 Testo integrale 
Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Lunedì 4 luglio 2016 - Strasburgo Edizione rivista

19. Interventi di un minuto su questioni di rilevanza politica
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Președinte. – Următorul punct pe ordinea de zi sunt intervenții de un minut privind chestiuni politice importante (articolul 163 din Regulamentul de procedură).


  Ivan Štefanec (PPE). – Európska únia sa nachádza v dôležitej fáze. Myslím si, že po britskom referende máme dve základné poučenia. To prvé je, že populizmus je cesta do slepej uličky, pretože populisti vyhrali, ale nevedia, aké sú ďalšie kroky, nevedia ani, kto je ich líder, a nevedia, čo ďalej. To druhé poučenie je v tom, že ľudia si viac uvedomujú aj v Británii, aj v Únii, že sa navzájom potrebujeme.

Preto je veľmi dôležité, aby sme usporiadali čo najlepšie vzťahy medzi Úniou a Britániou tak, aby sme zabezpečili vzájomný obchod, aby sme minimalizovali dosah škôd na postavenie občanov Únie v Británii. Myslím si, že je aj dôležité, aby pokračovali projekty, ktoré pripravilo slovenské predsedníctvo a ktoré sú dôležité z ekonomického hľadiska a to je: spoločný digitálny trh, energetická únia, kapitálová únia, práve preto, že sú dôležité pre zníženie cien pre ľudí a prospešné pre všetkých.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Mr President, I wish to record that the Hungarian scandal known as the Quaestor case has been a great failure as far as banking control and supervision are concerned. The Hungarian National Bank failed to effect the necessary interventions before the collapse of this financial pyramid game, leaving tens of thousands of small investors outside of any guarantee or protection schemes. Fatally, thousands of Hungarian small investors turned towards other European asset management companies like the Cypriot IronFX, which appears not to meet its financial obligations. In other words, it operates like a one-way tube, swallowing citizens’ money and trust without any return.

I urge the Commission to find specific ways of affording legal protection to citizens who have confidence in a hypothetically well-functioning financial internal market, but who do not have any means of defence in times of trouble, including in relation to criminal cases.


  Marek Jurek (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Kierownictwo Komisji Europejskiej deklamuje o rządach prawa i samo je łamie w stosunku do Polski, do mojego kraju. Traktat o Unii Europejskiej mówi jasno: to rządy naszych państw – i tylko wtedy kiedy 22 spośród nich wyrazi taką opinię na forum Rady Europejskiej – mogą stawiać jakiemuś państwu zarzut naruszania wartości unijnych. Komisja Europejska w tej sprawie może tylko złożyć wniosek i nic więcej. Tymczasem wasza ingerencja w sprawy naszego kraju, wasze świadome albo nieświadome zaognianie konfliktu politycznego w Polsce najbardziej uderza w Polaków o niezależnych poglądach, najbardziej uderza w tych, którzy chcą formułować własne stanowisko. I ta wasza realna funkcja jest miarą rzeczywistego stosunku Komisji Europejskiej i kierownictwa do rządów prawa, do wolności politycznej i do demokracji.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, sorry to delay proceedings, but is it possible that the list of speakers could appear on the screen as they do for all other debates, so that the next speaker can be ready? That would speed up the process.


  Președinte. – Nu avem cum, nu s-a făcut niciodată această chestiune și noi dăm cuvântul în ordinea grupurilor politice. A vorbit cineva de la PPE, a vorbit cineva de la S&D, a vorbit cineva de la ECR. Continuăm în felul acesta, după care vine din nou rândul Grupului PPE ș.a.m.d.

Dumneavoastră sunteți, cred, al șaptelea sau al optulea vorbitor din rândul PPE. Mai sunt intervenții. De aceea, îmi pare foarte rău, e o chestiune pur tehnică.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Mr President, Brexit poses many challenges, but without a doubt the country most affected aside from the UK itself will be Ireland. 17% of our exports go to the UK, with a large proportion from our SMEs and our agri-food sector. We also risk the possibility of having a hard border right through the middle of our small island. Ireland will need some kind of temporary or interim regime, or some type of support, if the UK does not have access to the single market. There have been calls for a soft landing for Northern Ireland, for example, but any type of light regime for Northern Ireland while they maintain access to the single market would significantly damage our economy in the Republic. If a business or farmer in Northern Ireland did not have to comply with the same rules – did not have to operate under the same regime as a business or farmer in the Republic – then they would have a huge competitive advantage and we would not be operating on a level playing field. In a balanced way, we in Ireland must strongly defend all our economic interests.


  Κώστας Χρυσόγονος ( GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η αρνητική για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έκβαση του βρετανικού δημοψηφίσματος υπογραμμίζει την ανάγκη για αλλαγή πορείας, αν δεν θέλουμε να δούμε την ενοποιητική διαδικασία να εκτροχιάζεται πλήρως τα επόμενα χρόνια. Μεγάλη μερίδα ευρωπαίων πολιτών αισθάνεται αποξενωμένη από τις διαδικασίες λήψης αποφάσεων, ενώ η οικονομική κρίση και οι πολιτικές αιματηρής λιτότητας έχουν επιταχύνει την φτωχοποίηση εκείνων των κοινωνικών τάξεων και συνολικά των εθνικών οικονομιών, οι οποίες είχαν ούτως ή άλλως δυσκολίες να συμβαδίσουν με τους ρυθμούς της εξελισσόμενης παγκοσμιοποίησης.

Χρειαζόμαστε, επειγόντως, εκδημοκρατισμό του ευρωπαϊκού οικοδομήματος με περισσότερες και ουσιαστικότερες νομοθετικές αρμοδιότητες για το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο και μεγαλύτερη εξάρτηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής από αυτό. Και χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερη αλληλεγγύη, τόσο μεταξύ των κρατών μελών, όσο και στο εσωτερικό των κοινωνιών, με αναδιανομή από τους έχοντες προς τους μη έχοντες και όχι το αντίστροφο, όπως γίνεται σήμερα. Τολμήστε πριν είναι αργά.


  Josep-Maria Terricabras (Verts/ALE). – Señor Presidente, el pasado 26 de junio se celebraron elecciones generales en España. Tres días antes se habían dado a conocer unas grabaciones auténticas en las que el ministro español del Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, conspiraba precisamente con el director de la Oficina Antifraude para fabricar acusaciones falsas y amañadas contra políticos catalanes favorables a la independencia de Cataluña.

La enorme gravedad del caso no provocó ni la dimisión ni la destitución inmediatas del ministro. Tres días después, el resultado electoral premió al ministro con más votos que antes. El ministro conspirador era premiado por sus votantes. A los demócratas nos da vergüenza que un ministro de un gobierno supuestamente democrático pueda usar todavía los métodos de la dictadura franquista. Y nos da vergüenza que exista un electorado que no le rechace ni le avergüence.

¿Alguien podrá extrañarse todavía si los catalanes demócratas y europeístas no queremos participar en un Estado que acepta y premia tanto la corrupción como el espionaje contra el adversario?


  Gerard Batten (EFDD). – Mr President, Article 50 is a trap designed to delay and prevent a country leaving the European Union, not to facilitate it. Using it could mean that Britain never leaves the EU or ends up in a place which is almost as bad, such as the Swiss or Norwegian models. A much simpler and quicker method, that of exit, is to do the following: immediately repeal the European Communities Act 1972. This would return supremacy of law-making to our parliament and allow us to immediately enact new legislation to control immigration and borders. All other existing EU directives have been transposed into acts of parliament and would remain in place. Chaos would not ensue. Those acts could then be repealed over a period of time until we are left with the minimum required in order to interact with the European Union. This method puts Britain in control of the process, rather than the European Union.


  Laurențiu Rebega (ENF). – Domnule președinte, premierul demisionar Cameron s-a jucat de-a Dumnezeu. În țara mea e un proverb: ai grijă ce-ți dorești, pentru că s-ar putea să ți se întâmple. Din această perspectivă votul la referendumul din Marea Britanie are o semnificație mai profundă.

Foarte mulți politicieni sunt rupți de sentimentele profunde ale propriului popor. Efectele Brexit-ului vor fi de două feluri: pe termen scurt și pe termen lung. Pe termen scurt efectele se văd deja: agitație excesivă, declarații, păreri și dispute contradictorii. Aceste efecte se vor estompa curând. Trebuie să recunoaștem că Marea Britanie a avut întotdeauna un statut excentric în Uniunea Europeană.

Prin urmare, în Uniunea Europeană lipsa Marii Britanii nu se va resimți dramatic. Chestiunea esențială este dacă liderii Uniunii și noi toți vom înțelege necesitatea unei schimbări profunde de esență în arhitectura și funcționarea Uniunii Europene. Dacă da, atunci singura cale este reforma totală, rapidă și completă a sistemului. Dacă nu va exista o asemenea reformă, și deocamdată nu sunt semne că grupurile politice majoritare au înțeles asta, atunci vor apărea efectele pe termen lung.

Iar cel mai important este lipsa de încredere, nici cetățenii nu vor mai avea încredere în Uniune, dar nici politicienii nu vor mai avea încredere între ei. Uniunea se va destrăma prin perpetuarea unor aparențe false și artificiale.


  Pál Csáky (PPE). – Som poslancom zo Slovenska a Slovenská republika je predsedníckou krajinou Európskej únie v tomto polroku. V tejto súvislosti aj novinári aj kolegovia, politici na Slovensku, sa často pýtajú nás europoslancov, čo by mohlo byť skutočne unikátnym prínosom predsedníctva z postkomunitickej krajiny. Čo by mohlo byť prínosom k európskemu, nášmu spoločnému dielu.

Som presvedčený, že tým môže byť formulovanie alternatívnych návrhov aj na riešenie takých problémov, na ktoré občania a politici z východnej Európy majú odlišný názor ako politici zo západnej časti Európy. Takou prioritou môže byť napríklad predloženie komplexných alternatívnych návrhov na migračnú krízu. Zdôrazňujem teda, teraz nie je čas na kritizovanie odlišných názorov a ukazovanie prstom jeden na druhého alebo na Brusel, ale na predkladanie zmysluplných riešení aj v mene Vyšegrádskej štvorky.


  Γιώργος Γραμματικάκης ( S&D). – Κύριε πρόεδρε πέρυσι τέτοια εποχή θυμόμαστε όλοι ότι η Ελλάδα ήταν στον αστερισμό του GREXIT. Η ελληνική κυβέρνηση πραγματοποίησε όμως μια ουσιαστική στροφή προς την Ευρώπη και τη συνεργασία με τους θεσμούς της. Όπως, όμως, τονίζει μια πρόσφατη επιστολή του επιτρόπου Έτινγκερ το ίδιο δεν ισχύει πλέον και η κυβέρνηση επιδιώκει τη συστηματική ανατροπή της ανεξαρτησίας των εθνικών ρυθμιστικών αρχών.

Θα αναφέρω τρία παραδείγματα που αφορούν το θέμα αυτό. Πρώτον, το πλαίσιο αδειοδότησης τηλεοπτικών σταθμών το αποφασίζει, αν είναι δυνατόν, αυθαίρετα ο ίδιος ο υπουργός. Δεύτερον, υπήρξαν προκλητικές κυρώσεις Ελλήνων δημοσιογράφων επειδή υποστήριξαν το ναι στο δημοψήφισμα. Τρίτον, η τελευταία εμφανής και προκλητική εισβολή εισαγγελικών αρχών και της αστυνομίας σε ένα μεγάλο τηλεοπτικό κανάλι της Ελλάδος.

Σας καλώ λοιπόν όλους να στηρίξετε τον κυρίαρχο ρόλο των ανεξάρτητων Αρχών στην Ελλάδα και σε όλη την Ευρώπη.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospodine predsjedniče, građani Ujedinjene Kraljevine glasovali su za izlazak iz Europske unije. Od trenutka objave službenih rezultata referenduma čuli smo jako puno ljutitih, ogorčenih i nekonstruktivnih komentara od ljudi koji imaju važne političke funkcije na europskoj razini, a i ovaj je slučaj pokazao da im zapravo nisu dorasli.

Umjesto da raspravljamo o razlozima zbog kojih su Britanci odlučili napustiti Uniju, dozvoljavamo si da među trajnim partnerima padaju teške riječi, prijetnje i međusobne optužbe.

Krizu Europske unije kao projekta ne može se riješiti tjeranjem Britanaca da što prije odu kako bi se izbjeglo raspravu o pravim razlozima Brexita. Dapače, na taj ćemo način krizu samo produbiti jer bez široke demokratske rasprave i posljedične reforme Uniju čeka samo još nezadovoljstva, referenduma i odlazaka.


  Jasenko Selimovic (ALDE). – Herr talman! I spåret av Brexit-diskussionen är det enormt viktigt att påminnas att det finns stater både på Balkan och i östra Europa som har en enorm vilja att gå med i EU. Denna vilja bör notifieras; den bör utgöra en motvikt och vi bör hjälpas åt med att hjälpa dessa länder att uppfylla villkoren för att komma i fråga för medlemskap. Bosnien-Hercegovina t.ex. har under de senaste åren gjort anmärkningsvärda insatser för att implementera de nödvändiga reformerna. Nu verkar också frågan om associeringsavtalet och folkräkningen lösas. När det är avslutat måste det slovakiska ordförandeskapet ta emot landets kandidatansökan och ge landet officiell kandidatstatus. Vi kan inte riskera att dessa ansträngningar förblir obemärkta, för det kommer att riskera både unionen och Bosnien. Därför skulle jag faktiskt vilja uppmuntra kommissionen att visa solidaritet och uppmärksamhet mot länder som anstränger sig för ett medlemskap istället för mot dem som inte vill vara med.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL). – Está neste momento em curso uma manobra de chantagem e ingerência que atinge vários Estados soberanos da União Europeia, entre os quais Portugal. Não há dia sem que se oiçam declarações de responsáveis da União Europeia sobre a possibilidade de sanções a Portugal.

Em vez de reconhecer o completo fracasso das medidas de austeridade que explicam, em grande parte, a evolução das nossas contas públicas, a Comissão Europeia - num ato de puro revanchismo - ataca Portugal e o seu povo pelo facto de este ter decidido pôr cobro ao programa de austeridade que levou Portugal ao desastre. Sim, foi reposto o horário das 35 horas, sim, reverteram-se muitos dos cortes abomináveis impostos pela troica, designadamente nos salários e nas pensões, porque foi essa a vontade soberana do povo português que se expressou no passado mês de outubro.

Não só rejeitamos as sanções como rejeitamos também este colete-de-forças que impede Portugal e o seu povo de decidir o seu futuro. Por isso, propomos a reversibilidade dos tratados, a suspensão do tratado orçamental, bem como a revogação do Tratado de Lisboa.


  Dominique Bilde (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, dans cette institution, le couplet de la mobilité des jeunes est souvent récité comme un rosaire qu'on égrène dans l'espoir de trouver un emploi. La stratégie européenne en faveur de la jeunesse fait de la mobilité l'unique passeport vers un emploi. D'ailleurs, je sais que mes collègues à la Commission ont à cœur de prendre plus en considération la voix des jeunes, comme cela est souligné dans le programme "Un nouveau récit pour l'Europe", porté par le commissaire Navracsics.

Pourtant, selon le baromètre de la mobilité des jeunes réalisé par Opinionway, en France, 47 % des jeunes âgés entre 15 et 35 ans considèrent cette mobilité comme une contrainte, 65 % estiment qu'il s'agit d'un passage obligé pour réussir et, finalement, 52 % des jeunes interrogés rêveraient d'un lieu d'habitation fixe sans trop de changement, une nouvelle preuve que les jeunes ne veulent pas de votre Union des travailleurs détachés, mais qu'ils sont enracinés dans une culture, un territoire et une langue. Notre devoir est de leur permettre de réaliser ces aspirations et de pouvoir s'épanouir chez eux, tout comme les migrants d'ailleurs.


  Andor Deli (PPE). – Mr President, although enlargement has been one of the most successful European policies in recent history, there are voices which are calling for a halt to further enlargement of the European Union, especially after the UK referendum. Slowing down the enlargement process or doing it selectively is certainly a short-sighted decision and sends a bad signal to candidate countries like Serbia, which was last week the only candidate state to be deprived of the possibility of opening negotiating chapters. These circumstances only invigorate anti-European forces in the country and are deeply disappointing for citizens, a great majority of whom, according to a recent poll, are favour of a European future for their country. We all agree that Serbia is a key country in the Western Balkans and can contribute greatly to the success of many European policies, so there must not be any further delays. Today we heard some excellent news from the Paris Conference. Hopefully, we will not see similar delays in the future.


  Jonás Fernández (S&D). – Señor Presidente, sabemos lo que ha significado el duro golpe al proyecto europeísta y al futuro del conjunto de los británicos del referéndum de hace unos días. Pero sabemos que es el momento de mirar hacia delante, de poner todas nuestras fuerzas en dar respuesta a la incertidumbre que tienen muchos ciudadanos europeos. Son muchos los ciudadanos europeos que quieren tomar el control, como escuchamos en el referéndum del Reino Unido, pero como también escuchamos en Grecia, en España, en Italia, en Alemania. En muchos sitios se habla de recuperar el control.

Y tenemos que decir alto y claro que la única manera de recuperar el control es construyendo una Europa auténticamente federal, con un Gobierno europeo que sea capaz de gestionar la globalización, que sea capaz de poner en pie políticas sociales y un Estado del bienestar europeo. Y que este Parlamento sea el foco, el centro del debate político en Europa.

Por eso, los ciudadanos que quieren tomar el control necesitan saber que necesitamos más Europa y una Europa federal.


  Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez (GUE/NGL). – Chegou o verão e com ele os incêndios florestais que devastam milhares e milhares de hectares no sul da Europa.

No meu país, a Galiza, assistimos aos protestos do pessoal de extinção de incêndios da empresa SEAGA e da Xunta da Galícia, que denunciam a precarização laboral em que se encontram, com contratos de apenas três meses por ano.

Isto é consequência de uma política de extinção totalmente nefasta que beneficia a empresa privada, dificulta a luta eficaz contra os incêndios e cria uma cultura do negócio do fogo.

Achamos que a União Europeia deve reagir a três níveis. 1) Determinar as causas e os interesses que existem por trás dos incêndios provocados; 2) Adotar políticas ativas para acabar com o abandono do meio rural e promover a instalação de agricultoras e agricultores e um modelo florestal sustentável; e 3) Garantir um serviço de extinção de incêndios público que acabe com a precarização, a insegurança do pessoal e que dignifique a profissão das bombeiras e dos bombeiros florestais.


  Romana Tomc (PPE). – Danes bi želela spregovoriti o Evropskem skladu za strateške naložbe.

Evropska komisija je objavila rezultate, ki kažejo, da EFSI dosega, do neke mere, svoj namen. Rezultati so dokaj spodbudni. Nedvomno so investicije v infrastrukturo zelo pomembne, vendar ne smemo pozabiti na vlaganje v ljudi.

Velikokrat je namreč čutiti, da so naložbe v družbo in v socialno stran našega življenja, veliko podcenjene. Menim, da bi morali v okviru EFSI, glede na našo demografijo, več pozornosti nameniti tudi projektom s socialnega področja.

Ne nazadnje je socialno področje tisto področje, za katerega se že dlje časa ve, da v zadnjem času ustvarja največ delovnih mest. In seveda prav zato si zasluži tudi posebno mesto v okviru EFSI-ja.

Pozivam Komisijo, da naredi nekaj na tem.


  Emilian Pavel (S&D). – Mr President, I am a young politician who always fights for a better future for Europe. The recent xenophobic outbursts and increased acts of racial violence in the United Kingdom – though not only there – are all signs that an old demon is waking up again. Racism, xenophobia and radicalisation are driven by economic insecurity and underrepresentation, and are being fuelled all the time by populist politicians who would do anything to win a vote.

The Leave campaign was a shameful exercise in fear-mongering, but I am convinced that the British did not vote for racism and xenophobia. A handful of racist citizens should never think that they represent the 52% who voted to leave the EU. I call on Parliament, the Commission and the Member States to immediately work with the British Government to protect the rights of all EU citizens living in the UK. Prejudiced views need to change and people need role models. All of the responsible political parties must take a united European stand against racism and xenophobia. Each and every one of us must act. We cannot afford to repeat history.


  Dariusz Rosati (PPE). – Mr President, I welcome the fact that on 1 July 2016 the Council prolonged the economic sanctions targeting Russia in response to Moscow’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine. In 2015, let me recall, all 28 EU Member States decided unanimously to link the duration of the sanctions to the complete implementation of the Minsk Agreement.

For now, however, not only have we not seen any particular improvements in eastern Ukraine, but for the last several days we have heard more about further casualties of attacks of the separatist forces backed by Russia. It is a great surprise for me that from many EU Member States we can now see and hear voices telling us to weaken or even stop sanctions targeting Russia. I call on the Council and the Commission to once more reiterate that any weakening of the sanctions is strictly dependent on the full implementation of the Mink agreements by Russia. On this issue we have to be determined and united. This is a matter for our security.


  Virginie Rozière (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, le 6 mai dernier, le président Juncker a annoncé la création d'un envoyé spécial pour la liberté de religion. Or, si les minorités religieuses doivent être protégées, il est tout aussi important d'assurer la liberté de ne pas avoir de religion.

La liste des pays dans lesquels les militants laïques, les athées, les apostats sont persécutés est bien trop longue: Yémen, Syrie, Qatar, Bangladesh, et on pourrait continuer longtemps. Par exemple, l'année dernière, un jeune étudiant a été condamné, parce qu'il s'était déclaré athée sur Facebook, à trois ans de prison en Égypte.

De plus, je suis inquiète de voir établir une séparation, une division entre des droits humains pourtant tous indivisibles. La liberté de religion ne doit pas être envisagée séparément des autres droits fondamentaux parce que, dans certains contextes, la religion elle-même est un obstacle à l'exercice de certains droits: les droits sexuels et reproductifs, les droits des personnes LGBT, l'égalité femmes-hommes.

C'est pourquoi nous demandons, dans le cadre de cet envoyé spécial, des lignes directrices claires pour éviter l'établissement d'une diplomatie religieuse parallèle et pour assurer la défense des droits fondamentaux sans aucune exception.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to use this possibility to wish happiness and long life to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the occasion of his 81st birthday in two days’ time. The earthly manifestation of the Buddha to Tibetan Buddhists, His Holiness is also a source of wisdom and compassion for many of us here in Europe. He is the living example of the spiritual power needed for peaceful resistance.

After more than 50 years in exile, he has been consistently calling for non-violent resistance, as the only way to achieve autonomy for his people. This is all the more admirable if we think of all the sufferings Tibetans go through. Silence is sometimes the best answer, says the Dalai Lama. However, I am hopeful that in the future this House will not follow this advice when dealing with the mistreatment of his people. This would be the best way to honour the life-long struggle of His Holiness.


  Catherine Stihler (S&D). – Mr President, I would like to start by thanking all of those who campaigned and voted for the UK to remain in the European Union. We are the 48 percent who value our European friends and neighbours, who value our solidarity with those we share a continent with and, above all, value the most successful peace process the world has ever known, particularly as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

Eleven days after the vote, it appears that the leave campaign had no plan. Currently, leading Leave protagonists are resigning, taking no responsibility for the mess that they have created. You could not make this up. We should never forget those who got us into this disaster. Meanwhile, the urgent need to reassure those who are EU citizens in the UK, by the UK Government and by other EU institutions, that they have a guaranteed legal status is absolutely vital. We must do all that we can to seek clarity at this difficult time.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, the fallout from Brexit is fast and furious: sterling down to a 30-year low, a AAA rating gone, Scotland talking about leaving, and in Ireland we have our problems because the United Kingdom is our closest ally and our biggest trading partner.

The European Union spent millions helping to create peace in Northern Ireland. If the hard border is re-introduced, there is a danger it will play into the hands of extremism and all that good work could be undone again. For this, we can thank three people in particular: the three Musketeers – dithering David, bluffing Boris and ferocious Farage. They could not stop putting the boot into Europe, but now their legacy is that they have put the ‘dis’ into the United Kingdom – disunited geographically, generationally and politically.

For that, I think they should get a special award, and the award I would give them is the ‘wrecking ball’ award. I could not think of three people who deserve it more.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D). – Domnule Președinte, stimați colegi, după Brexit, 2016 este momentul în care concepte precum Europa cu două viteze sau Europa vestului și a estului trebuie să dispară.

Un prim pas spre consolidarea unei rute omogene a celor 27 ar fi regândirea distribuției în teritoriu a instituțiilor Uniunii, care ar da un semnal clar că Uniunea acordă roluri la fel de importante tuturor statelor membre.

Unul din argumentele anti-europenilor, cel puțin în statele venite în Uniune după 1990, este acela că Uniunea înseamnă dominația națiunilor din vestul Europei asupra celorlalți. Contracararea acestui curent trebuie făcută cu fapte, iar distribuția omogenă a instituțiilor Uniunii pe întreg teritoriul UE este un prim pas.

În acest sens, doresc să fac aici o propunere: după Brexit, România devine din punct de vedere statistic a șasea națiune a Uniunii Europene. În acest context, consider că a venit momentul ca Uniunea Europeană să arate românilor că are încredere în ei și în capacitatea lor administrativă relocând în România Agenția Europeană a Medicamentelor, care în prezent are sediul la Londra.

În următoarea perioadă intenționez să generez o propunere legislativă în acest sens și sper să fiți alături de mine, pentru ca împreună să dăm un semnal de unitate europeană atât românilor cât și celorlalte nații.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já bych tady rád zmínil jedno důležité téma. Ačkoliv již dlouhou dobu o něm mluvíme, paní komisařko, není a nebylo dostatečně řešeno. Málokdo si uvědomuje, že právě stáčení kilometrů je jeden z největších problémů, který trápí spotřebitele v Evropské unii.

Odborníci odhadují, že tento problém se týká více jak 30 % ojetých automobilů v Evropské unii. Spotřebitelé pak kvůli těmto nekalým praktikám přicházejí o více jak 9 miliard eur ročně. Podvodníci profitují na úkor společnosti jako celku. A Evropský parlament, který tento celek zastupuje, by měl učinit vše, co je v jeho silách, aby občany uchránil. Zákazníci přece mají právo znát skutečný stav kilometrů, který se rozhodnou pořídit. Proto Vás žádám, paní komisařko, abyste se zasadila o systémové legislativní změny v této oblasti.


  Esther Herranz García (PPE). – Señor Presidente, este es el símbolo de la asociación Actays. Intervengo hoy en un paso más del reto de Actays en el mundo para despertar sensibilidad y dar visibilidad a las enfermedades raras, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con la gangliosidosis: Tay-Sachs y Sandhoff.

Este año es importante por los hallazgos científicos, que están a punto de empezar a salvar las vidas de los niños afectados por estas enfermedades, y estos estudios se desarrollan desde la Universidad de Cambridge.

Por Meritxell, una niña riojana de seis años, y por todos los demás niños que como ella luchan por sobrevivir, les pido que quien pueda colaborar colabore, incluso económicamente, y haga tanto como pueda por ellos, y que desde este Parlamento les ayudemos apoyando el avance científico y las terapias génicas que den una oportunidad a estos niños que luchan por vivir y a sus familias.


  Președinte. – Acest punct de pe ordinea de zi a fost închis.

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