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Srijeda, 24. veljače 2016. - Bruxelles Revidirano izdanje

17. Priprema za posebnu sjednicu Opće skupštine UN-a o drogama (rasprava)
Videozapis govora

  President. – The next item is the debate on the Council and Commission statements on preparation for the UN General Assembly special session on drugs (2016/2561(RSP)).


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, UNGASS 2016 is a key opportunity for the international community to take stock of the achievements of the international drug control system today. It also provides an opportunity to elaborate a response to the world drug problem and to find long-term solutions in the framework of the international treaties. As an outcome, UNGASS should adopt a short and action-oriented document comprising a set of operational recommendations, and the EU supports such an approach.

To be more precise, the EU advocates the following priorities. First, we emphasise that the three UN drug conventions which provide the international legal framework, and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, should remain the cornerstone of the global response to the world drug problem. Indeed, there is sufficient scope and flexibility within the provisions of the UN drug conventions to accommodate a wide range of approaches to drug policy in accordance with national and regional specificities.

Second, we highlight the importance of human rights. We call for the abolition of the death penalty for drug-related offences as well as the abolition of other practices which are not in line with the principles of human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, solidarity, the rule of law and human rights, and the EU continues to stress that the death penalty undermines human dignity while failing to act as a deterrent to criminal behaviour. Also, the EU recalls that the application of the death penalty for drug-related crimes does not meet the threshold of the most serious crimes as set out by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Third, we advocate drug policies based on an integrated, balanced and evidence-based approach. Clearly, a balance between drug supply and drug demand reduction measures is needed, and we also call for drug policies to be underpinned by a sound public-health approach based on scientific evidence and supported by objective monitoring systems and evaluation.

While the international drug conventions call for a balanced approach, we feel that in a number of states, measures to address drug production and trafficking take priority over drug use, prevention, risk and harm reduction, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. Therefore a stronger health approach is needed to redress this balance, and UNGASS is a unique opportunity to achieve that.

The Union also calls on state parties to guarantee access to risk- and harm-reduction measures, which are not only related to HIV/AIDS prevention but also cover a whole spectrum of measures to protect public health and society. The EU consistently stresses that these measures have proved their effectiveness in improving public health. We also advocate the promotion of alternative development as a long-term and holistic approach to tackle the root causes and framework conditions of the illicit cultivation of drug crops.

Finally, we attach great importance to the role of civil society and science, especially in the field of drug demand reduction. Therefore the EU is also calling for the recognition of a role for civil society in drugs policies. These priorities will reflect that, in the common EU position on UNGASS set out in November last year and in the EU contribution to the UNGASS outcome document. Currently the EU is closely involved in defending these priorities in the negotiations on the UNGASS outcome document, and we are glad to see that the UNGASS outcome document already includes many elements that are important to the EU. However, two important issues are still missing: first, a reference to the abolition of the death penalty for drug-related crimes, and second, strong language on risk- and harm-reduction measures. Clearly the EU will have to keep on advocating the inclusion of these very important elements.


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. Madam President, the Commission believes that the EU has a very important role to play in promoting a robust outcome at the United Nations General Assembly special session on drugs and is fully engaged in its preparation.

The European Union adopted last November a common position for the UNGASS. We are determined to speak with one strong voice, and you will hear that the Commission is very much in agreement with the Council at this session. We will ensure that critical issues for the EU’s Common Position are taken on board in negotiations on the outcome document.

Commissioner Avramopoulos will represent the Commission at the special session and seize the opportunity to present and promote the EU’s world—recognised model of drugs policy, and this policy is based on evidence. It drives a balanced approach between drug demand reduction and drug supply reduction and gives attention to the challenges, such as the online trade in drugs and new psychoactive substances.

Some of the key issues we will focus on have already been mentioned by the Minister, but let me emphasise them again. Our priorities include respect for human rights and the call for abolition of the death penalty for drug-related crimes, because they do not meet the threshold for the most serious crimes under international law. So, we have proposed from the EU side to organise a side event, during the special session, on the death penalty to explain our views on why capital punishment for drugs-related offences is not a good policy solution – and, by the way, it is never a good solution. We will also plead for proportional criminal justice when dealing with people who use drugs, and we will advocate rebalancing our drug policy towards public health approaches. This is the primary objective of an international drugs control system.

We need to do more when it comes to demand reduction, encompassing prevention, early detection and intervention treatment, risk reduction, care, recovery, rehabilitation and social integration, and we are comparatively very well placed to share our experiences and best practices in this area.

We will support the draft recommendations on drug supply reduction currently on the table. We want to see greater international cooperation and coordination to prevent and respond to drug-related crimes. Primarily, the focus should be on those having a leading role in the trafficking chain. It is equally important to address the links between drug trafficking and other forms of organised crime, money laundering and corruption.

The EU will remain active in regional and international networks addressing these issues. Europol is contributing decisively to this end, offering experts and facilitating information exchange and best practices. We will also call for effective international cooperation on challenges such as drug trafficking on the internet and on new psychoactive substances – threats that concern all the regions of the world. We will stress the importance of building drug policies on evidence, reliable objective monitoring and evaluation systems. We have our own agency, the European Monitoring Centre of Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) in Lisbon, which is pursuing these goals steadily.

Last but not least, we wish to see tailored measures for children, women and young people. Therefore the EU will be at the forefront of those calling for greater involvement of civil society in the definition and implementation of our drugs policy. We have an expert group of 45 NGOs in the form of the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs, and they are a constant adviser to us. So, dear Members of Parliament, I am looking forward to hearing your interventions, which we will carefully take into account in our preparations and participation in UNGASS.


  Michał Boni, on behalf of the PPE Group. Madam President, Madam Commissioner, the UNGASS Conference will be an opportunity to promote the European approach related to drug issues in order to tackle the demand and supply, also to fight drug-related problems. The European approach is unique, as we have managed to create coordination with 28 drug policies joined together and reinforced by action taken at EU level. This is a model with a special role for EMCDDA, our agency, to do risk assessments, and we should share this experience with the regional organisations. As Europe, we should promote the abolition of the death penalty and the right to healthcare services for people affected by drugs. It is important to change the attitude, not to stigmatise or criminalise people dependent on drugs but promote a preventive approach and build an awareness of how dangerous all kinds of drugs are.

Three points: firstly, the integrated approach should be further developed, with cooperation between health, justice and law enforcement, civil society focused on assistance, treatment, education and awareness-raising. On the other hand, a more coordinated fight against organised crime should be a priority as well. Secondly, we need to adjust to the new ways of drug distribution, taking into account the role of the internet. This is not only for law enforcement but also for parents and prevention organisations. And thirdly, we should understand the phenomenon of new psychoactive substances, which pose more and more of a threat.

We need a proper early-warning system and the possibility to react much faster. This is why all available resources, especially related to the EMCDDA in Europe, need to be strengthened.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. Egyetértek az Ön által felsorolt szempontokkal, egy ponton azonban kérdést szeretnék föltenni. Ön mennyire gondolja az összehangolt politikákat valóban képviselhetőnek, amikor például az én hazámban, Magyarországon, 50%-kal ugrott meg a hepatitis C-ben megbetegedettek száma azért, mert megszüntette a kormány az ingyenes tűcsereprogramot. Ez azért eléggé szétszórt politikákra utal.


  Michał Boni (PPE), blue-card answer. I think that it is important to understand that competences relating to health are in the Member States’ hands, but that there are many efforts being made at the European level to coordinate and harmonise some activities. I think that we need to have a balance. Promotion and cooperation is one of the most important things but, on the other hand, we need to remember that many Member States will tackle their own policies in this area.


  Elly Schlein, a nome del gruppo S&D. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nella sua relazione annuale del 2014 la Direzione nazionale antimafia italiana ha sentito il dovere di evidenziare il totale fallimento dell'azione repressiva di contrasto alla diffusione delle droghe leggere, in particolare la cannabis, invitando il parlamento italiano a valutare, in un contesto europeo, se sia opportuna una depenalizzazione della materia, tenendo conto delle potenziali ricadute positive in termini di deflazione del carico giudiziario, di liberazione di risorse per il contrasto ad altri fenomeni criminali e, soprattutto, di lotta alle mafie. Parole pesantissime che arrivano da chi è in prima linea nella battaglia per far rispettare le normative attuali e che si inseriscono in un dibattito reso vivo dalle positive esperienze in paesi come l'Uruguay e in diversi Stati degli Stati Uniti d'America, anche in termini di riduzione dei fenomeni criminali.

Questo ci deve fare riflettere proprio in vista della sessione speciale dell'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite dedicata alle droghe, un'opportunità unica di rivedere le politiche sulle droghe a livello globale, mettendo al centro le persone, la loro salute e i diritti umani, avendo il coraggio di cambiare rotta.

Le politiche repressive hanno infatti fallito nel ridurre il mercato illegale, hanno sovraffollato le carceri, hanno provocato la stigmatizzazione di chi fa uso di droghe e favorito i traffici miliardari della criminalità organizzata. Mi auguro quindi che sfrutteremo questa importante occasione per riflettere su un cambiamento di rotta ormai necessario.


  Marek Jurek, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Zdrowie publiczne to jedno z praw podstawowych składających się na dobro wspólne każdego narodu i żaden rząd nie ma prawa uchylać się od odpowiedzialności za zwalczanie plag, szczególnie plag szerzonych w zorganizowany sposób, które uderzają w zdrowie ludzi. Ludziom uzależnionym od narkotyków należy pomagać w leczeniu; hurtowników, dystrybutorów, wszystkich tych, którzy szerzą tę plagę, należy zwalczać, należy z nimi prowadzić regularną wojnę.

Słyszę, że w tej chwili głównym naszym orędziem do reszty świata ma być zakaz kary śmierci za przestępstwa narkotykowe, a może jeszcze zakażemy używania wojska w walce z mafiami narkotykowymi? Może zwrócimy się do Stanów Zjednoczonych, do państw Azji Wschodniej, żeby wojsko nie walczyło z mafią narkotykową, bo jeszcze przypadkiem jakiś hurtownik zginie? My mamy ludzi bronić, a nie zachęcać innych do tego, żeby nie zwalczali tego zła, które uderza w nasze narody.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). Téma drog považuji v současné době za stejně aktuální, jako např. téma migrace. Bohužel mi připadá, že drogy stále zůstávají v pozadí veškerých diskuzí. V posledních letech stále dochází k novým trendům, na které musí mezinárodní společenství reagovat, chce-li zabránit rozmachu drog.

Když se podívám na statistiky, je naprosto jasné, že výčet nově vznikajících omamných látek neustále narůstá, např. v roce 2014 došlo k nahlášení 101 nových omamných látek. Současně s tímto fenoménem již delší dobu narůstá i počet trestných činů souvisejících s nabídkou drog. Tím snad nejnebezpečnějším je obchodování s nelegálními drogami na internetu. V Evropě je již několik tisíc internetových obchodů, kde si i mladiství a děti mohou koupit drogy a jiné omamné látky.

Musíme tedy hledat řešení nejen na evropské úrovni, ale i na světové a zasadit se o efektivní prevenci tohoto negativního jevu.


  Μιλτιάδης Κύρκος ( S&D). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το 1998 αποφασίστηκε για πρώτη φορά η στήριξη και των αστυνομικών μέτρων, αλλά και των μέτρων πρόληψης και θεραπείας. Αυτό όμως δυστυχώς δεν έγινε. Μείναμε στις διακηρύξεις και έτσι φτάσαμε σήμερα το ογδόντα τοις εκατό των διαθέσιμων πόρων να διοχετεύεται στις αστυνομικές εκστρατείας, οι οποίες έχουν αποδειχθεί καθολικά αποτυχημένες. Δυστυχώς, το μόνο που προσφέρουν είναι η ψευδαίσθηση ότι υπάρχει ένας ισχυρός διώκτης. Όμως, o βασιλιάς είναι γυμνός.

Για να γυρίσουμε στο ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, είναι απαραίτητη η προσφορά θεραπειών οι οποίες απευθύνονται σε μικροπαραβάτες χρήστες, εναλλακτικές της φυλάκισης, όπως και η προσφορά τέτοιων προγραμμάτων θεραπείας για μέσα στις φυλακές. Τέλος, είναι πολύ σημαντικό να λειτουργήσουν τα εποπτευόμενα κέντρα χρήσης, τα οποία όχι μόνο σώζουν ζωές των χρηστών, αλλά εμποδίζουν και τη μετάδοση μολυσματικών νόσων στο γενικό πληθυσμό.

Σκεφθείτε κάθε μία ζωή η οποία σώζεται σε ένα κέντρο εποπτευόμενης χρήσης σημαίνει επιπλέον και ένα ελεύθερο κρεβάτι σε μία μονάδα εντατικής θεραπείας. Ποιος συγγενής ανθρώπου που το έχει ανάγκη δεν θα εκλιπαρούσε γι αυτό.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Já souhlasím se svými předřečníky, pokud jde právě o roli prevence, nepochybně důležitosti nevylučování lidí, kteří jsou uživateli drog a takto ztroskotali ve svém životě. Rovněž tak v podpoře organizací, které se zabývají zapojením těchto lidí do dalšího života.

Zároveň bych chtěl upozornit s ohledem na podstatu trestního práva i na problematiku skutečně nových psychoaktivních látek, o kterých hovořil i můj předřečník, pan kolega Zdechovský. Nejde pouze o to, kolik jich bylo objeveno nových, ale také o celkový objem těchto látek, které byly zachyceny třeba v evropském prostoru. V roce 2013 to byly 2,3 tuny. To je obrovské množství a s ohledem na to, že tyto nové psychoaktivní látky musí být dostatečně popsány i z ohledu trestního práva, vyvstává otázka, jak proti ním bojovat jinak než na mezinárodním poli.

Proto je skutečně předmětem dnešní debaty to, jaký je mandát EU pro zastoupení na Valném shromáždění OSN a jaké konkrétní body budou zhrnuty do společného postoje. Doufám, že to budou i ty nové pschoaktivní látky.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, c'è un aspetto che spesso non viene preso in considerazione dalle strategie di contrasto alla droga. Non si tratta delle tecniche repressive, ma della valutazione dell'impatto ambientale della lotta alla droga.

Tra il 2001 e il 2013 oltre 700 mila acri di foreste in America Latina sono stati distrutti per far posto a piantagioni di cocaina. Secondo uno studio pubblicato da Open Society Foundations, una ONG che fa capo a George Soros, nelle aree più critiche del mondo le conseguenze ambientali della guerra alla droga internazionale sarebbero persino più devastanti di quelle economiche e sociali. È solo l'ennesima dimostrazione di come le sole politiche repressive siano solo state una scelta antieconomica, garantendo lauti guadagni a produttori, broker e trafficanti.

Per questi motivi ritengo che la prossima sessione speciale dell'ONU debba tenere in considerazione anche questa nuova questione, sollevata dai rapporti indipendenti di diverse organizzazioni. Solo in questo modo sarà possibile affrontare gli effetti deleteri della guerra alla droga, tenendo conto di tutti gli aspetti e non solo di quelli repressivi.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, σε μια φάση τεράστιας παγκόσμιας οικονομικής κρίσης, φτώχειας και ανεργίας, σε μια φάση έντασης των παγκόσμιων προσφυγικών και μεταναστευτικών ροών, σε μια φάση επιδείνωσης της κοινωνικής συνοχής στις μεγαλουπόλεις της Ευρώπης, των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, της Ασίας και της Λατινικής Αμερικής, σε μια φάση ενίσχυσης του λαθρεμπορίου της εγκληματικότητας και της διακίνησης ναρκωτικών, η Συνδιάσκεψη του ΟΗΕ για τα ναρκωτικά θα μπορούσε, υπό όρους και προϋποθέσεις, να αποτελέσει μια ελπιδοφόρα αχτίδα φωτός. Μια ευκαιρία για παγκόσμια συνεργασία στους ακόλουθους τομείς:

1) Στο χτύπημα του εμπορίου αλλά και της καλλιέργειας ναρκωτικών·

2) Στην επιβολή σκληρών ποινών και μηδενικής ανοχής στους εμπόρους ναρκωτικών

3) Στο χτύπημα των δικτύων διακίνησης ναρκωτικών on the spot αλλά και στο Διαδίκτυο·

4) Στη διαμόρφωση μιας πολιτικής που θα συμβάλει στην πρόληψη και στην ενημέρωση της νεολαίας για τη μάστιγα των ναρκωτικών και

5) Στην ενίσχυση διαδικασιών απεξάρτησης και κοινωνικής ένταξης.

Οψόμεθα λοιπόν.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjedavajuća, dobro je da Europska unija s 28 jasnih glasova dolazi na ovo posebno zasjedanje Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda o drogama. Naš europski koncept, naše europsko iskustvo kada govorimo o prevenciji, o ulozi civilnog društva, o reintegraciji onih koji su okusili drogu, o ulozi javnog zdravstva, edukacije pa i kampanja koje su se u mnogim zemljama, regijama i gradovima vodile protiv droga, vjerujem da upravo to europsko iskustvo može biti iznimno značajno za cijeli svijet. Naravno, i iskustvo koje ima Europol.

Ali, ja sam ipak kada treba izabrati između prevencije ili represije uvijek za ono što znači civilno društvo, prevencija, javno zdravstvo, a manje represija.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. Madam President, there is indeed a very wide agenda to discuss under this headline in New York later this spring. Most of the issues you refer to are actually on the agenda, and the EU will be pursuing it: everything – smuggling, online, new substances – I think the EMCDDA is identifying at least one new substance a week, so this is really an acute problem – but also, of course, the issues of treatment, prevention, rehabilitation and so on. To the honourable lady from Italy on decriminalisation: different countries have chosen different paths, so this issue in itself is not on the agenda. But we will, of course, listen to the different experiences from those countries and take heed of the results and the possible impact, even if it is quite early to evaluate results – for instance, the countries you mentioned.

So there is a lot to discuss, and I will make sure that the European Parliament is involved in the further preparation but also on the follow-up of this, and we will convey your message to Commissioner Avramopoulos, who will be representing the EU there. So we are sparing no efforts to make sure that the EU is constructively and actively contributing to the UNGASS meeting and that we can help to contribute to bring solutions to this gigantic global problem, also paving the way for the review of the United Nation political declaration and plan of action on drugs, which is foreseen in 2019.


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, as was just stated by the Commissioner, most of the issues referred to are on the agenda. So yes, we will do our utmost to ensure that UNGASS follows the direction that the EU has been following already for a number of years and that this leads to a strong health and human rights-based approach in drug policies. We will also keep on voicing our opposition to the death penalty for drug—related crimes. Applying that penalty for these crimes is neither proportionate nor effective. Finally, we will also do our best to bring strong risk- and harm-reduction language into the UNGASS outcome documents, because we have proved that these measures work. Therefore we have no excuse not to use them to protect the health of our citizens.


  President. – The debate is closed.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Cristian-Silviu Bușoi (PPE), în scris. Uniunea Europeană joacă un rol esențial în lupta împotriva traficului de droguri prin exemplele sale de bune practici și trebuie să reprezinte unul dintre pionii esențiali ai sesiunii extraordinare a Adunării Generale a ONU. Dincolo de aspectul infracțional al traficului și consumului de droguri, trebuie să fim conștienți și de problemele pe care le implică din perspectiva sănătății publice, UE angajându-se în nenumărate rânduri pentru asigurarea protecției sănătății cetățenilor și în combaterea dependenței de droguri. Totuși, nivelul ridicat de decese și povara financiară adusă sistemului public de sănătate ne dovedesc nevoia unei abordări mai profunde privind reducerea furnizării și cererii de stupefiante. Este necesar ca eforturile noastre să fie dublate de conștientizarea pericolului cauzat de traficul și consumul de stupefiante de către cetățeni, atât asupra lor dar, mai ales, asupra copiilor. Având o formare medicală la bază, pun accentul pe pericolul asupra sănătății cetățenilor, astfel consider necesară aprofundarea dezvoltării unor politici de educare a cetățenilor, în special a tinerilor, pentru a reduce impactul nociv al drogurilor asupra societății.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D), in writing. Unfortunately, five years after the Global Commission on Drug Policy declared that the war on drugs had failed, we are still debating whether to update a three-decade-old global drugs policy.

I believe that the failure in this field comes from a lack of understanding. We require a policy that addresses today’s realities, and this is what I urge the Commission and the UN to do. We require a policy that acknowledges the increased prevalence of synthetic psychoactive substances, which are very extremely life-threatening, the new dimensions of trafficking including Silkroad and the Darknet. These are realities that can be addressed only through a shift in policy. We must safeguard the best interests of our citizens and their families and only by addressing the now can we focus on the future.


  Kinga Gál (PPE), írásban. A kábítószerek világa egy gyorsan változó világ, ezért fontos, hogy a nemzetközi szabályozás lépést tartson a terület sajnálatos „fejlődésével”, illetve lényeges a megelőző célokat szolgáló tájékoztatás a drogok előállításához szükséges újabb vegyszerekről. Ebben a küzdelemben fontos mérföldkő lesz az Egyesült Nemzetek Közgyűlésének kábítószerekkel foglalkozó rendkívüli ülése. Üdvözlöm, hogy ezen külön kerekasztal fog foglalkozni a drogok és emberi jogok, ifjúság, nők, gyermekek és közösségek témaköreivel. Kiemelt fontosságú, hogy naprakészek legyünk az újabb és újabb drogokkal, amelyeket a drogkereskedők és bűnügyi hálózatok dobnak piacra. Meg kell állítanunk a pszichoaktív összetevők terjesztését, amelyek folyamatosan módosulnak kihasználva a jogi kiskapukat. Nap mint nap szembesülünk az újabb és újabb drogokkal, amelyek mérgezőek, sok esetben halált okoznak, de sokszor még nem minősülnek illegálisnak. Integrált módon lehet csak fellépni a drog elleni küzdelemben: a megelőzés, a rehabilitáció, valamint a bűnüldözés is elengedhetetlen. Mindent meg kell tenni azért, hogy fiatalok, a tanárok és a szülők megfelelő felvilágosítást kapjanak. A kábítószer-használókat pedig segíteni kell a függőség legyőzésében, így csökkentve a kábítószerek negatív társadalmi, gazdasági és közegészségügyi hatásait. Továbbá megfelelő eszközöket kell biztosítani a hatóságoknak, hogy hatékonyan tudjanak fellépni a drog elleni küzdelemben nemzetközi szinten.


  Anna Záborská (PPE), písomne 19. až 21. apríla 2016 sa vo Viedni uskutoční mimoriadne zasadnutie Valného zhromaždenia OSN o drogách (UNGASS). Ciele boja proti narkotikám boli vytýčené už v rámci prijatia Politickej deklarácie a akčného plánu v roku 2009. Tento akčný plán má za cieľ významným spôsobom znížiť alebo eliminovať dopyt a ponuku drog. Osobitne citlivou a náchylnou skupinou pri užívaní drog a využívaní pri obchode s drogami sú deti a mládež vo všeobecnosti, ale tiež ženy, tehotné ženy, etnické minority a osoby trpiace kombináciou psychických a fyzických porúch. Problémy týkajúce sa užívania drog a obchodu s drogami sú často vymedzené v problémových mestských štvrtiach. Preto je nutné, aby sa prijali správne reintegračné opatrenia, ktoré ponúknu životaschopnú alternatívu mladým ľuďom, ktorí upadli už do drogovej závislosti alebo sa stali tzv. „detskými vojakmi“ v službách zločineckých organizácii. Musíme si však uvedomiť, že pokiaľ má byť boj s omamnými látkami úspešný, musíme začať od prevencie v rodinách. Tie sú totiž jedny z mála efektívnych nástrojov v boji proti nielen drogám, ale i mládežníckej delikvencii a proti iným sociálnym neduhom, ktoré trápia našu spoločnosť. Rodina, ktorá je často podceňovaná, vedie úspešný boj tam, kde štát a jeho prostriedky zlyhávajú.

Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti