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Postopek : 2016/2020(INI)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : A8-0146/2016

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Razprave :

PV 06/07/2016 - 16
CRE 06/07/2016 - 16

Glasovanja :

PV 07/07/2016 - 9.4
Obrazložitev glasovanja

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Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Sreda, 6. julij 2016 - Strasbourg

16. 71. zasedanje generalne skupščine ZN (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η κοινή συζήτηση σχετικά με:

– την έκθεση του Andrey Kovatchev, εξ ονόματος της Επιτροπής Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων, που περιέχει πρόταση σύστασης του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου προς το Συμβούλιο σχετικά με την 71η σύνοδο της Γενικής Συνέλευσης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών (2016/2020(INI)) (Α8-0146/2016)


  Andrey Kovatchev, rapporteur. – Mr President, Ms Mogherini, last year we had an own-initiative report on the role of the united European Union in the United Nations system, which was a change from our usual procedure, but this year we are coming back to the traditional form of our annual recommendation to the Council. The objective of these recommendations is to feed into the preparation of the EU priorities for the next UN General Assembly session each autumn, which the Council normally adopts in July. We agreed on 22 compromises on the basis of 220 amendments and our opinion of the David committee.

I would like to thank all the colleagues involved, the shadow rapporteurs, the political advisers and the members of the EU-UN working group. The renewed UN General Assembly recommendations report gives us a chance annually to voice the opinion of the European Parliament in times of great challenges. This is even more important in the light of the conflict on the EU’s doorstep, Europe’s growing exposure to hybrid warfare, cyber-terrorism, foreign fighters, unprecedented waves of migrants, and the blurring of the distinction between external and internal threats. It also empowers our institution to present its opinion via the Council to the UN General Assembly, not only on matters of migration, peace and security, and the fight against terrorism as mentioned above, but also on issues such as non-proliferation and disarmament, human rights, democracy and the rule of law, development, climate change, and the EU and reform of the UN system.

Parliament’s recommendations to the Council in the report are, among others, to continue to support multilateral attempts to find lasting political and peaceful solutions to ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Africa; to support the ongoing comprehensive efforts to strengthen US-UN peace operations and the organisation’s ability to address conflicts; to reiterate its unequivocal condemnation of terrorism and its full support for actions aimed at the defeat and eradication of terrorist organisations such as the so-called ISIS/Daesh; to support UN efforts to prevent non-state actors and terrorist groups from developing, manufacturing, acquiring or transferring weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons; to promote greater support for the work of the United Nations Refugee Agency in implementing its international mandate to protect refugees; to reiterate clearly and firmly that all human rights agreed under the EU Charter are universal, indivisible and independent and that respect for these rights must be enforced; to continue to advocate for freedom of religion or belief; to call for the repeal of laws criminalising blasphemy or apostasy; to serve as protection against the persecution of religious minorities or non-believers; to work towards the implementation of sustainable development goals on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development; to ensure that the EU remains at the forefront of the fight against climate change and to cooperate further with the UN in this area; to ensure swift implementation of the position taken at the 2015 UN climate change conference in Paris; to support a comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council on the basis of a broad consensus; to promote the revitalisation of the work of the General Assembly and improve the coordination and coherence of action by the UN institutions.

The Council will adopt the conclusions on 18 July for the General Assembly opening in September. Therefore, if approved in plenary, Parliament’s recommendations will be forwarded to the Council for official consideration in the Council’s priorities for the next UN General Assembly meeting.

I hope that next year we will be a bit earlier, because there are only 10 days now for the Council to consider Parliament’s opinion. As you know, there was a postponement because of considerations related to the UK referendum.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission/ High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, just one month ago I was in New York for my annual address to the United Nations Security Council, and each and every member of the Council praised our European Union and our excellent cooperation with the UN system. Let me tell you openly that the mood one year ago was not exactly the same, and I believe that the change is due to the hard work we have done during this year, during this current session of the UN General Assembly.

In a minute I will come to your recommendations for the year ahead, but before that I would like to look back quickly to last year’s General Assembly and what has happened since then.

In September 2015 in New York, we decided to build on the format that made the Iranian deal possible and to create the International Syria Support Group. In New York again, the Quartet reconvened after a long time, in September last year, engaging key Arab states in the conversation, and the result of that process was also discussed here this afternoon, the Quartet report on the Middle East that we just presented.

Another issue: right after the General Assembly, the Security Council endorsed our naval Operation Sophia to fight people smugglers and their networks. And let me announce to you tonight, with a little bit of joy at the end of this long afternoon of painful discussions, that a baby was born today on one of our ships. So I would like to thank and congratulate our military staff for the work they are doing at sea. Sometimes we also bring life and save lives.

Last month again, the Council voted unanimously to authorise Operation Sophia to enforce an arms embargo off the coast of Libya. As you have seen this year, these are just some examples. We have put the UN at the centre of the decision-making process on all major foreign policy issues, exactly as it should be, and the European Union had a key role in this, exactly in line with our global strategy discussed this afternoon.

There is a lot of work to do on all these issues and on many others. Let me mention the conference on Afghanistan that we will host in Brussels in October, which we are preparing in the light of the UN General Assembly last September; and, of course, our work with the UN goes well beyond mediation.

So, I come now to your recommendations on the 71st session of the UN General Assembly and the excellent report we are discussing tonight. As you mentioned, Member States will also discuss this report and the priorities it indicates, and will adopt conclusions in the Foreign Affairs Council on 18 July.

The year 2015 has been an impressive one for international agreements and global governance, with COP 21, the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the revision of the UN strategies for peace cooperation, the peace-building architecture and the Women, Peace and Security Resolution.

As the report notes, the strategic visions on peace and security of the UN and the EU are evolving in precisely the same direction. If you look at the global strategy and look at Resolution 1325, we agree on the link between security and development: very much so. We agree on the need for a culture of prevention. We agree on a long-term, multi-level approach to security, one that looks at human security and put people at the centre of our work for security.

Just like our own strategy, the UN strategies will now have to be implemented on the ground and, as the report states, the two implementation processes can and should go hand-in-hand, for instance on strengthening cooperation between UN operations and common security and defence policy (CSDP) missions and on Battle Groups. The same goes for the SDGs.

I fully agree with you when you say that we have to translate our commitment into concrete action. The EU was key in achieving the result of agreeing on the SDGs. Now the world looks to us to show the way on implementation, and there we will need to work, using a mix of tools, on development and security and on improving good governance as well as partnering on private investment and economic development.

As you know, the Commission is preparing two initiatives related to this: mapping communication on the EU internal and external actions contributing to the implementation of the SDGs; and a revision of EU development policy in the light of the 2030 agenda.

Our world has clearly changed and is changing, and our tools must also adapt to the new reality we are facing. But is not just about us and the actions we put in place. Yes, the EU is the main contributor to the UN system and to its peacekeeping operations. Yes, we are the leading humanitarian player worldwide, and that is not about to change. But we must also realise that our efforts will not be enough if our actions are not rooted in strong cooperation with our partners. Here is why the UN must necessarily be at the centre of our policies: a world of global challenges must be a world of global responses and global partnerships.

On climate change, we are finally on the right track with the Paris agreement, which is the cornerstone of emerging global governance for climate. We are now pressing for early ratification and entry into force, and it is crucial to build on the momentum through continued cooperation on the implementation of the intended nationally determined contributions. We remain committed not only to implementing our ambitious domestic commitments but also to providing the necessary financial and technical assistance to developing countries in transition towards a low-carbon economy.

Apart from climate, there are the two further issues I would mention. Counter-terrorism, of course, is a field in which each country has its specificities. The paths to radicalisation are different, but some of the patterns are common, as was clarified by the UN Secretary-General’s action plan on preventing violent extremism, and in all cases prevention and partnership are the most powerful tools in our hands. In this field, cooperation is vital, as it is also vital to work across borders in the fight against terrorist financing, which is key in our work with the UN.

Last, but by no means least, there is migration. Let me conclude on the global migration crisis. We too often forget that this is a global crisis and not a European one. Never have so many people been on the move in the world, but it is also true that the world has the resources to face the crisis. We can manage – if we manage it all together. This means that not only countries of origin, countries of transit and host countries but also state and non-state actors, from local government to the private sector, are called upon to play their role and assume their responsibilities.

Alone, no one will manage, but together we can and we will, and we have finally understood this. I was glad to see that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a UN summit in September in New York to define a global approach – a global compact – on migration, with concrete commitments in relation to the movement of migrants and refugees, and that President Obama, the following day, organised a global summit on refugees and the need for concrete commitments.

Both events have the potential finally to constitute a turning point towards globally shared responsibility, a global framework for cooperation on migration and stronger international protection of refugees. If this finally becomes a global commitment, it will be largely as a result of our European work within the UN system.

A stronger European Union, a safer European Union, needs a stronger international system with the UN at its core, and the strong European Union can be the best champion of more effective global governance. This will be an incredible year for the UN. After the election of the new Secretary-General it will be time to discuss reform of the UN, in line with the new strategic agenda for the next 15 years, and our aspiration cannot be simply to preserve the existing system. We need to transform it, to make it stronger and truly to meet our citizens’ and the world’s needs. This report helps us in that direction.


  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Monsieur le Président, je voudrais tout d'abord féliciter mon collègue Andrey pour son engagement et pour son travail sur cette recommandation à l'intention du Conseil. Notre groupe a beaucoup insisté pour qu'après l'interruption de l'année dernière, on renoue avec cette pratique consistant à exprimer la position du Parlement avant cette très importante réunion annuelle au niveau multilatéral.

L'expression la plus claire du multilatéralisme, c'est bien sûr l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Pour nous, l'Union européenne, il s'agit d'un principe très important. C'est d'ailleurs pourquoi nous soutenons non seulement la réforme des institutions onusiennes, mais aussi les efforts de renforcement des opérations de paix et de la capacité globale de l'organisation à répondre aux conflits.

J'ai soutenu plusieurs amendements en commission des affaires étrangères en insistant sur la nécessité de répondre aux défis actuels du chapitre "Paix et sécurité". Il est important de coopérer avec l'ONU – c'est ce que je disais dans ces amendements – pour renforcer le rôle et les capacités des organisations régionales et sous-régionales pour ce qui est du maintien de la paix, de la prévention des conflits et de la gestion des crises. Mais dans ce sens-là, bien sûr, il faut accroître la coopération avec ces organisations et avec l'ONU.

Enfin, comme je suis le rapporteur permanent de ce Parlement sur la cohérence des politiques en faveur du développement (CPD), je voudrais saluer l'inclusion des points relatifs à la mise en œuvre du programme à l'horizon 2030. En particulier, j'estime qu'il est très important d'insister sur la nécessité de renforcer la CPD au sein des structures onusiennes afin d'intégrer plus efficacement toutes les dimensions du développement durable. Il est également essentiel de mieux refléter le lien entre paix, sécurité et développement dans les politiques adoptées au niveau international.


  Soraya Post, för S&D-gruppen. – Herr talman! Jag skulle vilja börja med att tacka fru Mogherini. Jag tycker att du gör ett strålande jobb, och jag skulle vilja skicka med stor uppmuntran för fortsatt bra arbete. Det är väldigt viktigt. Och jag håller med, jag tycker att det är skamligt att vi är så få här inne när vi pratar om så väsentliga saker som respekten för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Jag vill också börja med att tacka föredraganden Andrej, en kollega som jag har stor respekt för som jag tycker har visat stor känslighet under vårt samarbete vad det gäller dessa frågor, och även tacka övriga kollegor naturligtvis för det här gemensamma förslaget till betänkande som vi ska rösta om imorgon och som innehåller Europaparlamentets rekommendationer till rådet inför generalförsamlingens sammanträde i september. FN är ju det största organ vi har idag för att agera för fred, säkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter globalt. Det är därför väldigt viktigt att EU är med och bygger ett FN som kan agera effektivt inom FN:s tre pelare: fred och säkerhet, utveckling och mänskliga rättigheter. En central del i arbetet för fred och säkerhet är att säkerställa implementeringen av resolution 1325 och resolution 2242 om inkludering av kvinnor i freds- och konfliktlösning.

Jag har två en halv minut.

Om kvinnor lämnas utanför förhandlingsborden så kommer vi aldrig att uppnå någon hållbar lösning.

I was told two and half minutes. So I have to fight for this because I have prepared for two and half minutes and it’s not fair.

Yes, I will shorten – OK. Yes, I will shorten, because I also took some time to ask if there was a translation. OK, anyhow.

Det är nu 20 år sedan som Pekingdeklarationen antogs och det är hög tid att omsätta den i praktiken. Vad det gäller FN:s arbete för utveckling är det viktigt att här säkra tillgången till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa då detta bidrar till minskad barn- och mödradödlighet. Säkra aborter för våldtäktsoffer under krig och konflikt är central för att kvinnor, och hela samhället ska kunna läka och byggas upp efter en konflikt. Detta bör också vara en central del av FN:s utvecklingspolitik. Jag vill att parlamentet sänder tydliga rekommendationer till rådet om att arbeta mot våld och diskriminering av hbtq-personer samt se till att alla lagar som diskriminerar eller särbehandlar hbtq-personer avskaffas bland FN:s medlemmar. Jag känner djup oro i dag över den negativa utvecklingen av respekten för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Jag vill se ett EU som står upp för alla människors lika värde, och jag hoppas att vi kan anta detta betänkande i morgon med bred majoritet och visa att EU har muskler när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter.


  Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Koleżanki i Koledzy! Myślę, że należy skoncentrować się na kwestiach absolutnie podstawowych. Podstawową wolnością człowieka jest wolność religijna i dobrze, że sprawozdanie dotyczy tej sfery, ale chciałbym, żeby o tym była mowa w sposób jak najbardziej zgodny z prawdą, bez wewnętrznej cenzury. Bez wątpienia najbardziej prześladowaną grupą religijną są chrześcijanie i trzeba to bardzo wyraźnie powiedzieć, lecz nie dlatego, żeby tworzyć jakiś rodzaj niechęci wobec świata muzułmańskiego, tylko dlatego, że jest to prawda. To chrześcijanie są grupą, która doznaje największych prześladowań na tle wyznaniowym. Jeśli nasze sprawozdanie apeluje o to, by nie karać apostazji, by szanować wolność wyznania, by nikt nie doświadczał sankcji karnych z powodu swoich wolności, z powodu wolności religijnej, to trzeba powiedzieć, że sankcje te obowiązują wyłącznie chrześcijan. Mówię o tym dlatego, że bardzo trudno mobilizować opinię publiczną, nie mówiąc prawdy. O to apeluję.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Kovatchev, for his significant efforts in the preparation of this balanced report. It is indeed more than important for the European Union to point out a list of common priorities for the upcoming United Nations general assembly.

As many Member States are divided on numerous global issues, this recommendation would be a great opportunity to show to the world community that the European Union can speak in one single voice. In light of this, I am very pleased that the Committee on Foreign Affairs succeeded to include in the recommendations some proposals that are significant to our values. It has clearly highlighted the role of the European Union in human rights, climate change, development and the active promotion of the rule of law and international humanitarian law.

Of course, the unmistakable condemnation of terrorism and the full support for actions aimed at the defeat and eradication of terrorist organisations, which possess a clear threat to regional and international security, should be also our priority. However, I would like to draw your attention to the course of the identification and appointment of the best candidate for the post of Secretary General of the UN and the possibility of the EU to support fair distribution based on geographical and gender balance.

In conclusion, it is important to point out that the recommendation expresses our continued support for the establishment of clear human rights performance based criteria for membership of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations Security Council in order to better reflect the new global reality and to more effectively meet present and future security challenges.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Frau Hohe Vertreterin! Ich möchte dem Berichterstatter, Herrn Kovatchev, sehr herzlich für die Arbeit danken und auch die Wichtigkeit und Bedeutung der Arbeit der gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe für die UNO-Angelegenheiten im Rahmen des AFET-Ausschusses hier unterstreichen.

Die Vereinten Nationen sind das zentrale globale Forum für den institutionalisierten Dialog der Staaten, der Völkergemeinschaft über gemeinsame Herausforderungen wie z. B. die Verwirklichung der SDG, das Erreichen der Pariser Klimaziele oder die Verbesserung der Weltordnungspolitik. Über diesen Dialog findet letztendlich auch die globale und gebotene Verrechtlichung von internationalen Beziehungen statt, die wir angesichts eines abnehmenden Interesses mancher Staaten, sich international an Regeln zu halten, dringend brauchen.

Fortschritte sind hierbei zu setzen hinsichtlich eines neuen, verantwortlichen Agierens der Mitglieder der Weltgemeinschaft. Sie erfordern aber auch eine engagierte, gleichberechtigte und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit der EU-Mitgliedstaaten mit den anderen Staaten.

Die Entschließung des Parlaments hätte mutiger sein und sich konkret auf Prozesse festlegen müssen, die in der UNO weiter sind, so z. B. die Ausweitung der sogenannten „Arria-Formel“ die Einrichtung eines Ad-hoc-Ausschusses für Umstrukturierung von Staatsschulden oder das Schaffen eines Regulierungsrahmens für die Bewältigung der sich aus der Globalisierung des Handels und der Produktionsketten ergebenden Herausforderungen.


  James Carver, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, one of my primary concerns regarding the continuing centralisation of the European Union and a reason for our campaign to leave was the furthering of the EU’s ambitions in relation to foreign affairs and defence. Aside from the obvious implications that this would raise in relation to my own country, were we to have remained EU members, I also fear for the traditionally neutral stance of the Republic of Ireland, Sweden and Austria.

Furthermore, this report repeats the EU’s long-held ambition for a role on the UN Security Council. The United Kingdom has, of course, voted to leave, and – as has already been said – now is the time for a rational and calm discussion on the future relationship between my country and the EU. However, I would like to extend my caution to French colleagues here in this Chamber, as you will soon be the only EU Member State to hold a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. I fear the pressure will only grow on you to give up that seat to the European Union in time. Such a move would be a terrible loss to your global influence and a way to eventually lose your rightful place. I hope that you and all other nations in this Union can take heart from the British people who have voted bravely to take back control of our destiny and protect our place in the wider world.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, ce rapport montre la nocivité de l'Union au sein des Nations unies.

Tout d'abord, elle tient un double discours: on appelle à la déradicalisation et à la condamnation de l'État islamique pendant qu'en Libye, on soutient les Frères musulmans contre le général Haftar. On parle de multipolarité, et on soutient la Cour pénale internationale. Là, comme je vous l'ai déjà dit, l'Occident fait juger les autres, en oubliant de se juger soi-même.

Ensuite, l’Union fait preuve d’une volonté systématique de détruire l'autonomie stratégique des États membres. Mais, sans les États, qu'est-ce que l'Union? Rien! On s’accapare ainsi les succès qui sont ceux des États membres, dont la France. Les opérations en Centrafrique, au Mali, ou encore l'actuelle opération Barkhane sont l'œuvre des soldats français, de leur professionnalisme et de leur sacrifice pour venir en aide aux populations locales, avec l'accord de l'ONU.

On profite d'une crise migratoire, largement due à l'Allemagne, à son hégémonisme, à ses intérêts, pour neutraliser l'action des autres États qui font l'Europe. Si l'Allemagne de Mme Merkel impose ses intérêts, mais aussi son suicide, les autres États doivent pouvoir s'opposer à cette politique allemande prétendument européenne.

Enfin, on tente de priver la France de son siège au Conseil de sécurité, et ainsi de supprimer le rôle d'un grand pays. Mais pour le remplacer par quoi? Car pour finir, on veut influer sur l'ONU sans être une nation et sans véritablement s'appuyer sur les nations et les peuples qui font l'Europe. Nous avons un objet international non identifié qui ne fonctionne pas, dont un grand peuple est sorti et dont d'autres suivront, dont la France, si vous ne changez pas.


  Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). – Señor Presidente, quiero comenzar felicitando al ponente, al señor Kovatchev, por el informe que mañana votaremos.

El compromiso con el multilateralismo es una seña de identidad de la Unión Europea y, en un momento de inestabilidad y complejidad creciente, nuestros esfuerzos han de ser inequívocos en favor de ese multilateralismo. La Unión quiere ser un actor global, no solo regional, y las Naciones Unidas son la pieza clave de la gobernanza mundial. Por ello, es fundamental trabajar activamente en la organización y cooperar con ella. Es importante también avanzar en su reforma —como se ha dicho— y yo celebro, en este sentido, que en el informe se incluya el deseo, el objetivo a largo plazo, de que, en un Consejo de Seguridad reformado y ampliado, la Unión Europea pueda contar con un asiento permanente.

Las crisis se multiplican, la complejidad del mundo actual hace más difícil su solución, y en este informe se abordan muchos de los retos y amenazas a los que nos enfrentamos y que todos conocemos: terrorismo, la guerra en Siria, la proliferación de armas masivas, el cambio climático, la sostenibilidad económica, etc. Se trata de retos y amenazas de carácter global que precisan del esfuerzo y cooperación de todos, desde la lucha contra Dáesh y el yihadismo internacional hasta los desplazamientos masivos de refugiados y personas. Y, en este sentido, celebro muy mucho la reunión de alto nivel que se celebrará durante la próxima Asamblea General y a la que usted, señora Mogherini, acaba de hacer referencia en sus palabras.

En fin, por otra parte, también tenemos buenas noticias en el plano internacional. La negociación con Irán que usted bien conoce— sobre su programa nuclear o el reciente Acuerdo de París sobre el Cambio Climático. Y voy a concluir destacando también otra buena noticia: que, hace unos meses, el Consejo de Seguridad, mediante la Resolución 2242, prestaba atención especial a la necesidad de proteger a las mujeres en los conflictos bélicos, en los que a menudo son el colectivo que sufre más peligros, con frecuencia, incluso más que los propios soldados.


  Eugen Freund (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Auch von mir mein Dank an den Berichterstatter. Wie die Europäische Union sind auch die Vereinten Nationen mit einer Vielzahl an Herausforderungen konfrontiert: die globalen Fluchtbewegungen, der Klimawandel, der weltweite Terrorismus, der Krieg in Syrien, das Chaos in Libyen, aber auch Hunger und Armut in vielen Regionen der Welt. Bei diesen Herausforderungen geht es jetzt vor allem darum, wichtige und richtige Entscheidungen zu treffen und schnelle sowie nachhaltige Lösungen zu präsentieren.

Es ist unbestritten, dass die Vereinten Nationen auch weiterhin erster Ansprechpartner bleiben müssen, wenn es um die globale Sicherheit geht. Die Vereinten Nationen müssen sich auch verstärkt mit neuen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen befassen. Erwähnen möchte ich dabei insbesondere den internationalen Terrorismus und sogenannte hybride Bedrohungen. Hier benötigt es vor allem den Auf- und Ausbau entsprechender Monitoring-Strukturen.

Mein besonderer Dank gilt an dieser Stelle auch Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon, dessen Amtszeit heuer im Dezember ausläuft.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, με αφορμή την εβδομηκοστή πρώτη σύνοδο της Γενικής Συνέλευσης του ΟΗΕ η καταπολέμηση της τρομοκρατίας, η αντιμετώπιση της προσφυγικής κρίσης, η πάταξη της φτώχειας και της ανεργίας και η διαγραφή του χρέους των αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών καθώς και των κρατών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης που βρίσκονται σε μνημόνιο, πρέπει να αποτελέσουν προτεραιότητες δράσης του ΟΗΕ.

Η εξάλειψη της τρομοκρατίας, όμως, αποτελεί ακόμη το ζητούμενο αφού το Daesh συνεχίζει να απειλεί τη διεθνή ασφάλεια. Στο πεδίο του προσφυγικού απαιτείται δράση για τη στήριξη των προσφυγικών στρατοπέδων του ΟΗΕ σε Ιορδανία και Λίβανο, καθώς επίσης και δράση για τη στήριξη της Ελλάδας, προκειμένου να δρομολογηθεί άμεσα η διαδικασία μετεγκατάστασης προσφύγων προς άλλα κράτη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, αλλά και του υπόλοιπου κόσμου. Προσφύγων που κατά χιλιάδες έχουν εγκλωβιστεί στην πατρίδα μου.

Επιπλέον, καθώς η υφήλιος έχει γεμίσει στρατιές φτωχών και ανέργων πρέπει να τεθεί σε εφαρμογή η περσινή απόφαση της Γενικής Συνέλευσης του ΟΗΕ για τη διαγραφή του επονείδιστου χρέους, όχι μόνο των αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών, αλλά και των χωρών της ευρωπαϊκής περιφέρειας που τέθηκαν σε μνημόνια, όπως είναι η Ελλάδα.


Διαδικασία «Catch-the-Eye»


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, 71. Opća skupština Ujedinjenih naroda. Gospođa Visoka povjerenica stvarno je sjajna predstavnica, a prilika je idealna da i nakon Brexita pokažemo kako želimo jedinstveno nastupati pred svjetskom organizacijom, drugim državama, prijateljima, partnerima, ali i prema svima drugima.

Mislim da ne treba sumnjati da ćemo iskoristiti tu priliku. Tema je previše: od migrantske krize, klimatskih promjena, mira i demokracije, ljudskih prava o kojima smo ranije razgovarali. Ovo je prilika koju ne možemo i ne smijemo propustiti, ne samo zbog svega ono što se očekuje od nas, nego i zbog činjenice da smo donijeli niz rezolucije, da je UN donio rezoluciju 1325 koju zaista trebamo početi sprovoditi i koja je zaista bitna i za EU te politiku koju EU vodi u ovom trenutku.

Zato želim posebno naglasiti da trebamo ojačati savezništvo s UN-om i biti još prisutniji unutar organizacije UN-a.


(Λήξη της διαδικασίας «Catch-the-Eye»)


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy VPC/HR. – Mr President, I will be very short – I would just like to thank you for the debates and thank the rapporteur for the excellent work awaiting the vote tomorrow. I will make sure – and I should probably jump over to the Council’s side to say this – that this debate and the report will be taken fully into consideration by the ministers on 18 July so that we can come in December with a common and very solid base for joint work.


  Πρόεδρος. – Ευχαριστώ, κυρία Mogherini, σημειώνω ότι από ομιλητές που προέρχονται από ένα ευρύ πολιτικό φάσμα ακούστηκαν θετικά σχόλια για τη δουλειά σας, στις δύο τελευταίες συζητήσεις που εκπροσωπήσατε την Επιτροπή, όπως και για τη δουλειά του κυρίου Λαμπρινίδη, πρώην συναδέλφου και πρώην αντιπροέδρου του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου.


  Andrey Kovatchev, rapporteur. – Mr President, I would like to thank all our colleagues for the good cooperation, in particular my shadow rapporteurs for these recommendations and for the very good atmosphere we had working together, and I hope – and I am sure – that we will continue to work on this matter. Madam Mogherini, I would also like to thank you for all your efforts and, as you say, we should work for a stronger and safer European Union.

However, we need to do this in such a way that our citizens, our European citizens, feel that indeed Europe is stronger and safer, and this is unfortunately not always the case. Two points, because the far right is always speculating and we need to give an answer to the false allegation that somebody in the European Union is pressing the United Kingdom or France to give up their seat at the Security Council for an EU seat. That is not the case – we never said this, and in our recommendations, the goal to have an EU seat on an enlarged and reformed UN Security Council is only mentioned in the future and in the long term. This is not replacing France or United Kingdom, and again we see how people on the far right, which are now not here, have presented a falsification of information.

My next point – and I cannot not mention this – is on the election of the next Secretary General. We hope that the informal rotation will be kept and Europe will have the next European Secretary General; from the gender point of view, this is the time to have a woman as the next Secretary General. Thank you very much again, and I am expecting that adopted recommendations will be taken into consideration at the Council for the next general assembly.


  Πρόεδρος. – Η συζήτηση έληξε.

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί την Πέμπτη 7 Ιουλίου 2016.

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 162)


  Mario Borghezio (ENF), per iscritto. – Al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU l'Italia potrà essere protagonista solo per metà mandato, a partire del 1° gennaio 2017: questo grazie alla manifesta incapacità e all'inadeguatezza nuovamente dimostrata in politica estera dal governo italiano che, ancora una volta, non ha saputo difendere il suo paese e i suoi interessi sulla scena internazionale. Il compromesso raggiunto penalizza il mio paese che è in termini di forze, missioni e uomini impiegati è nettamente fra i primi contributori. La bruciante sconfitta subita - perché di questo si tratta, per quanto si voglia impacchettare in carta regalo il "mezzo seggio" condiviso con l'Olanda, neanche fossimo i fanalini di coda dell'Europa - dimostra gli errori commessi dal Governo, i toni che non hanno convinto, le solidarietà soprattutto europee che sono andate ad altri anziché a noi. E ci si chiede anche come mai l'Europa all'ONU abbia appoggiato in maggioranza l'Olanda; l'Asia e i paesi caribici ci hanno voltato le spalle mentre i nostri unici "amici" sono rimasti il blocco africano, il Medio Oriente e l'America Latina. Per concludere: anche in sede ONU, l'Italia, paese fondatore dell'UE, si deve accontentare delle briciole...

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