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Relato integral dos debates
Quarta-feira, 8 de Junho de 2016 - Estrasburgo Edição revista

27. Diplomacia económica da UE (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärung der Kommission zur Wirtschaftsdiplomatie der EU (2016/2733(RSP)).


  Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, again, this is one of the issues on which I am working very closely with my colleagues in the Commission. The Commission and High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini and the European Investment Bank are currently examining how to have more efficient EU economic diplomacy.

Economic diplomacy is about using all levers that are at our disposal to promote our economic interests abroad. This means removing barriers and creating incentives to trade and investment by opening global markets, fostering cooperation on economic governance, regulatory convergence or a level playing field, concretely supporting the internationalisation of EU businesses and improving the coherence and effectiveness of the external action of the EU in the economic field.

Economic diplomacy is therefore at the forefront of the Jobs, Growth and Investment agenda, one of the top priorities of the Juncker Commission. In a world where most of the future economic growth is expected to happen outside the EU, we must make optimal use of all the levers at our disposal to promote EU prosperity in a global context. To this end, we need to develop a more cohesive and coherent approach that targets strong economic and political outcomes using our trade, investment, industry, innovation, foreign and development policies. EU economic diplomacy also has a financial dimension and access to finance for business internationalisation should be boosted, notably through EIB actions.

The Commission services, the EEAS and the European Investment Bank are already active in working towards removing barriers and creating incentives to trade and investment by opening global markets, fostering cooperation on economic governance, regulatory convergence or a level playing field with key economic partners. They are also supporting the internationalisation of EU businesses. We do this inter alia by negotiating and implementing trade and investment and sectoral agreements, by cooperating on sectoral policies across the world through diplomatic démarches by our EU delegations or at political level when we have summits or high-level meetings with partner countries, and by deploying and financing initiatives to support the internationalisation of businesses and SMEs. This can be done, for instance, via market access, partnership, support to EU chambers of commerce abroad, business missions and regulatory cooperation and projects. But we can still do more to further improve the coherence and effectiveness of the EU’s external action in the economic field.

First, we need to have a clear view of the EU’s economic interests and strategic objectives with key partners. And then we need to use the policy tools and instruments at our disposal to pursue these objectives and ensure coherence and synergies. Proper consultation, coordination and unity must be ensured with Parliament, Member States and industry, as a united EU is stronger and has more leverage.

An inter-service group on economic diplomacy has been set up with representatives of the Commission services, the EU External Action Service and the EIB to examine and make proposals on the above-mentioned agenda. This group has already helped strengthen our internal coordination. One of the next steps will be to equip EU delegations with better guidance and instructions on how to support EU economic interests abroad.

We are also reflecting on how to improve coordination with Member States and EU industry to work the together on the same objectives and divide work in an optimal way, including in respect of concrete support for the internationalisation of EU companies, where we need to avoid duplication. For this, we will discuss with Member States and industry representatives both in Brussels and in European capitals, but also in third countries where economic diplomacy is being carried out on the ground. The role of EU delegations is therefore key.

The European Parliament’s role in EU economic diplomacy is also key, as you have relations with parliaments of most countries in the world and can pass important messages when visiting them. We need to pursue the same objectives and work together to defend EU economic interests abroad.

So, honourable Members, I will stop here and I am very interested in hearing your views on what more we could do and maybe learn from best practices you have seen during your visits and activities abroad.


  Antonio Tajani, a nome del gruppo PPE. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Vicepresidente della Commissione, se l'Unione vuole svolgere un ruolo guida sulla scena internazionale, deve promuovere la propria competitività attraverso settori strategici quali l'industria e l'energia. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, l'Unione deve dotarsi di una vera e propria diplomazia economica con tre obiettivi principali.

Il primo: sostenere le proprie imprese all'estero, aiutandole a posizionarsi nei mercati emergenti, penso all'America Latina, all'Africa e all'Estremo Oriente, e a consolidarsi in quelli tradizionali. Secondo: promuovere iniziative di internazionalizzazione delle imprese, in particolare le piccole e medie, attraverso missioni di operatori economici in paesi in crescita, business forum o incontri "B to B"; l'internazionalizzazione è infatti il miglior strumento per contrastare la delocalizzazione delle nostre imprese. Terzo obiettivo: attrarre in Europa investimenti produttivi e flussi turistici che favoriscano la crescita del nostro continente.

La Commissione europea ha già sviluppato strumenti efficaci a sostegno di questa dimensione. Penso alle missioni per la crescita, che sono state già realizzate in circa 30 regioni o paesi e che si sono dimostrate molto utili per ampliare le attività delle nostre aziende oltre i confini dell'Unione. Ma il miglioramento e il potenziamento di queste iniziative sono fondamentali per affrontare sfide economiche e cogliere opportunità a livello globale.

Nelle sedi del Servizio per l'azione esterna servono desk specializzati nel sostenere le piccole e medie imprese che intendono internazionalizzare. La nostra diplomazia, purtroppo, non si è rinnovata abbastanza e non ha sviluppato quel riflesso economico che la renderebbe molto più efficace ed utile per la crescita. Io mi auguro che si possano avere nuove missioni per la crescita. Le sue parole ci lasciano ben sperare e mi auguro che gli impegni da lei presi vengano seguiti anche dagli altri Commissari.


  Maria Grapini, în numele grupului S&D. – Doamnă președintă, domnule comisar, diplomația economică nu este un concept nou și nu se discută pentru prima dată în Parlamentul European. Îmi amintesc de activitatea domnului Tajani în calitate de comisar și vicepreședinte al comisiei, când a inițiat deja acțiuni în 2013, un program interesant pentru diplomația economică pentru ca Uniunea Europeană să poată deveni un actor mai puternic pe plan mondial.

În definiția sa, diplomația economică este, de fapt, o funcție politică externă care asigură conformitatea demersurilor cu obiective foarte clare pentru promovarea bunăstării economice a cetățenilor europeni. Diplomația economică are ca obiectiv utilizarea instrumentelor de politică externă pentru susținerea intereselor economice ale întreprinzătorilor, ale statelor membre. Pentru a-și atinge obiectivele, Uniunea Europeană ar trebui să promoveze la nivel mondial competitivitatea și să preia rolul de lider în sectoare strategice precum cel industrial, inovativ și energetic.

De multe ori, la întâlnirea cu mai mulți comisari, inclusiv cu domnul Juncker, am ridicat probleme legate de măsuri concrete, de reindustrializare a Uniunii Europene, de internaționalizare a afacerilor și, în mod deosebit, sprijinul IMM-urilor pentru extinderea activității în țări terțe. Ați precizat și dumneavoastră, domnule comisar, însă nu ați spus cum. Pentru că, fără a avea bugete concrete pentru internaționalizarea IMM-urilor, nu vom putea să facem doar prin vorbe. Întrebarea mea este foarte explicită și sper să primesc un răspuns la fel de clar. Ce instrumente de tip diplomatic în sectorul economic și comercial doriți să elaborați acum, când Uniunea Europeană se află în negocieri extrem de importante cu piețe mari: Statele Unite, Canada, China, Japonia? Domnule comisar, în calitatea de vicepreședintă a intergrupului pentru IMM-uri, am avut ocazia să mă întâlnesc cu multe asociații ale IMM-urilor, eu însămi am fost un IMM-ist și ministru al IMM-urilor. Ce instrumente de diplomație economică vă gândiți să elaborați pentru sprijinirea IMM-urilor în extinderea afacerilor și comercializarea pe piețe terțe? Ce se poate face pentru a avea IMM-uri inovative, competitive, solide pe piața globală? Aveți un plan? O strategie diplomatică ar genera venituri și ar promova valorile europene prin crearea unui mediu concurențial echitabil. Diplomația economică este utilă și ar revigora Europa în arena mondială.


  Zdzisław Krasnodębski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Niewątpliwie Unia może zrobić więcej, by używając środków dyplomacji gospodarczej, promować europejskie przedsiębiorstwa i produkty w świecie i przyciągnąć inwestorów do Europy. Istotny wydaje mi się szczególnie poziom mezo, a więc poziom państw i regionów, o czym wiceprzewodniczący Komisji Jyrki Katainen mówił w lutym na seminarium Europejskiego Centrum Strategii Politycznej. Potrzebne są jednak nowe narzędzia i nowe koncepcje uprawiania dyplomacji gospodarczej.

Chciałbym przy tym zwrócić uwagę, że dyplomacja gospodarcza na poziomie unijnym powinna uwzględniać interesy wszystkich krajów członkowskich i wszystkich regionów Europy oraz że powinna wzmacniać działania państw członkowskich w tym względzie, a nie je zastępować. Niestety wszyscy wiemy, że rzeczywistość gospodarcza Europy wygląda inaczej, niż byśmy chcieli. Powiększa się różnica między krajami europejskiego centrum i peryferii. Dyplomacja gospodarcza wspierająca kontakty gospodarcze z krajami pozaeuropejskimi powinna być tak pomyślana i zorganizowana, by działać na rzecz zmniejszenia tych różnic.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I think this is a very important discussion, a timely moment and one that our group very much supports. The fact that we are discussing this at a time when many in the EU are actually too inward-focused allows us to look outward again and see not only threats from the outside world but, frankly, the many opportunities.

One of the strengths of the European Union is of course our soft power. I think economic diplomacy would be one way to also create a better relevance and clear picture for people of why we have trade and other economic policies and what it can mean concretely. Concretely, that is, for small and medium-sized enterprises and concretely in an outreach that should be a two-way street: on the one hand, we should have our diplomats and our representatives looking for opportunities in third countries, but we should also be a welcome desk providing information and bringing knowledge back to the European Union.

I think we should also strive to be less competing with one another globally and to act more as an EU together. Let me give you an example. Recently I was in Boston, Massachusetts, as the Vice-President of the US Delegation of this House, where there are incubators bringing life science companies from the EU to relevant partners in the US. You see a German hub, a Dutch hub and a Swedish hub operating within metres of each other. Why not join forces, show what Europe has to offer, and bring the knowledge and the entrepreneurship, the investment and other relevant actors back in touch with actors in the EU? The same could be said for Silicon Valley.

I think there are many opportunities to avoid duplication – as you said, Commissioner – but also to connect the dots in a changing world, involve technology and IT in a smart way, and involve the private sector also in our foreign policy goals, which includes them playing a role in advancing human rights, corporate social responsibility and basically streamlining our efforts on the global stage.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Herr Kommissar, ich nehme Ihre Erklärung: Wirtschaftsdiplomatie der EU bedeutet Einsatz ihrer Beziehungen und ihres Einflusses zur Erschließung von Absatzmärkten und zur Generierung von Investitionen. An diesen Zielen sollen künftig möglichst alle relevanten Politikbereiche und EU-Institutionen, so auch die EIB, ausgerichtet werden. Und hier setzen doch grundlegende zu beantwortende Fragen an.

Ist es doch schon längst nachgewiesen, dass ein handelsförderndes Agieren nur zwischen entwickelten und weniger entwickelten Ländern funktioniert. Der Ansatz umreißt in diesem Sinne nicht nur Zielmärkte, sondern verweist bereits jetzt auf ein sich klar abzeichnendes zentrales Problem: Im globalen Süden generiert, macht der internationale Handel gegenwärtig bereits 50 Prozent dort aus und ist in hohem Maße auf die Berücksichtigung seiner Interessen und Bedürfnisse angewiesen. Berücksichtigt die EU dies in einer zukünftig auf Interessenausgleich ausgerichteten Handelspolitik nicht, wird die EU-Wirtschaftsdiplomatie kurzfristig im Südhandel ihren Meister finden. Bereits heute macht er mehr als ein Drittel des Welthandels aus. Es ist also noch einmal Nachdenken gefordert.


  Othmar Karas (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Vizepräsident, meine Damen und Herren! Ich freue mich auf der einen Seite, dass diese Anfrage, geleitet von Antonio Tajani und allen Vorsitzenden der interfraktionellen Arbeitsgruppe KMU, heute aufgerufen werden kann. Wir haben uns bereits am 13. Oktober 2015 in der Intergruppe KMU damit beschäftigt, und ich freue mich auch deshalb, weil Österreich hier eine Vorreiterrolle einnimmt durch die Außenhandelsorganisation, die wir seit Jahren haben und die ein wesentlicher Teil der Exportoffensive und der erfolgreichen internationalen Tätigkeit der KMU in Österreich bedeutet.

Wir haben die Situation – Sie haben es angeschnitten –, dass 80-90 % des Wirtschaftswachstums in den nächsten zehn bis fünfzehn Jahren außerhalb Europas stattfinden, ein Drittel davon in China. Obwohl 25 % der europäischen KMU in die EU exportieren sind derzeit nur 13 % aller Europäischen KMU auf Märkten außerhalb der Union tätig. Die Investitionen finden aufgrund der Globalisierung großteils außerhalb Europas statt. Wir wollen den EFSI, um unsere Nachbarstaaten weiterentwickeln, einen EFSI für Afrika diskutieren.

Die KMU benötigen Begleitung, Betreuung, Unterstützung, Türöffner, weil sie sich das sonst nicht leisten können. Daher bitten wir Sie, die Kooperation Wirtschaft-KMU-Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst zu vereinen.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Vice-Presidente, num tempo em que as economias estão cada vez mais interdependentes, a diplomacia económica tem necessariamente que constituir um vetor fundamental de todas as políticas externas. E ela tem que ter dois objetivos fundamentais no quadro europeu: por um lado, contribuir para a internacionalização do nosso tecido empresarial, por outro lado, atrair investimento externo para o espaço europeu.

Em relação ao primeiro objetivo, é muito importante apoiar as pequenas e médias empresas. Essas são as que mais necessitam do apoio da União Europeia. Já contam muitas vezes com o apoio dos seus Estados, dos Estados-Membros em que atuam, mas precisam do apoio da União Europeia porque têm alguma dificuldade em conquistar novos mercados exteriores ao espaço europeu.

E numa altura em que nós estamos a negociar vários acordos comerciais com diferentes países e agrupamentos de países por esse mundo fora, este desafio adquire uma importância muito particular e portanto aqui há que criar instrumentos muito específicos, desde a componente financeira até à componente de apoio logístico, no sentido de permitir justamente a este tecido empresarial, que é o grosso do tecido empresarial europeu, constituído pelas pequenas e médias empresas, poder aspirar a uma mais rápida internacionalização, sob pena de elas próprias não conseguirem competir no quadro internacional.

E o segundo aspeto que é também um aspeto muito importante e que tem que ver com a capacidade de atração de bons investimentos externos para o espaço político e económico europeu. Há muito a fazer neste domínio.


  Janusz Lewandowski (PPE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Podzielam oczywiście diagnozy i recepty wyrażone na początku tej debaty przez komisarza Katainena oraz przez Antonia Tajaniego. Oczywiście należy wykorzystać zbiorową siłę instytucji unijnej na rzecz promowania interesów gospodarczych Europy na świecie. Zgłosiłem się do tej nocnej debaty dlatego, że jako przewodniczący delegacji Parlament Europejski –Iran mam bardzo ciekawe pole obserwacji, bardzo ciekawe case study. Otóż mamy tu na pewno do czynienia z wielkim otwarciem wielkiego kraju o dużym potencjale gospodarczym. Lecz co się wydarzyło od czasu podpisania umowy nuklearnej? 144 wizyty rządowe z poszczególnych krajów, które wzajemnie konkurują ze sobą na tym nowo otwartym terytorium. Z tego wyłania się pewien obraz zadań dla instytucji europejskich, czyli ochrona inwestycji, tworzenie lepszego obszaru inwestycyjnego na terenie tego nowego kraju, przełamywanie barier dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw i dzielenie się informacjami. Są to bez wątpienia wartości dodane na poziomie europejskim w stosunku do 144 wizyt rządowych i niezliczonych wizyt prywatnych, które polegają na konkurowaniu poszczególnych krajów o ten zupełnie nowy rynek. Po naszej stronie leży jednak jeszcze jeden problem, który czasami się zdarza się i który należy pokonywać: będziemy się upominali również o pewne wartości, o ochronę praw człowieka, co nie zawsze idzie w parze z interesami gospodarczymi. Dziękuję.


  Markus Pieper (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Energie und Großindustrie sind strategische Wirtschaftsbereiche, für die sich eine wirtschaftsdiplomatische Initiative lohnt. Dazu ist einiges gesagt. Aber auch der Mittelstand der Europäischen Union ist Wachstumsträger, ist Hoffnungsträger. Mit vielen Freihandelsabkommen ermöglicht die EU, ermöglicht die Kommission Wachstum in Auslandsmärkten und immer bessere Rahmenbedingungen. Das ist auch eine Einladung an die linke Seite im Parlament, doch das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP zu unterstützen, denn auch dadurch bekommen wir bessere Rahmenbedingungen, globale Exportkontakte. Auch viele Mitgliedstaaten unterstützen durch Exportabsicherung und den sehr guten Service der Auslandshandelskammern entsprechende Initiativen.

Aber ich glaube, wir können mehr tun. Die Kommission könnte ihre globalen Netzwerke stärker für Wirtschaftskontakte nutzen, und auch die Delegationen des Parlaments, das ist eben angesprochen worden, können interessierte Unternehmen mit zu den Delegationsreisen nehmen. Wir hätten sogar ein Budget; wir haben richtig viel Geld im Parlamentshaushalt, um diese Dinge zu organisieren.

Also, Europa bleibt hier unter seinen Möglichkeiten, und es sollte doch in Kooperation mit den Mitgliedstaaten und auch mit den Auslandshandelskammern gelingen, das globale Auslandsgeschäft gerade für die kleinen und mittleren Firmen zu erleichtern, zu stärken. Es wäre angebracht, wenn die Kommission die unter Kommissar Antonio Tajani bereits begonnene Initiative noch intensiver fortführt – zumal unsere Unternehmen im Ausland immer auch ein positiver Botschafter der europäischen Idee sind.


  Massimiliano Salini (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, la dimensione della diplomazia economica è parte integrante della natura del nostro continente. Il nostro continente è fatto per proporsi e l'ambito economico è sempre stato l'ambito attraverso il quale l'Europa ha raccontato al mondo un modello di sviluppo forte, solido, sostenibile, fondato su una grande creatività dei nostri imprenditori e dei nostri cittadini in generale e, dall'altro, sulla grande consapevolezza che per costruire sviluppo economico ci vuole rispetto della persona. Quindi, creatività e capacità di costruire anche un modello sociale all'altezza, per cui in Europa è bello intraprendere ed è bello lavorare.

Ma per fare diplomazia economica bisogna conoscersi bene, sapere in cosa siamo forti, conoscersi e difendersi per proporsi. Noi siamo i migliori nella manifattura e non abbiamo una grande quantità di materie prime. Quindi, una prima strategia nella costruzione di una vera diplomazia economica è associare la nostra capacità produttiva alla forza di paesi che hanno materie prime e con loro procedere a braccetto. Ad esempio, la grande sfida del Mediterraneo è una sfida all'interno della quale la nostra diplomazia economica può giocare un ruolo eccezionale. Quindi grandi relazioni e grande capacità di proposta, difendersi proponendosi, e in questa partita costruire una classe dirigente di diplomatici economici che diano una mano ai nostri imprenditori che storicamente ci hanno rappresentato nel mondo.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospođo predsjedavajuća, prije svega želim se zahvaliti gospodinu Tajaniju što uporno drži ovu temu na dnevnom redu. Ne radi se o novom konceptu, nego o nečemu što je poznato i u državama članicama i u samoj Uniji. Želim još jedanput zahvaliti što kontinuirano nastojimo raditi na ovome. Činjenica je da se 24 % BDP-a nalazi u Europskoj uniji, da smo jako i najveće svjetsko gospodarstvo, ali unatoč tome treba nam gospodarska diplomacija.

Osobno smatram da treba biti u funkciji vanjske politike i da vanjska politika ne može ići bez gospodarske diplomacije. Stoga se slažem da treba povezati i koordinirati Europsku uniju, države članice i poduzeća, ali i službu za vanjske poslove i gospodarsku diplomaciju. Bez te umreženosti nećemo uspjeti očuvati prvo mjesto u svjetskom gospodarstvu. Svakako, sve je to zbog dobrobiti europskih građana. Smatram da treba internacionalizirati gospodarsku diplomaciju, a veliki akcent treba staviti i na mala i srednja poduzeća o kojima stalno govorimo, jer srednji sloj je očito dominantan sloj u Europskoj uniji i moramo im omogućiti sve moguće mehanizme.

Naravno, postavlja se pitanje koji su to mehanizmi, ali ima puno mehanizama koji već postoje u državama članicama i treba ih iskoristiti kako bi mala i srednja poduzeća došla do punog izražaja i kako bi europsko gospodarstvo zadržalo svoju ulogu br. 1 u svijetu.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, původně jsem chtěl začít poněkud jinak, nicméně prohlášení pana komisaře mě vyprovokovalo k tomu, abych se tedy zeptal, jaké jsou cíle naší politiky právě v hospodářské diplomacii, protože si myslím, že pan komisař to zmínil pouze částečně, a připojuji se k žádosti paní kolegyně Grapini, abychom v jeho dalším vystoupení případně slyšeli ty konkrétní nástroje, které by měly být použity, a samozřejmě i ty cíle hospodářské diplomacie.

Podle mého přesvědčení Evropská unie vzhledem k síle, kterou má na globálních trzích, by měla sehrávat aktivnější úlohu na mezinárodním poli. Evropská unie je na mezinárodním poli v tom politickém slova smyslu trochu poddimenzovaná. Myslím si, že by se tady tato otázka měla spojit a ty tři cíle, o kterých hovořil i můj kolega, pan Tajani, by se měly propojit s podporou podniků, protože nejlepším vysvědčením toho, co dosáhla Evropská unie, je právě fungující podnik, který uskutečňuje svoji výrobu na zahraničních trzích. To si myslím, že je nejlepší cíl a náš hlavní bod pro rozvoj naší ekonomické diplomacie. Tam bychom měli vidět to světélko na konci tunelu.




  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, με τις υπάρχουσες πολιτικές δυνάμεις μια ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική διπλωματία θα εκπονείται και θα εφαρμόζεται αποκλειστικά στα μέτρα των γαλλο-γερμανικών πολυεθνικών. Θα παραμερίζει τους πολίτες, τις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, ενώ θα δεσμεύει τα κράτη με αποφάσεις που δεν ανταποκρίνονται στην ελεύθερη βούληση των πολιτών τους. Οι οιωνοί της οικονομικής διπλωματίας έτσι όπως την αντιλαμβάνεται η Επιτροπή είναι άκρως αρνητικοί για τους λαούς. Οι καταστροφικές αποφάσεις λήψης μέτρων κατά της Ρωσίας είχαν εξ αντιδιαστολής σοβαρές επιπτώσεις σε πολλές επιχειρήσεις, χωρίς μέχρι στιγμής η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να έχει αποζημιώσει ικανοποιητικά και δίκαια τους πληγέντες. Ταυτόχρονα, ενώ υπάρχουν διαρροές εγγράφων που αποδεικνύουν τις επαχθείς διατάξεις για το περιβάλλον που επεξεργάζεται η ΤΤΙΡ, η Επιτροπή συνεχίζει το «business as usual». Αυτά τα γεγονότα καταδεικνύουν την τροπή που επιχειρούν να δώσουν στην οικονομική διπλωματία οι ευρωκράτες και που δεν είναι άλλη από τη δημιουργία ενός οικονομικού ΝΑΤΟ, μιας οικονομικής αναδίπλωσης στα πλαίσια της Δύσης, μιας υπόκλισης στα υπερατλαντικά γεωγραφικά συμφέροντα, που αγνοούν πλήρως τη λαϊκή ετυμηγορία και αποδεικνύουν επιδεικτικά ότι αγνοούν την πολυπολική συγκρότηση της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Gospođo predsjednice, da bi Europa i europsko gospodarstvo ostali konkurentni i imali mogućnosti rasta nedvojbeno je potrebna internacionalizacija našeg gospodarstva jer naravno da se širenjem svjetske ekonomije udio Europe stalno smanjuje. Zato snažno podržavam ovu inicijativu europske diplomacije i pozivam na sinergiju sa zemljama članicama, s diplomacijom koju zemlje članice imaju u mnogim zemljama, pogotovo na afričkom, azijskom i južnoameričkom kontinentu, gdje možemo itekako imati puno upliva.

Htio bih povezati ovu inicijativu i s onim čime se stalno bavimo u ovoj našoj auli, a to je problem migrantske krize. S našom jakom ekonomskom diplomacijom, siguran sam, zajedno sa zemljama članicama možemo i taj problem rješavati na drugačiji način nego što ga rješavamo.

I na kraju, htio bih spomenuti, da, energija i industrija su vrlo važna tema, ali i turizam, koji je spomenut. Međutim, da bi turizam bio još jači mi se moramo ovdje u Europi organizirati kako treba jer sada nismo dobro organizirani.


  Kateřina Konečná (GUE/NGL). – Paní předsedající, ekonomická diplomacie má zásadní význam při prosazování evropských hospodářských zájmů ve světě a při zajišťování odbytu pro evropské výrobky i na vzdálených trzích.

Komise i Evropský parlament se často zaříkávají, že myslí zejména na malé a střední podniky, a nikoliv na velké korporace. Tvrdí to i u TTIP. Jaká je ovšem pravda o evropském zahraničním obchodu? Jen 13 % malých a středních podniků exportuje mimo EU. To je velmi špatný výsledek podpory malých a středních podniků v rámci hospodářské diplomacie Evropské unie. Musíme silněji prosazovat evropské zájmy a značky, shromažďovat a šířit informace na našem trhu s cílem usnadnit mezinárodní obchod, podporovat evropské podniky v přístupu na vnější trhy a hlavně přitom myslet na malé a střední podniky, a nikoliv na korporace, které na Komisi permanentně lobbují. A k panu kolegovi z PPE mi dovolte říct jediné – my nepotřebujeme TTIP a CETA, my potřebujeme pořádek v rámci Evropské unie. Potom se můžeme bavit o čemkoliv dále, dokud máme nepořádek doma, nemůžeme dělat pořádek někde jinde a navenek.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospođo predsjedavajuća, otvaranje novih tržišta našim poduzetnicima i privlačenje ulaganja u Europsku uniju apsolutno je poželjno i u tu svrhu moramo mobilizirati sve svoje kapacitete. Države članice već imaju vlastite modele gospodarske diplomacije i ne vidim ništa loše u tome da im tijela i predstavnici Europske unije pomognu ostvariti gospodarske interese na stranim tržištima i privući strana ulaganja.

No smatram kako koordinaciju među državama članicama ili onu između članica i tijela Europske unije s ciljem ostvarivanja gospodarskih interesa ne treba institucionalizirati. Postoje značajne razlike među našim državama, njihovim ekonomskim realnostima i ambicijama. Prilično je izvjesno da bi gospodarska diplomacija EU-a primarno koristila razvijenijim članicama orijentiranim izvozu na svjetska tržišta, iako bismo ju svi mi financirali, a to je put prema novoj nepravdi i nezadovoljstvu.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you very much for this very good debate. I am particularly glad to see Mr Tajani here, who is a genuine pioneer of new economic diplomacy. You launched this concept during your time in the Commission and we are trying to continue and even further develop and try to learn from best practices how we could improve the efficiency of our economic diplomatic activities.

There was a good question, asking what are the objectives of economic diplomacy. I will try to explain what we are doing. Basically it elaborates or clarifies what our objectives are at the moment. For instance, we have had two very interesting high—level economic dialogues with third countries, and we will keep these on our agenda. Firstly, the dialogue with China: I regularly meet Vice—Premier Ma Kai, together with other Commissioners, and from the Chinese side there are also other Ministers. At those events we sometimes have discussions with the private sector. Every once in a while we invite private companies to our dialogue just to hear what they are saying and what they are expecting from the EU, what they are expecting from China and what the priorities the private sector is asking of us are in order to improve the business environment.

At the same meetings, for instance last time, last September in Beijing, Commissioner Oettinger and Commissioner Bulc participated in the dialogue and discussed the cooperation of 5G. Commissioner Bulc also talked about the connectivity platform and we talked about potential Chinese investment in Europe. As a result of this, we have managed to finalise our technical work with the Silk Road Fund which is interested in investing in Europe more and more. So those are just a few examples of the fruits of high—level economic dialogue with China.

Just a couple of months ago we had a similar event in Ankara and Istanbul where Turkey’s and the EU’s business delegations met each other and they also gave us ideas about what more the two parties could do in order to improve the business environment on both sides. There again, we had discussions on regulatory cooperation as well as on macroeconomic issues. Commissioner Moscovici joined us and we talked about R&D cooperation between Turkey and the EU.

So those are just a few examples of our current activities and clearly show some of our objectives. But of course, as I mentioned during the debate here, one of the priority areas is trade agreements with third countries.

I should also mention development policy and investment – a combination of development policy, trade and investment cooperation, because many of the third countries which we are helping to reform themselves and which are an objective of EU aid are willing to become a partner to the EU rather than just an objective of development aid. There of course diplomacy plays a big role. That is one of the reasons why we are planning to establish some sort of fund, similar to the one we have here, EFSI, which could support European investments to third countries. This is just one of the ideas.

My final point is about SME cooperation. I have already mentioned trade deals but I have to add a couple of other issues. The role of networks of European business organisations in third countries is significant. I have met excellent Chambers of Commerce, for instance in China – they are our ears and eyes about what is happening on a daily basis in Chinese trade issues – also in Singapore, when I visited there, and in the United States and Turkey. I am planning to visit the Gulf region and also Iran, which was also mentioned here earlier.

But if the Parliament has good ideas about how we could improve our help to SMEs, just let us know. We can make trade promotion trips inviting SMEs to participate, but is there anything else apart from what has been mentioned here? Let us be innovative. Let us think what we could do more and differently than we have done so far. I am sure that, as there are so many experienced MEPs who have experience on trade policies, on trade promotion for instance, you can devise something and let us know because I am open—minded on this issue. The more we can do in order to help our businesses to expand to third countries and trade and sell, the better.

Thank you very much for your ideas.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE), na piśmie. – Unia Europejska, będąc największą gospodarką świata, powinna prowadzić skuteczną dyplomację gospodarczą, która w ostatnich dekadach stała się wręcz wiodącą formą w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Istnieje wiele dowodów na to, że efektywna dyplomacja gospodarcza może być skuteczniejsza niż tzw. twarda siła. Jak trafnie stwierdził w swoim wystąpieniu Pan komisarz, zdecydowana większość wzrostu gospodarczego jest wytwarzana obecnie poza granicami UE i musimy dołożyć starań, aby za pomocą naszych kontaktów w obszarze handlu i inwestycji rezultaty tego wzrostu były mocniej odczuwalne również w Europie.

Dlatego tak ważne jest popieranie naszych przedsiębiorców na rynku globalnym czy promowanie rozwiązań eliminujących bariery na rynkach krajów trzecich. Konieczna jest bliższa współpraca Europejskiej Służby Działań Zewnętrznych z Europejskim Bankiem Inwestycyjnym na rzecz tworzenia łatwo dostępnych źródeł finansowania dla europejskich przedsiębiorców planujących ekspansję zagraniczną. W dyplomację gospodarczą wpisują się również umowy handlowe negocjowane przez UE z krajami trzecimi, pod warunkiem że gwarantują one rzeczywiste ułatwienia w dostępie do danych rynków dla naszych firm oraz nie dyskryminują poszczególnych sektorów gospodarczych.

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