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Wtorek, 10 maja 2016 r. - Strasburg

14. Działania następcze i stan obecny w związku z programem działań do roku 2030 i celami zrównoważonego rozwoju (debata)
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  Elnök asszony. – A következő pont a Tanács és a Bizottság nyilatkozatai a 2030-ig tartó időszakra vonatkozó menetrend nyomon követése és jelenlegi állása, valamint a fenntartható fejlesztési célok vonatkozásában (2016/2696(RSP)).


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted last September is a major achievement. This Agenda will be the focus of global development cooperation in the years to come.

But let me be clear, the adoption was just a very first step in addressing this global challenge and as agreement on the implementation and review mechanism of the Agenda is still to be secured, we have important and significant work ahead of us, and yes, further preparation of the EU position before the July session of the High-level Political Forum in New York is crucial to ensure an optimal and action-oriented outcome that will be in line with EU priorities.

As most of you know, the Council is of the view that the follow-up and review process should accelerate progress on implementation of the comprehensive 2030 Agenda. It should also foster broad ownership and accountability. Without any doubt, the Council remains committed to a full and active, constructive role of the EU and its Member States in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, obviously in close cooperation with all partners and stakeholders.

Now in our capacity as the EU Presidency, the Netherlands organised on 19 April a meeting for Member States to exchange best practices with respect to national implementation of the global goals. The Netherlands will also organise a meeting at the end of this month about multi-stakeholder participation, and yes, we consider it of the greatest importance to maintain the indivisible nature of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda.

The EU has started its work for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Commission will present a new approach to ensuring economic growth as well as social and environmental sustainability beyond the 2020 timeframe, taking into account the Europe 2020 review as well as the internal and external aspects of the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals. A roadmap is expected to form the basis for further discussions. Within this context I am happy to note that revision of the European Consensus on Development in light of the 2030 Agenda will feature on the agenda of the Development Council on Thursday.

It will be a very first and general debate but I do expect Council to focus on how to address the comprehensive nature of the 2030 Agenda, how to ensure the best possible contribution, what means of implementation and financing instruments can be used best, as well as how to improve coherence, complementarity and coordination between the EU and the Member States.


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, the EU was instrumental in shaping the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and I see several of the key players before me here today. But New York was only the start; and Europe has a duty – to itself, and to the international community – to lead in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Commission is committed to delivering its part in an integrated way, and we have made our response to the SDGs one of the priorities of the 2016 work programme. We will present to you an initiative in the course of this year on ‘next steps for a sustainable European future’ to map out the EU contribution.

Delivering on the SDGs is deeply entwined with our objectives under the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission. Vice-President Katainen and I are coordinating this, while working closely with High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini for the external side. This work builds on a solid basis. Through the Europe 2020 Strategy, and through a wide range of EU policies, from climate change to skills and innovation, the EU is already delivering on many SDGs.

One of the challenges in our institutions, in our Member States, will be to prevent dividing up implementation between an international, a national and a European strand. What we do at home needs to be consistent with what we do in Europe and internationally.

If we are serious about the SDGs, we need to understand the philosophy behind them; namely that it is an integrated and universal agenda, and no longer the ‘developed world’ telling the rest of the world what they need to do. It is also us telling ourselves what we need to do. Externally, the SDGs are already playing a big role in shaping our development cooperation but also more broadly. The Commission will present later this year a proposal to revise the European Consensus on Development in the light of the SDGs and changing global trends.

We need to address all three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental. Eradicating poverty, eliminating inequalities and combating climate change are not competing objectives; they go hand in hand. This means change in Europe too. And 2030 is the day after tomorrow, if not already tomorrow. I strongly believe that if we take a hard look at our prospects as European society in a business-as-usual scenario, if we do not step up our efforts over the next generation, what we can hope to achieve in terms of structural economic growth is not encouraging – an annual average of perhaps 1 to 1.5% if we are lucky.

With our demographic realities, that is simply not sufficient to sustain our social model, our European way of life. It is a very uncomfortable truth, but it is nonetheless true. If we want to be in a position to provide for our parents, our children, for everyone in need, if we really want a sustainable, social model for our societies, we need to move much more quickly to a sustainable economy, to a low-carbon, resource-efficient, circular economy. We need to make sure we enable people to fully participate in society. This is not about something that is ‘nice to have’; it something that is urgent and something we need to have. This is about competitiveness in the widest sense of the word. This is about the future of the European way of life.

It will not happen all by itself. I am deeply convinced that new forms of governance and smart regulation are increasingly going to play an important part in that respect. To make this transition from where we are now to where we need to be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you need governance; you need broad alliances with businesses, NGOs and society at large.

This is what we need to create in Europe, and I count on working with you hand in hand. The European Parliament will lead on this. If we fall in the trap of only defending the past, all we will find ourselves able to do, is to slow down decline. This is about shaping the future. A prosperous future for all Europeans.

So the Commission sees the global 2030 Agenda as a tremendous opportunity – for Europe, for the international community at large. An opportunity also for us all to overcome our own silos, whether they are in the services or between countries and between institutions.

Our intention is to make the implementation of the SDGs, like the circular economy, a team effort. We encourage you to do the same, and I look forward to work closely with this House on this Agenda over the months and years to come, and with the Council of course.


  Davor Ivo Stier, u ime kluba PPE. Gospođo predsjednice, gospodine potpredsjedniče, gospođo visoka povjerenice, gospođo ministrice, doista bez lažne skromnosti usvajanje Agende 2030. bio je veliki uspjeh za Europsku uniju. Bio je to vrhunac uistinu uključivog procesa pregovaranja gdje su, osim država članica Ujedinjenih naroda, sudjelovali i civilno društvo i privatni sektor, ali je ključno bilo da je EU imao jedinstven stav.

Upravo zbog toga su u tu agendu uključeni pojmovi kao što su good governance, vladavina prava, inkluzivne institucije koje prije nisu bile dio razvojne agende. I vi ste, gospodine potpredsjedniče, gospođo visoka predstavnice, bili u New Yorku kad je donesena ta agenda, a sada dolazi onaj teži dio, a to je implementacija te agende, tog programa, tih razvojnih ciljeva. I pred nama je zapravo prvi čin u implementaciji gdje će se to mjeriti, a to je sastanak high level political foruma u 7. mjesecu u New Yorku.

Cilj ove rasprave i rezolucije koju ćemo donijeti je taj da zahtijevamo da ondje ponovno imamo jedan jedinstveni stav Europske unije i da ne budemo predstavljeni isključivo na razini različitih država članica EU-a. Možda smo već sada očekivali komunikaciju Europske komisije, ali razumijemo složenost procesa pa ćemo tu komunikaciju vjerojatno imati u drugoj polovici ove godine. Ali ono što nam je potrebno jest utvrditi, zajedno s Vijećem, zajednički stav da bismo u srpnju mogli biti uspješni. I to je zapravo cilj ove rasprave i ove rezolucije i ono što tražimo i od Vijeća i od Komisije.


  Linda McAvan, on behalf of the S&D Group. Madam President, I would like to thank both the Vice-Presidents for being here tonight, and also the Council. I think it is a very important statement of intent that you are all here tonight to embrace the concept of the universal agenda of the SDGs. When you talk around the capitals of Europe, and indeed in this Parliament, to be honest, we get the impression that we are still talking of SDGs as a replacement for the MDGs. It is something about development policy, exactly what you said, Commissioner Timmermans, and we need to move away from that, we need to get this comprehensive agenda.

I was pleased with what the Presidency said about bringing the Member States together and their coordination. It would be useful to set it out for Parliament so that we know what the Member States and Council are going to do: that will be very important.

I have just got few specific questions for the Commission stemming from New York. We have seen progress and statisticians have done their job: they produced these statistics, these indicators. Is the Commission looking at those statistics now? Are you thinking how we can implement them and set some baselines across the Commission? How are we preparing for the first meeting of the high-level political forum which takes place in less than 2 months’ time? How will the Commission be represented? How will the Member States be represented? Will we speak with one voice in that forum? It would be useful for us to understand that.

We know that the development aspects will be covered by a new consensus on development. I am very pleased that Commissioner Timmermans has said that we will look at the 2020 strategy for the internal aspects. We must have a universal agenda and we must be coherent. We must not lose sight of important things such as financing for development, and the major conference this week in London about corruption.

We all know that there is money there if we can harness it for governments to invest in the interest of society and not to have it stashed away in bank accounts in places like Panama. So there are some very important coherent issues and I very much welcome what has been said tonight and the concept of agenda that the Commissioners have spoken about.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. De nieuwe ontwikkelingsdoelen zijn ambitieus en ze kunnen historisch zijn in hun impact. Het is nu aan de wereldgemeenschap om te tonen dat het menens is en ook aan de Europese Unie. Wat onderhandeld werd in New York moet de Unie aangrijpen als een momentum om haar eigen ontwikkelingsstrategie te moderniseren. Ik heb daarbij een drietal suggesties.

Ten eerste is het van fundamenteel belang de private sector hierbij te betrekken omdat die een onmisbare speler is voor het scheppen van welvaart Het is immers een utopie om te denken dat substantiële vooruitgang geboekt kan worden door alleen te rekenen op de financiële transfers van de rijke landen. Punt twee: met doelen alleen bereik je niets. Het is essentieel om de focus te leggen op beleid en hervormingen die welvaart creëren en aanzetten tot economische groei, zoals integratie van arme landen in de wereldhandel, goed bestuur, het bestrijden van corruptie. En tot slot is het van belang dat vooruitgang meetbaar is. Indicatoren moeten voldoende duidelijk en specifiek zijn en het is cruciaal dat ze op maat zijn gemaakt, op maat van de specifieke omstandigheden van elke staat.


  Paavo Väyrynen, ALDE-ryhmän puolesta. Arvoisa puhemies, viime syyskuussa New Yorkissa hyväksytyt kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet osoittavat, mihin ihmiskunnan tulisi päästä seuraavien 15 vuoden aikana: poistaa äärimmäinen köyhyys ja nälkä sekä luoda taloudellisesti, yhteiskunnallisesti ja ympäristöllisesti kestävää kehitystä kaikkialla maailmassa.

Jotta 17 kestävän kehityksen tavoitteen saavuttaminen vuoteen 2030 mennessä olisi mahdollista, on ensiarvoisen tärkeää laatia suunnitelma siitä, miten tavoitteet käytännössä toteutetaan ja miten niiden edistymistä seurataan.

Toteutumista on mitattava siihen soveltuvilla mittareilla. EU:n tulee osoittaa johtajuutta kestävän kehityksen aikaansaamisessa. Sillä on tässä merkittävä rooli maailman suurimpana kauppamahtina, suurimpana kehitysavun antajana ja ympäristöpolitiikan johtavana voimana.

Agenda 2030 pyrkii aikaansaamaan kokonaisvaltaista toimintaa kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi. EU:ssa sitä on toteutettava sekä sisäisissä että ulkoisissa politiikoissa. Toiminnan tulee olla johdonmukaista sekä jäsenvaltioiden että unionin tasolla.

Se, että sekä komission varapuheenjohtaja Timmermans että korkea edustaja Mogherini ovat mukana tässä keskustelussa osoittaa, että komissio on ymmärtänyt kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden kokonaisvaltaisuuden ja universaalisuuden. Me täällä parlamentissa aiomme tarkkaan seurata komission toimintaa kestävän kehityksen toimintaohjelman toimeenpanemiseksi. Parlamentti on valmis antamaan tälle työlle kaiken tukensa.


  Kateřina Konečná, za skupinu GUE/NGL. Paní předsedající, cíle udržitelného rozvoje jsou často označovány, respektive haněny, jako utopistické. Já se však domnívám, že tomu tak není.

Vezměme si například požadavek vymýtit chudobu ve všech jejích formách všude na světě do roku 2030. Chápu, že to může znít nereálně, ale pokud si uvědomíme, že náklady na eliminaci chudoby ve světě na celý rok se rovnají nákladům na zbrojení za osm dní, uvědomíme si, jak málo stačí. Tvrdá pravda je, že chudoba může být vymýcena, ovšem chybí vůle, a to zejména ze strany politických a ekonomických elit, které se na současném stavu tak drasticky podílely. Snížit chudobu na polovinu zní sice realističtěji než požadavek na vymýcení chudoby všude a ve všech podobách, ale nesmíme zapomínat, že chudoba ročně zabije více lidí, než zemřelo za druhé světové války.

Pokud budeme chtít jít ke kořenům problému, pak se dostaneme k selhávajícím politickým a ekonomickým elitám a nerovnoměrnému způsobu, jakým je bohatství ve světě distribuováno. O tom však už nemluvíme.


  Maria Heubuch, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. Frau Präsidentin! Die Agenda für nachhaltige Entwicklung ist universell – das wurde gesagt. Aus ihrer Sicht sind wir alle – wirklich alle – Entwicklungsländer, und kein einziges Land in Europa hat den Luxus, nichts zu reformieren und seine Politik nicht zu überprüfen.

Und nun steht die Agenda 2030 am 12. Mai auf der Tagesordnung des Rates für auswärtige Angelegenheiten. Aber ist das das richtige Gremium? Herr Kommissar, Sie haben davon gesprochen, dass eine Philosophie dahintersteckt. Diese Philosophie ist eigentlich Weltinnenpolitik. Sie greift Sektoren auf, die bisher als klassisch innereuropäisch galten. Um zu beweisen, dass wir im September bei der UN keine leeren Versprechungen abgegeben haben, sollten eigentlich statt der Diskussion auf Außenministerebene die Staats- und Regierungschefs mit den Präsidentinnen und Präsidenten des Rates, die Kommission und das Parlament zusammen eine Erklärung abgeben.

Als nächster Schritt müsste ein klarer Plan vorliegen, was genau Europa wann und mit welchen Mitteln tun wird, damit wirklich alle Nachhaltigkeitsziele pünktlich erreicht werden können, inklusive des Ziels zum Klima. Denn es ist schlichtweg logisch, dass die Strategien der COP 21 gemeinsam mit den nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen verschränkt werden, sinnvoll verschränkt werden. Damit dieser Link stattfindet, werden wir hier als Grüne noch Änderungsanträge stellen, und ich bitte alle, diese Änderungen zu unterstützen.


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nel 1992 a Rio de Janeiro 178 governi adottarono l'Agenda 21, in cui si stabilivano principi e criteri di sostenibilità con lo scopo di orientare le politiche di sviluppo del XXI secolo. Dieci anni più tardi, nel 2002, a Johannesburg fu preso atto del mancato raggiungimento di risultati tangibili e venne riconosciuta la mancanza di cultura e consapevolezza in merito allo sviluppo sostenibile.

Oggi ci troviamo a dar seguito ad una nuova agenda con 17 obiettivi e 169 target da raggiungere entro il 2030. Riteniamo indispensabile ed urgente dimostrare che la parola sostenibilità non rappresenta più un miraggio per l'Unione europea.

Come possiamo rendere coerenti e sostenibili politiche di interessi europei che determinano il land grabbing, lo sfruttamento delle risorse non rinnovabili, la vendita di armi, le deforestazioni, la corruzione e, nella maggioranza dei casi, l'odiosa disuguaglianza sociale ed economica? Non bastano obiettivi e dichiarazioni d'intenti. L'Unione europea deve avviare una profonda revisione delle politiche di sviluppo, assicurare un regolare monitoraggio e individuare le responsabilità, assicurare un adeguato finanziamento e avviare un nuovo processo di partecipazione dei cittadini alla pianificazione, progettazione e implementazione di queste politiche.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, deux valeurs politiques sont importantes pour la démocratie: la légitimité, c'est-à-dire dire la vérité et faire partager cette vérité par la crédibilité, vivre la vérité. Or, sur le développement durable, l'Union européenne devrait interroger sa légitimité et sa crédibilité.

Sur les dix-sept objectifs de l'agenda du développement durable, je retiens les quatre premiers: pauvreté, faim, santé et éducation. Quelle légitimité de développement durable quand la politique de l'Union occasionne 47 % d'augmentation de la mortalité infantile en Grèce par sa politique au profit des banques contre le peuple grec? Quelle crédibilité a l'Union quand elle soutient le libre-échange et délocalise sa pollution tout en pérorant sur les objectifs écologiques de l'ONU? La Chine pollue pour nous plus que pour elle, et c'est le huitième objectif.

Si nous restons dans notre hypocrisie, rien ne changera. Chez nous, l'homme travaille pour l'économie et l'économie travaille pour la finance, alors qu'avec la révolution copernicienne – si nos priorités étaient humaines – de ce nouvel humanisme que nous demande le Saint Père pour être à l'écoute de la sagesse, bref pour éviter la désolation et le suicide de l'Europe occidentale, nous devrions vouloir que la finance travaille pour l'économie et l'économie pour l'homme et ses besoins.

Cette révolution, je vous la propose: elle serait d'utiliser les capacités de la Banque centrale, les 1 000 milliards de création monétaire actuelle pour les investir dans un projet humain de développement durable qui serait alors véritablement économique, social et environnemental. 500 milliards investis dans les pays du sud de l'Europe et 500 milliards dans le codéveloppement avec le Sud. Ce projet est à notre portée.

(La présidente retire la parole à l'orateur)


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Doamnă președintă, aș vrea în primul rând să spun că grupul PPE a fost unul dintre inițiatorii discuției de azi privind implementarea Agendei 2030 și a obiectivelor de dezvoltare durabilă. Pentru noi e importantă dezbaterea de azi în perspectiva Forumului politic la nivel înalt care va avea loc în iulie, ținând seama de faptul că implementarea efectivă a Agendei 2030 e un lucru de care trebuie să ne ținem.

În calitate de raportor permanent privind coerența politicilor pentru dezvoltare, aș vrea să atrag atenția asupra considerentului J și a paragrafelor 11, 12 și 13 din textul pe care îl vom vota joi. Dacă vrem ca implementarea Agendei 2030 să fie un succes, cred că e necesară această coerență a politicilor pentru dezvoltare. Avem nevoie de claritate din partea Comisiei în privința felului în care coerența politicilor pentru dezvoltare și Agenda 2030 vor fi articulate.


  Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D). Het is heel belangrijk dat wat we aan de ene kant binnenhalen - hetzij in Parijs, hetzij in New York -, ook implementeren in de eigen Europese Unie. Daar ligt een heel belangrijke uitdaging.

Laat me twee voorbeelden geven. In Parijs waar het over klimaat ging, sterk verbonden met de 2030-doelstellingen en de SDG's, hebben we hebben ons geëngageerd om de temperatuurstijging onder de 2 graden te houden. Dat heeft een effect op de doelstellingen die we formuleren als het gaat over ETS en ook over non-ETS en daar is de Commissie volledig mee bezig. Ik kan ze alleen maar een hart onder de riem steken om daar heel ambitieus in te zijn.

Het tweede voorbeeld betreft, misschien wat onverwacht, biodiversiteit. Drie SDG's gaan over biodiversiteit en de Commissie is 15 maanden geleden gestart met een “fitness check” van de habitatrichtlijn en de vogelrichtlijn. Het is extreem belangrijk dat we die ook omzetten. We moeten deze richtlijnen niet herzien maar implementeren. En dat is een aanmoediging aan het adres van de Commissie.


  Nirj Deva (ECR). Madam President, I would like to congratulate Vice-President Timmermans on an excellent speech, where he asked us to be comprehensive in dealing with sustainable development and ending poverty. A comprehensive approach to this up to 2030 requires us to recognise that global poverty has still got a billion people in need, but we also have a huge humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and we need to understand that in its totality if we are going to make any progress.

The 17 sustainable development goals are a great – and very important – comprehensive, sustainable and enjoined effort. But it requires money – it requires USD 2.5 trillion. My report, which was passed in Parliament last month, points out how to raise these sort of funds – by leverage, which we have done, and the Commission has committed itself to that – and we can actually involve the private sector, in public—private partnership, to act comprehensively, reduce poverty and also sustainably help the EU in that problem.

But I am already told that the UN is now six months behind creating the 230 indicators that we need. We must not allow the United Nations to use its bureaucracy to slow down this process. The global humanitarian crisis which I mentioned a few minutes ago also requires that the new Secretary—General of the United Nations, who we are going to look towards to implement our programme, has some humanitarian experience. It should not really be just someone who can run government, but someone who has got hands—on experience of development and humanitarian work. In that regard, I think Parliament should also have a further role in scrutinising the work of the UN and in the sustainable development goals up to 2030 in the programme that we have devised because it is our European taxpayers’ money that will be used.


  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea (ALDE). Madam President, High Representative, Commissioner, gender equality is the truly universally cross-cutting applicable component of the 2030 Agenda. It is where every country needs to step up and make this aspiration the reality of our time. I think we all can agree on a crucial fact – all SDGs must deliver for gender equality and women’s empowerment, the stand-alone goal No 5. Let me cite Mrs Puri, UN Women Deputy Executive Director: ‘As a comprehensive, inclusive and universal development framework for action the 2030 Agenda must be our inspiration, and civil society is called to harvest the gender equality compact across sustainable development, human rights, peace and security and the humanitarian commitments to advance its critical work’. This is for me the paramount perspective. We are experiencing for the first time ever that so much emphasis has been placed on acceleration and creating change within one generation. This emphasis is a clear signal that the 2030 Agenda is the ultimate challenge. It is time for our world to fast-forward and that is why we men and women in politics are expected to press that button and use our strongest determination.


  Michael Gahler (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! Die gemeinsame Arbeit an der Verwirklichung der 17 SDGs ist im globalen Interesse, Sie haben Recht. Zum Erhalt unserer europäischen Art zu leben müssen wir unsere Beziehungen zu anderen Teilen der Welt neu gestalten. Es kann nicht um die Fortsetzung der bisherigen Formen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gehen. Die Ergebnisse nach über einem halben Jahrhundert sind nicht befriedigend. Ein umfassender Ansatz, der öffentliches, privates und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement zusammenbringt, wird viel effizienter sein können.

Voraussetzung ist vor allem Good Governance vor Ort. Hier können wir viel Expertise anbieten. Es muss aber bei den Partnern auch gewollt sein. Solange für jeden Euro, der nach Süden fließt, bis zu zehn Euro illegal von Süden in die Steuerparadiese fließen, ist das ein vergeblicher Kampf. Die Rückführung solcher Gelder in die Verwendung der Herkunftsstaaten ist zentral. Vielleicht helfen die Panama-Papiere. Beitragen müssen aber auch die Mitgliedstaaten, die sich solche abhängigen Territorien konstruiert haben, and, by the way, thank you to Nirj for implicitly supporting Mrs Georgieva’s candidature for Secretary-General of the United Nations.


  Arne Lietz (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Sehr geehrter Herr Vizepräsident! Sehr geehrte hohe Vertreterin! Bei den Zielen der Agenda 2030 gibt es für mich zwei Kernpunkte von herausragender Bedeutung, die zu einem erfolgreichen Agendaprozess noch bedacht werden müssen. Erstens: Die fehlende Politikkohärenz zwischen den verschiedenen Politikbereichen der EU. Und zweitens bedarf es weiterhin einer koordinierten Strategie der nationalen Staaten mit ihren Zielen und Zeitleisten.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist die aktuelle wichtige Initiative der Kommission zu den Lieferketten im Textilsektor. Ich arbeite sehr intensiv an diesem Thema und habe dazu vor zwei Wochen auf der High-Level—Konferenz der Kommission als Parlamentsvertreter gesprochen. Allein die Grundabstimmung zwischen den verschiedenen Kommissionsbereichen hat mehrere Monate gedauert, und ich hoffe, dass die Kommission die dazu angekündigte Übersichtsanalyse, unter anderem über die bisherigen nationalen Textilanalysen, bald vorlegen wird. Darüber hinaus bedarf es einer europäischen Beobachtungsstelle, die die Umsetzung der gesetzten Indikatoren zur Agenda 2030 von allen Mitgliedstaaten mitverfolgt aber auch transparent macht. Wir haben vor einigen Monaten diesen Prozess gemeinsamen in New York begonnen, und ich hoffe, dass wir ihn erfolgreich zu Ende führen.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, dobro je rekao gospodin Timmermans da ovi ciljevi govore o oblikovanju budućnosti, da trebamo razumjeti filozofiju ovih ciljeva. Dakle, radi se o 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja i Agenda 2030. nastavlja se na razvojne ciljeve donesene 2000. godine. Svakako govori se o suradnji koja je unutar međunarodne zajednice, a u pogledu moralne obveze stvaranje drugačije budućnosti.

Dok su milenijski ciljevi bili usmjereni na zemlje u razvoju, Program 2030. prvi je globalni sporazum kojim se utvrđuje univerzalni, sveobuhvatni program za djelovanje kojim ćemo utjecati na sve zemlje. Također, u provedbi novog programa moraju sudjelovati sve zemlje. To je ta razlika, to je ta drugačija filozofija. U svakom slučaju 17 ambicioznih ciljeva koji govore o ekološkim, društvenim i gospodarskim ciljevima, a najvažnija je provedba. O provedbi je ovdje riječ i nadam se da ćemo biti dovoljno sposobni i mudri znati provesti ciljeve koje smo si zacrtali.

(Govornik je pristao odgovoriti na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice (članak 162. stavak 8. Poslovnika)).


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. Ön említette, hogy a millenniumi célkitűzések a bázisa ennek a 2030-as stratégiának. De hát azóta azért történt egy és más a világban, konkrétan utalok a menekültválság esetére. Nem gondolja-e, hogy az Európai Unió segítségét sokkal inkább, sokkal intenzívebben és célzottabban a menekültválság induló gócaira kéne fordítanunk?


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), odgovor na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice. Hvala na pitanju. Evidentno je da Europska unija izdvaja veliki novac, a sjećamo se da je 2014. godine izdvojila 58 milijardi eura. Dakle, najveći donator razvojne pomoći jest Europska unija i u svakom slučaju ćemo se usmjeriti i na te zemlje, ali postoje globalni ciljevi oko kojih smo se dogovorili u New Yorku i nadam se da ćemo ustrajati na njihovoj provedbi.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. Dear colleague, do you not think that it might be very important for the European Union’s credibility and leadership that this important organisation is going to develop a common European Union position on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? Do you not think that we ought to call on the High Representative, the First Vice-President and the Commission as a whole to do their best possible to develop a common position on this implementation which is so important?


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), odgovor na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice. gospodine Frunzulica, upravo je o tome riječ. Ne radi se o pojedinim zemljama, nego se radi o zajedničkom pristupu svih 28 zemalja EU-a. Isto tako, ovo je prvi put da svaka zemlja ne odlučuje sama za sebe, nego djelujemo udruženo. Dakle, mislim da je Vaše pitanje izvan konteksta.


  Elnök asszony. – Korrekt válasz, nyilvánvalóan a kérdéshez illeszkedett.


  Jo Leinen (S&D). Frau Präsidentin, Hohe Beauftragte, Frau Ratspräsidentin! Mit der Nachhaltigkeitsagenda 2030 hat die Staatengemeinschaft den Startschuss für ein weltweites Umdenken gegeben. Es ist keine Frage, dass Wohlstandsgesellschaften wie die EU vorangehen und die Zusagen einhalten müssen, sowohl bei sich zu Hause als auch, was die Hilfen für andere Partner in der Welt angeht. Um es kurz zu machen: Wir brauchen diese umfassende Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie in der EU. Wir brauchen zweitens eine Gesetzgebung, die diese 17 Ziele dann auch verwirklichen will und nicht gegensteuert. Und wir brauchen drittens Fortschritte, um das Ganze auch stetig zu überprüfen. Ich hoffe, dass der Bericht des Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragten der Kommission in einigen Wochen da ganz konkrete Vorschläge macht.

Ich frage dann auch Kommission und Rat: Wie kann die politikübergreifende und institutionelle Koordination aussehen? Denn es ist eine Herkulesaufgabe, diese drei Nachhaltigkeitsziele auf einen Nenner zu bringen. Da ist die Kommission gefordert, aber, Frau Ratspräsidentin, auch die Mitgliedstaaten.


  Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D). Senhora Presidente, Senhora Comissária, o ano de 2015 foi, com certeza, muito importante na definição da agenda de desenvolvimento sustentável, mas em 2016 e depois, no decorrer da implementação, é que se vai jogar a credibilidade dos compromissos assumidos.

A União Europeia e os Estados-Membros têm uma responsabilidade dupla: primeiro, cumprir o compromisso de atingir 0,7% do rendimento nacional bruto na ajuda ao desenvolvimento e, em segundo lugar, desenvolver planos concretos de implementação da Agenda 2030 com metas quantitativas, prazos e uma monitorização adequada.

E eu pergunto à Senhora Comissária que esforços de coordenação entre a Comissão e os Estados-Membros estão em curso para implementar os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e que mais podemos fazer para assegurar uma monitorização adequada, o envolvimento deste Parlamento Europeu, porque esta é a hora da verdade, a hora em que se decide se estamos ou não estamos à altura dos compromissos políticos que foram assumidos.


  Marlene Mizzi (S&D). Madam President, development policy is key in achieving a more inclusive and peaceful world by uniting global efforts to improve people’s lives worldwide and eradicate poverty. The EU is the world’s largest provider of development and humanitarian assistance, and with the adoption of Agenda 2030 last September in New York we all committed to the implementation of the new sustainable development goals. But how is this assistance being utilised?

As the situation in Europe has deteriorated dramatically, I think that the new sustainable development goals should take a step further and adopt strong objectives to reflect the enormity of the crisis, while addressing the root causes of migration in the countries of origin. We want to make sure that the funds achieve their purpose: to build sustainable economies, health services and educational facilities, create jobs and give a future to people in their own countries. We need to ensure that the new approach to migration is a top priority in the Agenda 2030 and sustainable development goals.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, στόχος του θεματολογίου 2030 είναι να βοηθήσει τα κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να καταπολεμήσουν τη φτώχεια και να πετύχουν τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη. Ειδικότερα, σύμφωνα με το θεματολόγιο 2030, προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί ο στόχος της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης θα πρέπει να καλυφθούν θέματα όπως η φτώχεια, η κλιματική αλλαγή, η υγεία, η εκπαίδευση και η ισότητα των φύλων. Βέβαια, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με τη μερκελική λιτότητα κάθε άλλο παρά βοηθάει τα κράτη μέλη της στην επίτευξη αυτών των στόχων. Με τις πολιτικές του μνημονίου που επιβάλλει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στην Ελλάδα αυτό που τελικά πετυχαίνει είναι να δημιουργεί στρατιές ανέργων καθώς και να αυξάνει τα ποσοστά φτώχειας και κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού. Αν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θέλει όντως θα πετύχει τους στόχους του θεματολογίου 2030 θα πρέπει να εγκαταλείψει τη λιτότητα, να λάβει αποφασιστικά μέτρα κατά της φτώχειας και να συμβάλει στην επίλυση του προβλήματος του δημοσίου χρέους, τόσο των χωρών της ευρωπαϊκής περιφέρειας όσο και των αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών.


  Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL). Madam President, I would like to draw Vice President Mogherini’s attention to goal 16 on promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies. I have just returned from Egypt, where the situation is anything but. Over 40 000 political prisoners, 544 forced disappearances since August 2015, human rights organisations and their families living in fear of arbitrary arrest and detention, a free press that is virtually non-existent, and political opposition crushed. I have repeatedly asked the Vice-President to meet to discuss the case of Ibrahim Helawa, who will spend his 1000th day in prison on Friday, arrested as a juvenile for attending a pro-democracy rally in 2013. A European Parliament resolution, a letter from 50 MEPs and a meeting request from almost every Irish MEP has not persuaded you to meet, so could I please reassert the urgency to meet with the Vice-President to discuss Ibrahim Helawa, but also the wider situation in Egypt.


  Elnök asszony. – Képviselőtársaim nem voltak aktívak itt a „catch the eye” eljárásban, mindössze két képviselőnek tudtam szót adni.

A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Madam President, I would like to thank everyone here for their ideas and suggestions, which I believe are extremely useful in this phase, in which we are trying to take all the lessons learnt from the responsibility we showed last year in shaping the consensus on the Agenda 2030 and translate this into respective responsibility with regard to starting the implementation phase at an early stage. I think there is one lesson we learned very clearly from the previous experience of the Millennium Development Goals, which is that we cannot wait and see years go by before we start working seriously on the implementation.

I remember very well being in New York together with a number of you – with Linda, with Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Mimica – celebrating the achievements of the SDGs last September together, in this team approach that underlines that we have understood that this is an Agenda that implies our work on our internal policies as much as it does on our external policies, and that we are starting to work on the changes, the efforts, that are needed to shift the mentality we have in our daily work and put together the different parts of our policies that are connected with the implementation of the Agenda.

This will require, as Frans Timmermans mentioned, internal-external coordination, interinstitutional coordination and also a similar kind of work inside all the different institutions, including Parliament. That is why I was particularly glad to see that this debate has involved many of you – coming from different backgrounds and active on different committees – to feed in the work of Parliament also on different aspects.

Let me also say that – as many of you have mentioned, and as Frans Timmermans also mentioned at the start – the agreement was just the beginning, and now the real part – the implementation – starts. We have started to work with this comprehensive approach on the different elements of our implementation work: from the issue of climate change to the sustainable development part, but also migration. We often focus in this House and in this plenary on the different parts of our policies on migration and refugees, but I believe that if we managed to implement fully the SDGs, 95% of the work we need to do to tackle the migratory and refugee phenomenon would be done, because this is the root cause.

What we need to respond to global challenges is integrated solutions, and this poses a serious challenge to our traditional way of doing things and of working. But I believe this is going to be an extraordinary opportunity for us to understand how we have to deal with the world of today, with this internal and external coherence that is going to be essential, and also to push not only the Member States to coordinate more – I would say one word on this for which I should jump to the other side of the Hemicycle – but also to, let us say, encourage the UN system to adapt to these challenges. The UN system also needs to reflect on its own working methods if it wants to implement the Agenda in a proper way.

On the external side: we are working on how best to adapt our external action and our development policy to fulfil the Agenda, contributing also to the commitments we have undertaken on climate change at COP 21 in Paris and aspects of our EU global strategy that we debated in this Hemicycle just last night.

Many of you referred to the fact that next Thursday we have a Development Ministers Council, or rather a Foreign Affairs Council, in its development ministers formation, and – once again I should jump to the other side of the Hemicycle to say so, but the Presidency will forgive me if I play my double hat in a flexible way – we will have a discussion on the review of the European Consensus for Development, including its adaptation to the Agenda 2030, and we will reflect on some new elements of the Consensus.

Here I will need your help and our coordination – our common work – to be courageous enough to bring us to the next stage, because my impression is that we will need to work on including in our Consensus elements that we have not had so far.

By way of example, I am speaking of our work on peace and security, which are consistent parts of our implementation of Agenda 2030; the important role of the private sector; our more and more differentiated partnerships with increasingly diverse partners, including middle-income countries, which will be a complicated debate, but we need to have it; on working together with Member States through joint programming and joint implementation, which I believe could be the key for us to mobilise resources in a more strategic way, coordinating more what we are already doing towards a common objective. We also need to look into the more traditional ones, coordinating all of this effort also with our reflection on the post-Cotonou reflections and proposals.

I will continue to work on the external sides of this with Commissioner Mimica, with Parliament, with Linda and with the Development Committee, so that we can carry out this joint work in liaison with the work that Frans Timmermans, Vice-President Katainen and the others are developing on the internal side. We also have our public consultation process, which is of course also going to feed our work in this.

I know that we can count on your very active support and also your contribution to this work, because we are in a field that was not there before, and this is a huge occasion for us not only to understand the complexity of the world much better, but also to interact with it in a more effective way.

For sure, after Thursday we will have more in terms of what the Council will have.




  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, after the beautiful statement by Federica Mogherini, our High Representative, what can I say? There is little I can add, but allow me to underline that the Council is devoted to continuing our exchange of views in the coming months, among Member States and also among institutions. It is important. The work on the implementation of the 2030 commitments and towards the adoption of the new European consensus will continue. There is – I have said this before, but I will repeat it again – still important work and significant work ahead of us. Obviously, as stated by Federica Mogherini, your active support is highly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing our close cooperation.


  President. – I have received two motions for resolutions tabled in accordance with Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure.

The debate is closed.

The vote will take place on Wednesday, 11 May 2016.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Victor Negrescu (S&D), in writing. – The Sustainable Development Goals are essential to the objectives that the European Union has fixed for its Agenda 2030. They represent targets that the Member States have to achieve in terms of internal development and assistance for the development of the poorest countries in the world. The European Commission has to motorise the steps that are taken to achieve them but also to support the Member States all the way. On paper the goals and Agenda 2030 look good, but we have to make sure they are happening. It is in the best interests of the European citizens to push for their achievement and in order to do that we need to allocate financial resources and the expertise to make them possible. I really hope we will not remember the Sustainable Development Goals only at the next UN Summit where we will have to think about other goals. For that we need to communicate more about them, involve people and civil society, and generate a common cohesive strategy across Europe for their achievement.

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