 Fuld tekst 
Procedure : 2016/2669(DEA)
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Forhandlinger :

Afstemninger :

PV 06/07/2016 - 6.14
CRE 06/07/2016 - 6.14

Vedtagne tekster :

Fuldstændigt Forhandlingsreferat
Onsdag den 6. juli 2016 - Strasbourg Revideret udgave

6.14. Indsigelse i henhold til artikel 105, stk. 4: EU-garanti til Den Europæiske Investeringsbank mod tab for så vidt angår Hviderusland (B8-0869/2016, B8-0870/2016) (afstemning)

– Before the vote:


  Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE). – Madam President, I have a point of order. There is a risk in taking this decision as a technical one. There is no technical decision on this issue. Belarus is about to build an unsafe nuclear power installation and these credits might go in this direction. Secondly, President Lukashenko did nothing to secure fair and free elections. This House cannot be neutral on human rights in Belarus. I call on you to support this decision and come back after the elections.


Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik