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Процедура : 2016/2644(RSP)
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PV 14/04/2016 - 6.1
CRE 14/04/2016 - 6.1

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PV 14/04/2016 - 7.4

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Пълен протокол на разискванията
Четвъртък, 14 април 2016 г. - Страсбург

6.1. Пакистан, и по-специално нападението в Лахор
Видеозапис на изказванията

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su sette proposte di risoluzione sul Pakistan, in particolare l'attacco a Lahore.


  Jean Lambert, author. Mr President, I am speaking today in my capacity as Chair of the Delegation for countries of South Asia, and I want to add my condolences and those of the delegation to the families and loved ones of those killed in the recent atrocity in Lahore, designed to attack children and families on the Easter public holiday, and also condolences for other recent attacks. We have been seeing an overall decrease in such attacks by violent extremists and have seen a more consistent and coordinated effort from the government and the army, and it is essential that they work together. We welcome the government’s commitment to reform the education system and curriculum to engender a wider understanding of human rights and respect for diversity. We welcome, too, the further commitments in terms of equality before the law and the promotion of human rights, which of course will need a strong and fully-independent human rights commission, as well as the implementation of the conventions that the government has signed up to, not least as part of the GSP+ agreement. We also hope that we will see a reconsideration of the death penalty and its eventual abolition.


  Tunne Kelam, author. Mr President, we are worried about the continuing violence and acts of terror in Pakistan, a great and important country and partner of the EU. The massacre on 27 March in Lahore targeted Christians, but most of the victims were Muslims. Our sympathy goes to them all.

However, Lahore is not an exception. There are systemic violations of freedom of religion under which Christians, Ahmadis, Shia, Hindus and others are suffering. Outbursts of hatred and violence against minorities often find justification in discriminatory laws. It is especially crucial that we stabilise the situation of religious minorities by the revision of so-called blasphemy laws. The tragedy of Asia Bibi, the only woman who has been sentenced to death under the blasphemy law, is symbolic. She has been waiting on death row for six years now. Therefore, we call urgently on the Pakistani authorities to ensure a swift delivery of justice in her case. The situation of religious minorities is our shared concern, and I also call on High Representative Mogherini to fully engage with the Government of Pakistan in its efforts to eradicate intolerance and terrorism.


  Charles Tannock, author. Mr President, for those belonging to religious minority communities in Pakistan, life can be very difficult. This is true for the Shias, the Ahmadis, the Hindus and especially Christians. The horrifying terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Day is sadly not an isolated incident and deserves our full condemnation in this House. Whilst it would be unfair to say that no action has been taken, I do call today upon the Pakistani Government to do more to foster an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for all communities. Part of the problem is the apparent inability to confront Pakistan’s deeply troubling legislation on religion, such as the blasphemy laws and the Hudood Ordinances – laws that should be repealed as a matter of priority.

Salman Taseer, the assassinated politician who called for the abolition of the blasphemy laws and paid with his life for doing so, is much revered by many in Pakistan, but it is clear to me that the country is still infected by undercurrents of extremism. We have debated religious extremism and intolerance in Pakistan in this House on many occasions, and I really hope now that there is the will in that country and its Government for some change.


  Josef Weidenholzer, Verfasser. Herr Präsident! Nicht zum ersten Mal beschäftigen wir uns in diesem Haus in der Dringlichkeitsdebatte mit Pakistan. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei immer religiöse Intoleranz. Die Taliban sind eine terroristische Sekte, die alles bedroht, was ihren verrückten Interpretationen des Islam im Weg steht. Vermeintliche Abweichungen vom Islam und vor allem Mitglieder anderer Religionen sind das Ziel ihrer Attacken. Am Ostersonntag in Lahore, wo Menschen friedlich zusammenkamen, waren Christen das Ziel. Unter den Opfern befanden sich auch viele andere, Moslems waren in der Mehrheit.

Diese Form der Gewalt ist abscheulich und verbrecherisch. Wir müssen alles tun, um diese Bedrohung abzuwehren, und wir erwarten von Pakistan, dass es rigoroser gegen diese terroristischen Gruppen vorgeht.




  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteur. Madame la Présidente, l'attentat dans un parc de Lahore a fait 72 morts, dont 29 enfants, et plus de 300 blessés.

Les auteurs de cette horreur ont prétendu viser les chrétiens, mais les victimes étaient majoritairement musulmanes. Quinze jours plus tôt, ce sont des mosquées chiites qui étaient visées.

Au Pakistan, c'est un euphémisme de dire que les tensions politiques et religieuses sont vives. Ces tensions trouvent leur source dans le jeu dangereux de certains pays du Golfe, mais aussi du gouvernement pakistanais, qui ont soutenu, voire financé des groupes terroristes qui échappent désormais largement à tout contrôle.

La prise de conscience actuelle s'accompagne malheureusement de dérives autoritaires: rétablissement de la peine de mort, y compris pour les mineurs, mise en place de tribunaux d'exception, exactions, loi sur le blasphème contre les minorités, mais aussi contre les progressistes et les journalistes.

L'accession du Pakistan au GSP+ devrait être un instrument de négociation aux mains de l'Union européenne pour enrayer cette spirale de répression.

Plus largement, on connaît le rôle historique joué par le Pakistan dans la déstabilisation de la région. Les évolutions en cours peuvent faire changer les choses; l'Union européenne peut contribuer à faire aller les choses dans le bon sens.


  Pavel Telička, author. Madam President, the Lahore attacks were a vicious and despicable assault on the people of Pakistan, and today the European Parliament sends its deepest condolences and support to the families of those that have lost their beloved and also to the hundreds of injured and their families. Unfortunately, this is only one more deadly attack in a long series, and there are no signs of improvement in the region.

It is now urgent for Pakistan to face the reality and put an end to religious extremism and all kinds of radicalisation, otherwise we will be here again and again debating the situation in the country. That is why we call today on the Pakistani authorities to further engage in the ideological battle with extremism – the fight against terror – but also to tackle social economic exclusion and ensure religious tolerance.

Let us be clear: Pakistan alone will not succeed. We need a strong engagement from all regional actors and the international community to significantly improve counter—terrorism cooperation. Finally, we Europeans also have an important role to play. That is why we call today on the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the European External Action Service and the Council to fully engage with the Government of Pakistan in tackling the threat posed by terrorism and to further assist the Government and people of Pakistan in continuing their efforts to eradicate terrorism and radicalism.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Doamnă președintă, atentatul de la Lahore din 27 martie, zi în care majoritatea creștinilor sărbătoreau Paștele, a fost o oroare. Ținta principală a fost, desigur, comunitatea creștină. Victimele aparțin însă diferitelor comunități religioase din Pakistan. Extremismul religios afectează în acest fel toți pakistanezii în egală măsură. De aceea, cred că lupta pe care o duce guvernul Pakistanului împotriva terorismului trebuie însoțită de o luptă împotriva extremismului religios.

Așa cum o arată recentul atentat, în Pakistan e nevoie de învățarea lecției toleranței față de minorități. Cu atât mai mult cu cât libertatea de gândire, de conștiință și de religie figurează în Constituția Pakistanului. O contrazice însă așa numita lege a blasfemiei, în baza căreia a fostă condamnată și Asia Bibi. Grupul nostru politic cere eliberarea Asiei Bibi.


  Richard Howitt (S&D). Madam President, as we feel the shock of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, let us recall that the Global Terrorism Index shows that only 0.5% of its victims are in Europe and the West, and that over 80% of the people killed by terrorists in the last five years have been Muslims. So we mourn the 72 victims in Lahore, terrorists who targeted a children’s playground at the height of holiday celebrations to inflict most harm on those who are most innocent.

With all countries with whom we cooperate in fighting terrorism, we seek to uphold human rights and the rule of law, and we say the same to our friends in Pakistan in our resolution today. We oppose the death penalty and we ask Pakistan again to consider whether all executions are genuinely linked to terrorism, especially in the light of research from the Justice Project and from Reprieve that they are not. We call for clemency in the case of Abdul Basit, but we do so in steadfast opposition to terrorism and in full solidarity with Pakistan and all countries who suffer as its victims.


  Bas Belder (ECR). Een Pakistaanse christen schreef mij deze week: alle hatelijke uitspraken in Pakistaanse schoolboeken over christenen en andere religieuze minderheden in het land moeten onmiddellijk worden verwijderd. Hij heeft volkómen gelijk want, naar de Bijbel zegt, is haat de wortel van doodslag, zie de verschrikkelijke aanslag in Lahore.

Recente rapporten ondersteunen de dringende waarschuwing tegen deze geestelijke vergiftiging van de Pakistaanse jeugd. Dat brengt mij tot een klemmende vraag aan de Europese Commissie: gaat er ook Europees geld naar het Pakistaans onderwijsstelsel en zo ja, welke eisen stelt Brussel dan aan deze hulpverlening? Hierbij laten wij nog de ruim vierentwintigduizend madrassa's, islamitische scholen in het land buiten beschouwing, waar met name vaak haat wordt gepreekt tegen christenen en andere religieuze minderheden. Mevrouw de voorzitter, een inktzwart decor voor het bloedbad van Lahore!

Voorts ben ik van mening dat Aisha Bibi en andere valselijk van blasfemie beschuldigden in vrijheid dienen te worden gesteld en dat de Pakistaanse overheid volledig voor hun veiligheid dient in te staan.

[De spreker gaat in op een "blauwe kaart"-vraag overeenkomstig artikel 162, lid 8, van het Reglement.]


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. Madam President, besides the terrorist attacks in Pakistan, lots of people are leaving Pakistan; lots of migrants are coming to Europe from Pakistan besides Syrians, Afghans, and Iraqis.

Do you not think that we should call on the Commission to enter into negotiations with the Pakistani Government in order to enable people to stay in their own country? The number of refugees and migrants from Pakistan is increasing daily.


  Bas Belder (ECR), "blauwe kaart"-antwoord. Ik heb mij al een tijd lang verdiept in de situatie in Pakistan, een land waar zelfs sprake is van twee staten, de civiele overheid en de andere macht, waaronder ook militaire en terroristische organisaties. De situatie in Pakistan is dus buitengewoon urgent. De Europese Unie en het Europees Parlement doen er goed aan om te kijken naar wat de werkelijke situatie in Pakistanis, want het gaat om een werkelijk explosieve situatie!


  György Hölvényi (PPE). Tisztelt Képviselőtársaim! Egyet tisztázzunk: tehát Pakisztánban a húsvétkor végrehajtott támadás a keresztényeket célozta vallási ünnepükön. Velük, és minden más vallású áldozattal, aki a helyszínen volt, mélyen együtt érzünk, és részvétünket fejezzük ki az áldozatok és családjuk felé. Ártatlanul, egyetlen okból gyilkolták meg őket, próbálkoztak a talibán gyilkosok azért, hogy a hitükben megakadályozzák őket.

Pakisztánban az utóbbi években drámaian erősödik a tálib mentalitás, s általában a radikális mozgalmak. Tudjuk, a kormány tesz ugyan erőfeszítéseket, de nem tud úrrá lenni a fokozódó erőszakon. Remény van, remény van... Ennek a hatására, a tragédia hatására alakult meg muszlimok és keresztények között egyelőre kicsi, de mégis meglévő mozgalom, a Ruardari tehrík, ami toleranciamozgalmat jelent. Pakisztánnak, Európának egyre többet kell tenni, hogy ezt a helyzetet megváltoztassuk. Köszönöm a figyelmet.


  Afzal Khan (S&D). Madam President, we strongly condemn the attack in Lahore and extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. In the last three decades, the country has suffered immensely. Over 60 000 people have lost their lives and the loss to the economy is estimated to be over 110 billion.

Pakistan is leading the fight against terrorism in the region. The EU and the international community need to support and acknowledge Pakistan’s overall progress in fighting terror. We have experienced the horrors of terrorism recently again in Paris and Brussels. Terrorism is a global problem. This is not a clash between different cultures or different faiths. This is simply extremists wanting to see other our societies break up, and creating division is what makes them strong.

We need to work together to eradicate the root causes and prevent further radicalisation, stop terrorist financing and promote integration. EU and global leaders must now more than ever commit to offering support and assisting each other in defeating terrorism, and we must do so by promoting values of peace, freedom, human rights ...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Amjad Bashir (ECR). Madam President, from Peshawar to Paris, from Brussels to Lahore, I have always been completely unambiguous in my condemnation of terrorism. They are inexcusable acts of barbarism that cannot be justified or explained in any way. The European Parliament’s response to the latest attacks in Pakistan should be no different. We should send a simple message, denouncing these crimes while expressing our solidarity with its people. There should be no strings attached. Unfortunately, some are using this opportunity to deliver a lengthy lecture to Pakistan on a wide range of domestic issues. Imagine if, in the wake of recent attacks in Europe, someone told us they felt sorry but our migrant policy and social integration failures were to blame for what had happened. We would not take kindly to it, and rightly so. Do not get me wrong: there is a time and place for socio-political debate on Pakistan, but now is not the time.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE). Vítám tuto rezoluci, protože odsuzuje barbarský teroristický útok, jehož oběťmi se o letošních Velikonocích stali do značné míry i křesťané. Křesťané jsou nejpronásledovanější skupinou lidí na světě. Je proto dobře, že z Evropy, kterou reprezentuje EP, zaznívá hlas na jejich obranu.

Smyslem těchto urgentních usnesení má být ale nikoliv vydávání zpráv o lidskoprávní či teroristické situaci v některé zemi, ale poukazování na aktuální ohrožení konkrétních osob. Tento cíl je naplněn v bodě 9 usnesení, kde znovu upozorňujeme na případ Asii Bibiové, která byla odsouzena k trestu smrti ne pro terorismus, ale pro rouhání. Ona řadu let čeká ve vězení na to, zda bude rozsudek vykonán či nikoliv.

V této souvislosti je třeba doufat, že akční plán pákistánské vlády na zlepšení ochrany lidských práv nezůstane jen na papíře.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). Madam President, you are free to go to your temples or your mosques or any other places of worship in Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste, or creed: that has nothing to do with the State. Those are the founding principles of Pakistan to which we refer in our resolution.

Every person killed, maimed or injured in these cowardly attacks in Lahore is a Pakistani. If we seek to split them into categories in our resolutions, we do a disservice to their memory. States and actors who support terrorist networks should know: slowly you are being exposed, your operatives are, and will be, captured, and eventually you will be exposed completely. When terrorists attack, be it in Paris or Peshawar, in London or Lahore, or indeed in Brussels, they attack us all, and we stand shoulder to shoulder as one to face them.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Alberto Cirio (PPE). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, naturalmente mi volevo associare e ringraziare per tutti gli interventi in cui si è espressa una dura condanna al terrorismo.

Credo anche, però, che sia necessario che dall'Europa arrivi un monito chiaro, ossia che è necessario difendere i diritti umani non soltanto sulla carta ma anche nei fatti. Nel senso che si apprezzano naturalmente quelli che sono gli intendimenti del governo pachistano ma, dall'altra parte, noi ci attendiamo fatti concreti che dimostrino che il rispetto dei diritti umani non è solo un'enunciazione di principio, ma è un fatto di quotidianità nella vita del Pakistan.

Mi riferisco, in questo caso, non solo a quelle che sono le situazioni relative alle discriminazioni religiose ma anche a quelle etniche, perché non dobbiamo dimenticare – io chiedo che l'Europa anche su questo stia attenta – che ci sono situazioni come quella del Belucistan, dove – anche sulla base di molte indicazioni che ci arrivano da Amnesty International – io credo l'Europa debba vederci chiaro, perché si tratta di verificare se davvero ci sono discriminazioni che non sono religiose, ma etniche, ma sempre discriminazioni sono.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία πρόεδρε, οι άνανδρες τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις κατά Χριστιανών την Κυριακή του καθολικού Πάσχα στη Λαχόρη μας θυμίζουν ότι η ισλαμιστική τρομοκρατία δεν χτυπάει μόνο την Ευρώπη.

Οι επιθέσεις αυτές κόστισαν τη ζωή σε πάνω από εβδομήντα ανθρώπους, δηλαδή περισσότερους από ότι στις τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις στις Βρυξέλλες Παρ όλα αυτά, δεν φάνηκε αυτό να ενδιαφέρει ιδιαίτερα την Ευρώπη. Όταν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δεν καταφέρνει να διαχειριστεί τους εκτοπισμένους του εμφύλιου της Συρίας, που είναι μια φορά είκοσι εκατομμυρίων, καταλαβαίνετε τι θα γίνει σε περίπτωση αποσταθεροποίησης του Πακιστάν των διακοσίων εκατομμυρίων κατοίκων.

Το ενδεχόμενο γενικευμένης αποσταθεροποίησης σε Μέση Ανατολή και Κεντρική Ασία πρέπει να αποτραπεί πάση θυσία. Για αρχή θα πρέπει να πάψουν οι στρατιωτικές επεμβάσεις των ξένων. Επίσης, θα πρέπει να πάψουν οι υπηρεσίες των δυτικών χωρών να παίζουν με τη φωτιά, στηρίζοντας εδώ και εκεί οργανώσεις ισλαμιστών, προς εξυπηρέτηση βραχυπρόθεσμων στόχων.

Τέλος, θα πρέπει να στηριχτούν όλες οι προσπάθειες που επιχειρούν έντιμα να υπερβούν το διαθρησκευτικό μίσος και τη ρητορεία της πολιτισμικής σύγκρουσης.


  Gianluca Buonanno (ENF). Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, quello che è successo in Pakistan il giorno di Pasqua è un attentato, come abbiamo visto, di terrorismo islamico. Però ancora una volta in quest'Aula, tranne rari casi, si ha paura di dire che è terrorismo islamico.

C'è gente che ammazza cristiani solo perché sono cristiani. La stessa cosa succede in Europa e l'Europa cosa fa? Niente, guarda, sembra uno zombi che guarda in giro, ma non fa niente. Ai grandi politici europei certamente non succederà mai niente, perché i grandi politici europei non è che vanno nelle metropolitane, non vanno negli aeroporti, dove passano tutti i cittadini, come siamo anche noi. No, loro hanno gli aerei privati, funzionano in altre maniere e a loro non succede niente, ma ai cittadini veri e propri che cosa può succedere? Di tutto e di più. E noi cosa facciamo? Nulla. L'Europa non fa nulla, se ne frega altamente, i cristiani continuano ad essere colpiti e i terroristi islamici dovrebbero essere puniti anche con la pena di morte. Io lo ridico: anche con la pena di morte.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). Já bych chtěla říct kolegovi, že jako evropská politička jezdím metrem a stojím také v řadě na letišti jako každý jiný občan EU.

Považuji ale za důležité to, že EP se postaví proti teroru, který v Pákistánu vládne vůči náboženským skupinám, které jsou pronásledovány, a že vyzýváme vládu v Pákistánu, aby účinněji bojovala proti brutálnímu násilí.

Byla zde zmíněna Asia Bibiová. Vyzýváme k tomu, aby Asia Bibiová byla propuštěna. Je to opakovaná výzva. Od roku 2010 Asia Bibiová čeká na rozhodnutí o trestu smrti a my jsme proti tomuto trestu smrti, protože je to žena, která se ničeho nedopustila, ale projevila svoji svobodnou víru a právo na víru a na své vlastní vyznání, které je bohužel v Pákistánu pronásledováno.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, kršćanska tradicija proslave Uskrsa pretvorila se je u tragediju kada je u napadu bombaša samoubojice poginulo više od 73 ljudi, uključujući 30 djece. Napad na kršćanske obitelji na sam Uskrs još je jedan dokaz o razmjerima goleme mržnje prema kršćanima i želje za njihovim istrebljenjem. Pri tome ekstremisti nisu marili što će s nedužnim kršćanima stradati i nedužni muslimani.

Ovaj jezivi pokolj, nažalost, samo je jedan u nizu napada na pakistanske kršćane. Kršćani čine svega 2 % stanovništva Pakistana, a napadi čija su meta kršćani se povećavaju. Crkva u Lahoreu već je bila meta ekstremističkih napada u ožujku prošle godine kada je ubijeno 17 ljudi.

Ova rezolucija je malen korak ka osvještavanju onoga što se događa, no ona nije dovoljna bez djelotvorne akcije. Protuekstremističke akcije ne mogu ovisiti o granicama i dijelovima svijeta u kojima se zločini događaju. Moramo biti ujedinjeni u zaštiti ljudskih života i zaštiti kršćanstva. Pozivam pakistanske vlasti da oslobode Asiju Bibi.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). Madam President, I think that the attacks in Brussels by the terrorists brought home to us what many people are suffering around the world. Whether it is in Brussels or Lahore, we obviously have to do everything we can to fight terrorism and also to try to win the ideological war against extremism, which is equally important. While the government in Pakistan is trying to introduce some reforms, particularly to ban child marriages and to protect women against all sorts of discrimination, we have to do far more to put pressure on these governments so as to ensure not only that there are reforms but that they are actually implemented. There is far too much discrimination, particularly against women, with women of minority religions being forced to convert to Islam and forced into marriage. We have a lot to do and we have to do everything we can to help.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.)


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. Madam President, the attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday, as in Peshawar in December 2014, targeted children – the most vulnerable members of society. The terrorists attacked the future of the country and its diversity. The Lahore attack aimed to kill members of the Christian minority, but it also killed many Muslims. The attack comes only two years after the deadly church bombings, also in Lahore. My colleague Federica Mogherini, the High Representative, in a statement extended her condolences to the families and friends of the victims and underlined our support to Pakistan in its fight against terrorism and in the promotion of our shared values, among which is diversity.

We call on Pakistan to bring the perpetrators and instigators of these attacks to justice and to take firm action against the organisations that claim responsibility. We are very worried about the rising levels of religious violence and intolerance in some parts of Pakistan and we are closely monitoring these developments. Minorities in the country, including religious minorities, continue to suffer disproportionately and they are frequently targeted by extremist militants. We call on the government to step up efforts to ensure the security of all members of religious minorities. The 2016 GSP+ Report underscores that the human rights situation remains very challenging. We always raise human rights issues in our regular dialogue with Pakistan and encourage authorities to address the challenges, including those concerning the situation of minorities.

The European Union regrets the lifting of the moratorium on the death penalty in Pakistan and the large number of executions this has led to. Pakistan is now the third largest executor. Just yesterday, four more prisoners convicted of murder were hanged. The European Union is opposed to capital punishment in all circumstances and has consistently called for its universal abolition. The European Union, in all its contacts with Pakistan, continues to underline the importance of reintroducing the moratorium on executions and of complying with the minimum standards.

The European Union is also supporting several projects to improve awareness and protection of human rights, access to justice for vulnerable groups and to strengthen civil society organisations in Pakistan. The European Union bilateral development cooperation for the period 2014-2020 for Pakistan, with a total amount of EUR 635 million, has human rights and good governance as one of the three focal sectors. Human rights violations remain widespread in the country, despite some of the constructive initiatives underway. Pakistan has made some progress in strengthening the institutional framework for human rights, including by establishing a national commission for human rights. Furthermore, the government recently adopted an action plan to improve the human rights situation in Pakistan. The plan includes various measures, notably the development of a national plan of action for the promotion and protection of the rights of minorities. Some action has also been taken to address the widespread problem of hate speech. There have also been some advances on legislation to improve women’s rights.

The European Union has also been calling for comprehensive action against terrorism, in full compliance with international law, fundamental values and international human rights standards. More emphasis will need to be put on the prevention of terrorism, in particular in the areas of countering radicalisation, recruitment and the financing of terrorism.

Let me finally underline that the European Union has been, and remains, a staunch supporter of democracy and reform in Pakistan.


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra ma, 2016. április 14-én, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Правна информация - Политика за поверителност