Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tageordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärung der Vizepräsidentin der Kommission und Hohen Vertreterin der Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik zu Vertreibung und Abriss von Gebäuden im Westjordanland, auch von Projekten, die aus EU-Mitteln finanziert wurden (2016/2712(RSP)).
Federica Mogherini,Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.– Mr President, let me start by thanking Parliament for keeping the situation in Palestine and Israel in the spotlight at the top of our political agenda. Once again, I wonder if there is a specific reason why these strategic debates always take place in the night sessions. I hope this is not a political sign.
We all know that the lack of progress towards peace, especially in the Holy Land, is always a prelude to a new escalation, and this is why we need to keep focusing on the two-state solution, even when Israel and Palestine do not make the headlines. This is a consistent, constant EU effort to work in that direction because we all know that, on the ground, the viability of a two—state solution is challenged on a daily basis and it is our key interest and also it is our political duty to keep it alive and possible in concrete terms.
The expansion of settlements challenges the two-state solution. So does the growing trend of demolitions and confiscations of Palestinian structures, including those funded by the European Union and Member States. The same goes for the worsening living conditions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
Let me be very clear from the outset. Demolitions and Israel’s settlement policy are not the only challenges to the two-state solution. Unfortunately, we see many different challenges taking place on the ground. Terrorist attacks and hate speech challenge the two states and the possibility of people living side by side. The lack of Palestinian unity challenges the two states and their political perspective. A growing sense of disillusionment and despair on both sides among the people is a powerful enemy of peace.
So we always need to keep in mind the bigger picture, even when we focus – as we do tonight, because this is the issue on which you decided to focus our debate tonight – on one specific element of this bigger picture that is not encouraging for many different reasons and on many different aspects. But that still does not prevent us from continuing to work every single day for the two-state solution.
Today, your focus is on settlements and on the issue of demolitions. Israel’s decisions to declare more parts of Area C as state land pave the way for further settlement activity and, as you know, settlements are illegal under international law, and the European Union always refers to them in this way and restates this position.
The European Council has stated several times that our Union opposes Israel’s settlement policy. We oppose a separation barrier built beyond the 1967 line. We oppose demolitions and confiscations, evictions, forced transfers, including of Bedouins, illegal outposts, settler violence and – let me remind all of us – we oppose all forms of violence on all sides, as I mentioned before, and we oppose the restrictions of movement and access.
This is not simply because we care about international law (which we do) and respect for it (which we do), but also because these actions directly reduce the Palestinians’ ability to use the land in Area C, something which is vital to development and growth in the West Bank and to the viability of the Palestinian economy. Israel, as an occupying power, has a duty to protect the Palestinian population and to facilitate its socioeconomic well-being.
You all know that the European Union is doing a lot to promote development and improve humanitarian conditions in Palestine. However, as a result of planning policies applied by Israel, projects funded by the European Union and Member States in Area C are often deemed illegal under Israeli law and are therefore demolished or threatened with demolition by the Israeli authorities.
EU humanitarian aid always respects the principles of neutrality and impartiality. We follow the humanitarian imperative of giving support to the most vulnerable, whenever and wherever this is needed, so where humanitarian projects are concerned, it is not conceivable for us to ask for prior authorisation from the Israeli authorities. It is our humanitarian duty.
In the first quarter of this year, some 500 houses and other structures were demolished, and 650 people displaced. Approximately 20% of those structures were EU-funded. We are raising the issue with Israel in our regular dialogue, and we have established a specific consultation mechanism with Israel to discuss obstacles to the two-state solution and to the socioeconomic development of the Palestinians, including the issue of settlements and the issue of demolitions in Area C.
These mechanisms were used most recently last month on this particular matter of demolitions and dislocations and the issue was also highlighted in the Council conclusions we adopted last January. Tangible results have so far been very limited. Member States have agreed to continue the dialogue for six more months while pushing for an immediate moratorium on adverse developments in Area C, especially demolitions and confiscations. We are also engaging with Member States to agree common messages on this issue, including on the possible restitution or compensation for the confiscated or demolished EU assets. Demolition of a house or a humanitarian project has of course a very strong economic impact on those involved, and also on us, but this is not just about money and we know this very well: this is about the present for the people and the future of the political settlements.
We also know very well that only a serious and meaningful peace process can lead us out of the current downward spiral. There is an urgent need to improve the situation on the ground, and at the same time we have to keep an eye on the goal. Again, let me conclude on the bigger picture, because we are focusing tonight on one aspect which is important, relevant and serious, but we have to keep focused on the bigger picture. This is something you normally ask of me, but tonight I will be asking this of you.
We continue to work on a daily basis on two states living side by side, in peace and in security, to end the conflict and all claims. You know that we are working on the report of the Quartet together with the United States, Russia and the United Nations. The Quartet report will address these issues and will also include some substantial recommendations for the way forward, and I will be very glad to discuss the report with you in the coming weeks in one of the next part-sessions, because we know very well that what is key is working at the concrete perspective of the two states and how to put that in place in the near future.
I know this sounds like a daydream today, but we need to keep that daydream alive and to turn it into reality. We know very well, as Europeans at least, that this is the only way out of the cycle that we are seeing today, and we are stubbornly working in that direction.
I know that I can count on you and on your support to do this as we focus on the parts of the problem we are seeing, but let me ask you, at one of the next part-sessions, to come back to the process itself and the European Union’s contribution, through the Quartet report, to other initiatives that are also in place and being coordinated, such as the French initiative to hold an international conference, in coordination with the work we are doing in the Quartet, on our contribution to solve the crisis in the Middle East and to revitalise the political peace process to get to a two-state solution.
Again, I know very well that we are all on the same page on this, but we need not only to make a slogan out of it, but also to translate it from a parliamentary point of view into an active, constant daily work.
Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE.– Monsieur le Président, Madame la Haute représentante, merci pour cette présentation de la question qui nous occupe ce soir: les démolitions en Cisjordanie.
La réalité est que le problème est compliqué. En effet, en vertu des accords intérimaires d'Oslo auxquels l'Europe est partie, la zone C, où ces démolitions ont été menées, reste sous la responsabilité militaire administrative d'Israël. Les autorités israéliennes mettent en avant le fait qu'il s'agit de constructions illégales.
Par ailleurs, comme vous le savez sans doute – vous l'avez rappelé –, Israël a critiqué l'Union européenne de manière répétée, en disant qu'elle finance des constructions qui sont illégales et qui visent à créer des réalités de fait en violation des accords d'Oslo. Ils insistent en tout cas sur le fait que les projets financés dans cette zone C doivent être coordonnés avec Israël.
Puisque je comprends, selon les divers rapports de presse que j'ai vus, que le Conseil est en train de préparer une stratégie sur la question des démolitions incluant éventuellement l'idée de compensation, peut-être faudrait-il avant tout réfléchir à cette nécessaire coordination avec les Israéliens? Cette coordination existe déjà au niveau bilatéral entre l'État d'Israël et certains États membres, mais il serait peut-être bien de l'élargir.
Pour ce qui est de la perspective plus large, je trouve que, bien sûr, pour redémarrer le processus de paix, la confiance est un élément indispensable. Or, je crois que les Israéliens, ces derniers mois, ont le sentiment que c'est le manque de confiance qui est mis en avant, ils s'entendent dire: "On ne veut pas travailler avec vous." C'est vraiment regrettable parce qu'Israël est quand même la seule démocratie de la région, il ne faut pas l'oublier. Je sais que l'extrême gauche n'est pas du tout d'accord avec cela et qu'elle veut supporter les terroristes. Je trouve que la confiance sans la démocratie est impossible.
Victor Boștinaru, în numele grupului S&D.– Doamnă Înalt Reprezentant, distinși colegi, tot ce discutăm astăzi nu este nou. Demolările proiectelor finanțate de către Uniunea Europeană – sau și de către Uniunea Europeană – sunt recurente și a venit timpul să facem ceva ca să împiedicăm acest lucru, pentru că fiecare demolare, practic, demolează cărămizile unui edificiu numit „pacea și two-state solution”. Este important, nu numai pentru că este o irosire a banilor cetățenilor europeni, dar și pentru a evita strămutarea continuă a familiilor palestiniene care trăiesc în aceste zone și pentru a asigura că asistența europeană se duce în mod eficient la cei care au nevoie.
În absența unui acord politic, asistența umanitară rămâne imperativ necesară, dar are un potențial limitat. De aceea, obiectivul principal al Uniunii rămâne readucerea pe agendă a procesului de pace, așa cum subliniați dumneavoastră acum câteva momente. Este necesar să susținem viabilitatea two-state solution ca singura soluție pentru a pune capăt celui mai lung conflict din regiune.
Acestea fiind spuse, Israelul are obligația de a respecta regulile dreptului umanitar internațional, cât și de a stopa expansiunea colonizării acestor zone. Israelul este partenerul nostru, unul din cei mai importanți, una din puținele țări cu care avem o cooperare complexă, însă Israelul, ca stat suveran și democratic, are în egală măsură datoria de a-și asuma responsabilitatea acțiunilor sale, prin a asigura atât respectul angajamentelor sale internaționale, cât și respectul principiilor democratice care îl definesc și îl guvernează ca stat.
Uniunea Europeană a făcut multe în această regiune. Astăzi este imperativ, pe de o parte, să continuăm ajutorul umanitar și să investim în viitoarea statalitate palestiniană.
Bas Belder, namens de ECR-Fractie.– Met de financiering van illegale bouwprojecten in gebied C van de Westelijke Jordaanoever schendt de EU de Oslo-akkoorden van 1995 die zij heeft medeondertekend. Dit unilaterale optreden van de EU, nog wel onder de dekmantel van humanitaire hulp, miskent immers Israëls militaire en bestuurlijke bevoegdheden in gebied C. Het eigenmachtige optreden van de EU in gebied C verdiept alleen maar de impasse in het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict. Om nog maar te zwijgen van het misbruik van het Europees belastinggeld, zoals dat door mijn electoraat wordt opgevat. Daarom roep ik de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger dringend op onmiddellijk een halt toe te roepen aan alle Europese steun voor illegale bouwprojecten in gebied C.
En het is me vreemd te moede dat wij uitgerekend op de avond dat Israël zijn gevallenen in de oorlogen en zijn terreurslachtoffers herdenkt – het gaat over het ruimere beeld – hier weer aan Israëlbashing doen. Geen woord over de terreurtunnels van Hamas. Er wordt verder ook weer gesproken over de tweestatenoplossing, maar dan moet u mij maar eens vertellen wanneer Mahmoud Abbas Israël erkend heeft als Joodse staat, laat staan Hamas. Ik hoor hier geen enkele duidelijkheid over van EU-zijde. En dan maar praten over een tweestatenoplossing! Het is meer dan hypocriet: het is onverantwoordelijk. Het is Europese zelfdiskwalificatie in Israël en ook in de regio. Hoog tijd voor politieke zelfbezinning te midden van alle crisissen die Brussel plagen vandaag.
Hilde Vautmans, namens de ALDE-Fractie.– Mevrouw de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger, u hebt zelf het kader geschetst. We spreken vandaag natuurlijk maar over één feit en dat zijn de vernielingen van door de Europese Unie gefinancierde projecten. We zouden inderdaad ook over heel veel andere dingen kunnen praten, maar laten we bij het onderwerp blijven.
De Europese Unie is een bondgenoot van Israël en dat weten we allemaal. Maar terwijl wij hier praten over het stoppen van de vernielingen zijn er nog nooit zoveel projecten verwoest. Volgens cijfers van de VN werden in het eerste trimester van dit jaar 75 door Europa en de EU-lidstaten gefinancierde gebouwen en structuren vernield en dat is waarschijnlijk nog maar een fractie van wat er werkelijk verwoest werd. Alles lijkt erop - en nu ben ik heel erg voorzichtig - dat het een systematisch beleid is tegen de Palestijnen. Op die manier bereiken we natuurlijk nooit de tweestatenoplossing waar we allen zo overtuigd achter staan.
Schooltjes, speelpleinen, waterputten, zonnepanelen, alles wordt vernield. Bij mij gaat dat er niet in. België, Frankrijk, Nederland, Polen, Spanje, wij, de Europese Unie, we hebben allemaal steun gegeven. Maar dit wordt vernield met militaire arrogantie. Het gaat intussen over honderdduizenden euro's. Voor België alleen al spreken we over bijna 150 000 euro. We weten dat mensen worden weggepest. We weten dat er 400 kinderen dakloos zijn geworden sinds dit jaar. En toch blijft het hier weer stil in Europa.
Mevrouw Mogherini, Europa moet vragen dat het internationaal humanitair recht wordt gerespecteerd, door beide partijen – laat dat ook duidelijk zijn. Beide partijen moeten het dus respecteren. En ik zou heel graag de exacte cijfers willen krijgen: wat is er vernield dat door ons werd betaald en hoe gaan we daarmee om? Dat heb ik hier nog niet gehoord. Gaan we financiering vragen of leggen we het als voorwaarde op tafel?
Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group.– Mr President, in the occupied West Bank, you can almost taste the dust from demolished homes in the air. Since January this year, more than 500 Palestinian homes and other structures have been bulldozed by Israeli authorities – more than in all of 2015.
These demolitions are a clear human rights violation, affecting thousands of Palestinians, and are an obstacle to peace. They are part of a deliberate strategy to displace Palestinians out of the West Bank and make way for illegal Israeli settlements. In 2014, the EU initiated a ‘structured dialogue’ with Israel, to end the demolitions within six months.
In 2016, two such meetings have taken place, and Israel shows nothing but contempt for the EU and the aid given to Palestine –Israel has increased its demolitions, especially of EU-funded structures. It breaks up solar panels, flattens water tanks and bulldozes classrooms, playgrounds and basic shelter. You can almost see them sneer at you. You can almost hear them shout at you: ‘and what are you going to do about it?’ Unfortunately, they know that the answer is nothing, and it is going to be nothing in six months’ time. This outrage must stop. We have to prevent Israel from acting with impunity. It is wrong. The Palestinian people need your help, Ms Mogherini, they need more than words: they need action, and they need it now.
Margrete Auken, for Verts/ALE-Gruppen.– Hr. Formand! Fru Mogherini. Israelske bulldozere har smadret bygninger, telte, brønde, skoler, legepladser, latriner, elforsyning, og op af ruinhoben stritter ofte et EU-flag. Hundredvis af palæstinensiske hjem og infrastrukturer på den besatte Vestbred er blevet ødelagt gennem de sidste måneder, endda i et hidtil uset omfang, men fuldstændigt straffrit. Og værre endnu, de tvangsforflyttede palæstinensere erstattes af israelske bosættere.
Fru Mogherini, EU's reaktion på disse systematiske brud på international lov og direkte angreb på EU-betalte projekter er reelt ikke-eksisterende, bare ord, som I hørte det lige før. Den såkaldte "structured dialogue" er en farce, som kun tjener til at skjule manglen på politisk vilje hos EU til at gøre noget som helst ved problemets kerne, besættelsen og væksten af bosættelser.
Fru Mogherini, det er på høje tid at stoppe EU's støtte, den politiske såvel som den økonomiske, til Israels besættelse af Palæstina. Jeg må bede jer om nu, omsider, som også andre har sagt, at publicere hele sandheden om ødelæggelsen af EU-projekterne og at kræve erstatning, eventuelt ved at skære det tilsvarende beløb af EU's store støtte til Israels deltagelse i Horisont 2020.
Endelig vil jeg opfordre Parlamentet til omgående at sende en fact-finding mission til Vestbredden for at vurdere situationen på stedet.
Rosa D'Amato, a nome del gruppo EFDD.– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, parliamo di Palestina? In quest'Aula avremo due tifoserie: pro e contro Israele. Il Parlamento europeo è un organo democratico e uno strenuo difensore dei diritti umani? Allora deve essere unito nell'esigere il rispetto del diritto internazionale, che va applicato senza eccezione alcuna.
Il Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU, la Corte internazionale di giustizia dell'Aia e l'Unione europea definiscono le demolizioni una palese violazione del diritto internazionale, sancendone l'illegalità. Sebbene l'Unione europea abbia richiesto pubblicamente al governo israeliano di tutelare i progetti da essa sostenuti, ancora oggi progetti di cooperazione internazionale sono stati demoliti o sequestrati da Israele. Le demolizioni non solo violano la quarta Convenzione di Ginevra, ma pregiudicano pesantemente la soluzione a due Stati, de facto messa in pericolo dal governo israeliano.
È ora che l'Alto rappresentante e le istituzioni europee chiedano la riparazione dei danni e delle violazioni. In Palestina ho visto la disperazione della popolazione civile. Ho conosciuto però "Breaking the silence", una ONG di veterani dell'esercito israeliano. Questi, con un fantastico lavoro di comunicazione e protezione delle comunità locali, dimostrano che solo con un percorso comune della società civile palestinese e israeliana si potrà raggiungere la pace.
Marcus Pretzell, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion.– Herr Präsident! Hohe Vertreterin! Ihr Traum, so sagten Sie, ist die Zweistaatenlösung in Israel. Und was hat die Europäische Union nun dazu in der Vergangenheit beigetragen? Sie hat dazu beigetragen mit einer Kennzeichnungspflicht für Produkte aus Judäa und Samaria, sie hat dazu beigetragen mit der Finanzierung illegaler Bauwerke in der Zone C. Sie wissen, dass für die Sicherheit in der Zone C nach wie vor Israel verantwortlich ist.
Unter den aktuellen Bedingungen wäre eine Zweistaatenlösung ein israelischer Suizid. Das ist bedingt durch die Topografie in der Region, und Sie wissen das! Solange die Europäische Union illegale Bauwerke in der Zone C in Judäa und Samaria finanziert, werden israelische Bulldozer rollen – und sie werden zu Recht rollen, Frau Kollegin Auken. Und sie werden für die Sicherheit Israels rollen, und das sollte im Übrigen in diesem Parlament auch im Interesse von uns allen sein!
Marita Ulvskog (S&D).– Herr talman! Fru vice ordförande! Det som idag sker på Västbanken är fullständigt oacceptabelt. Människors hem, barns skolor och livsnödvändig infrastruktur jämnas med marken. Flera talare har nämnt detta.
Sedan januari i år, på bara fyra månader, har fler byggnader i området förstörts än under hela 2015. Jag vill uppmana dig att deklarera att EU-Israels associationsråd inte kommer att sammankallas förrän Israel har upphört med denna massiva förstörelse. Jag vill uppmana dig att kräva kompensation. EU kan inte se på när Israeliska myndigheter bedriver en politik som syftar till att fördriva människor från området, riva, slå sönder, förstöra allt det som EU och EU:s medlemsländer genom biståndsmedel har bidragit till att bygga upp.
Och som fru Vautmans krävde: ge oss fakta, hur mycket pengar handlar det om, så vi vet dimensionen av det hela. Att fördöma bara med ord räcker inte när internationell humanitär rätt kränks, då måste det också få politiska och ekonomiska konsekvenser. Tack!
Branislav Škripek (ECR).– Mr President, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a tragedy for over many decades. Now we debate the West Bank displacement and demolitions, including projects founded by the EU.
Nowadays, we mainly hear concerns about the Palestinians. I acknowledge that their situation is serious, but let me remind you that if two sides are fighting, both must be examined.
Hardly mentioned are the 278 attacks by Palestinians on Israelis in the last months, but the Israeli response is covered globally. Why is this?
The demolitions are mainly taking place in Area C. According to the 1995 agreement, this area is under full Israeli military and administrative responsibility, which means that projects must be coordinated with the Israeli authorities. I stress that this agreement was co-signed by the European Union.
I would like to ask the High Representative: why is the EU frustrating this agreement and the peace process by promoting illegal constructions there? This sends the wrong message to both the Israeli and Palestinian people.
Ivo Vajgl (ALDE).– Hvala lepa gospa Mogherini za briljanten uvod, ki ste ga danes dali, in seveda mu ni kaj za dodati. Dodajam samo to, da najbrž ni slučajno, da vodimo to razpravo tako pozno zvečer. To kaže na ignoranco te hiše do tega težkega problema.
Ne bom govoril o statistiki, kolegi so že povedali. Rad bi povedal samo to, da imajo seveda uničevalci domov palestinskih družin za vsak nasilni poseg v tujo lastnino nek razlog, ki pa je s stališča običajnega, mednarodnega in mednarodnega humanitarnega prava povsem nesprejemljiv.
Mi moramo to prakso kvazi zakonitega državnega terorizma in kolektivnega kaznovanja obsoditi. Rušenje domov je cinično posmehovanje človeški digniteti in flagrantno kršenje prava, ki se ne more dobro končati – ne za Izrael, ne za Palestince, ne za regijo kot celoto in ne za nas v sosedstvu, ki želimo mir in priznanje za Izrael in pravičnost za Palestino.
Patrick Le Hyaric (GUE/NGL).– Monsieur le Président, Madame la Haute représentante, au nom de la raison et du droit, les institutions européennes ne peuvent laisser détruire ces centaines de maisons et d'équipements publics en Palestine. D'une part, elles ne doivent pas accepter ce qui est illégal, c'est-à-dire l'annexion territoriale et la colonisation, et, d'autre part, le droit humanitaire interdit de priver des milliers de Palestiniens, dont des milliers d'enfants, de leur maison. Enfin, en laissant détruire des infrastructures financées par l'Union européenne, nous acceptons de nous laisser humilier et mépriser.
Même en Israël, dans la société et jusque dans l'armée, aujourd'hui, on s'inquiète désormais ouvertement des abominables exactions du gouvernement. Il nous faut donc prendre nos responsabilités et faire payer les destructions par l'État israélien. Le viol permanent du droit international, de la démocratie et de l'article 2 de l'accord d'association UE-Israël doit nous conduire à suspendre cet accord tant que l'État d'Israël ne respecte pas le droit commun international. Il faut donc maintenant passer d'urgence aux actes.
Pascal Durand (Verts/ALE).– Monsieur le Président, Madame la Haute représentante, j'étais en juillet dernier avec une délégation d'eurodéputés dans le village d'Al Hadidiya, en Palestine, en zone C. C'était un village, voilà ce qu'il en reste.
(L'orateur montre une photo à l'assemblée)
Voilà ce qui reste aujourd'hui de ce village: des ruines, plus rien, tout a été détruit.
Selon les Nations unies, ce sont plus de 600 bâtiments, écoles, maisons, qui ont été détruits depuis le début de l'année. Une grande partie de ces constructions avait été financée par les fonds européens.
L'Union européenne doit faire cesser ces démolitions. Elle doit protéger les populations les plus vulnérables qui vivent dans la zone C. Israël n'est pas un État hors du temps, Israël n'est pas un État hors du droit. Les droits humains, comme leur nom l'indique, doivent être respectés pour l'ensemble des populations civiles, quelle que soit leur origine, quelle que soit leur nationalité.
L'Union européenne doit agir pour faire cesser ces démolitions. Nous devons avoir des comptes et faire en sorte qu'Israël rembourse.
Gilles Pargneaux (S&D).– Monsieur le Président, Madame la Haute représentante, comme je l'ai rappelé dans une tribune cosignée avec Alon Ben-Meir, professeur à l'université de New-York, spécialiste du processus de paix, dans un grand quotidien du soir, en France, rarement le conflit israélo-palestinien n'est paru aussi loin d'une résolution. Rarement le désespoir de deux peuples n'aura eu un visage aussi désespérant, avec cette quotidienneté de la violence. Rarement l'attention de la communauté internationale n'a été aussi éloignée de la question palestinienne. Pourtant, chaque semaine, cela a été dit, 50 habitations palestiniennes sont détruites par les autorités israéliennes. Pourtant, 104 installations financées par l'Europe ont été détruites depuis le début de l'année.
Madame la Haute représentante, une majorité d'Israéliens et de Palestiniens ne veulent qu'une seule chose: la paix. Le 30 mai, vous participerez à Paris à ce sommet international dans le cadre de l'initiative française pour relancer le processus de paix et parvenir à une solution à deux États. Cela passe par la fin des discours de haine propagés par certains des deux camps, la fin de la colonisation et des destructions, la modification des manuels scolaires.
Voilà la feuille de route que nous devons adopter pour cette solution.
(Le Président retire la parole à l'orateur)
Arne Gericke (ECR).– Herr Präsident! Sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin! Hohe Vertreterin! Realitäten müssen wiederholt werden! Es geht um den Abriss einiger aus EU–Mitteln finanzierter Zelte, Hütten und Viehställe für Beduinen im Gebiet C und E1 des Westjordanlands. Alles Bauten, die, obwohl von der EU finanziert, dort auf öffentlichem Grund, ohne Vorabinformation der israelischen Behörden, errichtet wurden – illegal und gesetzwidrig. Nehmen wir an, das wäre in Deutschland passiert. Diese Bauten würden umgehend abgerissen, die Fördermittel zurückgefordert und Verantwortliche kämen vor Gericht, vielleicht sogar ins Gefängnis.
Deshalb meine Frage, Frau Mogherini: Nimmt die EU hier ganz offiziell den Bruch von Verträgen und illegales Bauen in Kauf, um Fakten gegen unseren engen Partner Israel zu schaffen? Provoziert ECHO mit dieser Förderung die rechtlich wasserfeste israelische Reaktion? Wird die EU weiter akzeptieren, dass hier mit Fördergeldern, mit Steuermitteln unserer Bürger, illegale Bauten errichtet werden? Und provokant gefragt: Warum wird Israel trotz Gewalt anderer als einziges Land so scharf von der EU kritisiert, die hier das ungerechtfertigte Urteil der UN-Behörden ungeprüft übernimmt?
Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης (GUE/NGL).– Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, μέχρι πότε η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα μένει απαθής τηρώντας σιγή ιχθύος. Αντί το Ισραήλ να συνεργαστεί για την εξεύρεση λύσης, συνεχίζει τους εποικισμούς, τις εκτοπίσεις των πληθυσμών και καταστρέφει στοχευμένα ακόμα και τα παραπήγματα που στήθηκαν με χορηγίες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Ισοπεδώνουν κάθε κατάλυμα στο οποίο στεγάζονται οι Παλαιστίνιοι οι οποίοι προσπαθούν να επιβιώσουν σε απάνθρωπες συνθήκες. Μετατρέπουν τους Παλαιστίνιους σε πρόσφυγες ξανά στην ίδια τους την πατρίδα. Το Ισραήλ, με τις εγκληματικές του ενέργειες, αποδεικνύει πως στρέφεται ενάντια σε κάθε προσπάθεια της Ένωσης για στήριξη των Παλαιστινίων και πως αντιστρατεύεται κάθε ειρηνευτική προσπάθεια. Ας γίνει λοιπόν επιτέλους κατανοητό πως δεν αρκούν οι διακηρύξεις και φραστικές καταγγελίες κενού περιεχομένου. Αν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση σέβεται τις αρχές και τις διακηρύξεις της, πρέπει να αναστείλει τη συμφωνία σύνδεσης μέχρις ότου το Ισραήλ πάψει να παραβιάζει το άρθρο 2, στο οποίο αναφέρεται ξεκάθαρα η υποχρέωση για σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Είναι εξωφρενικό, τη στιγμή που γίνονται τόσες συζητήσεις για αντιμετώπιση της προσφυγικής κρίσης, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να αδιαφορεί απέναντι στους Παλαιστίνιους ....
(Ο Πρόεδρος διακόπτει τον ομιλητή)
Keith Taylor (Verts/ALE).– Mr President, the increasing demolition by the Israeli authorities in Area C of Palestinian homes, schools and factories has been well documented by the EU Heads of Mission. In fact, in the first few months of 2016, more Palestinian homes have been demolished than in the whole of 2015, thus making families homeless and undermining the two-state solution. With the failure of the so-called structured dialogue clear for all to see, I believe it is time to increase the pressure for action from the Israeli Government. So will Ms Mogherini make the holding of the EU—Israel Association Council and the proposed visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu conditional on a total freeze of demolitions? Will she also publish the number and value of demolished EU projects and support Parliament’s...
(The President cut off the speaker)
Afzal Khan (S&D).– Mr President, we have seen waves of demolitions and the continued cruelty of forcible transfers in the West Bank, and let us not forget Gaza. Targeting Palestinian homes and EU—maintained projects has surged to an unprecedented degree in the last few months, and this during a period of EU—Israeli dialogue aimed at halting the demolitions. These practices are banned under international law and the Israeli authorities are fully aware of this. By allowing this to carry on, we are failing the Palestinians, as well as our own citizens, who contributed to the EU-funded projects. Even more, repeated failure has brought us to the brink of risking the viability of a two—state solution. Israel must comply with international law if it wishes the EU to upgrade its relationship with it. Madam High Representative, will you make the costs of the destruction of EU-funded projects publicly available and demand financial compensation from the Israelis for the damage?
Σοφία Σακοράφα (GUE/NGL).– Κυρία Mogherini, οι εξελίξεις στα κατεχόμενα επιβεβαιώνουν, θα έλεγα, την παταγώδη αποτυχία της Ευρωπαϊκής πολιτικής στην περιοχή. Η εγκληματική πολιτική του Ζαΐρ συνεχίζεται με τους εποικισμούς και τις κατεδαφίσεις στην κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη να μεγαλώνουν την απόγνωση και το αδιέξοδο του πληθυσμού. Μόνο φέτος έχει απαλλοτριώσει 7,5 χιλιάδες στρέμματα στη Δυτική Όχθη για εποικισμό και η Ευρώπη παρακολουθεί σαν θεατής. Σας λέει ευθαρσώς ο κύριος Νετανιάχου ότι καταστρέφει χρηματοδοτούμενες από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ανθρωπιστικές δομές γιατί κατασκευάστηκαν, λέει, παράνομα και εσείς συμπεριφέρεστε σαν να μην σας νοιάζει. Και μας λέτε ότι είστε υπέρ της λύσης των δύο κρατών; Αλήθεια, πέστε μου, σε ποιο έδαφος θα δημιουργηθεί το παλαιστινιακό κράτος; Αντιλαμβάνεστε, φαντάζομαι, ότι σε λίγο δεν θα έχει απομείνει τίποτα. Ξεκινήσατε δομημένο διάλογο και βάλατε προθεσμία έξι μηνών. Έχει περάσει ένας μήνας από τη λήξη της προθεσμίας και δεν πετύχατε τίποτα. Και αναρωτιέμαι, τι άλλο πρέπει να κάνει το Ισραήλ για να προχωρήσετε σε κυρώσεις σε βάρος του και να ενεργοποιήσετε τις ρήτρες ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, που έχετε υποχρέωση να υπερασπίζεστε σύμφωνα με τις συνθήκες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και που, από ό,τι φαίνεται, τις έχετε σαν διακοσμητικές συμφωνίες σύνδεσης;
Eugen Freund (S&D).– Mr President, if I had not experienced it with my own eyes, I probably would not have believed it: in March of this year, I visited the West Bank with some fellow MEPs. Whoever we talked to, frustration and desperation was everywhere – frustration over the stalled peace process and desperation as the situation of the Palestinians had worsened over the years.
But what really angered us was the random destruction of community structures that were built, or at least financed, by the European Union. I will leave out the numbers because they have been mentioned here before. The Bedouins we talked to showed us the remnants of their tents with even the EU symbols almost beyond recognition. Madam High Representative, I would like to know how vigorously you will demand from the Israeli Government compensation to the European Union and an end to that policy.
Josu Juaristi Abaunz (GUE/NGL).– Señor Presidente, es evidente que las expulsiones y la demolición sistemática de viviendas y estructuras básicas en la Cisjordania ocupada son parte de una estrategia global israelí contra el pueblo palestino y su viabilidad como Estado. Proyectos financiados por la Unión fueron ya bombardeados de forma masiva en Gaza y la reacción de los Estados miembros fue ridícula.
Esa actitud incapaz lleva asimismo a que la Unión Europea siga callando ante las muertes que provoca a diario el bloqueo israelí contra Gaza. Señora Mogherini, sus palabras reflejan que la Comisión es consciente de que lo hecho y dicho hasta ahora no ha servido de nada, y usted misma acaba de subrayar que no basta con proclamar lemas, que hacen falta acciones concretas.
Pues bien, sus Señorías Anderson y Auken, y algunos más, lo han dicho ya: es hora de acabar con la impunidad israelí.
Maria Arena (S&D).– Monsieur le Président, tout d'abord, je voulais vous remercier, Madame Mogherini, pour votre engagement au Moyen-Orient et l'énergie que vous y mettez, en particulier dans le cadre du conflit israélo-palestinien. Je partage totalement votre objectif qui est de tenter, par tous les moyens, de faciliter le processus de paix et d'arriver à une solution à deux États.
Ce qui nous occupe aujourd'hui – vous l'avez dit –, c'est une partie des différents défis que nous avons dans le conflit israélo-palestinien, à savoir la destruction de ces infrastructures – infrastructures de première nécessité – financées par l'Union européenne sur des territoires palestiniens.
Il est étrange d'entendre certains de nos collègues, ici, qui ont du mal à se rendre à l'évidence: ce ne sont pas ces infrastructures qui sont illégales, ce sont les colonies qui sont illégales et auxquelles il doit être mis fin. Et donc juger illégales des infrastructures humanitaires payées par nous pour pouvoir répondre aux besoins des Palestiniens, je trouve cela totalement indécent.
Alors, tout ce que nous vous demandons – et nous vous soutenons dans ce sens –, c'est de rétablir le dialogue et de prendre des sanctions si nécessaire, voire d'obtenir des compensations financières.
Ana Gomes (S&D).– Senhor Presidente, no mês passado estive na Margem Ocidental, em Jerusalém e em Hebron.
Vim alarmada com o ambiente explosivo e o desespero do povo palestiniano, descrente do Processo de Paz, da própria liderança, da solução dos dois Estados — que todos consideram já inviável face à política de colonatos, deslocamentos forçados, demolições, repressão militar e humilhação prosseguida, cruel e estupidamente, por Israel —, sem falar em Gaza, prisão a céu aberto. Nada melhor para promover a radicalização da juventude e das crianças palestinianas.
Na comunidade beduína de Al Hadidiya, no Vale do Jordão, e noutros sítios, vi projetos financiados pela União Europeia sistematicamente destruídos por Israel.
Senhora Mogherini, como avalia o resultado do diálogo estruturado UE-Israel, que deveria congelar as demolições, quando elas têm aumentado? Já pediu compensações a Israel pelos danos que as demolições e o confisco de estruturas financiadas pela União Europeia implicam para os contribuintes europeus? Vai tornar público o custo dessa destruição?
Pagaremos muito caro, na nossa própria segurança, esses e outros custos de a União Europeia não agir e deixar morrer o Processo de Paz.
Fulvio Martusciello (PPE).– Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Alto commissario, in quest'Aula oggi abbiamo assistito a un dibattito surreale: invece di parlare dei 34 israeliani che sono stati uccisi con atti di violenza in tutto questo periodo, abbiamo discusso di altro. Invece di parlare del cemento che viene rubato sistematicamente da Hamas per finanziare la costruzione del tunnel del terrore, ci siamo occupati di altro. Invece di parlare di quelle immagini terribili mostrate dalla televisione, di bambini palestinesi che vengono addestrati a usare il coltello per colpire gli israeliani, ci siamo occupati di altro.
È chiaro che quando c'è antisemitismo c'è terrorismo, e l'Unione europea deve essere consapevole che ogniqualvolta si sviluppa e si alimenta l'antisemitismo, si sviluppa il terrorismo. E allora occupiamoci di cose serie: occupiamoci di quello che sta vivendo il popolo israeliano in questo periodo, occupiamoci dei 34 israeliani che sono stati uccisi in queste settimane.
Julie Ward (S&D).– Mr President, in a few days’ time Israelis will mark their annual National Memorial Day for victims of the conflict and their 68th Independence Day, so it is a good time to reflect on the state of play. The Israeli Government has demolished hundreds of Palestinian homes, schools and clinics in recent months, leaving thousands of Palestinians homeless and under pressure to relocate. Israeli NGOs who report on human rights abuses oppose the occupation and advocate peace. They find themselves under pressure from the government and right-wing groups. In the meantime, the Israeli Government plans to expand settlements in strategic areas like E1 outside Jerusalem and E2 near Bethlehem, which will block off Palestinian communities and threaten the viability of the two-state solution, putting both Palestine and Israel at risk. So the EU must make clear that the two-state solution is a red line, demand a stop to these demolitions and request full compensation for the damage caused to EU infrastructures.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR).– Κύριε Πρόεδρε, δεδομένης της καθημερινής και αυξανόμενης παραβίασης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων που παρατηρούμε στη Δυτική Όχθη, είναι ανάγκη να δοθεί άμεσα λύση στο Παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα. Φέτος μόνο, ο ισραηλινός στρατός έχει καταστρέψει ολοσχερώς περίπου τετρακόσια οικήματα και άλλα κτίρια που κατασκευάστηκαν με κονδύλια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στη Δυτική Όχθη, ενώ πρόσφατα κατεδάφισε ένα σχολείο στην περιοχή, γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι είκοσι τρία παιδιά δεν θα πάνε πλέον σχολείο. Επιπλέον, ο ισραηλινός στρατός προχωρά στην κατάσχεση των εδαφών των Παλαιστίνιων και περιορίζει τις κινήσεις όσων ζουν στα κατεχόμενα εδάφη.
Παράλληλα, οι εκτοπισμοί πληθυσμού στην περιοχή είναι διαρκείς, ενώ ο παλαιστινιακός πληθυσμός στη Δυτική Όχθη αντιμετωπίζει σοβαρές ελλείψεις νερού επειδή το περισσότερο από το νερό αυτό χρησιμοποιείται από το Ισραήλ και τους Ισραηλινούς εποίκους. Επομένως, είναι αναγκαίο να επιλυθεί άμεσα το παλαιστινιακό ώστε να έχουμε βιώσιμη λύση και στη Μέση Ανατολή. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα πρέπει να αυξήσει τα κονδύλια για την καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας στην περιοχή, τη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας και την υπεράσπιση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στην περιοχή.
Miguel Urbán Crespo (GUE/NGL). – Señor Presidente, Señorías, la sociedad civil europea lleva demandando desde hace tiempo que las instituciones rindan cuentas y establezcan un plan de acciones concretas con el objetivo de poner fin a la ocupación y lograr una solución justa y duradera a la situación de apartheid que sufre el pueblo palestino. Le pedimos a la Alta Representante que exija al Gobierno de Israel la detención inmediata de los desalojos y las transferencias forzosas, de la destrucción indiscriminada de bienes palestinos, así como de la expansión de los asentamientos de colonos israelíes en Cisjordania.
Por último, exigimos el posicionamiento claro de los Estados miembros y de la Comisión Europea en todos los casos en los que las autoridades israelíes estén demoliendo estructuras de carácter humanitario, construidas en el marco de proyectos financiados con dinero de las y los contribuyentes europeos. Las constantes vulneraciones de derechos humanos y de la legislación internacional no pueden seguir siendo recibidas con el silencio cómplice de las instituciones europeas. Apliquen sanciones, hagan…
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
Ernest Maragall (Verts/ALE).– Señor Presidente; señora Mogherini, usted nos dijo hace dos años que su máxima prioridad era el conflicto Israel-Palestina. Lo dijo aquí mismo después de la primera visita que hizo allí. Los resultados parece que son más que claros: más anexiones territoriales, más violencia, más miseria y la Unión Europea puesta en ridículo.
Los proyectos financiados por la Unión Europea se destruyen a un ritmo como nunca hasta ahora había sucedido. Lo que es ilegal no son las escuelas construidas por la Unión Europea; lo que es ilegal son las armas y los bulldozers que los destruyen. Pero con su declaración hoy aquí, me parece que lo que hace usted es levantar acta del fracaso, no del suyo personal, sí de la Unión Europea.
Yo también estuve allí, en los campos de beduinos. No me sorprende pues la declaración reciente del general Dov Sedaka, cuando dijo que la solución para los beduinos no es regularizar su estatus, sino la demolición de sus campos y su traslado a las zonas A y B bajo control palestino.
Hoy, la Unión Europea permite en silencio el despliegue continuado de nuevos asentamientos, en contradicción abierta con la ley internacional. ¿Qué vamos a hacer? ¿Avalar la impunidad del apartheid o actuar...?
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
Klaus Buchner (Verts/ALE).– Herr Präsident! Vielen Dank, Frau Hohe Vertreterin, dass Sie gekommen sind und uns zuhören. Ich war im letzten Jahr in Palästina, und ich muss sagen, ich war schockiert. Nicht nur, weil ganze Häuser, ganze Infrastrukturen willkürlich vom israelischen Militär zerstört worden sind – nein, die Gefängnisse in Israel sind voll von Kindern und Jugendlichen – ich wiederhole: von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Als ich dort war, wurde ein Jugendlicher von hinten auf der Flucht erschossen, weil er angeblich einen Stein auf ein Fahrzeug – vermutlich ein gepanzertes Fahrzeug – geworfen hat. Das ist eine extralegale Hinrichtung. Der Schütze wurde in der Knesset wie ein Held gefeiert.
Ich möchte Sie, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, bitten: Wir können mit einem Staat, der solche Dinge macht, keine privilegierten Abkommen schließen, wir können als EU-Staaten keine Militärmaterialien liefern. Wir müssen konsequent sein, wenn unserem Haus noch irgendwelche Werte heilig sind.
(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)
Federica Mogherini,Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.– Mr President, let me say that, on one side, I am honoured that some of you in this room think that, in a year and a half in office, I would have been able to solve the oldest and most complicated conflict in the Middle East, and maybe in the entire world. I wish that could have been possible. I do not put limits on what could happen in the next three and a half years of my mandate – hopefully we will manage to move forward – but this tells us a lot about the fact that we have to keep focused and consistent in what we are doing.
The European Union has a special role to play in the Middle East, not only because we are the first donor to the Palestinians and not only because we are the first trading partner to the Israelis, but because we are, I would be tempted to say, the only political actor that is constantly and so passionately focusing on this conflict – let us say that we are among the few in the world doing that – and because we have a special role that comes from our history and our geography.
That is why I am a little saddened every time that we have a debate on Israel and Palestine in this Hemicycle, when I see that we easily divide ourselves between those who take one side and those who take the other side. I will be very clear on our principles, our firm positions and our firm actions. I believe that they are not negotiable and they are our strengths, but I also believe that we have to keep clear in our minds what our role is. Our role is that of trying to build bridges, trying to encourage those who still, inside Palestine and inside Israel and inside their societies, inside their political camps – and there are fewer and fewer by the day unfortunately – believe that peace can only result from Israelis and Palestinians working together and living together. This was self-evident in the time of the Oslo Agreement. I am of the generation that grew up politically with the Oslo narrative. I see very clearly that today we are facing the risk of generations of Israelis and Palestinians growing up – not only politically but in their own societies – considering this not to be normal, the idea of Israelis and Palestinians working together for peace.
I think that, as Europeans and as Europeans in institutions, we have a special responsibility in trying to help and in trying to facilitate. That is why I would like to thank those of you who took part in the Parliamentarians for Peace initiative, bringing together MEPs and members of the Israeli and Palestinian Parliaments to try and encourage them to bring forward an agenda for peace together because we are – and I remember that we have already discussed this, exactly in these terms, on another occasion in recent months – those who do not see problems but, on the contrary, see it as natural to say that we can – and we must – be friends of the Palestinian people and friends of the Israeli people. There is no contradiction in that because, as friends, we can advise, we can encourage and we can push – sometimes with more diplomatic words, sometimes with a tougher insistences – them to come together on the way towards peace. Indeed, some of you said that we have to preserve the confidence of the parties in the role of the European Union. I want to share with you – especially as a colleague mentioned the lack of confidence on the Israeli side – something that happened yesterday that to me was very important. The President of Israel, President Rivlin, came to the Europe Day celebration in the delegation of the European Union in Israel and passed on extremely positive and encouraging messages about the fact that, even on the things on which we do not see eye to eye, we can work hand in hand to move forward. I think that we have to pay attention to these kinds of messages and try to work on building bridges. Having said that – which is our political responsibility – our policy is crystal clear and evident to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Time and again, we have demonstrated that there is a European unity on this position so that any attempt to divide Member States or institutions of the European Union does not work. I mentioned a few of the issues that are clear and firm for us: clearly, the fact that we oppose any kind of violence and hate speech, clearly, the fact that we oppose the settlement policy and, clearly, the fact that we consider our projects, funded by the European Union budget and by the Member States budget, as taking place under the humanitarian imperative. Our aid always respects the principles of neutrality and impartiality. As I mentioned, we follow the humanitarian imperative of giving support to the most vulnerable, whenever, whatever and wherever this is needed, and this is something we will not give up. This is our firm principle and our firm practice. We are also – as I mentioned in the beginning, but I noticed that many of you raised this so I will mention it again – working with the Member States on the steps forward, including on the possible restitution or compensation for confiscated or demolished EU assets. I stress that fact that we need to work, in this respect, together with all the Member States, building and keeping the unity of our Union because this is the point of strength that we have in every single step we take.
Let me finish by saying that I really believe that the way forward for us is investing in the mechanisms and structures that we have in order to work together in a constant dialogue, both with the Palestinian Authority and with the Israeli authorities. That is why when some of you asked me for an assessment of the mechanisms we have put in place, I was very glad that we managed to put in place these mechanisms because, especially when you have difficult problems to discuss, you need institutional frameworks to do so in transparency, in clarity, in respect and with firm positions which sometimes we do not share with our Israeli friends.
As many of you mentioned, the real point will be our capacity to bring forward the agenda for peace, which means the agenda for the two states. That might not mean the creation of two states in the next year and a half – I cannot promise that – but what I can tell you is that the work we are doing with the Quartet – which, I would like to remind you, a year and a half ago when we took office was basically not operative – is up and running, with the production and the work on the report that I also mentioned which will include substantial references to this issue in accordance with the work that we are doing with the US, the UN and Russia and in connection with some of the Arab countries, our partners, especially on the Arab peace initiative elements and including some elements of recommendation that, at that stage, the international community could put forward to the parties.
Again, there is no magic wand and there is no magic solution that from one day to the next can create the two states but, when I see the trend of work that we have revitalised, re-energised, restarted in the last year and a half, together with our partners in the international community, I am confident of the fact that this could lead us, together with the parties, to some positive developments. I know that saying this today can seem very, very optimistic, but I think that if we are not guided by the hope of changing things, we will never manage to change things for real. So again I ask you to come together, as much as you can, in your efforts to facilitate this work, knowing that we have a special responsibility to the Palestinians and to the Israelis.
Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)
Jill Evans (Verts/ALE), in writing. – Last June I saw at first hand the impact of demolitions and demolition orders in the West Bank. With colleagues from the EFA Group I met people in Silwan in East Jerusalem who are being forced out of their home-district. Displacements and demolitions are on the increase. The EU has provided humanitarian aid and funding to threatened communities in the West Bank, only to see projects destroyed by the occupying forces. Compensation should be paid for this destruction. EU humanitarian activities and assistance are carried out in full compliance with international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles. Many of my constituents in Wales have raised this issue with me to demand action.
Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), na piśmie. – Sytuacja humanitarna w obszarze C Zachodniego Brzegu, który znajduje się pod cywilną i wojskową kontrolą Izraela, uległa znacznemu pogorszeniu. Tylko w tym roku zniszczono lub skonfiskowano 522 domów i innych podstawowych struktur takich jak zagrody, studnie czy cysterny. Partnerzy humanitarni zgłaszają liczne przypadki, w których dostawy artykułów pierwszej potrzeby są rekwirowane. Od wznowienia w marcu 2016 r. zorganizowanego dialogu między UE a Izraelem uniemożliwiono korzystanie z 170 palestyńskich struktur, w tym 49 projektów finansowanych między innymi przez UE. Wydane nakazy rozbiórki grożą kolejnym 2000 struktur w obszarze C finansowanym z pieniędzy europejskich podatników. Chciałbym podkreślić, że działania humanitarne UE są prowadzone zgodnie z międzynarodowym prawem humanitarnym. Mają one na celu dostarczenie pomocy humanitarnej do najbardziej narażonych osób. Należy zaprzestać dalszych zniszczeń i zrekompensować dotychczasowe straty. Ludność zamieszkująca te tereny musi mieć zapewnione stabilne i godne warunki do życia. Mam nadzieję, że czerwcowe spotkanie UE–Izrael w ramach zorganizowanego dialogu będzie nowym otwarciem i przyczyni się do zgodnego z międzynarodowymi normami rozwiązania tej trudnej sytuacji humanitarnej.