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PV 14/04/2016 - 6.3
CRE 14/04/2016 - 6.3

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Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Štvrtok, 14. apríla 2016 - Štrasburg

6.3. Nigéria
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  Elnök asszony. – A következő napirendi pont: vita a Nigériával kapcsolatban benyújtott 7 állásfoglalási indítványró.


  Mark Demesmaeker, Auteur. Met zijn rijkdom aan grondstoffen zou Nigeria een van de economische motoren van Afrika kunnen zijn. We hebben hier in dit halfrond nog de ambities van president Buhari gehoord, toen hij hier in februari zijn toespraak hield. De realiteit is jammer genoeg anders.

Er is geen voorspoed, maar armoede, milieuvervuiling, corruptie, conflicten en geweld, de terreur van Boko Haram, grootschalige schendingen van de mensenrechten. De verschillende religieuze groepen - christenen én moslims - en de etnische minderheden zijn er het slachtoffer van. Ik ben alle collega's die hebben meegewerkt aan een uitstekende gezamenlijke resolutie dan ook heel dankbaar.

De Nigeriaanse grondwet garandeert de vrijheid van mening en van godsdienst. Het is de plicht van de overheid om die rechten te respecteren en de burgers te beschermen. Ik roep de president dan ook op om een versnelling hoger te schakelen in de zoektocht naar de ontvoerde schoolmeisjes uit Chibok. Het is vandaag twee jaar geleden dat terroristen van Boko Haram hen op brutale wijze wegrukten uit hun families. Deze kinderen horen thuis bij hun ouders, op de schoolbanken, en niet op het strijdveld van Boko Haram!


  Jean Lambert, author. Madam President, as previous speakers have said: today is a day of reflection. It is the second anniversary of the abductions of the schoolgirls from Chibok and we are remembering them today, along with many others who have suffered at the hands of Boko Haram, and particularly the families of those whose fate is unknown. In responding to this, there is a great need for coordinated action both within the State of Nigeria itself and within the region. We know that there is real difficulty involved in deploying adequate state resources. Nigeria is a fossil-fuel-dependent economy. In our view it needs transition planning urgently, but prices have dropped; we know that there is gross inequality within the country, and there is an urgent need to tackle corruption in order to increase revenue. Furthermore, to improve the quality of governance, we need trusted institutions to tackle tensions, confront violent extremism and increase the general quality of life for Nigerians.

So we welcome the current Government’s efforts, but we also want the EU Member States, and indeed our companies operating in Nigeria, to cooperate as well.


  Josef Weidenholzer, Verfasser. Frau Präsidentin! Nigeria ist die größte Volkswirtschaft Afrikas und seine bevölkerungsreichste Nation – ein Schlüsselland also –, und darum ist es ganz besonders wichtig, dass sich hier Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit entwickeln können. Wir haben vor wenigen Monaten den Präsidenten Nigerias, Buhari, bei uns hier im Haus gehabt, und er hat uns eindrucksvoll geschildert, wohin er das Land bringen möchte. Es gibt viele Gefahren, Korruption, Ungleichheit sind weit verbreitet, und das ist sehr ernst zu nehmen, weil es das Einfallstor bildet für die Terroristen von Boko Haram.

Es ist immer noch nicht gelungen, diese Terrorgruppe zu stoppen. Zehntausende Menschen wurden getötet, Millionen vertrieben, und es ist besorgniserregend, dass gerade in letzter Zeit auch Frauen und Kinder als Selbstmordattentäter verwendet werden. Nigeria muss diesen Kampf mit aller Deutlichkeit fortsetzen, muss hier ganz klare Fortschritte machen, weil das die wichtigste Voraussetzung ist für Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit.


  Davor Ivo Stier, autor. Gospođo predsjednice, još uvijek je nepoznato gdje se nalazi 219 od 276 djevojčica koje je Boko Haram oteo iz škole iz Chiboka prije točno 2. godine. U ime Kluba zastupnika EPP-a želim ponovno izraziti solidarnost s njihovim obiteljima i građanima Nigerije. Isto tako želim izraziti podršku vladi predsjednika Buharija, koji se nedavno obratio ovom domu te nas ohrabrio ambicioznim programom reformi s ciljem da odgovori na izazove s kojima se Nigerija suočava već dugi niz godina te s terorizmom i endemskom korupcijom.

Predsjednik Buhari je pokrenuo već određene promjene i mi ga ohrabrujemo da nastavi i produbi borbu protiv korupcije i protiv Boko Harama. Jer, unatoč prvim uspjesima nigerijske vojske, borba s terorizmom nije završena. Napad islamističkih militanata u sjevernoj Nigeriji su sve intenzivniji, povećan je broj napada na kršćane, s time da Boko Haram doista napada sve koji ne dijele njihovu ideologiju. Stoga je i dalje potrebna potpora Europske unije Nigeriji u borbi protiv terorizma i ekstremizma.


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, autora. Señora Presidenta, esta Resolución supone para las víctimas el apoyo más elemental que dentro de la impotencia que a veces sentimos podemos ofrecerles. Para las autoridades nigerianas, unas guías para que la persecución de unos crímenes no las lleve a cometer otros y a entrar así en una espiral de difícil salida. Y sobre todo para el pueblo nigeriano, un claro apoyo en la lucha por sus derechos que a la hora de la verdad le corresponde a él librar.

Hay, sin embargo, una guía que falta, pero estamos a tiempo de cambiarlo y espero contar con su apoyo para esta enmienda que hace mención explícita de la necesidad de determinar la responsabilidad de Gobiernos y empresas de terceros países. Porque la explotación de los recursos naturales, el abuso laboral y el fraude fiscal contribuyen directa e indirectamente al auge de la violencia. Por eso, insisto, espero contar con su apoyo para aprobar la enmienda que pide una investigación internacional de estas cuestiones bajo el auspicio de las Naciones Unidas.


  Marietje Schaake, author. Madam President, Nigeria is a country so full of potential through natural resources and an enormous human capital that it is sad to see how much of it is wasted through corruption, poverty and violent extremism. It is exactly two years since Boko Haram abducted the Chibok girls and we are still calling to bring back our girls – all of them.

It is essential that children go to school and that radicalisation is prevented. The kidnapping, rape, violence and murder must end, and the path of extremist destruction that has displaced millions should be reversed. In fact, the surrender of hundreds of Boko Haram fighters is an important sign that the promises of a better life under Sharia law and extreme circumstances are empty lies that more and more people are recognising.

The EU stands ready to help Nigeria in countering violent extremism, but we can only contribute fully when the rule of law and human rights are respected in the process. This includes the right to free expression. We therefore call on the Senate of Nigeria not to adopt laws chilling expression or criticism of the government.


  Santiago Fisas Ayxelà, en nombre del Grupo PPE. Señora Presidenta, el año pasado tuve el honor de presidir la misión electoral de la Unión Europea en las elecciones en Nigeria y, ante todo, quiero afirmar que, a pesar de las dificultades técnicas, las elecciones fueron totalmente democráticas y que el Presidente saliente, Goodluck Jonathan, aceptó su derrota ante el general Buhari, lo que es algo bastante insólito en los países africanos. El presidente Buhari, que ha intervenido recientemente en esta Cámara, ha manifestado que las dos principales prioridades de su mandato son la lucha contra la corrupción y la lucha contra los terroristas de Boko Haram.

Hoy hace dos años que Boko Haram secuestró a doscientas setenta y seis niñas en Chibok y aún no sabemos nada de la mayoría de ellas, tampoco sabemos nada de los cuatrocientos niños y mujeres secuestrados en Damasak, y pido al Gobierno de Nigeria que redoble sus esfuerzos para liberarlos. A pesar de todo, creo que debemos dar un voto de confianza al Presidente Buhari y a su gobierno en la erradicación de la lacra del terrorismo y la corrupción en el país más poblado de África.


  Cecile Kashetu Kyenge, a nome del gruppo S&D. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, riconosciamo l'impegno della Nigeria verso la transizione democratica e sul fronte della sicurezza interna.

Tuttavia, la violenza si sconfigge solo nel rispetto dei diritti umani e nel primato della legge, nessuna impunità nei confronti di chi alimenta il terrorismo, né per chi commette atrocità contro la popolazione civile. La lotta contro il terrorismo deve avere una strategia di approccio globale ed è una nostra responsabilità lottare contro le sue cause profonde ed anche contro il finanziamento dei gruppi terroristici attraverso le risorse naturali. Per questo è necessario ridare un futuro, una speranza, una dignità a milioni di donne e giovani, garantendo loro un'educazione, rilanciando il dialogo interreligioso, intervenendo per una più equa condivisione delle risorse naturali.

Boko Haram, oggi, non è sconfitta, a distanza di due anni dal rapimento delle studentesse di Chibok molte di loro non sono ancora tornate a casa, e forse non torneranno mai più. Non dimentichiamole e non permettiamo più che ciò possa accadere di nuovo.


  Diane James, on behalf of the EFDD Group. Madam President, for over 20 years the European Union has used development assistance as a lever to claim – and I emphasise to claim – to advance the cause of human rights. Every Thursday of every Strasbourg session we devote half a day to talking shop. We do not even walk the walk any more. We just do an awful lot of talking and not much else.

The European Union and Nigeria signed an Accord back in 2009 called the EU—Nigeria Joint Way Forward. As a result, EUR 700 million went to Nigeria for 2009—13 and then another EUR 512 million for 2014—20. It was emphasised that the money was intended to deliver an improvement on human rights. Well, quite frankly, given that two years after all those girls were abducted – and it has taken footage in the press, across Europe, to show that some of them are still alive – they have been forgotten and are being ignored, where is the value for that money? Where is that EUR 512 million being spent? Quite frankly, it is another example in which the European Union says one thing but does not actually deliver.


  Diane Dodds (NI). Madam President, the continuing captivity of over 200 schoolgirls from the town of Chibok symbolises the senseless human suffering caused by terrorism in Nigeria. We hear frequent reports of some of the girls being forced to take part in suicide bombings, and facing rape, sexual abuse and forced marriage. We in this Parliament must ask whether we have done enough.

It was good to meet with President Buhari when he was here, but we must also share our expertise with the Nigerian Government to ensure that it has the skills in counter—terrorism to combat this terrible evil.

Many in the Chamber today have talked about poverty and social exclusion, but it is also important in Nigeria that we foster a free society, ensure that the fundamental freedoms of religion and conscience are upheld and, quite rightly, we debated this week terrorism in Europe. We should not forget the sectarian terrorism of fundamentalist Jihadists against those on the African continent.


  Joachim Zeller (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! Heute vor zwei Jahren erlangte der Ort Chibok weltweit traurige Berühmtheit. 217 meist christliche Schulmädchen wurden von der islamistischen Terrororganisation Boko Haram verschleppt. Die gute Nachricht ist wohl, dass sie anscheinend noch am Leben sind, wenn wir einer Videobotschaft von Boko Haram glauben dürfen. Die schlechte Nachricht: Den nigerianischen Sicherheitskräften gelang es immer noch nicht, sie zu befreien.

Der im letzten Jahr durch einen friedlichen Machtwechsel ins Amt gekommene Präsident Buhari hatte im Februar hier im Parlament versprochen, die Mädchen ihren Familien zurückzubringen. Trotz einiger Erfolge im Kampf gegen Terror und Korruption in Nigeria ist ihm das leider noch nicht gelungen. Unser Mitgefühl gehört daher den Eltern und Angehörigen der Mädchen.

Wir sollten aber auch die nigerianische Regierung unterstützen in ihrem Kampf gegen Terror, Korruption und Armut. Der Nordosten Nigerias darf nicht zu einer westlichen Provinz des Islamischen Staats werden.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). Já chci poděkovat autorům tohoto usnesení, že opravdu téměř přesně 2 roky od smutného výročí únosu 200 dívek z Chiboku toto téma zde opět probíráme.

Téma Boko Haram patří do této sněmovny jako obecně otázky související s Islámským státem, kterému věnujeme relativně velkou pozornost. Věnujeme velkou pozornost situaci v Sýrii, ale tématu Boko Haram věnujeme pozornost mnohem menší. Je to trochu škoda, protože Boko Haram je stejně nebezpečná organizace jako Islámský stát, ostatně tato organizace se k Islámskému státu dnes formálně hlásí a považuje se za jeho součást.

Je třeba vyjádřit podporu prezidentovi, který se snaží bojovat proti zločinu v této zemi, ale na druhou stranu je třeba připomenout, že máme smutné výročí 2 let od únosu a 200 dívek stále ještě nebylo nalezeno. Je tedy třeba vyzvat prezidenta, aby konal více.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ci siamo già occupati in quest'Aula delle violenze compiute in Africa dal gruppo integralista Boko Haram, violenze che spesso vengono perpetrate ai danni di donne e bambini.

Il 14 aprile di due anni fa, furono rapite 219 studentesse nella località nigeriana di Chibok da parte del gruppo estremista islamico. L'Unicef denuncia che il gruppo jihadista ha usato bambini in un attentato suicida, l'ONU definisce la situazione terrificante. Bisogna fornire, nel più breve tempo possibile, una risposta umanitaria nella Regione del lago Ciad.

Le parole non bastano più per esprimere tutta la nostra indignazione; condannare le violenze ed esprimere rammarico per le vittime, spesso bambini indifesi, non è più sufficiente. La violenza indiscriminata non può essere tollerata e l'Unione europea deve fornire il proprio appoggio alle autorità nigeriane e al suo Presidente per neutralizzare i responsabili e normalizzare il paese, anche attraverso il coordinamento degli eserciti dei paesi confinanti.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία πρόεδρε, παρά το γεγονός ότι η Νιγηρία είναι μια πλούσια χώρα με πλουτοπαραγωγικές πηγές, όπως το πετρέλαιο, και τεράστια έσοδα, ο πληθυσμός της ζει μέσα στη φτώχεια, ενώ η διαφθορά και η έλλειψη Δημοκρατίας που επικρατούν στη χώρα, αποτελούν το λίπασμα για την τρομοκρατία και την ανάπτυξη της Μπόκο Χαράμ. Τα τελευταία δέκα χρόνια η Μπόκο Χαράμ είναι υπεύθυνη για επανειλημμένες ένοπλες και βομβιστικές επιθέσεις, καθώς και για εκατοντάδες θανάτους του Νιγηριανού πληθυσμού.

Φυσικά, παρά τις καταγγελίες του Συμβουλίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων του ΟΗΕ, η Μπόκο Χαράμ συνεχίζει, ακόμη και σήμερα, να πραγματοποιεί επιθέσεις και δολοφονίες κατά του Νιγηριανού λαού καθώς και απαγωγές παιδιών.

Είναι, επομένως, αναγκαίο η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να ωθήσει τις νιγηριανές αρχές να καταπολεμήσουν τα αίτια ενδυνάμωσης της Μπόκο Χαράμ, όπως την υπανάπτυξη, τη διαφθορά και την κατασπατάληση των εσόδων από το πετρέλαιο, και να πιέσει την κυβέρνηση της Νιγηρίας, επιτέλους, να σταματήσει η καταπάτηση των δικαιωμάτων στην περιοχή αυτή.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). Gospođo predsjednice, sam govor predsjednika Buharija u ovom visokom domu pokazalo je da njegova želja kako voditi Nigeriju, na način da ustvari vodi Nigeriju, vodi svoju državu, tako da istrijebi korupciju i da se poštuju ljudska prava. Ja sam duboko uvjeren da, nakon činjenice da imamo mirnu primopredaju vlasti u Nigeriji, Nigerija može biti možda i dobar primjer za budućnost demokratskih odnosa u jednoj državi na afričkom kontinentu.

Naravno, opterećenje koje je nedvosmisleno, a to je teška situacija u gospodarstvu pa naravno i prisustvo korupcije, otežavaju posao predsjedniku Buhariju, a pogotovo bitka protiv terorizma. Zato mislim da, kada govorimo kako se protiviti terorizmu, mi to moramo učiniti svugdje i u svakom trenutku. I zato Nigerija, zbog perspektive koju ima te kao primjer u Africi, treba našu maksimalnu podršku. Očekujem da Komisija vodi takvu politiku.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). A Uachtaráin, ceapann cúpla Feisire i mo ghrúpa nach bhfuil bunús tuarascála éigeandála againn anseo agus gur ceart é a fhágaint don Choiste um Ghnóthaí Eachtracha.

Bíodh sin mar atá, is dócha gur maith an rud é go bhfuil díospóireacht againn faoin Nigéir anseo inniu. Agus gan dabht, is tír thruamhéalach í ina lán slite. Mar a dúradh, tá acmhainní nádúrtha an-saibhir aici. Tá daoine iontacha sa tír, ach tá an tír á coinneáil siar ag dhá rud ach go háirithe: eachtraí Boko Haram agus mímhacántacht de gach saghas trasna na tíre.

Caithfimid troid i gcoinne Boko Haram, go háirithe gan ligean dóibh stát Ioslamach, mar a thuigeann siad é, a bhunú. Agus freisin, caithfidh gach duine troid i gcoinne na mímhacántachta. Deirtear go bhfuil siad ag cailliúint idir trí agus ocht mbilliún gach uile bhliain de bharr ola a ghoid. Dá bhrí sin is truamhéalach an scéal é, mar a dúras.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, obilježavamo drugu godišnjicu od otmice 276 kršćanskih djevojaka iz Chiboka. Za njih 219 još uvijek je nepoznato gdje se nalaze. Situacija u dijelovima Nigerije pod terorom Boko Harama eskalira, a Nigerija se penje na tablici „Globalnog indeksa terorizma” gdje danas zauzima 3. mjesto.

Od brutalnog masakra u Bagi u siječnju prošle godine do spaljivanja sela u veljači ove godine. Boko Haram u Nigeriji napada kršćane, bombardira i pali škole, bolnice, crkve i čitava sela.

Preživjeli svjedoče o teroru ubijanja trudnica i krikovima djece nemoćne da se spase. Možemo samo pretpostaviti što se događa s djevojčicama iz Chiboka kao i stotinama druge djece otete od strane Boko Harama. Prisilni brakovi, silovanja, ropstvo, a sve se više govori da se i djevojčice iz Chiboka koriste kao bombaši samoubojice.


Ovo mora prestati. Pozivam Visoku predstavnicu Mogherini da poduzme konkretne akcije. Vratimo otetu djecu njihovim obiteljima, vratimo djeci djetinjstvo i zaustavimo terore koje provodi Boko Haram.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Madam President, first I would like to offer my most sincere condolences to all victims of the brutal attacks of Boko Haram. It is appalling to see that over recent years the violence inflicted by this terrorist group has been really enormous.

We have spoken at length this week about fighting terrorism. Atrocities committed in Beirut, Ankara, Istanbul, Paris, Brussels, Lahore and other world cities prove that the security of us all on all continents is at stake. The EU should make every effort to help root out this menace in Nigeria. We can offer the Nigerian Government our support in developing and implementing an effective counter-terrorism strategy. Such a strategy must be based on institutional reform and continuously pushing to eradicate terrorist ideology at its roots on the ground in Nigeria.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). Madam President, while the violence perpetrated by Boko Haram Jihadist militants in Nigeria gained widespread international attention, the conflict in the north—east of Nigeria, over the control of land between the semi-nomadic Fulani herders and the non-Muslim farmers of north-eastern Nigeria, has best passed largely unnoticed for years.

This is despite the fact that the violence by Fulani herders has increased exponentially, involving attacks against Christians, their farms, shops and homes. Only two months after President Buhari’s inauguration in May 2015, the actions of armed Fulani herdsmen led to the loss of around 500 lives in central Nigeria, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

Despite advances in security since Mr Buhari’s election, there is still much to be done to address this violence in the region and the sense of impunity surrounding it, so that justice and lasting peace is restored between conflicting communities.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.)


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. Madam President, today indeed marks the second anniversary of the abduction of the 276 Chibok girls by Boko Haram. A memorial event at the school in Chibok is being held today to remind the world that 219 of the kidnapped girls are still missing.

The Union welcomes the progress made by the new Nigerian authorities in pushing back insecurity and freeing many civilians held captive by Boko Haram. Suicide attacks continue to be on the daily agenda in the north-east of Nigeria, an area where mass abductions of children and their use as suicide bombers, child soldiers and sex slaves are still dramatically frequent. That is why security and human rights were among the top issues addressed in the ministerial dialogue that the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, my colleague Federica Mogherini, held with the Nigerian Minister for Foreign Affairs on 15 March in Brussels. Together they condemned the horrific abuses committed by Boko Haram and emphasised the importance of a comprehensive region-wide approach with concrete actions in the political, socio-economic, security, environmental and humanitarian fields. Both parties also agreed that the fight against terrorism is a common challenge that can only be surmounted together when security forces abide strictly by international humanitarian law and respect human rights.

Such a multi-faceted strategy needs the backing of the international community, and the European Union is ready to support this effort. This will be at the heart of the discussions at the next Security Summit in Abuja in May, at which the European Union needs to be represented at the highest possible level. At the ministerial dialogue, Federica Mogherini also reiterated the European willingness to continue providing support to the population in order to help stop the violence and rebuild a prosperous future. With our development assistance and humanitarian aid, and with all other European instruments at our disposal, we will assist the Nigerian authorities in their endeavours to tackle the current challenges.

Finally at the ministerial dialogue, the High Representative and the Nigerian Foreign Minister also agreed to hold a dedicated human rights dialogue in Abuja sometime in 2016, in which a broader agenda of topics will be addressed.

As you can see from what I have said, the European Union has been, and will remain, fully committed to pursuing its work with Nigeria on all the issues that you have highlighted in this debate.


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát a szavazás idejéig felfüggesztem.



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