. – Das Protokoll und die angenommenen Texte der Sitzung vom 4. Februar 2016 sind verfügbar. Gibt es Einwände?

(Das Protokoll der vorangegangenen Sitzung wird genehmigt.)



  Luke Ming Flanagan (GUE/NGL). Mr President, I need to make a personal statement. At the Wednesday sitting of the Strasbourg part-session, I asked Mr Juncker – as it happened to be at the time – a question in relation to the bank debt in Ireland. I was hoping that I was speaking in an environment where I would get the protection of the Chair, but far from it. When my office looked at the video after the speech, we discovered that the Chair had accidentally left on the mike, and he exclaimed the phrase ‘Jesus Christ’ after I spoke. I do not know whether it was perhaps in reference to the fact that I have long hair and a beard, or maybe it was the fact that he did not like what I was saying. I do not really care whether he likes what I am saying or not, because that is not his job. His job is to be independent, and if I did want him to do his job properly, maybe he might make Mr Juncker answer the question instead of being exasperated about the fact that he did not like what I was saying.

What I want here is an apology on behalf of the people who elected me, because it is insulting to have that phrase used about me; it is insulting to say that after someone speaks. Can that Chair come out and do the right thing and prove that they are independent? Because there is not a lot of independence in the Chair in my experience. Can they prove it?


  Der Präsident. – Mir wird mitgeteilt, dass zu dem Zeitpunkt, als Sie als „Jesus“ bezeichnet wurden, Herr Vizepräsident Lambsdorff den Vorsitz geführt hat. Wir werden das prüfen. Ich komme dann auf Ihre Intervention zurück.


  Ioan Mircea Paşcu (S&D). Mr President, I would like to inform the House on a matter pertaining to freedom of expression in Romania. Two years ago, the owner of the Intact Media Group – five TV stations, two radio stations and two newspapers – was sentenced to ten years in prison. Consequently his assets, including the premises of the Intact Media Group, have been confiscated and legally registered as state property. Some days ago, in a clear show of force, the tax authorities descended on the premises of the Intact Media Group to hand over an eviction notice in a completely unrealistic period of five days. For your information, the Intact Media Group has not been part of the trial – it is not in debt to the state – and was ignored when it tried to do that. I consider this unacceptable.


  Der Präsident. – Herr Paşcu! Sie sind ja ein Vizepräsident dieses Hauses. Eigentlich müssten Sie wissen, dass das nicht zur Tagesordnung ist. Sie können diese Erklärung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt abgeben.

Ich werde jetzt auch nur noch Wortmeldungen zur Tagesordnung oder zur Geschäftsordnung zulassen.

Frau Anderson, ich weiß, Sie hatten sich gemeldet. Bitte nur zur Tagesordnung oder einen konkreten Antrag zur Geschäftsordnung! Ich weiß, dass in Irland Wahlkampf ist. Aber da können wir Ihnen jetzt auch nicht wesentlich weiterhelfen.


  Martina Anderson (GUE/NGL). Mr President, you might apologise for that comment when you hear what I have to say. It is nothing to do with Ireland. I want to bring to your attention and to the attention of Vice-President/High Representative Mogherini a Palestinian hunger striker, a 33-year-old journalist, a father of two children, who has been on hunger strike for 92 days without charge or without trial. He is dying. His doctor has said he is on the verge of death. We are calling on Vice-President/High Representative Mogherini to intervene, please, and talk to the Israeli President and save this man’s life.


  Der Präsident. – Vielen Dank.

Jogi nyilatkozat - Adatvédelmi szabályzat