 Testo integrale 
Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Martedì 7 giugno 2016 - Strasburgo

12. Decisione adottata sull'Agenda per nuove competenze per l'Europa (discussione)
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärung der Kommission zu dem angenommenen Beschluss über die Europäische Agenda für neue Kompetenzen (2016/2504(RSP)).


  Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). – Señora Presidenta, es que justamente quería pedirle su benevolencia mientras cambiaban los comisarios. La posibilidad de dirigir desde este Pleno un saludo a un grupo de tambores que han venido desde Calanda —la villa de Buñuel—, que han venido precisamente a ver si despertamos a Europa de su letargo.


El Presidente. Eso no es necesariamente una cuestión de orden, pero bueno...


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, dear Members of Parliament, I am very pleased to be here with you in Strasbourg to present the New Skills Agenda, which will be formally adopted and announced to the press on Friday. But I am happy to be with you already here today to share and discuss with you the key elements of our Agenda.

The Skills Agenda is one of the most important initiatives on the Commission’s Work Programme this year. It will directly contribute to our promise to deliver on Jobs, Growth and Fairness. I would like to address my thanks to Parliament for your active contribution to the debate on skills: from last year’s report on ‘Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21st century’, by Martina Dlabajová to the adoption this year of the resolution on ‘Skills policies and youth unemployment’ by Marek Plura, or the report on ‘Mobility in vocational education and training’, by Ernest Maragall, to mention only a few of your initiatives, as well as the very useful joint hearing of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) in April, where I participated together with my colleague Tibor Navracsics.

Skills are a pathway to prosperity. With the right skills, people are equipped for good-quality jobs and can fulfil their potential as confident, active citizens. Also, in a fast-changing global economy, skills determine Europe’s competitiveness and the capacity to drive innovation.

Yet the situation in Europe calls for action. More than 70 million Europeans have poor reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills. One in four adults has not achieved an upper secondary qualification. Too many people work in jobs that do not match their talents. Women represent 60% of new graduates, but their employment rate remains below that of men. At the same time, 40% of European employers have difficulty finding people with the right skills. And too few people have the entrepreneurial skills and mindsets needed to establish their own business.

Furthermore, the digital transformation is re-shaping the way we live, work, and do business and the types of skills needed. Europe faces shortages in high-level skills – you just had a discussion on that with my colleague Mr Avramopoulos – and despite good employment outcomes, vocational education and training is still regarded as a second choice by many. While national and regional labour markets and education and training systems encounter specific challenges, all Member States face similar problems.

The New Skills Agenda for Europe focuses on three priority areas: improving skills levels and their labour market relevance across Europe; making skills and qualifications easier to understand and compare across borders and economic sectors; and improving forecasting and understanding of skills needs now and in the future.

To step up action and not to leave anyone behind, we propose a basic skills guarantee. This is a recommendation to Member States to bring together their resources to offer low-skilled people opportunities to catch up and acquire the skills that will help them to find employment, stay in work, and improve their working situation. A revision of the European Qualifications Framework will make it easier to understand and compare skills and qualifications, and facilitate work and study mobility. We are also putting forward a ‘Blueprint’ for cooperation on skills in specific economic sectors to stimulate stakeholders to work together, to identify skills needs and identify practical solutions.

Refugees and migrants come to Europe with a diversity of skill-sets that can contribute to our economies. In order to facilitate integration into the labour markets, we propose a Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals to help identify and document their skills, their qualifications, and their professional experience.

A red thread across our Agenda is the need to stimulate strong business-education partnerships, such as those under the European Pact for Youth. These partnerships also have a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindsets.

Other actions will follow over the next two years. Later this year, we will propose a revision of the Europass Framework to support the documentation of skills and qualifications and better skills intelligence. We count on your support for swift adoption when the time comes. We will also launch a ‘Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition’ to develop a large digital talent pool and ensure that individuals at all levels are equipped with adequate digital skills.

For 2017, work in the pipeline includes a revision of the 2006 Key Competences Framework, proposals supporting the modernisation of vocational education and training, and an initiative on graduate tracking to improve information on how graduates progress in the labour market.

European funds are there to help with the implementation of these proposals. For the period 2014-2020, there is more than EUR 27 billion of the European Social Fund available to support skills. Europe’s prosperity depends upon our most valuable asset – our people. In a fast-changing global economy, it is people’s skills which will be a motor for our competitiveness and growth.

The Skills Agenda sets out how Europe will add value to Member States’ action and to mobilise actors. Together, I am sure together we can unlock Europe’s full potential.


  David Casa, f'isem il-grupp PPE. – Sinjura President u nilqa' b'sodisfazzjon il-ħolqien tan-New Skills Guarantee li tkellmet dwaru l-Kummissarju, li ser jgħin mhux ftit sabiex jimtela l-vojt li l-Youth Guarantee ma setgħetx tindirizza, u li ser jgħin biex dawk l-adulti f'livell baxx ta' snajja', sabiex jitgħallmu l-essenzjal bħall-qari, is-somom u ħiliet diġitali. Huwa wkoll pożittiv li l-enfasi mhux biss tqiegħed fuq l-akkademiku, imma anke fuq il-ħiliet vokazzjonali u taħriġ fuq is-snajja'. U qalet tajjeb ħafna l-Kummissarju li s-snajja' għandhom ikunu rikonoxxuti bħala kwalifiċi fuq l-istess livell akkademiku.

Sabiex inkunu f'pożizzjoni li nagħmlu dawn il-bidliet huwa importanti ferm, Sinjura Kummissarju, li ninkludu l-imsieħba socjali, lin-negozji u istituti ta' taħriġ edukattivi varji, sabiex jiġi aġġornat il-kontenut tas-sillabu u jkun aktar rilevanti mad-dinja tax-xogħol. Il-Pajjiżi Membri għandhom ikunu inkoraġġati jiżviluppaw it-taħriġ diġitali tal-għalliema tagħhom bħala parti minn dan il-programm ta' taħriġ.

Nilqa' b'sodisfazzjon it-twaqqif tal-aġenda ġdida u komprensiva dwar is-snajja' peress li din ser tistabbilixxi għodda versatili li ser tkun flessibbli sabiex tadatta ruħha u tkun ta' suċċess f'ambjent tax-xogħol li qiegħed jinbidel b'rata mgħaġġla ħafna u sabiex niksbu livell ogħla ta' koerenza bejn il-Pajjiżi Membri fejn tidħol il-politika u l-kisbiet.

Sabiex ikunu ta' suċċess, għandna persuni, Sinjuri Deputati, li għandhom bżonn li jkollhom selezzjoni ta' snajja' bażiċi, li jkunu jafu jaqraw u jiktbu, jitgħallmu diversi lingwi u xjenzi diġitali. Ma' dawn, minn kemm jista' jkun kmieni, għandna ndaħħlu wkoll l-element ta' ħiliet intraprenditorjali.


  Jutta Steinruck, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Bildung ist unsere Zukunft und muss deshalb ganz oben auf unserer Agenda stehen, und durch die Kürzungsprogramme der zurückliegenden Jahre haben gerade auch Investitionen in Ausbildung, in Bildung gelitten. Wenn wir nur einmal die Schulen in Europa anschauen, dann genügen die sicher nicht den Anforderungen einer digitalen Zukunft. Die Folge ist, dass wir in digitaler Kompetenz in der Welt nicht in der Top-Liga mitspielen. Um da hinzukommen, brauchen wir eine erfolgreiche Bildungsstrategie, die – aus meiner Sicht – aus drei Kernbereichen besteht.

Das ist einmal kostenloser Zugang zu Bildung, inklusive Vermittlung von digitalen Kompetenzen. Alle jungen Menschen brauchen Querschnittskompetenzen, die sie in die Lage versetzen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, Initiative zu entwickeln und Selbstbewusstsein aufzubauen. Auch Lehrstellenpläne müssen genauso sicherstellen, dass junge Menschen Zugang zu neuen Technologien bekommen, sie nutzen, aber nicht nur Konsumenten sind.

Zweitens: Wir brauchen eine Überarbeitung der Aus- und Weiterbildung. Komplexere Tätigkeits- und Kompetenzprofile führen zu neuen Anforderungen an Arbeitnehmer. Da muss die Ausbildung auch enger mit der Arbeitswelt verzahnt werden, da müssen Sozialpartner sehr eng in Lehrpläne und in Kompetenzstrategien eingebunden werden.

Der dritte Punkt ist die Institutionalisierung von lebenslangem Lernen. Um mit der technischen Entwicklung, die ja immer schneller geht, tatsächlich mithalten zu können und damit auch die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Europäischen Union zu sichern, brauchen wir eine Qualifizierungsstrategie, die dem zukünftigen Fachkräftemangel entgegenwirkt. Lebenslanges Lernen muss institutionalisiert werden, zum Beispiel durch einen garantierten Mindestanspruch auf bezahlten Bildungsurlaub. Das brauchen gerade kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die diese Qualifizierung nicht alleine leisten können.


  Zdzisław Krasnodębski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Komisarz! Rzeczywiście ja się zgadzam z Panią i z kolegami, że umiejętności i kwalifikacje są niezwykle istotne. Dlatego ta inicjatywa Komisji jest tak dla nas wszystkich ważna. Tylko chciałem zwrócić uwagę na to, że nie możemy skupiać się wyłącznie na problemie braku kwalifikacji, na ich podaży, pomijając kwestie, w jaki sposób zwiększyć popyt na umiejętności, kwalifikacje, na ich właściwe wykorzystanie. Wiemy rzeczywiście, że istnieje rozbieżność między kwalifikacjami a potrzebami rynku i rozumiem, że inicjatywa Komisji zmierza do tego, żeby tę rozbieżność zmniejszyć. Ale według sprawozdania Europejskiego Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego z 2015 r. 25 % pracowników to osoby o zbyt wysokich kwalifikacjach dla wykonywanej pracy, a 27 % pracowników to osoby o zbyt wysokich umiejętnościach, którym aktualna praca nie oferuje możliwości dalszego rozwoju. To również jest problem, z którym Komisja powinna się zmierzyć w swojej inicjatywie.


  Martina Dlabajová, za skupinu ALDE. – Paní předsedající, paní komisařko, s napětím očekáváme představení agendy pro nové dovednosti. Těším se na ni o to víc, že se jedná o jedno z klíčových témat, o které se s kolegy z frakce ALDE již dlouhodobě zasazujeme.

Pokud mluvíme o nových dovednostech, měli bychom na ně vždy pohlížet s vazbou na reálné potřeby trhu práce. Sama jste, paní komisařko, zmínila, že téměř 40 % firem v Evropě v průzkumu uvedlo, že mají problémy najít zaměstnance s požadovanými dovednostmi, včetně těch digitálních. Nesoulad dovedností a poptávky v jednotlivých státech by mohla překonat vyšší pracovní mobilita. Proto bychom ji měli více podporovat, například systémem vzájemného uznávání kvalifikací nebo i nepřímo větším důrazem na digitální gramotnost a výuku jazyků. Členské státy by také měly využívat příležitostí, které nabízí například Evropský sociální fond, a zvyšovat adaptabilitu pracovní síly.

Je naší povinností ukázat mladým, jak trh práce skutečně funguje, a poskytnout jim adekvátní praktickou přípravu již v průběhu studia. Měli bychom společně pracovat na tom, aby bylo učňovské školství a technické vzdělávání pro mladé lidi atraktivnější. Věnujme větší pozornost duální odborné přípravě „učení se prací“, pracujme na zvyšování standardů vzdělávání a odborné přípravy. Nová doporučení k rozvoji praktických dovedností jsou klíčem pro efektivní začlenění osob na trh práce. Proto bychom se měli zaměřit zejména na lepší předvídání budoucích potřeb dovedností a kvalifikací. K tomu je potřeba propojit svět vzdělávání s trhem práce. A pokud má naše evropská ekonomika i nadále růst a zůstat konkurenceschopná, je přijetí výše zmíněných opatření tím nezbytným krokem. Paní komisařko, děkuji Vám za Váš proaktivní přístup a Vaši otevřenost k diskusi a moc Vám přeji, aby spuštění agendy pro nové dovednosti bylo tím nasměrováním správným směrem.


  João Pimenta Lopes, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. –Senhora Presidente, sob o pretexto dos elevados níveis de desemprego na União Europeia afirma-se a intenção de cumprir um objetivo da Europa 2020 que assume que um quarto da população em idade ativa permaneça, pasme-se, no desemprego ou em formação.

Sob o pretexto da formação contínua ao longo da vida, a Comissão prossegue uma lógica de subordinação do ensino e da formação não aos interesses das necessidades estruturais do país, mas em benefício do chamado "mercado de trabalho" e dos interesses dos grandes grupos económicos promovendo a elitização do ensino, alimentando as desigualdades e as discriminações sociais.

Sob o pretexto da necessidade da adequação de capacidades aos desafios da evolução tecnológica, a União Europeia promove a flexisegurança, sinónimo de desregulação laboral, de ataque aos direitos dos trabalhadores e à contratação coletiva, prosseguindo a sua agenda neoliberal.

Esta União Europeia não tem mais para oferecer aos pobres e aos trabalhadores que não seja o caminho do empobrecimento e da exploração!


  Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, I too would really have appreciated having the full documents in front of us to have a more in-depth discussion, but I think it is clear. We are well aware that we have key shortages in our skills area – we have just discussed that, not least in terms of the Blue Card proposals. We are well aware that it is not just in the digital sector; it is also in the engineering sector where we have an enormous shortfall. I really hope that the new proposals are going to be looking again, for example, at STEM skills, and where we are actually going to develop those, particularly in relation to gender.

In one of the earlier reports, we looked at the focus on the shift in our economy to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. It had a whole range of recommendations on skills within that, which I also really hope are going to be taken up in the proposals coming from the Commission. Otherwise, I think we are just doomed to repeat our reports without actually moving forward.


  Laura Agea, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissario, era il 2011 e la Commissione proponeva l'Agenda per le nuove competenze in materia di occupazione. Che cosa abbiamo ottenuto? Niente. Abbiamo raso al suolo i diritti dei lavoratori con le nuove riforme del lavoro. Italia, Grecia e Francia sono la dimostrazione del risultato che abbiamo ottenuto. Avevamo chiesto e chiedevate anzi la mobilità dei lavoratori. Oggi l'unica cosa di mobile che c'è nel mercato del lavoro sono i cervelli in fuga dai paesi del Sud Europa verso il Nord Europa, così come una legislazione forte a livello europeo. Infatti, ancora oggi non riusciamo a mettere mano alla direttiva sul distacco dei lavoratori, che è uscita, è stata revisionata e non è ancora implementata, e già parliamo di revisionarla di nuovo. Purtroppo manca una scelta politica di fondo che vada veramente a tutelare gli interessi dei lavoratori e che si occupi di loro e delle emergenze sociali che oggi attanagliano l'Europa.


  Anne Sander (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, je voudrais saluer l'initiative de la Commission sur les compétences.

Les compétences sont aujourd'hui l'élément clé pour répondre aux profondes mutations que connaît l'Europe et qui se traduisent par une polarisation des emplois avec, d'un côté, des emplois très qualifiés et créatifs et, de l'autre, des emplois peu qualifiés. Je crois que l'enjeu est vraiment de permettre à tous les Européens d'avoir un niveau de compétence qui se traduise par un savoir, un savoir-faire, mais aussi un savoir-être en phase avec les besoins des entreprises. Dans ce sens, je crois que nous devons tout faire pour favoriser la formation par l'apprentissage, qui doit être développé mais aussi revalorisé, quel que soit le niveau d'études et que ce soit en formation initiale ou en formation continue.

Nous devons aussi réaliser un travail prospectif et travailler sur les compétences d'avenir. Dans ce sens, une plateforme d'information sur les compétences pourrait être un premier pas, mais il faudrait aussi un accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d'emploi et, en particulier, des plus fragiles, qui n'ont pas forcément les compétences pour s'en sortir avec une plateforme numérique.

Madame la Commissaire, je voudrais saluer votre engagement, mais surtout insister sur la nécessité que les États membres s'engagent dans ce sens.

(L'oratrice accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement).)


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Tisztelt Képviselő Asszony! Ez a program valójában 2010-ben kezdődött, és a horizontja 2020-ig tart, nagyjából félidőben vagyunk. Amikor ezt a menetrendet először fölvetettük, 2010-ben, ugyanabban az évben Orbán Viktor kormánya – ott ül az Önök frakciójában – 18-ról 16 évre vitte le a tankötelezettségi korhatárt. Önök akkor ezzel egyetértettek, vagy pedig elmondták

Orbánéknak, hogy ez nem jó?


  Anne Sander (PPE), réponse "carton bleu". – Cher collègue, je pense qu'il faut vraiment que nous rappelions à nos États membres la nécessité de travailler sur les compétences et, en particulier, sur l'apprentissage.

Dans mon pays, la France, le gouvernement a placé l'apprentissage parmi ses priorités. Il l'a en tout cas annoncé mais, dans le même temps, il a pris des mesures qui ont vraiment découragé les entreprises, et en particulier les artisans qui, justement, font appel à des apprentis et favorisent l'apprentissage.

Par conséquent, là où je vous rejoins, c'est qu'il y a vraiment un travail à faire dans les États membres et dans le mien, la France, en particulier.


  Silvia Costa (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, apprezzo molto che sia stata anticipata oggi dalla Commissaria Thyssen al Parlamento la nuova Agenda sulle competenze per l'Europa, per rafforzare il capitale umano, l'occupabilità e la competitività.

Vedo anche che è stata seguita, e spero che vada anche avanti, la richiesta che avevo avanzato come presidente della commissione per la cultura nella riunione congiunta con la commissione EMPL perché si lavorasse a questo obiettivo, d'intesa con il Commissario Navracsics e con un approccio integrato e olistico nel quadro del lifelong learning.

Sappiamo che c'è un persistente mismatch tra le competenze richieste e quelle offerte, che dobbiamo rafforzare le competenze digitali, ma anche le competenze di cittadinanza, le key competences, e l'alta formazione, che abbiamo bisogno di promuovere le alleanze della conoscenza, partenariati tra istituti di formazione, istruzione, università, imprese e ricerca, per promuovere la filiera dell'istruzione, del lavoro e dell'innovazione e anche l'apprendistato in alta formazione.

Condivido i tre focus sulla qualità della formazione, la comparabilità delle skills e delle qualifiche e la promozione di scelte consapevoli di carriera. È interessante anche, e vorrei avere qualche approfondimento, la proposta sulla skills guarantee per offrire e validare le competenze personali, così come la revisione del quadro EQF includendo meglio anche le competenze informali e non formali.

Vedo con piacere che nelle azioni programmate nell'agenda per giugno c'è il lancio di uno strumento di riconoscimento delle competenze per chi viene da paesi terzi, una misura che avevamo sollecitato anche per promuovere i corridoi educativi per studenti rifugiati nelle università e nelle scuole europee. Vorrei capire meglio come si pensa di aiutare gli Stati membri a rafforzare i sistemi nazionali, la loro comparabilità e la mobilità sia di studenti universitari che di studenti della formazione professionale. Concludendo, credo che sia anche importante dare una maggiore attenzione al tema di rafforzare strumenti di formazione degli insegnanti e dei formatori anche attraverso piattaforme europee sull'e-Teaching.


  Lynn Boylan (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, I think we are in agreement that there is always a need for upskilling and adjustment of workers skills in line with the advancement and emergence of new technologies. But we cannot use the Skills Agenda to simply do the bidding of private interests. Dressing up insecure, precarious working conditions as flexibility cannot be tolerated; equally, internships and apprenticeships must offer quality training and remuneration, not exploitation. Simply bending education systems to the will of private industry interests is not to the benefit of society.

The best way to help people adapt to changing circumstances is to educate them in a holistic manner. Learning should be a lifelong process, but one of self-improvement that leads to development of critical thinkers. This not only benefits the economy, but society as a whole.


  Terry Reintke (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, skills, that is the new magic word for European politicians. Everybody loves it – skills – especially new skills. I can already see a poster in bright colours with a lot of glitter and smiley faces saying ‘new skills’. But what does that actually mean? What does it sound like in the ears of young unemployed people? What will it mean for them? Will it actually bring them new opportunities or is it just a strategy to scapegoat them for not having a job? ‘Sorry, you might have three Bachelor degrees and a Master’s on top of that, but you just did not have the right skills to get a job’.

If we want to make the new Skills Agenda a real success it will have to be in support of existing educational systems, taking into account the needs and wishes of the students, and it will have to be accompanied by an investment programme that can actually create the jobs that people will need these skills for.

New skills will have to develop from being a magic word to having a real tangible outcome for the lives of people in Europe, otherwise we have not done our job well.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Sven Schulze (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Frau Reintke! Ich habe leider nur einen Abschluss als Ingenieur. Es war aber trotzdem nicht allzu schwer, direkt nach dem Studium einen Beruf zu finden. Sie sprachen von jungen Menschen, die drei Abschlüsse und einen Master haben und nichts finden. Ich finde das, ehrlich gesagt, etwas übertrieben. Das betrifft jedes Land in Europa. Ich habe Ihre Rede so verstanden, wir sollten am besten gar nichts machen, neue Kompetenzen können wir lassen. Ist das die Meinung der Grünen?


  Terry Reintke (Verts/ALE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Wenn Sie in einige Teile von Spanien gehen, dann gibt es solche Schicksale. Da sind junge Menschen, die haben drei Abschlüsse und finden trotzdem keinen Job. Woran liegt das denn? Weil wir nicht nur eine new skills agenda brauchen, sondern gleichzeitig Investitionen, um die Jobs zu schaffen, für die diese jungen Menschen dann ausgebildet sein sollen. Das ist doch der gesamte Punkt! Deshalb brauchen wir die skills. Aber wir brauchen gleichzeitig andere Aktivitäten von europäischer Ebene, um jungen Menschen wirklich wieder Perspektiven in der Europäischen Union geben zu können.


  Jane Collins (EFDD). – Madam President, what is the point of our talking about the new Skills Agenda for Europe when the President of Turkey, a candidate country, says that women who do not have children are half human? Women must be able to choose their own paths in life, whether it is having children, having a job or both. Turkey is clearly a country whose leadership does not respect women and is only interested in their ability to reproduce or, presumably, clean up after their husbands.

Perhaps Mr Erdogan and the men who think like him should look at the huge contributions that women have made in the past, from Jane Austen to Marie Curie, the Suffragettes, the women who kept the country running during two world wars and the women who now serve in our armed forces. How anyone can call themselves feminist and support this chauvinistic country’s attempt to join the EU is unbelievable. I hope that British women realise this and vote to leave.


President. May I remind you that, while you are free to speak about what you want, this really was not the topic on the agenda now, which is the New Skills Agenda for Europe. You were talking about Turkey – but you decided what you wanted to talk about.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní komisařko, já Vám chci poděkovat za přednesené úvodní slovo. My zatím, bohužel, podklad k této agendě nemáme k dispozici, proto to, o čem budu hovořit, budou částečně otázky a částečně vyjádření určitého očekávání, protože samozřejmě evropskou agendu dovedností je dobré mít. Vy jste sama zmínila, co je asi východiskem. Nám se nedaří stále ještě snížit dostatečně počet neúspěšných žáků v základním vzdělávání, nedaří se nám zlepšit kvalita vzdělávání, stále ještě v průměru 20 % žáků v základním vzdělávání nedosahuje základní úrovně vzdělání.

Já bych se Vás chtěla zeptat, zda východiskem pro novou agendu dovedností jsou právě tyto mezinárodní výzkumy – my v letošním roce budeme mít nový mezinárodní výzkum PISA – anebo zda jsou to jenom výsledky trhu práce. Já bych předpokládala, že agenda nových dovedností bude jednak sledovat zlepšení kvality právě těch základních gramotností, základních kompetencí, dovedností, ale bude samozřejmě také odrážet požadavky trhu práce. Není možné sledovat jenom trh práce a nevnímat důležitost základních gramotností pro celoživotní vzdělávání.


  Brando Benifei (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ci auguriamo che le proposte concrete relative all'Agenda per le nuove competenze, a partire dalle due già presentate sull'ambiziosa skills guarantee e sulla revisione dello European qualifications framework, siano all'altezza dell'obiettivo di migliorare l'accesso al mercato del lavoro europeo, rendendolo più inclusivo verso le categorie più vulnerabili. Vorrei sottolineare alcuni aspetti prioritari: lo sviluppo delle competenze di base digitali, l'armonizzazione dei quadri di valutazione delle competenze, la revisione dei sistemi di formazione professionale, lo studio di sistemi di valutazione precoce delle competenze dei rifugiati e degli immigrati. Questi risultati saranno raggiungibili solo a patto che le misure dibattute oggi siano considerate complementari a riforme e investimenti rivolti alla tutela dei diritti sociali dei cittadini europei e alla creazione di posti di lavoro. Senza nuovi posti di lavoro le nuove competenze non basteranno.


  Κωνσταντίνα Κούνεβα ( GUE/NGL). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, εάν η εξασφάλιση εργασίας για το 75% του ευρωπαϊκού εργατικού δυναμικού μέχρι το 2020 είναι κεντρικός στόχος της «Ευρώπης 2020», τότε οι ήδη αποτυχημένες πολιτικές και τα προγράμματα κατάρτισης δεν λύνουν το πρόβλημα της ανεργίας. Ναι, να αναβαθμιστούν οι δεξιότητες, αλλά με ποιο στόχο; Σίγουρα όχι την αποκλειστική εξυπηρέτηση των συμφερόντων της αγοράς αλλά να έχουν όλοι οι πολίτες καλύτερα εφόδια για τη ζωή μέσα από ισότιμη πρόσβαση σε δημόσια εκπαίδευση υψηλής ποιότητας. Η τυφλή προσαρμογή της εκπαίδευσης στην αγορά εργασίας, η εμπορευματοποίησή της και η υποβάθμιση των κλασικών σπουδών δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με τον ρόλο της και τον σκοπό της να χτίσει ελεύθερες προσωπικότητες. Γι’ αυτό η ατζέντα των νέων δεξιοτήτων πρέπει να αποσκοπεί στην κάλυψη των αναγκών των ανθρώπων σε γνώσεις και προσόντα και όχι μόνο στην κάλυψη των αναγκών των επιχειρήσεων.


  Isabella Adinolfi (EFDD). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'ossessione delle skills da sviluppare è indice di un processo di reificazione della persona umana in atto da tempo. I giovani sono visti come una risorsa di capitale umano da sfruttare. L'approccio della Commissione europea è sbagliato in quanto volto a realizzare una precarizzazione lavorativa, come dimostrano le recenti riforme del mercato del lavoro richieste dall'Unione europea all'Italia e alla Francia. Questa precarizzazione, a sua volta, si riflette sulla vita sociale e culturale dei cittadini europei. I giovani sono trasformati in oggetti da riempire di skills, che poco o nulla hanno a che vedere con lo sviluppo di virtù civiche e spirito critico, individuate esclusivamente in funzione di un'esasperata ricerca di una crescita economica infinita.

Per di più, si è deciso di utilizzare uno strumento come Garanzia Giovani, stanziando più di un miliardo di euro, che non ha prodotto alcun risultato positivo. La disoccupazione giovanile, soprattutto nel sud Europa, continua infatti a rimanere a livelli inaccettabili. Cambiamo radicalmente rotta: abbandoniamo questi programmi calati dall'alto e mettiamo in atto delle politiche che pongano al centro i territori con le loro peculiarità e le reali esigenze dei cittadini europei!


  Tom Vandenkendelaere (PPE). – Ik hoef u hier niet te herinneren aan het leger Europese jongeren zonder een fatsoenlijke job. Bij ons in Vlaanderen vallen de cijfers, zeker in vergelijking met sommige Zuid-Europese streken, al bij al nog mee. Toch zijn er ook bij ons pijnpunten: concentratie van jongerenwerkloosheid in de steden, een oververtegenwoordiging van laaggeschoolden én jongens en meisjes van allochtone afkomst, maar ook een percentage van levenslang lerende volwassenen dat ver onder het Europese gemiddelde ligt. Daarom komt deze agenda voor nieuwe vaardigheden geen dag te vroeg want ze biedt een antwoord op deze specifieke pijnpunten.

Mensen zijn altijd meer dan het diploma dat zij bezitten. Iedereen heeft zijn of haar eigen rugzak, zijn eigen talenten. Door deze tien initiatieven moet niet alleen voor henzelf en voor de mogelijke werkgever overduidelijk worden wat er precies in die rugzak zit, maar moet ook die rugzak zélf verder worden gevul. En dat moet gebeuren gedurende de gehele loopbaan, een loopbaan die voor iemand die er vandaag begint te werken, best wel lang zal duren. Loopbanen van 45 jaar zullen voor mijn generatie geen uitzondering zijn.

De verschuiving van de focus van diploma’s naar vaardigheden biedt kansen. Jonge talenten blijven zo niet onder de radar hangen. De iets rijpere talenten kunnen worden aangemoedigd een andere richting in te slaan. Europass bijvoorbeeld kan daarvoor nog een beter instrument worden. Met jobs op maat en de juiste persoon op de juiste plaats, is geen enkele job te zwaar. Met wat voorligt in de agenda voor nieuwe vaardigheden zullen Europeanen veel beter voorbereid zijn om die lange loopbaan uitdagend, menselijk en afwisselend te houden.


  Marita Ulvskog (S&D). – Fru talman! Jag vill börja med att tacka kommissionen för denna kompetensagenda. Det har varit ett långvarigt arbete för att kvalifikationer ska bli mer jämförbara mellan medlemsländerna och det är ju kolossalt viktigt. Den är också ett viktigt nytt komplement för att vi ska nå alla de vuxna som inte kan omfattas av ungdomsgarantin men som står utan utbildning. Detta är en grupp som är mycket svag på arbetsmarknaden och det är precis de som behöver vårt stöd.

Jag vill dock höja ett litet varningens finger för den upptagenhet av entreprenörskap som genomsyrar kommunikationen. Entreprenörskap beskrivs som det sätt på vilket människor ska hantera en arbetsmarknad och ett samhälle som förändras mycket snabbt och för att man ska kunna hantera komplexitet och osäkerhet. Jag tror att vi alla kan vara överens om att entreprenörskap är viktigt, men att det ska vara lösningen på all den problematik som beskrivs tror jag är att gå alldeles för långt. I värsta fall kan entreprenörskap komma att kallas ”egenanställning”.


  Νικόλαος Χουντής ( GUE/NGL). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κυρία Επίτροπε, η νέα ατζέντα δεξιοτήτων που μας παρουσιάσατε μέσα στο νεοφιλελεύθερο κυρίαρχο εργασιακό πλαίσιο δεν διασφαλίζει πλήρη εργασιακά δικαιώματα αλλά απορρυθμίζει περαιτέρω τις εργασιακές σχέσεις, οδηγεί στη μείωση των δαπανών για την εκπαίδευση, εμπλέκει τις επιχειρήσεις όλο και περισσότερο στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία και εν τέλει ισχυρίζεται ότι για το φαινόμενο της μετανάστευσης των επιστημόνων από την Ελλάδα και την Ευρώπη φταίει το γεγονός ότι δεν υπάρχει καταρτισμένο επιστημονικά και εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό.

Αυτή η δέσμη μέτρων, κυρία Επίτροπε, είναι καταδικασμένη όπως και η συνολική σας πολιτική. Δεν ενδιαφέρεστε για τον εργαζόμενο. Ενδιαφέρεστε για τα κέρδη των επιχειρήσεων. Οι γάλλοι λοιπόν εργαζόμενοι και η νεολαία που έχουν βγει στους δρόμους, τα βελγικά συνδικάτα που απεργούν, το 25% των ανέργων στην Ελλάδα, το 40% των νέων ανέργων στην Ελλάδα δεν μπορούν να περιμένουν τίποτα από αυτές τις προτάσεις. Αγωνίζονται για να ανατρέψουν τις νεοφιλελεύθερες πολιτικές.




  Sven Schulze (PPE). – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin! Die heute vorgestellte Agenda für neue Kompetenzen findet meine Zustimmung, denn sie legt den Schwerpunkt auf die am Arbeitsmarkt nachgefragten Kompetenzen. Wohlstand und Sicherung unserer sozialen Errungenschaften basieren auf dem Können und dem Know-how von uns allen. Europaweite Anerkennung von Kompetenzen und ein einheitliches Verständnis von Qualifikationen sind für ein offenes Europa mit einem grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarkt von allergrößter Wichtigkeit. Wir müssen darauf achten, dass es eine bessere Durchlässigkeit von akademischer und beruflicher Bildung gibt.

Durch meine eigene Berufserfahrung bei einem mittelständischen Unternehmen liegen mir die Ausbildungsberufe mit dem Konzept der dualen Ausbildung besonders am Herzen. Ich finde es richtig, dass die Kommission die duale Ausbildung stärken will. Um das zu erreichen, bietet sich aus meiner Sicht der Austausch von best practice-Modellen an, bei denen die Sozialpartner eingebunden werden müssen.

Aber ich mahne auch: Erfolgreiche Bildung kann niemand garantieren, und bessere Bildung führt nicht automatisch zu einem sicheren Arbeitsplatz. Der Bildungsauftrag für die Primärbildung liegt beim Staat. Ich finde, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft können eine gute, vom Staat bereitzustellende Grundausbildung erwarten, die genügend Raum für die zweite Chance lässt und Menschen auf ihrem Bildungsweg mitnimmt und nicht im Stich lässt. Auf einer soliden Primärbildung sollen dann Unternehmen und sekundäre Bildungsträger aufbauen können.

Frau Kommissarin! Ich bin auf die Veröffentlichung der Texte am Freitag sehr gespannt – Sie haben meine volle Unterstützung!


  Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (S&D). – Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, le apoyamos en los objetivos. Somos escépticos con los instrumentos. Y estamos radicalmente en contra y discrepamos de la financiación.

Apoyamos sus objetivos porque, claro, algo raro debe de pasar en la Unión Europea cuando, al mismo tiempo que acumulamos las mayores tasas de desempleo juvenil, el 40 % de los empresarios dicen que no encuentran trabajadores suficientemente cualificados para ajustar a su demanda. Claro que apoyamos sus objetivos cuando hoy el 50 % de los parados de larga duración tienen poca formación, según las estadísticas.

Pero, por todo eso, somos escépticos con los instrumentos; porque no nos sirve solo un programa diseñado en la Unión Europea para que lo ejecuten como quieran los Estados miembros —lo llamemos garantía o no lo llamemos garantía—. Necesitamos un verdadero programa de acción, no solo de coordinación. Y por eso discrepamos en su financiación: porque cómo se explica que, si hoy necesitamos mayor formación para no aumentar las brechas que se están acumulando —las digitales y también las generacionales—, al mismo tiempo sigamos teniendo un Fondo Social Europeo totalmente infrasubvencionado y sigamos acumulando recortes en los programas de formación para el empleo en los Estados miembros. Necesitamos, en la revisión intermedia, incrementar en un 25 % el Fondo Social Europeo para destinarlo a programas de formación. Sin financiación no hay diseño posible.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, I should like to thank the Commissioner for her announcement today. We look forward to the details of it when they are published. As has been said by the previous speaker – and I want to make the same point – 20% of our young people in Europe are unemployed, 40% of our employers have difficulty in finding those with relevant skills, and we also have long-term unemployed who do not have relevant skills.

It was the same story 20 years ago in the mid-1990s, when 15% of our young people were unemployed and they did not have the relevant skills. It is the same story, but it is something that we really need to address. Now we have an agenda focused on it, looking at our education and training sector, which is so important.

We need to involve industry and employers in our education schemes. It is not enough for them to give their opinions and to complain that they do not have the relevant skills. They need to be involved directly in apprenticeship models and in funding apprenticeship models as well, because it is in their own interest to ensure that they work to develop employees who have the relevant skills. I think that is very important.

I welcome and am delighted to hear that you underlined the EUR 27 billion funding that is available under the European Social Fund to support such skills development. I hope all the Member States will work and will take up that offer and develop the relevant training programmes for the necessary skills.

Of course, quality and measurement of that quality of education is very important. You mentioned that 70 million Europeans do not have the necessary reading, writing and numeracy skills – the three Rs. This is a matter of primary education skills, which is a matter for Member States, but it is something that needs to be taken seriously if we are to advance at all in the new type of economy that is demanded, particularly as we face the global challenges and the need to equip our workforce.


  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D). – Ponia komisare, dėkoju jums už pristatytą naują Europos įgūdžių darbotvarkę. Ir iš tikrųjų šiuo metu skaitmeninėje staigiai besikeičiančioje darbo rinkoje nebeužtenka įgyti įgūdžius visam gyvenimui, juos reikia nuolat atnaujinti, nuolat tobulinti, nes atsiranda nauji sektoriai, naujos darbo vietos, nauji darbo metodai, prie kurių darbuotojams reikia tikrai prisiderinti.

Deja, žiūrėkite, kokia yra situacija: Europos Sąjungoje esant vis dar dideliam nedarbui, darbdaviams kartais sunku surasti darbuotojų, kurie turėtų tinkamus įgūdžius, kad jie galėtų užimti tas laisvas darbo vietas, todėl, gerbiama komisare, iš tikrųjų reikia daugiau investuoti į mokymus ir ypatingai į tas paskatas, kad darbuotojai galėtų mokytis darbo vietoje. Ir čia darbdaviai turėtų ypatingai glaudžiai bendradarbiauti su švietimo ir mokslo bei profesinio mokymo įstaigomis, kad būtų rengiami būtent tie specialistai, kurių reikia darbo rinkai. Komisare, atkreipiu dėmesį į Europos valstybių protų nutekėjimo problemą, mes prarandame gerus specialistus. Reikia teikti Komisijai siūlymus. Ir atkreipiu dėmesį į tris kategorijas žmonių: žmonės su negalia, vyresnio amžiaus žmonės ir moterys, ypač tos, kurios grįžta po vaiko priežiūros atostogų. Šitiems žmonėms ypatingai reikia galimybių naujiems darbo įgūdžiams įgyti.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, potpuno podupirem lansiranje novog programa, programa novih vještina i želim zahvaliti povjerenici na ovom poslu jer zaista je neophodno europskim građanima i europskim radnicima prilagoditi se promjenama koje se događaju na tržištu rada. Shvaćamo da je cilj omogućiti da se europski građani pomoću alata koje ovdje nudite prilagode svijetu rada, a on se kontinuirano mijenja.

Stoga naravno da treba voditi računa o mladima, prije svega, ali i o radnicima koji bi trebali moći biti zaposleni za vrijeme cijelog života i stoga zahvaljujem na ovim inovacijama koje ovdje nudite da bismo zadržali našu konkurentnost. Prava je šteta da mladi ljudi rade na poslovima koji ne odgovaraju njihovim obrazovanjima, njihovim talentima i njihovim aspiracijama.

Isto tako pohvaljujem i pozdravljam cilj do 2020. godine, a to je 75 % radnog stanovništva koje bi trebalo biti zaposleno od 20. do 64. godine, promoviranje svakako pametnog, održivog i uključivog rasta u sljedećih deset godina, a i dalje, je također za pozdraviti. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje je neophodno, također prilagodba novim poslovima, prije svega mislim na digitalne vještine i u svakom slučaju želim pozdraviti uvjete za stvaranje novih radnih mjesta.

Najveći je problem neusklađenost obrazovanja i osposobljavanja i to je ono što najviše vodi do nezaposlenosti mladih. Vjerujem da ćemo o tome povesti računa kroz ovaj program i da bismo osigurali održivost, više ljudi mora biti zaposleno diljem Unije.


  Krystyna Łybacka (S&D). – Panie Przewodniczący! Przyłączam się do gratulacji pod adresem pani komisarz. Mówiąc o umiejętnościach, nie możemy jednak uciec od odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie jest miejsce i jaka jest rola systemu edukacji w społeczeństwach. Po pierwsze: jakość systemu edukacji powinna być mierzona nie poziomem przygotowania do egzaminów, a poziomem przygotowania do życia. Po drugie: oprócz umiejętności poznawczych niezbędne są umiejętności przekrojowe, ale także umiejętności społeczno-psychiczne. Wreszcie po trzecie: musimy nie tylko zaangażować przedsiębiorców i inne podmioty w procesy kształcenia, ale również wymagać od nich ogromnego zaangażowania we wchłanianie przygotowanych młodych ludzi i tworzenie miejsc pracy. Po czwarte: konieczna jest zmiana metod i sposobów kształcenia, także dużo większe niż dotąd uznawanie kształcenia nieformalnego. I wreszcie po piąte i ostatnie: w większym stopniu musimy wykorzystać istniejące instrumenty unijne, takie jak program Erasmus+, aby zintensyfikować nabywanie nowych umiejętności, ale również nabierać zaufania do kwalifikacji zdobywanych w krajach członkowskich Unii i w krajach poza Unią Europejską.


  Siegfried Mureşan (PPE). – Mr President, in twenty to thirty years’ time, most of the jobs will be in categories of qualifications which do not exist today, as also is the case today in comparison to twenty or thirty years ago. The technological change will be even faster in the upcoming decade. So the way in which people will work, be hired and put into practice their entrepreneurial skills will be fundamentally different in the future. As I said, the speed will only accelerate.

What we have to do is firstly the following: we have to equip the young people of Europe with the right skills they will need to have access to the jobs of the future. We are discussing a lot about online and about the digital single market, but digital skills are the point where our whole digital agenda becomes personal. It is the point where the citizens of Europe feel that Europe does something for them.

What do we have to do in concrete terms? Firstly, I believe that we have to involve youth organisations more and more strongly when we draft new policy proposals. Secondly, I think that digital literacy has to become one of the core skills acquired from an early age and also later perfected throughout one's life. The education systems at national level have to be adapted to this. The Member States have to make sure that their education systems respond to the needs of the market and that we do not lose out in terms of global competitiveness. Furthermore, we also have to make sure that the EU budget is responsive to youth policies and that the EU can set up a coherent framework and provide technical and financial assistance to our budget to help this shift from traditional education to a modern one.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, I welcome the recognition in the Commission’s proposal of the need to adopt a global and lifelong approach when it comes to skills, combining work skills and life skills. In an uncertain world we need to prepare a generation of young people with the motivation, commitment and transferrable skills, such as creative thinking, entrepreneurship, leadership and capacity building, so that they can become audacious problem solvers and responsible citizens.

We are asked to help prepare these young people to live in a fast-changing world which we cannot yet even imagine. One thing we know, though, is that this future world will be more and more digitised and connected. That is why media literacy is the key. But here again, it should not limit itself to learning about the tools and the technologies, it should aim at equipping individuals with the critical thinking and digital curiosity necessary for them to become not only users of technologies but active citizens in connected societies.

For me the backbone of this Skills Agenda must be education for citizenship, including e-citizenship through formal, non-formal and informal learning.


  Eva Paunova (PPE). – Mr President, skills, the necessary skills for success are at the heart of our competitive, innovative, economically progressing Union, so I very much look forward to the concrete proposal. In Europe currently almost 40% of the population holds a university degree, though at the same time one in four employers struggle to find people with the right skills.

To address this, I believe we need a more uniform approach and a very convinced political leadership in Europe. We need to foster complex problems solving e-skills, entrepreneurial management skills – 90% of future jobs will require ICT skills yet at the same time only one third of Europeans have used the internet; not to mention that we are not entirely aware what the jobs of the future will look like and be.

In order to ensure the added value we must step up practical skills recognition such as through the Entrepreneurial Skill Pass and other existing programmes, as well as the recognition of competences acquired online. Skills are not only to be fostered but also, most importantly, made portable, applicable and fit to the needs of employers and businesses. We have a single market for our goods and services and now it is time to match that with a single market for our human capital.


Procedura "catch-the-eye"


  Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, dois pilares devem sustentar esta agenda das novas competências para a Europa. Uma resposta concreta aos elevados índices de desemprego, condição que afeta particularmente, e como aqui já foi repetido, os jovens de algumas das nossas regiões, por outro lado um verdadeiro estímulo à economia dos vários países europeus que enfrentam enormes lacunas relativamente à ausência de profissionais qualificados e especializados em setores cruciais de desenvolvimento.

Aproveito para fazer, pois, referência a um setor do turismo que, representando 10% do PIB emprega cerca de vinte e cinco milhões de pessoas em toda a União. É urgente apoiar a digitalização das empresas, criar ferramentas para que os profissionais do setor adquiram novas competências, competências digitais.

Acreditamos no turismo como carreira de escolha: pois criemos então esta opção. Queremos mobilidade laboral, implementemos instrumentos de estágios e de trabalho entre PME europeias. Precisamos de apostar num currículo comum, criar plataformas online de procura entre a procura e a oferta de trabalho, profissionalizar serviços prestados com estratégias de qualificação nos recursos humanos.


  José Blanco López (S&D). – Señor Presidente, el Parlamento ha venido reclamando largamente una estrategia comunitaria sobre nuevas competencias. Bienvenida sea, por tanto, la agenda de hoy.

Si Europa no quiere generar nuevas barreras ni nuevas formas de exclusión en esta sociedad digital y si queremos aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades, debemos impulsar con urgencia una nueva agenda formativa capaz de salvar la brecha creciente entre la oferta y la demanda de competencias en la economía digital. Asimismo, se deben poner encima de la mesa iniciativas que fomenten la alfabetización mediática y en relación con internet de todos los ciudadanos de la Unión. Y se deben dedicar recursos, más recursos a formación permanente para garantizar que los trabajadores, especialmente los menos cualificados, dispongan de competencias adecuadas a un entorno enormemente cambiante.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospodine predsjedniče, kako sam jutros već rekla, današnje su članice Unije 1980. činile 30 % svjetskog BDP-a, a danas je taj udio smanjen na 17 %. Globalni se ekonomski i tehnološki trendovi mijenjaju i Europa se tome mora prilagoditi.

Ne vidim drugog načina osim ulaganja u nova znanja i vještine te boljeg povezivanja obrazovnog sustava s tržištem rada koje moramo dodatno liberalizirati. Ako misli držati korak, Europa mora biti otvorena za tehnološke inovacije i nove poslovne modele koji mijenjaju postojeće okolnosti na tržištu rada.

Pokušaji očuvanja postojećih radnih mjesta regulatornim udarima na Uber i Netflix neće zaustaviti te kompanije, ali bi mogli zaustaviti potrebnu transformaciju europske ekonomije i njezinu prilagodbu globalnim trendovima, što će se dugoročno puno negativnije odraziti na broj radnih mjesta u Europskoj uniji.


  Bill Etheridge (EFDD). – Mr President, it would seem that the EU wishes to control every part of its citizens’ lives. You now want EU standards for skills and education. Does that mean that the same educational standards are required in every single EU country, and the same form of education? You want to control what skills people learn, and of course where and how they use them, all of that at the cost of tens of billions of euros of taxpayers’ money.

Education and training, like most other things, work better with less state, or less superstate, involvement, less politicians, more educationalists. The EU’s desire to control everything and every facet of life, unfortunately – and unintentionally – is negative and destructive at every level.


(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, dear colleagues, honourable Members, let me be short in my concluding remarks. Time is running, as the President reminds us, and I spoke already for longer in my introduction. But let me add this: I am very happy that we agree on the necessity and the importance of a Skills Agenda. Of course improving skills must go hand in hand with macroeconomic politics to stimulate job creation. The two are mutually reinforcing. The European fund for Strategic Investments is one flagship action which is helping us to do just that, injecting investment into the real economy to create more and good quality jobs.

And let me repeat what I said already in the joint committee meeting last April: employability is not a dirty word. Education and training must prepare young people to participate fully in society and to be an active citizen, and help them to acquire transversal skills, but people rightly expect that their education and training will also help them to get a good job. Good basic skills, having a good basis to build upon for lifelong learning, is therefore in the interest of both the economy and the individual fulfilment of every person.

Our Skills Agenda is an agenda for all. It is for young and old, for people in education, in unemployment, inactive people and people in work. The success of the Skills Agenda will depend on the commitment and the active engagement of many players, Member States first and foremost, as well as businesses and trade unions, education and training institutions, workers, learners and many others.

The European Parliament has a key role to play in raising the political profile of this debate, both in Europe and in your home countries and in supporting the implementation of the Skills Agenda. I want to thank you for your support and for your inspiration. I look forward to cooperating with you and, as I mentioned in my introduction, the documents will be available as soon as possible, that is when they are formally adopted next Friday.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Clara Eugenia Aguilera García (S&D), por escrito. – La Agenda de Nuevas competencias es una iniciativa clave para devolver a Europa a la senda de la prosperidad. Con los conocimientos adecuados, las personas están mejor equipadas para acceder al mercado laboral por primera vez, reorientar su vida profesional o reincorporarse al empleo después de un largo periodo de tiempo. Sin embargo, la situación es dramática: más de 70 millones de europeos tienen mala lectura, escritura, aritmética y competencias digitales. Hay demasiadas personas que trabajan en empleos que no coinciden con sus talentos, a la vez que el 40 % de los empresarios europeos tienen dificultades para encontrar personas con los conocimientos adecuados. Por ello, los socialistas damos la bienvenida a esta iniciativa, pero estaremos muy atentos a su desarrollo y ejecución, puesto que no nos sirve sólo un programa diseñado en la UE para que lo ejecuten como quieran los Estados miembros. Lo que necesitamos es un verdadero programa de acción europeo, dotado de la financiación adecuada con un foco específico en los países y regiones con las mayores necesidades. Europa necesita una agenda de competencias para todos: jóvenes, mayores, gente en el empleo y desempleados. Sólo así podremos garantizar un futuro justo, sostenible y próspero para todos.


  Andrea Bocskor (PPE), in writing. – The New Skills Agenda aims at improving the teaching and recognition of skills across the EU. It will boost employability and competitiveness and it will better respond to industry needs. The goal is to achieve a shared vision and a commitment to work together on improving the quality and relevance of skills formation, in order to keep step with the rapidly changing skills requirements of the labour market, equip everyone with a minimum set of basic skills and make qualifications easier to understand – thus helping workers and learners to move more easily within the EU.

In this context, I welcome the comprehensive approach put forward by the Commission to address the basic deficit of skills and the skills mismatch at all levels, including transversal, entrepreneurial and digital skills. We need to continue investing in Europe’s human capital in order to maintain our competitiveness. I welcome very much the revised European Qualifications Framework, which will improve understanding of qualifications acquired abroad. I am convinced that it is important to promote the comparability of qualifications between the countries covered by the EQF and other countries, in particular neighbourhood countries such as Ukraine. This will help to ease the transition to the labour market and to create jobs and growth.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – A Agenda da UE para Novas Competências e Novos Empregos insere-se na Estratégia UE-2020, respondendo à meta de dar trabalho a 75% da população em idade ativa. Ou seja, assume-se que 25% da população em idade ativa não estará ativa. A UE-2020, por detrás da retórica social e ambiental, é a concretização das políticas que materializaram a degradação das condições socioeconómicas das populações, promovendo a flexibilização e desregulamentação laborais, a primazia ao aprofundamento do mercado interno, com as liberalizações e privatizações de ainda mais sectores económicos, a liberalização e desregulação do comércio internacional. A Agenda para as Novas Competências não tem outro intuito e insere-se nesta agenda. Defende a flexibilidade laboral, a mercantilização da educação e a tendência para a profissionalização precoce (através da ligação da escola ao mercado de trabalho ou da educação dual), a promoção da “competividade internacional”, através da desregulamentação e da perda de direitos e salários. A educação, a formação profissional e a diversificação de competências técnicas são fatores fundamentais para garantir a adaptação dos trabalhadores à mudança constante que carateriza a contemporaneidade - a nível tecnológico, nos métodos de comunicação ou de gestão e organização do trabalho. Mas são diversos os objetivos desta Agenda: desregulação do trabalho e afunilamento do papel dos sistemas de ensino.


  Kinga Gál (PPE), írásban. – A készségekre vonatkozó új európai menetrend célja, hogy támogassa a készségek felfedezését és fejlesztését már gyerekkortól. Így olyan társadalmi tőke alakítható ki, amelynek köszönhetően nő a foglalkoztathatóság és a versenyképesség Európában, ezáltal pedig csökken a szegénység, valamint a társadalmi kirekesztés. Mint már létező jó példa ezen a területen, szeretném megemlíteni a Csermely Péter professzor által létrehozott Magyar Tehetségsegítő Hálózatot. A tavalyi év folyamán a magyar kezdeményezést európai szinten ültették gyakorlatba és kialakították az uniós szintű tehetségsegítő hálózatot. Az első 14 Európai Tehetséggondozó Központot tavaly szeptemberben akkreditálták, idén pedig immár 200 európai Tehetségpont pályázott 24 országból, hogy része lehessen ennek a hálózatnak. A tehetség felfedezése és megfelelő gondozása pedig kulcsszerepet játszik az egyén jobb boldogulásában, biztosítva a felnövekvő generációk biztosabb jövőjét. A készségekre vonatkozó új európai menetrendnek ebben nagy szerepe van.


  Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D), por escrito. – La Agenda de Nuevas competencias es una iniciativa clave para devolver a Europa a la senda de la prosperidad. Con los conocimientos adecuados, las personas están mejor equipadas para acceder al mercado laboral por primera vez, reorientar su vida profesional o reincorporarse al empleo después de un largo periodo de tiempo. Sin embargo, la situación es dramática: más de 70 millones de europeos tienen mala lectura, escritura, aritmética y competencias digitales. Hay demasiadas personas que trabajan en empleos que no coinciden con sus talentos, a la vez que el 40 % de los empresarios europeos tienen dificultades para encontrar personas con los conocimientos adecuados.

Por ello, los socialistas damos la bienvenida a esta iniciativa pero estaremos muy atentos a su desarrollo y ejecución, puesto que no nos sirve sólo un programa diseñado en la UE para que lo ejecuten como quieran los Estados miembros. Lo que necesitamos es un verdadero programa de acción europeo, dotado de la financiación adecuada con un foco específico en los países y regiones con las mayores necesidades. Europa necesita una agenda de competencias para todos: jóvenes, mayores, gente en el empleo y desempleados. Sólo así podremos garantizar un futuro justo, sostenible y próspero para todos.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE), na piśmie. – Europejski program na rzecz nowych umiejętności to dokument potrzebny i długo oczekiwany. Problemem na rynku pracy w Unii Europejskiej jest nie tylko wysokie bezrobocie spowodowane zbyt małą podażą pracy. Mamy także wiele nieobsadzonych wakatów a umiejętności pracowników są często niedopasowane do oczekiwań pracodawców i do zmieniających się dynamicznie warunków pracy. Dlatego z zadowoleniem przyjmuję dzisiejsze oświadczenie Komisji. Cieszę się, że problem został ujęty całościowo i wsparcie ukierunkowane będzie zarówno na wykształcenie podstawowych umiejętności wśród gorzej wykształconych pracowników, jak i na bardziej zaawansowane technologie. Jestem zdania, że kształcenie odpowiednich umiejętności, w tym zwłaszcza tych cyfrowych i z zakresu przedsiębiorczości, powinno być integralną częścią procesu kształcenia od najmłodszych lat i na wszystkich etapach edukacji. Ważne jest także stworzenie odpowiedniego klimatu i ram dla uczenia się przez całe życie, gdyż w wielu państwach członkowskich jego potencjał wciąż nie jest w pełni wykorzystany.


  Afzal Khan (S&D), in writing. – Did you know that a staggering 23 million people are currently unemployed across the EU – 10% of the active population? For our European economy to grow and remain competitive, we need more jobs. From 2012 onwards our working age population has started to shrink. To ensure the sustainability of our welfare systems, more people need to work. But the problem goes beyond mere job numbers. We need a new approach to education and skills development also to ensure that fewer Europeans are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. We have seen what devastating effects a lack of true integration – social and economic – can have on our societies. For example, radicalisation succeeds in those communities that feel they have been left out. We have to reverse this negative trend. This is why inclusion of part-time and temporary workers, also for the refugees and migrants currently Europe, is so important. I am supporting the Commission in today’s launch of the New Skills Agenda. Its task is not just to create more jobs, but to improve and strengthen our European social fabric. After all, our future success is ensured only if all aspects of our society feel they are working together, towards the same goal.


  Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (PPE), na piśmie. – Przede wszystkim wyrażam satysfakcję, że Komisja podjęła temat europejskiego programu na rzecz nowych umiejętności i że skupiła się w nim na umiejętnościach podstawowych i przekrojowych oraz wzmacnianiu współpracy między instytucjami edukacyjnymi a rynkiem pracy, oraz na kształceniu zawodowym. Podstawowe umiejętności: czytania, pisania, liczenia i rozumowania, od lat badane testem PISA dla 15-latków pokazują, że ponad 20 % młodych Europejczyków nie osiąga podstawowego poziomu umiejętności. Najbardziej niepokojące jest to, że ten odsetek jest ponad dwukrotnie wyższy w rodzinach o niskim statusie społeczno-ekonomicznym i rodzinach imigranckich, gdzie przekracza średnio 37 %, ale w niektórych krajach UE nawet 70 %. Tworzy to zaklęty krąg biedy i wykluczenia, społeczne getta, ograniczony dostęp do rynku pracy i dalszej edukacji całym grupom społecznym, gdy połowa populacji lub nawet większa jej część przez całe życie jest uwięziona w pułapce niskich umiejętności. Zgadzam się z Komisją, że potrzebne jest także rozwijanie umiejętności przekrojowych, jak znajomość języków obcych, umiejętności cyfrowe, na wszystkich poziomach i specjalnościach edukacyjnych. Potrzebujemy też stale uaktualnianych zestawów umiejętności potrzebnych na rynku pracy, definiowanych i rozwijanych u uczniów w ścisłej współpracy z otoczeniem biznesowym. Dlatego zapowiadany przegląd ram kwalifikacyjnych oraz budowanie partnerstw z pracodawcami i innymi partnerami rynku pracy będą miały kluczowe znaczenie dla powodzenia tej inicjatywy.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE), in writing. – I welcome the decision adopted by the Commission on a new Skills Agenda for Europe. We need clear action plans on better encouraging interaction between the education institutions and social partners. Their involvement in designing curricula and work-based learning is essential in order to ensure that all citizens acquire general knowledge and overcome the lack of relevant skills for available jobs so we can reach a better functioning labour market. Courses for reskilling and upskilling adults are also needed.

We should urgently incorporate new technologies in the learning process and further foster partnerships to fill high-tech skills gaps and promote digital entrepreneurship in order to align the European economy to the new digital reality. We should prepare and encourage individuals to start their own business and run it successfully. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the development of entrepreneurship and networking skills, language competences and other transversal skills and competences. The lack of comparability of qualifications awarded in the EU with third country qualifications is an obstacle to attracting talent to Europe and in particular to integrating the refugees and asylum seekers the EU hosts. Recognition of degrees and qualifications is essential for social integration and a functioning labour market.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR), γραπτώς. – Σύμφωνα με την Ατζέντα Δεξιοτήτων για την Ευρώπη, ένας από τους κύριους στόχους της ΕΕ για την απασχόληση μέχρι το 2020 είναι να εργάζεται το 75% του πληθυσμού από ηλικία 20 έως 64 ετών. Ωστόσο, δεδομένων των ποσοστών ανεργίας που καταγράφονται αυτή τη στιγμή στην Ευρώπη, αυτός ο στόχος μοιάζει ανέφικτος για ορισμένα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ. Συγκεκριμένα, στις χώρες όπου πλήττονται από τη βίαιη δημοσιονομική πολιτική τα ποσοστά ανεργίας ξεπερνoύν το 20%. Όμως η ανεργία στην Ευρώπη, που είναι βαθιά και πλήττει εκατομμύρια πολίτες, οφείλεται στο παραγωγικό μοντέλο και όχι σε δήθεν έλλειψη προσόντων. Οφείλεται στη δομή της ΕΕ και της Ευρωζώνης. Οφείλεται στην μερκελική λιτότητα και στη φτώχεια που οδηγούν στην υποκατανάλωση. Οφείλεται στην άνιση κατανομή του παραγόμενου πλούτου στην Ένωση, με τις χώρες του Νότου να είναι πρωταθλήτριες στην ανεργία, ενώ η Γερμανία με τα τεράστια εμπορικά πλεονάσματα έχει ποσοστό ανεργίας 4,5%. Για να μειωθεί η ανεργία, πρέπει να εγκαταλειφθεί η πολιτική της λιτότητας, να αλλάξει το παραγωγικό μοντέλο στην Ένωση αλλά και η ίδια η δομή της ΕΕ και της Ευρωζώνης. Ταυτόχρονα πρέπει να γίνουν επενδύσεις στην εκπαίδευση, στην κατάρτιση και στις ψηφιακές δεξιότητες, προκειμένου να επιτευχθούν οι στόχοι της Ατζέντας Δεξιοτήτων για την Ευρώπη.


  Claude Rolin (PPE), par écrit. – La garantie pour les compétences présentée dans le cadre de la stratégie pour des compétences nouvelles est essentielle. À l'heure où l'on encourage la mobilité, rendre les compétences et les qualifications comparables au niveau européen est indispensable. Il faut lever les obstacles à l'accès au marché du travail, en particulier pour les adultes peu qualifiés. Pour cela, il convient de renforcer les compétences de base, non seulement nécessaires pour travailler, mais aussi et surtout, pour s'insérer socialement dans la société. Je suis favorable à la reconnaissance des apprentissages tant formels qu'informels, car l'expérience est un savoir en soi. Il faut créer des ponts entre enseignement, formation professionnelle et monde de l'emploi. Secteurs professionnels comme apprenants sont demandeurs. Avec sa compétence d'appui, l'Union européenne a un rôle essentiel de relais, pour créer le liant entre les différents acteurs et permettre d'essaimer les bonnes pratiques identifiées dans les États membres. L'Europe compte 22 millions de chômeurs, dont 5,2 millions de jeunes, alors que des pénuries sont constatées dans de nombreux secteurs. Faisons coïncider ces deux mondes en créant les conditions favorables à l'emploi et en tenant compte des spécificités des marchés du travail dans les différents États membres.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE), in writing. – According to an ILO study, between 25 and 45 percent of the European workforce are either under— or over—qualified for the jobs they do – a situation that is largely due to the fast paced change in the structure of our economies. Because recently an increased number of people underwent digital education or training, the number of unfilled vacancies demanding IT skills became smaller than what was expected a few years ago. But there is still much to be done to align the European economy to the new digital economy and close the gap between the number of job seekers and the number of unfilled jobs. This is why I welcome the issuing by the Commission of an agenda to equip, skill and reskill students and people in employment or looking for employment with the competencies needed in a modern labour market. With a well designed and implemented strategy we can go beyond addressing labour market needs: we can also help the ‘skills—poor’ have a better start – or a new start – in life and to reduce poverty and social exclusion in our countries.


  Владимир Уручев (PPE), в писмена форма. – Уважаеми колеги, по оценки на Европейската комисия около 70 милиона европейци не притежават достатъчни умения за четене, писане и смятане, а почти половината (45%) от населението на ЕС няма достатъчни дигитални умения. Това е повече от алармено състояние за началото на 21 век. Въпреки огромната безработица в Европа, повече от 40% от работодателите заявяват, че не могат да намерят работници с необходимите знания и умения, за да развиват бизнеса си. Нека добавим, че огромен брой млади хора с висше образование не могат да си намерят работа или работят на места, които са далеч от тяхното образование. Следователно, нещо е сбъркано в системата на образованието и трябват незабавни и сериозни промени. Затова приветствам предложението на Комисията за новата програма за умения в Европа. Необходим е всеобхватен подход и задействане на всички ефективни инструменти, с които да се адресират известните днес базови дефицити на умения спрямо изискванията на пазара на труда. Младите хора трябва да са фокус на програмата по разбираеми причини, но само с това няма да се реши проблемът с несъответствието между изискванията и реалните умения на работниците, които сега са в армията на безработните. Нека инвестираме в целия човешки ресурс на Европа, в обучение на нужните днес и утре умения.


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