 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2015/2089(INI)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή του εγγράφου : A8-0278/2015

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :


Συζήτηση :

PV 11/04/2016 - 19
CRE 11/04/2016 - 19

Ψηφοφορία :

PV 12/04/2016 - 5.12
Αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου

Κείμενα που εγκρίθηκαν :


Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
Δευτέρα 11 Απριλίου 2016 - Στρασβούργο

19. Βελτίωση της νομοθεσίας για την ενιαία αγορά (συνοπτική παρουσίαση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die kurze Darstellung des Berichts von Anneleen Van Bossuyt über das Thema „Auf dem Weg zu einer besseren Rechtsetzung für den Binnenmarkt“ (2015/2089(INI)) (A8-0278/2015).


  Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Rapporteur. Ik ben blij dat ik vandaag eindelijk het verslag over betere regelgeving in de interne markt kan presenteren. Het is een proces van lange adem geweest.

Het minste dat we vandaag kunnen zeggen, is dat de Europese Unie zich in woelig water bevindt. Wij hebben de eurocrisis, de vluchtelingencrisis, de veiligheidscrisis, Brexit, Grexit en vorige week nog het referendum in Nederland. Ik zou dan ook graag willen zeggen dat de tijd om met oogkleppen rond te lopen in Europa en "Meer Europa" als oplossing voor dit alles te zien, voorbij is! Als mensen mij vragen "Wat kan Europa doen om weer aansluiting bij zijn burgers te vinden?" dan antwoord ik steevast dat Europa de verantwoordelijkheid heeft om zijn relevantie aan te tonen. Het is pas als Europa kan aantonen dat het ertoe doet, dat mensen de meerwaarde ervan zullen inzien.

Het is dan ook een gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid van de Europese instellingen om zich door dit principe, vertaald in het subsidiariteitsbeginsel, te laten leiden wanneer er wordt beslist of er al dan niet moet worden opgetreden, om te beslissen hoe het beste kan worden opgetreden als er regelgeving nodig is, en uiteindelijk om ervoor te zorgen dat de regelgeving die aangenomen wordt eenvoudig en gemakkelijk toepasbaar is. Dit is dan ook het uitgangspunt van het verslag over betere regelgeving in de interne markt. De interne markt die één van de hoekstenen is van de Europese samenwerking.

Het is dan ook belangrijk dat de wetgeving die wordt aangenomen, ook wordt uitgevoerd en omgezet door de lidstaten. Om de verwezenlijkingen van de interne markt in de hand te kunnen werken en ook de uitdagingen van de eengemaakte digitale interne markt te kunnen benutten, moeten de instellingen blijk geven van vastberadenheid. Zo niet, dan kunnen de inspanningen om tot betere regelgeving te komen, worden gedwarsboomd door regeldrift. Op eenvoudige en effectieve wijze wetgeving ten uitvoer leggen en ook de wetgeving voortdurend evalueren om ervoor te zorgen dat de doelstellingen worden bereikt, dat is de boodschap.

Het verbeteren van de regelgeving inzake de interne markt betekent niet dat regelgeving wordt afgeschaft, maar wel dat er een competitief regelgevingsklimaat wordt geschapen dat banen en bedrijven in Europa houdt. Een interne markt die productie, innovatie en handel niet frustreert, maar stimuleert. Vragen durven stellen, kritisch durven zijn, zonder taboes. Op die manier gaan voor een sterke en dynamische interne markt die bijdraagt tot groei op lange termijn in Europa en dus ook tot de welvaart van de Europese burgers. Dat is wat ik met dit verslag voor ogen had. Ik hoop dan ook morgen bij de stemming op jullie stem te mogen rekenen.




  Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (PPE). Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur very much for an excellent report. Better regulation is a roadmap to a better-functioning single market. Better single market rules are not about diminishing workers’ or consumer rights; they are about about diminishing bureaucracy and red tape.

The single market rules must be simple, proportionate and applicable in the real economy. We need to move from inadequate to quality impact assessments and to make problem—solving tools, such as SOLVIT and Your Europe, available to all citizens. Dialogue with stakeholders is essential, and so is avoiding gold-plating, where Member States impose an extra burden when implementing single market rules.

It is therefore bizarre that the left are resisting the better regulation agenda at a time when we need a transparent, effective single market that is closer to our citizens. We need enforcement, not ideological confrontation between business and consumers. As Commissioner Timmermans rightly says, we need to be big on big things and small on small things.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D). Elnök Úr, az egységes belső piac egyik fontos eleme a fogyasztóvédelmi szabályok betartása, ami persze sokszor azért nem történik meg, mert a fogyasztók sajnos nincsenek tisztában, vagy nincsenek kellően tisztában azzal, hogy milyen eszközök állnak rendelkezésükre a jogaik érvényesítésére. Ezért nélkülözhetetlen a folyamatos tájékoztatás Európa-szerte csakúgy, mint az érdekképviseletekkel való egyeztetés. A közös uniós keretrendszernek továbbá azt is biztosítania kell, hogy az egységes piaci szabályozás – amennyire csak lehetséges – naprakész legyen. Folyamatosan követni kell a digitális újításokat, ezáltal a felhasználói igényeket, így segítve elő az európai egységes digitális piac kiteljesedését. Megjegyzem, létezik olyan magyar fejlesztés, melynek az a lényege, hogy egy mobiltelefonnal rámegyünk a vonalkódra, az adott áru vonalkódjára fényképezőgéppel, és máris adja ki annak a terméknek az adatait. Ilyeneket kéne a Bizottságnak felkarolni.


  Vicky Ford (ECR). Mr President, the single market is meant to make it easier for businesses and consumers to trade across 28 countries with 500 million consumers. It is not meant to add more costs; it is meant to remove costs and thus help our economies to grow, create jobs and growth. This report by my Belgian colleague and supported by others from many countries tonight will say that we should only introduce new rules where it helps our economies to grow, that new rules should be simple and easy to apply, that small businesses in particular should have a lighter burden and that national parliaments should have a stronger voice and be able to use a red card to block unwanted laws. Britain is not alone in asking for reform and it has been very good to hear colleagues from all across Europe support this report tonight. I hope we will all vote for it in the plenary tomorrow.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il particolare tema del mercato unico, strumento essenziale per rilanciare crescita economica ed occupazione, pone sfide di efficacia ed efficienza della legislazione che non sono rinviabili, posto che, per mezzo del giusto corpus normativo, si restituisce fecondità ad un contesto non più competitivo per le nostre imprese e per migliorare la normativa sul mercato unico, che rafforza la fiducia dei consumatori.

In questa ottimizzazione del processo legislativo viene in evidenza il valore aggiunto europeo, sia nella scelta condivisa della governance del mercato unico, sia nell'adozione, da parte degli Stati membri, della normativa di attuazione. Non va trascurato, inoltre, il problema della mancanza di indicatori sufficienti per misurare l'efficacia dell'attuazione della legislazione nei differenti ambiti del mercato unico.

In ogni caso, sopra ogni processo legislativo ed esecutivo – non mi stancherò mai di rimarcarlo – viene il principio ispiratore del rispetto dei diritti fondamentali, attraverso i quali devono essere conseguiti obiettivi di semplicità, trasparenza e coerenza.


Der Präsident. – Lieber Herr Caputo! Ich habe hier eine kleine rote Lampe, die immer dann angeht, wenn der Redner so schnell spricht, dass die Dolmetscher mit dem Dolmetschen nicht hinterherkommen. Die war eben die ganze Zeit an. Mein Ratschlag an Sie wäre – damit alle Kollegen Sie verstehen können –, ein bisschen langsamer zu sprechen und sich vielleicht ein bisschen weniger vorzunehmen.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). Mr President, I can only agree with the view of the report on what a well-regulated single market should look like: one that avoids unnecessary legislation and bureaucracy, but also one that does not lack ambition and does not compromise on environmental protection, health and safety, consumer protection and social standards; one that recognises the importance of better implementation and enforcement of existing rules instead of creating new legislation before the old has even been tested; one that provides for an environment where competition can thrive and can lead to more growth and more jobs; one that does not lag behind in new emerging economic areas but provides for a strong development platform for the companies of the digital economy; and ultimately one that is able to secure the long-term growth of the European Union for the benefit of its citizens.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Gospodine predsjedniče, jedinstveno tržište predstavlja najveću korist od europskih integracija za sve države članice. Danas je sasvim normalno da svi sa svima trgujemo i prepoznajemo prekogranične poslovne prilike te u njih ulažemo. Dok je tako, nema straha za Europu.

Da bismo i u budućnosti nastavili prosperirati od jedinstvenog tržišta, moramo ga proširiti na sve vrste usluga i zaštititi od loših praksi i prekomjerne regulacije. Manjkavi i bespotrebni zakoni i propisi, s jedne, te spora i loša provedba kvalitetne regulacije, s druge strane, najviše štete malim i srednjim poduzećima koja zapošljavaju više od 80 % radnika u privatnom sektoru.

Ne želimo li u budućnosti ozbiljno ugroziti socioekonomsku sliku Europe, bolja regulacija jedinstvenog tržišta, koja će smanjiti administrativni teret i pružiti više prilika malim i srednjim poduzećima, mora nam biti apsolutni prioritet.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. Mr President, on behalf of the Commission, I would like to thank the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and, in particular, the rapporteur Ms Van Bossuyt for this report.

We agree that the single market is a cornerstone of European integration. In recent decades it has delivered more jobs and contributed to higher growth. We need to address the whole policy cycle, so last year the Commission presented two main initiatives designed to do that: the Better Regulation Package and the Single Market Strategy.

Last May we proposed a Better Regulation Package, covering the entire policy cycle from consultations and impact assessments to the adoption, implementation and evaluation of EU legislation. The package will help us make sure that EU laws tackle the real problems of citizens and businesses. From now on, EU laws should be adopted according to better evidence and a more careful assessment of their impact on the real world. This will help us regain the trust of EU citizens.

More recently a new interinstitutional agreement on better law—making was negotiated by Parliament, the Council and the Commission. We now have a strong political framework and a renewed commitment from the institutions in support of better regulation. After formal adoption it will be up to Parliament and the Council to work with the Commission to ensure its timely and effective implementation. We need to ensure that we deliver the benefits for citizens and businesses in practice rather than just in theory.

Let us take the Regulatory Fitness Programme as an example – the one which we discussed a while ago. The Commission’s Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme will also play a central role in simplifying the body of existing legislation and reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens, especially for microenterprises and small and medium enterprises, and we will do so without weakening any of our important social and environmental goals.

The second major initiative that we took last year is the Single Market Strategy adopted in October. It has three key aims: creating new opportunities for people and businesses, encouraging and enabling the modernisation and innovation that Europe needs and, above all, ensuring practical delivery. In some areas we need to launch new initiatives, such as introducing a service passport for key sectors of the economy, adopting a legislative proposal to prevent discrimination against consumers based on nationality or residence, or revising the Mutual Recognition Regulation.

However, it is not enough just to come forward with new initiatives. We need to ensure the effective and efficient application of the existing legislation. We need to design legislation better and to evaluate and fix things which do not work as they should. We also need to make sure that existing rules are applied correctly by the Member States and backed by a smart approach to enforcement and the development of a compliance culture. For example, we will promote an enhanced partnership with Member States through implementation plans for new legislation and yearly compliance dialogues with each Member State.

We all have the same aims. We have the same broad vision of what we want to achieve: we all want improved single market legislation and better delivery. Let us work together – the Commission, Parliament and the Council – to do this.


  Der Präsident. – Damit ist dieser Punkt abgeschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Dienstag, 12. April, statt.

Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου