 Testo integrale 
Procedura : 2012/0011(COD)
Ciclo di vita in Aula
Ciclo del documento : A7-0402/2013

Testi presentati :


Discussioni :

PV 11/03/2014 - 13
CRE 11/03/2014 - 13
PV 13/04/2016 - 15
CRE 13/04/2016 - 15

Votazioni :

PV 12/03/2014 - 8.5
CRE 12/03/2014 - 8.5
Dichiarazioni di voto

Testi approvati :


Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Mercoledì 13 aprile 2016 - Strasburgo

15. Tutela delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali - Trattamento dei dati personali ai fini della prevenzione di reati (discussione)
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Elnök asszony. – A következő napirendi pont: együttes vita a következő jelentésekről:

a Jan Philipp Albrecht által az Állampolgári Jogi, Bel- és Igazságügyi Bizottság nevében készített, „Az egyén védelme a személyes adatok feldolgozása során” c. ajánlás második olvasatra (A8-0139/2016) [05419/1/2016 - C8-0140/2016 - 2012/0011(COD)]


a Marju Lauristin által az Állampolgári Jogi, Bel- és Igazságügyi Bizottság nevében készített, „A személyes adatok feldolgozása bűncselekmények megelőzése érdekében” c. ajánlás második olvasatra (A8-0138/2016)

[05418/1/2016 - C8-0139/2016 - 2012/0010(COD)]


  Jan Philipp Albrecht, rapporteur. Madam President, after more than four years of work as your rapporteur I am happy to announce that there is a consensus of all democratic parties in this House and of Member States in the Council for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation. It is the result of intense negotiations in both legislators’ bodies and in the course of a trilogue on the basis of our first reading in March 2014 and a general approach in the Council from June 2015. The agreement found in December under the Luxembourg Presidency is an important signal, as the finalisation of this file by the end of 2015 was announced by the Commission and Parliament’s Presidents, as well as the heads of state in the European Council several times. Its adoption by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) and the Council of Ministers, both almost by unanimity, shows that we struck the right balance between the high level of protection for the fundamental right to data protection, as well as strong consumer rights in the digital age, on the one hand, and the need to create a fair and functioning digital market with a real chance for growth and innovation on the other.

Having said this, I want to emphasise once again that I did not believe, and I will not believe, that these two aspects are mutually exclusive. I am convinced that respect for data protection is not only a precondition for trust and innovation in a digitalised economy, but it will be an important key for the success of our European economies in the future.

We Europeans not only export a high protection of privacy and consumer rights online. We will also be able to set a gold standard for the digital market of tomorrow, when these standards will be essential for each and every new technology product and service. At the same time, we are for the first time in European history regulating the application of a fundamental right for the whole European market by a directly applicable EU regulation. We are deepening and harmonising the existing rights and standards from the 1995 Directive on Data Protection and creating a single legal standard for the protection of personal data which is fit for the digitalised society of tomorrow.

With new rights such as data portability and new principles like data protection by design, we are further developing the protection of our privacy and self-determination in times of big data and the internet of things. Stronger consumer transparency and choice is building new opportunities for trustful, secure and consumer-friendly products and services. The newly-built consistency mechanism in the future EU Data Protection Board and a strong sanction regime will ensure that there will be equal opportunities, effective rights and legal certainty for everyone on our market which, as the biggest common market in the world, nobody will be able to ignore. This compromise, which we have found in an intense democratic debate in a legislative process throughout recent years, is a huge step forward towards creating a single legal environment for the digital world of tomorrow, and this is our chance as Europeans to have a significant effect on it.

I want once again to thank the shadow rapporteurs, the rapporteur for the Police Directive, Marju Lauristin, and all the colleagues here in Parliament, in the Commission and in the Council, as well as all the people involved in this democratic process, for their hard work, their honest and open engagement and contribution to this result. I also thank our staff, the secretariats, translators and lawyer linguists who made it possible for us to ensure final adoption this week. Everybody out there is waiting for us to formally finalise and present the long-expected EU Data Protection Regulation, and data controllers, their consultants, Member State governments and data protection authorities are eager to do what from now on will be the most important thing: to get this single data protection law of the European Union into practice as soon as possible.


  Marju Lauristin, rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like to start by endorsing Jan Albrecht’s words on thankfulness. We are really very thankful for the tough work we have done together with shadow rapporteurs from all Groups, with our secretariat, with our assistants, with the Commission and its team and with the Council and its team. It has been tough work, and I suppose that half a year ago we were not very optimistic as to the prospects of managing to do the whole data protection package in time and being ready together here now.

Concerning my specific area, the directive on the data protection in the field of law enforcement or ‘police directive’, as it is called: this is part of the general data protection package which covers the specificities of police work. All elements of police work not directly related to crime investigation or prevention, including public security issues and crimes against public security – in short, ordinary work which is not criminal – belong to the regulation presented by Jan Albrecht.

What is specific in this directive? We see that police work contains more and more international aspects. In the present situation we all have experience on how important it is that police in different Member States work together, trust each other and transfer information quickly and smoothly.

In order to do that they need common rules and a common framework, and this directive is presenting this common framework. It is important that, even in these times of common insecurity, we do not forget about basic fundamental human rights, and privacy protection is one of those. Nor should we forget about non-discrimination and fairness, and this directive also takes that into account – to have a good proper balance to secure personal data and also to give police, in their specific work on criminal investigation, enough space to be effective, quick and also cooperative.

What are some of the main innovations for the police? We do not currently have a common framework for data protection or data processing in 28 Member States. We had a general directive that we replaced by regulation, but in the police field we did not have anything like that. This is the first regulatory act which will provide police in all Member States with their common rules.

In this framework, the very important thing is that the general principles of proportionality, legitimacy and purpose-limitation are included in police work. That means that no form of mass surveillance is possible. The collection of data is not possible. Retention for an unlimited or unclear period is not possible. Another important point is that we foresee the inclusion of data protection professionals in the police institutional setting: specifically, in police work. This will bring everyday concerns about data protection and privacy protection into police work. There will also be quite a strict and strong regime for recording all excesses and all usages of data.

All these principles are very important. We will have the opportunity to have more effective police work and provide more security and confidence for citizens that their privacy will be protected.


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, it is with great pleasure that I attend today’s plenary session on the Data Protection Package. As you know, the Council very much welcomes the agreements that our two institutions reached last December on the General Data Protection Regulation and the directive on data protection in the field of criminal law enforcement. In the negotiations on the regulation and the directive, Parliament and Council have consistently acknowledged that protection of personal data is a fundamental right. As a result, we agreed to empower individuals with strong and enforceable data-protection rights.

Parliament and Council recognise the importance of a coherent data protection framework for the digital economy, backed by strong enforcement. This resulted in a general data protection regulation laying down harmonised rules for processing of personal data. These new rules will end the fragmentation stemming from differences in implementation of the current directive.

The new legislative framework enhances legal certainty, creates a level playing field for companies and reduces administrative burdens. Furthermore, the directive on data protection in the field of criminal law enforcement will ensure effective judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation. An important element is that it will cover both cross—border and domestic processing of personal data. The directive will facilitate the exchange of personal data between law enforcement authorities. At the same time, it will guarantee a consistently high level of data protection.

Tomorrow’s vote will make the EU’s data protection rules ready for the digital era. On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank Parliament, and in particular its rapporteurs, Mr Albrecht and Mrs Lauristin, for their excellent work and close cooperation with Council.


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. Madam President, I am really pleased to stand in front of you today at the end of our common journey to the final adoption of the data protection reform package. The Commission welcomes the final text that is before you. You are about to adopt data protection laws that will allow us to take full advantage of the digital single market because this is a key basis for the creation of the digital single market.

Let me now take you through the various benefits of the new rules. The regulation will reinforce the tools to allow people to regain control of their personal data. It means that individuals will have more information on how their data is processed, and this information will be available in a clear and understandable way.

It will also be easier for people to transfer their personal data between service providers. The right to erasure and to be forgotten will be clarified. An individual has the right, under certain conditions, to ask that search engines remove links leading to personal information about them. This right will be balanced with other rights, such as the right to freedom of expression.

Individuals will have the right to know when their data has been hacked. Companies and organisations must notify the national supervisory authority of serious data breaches as soon as possible so that users can take appropriate measures.

Businesses will equally benefit greatly from this reform. The reform will boost legal certainty for businesses with a single set of rules across Europe. The new regulation will remove the differences between the current national data protection laws. Thanks to the one-stop shop, companies will only have to deal with one single supervisory authority. There will be a level playing field, and non—EU companies, when offering services in the EU, will have to abide by the same rules as EU companies. Other rules are also fit for innovation. Privacy-friendly techniques, such as pseudonymisation, will be encouraged, as will data protection by design.

Let me turn now to our police directive. The rules will improve cooperation in the fight against terrorism and other serious crime in Europe. Criminal law enforcement authorities will no longer have to apply different sets of data protection laws according to the origin of the personal data, saving time and money. The new data protection requirements will apply to both domestic processing and cross-border exchanges of personal data.

Having more harmonised laws in all the Member States will make it easier for our police forces to work together because crime has no borders, as the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels have unfortunately shown again. Member States will need to share more information with each other and with EU agencies like Europol and Eurojust. This was also one of the conclusions of the extraordinary meeting of justice and home affairs ministers two days after the Brussels attacks.

The new police directive will allow for smoother exchange of information between Member States’ police and judicial authorities, while ensuring a common and better standard of data protection. This directive is not about constraining law enforcement. It is about ensuring the correct and lawful treatment of personal data in the law enforcement context, which also includes the personal information of victims or witnesses of crime.

The directive also sets a standard that has to be met by any future data—sharing instruments at EU level. As the Commission said last week in its Communication on interoperability of information systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, we need to fill the gaps left by our current information systems, but this does not mean mass gathering of data without purpose. On the contrary, it means that we need to make sure that the relevant data is available for the relevant law enforcement officer and for the right purpose. Getting this balance right will be a key priority in the years to come, and the police directive will be a strong framework for this work.

Let me now say a few words about the Commission’s strategy for the next steps after this week’s historic adoption of the data protection reform. Following publication, Member States will have two years to prepare for applying the general data protection regulation and to amend or repeal their national laws. Member States will also have two years to transpose and implement the police directive.

Because the new rules become applicable in spring 2018, this timeframe gives Member States and companies enough time to adapt to the new rules, but we need to ensure these two years are used in the best possible way to get ready. So the Commission will work closely with Member States to make sure that existing laws are adapted or repealed as necessary. The regulation in fact replaces 28 national laws, while the directive has to be transposed into national law. We will work in particular with data protection authorities to ensure a uniform application of the rules.

The future European Data Protection Board will have a key role in ensuring coherent interpretation and enforcement, building on the work of the Article 29 Working Party. The Commission will work with them to ensure they are well prepared for their new tasks, and we want to have an open dialogue with other stakeholders, notably businesses, to ensure they are aware of their obligations and also that any doubts about the application of the new rules are verified.

We may need best practices or guidelines in specific sectors such as energy and health, which make increasing use of personal data and need to develop privacy—friendly solutions. The Commission wants to ensure a dialogue between the actors to make sure we are all ready for the big day in 2018. Closer to that date we will also conduct awareness—raising campaigns so that citizens know their new rights and know how to exercise them.

This is also the right moment for giving sincere thanks, so I would like to thank the rapporteurs, Mr Albrecht and Ms Lauristin; the members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE); the Dutch Presidency, and also the preceding Luxembourg Presidency. The Member States’ special thanks must go to my predecessor, Ms Viviane Reding. I would like also to thank my DG JUST colleagues and all those who have played a role in this monumental agreement, and I would like to invite all Members of this Parliament to endorse it tomorrow.


  Elnök asszony. – Most rátérünk a képviselőcsoportok vezérszónoki körére.


  Axel Voss, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin, Frau Ministerin und Frau Kommissarin! Ich möchte auch gerne allen Berichterstattern danken für ihre sehr intensive Arbeit. Es war und ist auch immer noch nicht immer einfach, aber die Richtlinie hat sich sehr erfreulich entwickelt. Davon war nicht auszugehen, als wir noch einen Bericht in der letzten Wahlperiode hatten. Von daher recht herzlichen Dank dafür. Das hat sich gut entwickelt, und ich kann auch nur hoffen, dass diese Richtlinie bei den Notsituationen, denen wir mitunter jetzt auch ausgesetzt sind, bei den Terrordingen, die auf uns zukommen, auch hinsichtlich des Rechtsschutzprinzips Bestand haben wird.

Dass ich der Datenschutzgrundverordnung kritisch gegenüberstehe, ist kein Geheimnis. Ja, sie ist in jedem Fall besser als das Recht, das wir bislang in der Datenschutzrichtlinie hatten. Ja, auch die Rechte des Einzelnen sind hier klar verbessert und modernisiert, und ja, auch das Marktortprinzip ist eine gute Einrichtung, mit der wir dokumentieren können, dass die Verarbeitung der Daten europäischer Bürger sich auch an europäischem Datenschutzrecht orientiert.

Trotzdem ist die Datenschutzgrundverordnung meines Erachtens zu komplex, an vielen Stellen zu vage, birgt viel Interpretationsspielraum und führt dadurch zu Rechtsunsicherheiten. Eine Vollharmonisierung haben wir bei 65 Öffnungsklauseln eben klar verfehlt. Die Weiterverarbeitung von Daten ist zwar zulässig, aber nur schwer mit der Datenrealität vereinbar. Big-Data-Anwendungen sind eigentlich die Zukunft und bieten eine Reihe von Vorteilen und für die Forschung. Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung setzt aber genau diesen Anwendungen hier Hürden, die nicht hätten sein müssen. Hier wäre eine neue Datenkategorie in Form der pseudonymisierten Daten in einer klaren Lösung besser gewesen. Und wir sind in der Auslegung eigentlich zu einseitig aufgestellt.


  Claude Moraes, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, like Mr Voss I do not have the time to say all that I really feel, but I will just do it anyway.

This is historic: let somebody say it. This is one of the biggest pieces of legislation Parliament has ever enacted, and I think we should be thankful for something that Parliament does very well, and that is quietly and deliberately, Members of this House, the rapporteurs Jan Albrecht and Marju Lauristin – but let me just say it because I know all the work they put in – all the shadows, Members who have sat here, Ms Reding and others – I realise I have just used up my whole two minutes now.

But let me just say that this is what Parliament does very well: to enact a piece of legislation which – yes, as Mr Voss said – still has some problems on the research side, on the issue of parental consent. We did not all agree with many of these very difficult issues, but at the end of the day we have a directive and a regulation which is the only one of its kind in the world, and I think for cross-border legislation, that is something of which we should be proud. It comes after four years of negotiation with the Council, and for that it is a major achievement.

The regulation gives EU citizens new positive rights, including the ability to know when your data has been hacked, the use of plain language in requests for personal data, the appointment of data protection officers, and the fines – which really were needed, because now people know that this is real legislation that will last and stand the test of time.

The data protection directive will complement the regulation by providing new safeguards for all EU citizens and ensuring that protections are in place for the processing of data for law enforcement purposes.

For my Group, I am particularly proud that the directive has come with the package. This has meant that we have created a package which has been comprehensive. At the beginning of this process I think many felt that this could not happen, yet it has happened, and today we will vote the whole package instead of just one regulation. I think that is a great achievement for this Parliament. I think it is one of which we should all be proud.


  Timothy Kirkhope, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, data is the lifeblood of the global economy, and the use of data has totally transformed the way we work, live and socialise. It has become vital to our economic and security interests. However, we currently operate under a legal regime that was created before Twitter, Uber and Amazon were twinkles in any billionaire’s eye.

My Group and I have at times had serious reservations about the content of these proposals and the direction negotiations took on certain issues, but I hope that, now we are at the end, a pragmatic and workable solution has been put in place. This data protection legislation will only last up to another 20 years, like the last, but if it is capable of establishing technology-neutral and principles-based rules, it will be successful.

This regulation is without doubt a comprehensive change to many issues surrounding the processing of data, and the implementation of the regulation is key. What businesses do not want is heavy-handed regulation, and what consumers do not want are complicated rules that give no greater clarity on what their rights are. We – thankfully – ended up with a far more sensible and workable set of ideas, related to consent, fines, notification periods, scientific research, direct marketing in legitimate interests, and derogations for small and medium-sized businesses.

These issues were key for my political group, and my hope is that the new rules will increase consumer trust and create a level playing field, legally across the EU, where businesses know exactly what they can and cannot do, which in turn will attract future investment in the digital single market from outside the EU and allow innovation and industry to flourish. Both the Data Protection Regulation and the Law Enforcement Directive are about creating trust in our individual systems and therefore creating more trust for our EU cross-border cooperation.


  Sophia in 't Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, I too would like to extend my compliments to the rapporteurs, to former commissioner Reding, to Commissioner Jourová and the Luxembourg Presidency. I will never forget the long sessions we had with a lot of coffee and not a whole lot of food. This is the result of it. Well, we got food but not very healthy food: lots of sandwiches and cookies.

When we set out on this adventure, we were just getting acquainted with the first generation of iPads. I suppose there is not anybody in this room who does not have an iPad. Well, when we started – the first resolution – it had only just entered the market, so just to show how quickly things are evolving: a lot more quickly than we are legislating.

I too believe that the regulation and the directive do not constitute an obstacle, they actually remove obstacles. Something that we have been discussing a lot lately, and we will discuss it later today, is fighting terrorism and sharing information. I am convinced that having common standards on data protection will facilitate sharing of information. It will create the trust that agencies need to share information. I also think it is in the interest of the internal market, and we need the internal market to remove obstacles and have a single rule book throughout the European Union. We need that urgently if you listen to companies like Spotify who are threatening to leave the European Union.

The final remark: I am very glad that Europe is once again setting global standards. I think we can be really proud of ourselves, but of course everything hinges on the application and the enforcement. Just today there was a statement by the Article 29 Working Party on the privacy shield. I would strongly urge the Commission to take their recommendation extremely seriously and show that we are serious about data protection, not just on paper but also in practice.


  Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin! Mit diesem wirklich historischen Datenschutzpaket werden grundlegende Rechte der Bürger in der EU gestärkt, und das ist wirklich notwendig. Das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung erhält faktisch eine nachhaltige Grundlage – und das in allen Mitgliedstaaten gleichermaßen – durch ausdrückliche Informationspflichten gegenüber den Bürgern, echte Widerspruchsrechte, wirksame Kontrolle und Aufsicht.

Dass so etwas nach viereinhalb Jahren überhaupt auf den Tisch gekommen ist hier in Europa, das hat auch mit der wirklich großen Arbeit der Berichterstatter zu tun, und es sei mir erlaubt zu sagen: Ich verneige mich vor dieser wirklich schweren Arbeit, und ich habe selber auch sehr, sehr viel gelernt von euch. Und doch scheint dieses Ergebnis manchmal ein bisschen surreal angesichts der ungebremsten Massenüberwachung, die ja immer mehr Menschen betrifft, und was wir brauchen, ist eben – und das zeigt die Diskussion hier – kein privacy shield, sondern wirksame Kontrolle unserer Daten.

Der Kampf um existenzielle Grundrechte der Menschen erhält mit dem Datenschutzpaket neue Impulse. Nutzen wir das in unseren Ländern als eine Chance für mehr Demokratie!


  Judith Sargentini, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. Nu we hier met zijn allen de gegevensbeschermingswetgeving omarmen, moeten we de lat voor de rest van de gegevensbescherming óók hoog leggen. Anderen hadden het er al over, maar vandaag hebben de Europese autoriteiten voor gegevensbescherming de Europese Commissie er nogmaals op gewezen dat Privacy Shield, de afspraak tussen de Europese Unie en de Verenigde Staten, de vervanging van Safe Harbour, niet volledig is. Dat het niet de gegevens van Europese burgers beschermt en dat die burgers in Amerika nog steeds geen ruimte hebben om hun recht te halen.

Volgens mij is het feit dat we hier met zijn allen een standaard afspreken voor de bescherming van onze persoonsgegevens ook dé reden waarom u opnieuw in onderhandeling moet met de Amerikanen. Het is nog steeds een kwestie van tijd, totdat onze gegevensbeschermingsautoriteiten gaan handhaven of totdat de volgende rechtszaak bij het Hof wordt aangespannen. En niemand wil onze mobiele telefoons, onze andere equipments, op zwart zien gaan. Dus, mevrouw de commissaris, aan u om met verbeteringen te komen.


  Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President, the UK already has effective data protection legislation. This EU legislation is designed to address less well-developed EU countries and bring them up to a similar standard. These proposals are being rushed through in order to bring into force the proposed legislation on passenger name records. In an increasingly digitalised world, almost all the personal details of people’s lives are held on a database somewhere, and the protection of that information becomes increasingly important.

The protection of that information throws up some obvious issues: the security of the information held, who has legitimate access to it and how to protect it from highly sophisticated criminals. These are not easy issues to resolve. We all live in democratic societies – more or less, anyway – but the state has never had such a wealth of information potentially available to it and the possibility of potential misuse by it. We may feel safe now under our present governments, but we do not know what the future will hold. Imagine what Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse-tung could have done with the goldmine of information that exists now.

As the European Union becomes more centralised and undemocratic, we cannot know what the shape of its government will take in the future. Therefore, the protection of individual citizens’ most private information must remain the responsibility of democratic nation states answerable to their people.


  Gianluca Buonanno, a nome del gruppo ENF. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi sembra una discussione un po' paradossale, noi parliamo, abbiamo parlato ieri del problema del terrorismo, che bisogna controllare tutti, che bisogna avere più scambi di dati e qui parliamo invece che i dati bisogna tenerli al sicuro, com'è questa faccenda?

Io credo che noi siamo in guerra contro il terrorismo islamico e, come tale, io me ne frego della mia privacy, io voglio avere sicurezza per me e per i miei concittadini e quindi, a mio giudizio, bisogna fare in modo che non ci siano questi tipi di discussioni. Non c'è lo Stato di diritto quando si è in guerra quindi bisogna colpire chi bisogna colpire, bisogna controllare tutti. Gli Stati Uniti dopo l'11 settembre hanno guardato tutti senza guardare più alla privacy, perché noi non lo possiamo fare? O vogliamo ancora attentati terroristici e dopo gli attentati incominciamo a piangere un'altra volta come i coccodrilli?


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, με το βολικό πρόσχημα αντιμετώπισης της τρομοκρατίας και των λεγόμενων «κενών ασφαλείας», μεταξύ άλλων, ενισχύετε την Ευρωαστυνομία την Εurojust, τα έξυπνα σύνορα, το σύστημα πληροφοριών Σένγκεν ΙΙ που συγκεντρώνει και επεξεργάζεται όλα τα προσωπικά δεδομένα, και αυτά που αφορούν πολιτική, κοινωνική δράση και πεποιθήσεις.

Τα περί προστασίας δεδομένων είναι ανέξοδα ευχολόγια. Το δε PNR, η νέα μορφή φακελώματος των επιβατών σε πτήσεις εντός και εκτός Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, προστίθεται στο τεράστιο δίκτυο καταστολής που το γιγαντώνετε. Με τα μέτρα καταπολέμησης της ριζοσπαστικοποίησης σκόπιμα «τσουβαλιάζετε» την εργατική λαϊκή πάλη ή τους πρόσφυγες με τη δράση αντιδραστικών μηχανισμών, δημιουργήματα των ίδιων των ανταγωνισμών σας. Ο ISIS, η Αλ Κάϊντα, οι Ταλιμπάν συγκροτήθηκαν με το μανδύα της θρησκείας και χρηματοδοτήθηκαν απ' την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και τους συμμάχους σας.

Στόχος σας είναι η θωράκιση της εξουσίας των μονοπωλίων απ' τον πραγματικό της αντίπαλο, τους λαούς και την πάλη τους ενάντια στο σάπιο καπιταλιστικό σύστημα που γεννά πολέμους, φτώχια, προσφυγιά, δολοφονικά χτυπήματα.


  Viviane Reding (PPE) Madam President, in 2012 as the then Commissioner for Justice, I presented the legal text to protect the privacy of citizens and to facilitate data exchange for police work. Four years later, after difficult negotiations with Member States and after a fierce lobbying campaign, we have an almost unanimous agreement. I thank rapporteur Philipp Albrecht, I thank rapporteur Marju Lauristin and I thank all the colleagues in the European Parliament, because this is a historic day for Europe – a day which shows that if we work together we can deal deliver results for citizens, whose personal data will be better protected; for companies, to which we provide a market opener: one law for one continent as an international gold standard; and for security forces, which get more efficient access to data in order to fight crime and terrorism.

Today Parliament lays the stepping stones towards a truly European digital market, and today Europe shows that privacy and security go hand in hand. So thank you from all my heart to all those who have helped make this possible today.


(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski (ECR), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. Pani Komisarz, ja też jestem zdania, że możemy dokonać syntezy bezpieczeństwa i wolności, ale chciałbym Panią zapytać, czy na podstawie Pani doświadczenia ma Pani pewność, że opracowywane i przygotowywane dzisiaj akty prawne nie zostaną skutecznie zaskarżone przed Europejskim Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości? Czy są takie rozwiązania, które wiążą się z ryzykiem skutecznej skargi do Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, a jeśli są, to na jakie wskazałaby Pani?


  Viviane Reding (PPE), blue-card answer. So far, in the history of the European Union, the European Court has always provided a helping hand. For years the European Court has done everything in its power to help ensure that the directive which we had – which was not so well implemented in all Member States – could go in a common direction. I am very confident that the European Court will help us to have better legislation – better-applied legislation – and that it stands together with the Commission. I would like to thank the Commissioner and her teams for what she has done. The Court is, together with the Commission, a true controller that ensures that the Treaties are put in place properly.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Heute ist ein sehr wichtiger Tag für das Europäische Parlament, für Europa und für seine Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Wir haben ein Regelwerk geschaffen, das unseren Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ein hohes Ausmaß an informationeller Selbstbestimmung ermöglichen wird. Wir haben Regeln und Normen geschaffen, die das Vertrauen der Menschen stärken werden und die die Planungsspielräume der Industrie vergrößern werden.

Es ist uns gelungen, globale Standards zu setzen, indem wir ein einheitliches Regelwerk für den wichtigsten Digitalmarkt auf dem Globus – und das ist Europa – geschaffen haben. Niemand kann das negieren, niemand kann unsere Standards negieren. Das zeigt, dass Europa – wenn es will – in der Lage ist, die Zukunft zu gestalten, große Projekte zu schmieden. Ich hoffe sehr, dass wir diese Fähigkeit auch in dieser Legislaturperiode mit dem digitalen Binnenmarkt unter Beweis stellen können.

Es zeigt aber auch, dass die europäischen Institutionen in der Lage sind, miteinander produktiv und pragmatisch zusammenzuarbeiten. Der Paketansatz, an dem zunächst sehr viele gezweifelt haben, ist ein sehr innovatives Vorgehen, und es hat gezeigt, dass es gelingt, ganz unterschiedliche Interessen miteinander in Einklang zu bringen. Es war ein lebendiges Projekt mit viel Emotion und Engagement, es gab intensive und teilweise heftige Diskussionen, an denen Nationalstaaten, Industrie und Zivilgesellschaft beteiligt waren.

Mehr als 4 000 Änderungsanträge wurden eingereicht und zu einem politischen Kompromiss hier im Parlament verdichtet. Die Einigung mit dem Rat war etwas schwieriger, aber sie ist auch gelungen. Es ist zu hoffen, dass dieses Gesetz Wirkung zeigt, beachtet wird – dafür werden die Strafbestimmungen sorgen –, aber es geht auch darum, dass in den Mitgliedstaaten die Datenschutzbehörden ausgebaut werden, damit die Bürgerinnen und Bürger ihr Recht in den jeweiligen Mitgliedstaaten durchsetzen können.


  Helga Stevens (ECR). Er wordt vandaag eindelijk een stap vooruit gezet. De databeschermingsrichtlijn uit 1995 beantwoordde na meer dan twintig jaar niet meer aan de huidige noden en realiteit.

Het is dan ook goed dat we vandaag een akkoord bereiken over een nieuw instrument, aangepast aan de actuele uitdagingen. Deze harmonisatie is een stap vooruit voor zowel consumenten als ondernemingen. Consumenten zullen hun rechten kennen en in de gehele EU een behoorlijke juridische bescherming en herstel genieten. Ondernemingen krijgen duidelijkheid over wat ze wel en niet kunnen doen. Ze kunnen ook eenvoudiger grensoverschrijdende activiteiten ontplooien. Het recht op privacy en de interne markt gaan er dus samen op vooruit.

Toch nog een kleine opmerking: de sleutel voor het succes van deze verordening ligt duidelijk in de implementatie, die in het bijzonder voor KMO's op een passende wijze moet gebeuren.


  Cecilia Wikström (ALDE). Fru talman! Jag vill precis som alla andra rikta ett varmt tack till föredragandena för deras outtröttliga arbete med detta lagstiftningspaket. Särskilt glad är jag i dag för att vi nu har möjlighet att rösta igenom en lagstiftning om dataskydd, som kommer att skydda medborgarnas grundläggande fri- och rättigheter och samtidigt inte skapa alltför stora svårigheter för dem som på olika sätt har att förhålla sig till det nya regelverket.

Min huvudsakliga invändning initialt gällde behovet av att skydda möjligheten för den registerbaserade forskningen, särskilt i mitt hemland Sverige, men också i några andra medlemsländer. De stora forskningsregister som har byggts upp under mycket lång tid utgör nämligen en ovärderlig källa för forskare från hela världen i kampen att hitta behandling och läkemedel för att bekämpa sjukdom och ohälsa av olika slag. Det hade varit en katastrof om denna forskning hade omöjliggjorts. Det är därför väldigt glädjande att forskarna som har framfört sina farhågor har blivit tillgodosedda, och vi har ett balanserat lagförslag som jag är glad och stolt över att vi kan anta nu.

(Talaren godtar att besvara en fråga (”blått kort”) i enlighet med artikel 162.8 i arbetsordningen.)


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. Köszönöm szépen a lehetőséget, Elnök Asszony, tisztelt Képviselő Asszonynak pedig köszönöm előre a készségét, hogy ő válaszol a kérdésemre. Igazából nem fogok Önnel vitatkozni a mondatairól, de egy dologra szeretnék rákérdezni. Önt, mint a téma jó ismerőjét kérdezem: Ön elégedett-e azzal, ahogyan ennek az irányelvnek a mostani publikus kezelése történik? Nevezetesen lát-e garanciát arra, hogy az állampolgárok erről az alapvető jogról kellő módon értesülve lesznek? Köszönöm szépen.


  Cecilia Wikström (ALDE), svar (”blått kort”). Det jag har att säga har jag redan sagt, nämligen att detta är ett väl avvägt, fint förslag som tar grundläggande fri- och rättigheter på mycket stort allvar och samtidigt begränsar för människor och aktörer, framför allt olika business, att profitera på människors grundläggande rättigheter. Vi har hittat ett väl avvägt förslag, och jag är stolt över att rekommendera kollegor att rösta igenom detta i morgon.


  Martina Anderson (GUE/NGL). Madam President, today this institution has an opportunity to give with one hand and take with the other. While the mind boggles at the invasive and unnecessary PNR proposal, we in Sinn Féin welcome the introduction of a more robust data protection initiative, such as the good report authored by Mr Albrecht.

The right to the protection of personal data is enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, and they seek to protect the individual’s right to privacy, for instance protecting private medical records and preventing insurance companies from potentially misusing personally and very deeply- held private information.

The Data Protection Regulation, while not perfect, is a step in the right direction, and the European institutions should build on this platform and concern themselves more with the protection of the civil liberties of citizens rather than on what meals they order on a flight.


  Klaus Buchner (Verts/ALE). Frau Präsidentin! Digitale Daten sind die neue Währung des 21. Jahrhunderts, und genau deshalb ist es so erschreckend, welche Lücken und welche Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten der EU bestehen, wenn es um den Schutz von Verbraucherinformationen geht.

Seit mehreren Jahren wird über die Datenschutzrichtlinie parallel zur allgemeinen Datenschutzverordnung verhandelt. Ich freue mich, dass durch den Druck der Zivilgesellschaft, der Experten, aber auch meiner Fraktion fundamentale Verbesserungen erreicht wurden. Die Datenschutzrichtlinie ist zwar noch nicht optimal. Die Datenschutzverordnung schützt aber die Daten europäischer Bürger grenzüberschreitend. Profilbildung und geheime Diskriminierung sind nun verboten. Für die Bürger ist es jetzt viel einfacher zu erfahren, wie ihre persönlichen Daten verarbeitet werden, und das wird viele fragwürdige Praktiken eindämmen.

Lassen Sie mich bei dieser Gelegenheit meinem Kollegen, Herrn Jan Philipp Albrecht, für seine Arbeit herzlich danken, ohne die das nicht möglich gewesen wäre.


  Michał Boni (PPE). Madam President, I would like to congratulate the rapporteurs, Marju and Jan, and to thank Vivienne for this initiative some years ago. We have a solution that provides harmonisation and creates a new data protection framework, building on trust. The general data protection regulation (GDPR) is, in this respect, a basis for further digital development.

The directive is also very important as the first comprehensive instrument to regulate data protection for law enforcement. This instrument sets rules but allows law enforcement to carry out its duties due to a balance between privacy and security. The package is not perfect, but we have two years of implementation ahead of us. This time is crucial for some points. Firstly, GDPR leaves certain technical issues for the implementing and delegated acts and flexibility for the national solutions. We should make sure that we do not lose the harmonisation and that we will not end up with 28 different frameworks again.

Secondly, while implementing GDPR we need to allow innovation to flourish. The use of big data is important for business but also for science and research, and in the end for personalised products and services for us as users.

Thirdly, be careful about SMEs and ensure that their obligations are not too excessive. The least we can do is make sure that appropriate guidance is prepared regarding obligations for SMEs.

Fourthly, on the privacy directive, we should aim to have a harmonised set of rules and look for a timely adjustment of this directive.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). Saúdo os relatores Jan Albrecht e Mariu Lauristin pelo acordo político longa e duramente negociado sobre o pacote para a proteção de dados e sobre registos de identificação de passageiros. Um pacote que compõe um quadro legislativo que representa um avanço na clarificação dos direitos fundamentais à privacidade e à proteção dos dados pessoais dos cidadãos na União Europeia e, de facto, globalmente, face aos riscos e ameaças decorrentes da digitalização das nossas comunicações, do nosso comportamento e das nossas economias.

Nós, Socialistas, sempre defendemos que era preciso uma negociação paralela, porque estavam em causa o processamento e utilização de dados pelo setor privado, mas também pela administração pública e pelas autoridades de aplicação da lei. Só assim se asseguraria regras comuns, claras, para todos os Estados-Membros, para partilhar dados, permitindo, nomeadamente, às autoridades policiais cooperarem de forma eficaz na luta contra o terrorismo.

Tenho reservas, contudo. No que respeita ao PNR, por imposição dos Estados-Membros, a partilha de informação não se torna nem obrigatória nem automática, deixando-se à discrição de cada um definir o que considera necessário e relevante. O que apenas consolida a desconfiança entre parceiros, a relutância em partilhar informação, a incapacidade de agir eficaz e concertadamente. Portanto, contra a própria essência do que se pretendia com a diretiva. Corremos o risco de acabar com 28 PNR diferentes, sem coordenação, e desenquadrados de um plano de ação europeu para combater a radicalização e o recrutamento por redes terroristas.

Acresce que o Conselho é responsável por uma significativa lacuna que vulnerabiliza gravemente o sistema. Rejeitou a proposta do Parlamento de incluir no PNR o controlo dos voos civis privados, aqueles em que qualquer traficante de droga ou de armas não tem dificuldade nenhuma em viajar, fazendo-se passar por um marchand d’art ou não.

Sejamos claros: o instrumento PNR agora regulado por si só não terá eficácia no combate ao terrorismo e ao crime organizado. É necessário investimento nos recursos antiterrorismo e na sua capacitação. É sobretudo necessário empenhamento por parte dos Estados da União Europeia para que os seus agentes se empenhem na utilização dos mecanismos europeus já existentes. Só assim conseguiremos o equilíbrio…

(A Presidente retira a palavra à oradora)


  Kaja Kallas (ALDE). Madam President, the data protection framework that we are about to adopt is what it is, but I think what is important is to stop looking at digital innovation as being in conflict with data protection. Those two go hand in hand and should not undermine each other. Nobody will win from this conflict and there will only be losers. Trust is the key to the digital sector. We understand it and the companies also understand it, so I want businesses to apply these rules in a way that makes people care about their data and also trust them with their data, instead of just clicking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ without thinking.

So people need to trust, and in order to entrust their data they need to understand why their data is collected and for what reason it is used. This works for governments as well as private companies in the development of digital services, so the data protection framework needs to be implemented in a pragmatic way – a smart way – so that the authorities engage with businesses to empower users.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Já bych úvodem svého vystoupení chtěl poděkovat oběma zpravodajům, protože podle mého názoru jde skutečně o velmi zdařilé zprávy, a jak i řekla paní komisařka, to dílo je skutečně monumentální.

Pokud srovnáte rozsah právních předpisů, které platily nebo budou platit ještě nějakou dobu do přijetí této právní úpravy, tak jsou to předpisy nesrovnatelné. Musím tedy rovněž ocenit, že tato nová legislativa do značné míry zpřesňuje řadu nejasných míst právě v té bývalé nebo v té v současnoti ještě platné právní úpravě, že odmazává i řadu bílých míst, že staví na technologické neutralitě. Mohl bych vypočítávat řadu kladů této navrhované úpravy, ale nemám na to dostatek času.

Pokud jde o jistá negativa, pořád mám pocit, že i v té datové ochraně přeci jenom převažuje princip jaksi víceméně velké paternalizace, tzn. snahy o co největší návody, o co největší popsání v právu určitých stavů, skutečností. Já si myslím, že bychom se měli řídit i zásadou „vigilantibus iura“, tzn. že každý by se měl do jisté míry starat o svá práva a právní úprava by nemusela být až tak popisná.

Také je otázkou, jestli ta úprava není až moc složitá, nicméně to jsou věci, které se dají vyčíst v zásadě asi každému právnímu předpisu. Určitě gratuluji a jsem velmi rád, že Parlament se může tímto úspěchem také pochlubit.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). Señora Presidenta, Comisaria Jourová, afirmo sin ambages que este Parlamento, al establecer esta tarde un nuevo equilibrio entre libertad y seguridad y, particularmente, entre el derecho a la seguridad y la confidencialidad de los datos personales está haciendo historia. Lo estamos haciendo, en primer lugar, porque confirmamos el criterio que sostuvimos desde el primer momento: que Reglamento, Directiva y PNR deben formar un paquete. Sí, un paquete conjunto.

Y el Reglamento hace historia porque, por primera vez, este Parlamento Europeo actúa como legislador en el desarrollo de los derechos fundamentales garantizados por la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea con una legislación europea que es un Reglamento directamente vinculante para los Estados miembros e invocable por los ciudadanos ante los tribunales.

La Directiva supone una herramienta europea y homogénea de garantía de que las autoridades policiales y judiciales, que tienen responsabilidades en la investigación de los delitos y en la detención y persecución penal de los delincuentes, actúan sujetas a una legislación europea unitaria.

Y el PNR, porque supone una herramienta adicional en la garantía de la seguridad de los europeos contra amenazas graves, contra la delincuencia grave trasnacional y contra el terrorismo, sin que suponga ninguna panacea.

Pero lo más importante es que lo hacemos afirmando la importancia que tiene la autodeterminación informativa, el derecho de los ciudadanos a intervenir a través del consentimiento en el manejo de sus datos personales en lo relativo a la cancelación y la rectificación, y también en asegurar el derecho al olvido. Por tanto, sí, este Parlamento está dando un paso histórico, un paso legislativo que merece ser calificado como tal.


  Christel Schaldemose (S&D). Fru formand! Det er med stor glæde, at jeg i morgen stemmer Ja! til vores nye databeskyttelsespakke. Jeg vil også sige, det virkelig er på tide, at vi får nye regler. De nugældende regler er fra 1995, hvor verden så helt anderledes ud. Det var før Google og Facebook og før vi kunne betale på mobiltelefonen og meget andet. Noget af det vigtigste i de nye regler er, at borgerne får bedre kontrol med egne data: Vi får bedre samtykkeregler, vi får retten til at blive glemt, og vi får også besked, hvis der sker hacking af vores data. Derudover er det også rigtigt vigtigt, at virksomhederne i langt højere grad bliver ansvarlige for at beskytte borgernes/kundernes data.

Helt særlig glad er jeg dog for, at det lykkedes os at finde en løsning for at sikre, at den registerbaserede forskning kan fortsætte. Vi har i de nordiske lande en meget god og stor tradition for registerbaseret forskning, og vi har derigennem opnået meget god og nyttig viden omkring f.eks. hjerte-kar-sygdomme og cancer. Og forskning er vigtigt! Derfor er jeg rigtig glad for, at vores forhandlere, Albrecht og Lauristin og andre, sørgede for, at det var muligt at fortsætte med den registerbaserede forskning.

Jeg synes, at vi skal sige stort tillykke til de europæiske borgere, fordi vi får disse nye regler, og så skal vi sige tak til alle, der har været involveret heri. Det er stor og vigtig lovgivning, vi vedtager i morgen.


  Evelyn Regner (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Danke an alle, die sich in unzähligen Trilogen eingesetzt haben, dass dieses Ergebnis jetzt vorliegt. Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung als solche enthält viele gute Modernisierungen, notwendige Anpassungen des europäischen Datenschutzrechts an das digitale Zeitalter.

Ich möchte aber jetzt in meinem Beitrag auf die Beschäftigten hinweisen – die sind nämlich verloren gegangen – und mehr oder weniger daran erinnern, wie wichtig es ist, auch für sie entsprechende Vorkehrungen zu treffen. Das Ergebnis ist nämlich ernüchternd, weil nichts im Beschäftigten-Datenschutz erreicht werden konnte. Wir im Europäischen Parlament haben brav gearbeitet im Beschäftigungsausschuss, im Innenausschuss, doch den Mitgliedstaaten war das offensichtlich nicht wichtig genug. Es gab hier keine detaillierte Debatte.

Dementsprechend sieht die Situation aus, wie sie nun aussieht, nämlich: Die Vorschläge des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten wurden übernommen – gut so –, und es gibt auch eine sogenannte Bereichsausnahme in Artikel 82 für die Datenverarbeitung im Beschäftigungskontext. Das ist allerdings relativ wenig, muss man sagen. Mir ist es als Europapolitikerin insofern zu wenig, als ich manchmal irgendwie meinen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern in Europa mehr anbieten möchte, dass ihnen hier im digitalen Zeitalter auch entsprechende Regelungen erarbeitet werden.

Ich muss insofern die Mitgliedstaaten kritisieren, die offenbar nicht genug Willen haben, hier europäisch zusammenzuarbeiten, und möchte die Kommission schon jetzt auffordern, dies mehr oder weniger als Arbeitsauftrag für das nächste Projekt, den Beschäftigungsdatenschutz, wahrzunehmen.


„Catch the eye” ejárás


  Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (PPE), Madam President, I am afraid I am not here to sing with the angels. After so many years – let’s be honest – we did not achieve the aim. We wanted simple harmonised rules and legal certainty, with the right balance between protecting individuals and the free flow of data. I am glad we have achieved one pillar – integrity – but in Europe we are not building common rules on exceptions. The result, I am afraid, is fragmentation, legal uncertainty and complexity. We wanted to provide a legal playing field, reducing red tape and boosting the single market. But where is the big success when SMEs are warning us that there will be more red tape, less investments and less jobs in Europe?

Our hope was to pave the way for the digital single market by removing borders, barriers and burdens, but these rules are not future-proof and could actually be a break to innovation. I also regret that we missed a big opportunity to protect our children online, and I hope we will be able to find a solution with the digital community.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il tema della privacy dei dati personali sensibili impone soluzioni a livello europeo se non mondiale, congratulazioni quindi ai relatori per il risultato conseguito.

Mi sono spesso pronunciato su questo tema, da ultimo con una dichiarazione scritta sulla vicenda Apple-FBI presentata insieme ad altri 25 colleghi, con la quale si richiede un impulso europeo alla regolamentazione sull'accesso alle comunicazioni cifrate, che devono essere rese fruibili senza creare vulnerabilità al sistema, sia in mano pubblica sia in mano privata. Questo pensiero è in linea con i principi etici di attenta valutazione sull'uso delle nuove tecnologie e con una mia recente interrogazione sul PNR, con la quale segnalo che lo stesso richiede tempi lunghi per l'attuazione che possono non corrispondere alle reali esigenze delle forze dell'ordine, specie in emergenze terroristiche tristemente note.

A mio avviso, è importante che domani votiamo quasi congiuntamente il PNR e il pacchetto protezione dati personali, creando di fatto un quadro giuridico di riferimento in grado di contemperare esigenze di privacy e sicurezza.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων αποτελεί θεμελιώδες δικαίωμα και οποιαδήποτε επεξεργασία καταρχάς απαγορεύεται. Επιτρέπεται μόνο κατ' εξαίρεση και για λόγους δημοσίου συμφέροντος, υπό αυστηρές προϋποθέσεις, και με δικαστική προστασία

Καταρχάς, λοιπόν, πρέπει η ελευθερία να μην υποτάσσεται στο κέρδος των επιχειρήσεων, να μην υποτάσσεται στο βωμό των ασφαλιστικών εταιρειών, να μην υποτάσσεται στα συμφέροντα των τραπεζών. Βλέπουμε ότι οι εταιρείες κατέχουν δεδομένα καταναλωτών και τα αξιοποιούν για κερδοσκοπία. Μερικές εταιρείες δημιουργούν προφίλ καταναλωτή, άλλες τράπεζες δημιουργούν προφίλ δανειολήπτη, οι ασφαλιστικές δημιουργούν προφίλ ασφαλισμένου και οι επιχειρήσεις το προφίλ του εργαζόμενου.

Δεν πρέπει, λοιπόν, στο όνομα της στήριξης της εσωτερικής αγοράς να διαλύουμε τα προσωπικά δεδομένα και τις προσωπικές ελευθερίες που πάντοτε πρέπει να υπερισχύουν, και πρέπει να υπάρχει, φυσικά, μια ισορροπία μεταξύ της ασφάλειας και της ελευθερίας, διότι αυτό είναι πολύ σημαντικό.


  Hilde Vautmans (ALDE). Ik vind dat er hier toch wel heel weinig volk in de vergaderzaal aanwezig is voor het voeren van een debat over zaken, waarover reeds zoveel inkt is gevloeid. Ik kan u zeggen dat wij als liberalen en verdedigers van de vrijheid en de privacy van de burgers eigenlijk toch wel blij zijn met deze verordening en deze richtlijn en dat deze worden aangepast aan de actualiteit.

Meer nog, dit is absoluut noodzakelijk, als we willen inzetten op onze ondernemers, op onze industrie en op onze interne markt. Bovendien is dit absoluut noodzakelijk, als we de strijd tegen terreur willen voeren. Hierdoor zal het voor onze politiediensten gemakkelijker worden om die gegevens te delen.

Voor ons liberalen was dan ook de agendering van PNR in combinatie met deze dossiers toch wel erg belangrijk. Ik hoop alvast dat straks voor het debat over PNR er wat meer volk naar de plenaire vergaderzaal zal komen.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). Mai vitáinkhoz szeretnék röviden emlékeztetni arra, hogy miben is állt az Edward Snowden által feltárt világbotrány lényege. Kiderült, hogy a nyugati világban szinte a teljes lakosság tömeges megfigyelés alatt áll, bírói engedély nélkül, anélkül, hogy bármiféle gyanúja lenne annak, hogy ezek az illetők bűncselekményt, adott esetben terrorizmust követtek volna el, vagy erre készülnének.

A másik oldalon viszont pontosan beazonosítható a terrorizmussal gyanúsítható, illetőleg arra készülődő személyeknek a köre, ezeket viszont nem figyelik meg megfelelően, nem szakszerűen lépnek fel velük szemben. A velük kapcsolatban rendelkezésre álló adatokat nem összesítik, nem cserélik ki. Ennek volt „köszönhető” az a tragédia, ami például Brüsszelben bekövetkezett. Nem azért következett be, mert nem hallgattak le és figyeltek meg még több teljesen ártatlan embert. Köszönöm.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). Madam President, I was privileged to be rapporteur for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) from the very outset when the proposals were presented by the very competent Commissioner at that time, Viviane Reding, right down to the final trilogue meetings on 15 December under the rapporteur Jan Albrecht. I must compliment him on doing a very good job on a very highly technical file. He showed great confidence and political skill, as indeed did my EPP colleague Axel Voss.

We have come up with a good compromise. We have at least replaced the 1995 Directive, which was applied differently in all Member States, with one set of rules which will be applied equally in every Member State. That is good for citizens. It is good for businesses. For the data subject there is the right to be forgotten, the right to erasure; for businesses, clear rules in relation to the transfer of data, the use of data, fines, penalties, but also aspects such as their one-stop shop. A very good job was done. Viviane called it historic. I agree with her.


  Patricija Šulin (PPE). Hvala, predsedujoča za besedo, zahvaljujem se tudi vsem pripravljavcem poročila. Pozdravljam direktivo, ki izboljšuje izmenjavo podatkov in sodelovanje med policisti in drugimi kazenskopravnimi organi znotraj Evropske unije, Interpolom in tudi državami izven Evropske unije, kar bo posledično izboljšalo tudi učinkovitost pri pregonu kaznivih dejanj.

Nedavni teroristični napadi so razkrili strašne posledice slabega sodelovanja in mednarodno naravo kriminala in terorizma. Seveda pa je treba zagotoviti, da se izmenjujejo le tisti podatki, ki so relevantni in potrebni. Zato je treba varovati podatke, še posebej žrtev in prič, kar direktiva zagotavlja.

Današnja družba je zaznamovana z izjemnim razvojem informacijske tehnologije, kar predstavlja velik napredek, hkrati pa tudi večjo grožnjo posamezniku, ki se najbolj kaže skozi posege v človekovo zasebno sfero. Zasebnost je osnovna človekova pravica, zato moramo biti pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov skrajno previdni in občutljivi.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. Madam President, this discussion illustrated very well all the difficult questions and dilemmas that we had while working on this new legislation for the protection of the private data of EU citizens. I would like to mention some of the big dilemmas that we had when we were seeking a proper and right balance for our solutions.

One of those dilemmas is a big question these days – the dilemma between privacy and security – and many of you mentioned it here today. This is a question that everybody has to reply to personally because it is a very private question: to what extent am I willing to give up my privacy in the interests of being more secure? This is the basic question, and very probably I will answer myself as a person who lived part of my life under a totalitarian regime, when I knew I was being spied on by state police. My reply will probably be different – because I am more sensitive about this – to the reply of the young people sitting over there in the audience who have not had such an experience.

Now we are preparing the legislation which will balance this properly for everybody in Europe. This is a really difficult task, and especially these days we must be aware that after every new terrorist attack people will be more and more willing to give up their privacy in the interests of security. That is why we must be so vigilant and careful and protect fundamental rights and the right to privacy. So we are in a situation where we have to let law enforcement bodies act properly, using data in the necessary and proportionate way – and this is the formulation that the Supreme Courts use when identifying the balance and the right of access to data on the part of law enforcement authorities. So we are now in a very sensitive period when we must be especially careful about the protection of privacy and private data.

The other dilemma which was also mentioned here, I think by Mr Polčák, concerns the issue of paternalism – whether the individual has to be responsible, or whether he or she should rely on the public sphere to care for his or her protection. I mentioned that the Commission will work very strongly and intensively on guiding people on how to use their new rights. We will always stress that individual people should be the first to care about their privacy and their private data, and we will warn them not to send data to places, especially in digital sphere, where their privacy might be endangered.

Then the secondary measure is legislation. There is no legislation which can protect the privacy of people 100%, and we must be clear about that and also educate people in Europe to be and to retain the position of ‘data subjects’ and not to become ‘data objects’ who expect others to protect them. I think this is very important.

The third dilemma is between opening and keeping a space for innovation, and protection. You know that the digital sphere in particular is the sphere where technology is driven by the economy, by big business interests, and here we see that the law comes third and is the slowest. So this is what we need to do now, to catch up with this sphere of economy and technology while keeping a free space for innovation which is so necessary for economic growth and filtering out the risks in that sphere for individual people, and to act only there in that sphere of possible risk and to offer the proper instruments to protect people’s privacy.

I also admire the fact – and I think it was Mr de Kerchove who mentioned it here – that the directive from 1995 proved to be future-proof. Look at it: it was created before the digital boom, and still we use this directive. But we all know that we need to come up with a new set of rules which will be unified for the whole of Europe, because digital does not like borders and we have the duty to remove borders.

Here I come to what you mentioned in relation to the rest of the world. I am convinced that this unified and unique set of rules for the EU will lead to the EU becoming the world leader, setting the standards also for the rest of the world. We will have to review all our adequacy decisions which relate to the transfer of European citizens’ data to third countries.

This is the hot topic of today, which some of you mentioned as well, and I would like to use this opportunity to inform you about the position of the Commission on today’s opinion of Working Party 29, because this working party, which brings together the data protection authorities from all the Member States, today published its opinion on the results of our negotiations on the new regime for data transfers to the United States. It was mentioned several times, so I will use this opportunity to give you, for the first time, the Commission’s reaction. I would like to say that, as we understand it, the European data protection authorities, i.e. the Article 29 Working Party, today welcomed the significant improvements that the Commission has obtained in two years of negotiations, leading to the EU/US privacy shield, compared to the old safe harbour framework, especially regarding the transparency of the arrangement and safeguards for national security access. The data protection authorities also mentioned some areas that should be further clarified in the Commission’s draft adequacy decision. So the Commission will now examine the opinion in depth and address the working party’s recommendations in its final decision.

I already discussed this with Ms Falque-Pierrotin, Chair of the Article 29 Working Party, when I spoke with her by phone earlier today before this plenary session.

One point I can mention is that the Commission will produce a Citizen’s Guide to make sure that individuals have easy-to-understand, practical information on how to obtain redress in case of complaints. The next step is for the Member States to discuss and vote on the privacy shield in a committee of experts, the so-called Article 31 Committee. The first discussion will take place on 29 April. As I said before, my aim is that we can put the new arrangement in place by June. We urgently need strong protections for our citizens whose data is transferred across the Atlantic, and we need legal certainty for the many European companies that carry out transfers to the United States as part of their business operations.


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, thank you very much. There is little I can add after the words of the Commissioner. All of us have worked very hard on the new data protection rules and the importance is, in my view, obvious. Data protection is vital for many reasons. I used to be a Member of this House and I recognise many of you as ‘partners in crime’. I am happy that the plenary vote will allow us to sign both the general data protection regulation and the directive on data protection in the field of criminal law enforcement. Again many thanks to you, Madam Commissioner, your predecessors, as well as the Members of Parliament.


  Jan Philipp Albrecht, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank my colleagues for this very good debate and the result, which is being carried by all the democratic groups here in this House, which is a huge majority. It is not very often that such a legislation of such importance, the regulation and the directive from police and justice is carried in almost unanimity.

I also heard critical voices on the text, and I would like to say that I and the other shadow rapporteurs and rapporteurs all still have different views on this text. No legal text – a compromise which is adopted at European level after a process involving the views of 750 Members of the European Parliament expressed in 4 000 amendments, after 28 different Member States with different legal cultures have brought their view and their national legal backgrounds – can make everybody 100% happy; it cannot be that way. But I think that we showed that the European Union can deliver on this substance, that we can deliver in this democratic process with huge steps forward. This is a huge step forward.

It is bringing a remarkable reduction of bureaucratic burden. We are replacing 28 different legal frameworks on data protection with one single legal framework and building a gold standard for the protection of the fundamental right to data protection and privacy, which we also want to defend globally in the global environment of the global market which we are creating. We are, therefore, building the foundations, and we can now expect others to build their foundations – in particular, for example, the United States, with whom we want to cooperate and establish a free flow of data.


  Marju Lauristin, rapporteur. Madam President, I would like to thank all the participants in this very important discussion. I suppose and I am sure that it is not the end of the discussion or even the beginning of the discussion because it is a very complicated package, and I do not think that all of our Members have read the full package.

It is really complicated technically, but the principle itself is simple. It could be compared to habeas corpus. It is really fundamental legislation about personal data as a part of personal identity. We are not protecting data here; this is not a cybersecurity act: we are protecting privacy. We are protecting the fundamental right of every individual to preserve his or her privacy in the digital ocean, the digital environment. This environment is developing very quickly. Nanotechnology is ahead of us. Big data is coming. We have to be ready for that. This does not mean that we have to be technologically ahead of technology. We have to be very firm on our principal ground: it is the fundamental right of people to be people – people first, with technology for people. I am sure that we have gone in the right direction.

Regarding implementation, I want to see very soon from the Commission those ideas that we put in the regulation about the European trademark for digital technology – privacy by design – and also ideas about the very simple code for consumers, for people, concerning the risks. We asked the Commission to work on that and it will need a very creative approach. We are very much looking forward to that.

Regarding the directive, the Member States also have a lot to do here. It is national legislation but it also concerns the national training of the police, because different police forces have very different cultures. There are Member States whose police force has no understanding of

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra holnap, 2016. április 14-én, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D), raštu. Šiandien diskutuojame dėl asmens duomenų paketo ir tai yra reikšmingas žingsnis, kuris užtikrins sklandesnį keitimąsi duomenimis tarp valstybių narių ir jų institucijų. Duomenų apsauga yra viena iš pagrindinių ES piliečių teisių ir piliečiai turi teisę tikėtis tinkamos duomenų apsaugos. Nors išlieka nemažai susirūpinimo tiek piliečių, tiek politikų tarpe ar naujaisiais teisės aktais bus užtikrinama efektyvi ir visapusiška asmens duomenų apsauga, tačiau turime priimti šį paketą ir užtikrinti būtinos informacijos perdavimą tarp valstybių narių. Dabartinių terorizmo grėsmių akivaizdoje nebegalima ilgiau delsti ir dvejoti. Pastarojo meto teroro aktų būtų buvę galima išvengti, jei valstybės narės būtų teikusios savo turimus duomenis apie teroristus, tačiau to nebuvo padaryta. Šiandien Europos ir mūsų piliečių saugumo klausimas yra kaip niekada aktualus, todėl manau, jog asmens duomenų paketas, nors ir su trūkumais, bus naudingas kovojant su terorizmu bei užkertant kelią naujoms teroristinėms atakoms.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), napisan. Pitanje prikupljanja, obrade i korištenja osobnih podataka razvojem informatičke tehnologije dobilo je novu dimenziju. Danas smo prilikom obavljanja posla ili u privatnom životu neprestano u dodiru s digitalnom tehnologijom. U digitalnom okruženju neprestano kolaju, prikupljaju se, spremaju i bivaju registrirane informacije koje imaju i osobni karakter.

Činjenica je da je proces promjena koje se dešavaju u društvenom i gospodarskom okruženju primjenom digitalne tehnologije daleko brži od zakonodavnih prilagodbi koje reguliraju nove moguće oblike zlouporabe. Zastarjela Direktiva 95/46/EZ (Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka) nije više u mogućnosti na prikladan način regulirati i štititi ljudska prava s obzirom na sve promjene koje su se dogodile razvojem informatičke tehnologije. Nova Uredba Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o zaštiti pojedinaca u vezi s obradom osobnih podataka i o slobodnom kretanju takvih podataka te o stavljanju izvan snage Direktive 95/46/EZ (Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka) predstavlja odličan temelj za zaštitu osobnih podataka i zaštitu osobnog identiteta u digitalnom okruženju. S druge strane nova Uredba stvara poticajno okruženje za razvoj gospodarstva i digitalnog društva u budućnosti.


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE), în scris. Directiva privind utilizarea registrului cu numele pasagerilor (PNR) în UE pentru prevenirea, depistarea, cercetarea și urmărirea penală a infracțiunilor de terorism și a infracțiunilor grave transnaționale prevede obligativitatea companiilor aeriene de a transmite autorităților de aplicare a legii datele pasagerilor pentru zborurile din și către țările terțe. Este un mare pas legislativ înainte care a așteptat mai bine de 5 ani să fie adoptat din cauza lipsei de consens în ceea ce privește modul de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal.

Consider că PNR-ul este un instrument legislativ bun, însă nu suficient. Măsurile de securitate pe teren, înainte de transferul datelor PNR către autoritățile competente, este primordial. Schimbul acestor date între statele membre, precum și între statele membre și Europol ar trebui să se facă printr-un sistem securizat UE, care să fie gestionat de Europol. Din păcate, responsabilitatea Europol este limitată și implicarea Europolului are caracter voluntar, nu obligatoriu în această directivă. Ar fi, de asemenea, nevoie de un ghișeu unic care să fie responsabil de stocarea, gestionarea și accesarea datelor PNR, precum și de înregistrarea și transmiterea cererilor de schimburi de informații. Existența acestui ghișeu, propus de prezenta directivă, este, din nou, opțională.


  Ελισσάβετ Βοζεμπεργκ-Βρυωνιδη (PPE), γραπτώς. Το ενιαίο ευρωπαϊκό σύστημα καταχώρισης των ονομάτων των επιβατών (PNR) αποτελεί κατά γενική ομολογία ένα εξαιρετικά αναγκαίο εργαλείο στον αγώνα κατά της τρομοκρατίας, υπό το φως μάλιστα των πρόσφατων επιθέσεων. Οι αριστερές ιδεοληψίες έγιναν ανάχωμα στη θωράκιση των πολιτικών ελευθεριών και των δικαιωμάτων των Ευρωπαίων πολιτών, μας άφησαν απροστάτευτους για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα. Όταν νομοθετούμε στην ΕΕ, είναι σαφές πλέον ότι η ασφάλεια του πολίτη δεν τελεί σε σχέση σύγκρουσης με την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων.

Η κατοχύρωση υψηλών προτύπων ασφάλειας για τα δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα, ειδικά κατά την ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών μεταξύ των αρχών επιβολής του νόμου, είναι μεν επιτακτική αλλά δεν μπορεί να παρεμποδίζει ή να καθυστερεί τη διερεύνηση, ανίχνευση, πρόληψη και δίωξη του εγκλήματος.

Το νέο νομοθετικό πακέτο, η Ευρωπαϊκή Οδηγία και ο Κανονισμός για τα προσωπικά δεδομένα, διαμορφώνουν ένα συνεκτικό νομικό πλαίσιο για τη διαχείριση και την επεξεργασία τους, με ευρύ πεδίο εφαρμογής, που διασφαλίζει την ισχυρή περιφρούρηση της ιδιωτικότητας ακόμα και στο δύσκολα διαχειρίσιμο χώρο του διαδικτύου και της καταπολέμησης του σοβαρού διεθνικού εγκλήματος. Στις σύγχρονες δημοκρατικές κοινωνίες τίποτα δεν είναι ακατόρθωτο. Οι κατοχυρωμένες αρχές της αναγκαιότητας και της αναλογικότητας μας δείχνουν το δρόμο, ώστε να εξισορροπήσουμε την προστασία όλων των δικαιωμάτων μας σε καθεστώς ελευθερίας.

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