 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2016/2038(INI)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclo relativo al documento : A8-0223/2016

Textos presentados :


Debates :

PV 05/07/2016 - 10
CRE 05/07/2016 - 10

Votaciones :

PV 06/07/2016 - 6.10
CRE 06/07/2016 - 6.10
Explicaciones de voto

Textos aprobados :


Acta literal de los debates
Miércoles 6 de julio de 2016 - Estrasburgo

6.10. Resoluciones fiscales y otras medidas de naturaleza o efectos similares (A8-0223/2016 - Jeppe Kofod, Michael Theurer) (votación)

– Before the vote:


  Michael Theurer (ALDE). – Madam President, against great resistance, this Parliament fought successfully to get access to confidential Commission and Council documents. In a secret reading room on Parliament’s premises, we have proven that this Parliament can deal with it in a very responsible way. Still, Member States denied us access to some documents. That cannot be accepted.

Finally, it remains absolutely unsatisfactory that those who had the courage to reveal the LuxLeaks scandals, like Antoine Deltour, are prosecuted and sentenced, while those who profited from the tax privileges, amounting to an estimated EUR 1 billion, and those who had the political responsibility for these harmful tax practices have not until now had to bear any personal consequences. As co-rapporteur of TAXE 1 and 2, I strongly recommend that this Parliament should follow the issues in future in the Panama inquiry committee and in a permanent TAXE Sub-Committee.

Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad