 Vollständiger Text 
Verfahren : 2013/0408(COD)
Werdegang im Plenum
Entwicklungsstadium in Bezug auf das Dokument : A8-0020/2015

Eingereichte Texte :


Aussprachen :

PV 08/03/2016 - 16
CRE 08/03/2016 - 16

Abstimmungen :

PV 09/03/2016 - 11.5
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Angenommene Texte :


Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Dienstag, 8. März 2016 - Straßburg

16. Verfahrensgarantien in Strafverfahren für verdächtige oder beschuldigte Kinder (Aussprache)
Video der Beiträge

  La Présidente. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur le rapport de Caterina Chinnici, au nom de la commission des libertés civiles, de la justice et des affaires intérieures, sur la proposition de directive du Parlement européen et du Conseil relative à la mise en place de garanties procédurales en faveur des enfants soupçonnés ou poursuivis dans le cadre des procédures pénales (COM(2013)0822 - C7-0428/2013 - 2013/0408(COD)) (A8-0020/2015).


  Caterina Chinnici, relatrice. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissario Jourová, permettetemi anzitutto di ringraziare la Commissione, i relatori ombra e le Presidenze di turno, lettone e lussemburghese, sotto le quali si sono svolti i negoziati per l'approccio costruttivo tenuto nel corso dei lavori. È trascorso circa un anno da quando mi è stato conferito il mandato negoziale a seguito dell'approvazione da parte della commissione LIBE del testo della direttiva che oggi discutiamo.

Il lavoro svolto in questo periodo è stato animato dal desiderio di dare vita ad un provvedimento, che per la prima volta, considerasse la specificità del processo minorile a livello sovrannazionale, corredandolo di chiare garanzie per i minori coinvolti. Sono stati necessari 9 triloghi, a volte molto difficili e numerose riunioni tecniche prima di giungere ad un accordo definitivo, che valuto molto positivamente e sul quale spero potrà esserci ampio consenso in quest'Aula. A fronte di oltre un milione di minori sottoposti ogni anno a procedimento penale in Europa, permangono ancora sensibili differenze fra i sistemi giuridici degli Stati membri, nel trattamento dei minori nelle varie fasi del procedimento.

La direttiva intende proprio colmare tali distanze, definendo e individuando chiari diritti per i minori indagati o imputati attraverso un corpo di norme minime che tuttavia stabiliscono un livello elevato di garanzie. Infatti, si è voluto mettere al centro l'interesse superiore del minore, principio sancito anche dall'articolo 24 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea, già noto in ambito civile e in ambito amministrativo e che in tal modo entra per la prima volta nel processo penale. Ritengo che il valore aggiunto della direttiva risieda nell'avere corredato il procedimento minorile, oltre che delle fondamentali salvaguardie previste per i procedimenti penali che coinvolgono adulti, anche di quelle richieste dalla specificità dei minori che devono essere sempre e comunque destinatari di una specifica adeguata tutela.

Molti sono gli aspetti del procedimento su cui interviene la direttiva, sui quali, però, per ragioni di tempo non posso soffermarmi. Voglio fare comunque un accenno all'articolo 6 della direttiva, che prevede il diritto del minore ad essere assistito da un difensore. Si tratta della questione più delicata, affrontata nel corso dei negoziati e devo dire che mi ritengo soddisfatta del compromesso raggiunto nel testo che descrive, in modo accurato, le situazioni nelle quali la presenza del difensore è imprescindibile per assicurare al minore l'assistenza tecnica, la corretta applicazione di tutte le garanzie previste e per aiutarlo a comprendere lo svolgimento del procedimento che lo vede coinvolto.

Per questo, pur contemplando ragionevoli possibilità di deroga, in considerazione della minore gravità del reato, della minore complessità del caso e delle misure che potrebbero essere conseguentemente adottate, la direttiva richiede agli Stati di garantire la presenza del difensore sin dalle prime fasi delle indagini e in particolare quando il minore è interrogato dalla polizia giudiziaria e soprattutto, in ogni caso in cui venga privato della libertà personale. Un'altra importante disposizione è quella che richiede agli Stati membri di sottoporre il minore ad una valutazione effettuata da personale qualificato, al fine di supportare le decisioni su possibili misure a beneficio del minore, sull'adeguatezza di eventuali misure cautelari e in sede di pronuncia della sentenza.

Vorrei in proposito sottolineare ancora l'importanza della formazione di coloro che intervengono nel procedimento, a cominciare dagli organi di polizia, dai magistrati e dai difensori. È previsto nella direttiva che questi abbiano accesso a una formazione specifica perché possano assicurare il miglior interesse del minore. Infine, sempre in considerazione delle specifiche esigenze del minore e del suo reinserimento sociale a conclusione dell'esperienza penale, la detenzione è sempre considerata come estrema ratio, da disporre quando misure alternative non siano efficacemente percorribili. E, laddove sia inevitabile privare il minore della libertà personale, dovrà farsi il possibile per salvaguardare il suo sviluppo psicofisico e le sue esigenze di rieducazione.

Perciò ritengo che uno degli aspetti più significativi della direttiva sia l'avere stabilito per la prima volta a livello europeo, il principio della detenzione separata dei minori. Per tutte queste ragioni, sono convinta che la direttiva vada nella giusta direzione per la definizione di un modello comune di giusto processo minorile, contribuendo anche nel settore penale, alla realizzazione di una giustizia a misura di minore.


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. Madam President, Members ate to vote on the text of the Directive on procedural safeguards for children suspected or accused in criminal proceedings. This directive is particularly important as it gives specific rights to children involved in criminal proceedings in the European Union and provides for overarching protection at all stages of these proceedings.

Children are particularly vulnerable in criminal proceedings due to their young age and immaturity. Around 1 million children in the EU are estimated to come into contact with the police and judiciary every year. They need therefore the highest possible protection.

This directive is an important step forward in the construction of an area of justice in the European Union. Today there are large disparities in the level of protection offered in the European Union applicable to children in criminal proceedings in the Member States. In some cases, the level of protection is insufficient compared with the well-recognised international standards. The directive, once adopted, will significantly strengthen the procedural safeguards for children when confronted with criminal justice in the EU throughout all the proceedings.

Moreover, the directive will also contribute to the development of an effective model of juvenile justice. The new rules will ensure the fair trial rights for children during criminal proceedings; they will also prevent children from re-offending and will foster their social integration.

I would like to congratulate and thank the Parliament rapporteur, Mrs Chinnici, for her remarkable work and personal dedication on this file, which made an agreement on this directive possible after long and difficult negotiations.

The outcome of the negotiations is a very well balanced text which endorses the principle laid down in Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights that ‘the child’s best interests shall always be a primary consideration’.

Notably, children will benefit from assistance by a lawyer in serious and complex cases and every time they are in detention. Deprivation of liberty cannot be imposed as a sanction unless the child has been assisted by a lawyer, at least during the hearings before the court. Children will also benefit from other safeguards such as assistance by their parents or other appropriate persons. They will also have the right to protection of privacy, including the possibility of having court hearings held in the absence of the public. Furthermore, children will also have the right to an individual assessment to make sure that their specific needs concerning protection, education and social integration are fully taken into account.

Finally, the Commission is also very satisfied that the text foresees that children should be kept separately from adults in police custody and pre-trial detention, unless this is not in the best interests of the child.

This directive will give a strong signal that the European Union strongly cares about children, the most vulnerable persons involved in criminal proceedings. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to vote in favour of this directive today.


  Pál Csáky, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. Elsősorban gratulálok Chinnici asszonynak a munkájához és köszönöm a remek együttműködést. Mint a jelentés néppárti felelőse, nagyon örülök, hogy sikerült egy olyan irányelvet létrehozni, amely elfogadható úgy a Parlament, mint a tagállamok számára. A tárgyalások során fontos szempont volt az irányelv átültethetősége és kivitelezhetősége. Szerintem ezt sikerült elérni és egy olyan szövegről szavazunk holnap, amely tényleges biztosítékokat hoz a gyanúsított és vádlott gyermekek számára. Számomra fontos szempont volt, hogy olyan jogszabályt alkossunk, amely megállja a helyét a való világban. A tárgyalások során ilyen kritikus pont volt például az ügyvédi segítséghez való jog. Bár mint általános elv, elfogadható, hogy minden gyereknek joga van az ügyvédi segítséghez, hisz ők még kevésbé értik, hogy mi történik velük, mint a felnőttek.

Viszont vannak esetek is, amikor ez kivitelezhetetlen és végső soron épp a gyermekeket büntetjük azzal, ha elvárnánk ennek feltétel nélküli biztosítását. Fontos továbbá, hogy szabadságelvonásra csak a legvégső esetben és a lehető legrövidebb időre kerülhet sor, illetve hogy a gyermekeket a felnőttektől elkülönítve kell fogva tartani. A büntetőeljárásban való érintettség megbélyegezheti a gyermeket, csökkenhet a társadalomba való visszailleszkedésük esélye és kihatással lehet a jövőbeni szakmai és társadalmi életükre. Ezért fokozatosan körültekintőnek kell lenni. Bízom benne, hogy ez az irányelv biztosítja ezt a büntetőeljárás megfelelő és gyermekbarát feltételeit.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar, en nombre del Grupo S&D. Señora Presidenta, señora Comisaria, debatimos en este Pleno del Parlamento Europeo un acuerdo en primera lectura de una Directiva de la mayor importancia, incardinada en el paquete de garantías procesales pero dirigida a un colectivo especialmente vulnerable, los menores, que no son un colectivo menor: son cerca del 12 % de las personas sospechosas, investigadas o procesadas penalmente y, por tanto, merecen la mejor atención de este Parlamento Europeo.

Y, efectivamente, se refuerza su asistencia letrada ―particularmente de oficio―, se garantizan el tratamiento individualizado y la evaluación individualizada, se garantiza la participación de las personas que ejerzan la tutela en los procedimientos y, sobre todo, se extrema el celo para que la prisión preventiva sea el último recurso, además de reforzar las garantías del examen médico del menor sospechoso, investigado o procesado penalmente.

Estamos haciendo lo correcto, pero lo más importante es que con ello estamos dando cumplimiento al completamiento de ese paquete de garantías procesales en el que se han dado pasos muy importantes sobre la base jurídica del artículo 82, pero, aún más importante, respetando la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea, que es la que ordena que solo se pueda incidir, sobre todo restrictivamente, en los derechos fundamentales de las personas de acuerdo con el principio de proporcionalidad y de necesidad, porque, como nos recuerda una cita clásica del gran Cesare Beccaria, «todo acto de autoridad que una persona ejerce sobre otra persona y que no es estrictamente necesario es en sí un acto tiránico».


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. Поздравявам колегата Киничи и докладчиците в сянка, работили по това досие. Темата за процесуалните гаранции за децата, заподозрени или обвиняеми по наказателно производство, е изключително важна поради наличието на различна степен на защита в държавите членки и дори липсата на такава в някои от тях. Около 1 086 000 деца годишно са изправени пред наказателното производство, което представлява 12% от всички европейци, сблъскващи се с наказателното правосъдие.

От името на докладчика в сянка, уважаемият колега Къркхоуп, бих желал да подчертая, че защитата на децата трябва да бъде приоритет на обществото. Те са най-уязвимите му представители и се нуждаят от специална закрила. Трябва да съумеем да намерим разрешение за правните пропуски в системите, съобразявайки законодателните системи на държавите членки, като същевременно създадем европейски стандарти, които да гарантират защитата на правата на децата в рамките на Съюза.

Приканвам държавите членки да гарантират, че защитата на децата, заподозрени или обвиняеми по наказателно производство, се изпълнява като приоритет. Стъпка в правилна посока е държавите членки да адаптират законодателните системи, така че да бъдат съобразени с изискванията за по-добра защита на обвиняемите и заподозрени деца.


  Nathalie Griesbeck, au nom du groupe ALDE. Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, mes chers collègues, à l'heure où la démocratie et l'état de droit subissent quelques assauts au sein même de l'Union, il était important de parvenir à un bel et solide accord sur cette directive, d'autant plus qu'il s'agit d'une directive consacrée aux plus vulnérables d'entre les Européens que sont les enfants. N'oublions jamais – c'est souvent une porte ouverte que l'on enfonce, mais j'ai plaisir à le rappeler ce soir, même fort tard – que les enfants sont les futurs adultes qui constituent notre avenir et que leur accorder la priorité dans un texte est quelque chose de rafraîchissant. À défaut de maîtriser le présent par les temps qui courent, travailler à préserver et à protéger notre avenir est essentiel.

Je voudrais vraiment saluer tout particulièrement le travail acharné et la détermination de Caterina Chinnici pendant ces longs mois et la remercier d'être parvenue à cet accord ambitieux avec nous tous et de consacrer ces droits procéduraux qu'elle a rappelés et dont nous nous plaisons à souligner qu'ils sont essentiels parce que, malgré l'établissement de principes fondamentaux aux niveaux européen et international, la justice n'est pas toujours parfaitement, voire parfois pas du tout, adaptée aux enfants et aux jeunes. Je ne reviendrai pas sur l'environnement psychologique qui peut être celui d'un mineur dans un prétoire. Il était important que ce texte consacre de manière solide le fait qu'ils puissent bénéficier de garanties supplémentaires, d'une justice qui soit adaptée à leur âge comme à leurs besoins, d'une justice qui, bien sûr, les traite avec dignité, attention et équité, et qui soit accessible, compréhensible et fiable.

La directive consacre ces dispositions en donnant aux enfants la possibilité d'être informés ainsi que de bénéficier d'une évaluation personnalisée et, surtout, du droit à l'accès à l'assistance d'un avocat; elle garantit également la recherche, au maximum, d'alternatives à la détention. Il nous reste à finaliser, pour le troisième volet, l'aide juridictionnelle, que nous appelons de nos vœux.


  Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, I also would like to add my thanks to the rapporteur on this directive for keeping a very clear and strong line in the negotiations. I think we have got something where the derogations are limited very much case by case and we have reduced some of the flexibility that the Council sought far too often. As people have said, it is another important part of the procedural rights package and here, I think, we have generally got an upward convergence. As so often, the toughest part has been around the actual access to a lawyer – surely a key part of justice –and my Group still has a lingering concern about the proportionality test in Article 6(6). We are concerned as to how that is actually going to be implemented in national law, in transposition and in practice. However, overall we believe this directive is a good legislative instrument which will improve the rights of children throughout the European Union.


  Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President, the United Kingdom will not adopt this proposed legislation for two reasons. One, we have an opt-out and two, because we already have such safeguards under our own law.

It is shocking that some Member States lack basic safeguards for children under their own legal systems. For example, the right to be present at one’s own trial, the right to legal representation, the right of children held in custody to be kept separately from adults, and the right to be visited by a parent or guardian.

The question that springs to mind is how could the legal systems of Member States lacking such basic protections be considered equal to the legal systems that do? And of course they are, under the EU’s ideological doctrine of mutual recognition that says all Member States’ legal systems are equal. This is palpably not true but it is good to see the EU adopting some of the tried and tested principles of the English legal system.


  Gilles Lebreton, au nom du groupe ENF. Madame la Présidente, j'estime que la justice pénale doit relever de la souveraineté des États. C'est pourquoi je suis hostile à cette proposition de directive, qui veut mettre en place des garanties européennes en faveur des enfants poursuivis pénalement. L'Union européenne est, de toute façon, incapable d'offrir des garanties claires. À son article 6, la proposition de directive reconnaît par exemple aux enfants le droit à un avocat, mais c'est pour écarter aussitôt ce droit quand, je cite, "l'assistance d'un avocat n'est pas proportionnée au regard des circonstances de l'espèce"; et, à son article 12, elle leur donne le droit d'être détenus séparément des adultes, mais c'est pour y déroger aussitôt quand, je cite, "il n'est pas possible en pratique d'agir de la sorte".

L'Union a déjà ruiné l'industrie et l'agriculture françaises, elle a démantelé nos frontières avec les résultats que l'on voit à Calais. Qu'elle ne se mêle pas de notre justice pénale, qui n'a pas besoin d'être déstabilisée par la médiocrité des garanties qu'elle propose aujourd'hui.


  Roberta Metsola (PPE). Hekk kif qalu l-kollegi dan ma kienx proċess faċli imma wara ħafna laqgħat u negozjati iebsa huwa tajjeb li wasalna s’hawnhekk. Għanda bżonn din id-direttiva b’miżuri ta’ ħarsien għal tfal li jkunu akkużati jew suspettati li wettqu xi reat. Dan hu każ sensittiv ħafna u rridu nagħmlu dak kollu li hemm bżonn biex inħarsu proprju lit-tfal fis-soċjetajiet tagħna.

F’dan is-sens jiena nilqa’ d-dritt għall-informazzjoni lit-tfal għaliex din hija garanzija biex it-tfal ikunu infurmati dwar id-drittijiet tagħhom. Hu importanti li t-tfal ma jingħatawx il-ġenb. Irridu sistema legali li tagħti każ l-interessi ta’ dawn it-tfal. Kull Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea għandu jassigura li t-tfal, meta jkun meħtieġ, jingħataw assistenza legali.

Inizjattiva oħra tajba ta’ min ifaħħarha hi li t-tfal ikunu rrekordjati waqt li qed isirulhom il-mistoqsijiet waqt l-interrogazzjoni. Jiena nisħaq li t-tfal għandhom jiġu trattati ta’ tfal, u għalhekk huwa pożittiv li huma jingħataw il-protezzjoni kollha li għandhom bżonn.

Din l-inizjattivi hija xhieda tal-valuri Ewropej. Ewropa mibnija fuq id-drittijiet. Huwa għalhekk li għandna nagħtuha l-appoġġ sħiħ tagħna.


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). Madam President, there are numerous cases known where children, even below the age of criminal responsibility, commit terrible crimes going far beyond theft or vandalism: murder, rape, assault, kidnapping. Nonetheless, they have to be treated as underage which, however, applies to proceedings and not necessarily to verdicts.

In the case of charges brought against a person over the age of 18 for crimes allegedly committed when they were still under age, specific rules have to be followed, amongst them the right to mandatory assistance by a lawyer, to medical examination, to specific treatment, to individual assessment, and rules on questioning, are especially important. Moreover, those dealing with such persons have to be properly trained in order to effectively assess the situation at every stage of the proceedings and beyond.

In the end, however, it usually comes down to upbringing, education, relations with family members, a sense of belonging and many other things as well as a positive outside influence amongst other important factors. Without the quality of this there can regretfully be no happy childhood or youth, which creates a most fertile ground for unlawful behaviour during these periods of life.


  Anna Záborská (PPE) Je prekvapujúce, ba až znepokojujúce, že v Európskej únii neexistuje vymedzenie spravodlivého procesu s deťmi. To je dôvod, prečo súdy musia vynášať rozsudky na základe neúplného a roztriešteného právneho poriadku. Ako uvádza spravodajkyňa, až neuveriteľných 12 percent z celkového počtu trestaných osôb tvoria deti. Pomoc právneho zástupcu nielen pred súdom, ale aj na policajných staniciach musí byť pre každé dieťa zaručená. Inak prichádzajú o svoje základné právo. Žiadne dieťa sa nesmie stať obeťou komplikovaného právneho procesu. Návrh Komisie veľmi vítam. Chápem ho ako nástroj na posilnenie spravodlivosti, nie ako spôsob, ako sa jej vyhnúť. Zároveň chcem zagratulovať pani spravodajkyni za snahu zabezpečiť, aby osobitné záruky pre deti podozrivé alebo obvinené v trestnom konaní nebránili objektívnemu prisúdeniu trestnej zodpovednosti.


  Julie Ward (S&D). Madam President, I welcome the report drafted by my colleague, Caterina Chinnici, with whom I co-founded the Parliamentary Children’s Rights Intergroup. Every citizen suspected of a crime must be able to understand and follow criminal proceedings and to exercise their right to a fair trial. All citizens must have their rights upheld in the course of the criminal process, but children are particularly vulnerable and we must address their specific situation. So I am happy to see that the report reaffirms that the child’s best interests must always be a primary consideration. As a member of the Committee on Culture and Education, I want to underline the role of prevention, as well as social reintegration of children suspected or convicted of criminal offences. Therefore, more consideration must be given to the power of informal learning, volunteering, sports and cultural participation for social inclusion and reintegration of children and young people who have gone through the criminal justice system. This applies especially to disadvantaged young people who may have failed in the compulsory education system.


Interventions à la demande


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). Paní předsedající, já jsem znám tím, že vždycky jsem podporoval i v roli ministra spravedlnosti sjednocování základních procesních práv v případě, že zde existuje evropský zatýkací rozkaz. Podporuji taky myšlenku tohoto návrhu sjednocovat procesní práva, která se dotýkají mladistvých, ale kladu si současně jednu otázku, jestli ten rozsah těch unifikovaných práv není příliš široký.

Paní komisařka možná zaznamenala debatu v České republice, kterou nyní vedeme jak na odborné úrovni, tak na úrovni parlamentu, a ta debata se týká toho, jakým způsobem upravit právo na ochranu soukromí dítěte. A to v případě, že dítě spáchá zvlášť závažný trestný čin. Zkrátka a dobře česká veřejnost nechce, aby děti, které například někoho zavraždí nebo někomu úmyslně ublíží fyzicky, aby byla jejich osoba anonymní, aby se veřejnost nemohla dozvědět o tom, že někdo takovýto brutální trestný čin spáchal.

Takže myšlenka je správná, pouze mám pocit, že ten rozsah unifikovaných práv je příliš široký.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, 1.086.000 παιδιά βρίσκονται κάθε χρόνο αντιμέτωπα με τη Δικαιοσύνη. Κι όμως μόνο έξι κράτη μέλη έχουν ειδικό εισαγγελέα ανηλίκων. Απαιτείται λοιπόν να υπάρξουν ειδικά δικαστήρια ανηλίκων. Πρέπει να διαμορφώσουμε την έννοια της δίκαιης δίκης για τα παιδιά. Πρέπει να υπάρξει σεβασμός των δικαιωμάτων του παιδιού, όπως προσδιορίζει και η σύμβαση του ΟΗΕ. Αυτό σημαίνει, πέραν των άλλων, κατάρτιση των δικαστών αλλά και των ίδιων των δικηγόρων. Οφείλει λοιπόν κάθε κράτος μέλος να διασφαλίσει δικαστική συνδρομή με δικηγόρο στους ίδιους τους ανηλίκους. Ο στόχος πρέπει να είναι η επανένταξη στην κοινωνία, πρέπει να είναι η προστασία και όχι η περιθωριοποίηση. Δεν θέλουμε ένα σύγχρονο Όλιβερ Τουίστ και την παρέα του, που περιέγραψε ο Τσαρλς Ντίκενς στο Λονδίνο το 1838. Πρέπει λοιπόν να λάβουμε σοβαρά μέτρα.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Paní předsedající, já chci rovněž podpořit tento návrh směrnice i stanovisko zprávy. Podle mého názoru je důležité, aby byla zajištěna skutečně kontradiktornost toho trestního řízení a rovnost zbraní. Rovnost zbraní tam, kde je to nezbytné. To jest v okamžiku, kdy je dítě zjevně znevýhodněno svým věkem v tom trestním řízení, tak toto znevýhodnění musíme nepochybně do jisté míry vyvažovat.

Také si kladu otázku, jestli ten rozsah poskytovaných práv nebo těch, které mají být uniformovány do jakéhosi evropského hávu, je dostatečný. V tomto směru souhlasím s mým kolegou panem Pospíšilem, který zde hovořil předtím.

Na druhou stranu musím podotknout a ačkoliv chápu, že mnozí, kteří jsou postiženi tím trestným činem, zejména úmyslným, dítěte, volají po tom, aby o něm bylo co nejvíce informací ve veřejnosti. Ale je také faktem, že trestná činnost třeba dětí v důsledku té české právní úpravy v Česku poměrně klesá. Takže není to úplně jednoduché posoudit tento střet mezi právem veřejnosti a právem soukromí dítěte a jeho budoucím vývojem.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I thank the honourable Members for this discussion. I can only summarise that this directive is indeed another important contribution to strengthening the rights of suspects and accused persons by setting common minimum standards on fair trial rights. It is true that this arrangement on common minimum standards is something which is still missing in the Member States of the European Union and this is why we are coming with these harmonised rules.

This proposal provides for special safeguards for the most vulnerable persons, who are children. You know that recently we adopted here the Directive on the Presumption of Innocence and, among the three recently proposed directives on procedural safeguards, only the Directive on Legal Aid is to be adopted.

What we see as the main added value of this proposal is that it introduces measures which are in the best interest of a child. It covers cases when a young person commits an act which society punishes by means of penal law; but the same society must not deprive him or her of the opportunity to start again, and this is in the best interest of society.


  Caterina Chinnici, relatrice. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio i colleghi per i loro interventi e per i tanti apprezzamenti per l'accordo raggiunto e spero di poter contare sul loro supporto e su quello dei loro gruppi politici. Un ringraziamento ancora alla Commissaria Jourová per l'attenzione prestata alla direttiva, per le sue parole qui oggi e per il supporto tecnico fornito dalla Commissione.

Domani voteremo un testo che sancisce specifici diritti per i minori indagati e imputati nei procedimenti penali e voteremo con la consapevolezza di aver dato un contributo alla creazione di uno spazio europeo per la giustizia penale. Sarà una normativa, che insieme ad altre già approvate, si iscrive nell'architettura d'insieme dei diritti procedurali ma, soprattutto, sarà una direttiva volta a colmare le divergenze esistenti fra i sistemi giuridici degli Stati membri, prendendo in considerazione nel processo penale, la specificità dei minori e le loro vulnerabilità, soprattutto se minori in situazioni di difficoltà, affermando proprio, che i diritti dei minori devono essere tutelati in ogni circostanza.

Vorrei concludere, Presidente, con una annotazione personale. Quest'anno infatti sono per me vent'anni di impegno nel campo della giustizia minorile e pertanto devo dire di essere particolarmente felice di essere stata relatrice della relazione sulla direttiva in questione, che apre la strada alla creazione di un giusto processo minorile nei paesi dell'Unione.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu mercredi 9 mars 2016.

Déclarations écrites (article 162)


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. Šis direktyvos pasiūlymas dėl procesinių garantijų baudžiamosiose bylose įtariamiems ar kaltinamiems vaikams yra labai svarbus teisės aktas, sureguliuosiantis taisykles visoje Europos Sąjungoje dėl vaikų teisių, patekusių į baudžiamuosius procesus. Nepaisant gausybės tarptautinių teisinių priemonių šioje srityje, nėra apibrėžta, kas yra teisingas bylos nagrinėjimas vaikui, todėl teismai turi veikti remdamiesi daliniu ir fragmentišku teisynu. Europos Komisijos skaičiavimais, kasmet baudžiamuosiuose procesuose ES dalyvauja daugiau nei milijonas vaikų – tai sudaro 12 proc. visų toje pačioje teritorijoje baudžiamuosiuose procesuose dalyvaujančių asmenų. Be didelio skaičiaus, nerimą kelia dideli valstybių narių elgesio su vaikais, susidūrusiais su baudžiamuoju procesu, skirtumai. Europos mastu atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad šiuo metu vaikų teisės visais baudžiamojo proceso etapais Sąjungos viduje nėra pakankamai užtikrinamos ir Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismas daugybę kartų priėmė valstybėms narėms nepalankius sprendimus. Be to, šis direktyvos pasiūlymas yra ES vaiko teisių darbotvarkės dalis ir juo siekiama skatinti vaiko teises atsižvelgiant ir į kitas priemones, ypač Europos Tarybos Ministrų komiteto gaires dėl vaiko interesus atitinkančio teisingumo, turint omenyje, kad tokios priemonės neturi ES teisės aktų privalomosios galios, taigi juose numatytos garantijos valstybėse narėse nėra taikomos visapusiškai ir vienodai.


  Kinga Gál (PPE), in writing. I would like to thank the rapporteur Ms Chinnici and the EPP Shadow Rapporteur Mr Csáky for the excellent work done on this important report. Children are the most vulnerable members of our society and they need and deserve our protection. Every year more than one million children are involved in criminal proceedings, and it is crucial that they are not left behind in our criminal law system. I am happy that Hungary is active and taking the lead in creating a child-friendly justice system, with child-friendly institutions during criminal proceedings.

My own pilot project from 2013, which turned out to be quite successful, aimed to the same extent at child-friendly justice systems. I support this legislative text because it reconciles the discrepancies between Member States, creating a European standard on safeguards for children who are suspected or accused of having committed a criminal offence. As an EPP member I am in favour of the text agreed as it ensures that the best interest of minors will be protected at all stages of proceedings.


  Vladimír Maňka (S&D), písomne Vyšetrovanie trestných činov v procese trestného konania je zvlášť pre deti a mládež zložitý a psychicky náročný proces. Pri jeho nesprávnom postupe môže mať ťažký a trvalý dosah na ich psychický vývoj a budúci život. Myslím si, že pre všetky členské krajiny by mali byť stanovené minimálné a jednotné kvalifikačné požiadavky pre všetky zložky pracujúce s deťmi, od vyšetrujúcich orgánov až po súdnictvo, ktoré sa tohto procesu zúčastňujú. Za tým účelom je potrebné, aby vlády členských štátov pripravili materiálne, finančné a formálne predpoklady na vzdelávanie a nadobúdanie zručností týchto zložiek pri práci s deťmi a mládežou. Necitlivý postup nezohľadňujúci vek a rozumový vývoj detí bez dostatočnej psychologickej podpory je pre deti traumatizujúci a môže vyvolať opačný ako výchovný efekt. To ovplyvní život dieťaťa a aj celej spoločnosti, v ktorej žije. Je nemysliteľné, aby v 21. storočí, v čase otvoreného trhu, hraníc a voľného pohybu v Európe nebola garantovaná minimálná jednotná úroveň ochrany a práv detí v procese trestného konania. Toto nie sú veci na dlhé diskusie. Treba ich operatívne a promptne riešiť.


  Емил Радев (PPE), в писмена форма. Според данни на Европейската комисия 12% от всички наказателни производства в ЕС са свързани с деца; в същото време се наблюдават различни практики на производствата в държавите членки, като например наличието на специализирани наказателни отдели, обучения на юристи за работа с деца, както и защити по време на разпити.

Подкрепям договорената директива за общи минимални стандарти за правата на деца, заподозрени или обвинени в наказателни производства, защото тези мерки ще доведат до по-ясни и хармонизирани стандарти на наказателното производство спрямо деца. По-конкретно, намирам за изключително важно постижение правото на индивидуална оценка, защото нито едно наказателно производство не е еднакво с друго, особено когато са намесени деца. Правото на адвокатска помощ също е изключително важно - пред закона всички са равни, а децата особено трябва да имат възможност за адекватна защита и представяне пред полиция и съд.

Дами и господа, вярвам, че договорената директива взима най-добрия интерес на детето под внимание. Вярвам също, че тя ще улесни взаимното признаване на съдебни решения, както и трансграничното полицейско сътрудничество. Това са важни стъпки в посока общоевропейско съдебно пространство, което ще създаде общи правила за всички държави членки.


  Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu. šiandienos diskusijose paliečiama labai svarbi tema žmogaus teisių atžvilgiu, kuri yra susijusi su teisine vaikų apsauga. Jų problemos negali gulėti vien tik ant jų pečių, reikia surasti institucinius sprendimus Sąjungos lygmenyje, kurie suvienodins formaliai ˗ teisinę pažiūrą visose valstybėse narėse. Tai yra svarbi tema, nes Europos Komisijos skaičiavimais kasmet baudžiamuosiuose procesuose ES dalyvauja daugiau nei milijonas vaikų. Nerimą kelia dideli valstybių narių elgesio su vaikais, susidūrusiais su baudžiamuoju procesu, skirtumai, kas tik įrodo, jog teisinė nepilnamečių ES gyventojų apsauga nėra pakankama. Nusikaltimo, į kurį įtraukti vaikai, atveju, vaikai privalo būti iš karto po sulaikymo apimti teisine pagalba ir globa. Visa jiems teikiama informacija turėtų būti perduodama tokiu būdu, kuris pritaikytas jų amžiui ir brandai. Ir, kas svarbiausia, kalba, kurią jie supranta, nepaisant jų pilietybės nei apgyvendinimo vietos, be jokios diskriminacijos kalbos pagrindu. Valstybės narės privalo pasirūpinti tuo, kad visose bylose su vaikais būtų bendraujama atsargiai ir rūpestingai. Baudžiamosios bylos, kuriose dalyvauja vaikai, turėtų būti nagrinėjamos jų nebauginant ir visada, jei tai įmanoma, informavus tėvus ir jiems dalyvaujant. Nepamirškime, kad siūlomos nuostatos turėtų papildyti direktyvą dėl vaikų teisių, nes iki šiol nėra apibrėžta, kas yra teisingas bylos nagrinėjimas vaikui. Todėl ši problema yra ypatingai svarbi.

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