Menetlus : 2016/2808(RSP)
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PV 07/07/2016 - 7.2
CRE 07/07/2016 - 7.2

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PV 07/07/2016 - 9.2

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Neljapäev, 7. juuli 2016 - Strasbourg

7.2. Bahrein
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Elnök asszony. A következő pont vita hét állásfoglalásra irányuló indítványról, Bahreinről [2016/2808(RSP)].


  Mark Demesmaeker, Auteur. – Het is pas van februari geleden dat we de mensenrechtensituatie in Bahrein aan de kaak stelden. Toen riepen we ertoe op een einde te maken aan de foltering van Mohammed Ramadan en andere politieke gevangenen.

Wat is er inmiddels veranderd? Het rapport van de Bahreinse ombudsman is duidelijk. Deze onmenselijke praktijken gaan onverstoord verder. Intussen werd de prominente mensenrechtenactivist Nabeel Rajab opnieuw gearresteerd. Zijn misdaad? Een paar kritische tweets. Wat heeft de overheid in Bahrein te verbergen, vraag ik me dan af. Vreest ze dat hij een bijeenkomst van de VN-Mensenrechtenraad in Génève zou bijwonen en haar daar in verlegenheid zou kunnen brengen? Onlangs vluchtte een andere mensenrechtenactiviste, Zainab al-Khawaja, naar het buitenland, bang dat haar hetzelfde zou overkomen. We kunnen niet langer in de illusie verkeren dat Bahrein op weg is naar hervormingen wanneer oppositiestemmen meedogenloos het zwijgen wordt opgelegd. Het koninkrijk mag dan wel een belangrijke partner van de EU zijn voor energie en veiligheid, maar over mensenrechten maken we toch geen compromissen? Toch niet in mijn naam!

Ik vraag daarom aan de hoge vertegenwoordiger en aan de lidstaten om hun bezorgdheid over mensenrechtenschendingen, zoals tegen de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van vereniging, expliciet te blijven uitspreken, zowel op bilateraal als op multilateraal niveau. De ministeriële ontmoeting tussen de Unie en de samenwerkingsraad van de Arabische Golfstaten van 20 juli biedt daartoe een uitstekende gelegenheid. En laten we eindelijk werk maken van de oprichting van een werkgroep van de EU en Bahrein voor mensenrechten.


  Michel Reimon, Verfasser. – Frau Präsidentin! 21 Menschenrechtsorganisationen aus Bahrain haben die internationale Gemeinschaft, die Vereinten Nationen, das Europäische Parlament, andere Organisationen gebeten, gegen die Menschenrechtsverstöße im Heimatland laut aufzuschreien, und in diesem Sinne sollten wir diese Gutschließung annehmen. Am 13. Juni sind Aktivistinnen verhaftet worden, weil sie zur Sitzung des Menschenrechtsrates nach Genf reisen wollten. Das schwächt nicht nur die Menschenrechte in Bahrain, wenn so etwas passiert. Wenn wir über so etwas hinwegsehen, schwächt das auch die Vereinten Nationen und die Menschenrechtssituation auf der ganzen Welt, da dürfen wir nicht schweigen.

Nabeel Rajab wurde wieder verhaftet, nachdem er schon zwei Jahre im Gefängnis saß, und wird jetzt von 13 Jahren Haft bedroht. Wofür? Dafür, dass er auf Twitter im Internet zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte aufgerufen hat. Scheich Ali Salman sitzt im Gefängnis dafür, dass er die Bürger seines Landes aufgefordert hat, sich zu versammeln, schlicht und einfach sich zu versammeln. Zwei Jahre Haft, vor wenigen Tagen verlängert auf insgesamt neun Jahre Haft ohne einen fairen Prozess. Da können wir nicht wegschauen, da dürfen wir nicht wegschauen, und deshalb müssen wir diese Gutschließung annehmen.

Bahrain ist aber auch ein wichtiger Partner für die Europäische Union – ein ökonomisch wichtiger Partner und militärisch im Kampf gegen Da'esh. In diesen Widerspruch befindet sich die Außenpolitik, und da müssen wir klar und deutlich sein: Die Rolle der Europäischen Union wurde in den letzten Tagen und Wochen deutlich diskutiert. Wir müssen auch klar sagen, dass ein scharfer harter Kurs gegenüber Bahrain von den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union gefahren werden muss, weil die diese Kompetenzen haben. Wir müssen hier nicht nur diese Gutschließung annehmen, sondern auch nach Hause gehen und unsere Regierungen auffordern, hart und konsequent gegen die bahrainische Regierung vorzugehen, wenn sie gegen die Menschenrechte verstößt.

Elie Wiesel, der Menschenrechtsnobelpreisträger, ist vor einigen Tagen gestorben. Er hat gesagt: „Wir müssen immer eine Seite wählen. Schweigen hilft nur dem Täter, nie dem Opfer.“ In diesem Sinne sollten wir diese Gutschließung annehmen und nicht schweigen.


  Ignazio Corrao, Autore. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Bahrein, inutile girarci intorno, ha un ruolo geopolitico notevole: ospita la Quinta Flotta navale statunitense ma anche delle basi navali importanti per alcuni Stati europei, tra cui il Regno Unito, che ha dei rapporti privilegiati con la monarchia di Al Khalifa, a cui vende delle armi.

Noi ci ritroviamo qui, per la terza volta in due anni, a fare delle risoluzioni sul Bahrein, delle risoluzioni d'urgenza a cui non viene dato purtroppo seguito, probabilmente perché i rapporti commerciali, il ruolo geopolitico, il ruolo strategico del Bahrein è più importante rispetto alle violazioni continue.

Nabeel Rajab è di nuovo in carcere ed è vietato dissentire alla politica della monarchia di Al Khalifa. Noi dobbiamo cercare di utilizzare questa forza commerciale per chiedere che vengano rispettati almeno i diritti umani fondamentali. È assolutamente inammissibile che non venga dato seguito alle nostre risoluzioni.


  Tomáš Zdechovský, Autor. – Paní předsedající, paní komisařko, souhlasím s tím, co tady řekli předřečníci, ale musím dodat jednu věc. Bahrajn se roku 2011 zavázal k reformám právního systému. A málo tady oceňujeme jeho snahy o reformu v této oblasti trestních zákonů či právních procedur, které postupují z mého hlediska a z hlediska PPE správným směrem.

Tento stát je nutné vnímat jako ojedinělý případ stabilní země vzhledem k oblasti, kde se nachází, a vzhledem ke složení obyvatelstva na jeho území. Osobně oceňuji bahrajnskou participaci v mezinárodní koalici proti Islámskému státu nebo jeho spolupráci v boji proti terorismu.

Domnívám se, že současná situace v Bahrajnu není ideální, a jsem pro to, aby Evropská unie co nejaktivněji apelovala na dodržování lidských práv v této zemi. Oceňuju ale všechny pozitivní změny, kterých tato země za posledních několik let dosáhla. A snažme se jí podat z Evropy tak zvanou pomyslnou ruku, aby Bahrajn postupoval ve svých reformách.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, Autore. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è trascorso esattamente un anno dall'ultima risoluzione del Parlamento europeo sul caso di Nabeel Rajab e siamo ancora punto e a capo. Questo caso, al pari degli altri, si inserisce nel quadro di una repressione più generale nei confronti della società civile e delle opposizioni politiche e religiose e testimonia quanto la situazione politica sia delicata, soprattutto nel contesto più ampio delle relazioni tra Iran e Arabia Saudita.

Il gruppo di opposizione sciita al-Wefaq è stato messo al bando e il suo leader politico, lo sciita Sheikh Ali Salman, condannato a nove anni e l'ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qassim è stato privato della cittadinanza perché accusato di servire interessi stranieri e promuovere settarismo e violenza.

Come sappiamo, in Bahrein ci sono profonde divisioni tra popolazione a maggioranza sciita e l'élite sunnita e la dipendenza finanziaria e militare dell'Arabia Saudita limita fortemente l'azione del paese. Proviamo quindi con questa risoluzione a chiedere al governo di invertire la rotta e penso anche per noi che sia necessario avviare un confronto a muso duro con alcuni paesi del Golfo.


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Madam President, I wish to thank the High Representative for participating in the human rights debate. Unfortunately, we today again have to raise the human rights violations in Bahrain that are ongoing. It is our fourth resolution in the last couple of years, and even though concrete proposals have been made to stop the tensions and the violence and the repression in the country, very little result has been booked. I think it is now time to really take new initiatives, as the EU. We’ve seen the US Vice—President come out strongly and we’ve seen major newspapers write op eds, so the whole idea that the EU is oversensitive and is alone in this is not true.

I think it is important – and on this I would be very interested to hear your thoughts – to see what we can do at this point before it further escalates. Quite frankly, the ongoing repression and stripping of citizenship, with high prison sentences for simply having an expression online are unacceptable. They happen in a region that cannot afford more tension and destabilisation.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. – Madame la Présidente, depuis notre dernière résolution, la répression au Bahreïn semble s'intensifier. Les condamnations à mort ont repris. Arrestations, torture et simulacres de justice sont le lot quotidien des opposants et des militants des droits de l'homme. D'autres sont empêchés de voyager pour témoigner à Genève. En 2015, plus de 230 personnes ont été privées de leur nationalité.

Alors, oui, il faut appeler à la libération immédiate de tous les prisonniers politiques et à l'abandon des charges pesant sur eux – Nabeel Rajad est un symbole à cet égard. Les autorités du Bahreïn ont considéré que notre dernière résolution ne correspondait pas à la position des forces politiques disposant d'une réelle influence, ni à celle de l'Union européenne. Une telle déclaration est inacceptable.

En conséquence, notre résolution semble faible. Elle s'appuie sur l'importance du partenariat économique et politique, y compris en matière de vente d'armes. Et je passe sur l'efficacité de la lutte contre le terrorisme, notamment contre le groupe "État islamique". Le Bahreïn est sur une mauvaise pente. Je ne crois pas que nous puissions aider ceux qui se battent pour leur liberté d'expression en fermant les yeux sur la réalité. Nous devons réaffirmer notre soutien à Mohamed Ramadan et à Ali Moosa, qui courent toujours le risque d'une exécution imminente.


  Jiří Pospíšil, za skupinu PPE. – Paní předsedající, já za naši skupinu podporuji návrh tohoto usnesení. Bohužel Bahrajnem se zde zabýváme opakovaně, jak už říkali autoři návrhu usnesení, ta situace v oblasti lidských práv se nezlepšuje.

Řešíme v tuto chvíli aktualitu, kdy Nabíl Radžab byl v červnu opět obviněn, uvězněn, jeho zdravotní stav se zhoršuje, a všichni víme, že byl uvězněn pouze proto, že realizoval svoje základní právo, právo na svobodný projev. Vyjádřil své myšlenky a názory na Twitteru. Z tohoto důvodu je uvězněn.

Já nezpochybňuji slova některých kolegů, že se v Bahrajnu lecos vyvíjí a situace se možná zlepšuje, ale určitě se nezlepšuje v této zemi situace v oblasti lidských práv. Ta je stále stejná, opozice je zavírána, lidé, kteří vyjadřují své názory, jsou šikanováni, v nejlepším případě je jim sebráno občanství. Pro vaši informaci 300 občanů Bahrajnu přišlo o občanství v této zemi a víceméně se tak stali lidmi bez politické příslušnosti. To usnesení je potřeba a je třeba, aby vysoká komisařka v této věci byla aktivní.


  Richard Howitt, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, in 2012, together with fellow members of the Human Rights Subcommittee I visited Nabeel Rajab in Juw Prison, Bahrain, and today, four years later, he is rearrested and the Fédération Internationale des Droits de l’Homme tell us that he is in solitary confinement and his life is at risk.

This is just one case, but should be put together with the travel bans against those human rights defenders, preventing them going to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on the restoration of the death sentence and on the arrest of opposition politicians, all cited in our resolution. The truth is that four years later, human rights in Bahrain have deteriorated. We recognise there have been improvements on labour laws and on the freedom of religion, but there has been no improvement on human rights. We see that freedom of expression is violated, contrary to the country’s own constitution, and more than 300 people have been stripped of citizenship, contrary to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. We want cooperation with Bahrain, but our resolution says that that cooporation cannot continue as normal unless we see the improvement of human rights. Human rights in this country must change. They have to listen, and we will never ever forget a human rights defender who is at risk, anywhere in the world.


  Ivo Vajgl, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I am not sure that the Kingdom of Bahrain deserves to be after short time again a subject of an urgency resolution of the European Parliament. Recently, we were hosting in Brussels a conference on religious pluralism and tolerance in Bahrain, with the participation of the supreme religious leaders of the Shia, Protestant, Baha’i and Hindu communities. High representatives of the government also participated in the event. It sent a message to the region that Bahrain wants to be a leader on tolerance and coexistence – something that other neighbouring countries could not present. If Bahraini authorities violate the human rights of individuals, and they do it, it is their right to be protected and we should do it, but bearing in mind that this small Gulf country, situated in the sensitive region and subject to confrontations and pressures from abroad as well as of the sectarian battles for political prestige. We must be interested for a stable Bahrain as well as for a country with the respect of human rights and democratic values and proven readiness to cooperate with the European Parliament.


  Edouard Ferrand, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, le conflit confessionnel à Bahreïn dérive de la confiscation de presque tous les leviers de pouvoir par la dynastie sunnite des Al Khalifa. Pourtant majoritaires dans l'archipel, les chiites sont tenus à l'écart des centres de décision par un système clientéliste bâti par la famille régnante depuis plus de deux siècles. L'Arabie saoudite, qui considère Bahreïn comme son pré carré, veille au maintien du statu quo. Riyad redoute que d'éventuelles concessions du califat ouvrent une brèche dont profiterait l'Iran.

Une fois de plus, le Parlement européen oubliera de mettre en avant un certain nombre de principes dont il se gargarise pourtant sans cesse. C'est le gouvernement de Bahreïn qu'il faut sanctionner, bien sûr, mais surtout l'Arabie saoudite, ce pays qui applique, ni plus ni moins, le programme de l'État islamique.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – It has been said that Bahrain is a key partner for the European Union economically, and especially in the area of energy and in fighting ISIS, and that is to be welcomed. But having said that, in the area of human rights it is ranked actually 163rd out of 180 countries in the Reporters without Barriers index. That tells the story. Where we are concerned, the phrase in English ‘banging your head off a stone wall’ comes into being. We have mentioned this on numerous occasions but it has basically been ignored. So what do we do about it? I think the first author made a suggestion that we should have work group between the European Union and Bahrain, which would look at human rights and be able to discuss the cases of Nabeel Rajab, Mohammed Ramadan and Sheikh Ali Salman, and the whole question of human rights, and especially freedom of speech and expression. That may be one way to make some progress.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Madam President, this is not the first time I have stood in this Parliament to speak about the human rights abuses in Bahrain, and I am not happy with my own country’s record on the deals that it does with Kingdom of Bahrain. On 24 June, together with 49 fellow MEPs, I sent an open letter to Federica Mogherini on Nabeel Rajab’s re-arrest. I look forward to her reply and I thank my colleague Panzeri for his work on this. In the meantime, I am glad will be voting on this resolution and that we will come together to say clearly that Nabeel must be released immediately and unconditionally, with all other human rights defenders and political prisoners in Bahrain. The Bahraini Government must understand that allowing free, open and diverse democratic debate and a vibrant civil society will not make it weaker. Democracy and human rights will only make Bahrain stronger, with a brighter future for all Bahrainis. It is time for the Bahraini Government to hold up its own constitution and release Nabeel now.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE). – Madam President, I would say to the High Representative that Bahrain is a key partner of the European Union in the Persian Gulf, and we want to deepen our partnership in order to better respond to future challenges, but regrettably today, with the aggravating cases of breaches of human rights and the rule of law in Bahrain not much has changed in that country since my last visit. If, after two years of absence, being back to the European Parliament. In our resolution see familiar names of the persecuted human rights defenders – namely Nabeel Rajab, Zainab Al-Khawaja, who has been forced into exile. I still recall our visit as Members of the European Parliament to Juw Prison.

A big number of new cases of violations of human rights and of the Bahraini Constitution have taken place. I call on the Bahraini authorities to immediately release all prisoners of conscious and lift the travel ban against human rights defenders. I insist that the authorities guarantee that all human rights defenders in Bahrain are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without intimidation and harassment.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Ana Gomes (S&D). – With Richard Howitt and Laima Andrikienė I visited Nabeel Rajab, Mr Al-Khawaja and Ibrahim Sharif in prison in Bahrain some years ago. Ibrahim Sharif, I recall, is not even a Shia. He is a Sunni who dared to expose corruption in the regime and, since then, the situation has deteriorated and gravely in the last months, as our resolution documents. The regime in Bahrain is behaving in a totally pyrominous and suicidal way in a region that cannot afford more conflict. One should say that actually our policy regarding Bahrain has been set in the last year since the uprising into 2011 in London – and for reasons that have nothing to do with human rights, nor with Europe’s strategic interests. They have to do with the strategic interests of London in the trade of arms with the Saudi regime. We cannot afford this anymore. Miss Mogherini, stop appeasing the regime. Please use the next ministerial meeting of the EU GCC to actually send a very stern message to the Bahrainis and to their partners in the region.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το κοινό ψήφισμα το οποίο έχω συνυπογράψει. Η κατάσταση στο Μπαχρέιν στο πεδίο των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, όχι μόνο δεν βελτιώθηκε όπως υποσχέθηκαν από το 2011 οι Αρχές του Μπαχρέιν, αλλά το 2015 τα δικαστήρια της χώρας εξέδωσαν επτά θανατικές καταδίκες, ενώ η χρήση κατασταλτικών μέτρων από τις αρχές κατά των ακτιβιστών και των ειρηνικών διαδηλώσεων έχουν αυξηθεί. Συγκεκριμένα, ο γενικός γραμματέας του κόμματος της αντιπολίτευσης καταδικάστηκε σε τέσσερα χρόνια φυλάκιση για τη συμμετοχή του σε διαδηλώσεις στο πλαίσιο των εξεγέρσεων της αραβικής Άνοιξης.

Απέναντι στην καταπάτηση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Μπαχρέιν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα πρέπει να λάβει άμεσα μέτρα, ώστε να σταματήσει κάθε παράνομη σύλληψη ακτιβιστών και διαδηλωτών και κάθε απάνθρωπη και ταπεινωτική μεταχείριση των κρατουμένων. Το Μπαχρέιν θα πρέπει επιτέλους να συμμορφωθεί με τις υποχρεώσεις του στο πλαίσιο της Σύμβασης του ΟΗΕ κατά των βασανιστηρίων και να πάψει να αλληθωρίζει προς τους Τζιχαντιστές του Daesh.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è la terza volta che discutiamo della situazione in Bahrain. La situazione non è cambiata, la persecuzione del governo nei confronti della comunità sciita continua e sono almeno 97 le persone che dal 2011 sono morte in seguito a torture e maltrattamenti subiti in periodi di detenzione. Preoccupazione desta anche la decisione del Ministro della Giustizia di sospendere tutte le attività della società islamica Al-Wefaq, il principale gruppo di opposizione del Paese. Anche il segretario generale dell'ONU Ban Ki-Moon ha recentemente manifestato preoccupazione per l'intimidazione nei confronti degli attivisti, che difendono e promuovono pacificamente i diritti umani e per coloro che vogliono esercitare legittimamente i loro diritti di libertà di espressione e di associazione. Se non si interviene in modo deciso e risolutivo, si rischia che da questa piccola regione del Bahrein potrebbe partire un pericolosissimo incendio, alimentato proprio dalla repressione degli sciiti.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége)


  Elnök asszony. – Főképviselő Asszony, képviselőtársaim megfogalmazták, hogy jó lenne látni javulást; munkajogi szempontból van, emberi jogi szempontból nincsen. Mit tudunk tenni? Várjuk a válaszát.


  Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, first of all let me say that this is not only an issue related to human rights. It is, and it is a fundamental one, but it is also, as many of you mentioned, an issue that risks fuelling tensions in a region that definitely does not need further tensions. So, it is a human rights issue, but it is also an extremely serious geopolitical concern.

What can we do? First of all, what we have done already, because I’ve heard in this Chamber today suggestions or proposals. Let me remind you all –maybe you know already, but still a reminder may be needed today – that our EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Stavros Lambrinidis, visited Bahrain for the second time last year and had a comprehensive visit that allowed frank discussions on all issues and, in the follow-up of that visit, we established an EU—Bahrain Human Rights working group, that met for the first time this year, in April. So that kind of working relation on these issues, including all difficult issues we have on the table, is ongoing. If I have to assess whether that has brought results today, I have to say, obviously, that we are facing extremely difficult situations, but the suggestion of establishing a working group on these issues with them and having our human rights representative working and visiting the country constantly is there, as well as when it comes to statements and declarations – the last one I think we released just yesterday – to highlight our preoccupation and concern at the deterioration of the human rights situation in the country. So we are constantly working on this.

Many worrying pieces of news have come out of Bahrain recently, and you mentioned them all. Let me stress that this includes the ongoing judicial proceedings on the suspension of Al-Wefaq, the sentence against the Secretary—General, Ali Salman, as well as the re-arrest of Nabeel Rajab and measures preventing activists from travelling abroad. As I said, all this is worrying in itself, but it will also hamper national reconciliation in the Kingdom and will have a spillover effect in the whole region that is extremely relevant.

So we expect these decisions to be reconsidered in a fair and transparent manner in full respect of Bahrain’s international obligations and its own internal constitution. We will continue to liaise closely with all EU Member States that are present in Manama to attend trials of prominent activists and advocate transparent judicial proceedings. On a number of occasions, such as during the visit of Stavros Lambrinidis, we have called for the release of those arrested in the context of peaceful political activities and we are constantly doing that. We know very well that speaking up on this is important from the EU side as such.

This is crucial, not only on the issue of human rights in itself, but it is also crucial – as was mentioned in one of the last interventions – to overcome the deep polarisation of the country itself. So, it would be beneficial for Bahrain itself, for its stability and its internal healthy societal development, to go in that direction. The EU, both in Brussels and through our delegation, will keep working to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms. This is consistent with Bahrain’s international commitment, but also with the recommendation set out by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry and the recommendations made during Bahrain’s Universal Periodic Review process.

It is first and foremost, as I said, in Bahrain’s national interest to facilitate and support national reconciliation through a peaceful, inclusive reform process, as was mentioned, and as there were commitments during 2011. It is – and I would like to stress this – in regional and global, including European, interests to avoid new tensions arising in a region of the world that cannot afford further tensions. On the contrary, the region needs reconciliation and de-escalation of political confrontation and this is exactly the work that we doing on a daily basis, both speaking up and engaging quietly not only to promote human rights in the country, but also to avoid further tension in the region.


Elnök asszony. A vitát lezárom.


  Monica Macovei (ECR), în scris. – Situația drepturilor omului în Bahrein se înrăutățește pe zi ce trece. Luna trecută, activistul Nabeel Rajab a fost arestat din nou. El a fost acuzat că „împrăștie zvonuri în timp de război” și că „insultă autoritățile” doar pentru niște postări pe Twitter și ambele acuzații aduc 13 ani de pușcărie.

Recenta arestare face parte din șirul de abuzuri asupra dizidenților politici, activiști ai drepturilor omului și opoziția în general. Tot în iunie, guvernul din Bahrein a împiedicat o delegație de activiști să călătorească la Consiliul Drepturilor Omului din Geneva pentru sesiunea nr. 32. La numai 2 zile după acest eveniment, autoritățile au suspendat activitatea celui mai mare partid din opoziție, Al-Wefaq. Sheikh Ali Salman, președintele grupului, a fost arestat (iulie 2015).

Împreună cu alți europarlamentari am semnat pe 21 iunie o scrisoare adresată doamnei Mogherini pentru eliberarea lui Nabeel Rajab. Este importantă o acțiune comună. Cer ca autoritățile din Bahrein să elibereze din închisoare activiștii, apărătorii drepturilor omului, să ridice interdicțiile de călătorie și să nu mai folosească retragerea cetățeniei ca formă de intimidare a opoziției sau pedeapsă!

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