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Procedure : 2015/2323(INI)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A8-0161/2016

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Debatten :

PV 25/05/2016 - 21
CRE 25/05/2016 - 21

Stemmingen :

PV 26/05/2016 - 6.7

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Woensdag 25 mei 2016 - Brussel Herziene uitgave

21. Een "new deal" voor energieconsumenten - Energiearmoede bestrijden in het kader van de energie-unie (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku obrad jest wspólna debata nad:


  Theresa Griffin, rapporteur. – Mr President, the energy retail market in Europe is not functioning properly and citizens are directly impacted by this failure. Around the EU, consumers are overcharged for their energy bills. In my country, the UK, consumers overpaid GBP 1.2 billion a year for their energy bills between 2009 and 2013. Over 50 million citizens are living in energy poverty in the EU and are forced to choose on a daily basis between heating, cooling or eating. Around the EU, consumers are willing to invest in energy efficiency and self-generation projects, but are hindered by heavy administrative burdens and high upfront investment costs. Throughout Europe, energy markets are not transparent and are not competitive enough. In this context, industry fails to pass falling wholesale prices on to consumers. Energy bills are becoming increasingly complex and citizens are not able to compare offers easily. Many consumers are on outdated energy contracts, unaware of their ability to switch.

The ‘new deal’ report, on which we will be voting tomorrow, highlights key recommendations to address these problems. Regarding the retail energy market, to increase the transparency and clarity of bills, we need to include peer-based comparisons and information on switching in those bills. Consumers should be placed on the most appropriate tariffs, and suppliers should notify them about their cheapest offers. We need to eradicate termination fees and penalties for switching suppliers. And finally, social tariffs should be maintained for the most vulnerable.

Regarding self-generation, we need to set up a common legal framework for the right to store and sell excess electricity at a fair price. We need to promote new business models, collective purchasing schemes and innovative financial instruments to incentivise self-generation and self-consumption. And on energy poverty, we need to focus energy efficiency objectives and funds on our most vulnerable citizens. We also call, Commissioner, for a definition of energy poverty and an Action Plan from the European Commission.

I was very pleased that the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy voted on Tuesday, on the energy efficiency implementation report, to place tackling energy poverty at the heart of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency can be the glue of social cohesion and European integration. I strongly believe that proposing a meaningful level of ambition in the revision of the 2030 energy efficiency targets is a necessity. For every 1% improvement in energy efficiency, three million more homes can be properly renovated and seven million citizens lifted out of energy poverty.

As a conclusion, I want to highlight that energy is not a commodity: it is a basic social right. As a conclusion, I want to say that this report is about the widow in Bulgaria, unable to compare energy offers and unaware that she could save money by switching. It is about the student in the UK, living in a rented flat, poorly insulated, and with inefficient heating. It is about the young couple in Malta, willing to invest in a solar panel, but facing high upfront investments. And it is about the long-term sick person in Spain, too frightened of costs to turn on their air conditioning in August. It is about benefits for all, and 28 Member States working together to end energy poverty.


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, putting citizens at the heart of the Energy Union and tackling energy poverty deserves our full attention and thank you very much for the report. The report is very timely because the energy transition and the new technologies are changing how the energy markets work. This can and must bring benefits to all consumers, be it households or industry. However, it is a fact that retail markets for energy are not working today for consumers as they should. Consumer satisfaction and engagement in the energy market remain persistently low, and we have seen a trend of rising energy prices for end-consumers across the EU.

The New Deal for Energy Consumers is about correcting these shortcomings. Our objective is to deliver: a competitive, technology-driven and fair energy market which delivers high-quality energy services to consumers. This means removing barriers for companies with innovative products and services which try to enter the market. We want a market where consumers can make informed choices about the way they consume energy and about the sources of energy they want to consume. And we want a market-based framework to protect vulnerable consumers and fight energy poverty.

In the short time that I have today, please let me mention a few issues to make this more concrete. We want bills to be clearer and easier to compare with alternative offers. Therefore, we are analysing possibilities for an EU certification scheme for price comparison tools. We have to work on removing the barriers for switching between providers. Barriers still exist and harm both consumers and innovative companies. I am pleased to see that Parliament recognises the importance of smart technologies in the energy sector.

Technology costs are falling rapidly. This means that more and more consumers could reduce their energy bills by using technologies like rooftop solar panels, heat pumps or smart meters. Demand response and storage solutions must be developed. This is beneficial for energy efficiency and for consumers. But, as rightly pointed out in the report, we need to put the necessary enabling legal framework in place. We must adjust our rules to the energy technologies of the 21st century. We need a better framework for decentralised generation and self-consumption. We need more cooperatives, aggregators, and energy service companies in order to ensure access for those who are not in a position to self-generate, such as tenants and vulnerable consumers. And finally, we need a better and informed debate about energy cost, taxes, levies and subsidies. Therefore, we will publish in the second half of this year a report on energy prices and costs that will enhance transparency on the different components of energy prices in the Member States.

The cost of energy leads me to the second topic of today: Energy Poverty. Let me mention a few figures. In 2014, approximately 10% of EU citizens felt that they were unable to keep their homes adequately warm. Since 2000, the share of energy spending of the lowest income households in their total income increased from 6% to 9%, which means a 50% increase. This is significant for the small budgets that these households have.

I know from my Energy Union Tour and from the country analyses which we drew up, that we have a very diverse picture in Europe but energy poverty is an issue everywhere. Of course, well-targeted social policy measures are the most direct and effective tool to address poverty. This is, correctly, the competence of the Member States. But nevertheless, the Commission is analysing if and how our work can support the Member States in addressing energy poverty. The fight against social exclusion and poverty is a cross-cutting policy issue, so let me mention just a few examples.

We are analysing if a definition of energy poverty is possible and how it could help address the problem. With your support, thanks to your pilot project on fuel energy poverty, the Commission is considering an energy poverty observatory. This will help us to quantify, monitor and identify best practices and we expect to launch this in 2018 following an open tender.

We are working with the Member States to share good practices. As an example, Bulgaria was mentioned by our rapporteur and Commissioner Arias Cañete is travelling just now to Bulgaria to speak about the topic in the context of electricity market liberalisation, an area where the Commission services have provided support to Bulgaria in recent months.

The Commission agrees that energy efficiency is the most effective way to prevent energy poverty. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills. It contributes to better health and living standard, and as for all energy efficiency measures, it creates jobs in the local economy.

We have underlined the importance of energy poverty from the very beginning, and we promised in the first State of the Energy Union Report that we would pay particular attention to the issue when reviewing key legislation in 2016. Therefore, the report and the resolution which we discuss today are very timely. I would like to thank Theresa Griffin and all other colleagues involved in this for their work.

I would also like to acknowledge the resolution on meeting the anti-poverty target in the light of increasing household costs which this Parliament adopted on 14 April 2016. I can promise that we will examine all your recommendations on tackling energy poverty very closely. I am very much looking forward to this debate and I would like to thank you for giving me the floor.


  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, firstly let me thank the Commissioner for his good words and also Theresa Griffin for her work on this file and her willingness to cooperate and seek to find good compromises. I must say that it was a privilege to work with her.

I think the report we will vote on tomorrow will send the right message. It puts forward some good ideas about how we can lower energy prices for all. We should not underestimate the importance of this issue in a wider economic context. Reducing energy costs, and therefore household costs, is a massive opportunity to ease the burden on already stretched household budgets across Europe. This can in turn boost consumer spending power, give a boost to businesses and help to bring economic growth across the EU.

For me, the best way to deliver this new deal for energy consumers is by putting in place a well—functioning market and a well—functioning energy system. Competitive markets increase transparency and comparability of prices, and better-informed and empowered consumers will help energy become far more affordable for all. I think one important aspect of this is increasing the share of the retail price on which retailers can compete. In Europe retailers can only compete with each other on about a third of the price. The rest is made up of taxes and add-ons. Increasing this share by reducing the amount of government add—ons would increase competition, drive down prices for consumers and, at the same time, allow retail prices to better reflect wholesale prices, enabling proper market signals to occur.

The other part of this debate we are here to address is energy poverty. I think the differing definitions of energy poverty in different Member States, based on different climatic conditions, is something we need to strongly consider before thinking about an EU-level action, but that should not distract from the importance of this issue. In Ireland, we define energy poverty as an inability to heat or power a home to an adequate degree. A household in Ireland that spends more than 10% of its income on energy is considered to be in energy poverty. As a country that has the third highest energy prices in Europe, this is of course a big issue for us, and I am pleased to say that we put in place a strategy to combat the problem early this year. I look forward to further debate and progress on this very important issue.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Tisztelt Képviselő Úr! Az Ön szavai szinte teljesen egybecsengtek Šefčovič biztos úr szavaival. Ugyanakkor, hogyha én arra az országra gondolok, amelyiket én legjobban ismerek – a saját hazámat, Magyarországot – ott valami egészen másfele mennek a folyamatok. Egy darab állami kézbe kerül gyakorlatilag minden energiaellátás, verseny kizárva és a fejlesztésnek is nyomát nem látjuk. Ön mit tanácsolna a Bizottságnak? Hogyan lehet az itteni közös döntéseinket a tagországokkal végrehajtatni?


  Seán Kelly (PPE), blue-card answer. – Yes, that is a problem, and that is why I identified that each Member State will have different definitions, different ways of dealing with it. But obviously, if we have an EU-wide regulation or directive, then the individual states have an obligation to deal with that and especially in relation to energy poverty. It absolutely make sense that all Member States should do everything they could to try and reduce or eliminate energy poverty, whether these companies are state-owned, private or whatever. That has to be a very important social issue that has to be dealt with.


  Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor Presidente, yo celebro también este debate, que viene a ponerle cara e introduce el componente social en el debate de la energía. La energía se ha convertido en un derecho social, en un bien social, cuyo acceso debemos garantizar, especialmente a los colectivos más vulnerables. Como decía la compañera Griffin, no es de recibo que incluso lleguen a fallecer, en invierno a causa del frío o en verano a causa del calor, numerosos ancianos en la Unión Europea. Debe ser una prioridad dentro del debate de la Unión por la Energía.

Enhorabuena a mi compañera Theresa Griffin por el excelente informe, que pone de relieve todos aquellos puntos en que debemos incidir para combatir la pobreza energética. A mí, fundamentalmente, me gustaría destacar tres puntos. En primer lugar, el papel de la eficiencia energética como primera fuente de energía, y con ello apelo al cumplimiento de la Directiva de eficiencia energética por parte de los Estados miembros, para que dentro de sus planes nacionales establezcan un espacio, una apuesta clara, por la renovación de los edificios de las personas más vulnerables.

En segundo lugar, reivindico y me sumo a la reivindicación de un marco europeo para el autoconsumo que garantice este derecho, pues a día de hoy no es de recibo que en España se impida, incluso con carácter retroactivo ahora a través de una normativa contra los consumidores, que se legalicen placas solares o que se impida el establecimiento de nuevas instalaciones, mientras que vemos en Alemania el funcionamiento eficiente y eficaz de las cooperativas en las comunidades de vecinos.

Y, en tercer lugar, creo que es fundamental hablar y abordar una fiscalidad justa. Conocemos todos que más del 50 % del componente del precio o de la factura que pagan los ciudadanos por la energía en el conjunto de la Unión Europea son impuestos por política energética, diferentes al coste de producción o de distribución. Es necesario que hagamos un debate justo y trasparente, que abordemos la fiscalidad de forma progresiva, dentro del diseño del mercado de la energía. En definitiva, existen herramientas para garantizar el acceso, democratizar la energía y erradicar la pobreza. Lo que tenemos que poner ahora por nuestra parte es la necesaria voluntad política.

(La oradora acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» (artículo 162, apartado 8, del Reglamento))


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR), въпрос, зададен чрез вдигане на синя карта. – Г-н Председател, уважаема колега, не знам дали преводът беше точен, но ми се стори, че се обърнахте към колега от залата с „другарката“. Това е може би защото не сте живели в комунистическа държава и затова не знаете истинския смисъл на тази дума.

Когато говорите за държавно организирана енергетика, не смятате ли, че е по-добре потребителите в отделните държави да могат да вземат решения за смяна на своя доставчик чрез механизма за сравняване на офертите, а не по линията на социалистическото планово стопанство?


  Soledad Cabezón Ruiz (S&D), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». – Para mí todas las personas que estamos aquí, todos los eurodiputados y eurodiputadas, somos compañeros. El significado, la connotación o la definición lo pone usted. Es conocido por la inmensa mayoría. Para mí, Theresa Griffin, usted y yo somos compañeros de trabajo. El sentido que usted le da por parte del comunismo es diferente.

En cuanto a la democratización de la energía, es precisamente lo que defiende este informe y es precisamente lo que trata de garantizar, así como el acceso garantizado, por parte de la ciudadanía, a la energía. Por lo tanto, no entiendo cuál es su problema o dónde ve el problema. Usted habla de socialismo y habla de comunismo, y creo que tenemos puntos de vista diferentes al respecto, y usted lo sabe perfectamente.


  Ashley Fox, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, my Group supports the concept

of an energy union. We believe the best way to ensure energy security for the whole of Europe and to provide the lowest prices for our citizens is a properly integrated gas and electricity market. I want consumers and businesses in my constituency to be able to buy their energy from any company in the EU. I want an energy system that is fair on consumers and helps to protect the energy-poor. I am happy for the Commission to share the best practices of Member States in combating energy poverty. Customers should receive clear information in their bills, and switching energy suppliers should be a simple and transparent process. I support the call that energy providers’ websites and digital invoicing should be fully accessible to disabled people.

Whilst energy poverty needs to be tackled, the best way this can be done on a European level is through having a properly-functioning and competitive single market that delivers low prices. It is not for the EU to say how Member States deliver their social policy programmes. I doubt that the broad common and non—quantitative definition of energy policy that the rapporteur calls for will achieve anything at all. I do not want the Commission to bring forward an action plan or to propose legislation on this subject, because these are matters for the Member States. The rapporteur calls for a legal maximum percentage increase in the costs that distribution networks can charge. This is surely a matter for national regulators. We do not need EU legislation on this subject. We also do not need her recommendation that certain levies and network charges should be ‘progressively applied’. Has she thought what this means in practice? It is not the EU’s business, and it is also inappropriate for her to call for a ban on doorstep selling by energy companies. This is not for Europe to decide.

I do agree with the rapporteur that the third energy package has not been fully implemented. Commissioner, we need you to defend consumers and to ensure this law is enforced in all EU countries.


  Angelika Mlinar, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Der europäische Energiemarkt durchlebt zurzeit einen tiefgreifenden Wandel und wir müssen sicherstellen, dass die VerbraucherInnen im Mittelpunkt dieser Veränderung stehen. Nur ein wettbewerbsfähiger, transparenter und liberalisierter Binnenmarkt wird dafür sorgen, dass die Konsumenten auch von diesem Wandel profitieren. Daher ist ein New Deal für EnergieverbraucherInnen dringend notwendig. Allerdings muss es ein New Deal werden, der Konsumenten auch dazu befähigt, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und aktiv am Markt teilzunehmen, anstatt dass man sie bevormundet.

Als Schattenberichterstatterin der ALDE für diesen Bericht bin ich davon überzeugt, dass die besten Maßnahmen für die Senkung des Verbrauchs und der Kosten mehr Wettbewerb, bessere Information und bessere Einbindung der Verbraucher sind.

Erstens müssen wir sicherstellen, dass es echten Wettbewerb auf dem Energiemarkt gibt und der Wechsel zwischen den Anbietern vereinfacht wird. Genauso müssen regulierte Preise endlich schrittweise abgeschafft werden. Zweitens brauchen wir verständliche, transparente und leicht zugängliche Informationen für KonsumentInnen, vor allem auch in Bezug auf die Energierechnung. Drittens ist es wichtig, dass die Einbindungsmöglichkeiten für Verbraucher in den Markt verbessert werden, auch als ProduzentInnen und InvestorInnen. Gerade in Bezug auf die Steuerung der Nachfrage können Informationstechnologien wie smart meter, smart grids oder Online-plattformen neue Wege eröffnen.

Genauso müssen wir die existierenden Barrieren für prosumer abbauen. Prosumer können aktiv zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz beitragen und werden eine wichtige Rolle in der Weiterentwicklung des Energiesystems in der Zukunft spielen. Nur so können wir einen erfolgreichen europäischen Energie-Binnenmarkt schaffen.


  Xabier Benito Ziluaga, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor Presidente, este informe puede ser la oportunidad, una punta de lanza, para que los actores de la necesaria transición energética sean las personas, la ciudadanía en sí. Esta transición no debe ser algo manejado desde arriba, por intereses privados, sino una verdadera revolución energética de participación popular, de democratización y empoderamiento de la gente en algo tan básico como es la energía. Por ello, es necesario establecer un marco legal a favor de las personas productoras y consumidoras de energía. Un marco europeo que prohíba las medidas retroactivas y los «impuestos al sol»; que disminuya drásticamente las barreras administrativas y financieras para favorecer la inversión en renovables, y que esta inversión sea por parte de los hogares, de las cooperativas o incluso de las administraciones locales.

En Europa cincuenta millones de personas sufren pobreza energética, mientras el oligopolio energético acumula beneficios —por citar solo un ejemplo, Gas Natural declaró en el año 2015 unas ganancias de 1 500 millones de euros—. Combatir la pobreza energética es necesario socialmente y posible financieramente. Por ello se debe establecer una definición de pobreza energética a nivel europeo, además de una coordinación de las políticas entre los diferentes países miembros de la UE. Blindemos los derechos de los ciudadanos europeos a través del reconocimiento del acceso a la energía como un derecho social básico.


  Ernest Maragall, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE. – Señor Presidente. Gracias, señora Griffin, por su trabajo y por su voluntad de acuerdo. Este informe de propia iniciativa sobre «Establecer un nuevo acuerdo para los consumidores de energía» llega a este Pleno, desde luego, como una pieza positiva en el edificio de la transición energética que estamos tratando de construir. Lo principal del informe es que acierte en el punto de vista. El punto de vista del ciudadano, del exconsumidor pasivo, convertido hoy en un productor, distribuidor, almacenador y consumidor de una energía cuyo coste marginal se acerca cada día más a cero. Por eso, es necesario ese nuevo marco regulatorio europeo, general y consciente de la diversidad real de las situaciones a las que debe aplicarse.

Pero vamos al mercado descentralizado, democrático —a pesar del temor que este término genera en algunos grupos— y basado, claro, en energías renovables. Un mercado con transparencia, comparación de precios, demanda consciente para decidir libremente, smart meters, competitividad abierta y precios efectivamente reducidos. Este es el escenario no lejano que este informe dibuja y que ahora reclamamos a la Comisión, señor Comisario, y a los Estados miembros. Y por eso tiene sentido que tratemos también hoy la cuestión de la pobreza energética y la respuesta que necesita. Y por eso, por cierto, es inaceptable que el Estado español actúe contra una ley como la catalana que pretende solo responder debidamente a uno de los más dramáticos efectos sociales derivados de la crisis económica.

Entendemos quizá que este nuevo horizonte general no agrade a los que querrían seguir operando en un mercado opaco y centralizado. No sorprende que traten de aplazar y alargar la transición energética que los ciudadanos, en cambio, querrían ver vigente y completa a corto plazo. Por eso, valoramos las referencias a la calidad y exhaustividad en las facturas, fuentes de energía consumidas, posible efecto contaminante, mecanismos disponibles para gestionar el consumo, sobrecargas fiscales o tasas, cambios de compañía suministradora, etcétera. Nos acercamos, efectivamente, a una concepción de la energía limpia, abundante y barata como derecho básico ciudadano, tal como mañana vamos a votar.

Por todo ello, confiamos en que este informe salga intacto y completo de las votaciones de mañana, a pesar de los eventuales intentos de echar agua al vino, de la marcha atrás que algunos querrían dar a la visión y a la ambición positiva que el informe Griffin contiene y que nosotros compartimos.


  Dario Tamburrano, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, si afferma spesso che il futuro dell'energia è un sistema distribuito di produzione da risorse rinnovabili, dove individui e comunità, amministratori locali e piccole e medie imprese cooperano per la produzione e la distribuzione e lo stoccaggio di energia.

Eppure questo futuro è già oggi una realtà, rappresentata dai prosumer, i produttori-consumatori di energia, per i quali oggi ancora non esiste, nella legislazione europea, alcuna definizione chiara, condivisa e aperta, che tracci lo spazio entro il quale stabilire inequivocabili diritti e forme di sostegno.

Colleghi, domani voteremo la relazione Griffin, che riconosce la realtà e il ruolo dei prosumer, valorizzando gli obiettivi di libertà e prosperità che i prosumer perseguono, dando loro dignità giuridica all'interno dell'Unione dell'energia. Domani avremo anche la possibilità di andare oltre, supportando l'emendamento 1, che riconosce le reti distribuite, l'energia rinnovabile prodotta e consumata nel contesto dei prosumer come un bene comune, al pari dell'acqua.

Proviamo a guardare oltre le finestre di questi edifici, là dove le cose accadono, dove sono le richieste reali da raccogliere: è il nostro dovere primario di eletti. Diamo risposte reali per la società del ventunesimo secolo.


  Auke Zijlstra, namens de ENF-Fractie. – Mijnheer de voorzitter, door de gedwongen introductie van enorm dure windenergie zullen de al torenhoge consumentenprijzen van elektriciteit nog verder stijgen. De Commissie denkt dat de prijzen minder zullen stijgen als alle Europese huishoudens permanent in de gaten worden gehouden door honderden miljoenen zogenaamde slimme verbruiksmeters. In de visie van de Commissie kan een huishouden namelijk niet zomaar stroom verbruiken zonder toestemming van die door de Commissie goedgekeurde meter.

Voor huishoudens wordt de factuur echter vooral bepaald door de milieuheffingen om diezelfde windmolens te betalen, naast energiebelastingen om de eindeloze geldhonger van onze socialistische overheden te stillen.

Voorzitter, ik geloof in de markt. Als het goedkoper kan, dan zullen consumenten en producenten dat ook doen. Daar hebben ze Europa niet voor nodig. Als uw voorstellen enig realiteitsgehalte hebben, waarom bestaat er dan nog geen kleinschalige energie-economie? Het antwoord is simpel: omdat het duur is, omdat het complex is, maar vooral omdat het onbetrouwbaar is. En over die onbetrouwbaarheid van kleinschalige energie wordt in het verslag met geen woord gerept. Maar de wind waait niet constant, de zon schijnt niet altijd en niet iedereen heeft een bos in de achtertuin staan.

Wat overblijft is een verslag waarin de Commissie in een naargeestig toekomstperspectief van totale controle haar mandaat verre overschrijdt, omdat de EU zich conform artikel 194 van het Verdrag niet mag bemoeien met de keuze van een lidstaat voor zijn energiebronnen of de structuur van zijn eigen energievoorziening.


  Janusz Korwin-Mikke (NI). – Czytaliśmy w sprawozdaniu bardzo słuszne słowa o wolnym rynku, o konkurencji. Zaraz potem okazuje się, że to wszystko jest nic niewarte, ponieważ są lepsze rodzaje energii, gorsze rodzaje energii. Komisja czy Parlament lepiej wiedzą, czym ludzie powinni ogrzewać swoje mieszkania i w jaki sposób. Dowiadujemy się również, że dostęp do energii jest prawem socjalnym, czyli krótko mówiąc: bez komunizmu tu się w Unii Europejskiej niczego powiedzieć nie daje. Nie ma najmniejszego powodu, żebyśmy uważali że człowiek ma prawo socjalne do energii, bo jeżeli dalej pójdziemy tą drogą, to niedługo dojdziemy do wniosku, że mężczyzna powinien mieć zagwarantowany socjalny dostęp do kobiet – zwłaszcza do ładnych – i to by uregulowało jeden bardzo ważny problem społeczny. A poza tym sądzę, że Unia Europejska musi być zniszczona.


  Krišjānis Kariņš (PPE). – Priekšsēdētāja kungs! Komisāra kungs! Ja mēs vēlamies samazināt nabadzību Eiropā, tad pareizās zāles ir rast jaunas darba vietas. Lai būtu jaunas darba vietas, mums ir vajadzīgas investīcijas. Tātad mums jādomā par investīciju vidi, ja vēlamies samazināt nabadzību. Ja mēs vēlamies palīdzēt mazturīgajiem iedzīvotājiem, kuriem nav iespējams piedalīties darba tirgū, mums ir jāizmanto mūsu valsts, katras dalībvalsts sociālās palīdzības sistēmas, un šīs sistēmas kā vienmēr var uzlabot un pilnveidot.

Bet, ja mēs vēlamies samazināt enerģijas cenas, tad zāles ir konkurence. Ja ir tirgus ar konkurenci jebkurā jomā ‒‒ vai tas būtu gāzes vai elektrības tirgus ‒‒, cenas samazināsies. Kolēģi, mums ir risinājums šim, ko mēs tagad jau ilgāku laiku ar Komisijas vadību arī īstenojam konkrētajos likumos. Tas ir pilnveidot, izveidot Eiropas enerģijas savienību, kuras pamatmērķis ir pilnveidot vienoto tirgu gan gāzei, gan elektrībai, jo, kad mēs pilnveidojam šo tirgu un izveidojam nepieciešamos starpsavienojumus, un uzlabojam vai samazinām regulāciju tā, lai tirdzniecība varētu arī notikt pāri valstu robežām, radīsies šī konkurence, kuras rezultātā uzlabosies piegādes kvalitāte, samazināsies importa atkarība un ‒‒ galvenais ‒‒ samazināsies elektrības un gāzes cenas visiem patērētājiem.


  Dan Nica (S&D). – Domnule președinte, uniunea energetică trebuie să aibă ca element central o piață internă a energiei eficientă și funcțională, care să asigure competitivitatea economiei europene, creștere economică și locuri de muncă, prețuri accesibile și competitive pentru consumatorii individuali și pentru consumatorii industriali și protejarea consumatorilor vulnerabili. Domnule vicepreședinte, salut angajamentul puternic al dumneavoastră de a adresa problema sărăciei energetice și cred că sunteți de acord ca viitoarele propuneri legislative să conțină măsuri în această direcție, iar grupul S&D vă va acorda tot sprijinul necesar. Împreună, trebuie să dezvoltăm o abordare puternică și cuprinzătoare a sărăciei energetice, să sprijinim statele membre în adoptarea celor mai bune strategii pentru a combate sărăcia energetică prin identificarea de bune practici și schimbul de informații, de exemplu o mai mare posibilitate a statelor membre de a cunoaște care sunt cele mai bune practici la nivelul celor 28 de state membre. Autoritățile locale și autoritățile naționale de reglementare, companiile energetice joacă un rol critic pentru a se asigura că piețele funcționează într-un mod care nu dezavantajează consumatorii vulnerabili prin garantarea aprovizionării, instituirea de coduri de conduită pentru actorii de pe piață și identificarea de către companii a consumatorilor vulnerabili.

Scopul nostru comun ar trebui să fie prețuri reduse de energie pentru consumatorii casnici și industria europeană și trebuie să găsim soluții pe termen lung pentru rezolvarea acestor probleme. Vreau să știți că ne vom opune oricăror măsuri și decizii care ar conduce la o creștere a prețurilor la energie electrică. Acest lucru ar însemna o nouă criză economică în Europa, o nouă lovitură adresată consumatorilor europeni și ne vom opune din toate puterile noastre oricăror asemenea măsuri. Iar pentru a pune cetățenii în centrul uniunii energetice, trebuie să le permitem și să le facilităm participarea puternică pe piețele de energie, furnizând totodată informații adecvate consumatorilor vulnerabili.

Vreau să o felicit pe colega noastră Theresa Griffin pentru că a făcut o muncă foarte complexă în această direcție, iar raportul se va vota mâine. Și încă o dată vă mulțumesc, domnule vicepreședinte!


  Evžen Tošenovský (ECR). – Na energetickou unii se musíme dívat optikou spotřebitele a otázka rozumných účtů za elektřinu je bezpochyby jednou z nejdůležitějších otázek.

Zpráva, kterou máme na stole, obsahuje některé pozitivní body, například využití vlastních zdrojů energie. Bohužel ale má i řadu pro mě nepřijatelných návrhů.

Samozřejmě vnímám, že existuje fenomén, kdy si nejchudší část populace nemůže dovolit platit energie. Ale: Potřebujeme regulatorní zásahy na úrovni EU? Potřebujeme celoevropskou definici energetické chudoby? Jsem přesvědčen, že nikoli. Primárně je přece pomoc potřebným záležitostí sociálních systémů členských států.

Problém vysokých cen energie můžeme řešit pomocí energetického trhu. Ale měli bychom se nejdříve podívat do zrcadla. Třetí energetický balíček není plně implementován ve všech zemích. Zároveň je otázkou, do jaké míry k cenám pro spotřebitele přispívá v řadě členských států podpora obnovitelných zdrojů, kterou následně platí i naši občané.


  Pavel Telička (ALDE). – Mr President, I will be very brief today, partly because I can subscribe to what our ALDE shadow, and also a number of other colleagues, have said and partly because I am losing my voice today. So I will just make a few points.

I would like to say to my colleague Mrs Griffin that I have very high respect for her, and she knows that. I must say that her report does contain a number of very relevant, useful elements which I am happy to support, but it is also a matter of fact that it does go beyond what I think we should be dealing with at European Union level and here in the European Parliament. As has been said, we have poor people in the European Union. That is a fact – some more, some less – but it is also a fact that our economies and our industries need restructuring – that we really need to have policies that are oriented on growth, and we need to improve the business environment, the entrepreneurship skills, etc. If we still have a certain percentage of our citizens at poverty level, then this should be addressed by the national Member States through their measures.

Yes, there is a lot to do at European Union level. In my opinion, the Commissioner has described this, calling its shortcomings very precisely. By all means, energy union, energy diversification etc. But let me stress and finish by saying that what we really need is a new energy market design, because we have a distorted market. This is something that we need to focus on. It does not function the way it should, and obviously we are then facing lack of competition and high prices that some people, even with support, cannot afford.


  Josu Juaristi Abaunz (GUE/NGL). – Señor Presidente, mi enhorabuena, en primer lugar, a la ponente. Con más inversión e investigación y menos trabas, necesitamos desarrollar un modelo energético basado también en proyectos a escala local, es decir, puntos de autogeneración y autoconsumo pegados a la ciudadanía, lo que debería conllevar que dichas decisiones se tomen también a nivel local y regional y junto con la ciudadanía. Cada vez más, la ciudadanía, las pequeñas empresas y las instituciones colaboran en sistemas o redes de producción, distribución, almacenaje y consumo de energía renovable a nivel local, en modelos basados en la comunidad. Estos esfuerzos, positivos desde cualquier punto de vista, deberían ser incentivados, impulsados y acompañados por la Comisión como un bien común, y creo que esto debería fomentarse también en entornos de cooperación transfronteriza para ampliar las redes locales que terminarán por configurar una transición energética real y sostenible a nivel europeo y, además, como apuntaba la ponente, serán un factor de cohesión.


  Davor Škrlec (Verts/ALE). – Gospodine potpredsjedniče Komisije, kako bismo ostvarili naše energetske klimatske ciljeve na koje smo se obvezali u Parizu, moramo hrabrije krenuti u energetsku tranziciju koja će povećati uključenost građana.

Ključno je individualno, ali i kolektivno djelovanje građana u obliku energetskih zadruga, jer doprinosi energetskoj demokraciji. Na održiv način potiče rast lokalnog gospodarstva i zapošljavanje te učinkovito riješava ozbiljne društvene probleme poput energetskog siromaštva. Kako bi se to ostvarilo, smatram da je potrebno ispuniti nekoliko važnih preduvjeta: građanima i zadrugama omogućiti pristup jeftinijem kapitalu te potaknuti inovativne financijske instrumente i poslovne modele, potaknuti razvoj i široku primjenu naprednih mreža smart grid, u gradovima primijeniti koncept smart city, i u svim državama članicama uvesti obvezu upotrebe pametnih brojeva.

Komisija treba definirati opće smjernice za nacionalne energetske strategije, a države članice moraju promijeniti energetske strategije i nacionalne akcijske planove uključivanjem građana i zadruga te mijenjati zakonodavne okvire, politike potpore te pristup tržištu.


  Roger Helmer (EFDD). – Mr President, there is some good stuff in this report. Transparency is an excellent thing, which we approve of; competition – the ability to switch suppliers: that too is extremely positive; completing interconnectors so that we can trade energy across Europe: that too is very positive. But with great respect, I point out that we are ignoring the elephant in the room. These measures are merely fiddling at the margin. The reason why we have very high energy prices in Europe and the reason why we are driving our industry into an uncompetitive situation compared to the rest of the world is that we have chosen to rely obsessively on unreliable, expensive, intermittent renewable energy which exports inefficiency to the backup and across the grid. That is the reason, and if we fail to address that reason, we will not solve the problems of competitiveness in the energy market in the European Union, and we will not deliver secure and affordable energy to our consumers. The fact is we have chosen as a deliberate policy to drive up energy prices; we have chosen as a deliberate policy to drive many consumers into fuel poverty; we have chosen to undermine the competitiveness of our industries and to drive energy-intensive businesses offshore to other jurisdictions with lower environmental standards, where they actually emit more CO2 than they would do if we remain. It is a lose-lose policy, and until we start addressing the fundamentals we will not solve these problems.


  Σωτήριος Ζαριανόπουλος ( NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, γιατί στον 21ο αιώνα με τέτοια τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη, ενώ η ενέργεια πυροδοτεί ανταγωνισμούς και πολέμους, όλο και περισσότερα νοικοκυριά καταδικάζονται σε ενεργειακή φτώχεια. Μα, γιατί ο καπιταλιστικός δρόμος, η ευρωενωσιακή πολιτική απελευθέρωσης και ιδιωτικοποίησης της ενέργειας είναι ταξική πολιτική, κέρδη δηλαδή για τα μεγαθήρια του κλάδου και φτώχεια για τα νοικοκυριά.

Χαρακτηριστική είναι η απόφαση της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης ΣΥΡΙΖΑ - ΑΝΕΛ για μείωση του φόρου στο φυσικό αέριο των βιομήχανων, με παράλληλη αύξηση του ίδιου φόρου στα νοικοκυριά εν μέσω φοροκαταιγίδας, παραπέρα μείωσης μισθών και συντάξεων με το 3ο και 4ο, χωρίς τέλος, ελληνικό μνημόνιο.

Αυτή είναι η ενεργειακή δημοκρατία που επικαλείται η έκθεση, συστήνοντας μάλιστα παραγωγή ενέργειας από τους ίδιους τους καταναλωτές, δηλαδή απελευθέρωση δήθεν φιλολαϊκή. Δεν υπάρχει καλή και κακή απελευθέρωση, πάντα είναι υπέρ των μονοπωλίων. Μόνο με άλλη οικονομία, εργατική εξουσία, μπορεί η ενέργεια από εμπόρευμα να γίνει λαϊκό δικαίωμα να αντιμετωπίσει τις σύγχρονες ανάγκες. Δηλαδή αυτό που ήταν κατάκτηση στον σοσιαλισμό, σήμερα είναι ζητούμενο και στόχος της πάλης των λαών.


  Jerzy Buzek (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panu wiceprzewodniczącemu chciałem podziękować za komentarz, pozytywny komentarz, do sprawozdania naszej koleżanki Theresy Griffin, które oceniam wysoko. Oczywiście z niektórymi szczegółowymi rozwiązaniami, które być może idą zbyt daleko, trudno się zgodzić, ale ogólnie jest to bardzo pożyteczne sprawozdanie i bardzo dziękuję koleżance za pracę.

Chciałem podkreślić trzy sprawy. Wiele osób mówiło o konieczności wzmocnienia naszego podejścia do sprawności energetycznej i końcowego użytkowania energii. To jest problem numer jeden w każdej sprawie energetycznej. Po drugie, energetyka prosumencka, nie można jej rozwijać bez odpowiednio skonstruowanych sieci elektroenergetycznych, inteligentnych liczników, inteligentnych sieci. To są wielkie koszty i państwa członkowskie muszą się zastanowić nad wydatkowaniem tych kosztów, bo nie wszystkimi kosztami można obciążyć koncerny energetyczne. To musi także być odpowiedzialność budżetu. No i trzecia sprawa niezwykle ważna: tania, bezpieczna i czysta energia dla konsumentów wymaga stworzenia odpowiednich warunków spółkom energetycznym. O wspólnym rynku już była mowa. Chodzi o tych, którzy produkują, przesyłają prąd, pracują nad nowymi technologiami produkcji, przesyłają, magazynują energię i przesyłają także i produkują gaz. Bez dobrze rozwiniętego rynku i bez dobrych spółek energetycznych nie poradzimy sobie z ubóstwem energetycznym.


  Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D). – One of the most passionate goals of the European Union is to create a new, better, reliable, better-priced, consumer-oriented energy policy. It is driven by climate change, the technological possibilities we have and new ways of using renewable energy.

Madam Griffin has done a great job bringing also the energy poverty into the central question. One thing I am especially happy about is the fact that now we have some ideas on how to really fight energy poverty. That has a role nowadays in Europe. I worked in the Employment Committee on the issue, and the figures I learned are tremendous. There are people dying in Europe because of the cold, so then in wintertime you may not cut the electricity if it is an electricity house. I learned it is done in Finland, but there are countries in Europe who do not do that, and then I also learned that there are still some countries where the customers cannot change from one company to another, and there are also termination fees. We do not have them in the telecom market, so why do we still have them in the market-oriented energy markets in Europe?

We have to get rid of that. I am very happy that the Commissioner is listening here and wait for the proposal on that. One other point is that we also have to make sure that companies pay their taxes. It is normal to have natural monopolies as they operate in areas where customers cannot change their operator. The natural monopolies market pressure does not work, so we have to be very careful they do not practice tax avoidance.


  Henna Virkkunen (PPE). – Arvoisa puhemies, täällä on monessa puheenvuorossa tänä iltana todettu se, että energia Euroopassa on liian kallista ja markkinat eivät toimi. Täältä komissaari on saanut kyllä erittäin vahvan tuen markkinoiden uudistamiselle ja sille, että Euroopassa tarvitaan lisää läpinäkyvyyttä ja kilpailua ja että kuluttajilla pitää olla mahdollisuus vaihtaa myös energiatoimittajaansa.

Kyllähän yksi iso syy siihen, miksi markkinat eivät tällä hetkellä Euroopassa toimi, on se, että meillä on tällä hetkellä puutteelliset energian siirtoyhteydet, meillä on liikaa energiasaarekkeita ja toisaalta erilaiset energialle suunnatut tuet ovat sekoittaneet markkinat. Euroopan unionissa tuetaan energiaa noin sadallakahdellakymmenellä miljardilla joka vuosi, ja käytännössä se on johtanut tilanteeseen, että kukaan ei enää investoi energiaan ilman jonkinlaista pysyvää tukea, ja näin ei voi jatkua. On hyväksyttävää silloin, kun rakennetaan uutta teknologiaa, että se saa jonkin tyyppistä investointitukea, mutta jos energia perustuu siihen, että se tarvitsee jatkuvaa, tukea, se ei ole kestävällä pohjalla.

Komissaari on saanut täältä kyllä vahvan tuen siten, että Euroopan parlamentti haluaa uudistaa energiamarkkinoita, saada kilpailua ja läpinäkyvyyttä aikaan. Se on ilman muuta iso ongelma eurooppalaisille kuluttajille ja teollisuudelle. Meillä sähkön tukkuhinnat ovat kolmekymmentä prosenttia korkeammat kuin USA:ssa, ja kuluttajahinnoissa puolestaan on isot erot jäsenvaltioiden välillä.

Täällä tuli myös esiin, että kaikissa maissa ei riittävällä tavalla jäsenvaltio tue heikoimmassa asemassa olevia kansalaisiaan, niin että nämä kykenisivät selviytymään asumisen kustannuksista. Se on ennen kaikkea jäsenvaltioiden vastuulla oleva asia.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, a concretização da união da energia é fundamental para que a Europa possa reforçar a sua soberania, garantir e diversificar o abastecimento e liderar a transição energética para um modelo baseado em energias limpas e renováveis.

Mas, quando falamos em transição energética, temos que falar também no modelo social que permita que os europeus tenham a energia necessária a uma vida condigna. Conseguir esse objetivo implica pôr em prática um mix de políticas adequadas a cada mercado regional e a cada mercado sub-regional. Temos que conhecer muito bem os dados concretos da pobreza energética em cada país para verificar a conformidade e a qualidade das respostas e, com base nos dados concretos, temos que atuar quer no domínio da eficiência energética, quer no domínio da regulação dos mercados.

Eliminar práticas comerciais agressivas para os mais vulneráveis, estabelecer tarifas sociais de referência, usar os sistemas de incentivos para fomentar práticas de eficiência e diminuir os custos suportados. Estes são alguns exemplos do que muito pode ser feito.

Queria nesta minha intervenção saudar a relatora Theresa Griffin pelas sugestões que faz, pelo tema que colocou à discussão e pelo facto de ter integrado a dimensão social, porque nós precisamos de assegurar na transição energética ganhos económicos de competitividade, ganhos ambientais de sustentabilidade e ganhos sociais de equidade.

É esse o nosso desafio. É grande, mas é forte e é bom.


  Adam Szejnfeld (PPE). – Sprawozdanie, nad którym debatujemy, jest niezwykle interesujące. Porusza bardzo ważne kwestie, zwłaszcza w aspekcie społecznym. Niewątpliwie potrzebujemy w Europie dobrze zorganizowanego, dobrze stworzonego ładu dla odbiorców energetyki – czy nowego, to nie jestem przekonany. Sprawozdanie to jednak miesza – powiedziałbym – wiele bardzo pięknych idei, ideałów z nierealnymi postulatami. I co do tego trzeba mieć pełną świadomość. Musimy też pamiętać, że nie wolno, nie powinno się źle pojmować roli określonych podmiotów czy sektorów w państwie. Za pomoc socjalną, pomoc społeczną odpowiadają podmioty publiczne, w tym państwa i my jako Unia Europejska, i trudno wyobrazić sobie, żeby tę odpowiedzialność państwową, publiczną przerzucać na komercyjny, prywatny rynek. Nie wolno też i nie powinno się mylić z energetyki zawodowej z energetyką indywidualną, a postulaty, żeby 100% na przykład energii pochodziło z energii zielonej bądź też z rozproszonej energetyki prosumenckiej, nie tylko nie są realne, ale gdyby chcieć je zrealizować, byłyby fundamentalnie groźne nie tylko dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego Unii Europejskiej, ale wręcz dla beneficjentów tego sprawozdania, czyli dla obywateli, dla konsumentów.


  Martina Werner (S&D). –Herr Präsident! Zunächst einmal möchte ich meiner Kollegin Theresa Griffin herzlich Danke sagen für die wirklich sehr gut geleistete Arbeit, denn Energiearmut ist ein sehr ernstes Thema, auch in der EU. Über 50 Millionen Menschen –also jeder zehnte europäische Bürger– sind nicht in der Lage, ihre Haushalte ausreichend und zu angemessenen Kosten zu heizen. Trotzdem wird Energiearmut in weniger als einem Drittel der EU-Mitgliedstaaten offiziell anerkannt oder auch nur in der Gesetzgebung erwähnt, und so kann dort Energiearmut auch nicht angemessen bekämpft werden.

Deshalb müssen Knebelverträge endlich verboten werden, die beim Wechsel zu einem billigeren Energieanbieter Strafzahlungen oder Gebühren vorsehen, und wir brauchen auch mehr Transparenz bei den Stromrechnungen. Darüber hinaus brauchen wir in ganz Europa bessere Rahmenbedingungen für Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die ihren eigenen Strom produzieren. Nur so können wir die Menschen für die Energiewende mitnehmen und so den Weg zu einer nachhaltigen, effizienten und bürgernahen Energieunion gemeinsam gestalten.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, zahvaljujem g. Šefčoviču, potpredsjedniku Komisije, također našim kolegama, g. Kellyju i gđi Griffin koji su napravili dobro izvješće.

Čini mi se da dok je u jeku rasprava oko toga treba li nastaviti Sjeverni tok 2, trebamo li ugroziti europsku sigurnost, učiniti EU ovisnim o ruskom plinu, mi radimo ovu temu i vraćamo temu energije u središte, ka građaninu. Stavljamo građane u središte pažnje i zaista je dobro da se bavimo iskorijenjivanjem energetskog siromaštva.

Smatram da je izraz prosumer, nastao iz producer i consumer, jako dobar izraz koji govori o tome da se građani trebaju osvijestiti, trebaju ujedno postati i proizvođači energije, ali i korisnici. Nadam se da je cilj ovog izvješća ozbiljno smanjiti potrošnju drugih izvora energije, dovesti gospodarstvo u stanje da se isključivo rabe obnovljivi izvori energije i smatram da je to cilj ovog izvješća te se nadam da je to ideal kojem trebamo svi zajedno stremiti.

U svakom slučaju energetska politika treba biti usmjerena prema potrošačima, a ne prema opskrbljivačima, moraju biti transparentni. Nadam se da ćemo to uspjeti i nakon ovog izvješća te smatram da je ključ čista i sigurna energija.


  Flavio Zanonato (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi complimento con la relatrice Griffin per l'ottimo lavoro svolto.

Voglio osservare che con questo passaggio diamo forma e profilo al ruolo del Parlamento europeo nella costruzione del nuovo mercato al dettaglio dell'elettricità. Da una parte, con il market design, riscriviamo l'architettura del mercato elettrico all'ingrosso, per superare le distorsioni nazionali e favorire un mercato europeo decentralizzato, flessibile, competitivo ed ecosostenibile.

Dall'altra, con la relazione Griffin, sosteniamo la semplificazione del quadro normativo al dettaglio, più e migliori informazioni per i consumatori, superamento delle tariffe di determinazione, misure stringenti per la lotta alla povertà energetica. In altre parole, rimettiamo al centro del dibattito i consumatori vulnerabili, coloro che spesso devono decidere tra riscaldarsi e mangiare e che non possiamo lasciare alla mercé delle grandi compagnie energetiche.

Non è un mistero, infatti, che molti consumatori europei pagano tariffe elettriche sconvenienti perché non adeguatamente indirizzati dagli operatori verso le formule tariffarie più vantaggiose. Questa pratica deve finire e sono ottimista che, con il contributo della relazione Griffin, sapremo aggiungere questo tassello al più ampio mosaico della costruzione dell'Unione dell'energia.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento)).


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE), otázka položená zvednutím modré karty. – Mám na vás jednoduchou otázku. Myslíte si, že problém energetické chudoby je problémem, který má řešit celá EU, potažmo pan komisař, nebo je to výhradní kompetence členských států EU?


  Flavio Zanonato (S&D), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Penso che possiamo dare come Unione europea il nostro contributo.


  Kaja Kallas, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. – Mr President, the opinion from the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) strongly welcomes the Commission’s proposed initiative on a new deal for energy consumers. Active and empowered consumers should be the main drivers of a competitive European energy market. The market is not really functioning well and is failing to provide competition and also better prices for consumers.

So what is the cure for this? We must move away from regulated prices, make switching easier, and provide incentives for the deployment of smart technologies. Also, we must make data available for app developers to help consumers to manage their energy consumption. This is essential to get active consumers on board. One important point on consumers that we should not forget is that ‘active consumer’ does not mean a ‘presumer’, and not every consumer wants to be a presumer, so it should remain up to them what level of engagement they want in their energy consumption.


Pytania z sali


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Já jsem si vědom naší povinnosti vytvořit jednotný energetický trh a samozřejmě energetická unie je již dávným restem, který měla EU vytvořit. Jsem velmi rád, že pan komisař v této věci postupuje velmi aktivně.

Na druhou stranu, pane komisaři, je třeba skutečně, podle mého názoru, velmi vážit na lékárenských váhách, která opatření si ponechá EU, že bude tedy regulovat z centrální unijní úrovně a do jisté míry tak zasáhne do kompetence národních států, a která tedy budou ponechána právě v kompetenci suverénních národních států. Podle mého názoru je v této věci opravdu důležité postupovat de facto na těch lékárenských váhách. Máte moji plnou podporu v tom, že pevně věřím, že se vám tento úkol podaří.

Pokud se mluvilo o energetické chudobě, mě popravdě řečeno netrhá uši, pokud tvrdíme, že energetická chudoba a přístup k energiím je jedním ze základních sociálních práv. Já si myslím, že to je opodstatněné v dnešní době.


  José Blanco López (S&D). – Señor Presidente, comparto el enfoque de poner a los ciudadanos en el núcleo central de la Unión de la energía con medidas que permitan a los consumidores ahorrar dinero en la factura energética y que faciliten la competencia y el cambio de proveedor con carácter ágil y gratuito. No se pueden alcanzar los objetivos acordados en París si no situamos a la ciudadanía en la base de la eficiencia del mercado energético. Los ciudadanos que producen su propia energía deben ser tratados de manera justa y no penalizados con impuestos o cargas abusivas, como ha sido el caso de mi país con el «impuesto al sol». La lucha contra la pobreza energética debe ser un objetivo vital y la energía asequible debe ser un derecho social básico. Nadie debe tener que elegir entre comer o pagarse la calefacción. La Comisión debe dar prioridad a medidas destinadas a aliviar la pobreza energética en las próximas propuestas legislativas. Y antes de la votación de mañana, pido reflexión a aquellos, dentro de esta Cámara, contrarios a estos objetivos.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, στην Ελλάδα, κύριε Šefčovič, στην οποία βρισκόσασταν πριν λίγες μέρες, το ενεργειακό κόστος για τους καταναλωτές επιβαρύνεται όχι από την έλλειψη ανταγωνισμού, αλλά λόγω των υπέρμετρων φόρων που καλούνται να πληρώσουν, γεγονός το οποίο έχει μεγάλη ευθύνη η τρόικα και τα μνημόνια.

Η ενεργειακή φτώχεια πλήττει, σύμφωνα με μελέτη του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, το 36% των ελληνικών νοικοκυριών. Πέρυσι τον χειμώνα 100.000 νοικοκυριά βρέθηκαν, ή κινδύνεψαν να βρεθούν, χωρίς ρεύμα. Σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό το 3ο μνημόνιο πρόσθεσε υπέρογκες αυξήσεις σε φόρους στο πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης και στο αγροτικό πετρέλαιο, αυξήσεις που το μόνο που καταφέρνουν είναι να μειώσουν την κατανάλωση και τις εισπράξεις του κράτους, ενώ επιβάλλουν, ταυτόχρονα, ενεργειακή επισφάλεια και καύση ακατάλληλων υλικών για θέρμανση, πράγμα που οδήγησε σε αιθαλομίχλη σε πολλά μέρη της Ελλάδας.

Για όλα αυτά έχω θέσει γραπτές ερωτήσεις, δεν έχω πάρει, όμως, απάντηση. Σε συζήτηση στην ITRE τον περασμένο Ιανουάριο, ο κύριος Cañete δεσμεύτηκε να εξετάσει το ζήτημα της υπερφορολόγησης πανευρωπαϊκά. Τι θα γίνει με αυτό; Θα δώσετε σαφείς και τεκμηριωμένες απαντήσεις ή θα συνεχίσετε να κρύβεστε; Θέλω μια απάντηση, παρακαλώ.


  Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Mr President, according to surveys, 50 million EU citizens were unable to keep their homes adequately warm in 2012, with similar numbers reported making late payments, overpaying etc. Those consumers are all over the EU and, as a Liberal, my conviction is that European challenges need common European answers. Therefore, I support the Commission and the rapporteur to entrust coordination to an EU level to combat energy poverty.

Three measures seem to be essential: the coordinated definition of energy poverty is needed, however you weight it in different countries; Member States need to develop measures to specially target energy—poor citizens, especially by removing the fee for switching suppliers; and better information on prices and transferred billings. These are found in the EU Member States with the most liberal energy markets. Consequently, I believe that the liberalisation of the energy market and the fight against energy poverty go hand in hand.


  Kateřina Konečná (GUE/NGL). – Určitě se shodneme na tom, že je nezbytné, aby v rámci energetické unie bylo zakročeno proti problému energetické chudoby, která sužuje stále více obyvatel i v rámci Evropy.

V důsledku energetické chudoby v případě elektřiny vznikají neplatiči. Zatímco v případě tepelné energie lidé topí levnými a neekologickými palivy, která škodí jak jim, tak životnímu prostředí. V této souvislosti však je nutné s problémem energetické chudoby také schválit již konečně společnou definici energetické chudoby. V současnosti totiž v rámci členských zemí platí rozdílné hranice pro určení situace, kdy je možné o energetické chudobě hovořit. Společná definice nám tedy umožní, aby význam tohoto pojmu v jednotlivých zemích byl sjednocen a byly tak nastaveny přesné parametry, podle nichž bude možné výskyt energetické chudoby měřit.

Cílem energetické unie by tedy mělo být především řešení tohoto zásadního celoevropského jevu tak, aby zároveň došlo k vytvoření bezpečného a skutečně funkčního energetického trhu. Děkuji paní zpravodajce, pevně věřím, že tyto věci nezůstanou pouze na papíře.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, I would also like to thank my colleague and fellow North—West Labour MEP Teresa Griffin for her report on a new deal for energy consumers.

Completing the European Energy Union and lowering energy costs across the EU will have an enormous direct positive impact on British citizens, and it is yet another reason for us to vote to stay in the EU.

I welcome the report’s recommendations on fighting energy poverty and I am here to stress that we must include a holistic gender perspective in all of these proposals. Single mother households are much more likely to face energy poverty than male—headed households. Energy and household costs are strongly linked to household indebtedness, which in turn plays a role in female homelessness. These are issues we need more European research on. Economic data on households is important, but household income can be unequal and vulnerable women or children can end up facing de facto poverty – in effect the feminisation of poverty – and this should also be taken into account when we define what energy poverty is.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, napokon imamo prave smjernice za stvaranje prave europske energetske unije. Naime, ovdje vidimo jasnu želju za decentralizacijom u odnosu na centralizaciju sustava, demonopolizaciju u odnosu na monopol u sustavima, u državama članicama i također jasno opredjeljenje za više obnovljivih izvora energije u odnosu na fosilna goriva.

Naravno da je upravo zbog toga krajnje neophodno da su upravo potrošači u odnosu na opskrbljivače u prvom planu smjernica energetske unije. To je pravi dokaz da su na dobrom putu, jer i ovom prilikom i u ovom izvještaju vidimo koliko je važno kada građane stavimo u prvi plan, kako tada možemo dobiti i njihovo odgovarajuće povjerenje.


(Koniec pytań z sali)


  Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank all the honourable Members for this very rich debate, where I think from one side we clearly highlighted how important are the problems we’ve been tackling in this evening’s debates and at the same time how complex the issue is with which we are dealing.

I would like to tell you that I was listening very carefully to all the ideas which I think have been mostly recurring in the interventions of the honourable MEPs: how important it is to have a well-functioning market; how needed it would be to restore the real price signals of the energies; what we need to do to have our prices comparable; and what kind of focus we have to attach to crossborder trading, to the interconnectors and to the proper financing of the necessary infrastructure.

I very much welcome the support for the democratisation of energy generation, and I agree with you that we still need to do well and ought to make sure that the third package in all our Member States is properly implemented.

I think there was an overall agreement that the best recipe to tackle energy poverty is to focus on energy efficiency, and today’s technologies are already offering us to do a lot to use the smart solutions, to smarten our grids, our households and to use the proper information to customise the services and empower our consumers.

I also have been listening very carefully to all the calls from those who want the EU to do the most but at the same time to find the appropriate balance between Member States and European competences.

I would like once again to thank the rapporteur for a very timely report because we are now working hard to deliver on the remaining proposals which he promised we would deliver these year – the year of delivery for the Energy Union. In September, we would like to present the package on energy efficiency. We want to include also proposals on how to make our buildings more energy efficient, and many of the proposals which we heard today will be reflected in our proposals for the new electricity market design and for the revised Renewables Directive which would follow later – hopefully before the end of the year.

Despite all these regulatory proposals and the legislative regulatory framework which we are going to create, what I think was also very much reflected in the statements by the honourable Members was the importance which they give to proper investment. We need the financial instruments. We need the investment so we can start this wave of energy efficiency across Europe.

We have already done a lot, because thanks to the budget allocations which have been already proposed, one million households will benefit from EU cohesion policy support to make their buildings more efficient.

In this financial period, we will spend EUR 5.4 billion for energy efficiency investment in housing, which is a threefold increase in comparison with the previous period.

But the question is, is it enough? I think it’s not. So therefore I think we need to work on the new instruments, the instruments which we are currently developing in the Commission: smart financing for smart buildings, because I believe that this would play a very important role for the future.

Another element which was echoed in the speeches of several honourable Members was that we need to offer more assistance and help to local authorities, to mayors, and to provide them with better technical assistance to help them to develop the necessary capacity, so they can tackle these very complex issues of smartening cities or increasing energy efficiency in their electoral district. And I am very happy to say that we feel we have very strong grassroots support from local authorities, from mayors, for this energy transition, for tackling energy poverty and for transforming their cities into the smart cities of the future.

In the Covenant of Mayors we have already 6 000 mayors and we know how they appreciate working on this platform. We are looking for ways to cooperate even more closely with the Compact of Mayors, which is a similar organisation, which was developed in the United States to make sure that these big entities of mayors have more platforms and more possibilities to exchange best practices.

To conclude, I really would like to thank you for all the ideas, for the support for our work, and I believe that together we can really empower consumers in the energy market, and I think that through this it can make a real contribution in the fight against energy poverty.

Thank you very much. I very much look forward to our close cooperation in the coming months.


Elnökváltás: GÁLL-PELCZ ILDIKÓ asszony


  Theresa Griffin, rapporteur. – Madam President, I would like to thank colleagues very much for their comments and I would particularly like to thank the Commissioner. We look forward to working closely with him.

I really hope that the vote tomorrow in plenary will be positive, but I see that some political groups question the idea of a ban on unfair commercial practices, of the need for a social tariff for low—income citizens, and of peer—based comparison on bills, and are rowing back from the votes in committee. I am very disappointed in that. To those people voting against these issues, Ashley Fox – is Ashley still here, no he has gone – are you really prepared to go back to the UK and to your region to face your constituents and say that they still have to put up with aggressive doorstep or phone selling, especially your elderly residents? I don’t think so. Are other groups ready to say that you voted against social tariffs for low—income citizens? And are you really willing to tell that mother of three that she cannot be automatically told the amount of energy she is using and why she is paying for it? We have to end termination fees. We do not pay them in telecoms. Why on earth should our citizens pay for them in energy? And fantasy from UKIP as usual. This is about the exchange of best practice – as the Commissioner said – between European citizens and local authorities, between consumers, NGOs, and local organisations coming together to develop innovative projects.

The EU is not the problem here. It is part of the solution to eradicating energy poverty. We should be proud of a Europe of jobs and growth, a Europe that acts to protect its most vulnerable citizens. It is a scandal that we have 50 million citizens in energy poverty. I repeat that, in 2016 and beyond, no one should have to choose between heating and cooling or eating.


  Elnök asszony. – A közös vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2016. május 26-án, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), raštu. – Pirmiausia, norėčiau pabrėžti, kad energetikos sąjungai turėtų piliečiams užtikrinti stabilią, įperkamą, tvarią, veiksmingą ir tvarią energiją, taip pat aukštos kokybės energiją taupančius produktus, paslaugas ir pastatus. Energetikos sistemos pertvarka turėtų būti siekiama veiksmingesnės, skaidresnės, tvaresnės, konkurencingesnės, stabilesnės, labiau decentralizuotos ir įtraukios energetikos sistemos, kuri būtų naudinga visai visuomenei, užtikrintų aktyvesnį piliečių, vietos bei regioninių subjektų ir bendruomenių dalyvavimą ir suteiktų jiems galių patiems gaminti, skirstyti ir laikyti atsinaujinančiųjų išteklių energiją arba dalytis atsakomybe už energijos gamybą, tuo pat metu apsaugant labiausiai pažeidžiamus asmenis ir užtikrinant galimybes naudoti energijos vartojimo efektyvumo priemones ir atsinaujinančiųjų išteklių energiją. Taigi, raginame Komisiją išanalizuoti agresyvaus mokesčių planavimo ir mokesčių slėpimo, kurį visų pirma vykdo natūralios monopolijos, pvz., skirstomųjų tinklų operatoriai, klausimą energijos rinkoje. Be to, Komisija ir valstybės narės turėtų imtis reikiamų priemonių, kad nauda dėl nacionalinių tinklų jungiamųjų linijų pralaidumo padidinimo tektų ne skirstomųjų tinklų operatoriams, bet tiesiogiai galutiniams vartotojams. Taip pat raginame užtikrinti geresnį koordinavimą ES lygmeniu, siekiant kovoti su energijos nepritekliumi, dalijantis geriausia praktika valstybėse narėse ir sukuriant plačią, bendrą, bet ne kiekybinę energijos nepritekliaus apibrėžtį, kuria būtų pabrėžiama mintis, kad galimybė naudotis įperkama energija yra pagrindinė socialinė teisė.


  Λευτέρης Χριστοφόρου ( PPE), γραπτώς. – Ο στόχος μας παραμένει και αποτελεί ύψιστη προτεραιότητα να λειτουργήσει μία εύρυθμη αγορά ενέργειας που είναι επωφελής για τους πολίτες. Έτσι πιστεύω ότι ο στόχος της τρίτης δέσμης μέτρων για την ενέργεια, αποσκοπεί στη δημιουργία μιας πραγματικά ανταγωνιστικής, διαφανούς και φιλικής προς τον καταναλωτή λιανικής αγοράς ενέργειας.

Δυστυχώς, όμως, μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχει υλοποιηθεί πλήρως από όλα τα κράτη μέλη. Τούτο αποτυπώνεται από τα ψηλά επίπεδα συγκέντρωσης στην αγορά, τη μη μεταφορά του κόστους μείωσης της χονδρικής στις τιμές λιανικής και στα χαμηλά επίπεδα αλλαγής προμηθευτή και ικανοποίησης των καταναλωτών.

Σταθερός παραμένει ο στόχος για εξυπηρέτηση πρωτίστως του καταναλωτή.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D), in writing. – When we talk about the Energy Union and the development of competitive energy markets in Europe, we must make sure that consumers are at the centre of this strategy. They must be empowered in order to make them participate in demand response, thus saving money for their households and businesses. Innovative solutions to shift to a smart, efficient and sustainable energy system using modern technologies can unlock significant energy and budgetary savings for companies and citizens. It can also help to improve air quality, increase well-being for individuals and provide benefits to society as a whole; benefits also to the most vulnerable consumers.

Too often energy-poor consumers are living in inefficient accommodation and paying too much for energy. Instead, these vulnerable consumers should receive adequate safeguards, including preventing the disconnection of electricity and gas at critical times, and assistance to implement energy efficiency measures in their homes that can serve as long-term solution helping them to avoid energy poverty and in many cases improve their health and quality of life. Energy is essential and access to energy services is a basic social right. The Energy Union and the EU’s framework of energy legislation must keep this in its focus.


  Tamás Deutsch (PPE), írásban. – A jelenleg végbemenő energetikai átállás a fosszilis energiahordozókon alapuló energetikai rendszer felől egy megújuló energiákon nyugvó rendszer felé stabil, fenntartható, megfizethető energiát, illetve energiahatékony termékeket és lakhatást, a fogyasztóknak előnyös energiapiacot kell, hogy eredményezzen a polgárok számára. A Magyarország számára oly fontos ellátásbiztonság növelésének leghatékonyabb és legeredményesebb módja a fogyasztás csökkentése, az energiatakarékosság és az energiahatékonyság prioritásként való kezelése. A jelenleg tárgyalt parlamenti előterjesztés nagy hangsúlyt fektet az energiahatékonyságra, a fogyasztók tisztességtelen gyakorlatoktól való védelmére, a számlák átláthatóságának és közérthetőségének növelésére.

Hazánk számára, mivel gazdaságosan kitermelhető fosszilis energiahordozókban szegény, exportorientált ország, különösen fontos, hogy energiahatékonysági intézkedéseken keresztül csökkentsük az energiafogyasztást innovatív technológiák alkalmazásával és célzott szemléletformálással, a társadalmi szereplők környezettudatossá tételével. Fenntartható és biztonságos energetikai rendszereket kell létrehozni, melyek egyben a gazdaság versenyképességét is fokozzák. Mindezek az intézkedések az energiamegtakarítás mellett egyéb kedvező hatásokkal is járnak – egészségesebb környezetet és életminőséget, energiától való nagyobb függetlenséget eredményeznek.


  Adam Gierek (S&D), na piśmie. – W grudniu ubiegłego roku poparłem dyrektywę, której sprawozdawcą był p. Marek Gróbarczyk, jako zrównoważoną i poważną propozycję wskazania Komisji i Radzie najlepszego kompromisu, bez ulegania nierealnym „ambicjom” w zakresie „obrony” klimatu, w nadziei, że stanie się ona podstawą dla opracowywania bardziej realistycznych projektów legislacyjnych. Potrzebne jest bowiem szybkie przewartościowanie dotychczasowej polityki energetycznej – przesadnej, niedostatecznie udokumentowanej naukowo tzw. „europejskiej polityki klimatycznej” i oddzielenie jej od realnej polityki energetycznej. Nie można jej nadal kształtować w oparciu o lobbing niektórych krajów oraz wielkich korporacji gazowych i finansowych. Prawdziwa Unia Energetyczna winna doprowadzić do takiej zmiany Pakietu Klimatyczno-Energetycznego, która zwalczyłaby nieuczciwą konkurencję pomiędzy krajami członkowskimi oraz doprowadziła do wzrostu konkurencyjności na rynkach światowych. Pragnę raz jeszcze podkreślić, iż priorytetem Unii Energetycznej winno być bezpieczeństwo energetyczne, solidarność zaopatrzenia i walka z ubóstwem energetycznym przy zachowaniu konkurencyjności na rynkach trzecich, a także taka modernizacja infrastruktury, która prowadziłaby do maksymalizacji efektywności energetycznej i przejrzystości w negocjowaniu cen energii z krajów trzecich, a także wykorzystywanie lokalnych źródeł energii, w tym technologii ekologicznego spalania węgla. Największą korzyścią dla obywateli (i ewentualnej Unii Energetycznej) będzie całkowite odejście od dotychczasowego systemu EU ETS na rzecz takiego systemu, który nie będzie tak biurokratycznie zagmatwany i sprzyjający spekulacji jak ten obecny.


  András Gyürk (PPE), írásban. – Az „Új irányvonal az energiafogyasztók számára” jelentés fontos állomás az energiaunió kitűzött céljai megvalósításában. A stabil, megfizethető, hatékony és fenntartható energia biztosítása az állampolgárok elsődleges érdeke. A fogyasztóbarát, versenyző és jól működő energiapiacok kialakítása kulcsfontosságú, amely célok eléréséhez a harmadik energiacsomag teljes körű végrehajtása elengedhetetlen. Ahogyan a jelentés is hangsúlyozza, a fogyasztók megfelelő informálása előfeltétele az energiatudatos magatartásnak. Ennek következtében a számlák átláthatóságának javítása, a szolgáltatói számlák összehasonlíthatóságának biztosítása közös érdekünk – hiszen ez akár alacsonyabb rezsiköltségekhez is vezethet.

A fogyasztók számára különösen praktikus a naprakész és közérthető összehasonlító eszközök, felületek létrehozása, ezen lehetőségekről történő tájékoztatás biztosítsa. Hiszen a szolgáltatóváltás biztosítása alapvető feltétele a versenynek. Habár a jelentés minden pontjával nem értek maradéktalanul egyet, az irány jó és támogatandó.


  Филиз Хюсменова (ALDE), в писмена форма. – Уважаеми г-н Председател, вследствие от общото състояние на Европейската икономика цените на най-необходимите стоки и услуги поскъпнаха значително, което доведе до затруднения пред стотици европейки граждани, особено принадлежащите към уязвими групи - възрастни хора и безработни. По данни на Евростат 40% от населението на България не е в състояние да поддържа домовете си достатъчно отоплени. Това се дължи от една страна на фактори, като ниските доходи на населението и ниската енергийна ефективност на сградите, а от друга - на липсата на разнообразие от участници на енергийния пазар, което води до високи цени на енергията. Ето защо необходимостта от ефективна и всеобхватна енергийна стратегия е по-належаща от всякога. Акцент в усилията ни трябва да бъдат правата на потребителите чрез ограничаване на регулираното ценообразуване, подобряването на енергийната ефективност чрез намаляване на консумацията на енергия и подобряването на енергийната инфраструктура, осигурявайки отворен и конкурентен пазар като предпоставка за намаляване на енергийната бедност.


  Benedek Jávor (Verts/ALE), in writing. – Energy poverty affects a large share of the world’s population. Within the EU 11% of the population is not able to adequately heat their homes at an affordable cost and energy poverty affects around 54 million people (2012 figures). The problem is particularly prevalent in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.

At the global scale the climate agreement achieved in Paris as well as the Sustainable Development Goals adopted last autumn (SDG 7 in particular, ‘ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all’) contribute to an enhanced cooperation in this field.

Yet the EU should make sure these global commitments are translated into actions. Combatting energy poverty requires a complex and pragmatic approach.

Many EU member states do not assess energy poverty properly, they do not even identify vulnerable consumers, making it impossible to adequately target measures. Energy efficiency improvements in low-income and vulnerable households should be strongly incentivized. Raising awareness and enabling informed decisions would be also important.

Besides, the European Commission should allocate a much higher share of EU funds to energy efficiency programmes for vulnerable, energy-poor households and it should provide recommendations to its Member States on improved monitoring and on specific energy poverty measures.


  Barbara Kappel (ENF), schriftlich. – Die Debatte um Energiearmut wird immer wieder mit der allgemeinen Debatte um erneuerbare Energie vermischt. Dies ist sachlich unzutreffend und bedarf folgender Klarstellungen: (1) Wenn Preisspitzen bei Erneuerbaren zugelassen werden, dann braucht man konventionelle Kraftwerke, die als Back-up Kapazitäten bereitstellen. Das sichert den Bedarf und schützt armutsgefährdete Kunden. (2) Nicht die Energiequelle per se schadet benachteiligten Kunden, sondern unfaire Vermarktungspraktiken, denn diese führen zu Vertrauensverlust und reduzieren letztlich das individuelle Engagement. Grundsätzlich kann gesagt werden: Je wettbewerbsfähiger der Energiemarkt ist, desto besser für die Verbraucher. Die steigende Anzahl von Kunden, die ihren Energieanbieter wechseln, ist ein Beleg dafür. Die Optionen, Kunden stärker am Markt teilnehmen zu lassen, sollen möglichst breit und wenig standardisiert sein. Gemeinsame Wechselkampagnen und Standards für das Rechnungslayout sind neben Apps, Broschüren, Hotlines, One-Stop-Shops etc. Möglichkeiten, Verbraucher verstärkt einzubinden. Regulierte Vorgaben hingegen sind hinderlich. Ebenso sollte es keine Subventionen geben, das gilt für Switchkampagnen genauso wie für die Eigenproduktion.


  Ivana Maletić (PPE), napisan. – Cilj je građane osposobiti da sami pojedinačno ili kolektivno proizvode, koriste i skladište vlastitu energiju i trguju njome. Građani moraju imati pravo na aktivno sudjelovanje na energetskom tržištu kao i pravo potrošačkog izbora i upravljanja potrošnjom. Uvođenje pametnih brojila pomoglo bi potrošačima da smanje svoje troškove za energiju i poboljšaju energetsku učinkovitost.

Rastući problem u Europskoj uniji sve više postaje energetsko siromaštvo, koje utječe na oko 54 milijuna Europljana koji nisu u stanju adekvatno zagrijati prostor u kojem žive ili ostvariti neke druge energetske usluge po pristupačnoj cijeni. Dobro usmjerene socijalne tarife važne su za ugrožene građane. Primjena socijalnih tarifa treba biti transparentna, a dobre prakse država članica trebalo bi istaknuti i preporučiti ostalima.

Ostvarivanje novih pogodnosti za potrošače energije doprinijeti će iskorjenjivanju energetskog siromaštva te kvalitetnijem uključivanju građana na energetsko tržište kao potrošača koji upravljaju vlastitom potrošnjom i imaju pravo na izbor.


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE), în scris. – În primul rând, pentru crearea unei uniuni energetice viabile sunt necesare surse de aprovizionare sigure și fiabile pentru a realiza o piață a energiei bine integrată și bine conectată. Liberalizarea veritabilă a pieței interne a UE este direct legată de diversificarea surselor de aprovizionare. UE trebuie să intensifice investițiile în coridorul Mediteranei de Est pentru a atenua dependența de gazul rusesc în Europa de Sud-Est. Subliniez și importanța geostrategică a regiunii Mării Negre pentru securitatea energetică a UE, în special pentru dezvoltarea cooperării energetice multilaterale în regiunea Mării Caspice, în Orientul Mijlociu și în Asia Centrală. Pe de altă parte, Comisia trebuie să vină cu propunerile legislative necesare care să permită consumatorilor să dețină controlul asupra costurilor la energie și să aibă acces la costurile reale complete ale energiei electrice livrate, inclusiv la cele asociate transportului și distribuției. Și nu în ultimul rând, consider necesară crearea unui model reconfigurat de piață cu ridicata/cu amănuntul pentru a evita situația în care, pe termen lung, tarifele reglementate ar dăuna intereselor consumatorilor casnici, în loc să le protejeze.


  Csaba Molnár (S&D), írásban. – Tisztelt Elnök Úr! Az energiaszegénység felszámolása Európa egyik legégetőbb feladata a 21. században. Míg Európában körülbelül 50 millió ember él energiaszegénységben, addig Magyarországon a statisztikák szerint minden ötödik háztartás, vagyis akár kétmillió ember. Ez a helyzet fenntarthatatlan, amelyet Magyarországon a hatósági árképzés, vagyis a „rezsicsökkentés” politikája sem tudott megoldani. Egy átlag magyar háztartás egy négyzetméterre jutó energiafelhasználása csaknem az uniós átlag kétszerese. Ezek alapján a magyar háztartások egynegyedének energiaszegénységét nem önmagában a jövedelmekhez képest magas energiaárak okozzák, hanem jelentős részben az épületek energiahatékonyságának alacsony szintje. Ezen mihamarabb változtatnunk kell!

Elfogadhatatlan az, hogy valaki 2016-ban ne tudja felfűteni lakását, hideg vízben fürödjön, ne tudja felkapcsolni olvasólámpáját, vagy ne tudja feltölteni mobiltelefonját. Ezért véleményem szerint uniós szabályozásban kell garantálnunk a minden állampolgárnak alanyi jogon járó minimum-energiaszolgáltatást, az energiához való alapjogot. Ugyanakkor szükségünk van jól célzott szociális energiatarifákra a leginkább rászorulóknak. Középtávon megoldás a saját, vagyis az „otthoni” energiatermelés beindítása, a házi szélkerekek és napelemek elterjedésének támogatása, valamint a nagyszabású energiahatékonyságot javító programok támogatása.


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Tarbijatel peab olema võimalus saada energia odavaimatest hindadest adekvaatset teavet, võimalus erinevaid pakkumisi paremini võrrelda ning kindlasti ka õigus tarnijaid kiiresti, lihtsalt ja tasuta vahetada. Samuti tuleb tegeleda energiavaesuse põhjuste kõrvaldamisega, kasutades sellel eesmärgil ELi vahendeid ja isetootmise toetusi madala sissetulekuga ja haavatavate kodanike jaoks.


  Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Razmatrajući nove pogodnosti za potrošače energije, a podržavajući nove modele koji doprinose većoj raznolikosti sudionika na tržištu energijom te time i poticanju rasta lokalnog gospodarstva i zapošljavanja, pogotovo na lokalnoj razini, ne smijemo zaboraviti one koji su na rubu društva i vlastite egzistencije. Energetsko siromaštvo, nažalost, sve je izraženiji problem na području cijelog EU-a, a studija Europske komisije pokazuje kako 11 % populacije EU-a nije u mogućnosti grijati svoja domaćinstva po prihvatljivim cijenama.

Procjenjuje se da ova situacija pogađa oko 54 milijuna ljudi. Problem je posebno izražen u istočnim i južnim državama članicama EU-a u kojima je tijekom 2012. godine najveći udio populacije u riziku od energetskog siromaštva bio zabilježen u Rumunjskoj (40-50 %), dok se u Hrvatskoj taj udio procjenjuje na 30-40 %. Što se tiče zaostataka u plaćanju računa, Hrvatska također drži visoko mjesto među članicama EU-a.

Zajedno s Ciprom, Latvijom, Rumunjskom i Slovenijom 36-48 % populacije ne može si priuštiti redovno plaćanje računa što mnogo govori o energetskoj dostupnosti. Do ovih problema dolazi zbog rasta cijena energenata, niskih primanja i loše energetski učinkovitih domova. Veliki broj zemalja EU-a ne identificira ranjive potrošače tako da ni ne može adekvatno ciljati mjere protiv energetskog siromaštva. Ovakva se situacija mora promijeniti.


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne. – Energiu vzhľadom na svoju nenahraditeľnú úlohu vo všetkých činnostiach každodenného života považujem za dôležitý majetok, ktorý by každému občanovi bez rozdielu mal umožňovať dôstojne žiť. Je potešiteľné, že v Európe sa niekdajšie problémy s dostupnosťou energie prevažne vyriešili, ale na druhej strane ma znepokojuje celosvetová situácia, kde pre 1,2 miliardy osôb je elektrina stále nedostupná a 2,8 miliardy osôb stále používa na vyhrievanie svojho obydlia alebo varenia drevo alebo iné druhy biomasy. Aj keď v Európe sa v oblasti energii dosiahol už určitý pokrok, napriek tomu energetická chudoba sa prejavuje rastúcim počtom osôb (vyše 50 miliónov), ktoré majú problémy s úhradou energie alebo pre ktoré je energia dostupná len v obmedzenej miere, pretože majú nízky príjem, ich byt je neizolovaný, majú málo výkonné zariadenie (kúrenie, varenie, ohrev teplej vody) alebo ceny energie sú veľmi vysoké. Keďže tento stav považujem za neakceptovateľný, súhlasím so zavedením takého systému v EÚ, ktorý zabezpečí udržanie celkových nákladov na nízkej úrovni a to, že deficit spôsobený sadzbami za elektrinu sa nebude ďalej zvyšovať. Verím, že prijatými opatreniami ochránime všetkých občanov bez rozdielu pred energetickou chudobou a zabránime ich sociálnemu vylúčeniu.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D), in writing. – Energy poverty is a real problem that affects also public health. The Commission has the obligation to address this issue in its specific legislative proposals. On the other hand, Member States have to take the necessary measures to ensure that all the population has access to energy sources, they do not pay excessive electricity and gas bills, and do not have to choose between basic needs that they can afford to satisfy. It is not just at EU level, but at national and regional levels as well that we need to see more action with regard to the eradication of energy poverty. We need transparency in order for the population to make informed choices regarding their energy consumption, and we need as well EU funds to be allocated for energy efficiency and for programmes to support self-generation of energy.


  Claudia Țapardel (S&D), în scris. – În ultimii ani, sectorul energetic din Europa a cunoscut transformări semnificative. Cu toate acestea, peste 50 de milioane de cetățeni ai UE trăiesc în sărăcie energetică pentru că încă există elemente care îi împiedică pe consumatori să profite pe deplin și să aibă un control semnificativ asupra consumului lor și astfel să reducă sumele de pe facturile lor. Aceasta reprezintă o problemă socială din ce în ce mai grea, care impune o rezolvare urgentă și care ar trebui tratată pe cât posibil în mod direct, prin măsuri de politici sociale. Este necesară o abordare europeană comună, care să urmărească scopul de a înlătura dezechilibrele și inegalitățile de pe piață pentru a găsi soluții durabile pentru consumatori și pentru ca industria noastră să acceseze energie la prețuri accesibile. Consider corectă abordarea Comisiei, conform căreia contextul local trebuie identificat, luat în considerare și sprijinit în mod adecvat, implicându-i activ pe participanții locali. În același timp, trebuie să se schimbe rolul consumatorului, astfel încât acesta să poată accesa și beneficia mai bine și mai rapid de ofertele și serviciile de energie, profitând de ele.


  Indrek Tarand (Verts/ALE), in writing. – Aside from efficiency gains, the raison d'être of our Energy Union is to guarantee security of supply, in other words energy security. Russia has demonstrated on countless occasions that it is not a reliable partner to the European Union, and that it does not hesitate to wield energy as a political weapon. This is precisely why we should not increase our own dependency on Russian gas by doubling the capacity of the Nord Stream pipeline.

Furthermore, we would be helping Russia in destabilising Ukraine. The current Nord Stream pipeline is only used at half of its existing capacity; therefore, doubling its capacity makes no economic sense. This is clear evidence that the only reason to double the capacity is to be able to reroute all the gas that is transiting through Ukraine. Not only would this have disastrous consequences for Ukraine, but it would put eastern European Union Member States in a more precarious position since we do not have sufficient interconnections for that gas to make its way from Germany back to eastern Member States.


  Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu. – Pone Pirmininke, Energetikos klausimas yra vienas svarbiausiu Europos Sąjungoje. Tai taip pat svarbi problema ES piliečiams, ypač tiems kurie gyvena naujose valstybėse narėse. Šio sektoriaus ES politika turėtų eiti link reguliavimo įvedimo kurio tikslas būtų sumažinti energijos kainas visų pirma namų ūkiams, o ne pramonei. Būtent paprasti žmonės ir šeimos labiausiai pajunta išlaidas energijai savo biudžete. Tai jie turėtų būti geriausiai saugomi. Energijos rinkoje reikia sukurti tikrai konkurencingą, skaidrią ir patogią mažmeniniams vartotojams sistemą. Be to, norint veiksmingai kovoti su energijos nepritekliumi, valstybės narės privalo visapusiškai įgyvendinti nuostatas susijusias su tiekėjų keitimu. Nacionalinės teisės aktai turi užtikrinti vartotojams teisę į greitą ir lengvą paslaugos teikėjo pakeitimą nepatiriant papildomų mokesčių. Siekiant apsaugoti vartotojus, ypač tuos, kurie yra labiausiai pažeidžiami, reikią įvesti tinkamą taisyklių įgyvendinimą ir vykdymą dėl nesąžiningos komercinės veiklos ir dėl vartotojų teisių susijusių su gretutiniais pardavimais, nesąžiningomis sąlygomis arba agresyvios rinkodaros praktika. Prisiminkime, kad gerai veikiančioje energetikos sistemoje pagrindinis vaidmuo atitenka vietos valdžios institucijoms, kooperatyvams ir asmenims, kurie turėtų būti skatinami tapti energijos gamintojais, jei jie to pageidautų. Tai ateities projektas, kurį turėtume, kaip ES, remti, nes tai tikrai gali padėti stabilizuoti energijos kainas.


  Romana Tomc (PPE), pisno. – Energijska revščina v zadnjih letih vedno bolj ogroža naše državljane. V boju proti njej moramo omogočiti dostop do cenovno dostopne in varne energije. Pomembno je, da podpremo razvoj domačih virov energije, kar bo povečalo konkurenčnost gospodarstva EU. Menim, da bi si države članice morale bolj prizadevati za iskanje rešitve za energetsko neodvisnost. Več sredstev bi morale vložiti v proizvodnjo lastne energije in razvoj energetske tehnologije z alternativnimi, obnovljivimi viri. Poleg tega pa ne smemo pozabiti na obnavljanje obstoječe energetske infrastrukture, ki bo vplivalo tudi na razvoj novih delovnih mest.

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