Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung an die Kommission zum Thema „Internationale Rechnungslegungsstandards: IFRS 9“ von Roberto Gualtieri im Namen des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft und Währung (O-000115/2016 - B8-0721/2016) (2016/2898(RSP)).
Pablo Zalba Bidegain,deputising for the author. – Mr President, the global financial crisis brought the role played by international financial reporting standards in financial stability and growth on to the G20 and EU agendas. In particular, the rules regarding the recognition of losses incurred in the banking system. In July 2014, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued the international financial reporting standard IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments), addressing some aspects of the financial crisis and its impact on the banking sector, as its key response.
In early 2016, the Commission referred the draft implementing measure for international financial reporting standards (financial instruments) to Parliament for scrutiny. On 7 October 2016, the three-month scrutiny period for this important financial reporting standard will end.
The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) had started its scrutiny activities already well before this official referral of the measure by the Commission. These activities have been conducted very thoroughly. The activities included the commissioning of four external studies on IFRS 9 and public scrutiny events during ECON Committee time, for example, a public hearing. In addition, the newly established IFRS permanent team conducted several meetings on this issue. The International Accounting Standards Board, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, the Commission and the stakeholders have been invited for an exchange of views on IFRS 9.
On 7 June 2016, Parliament adopted a resolution on International Accounting Standards evaluation and the activities of the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group and the Public Interest Oversight Board, which also addressed some of the issues.
In addition, the ECON Committee had already written in January 2016 a letter to the Chair of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) expressing its concern about the lack of reliable quantitative data assessment. The impact of the introduction of IFRS 9 on financial instability in general, and on the amount of loan loss provisioning and banks regulation capital in particular, is of especial concern to the Committee. The Committee requested further analysis from the ESRB of the impact of IFRS 9, especially on financial stability.
Another letter was written by the ECON Committee to the Commission in June 2016 addressing additional concerns. These related to possible negative effects of the implementation of IFRS 9 on crucial long-term investment and on the misalignment of the effective dates of IFRS 9 and the upcoming new insurance standard IFRS 17, which will replace the current insurance standard IFRS 4. In this regard the IASB published in September 2016 amendments to IFRS 4, addressing some concerns regarding the insurance issue.
This oral question on IFRS 9 to the Commission and the motion for a resolution which will be voted on on Thursday, reflect the various concerns which Parliament and the ECON Committee have brought forward during its scrutiny activities.
Věra Jourová,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the Commission believes that sound financial reporting is vital for the efficient functioning of its capital markets. Investors and other users of financial information must be able to rely on it. We do not develop the standards ourselves but use those developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. It is for this reason that we have a rigorous endorsement process to test each standard to determine whether it should be adopted into EU law. The scrutiny period by Parliament is an important part of this process. International Reporting Standard 9 is an important standard for financial services companies and governs the accounting for most assets and liabilities on bank balance sheets. It is for this reason that we are here today.
The financial crisis showed that financial accounting has economic consequences. The G20 called on the Standards Board to develop a new approach to accounting for losses on lending so as to avoid reporting too little, too late and the new standard achieves this fundamental change. We assess whether a standard will be conducive to the European public good. For this reason we asked the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, our adviser on the reporting standard, to consider a number of areas of concern in developing its endorsement advice. Your question reflects some of these areas.
First, we wanted to understand its effects on long—term investment. The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group did not expect that Reporting Standard 9 would lead to significant changes in long—term investment strategies, a finding that we recently confirmed. Nevertheless, we will continue to monitor this area carefully and will work with the Advisory Group and the Standards Board to assess whether a change in the standard would be necessary.
Secondly, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group identified a limitation in the standard for insurance entities. These will face a huge challenge in their accounting for their liabilities relating to their insurance contracts, which will come on board in 2020 or 2021. However, Reporting Standard 9, which covers the accounting for investments backing those liabilities, is effective from 2018. This misalignment of dates could give rise to volatility in reported results, as well as leading to higher costs in implementing the two standards. We therefore support a deferral of Standard 9 for the insurance industry. The International Accounting Standards Board has developed an optional temporary deferral solution which we will propose for endorsement as it will bring relief to most large pure insurance groups in the EU. The solution also includes a form of relief for bank insurers who will not qualify for a full deferral. Most Member States and the European supervisory authorities support this solution. Nevertheless, we are currently considering whether it is satisfactory for Europe as a whole. We are assessing whether the lack of a full deferral could create a significant competitive disadvantage for bank insurers compared to pure insurance groups. If we were to conclude that such risk exists, we would extend the scope of the Standards Board deferral to the bank insurers, taking into consideration that this is a temporary measure. However, we have not yet arrived at this conclusion.
Thirdly, based on the advice of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, which drew on input from the European Central Bank and the European supervisory authorities, we believe that Reporting Standard 9 should be an improvement over its predecessor in the area of financial stability. The Commission, together with the European Banking Association and the Basel Committee, is assessing the need for a transitional phasing—in of the prudential capital effects arising from the new impairment model in Reporting Standard 9 so as to prevent a sudden impact on capital ratios when the standard is first applied. I should like to thank you and, in particular, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the International Financial Reporting Standard permanent team under the chairmanship of Mr Stolojan for the detailed and careful consideration of this standard.
In conclusion, we strongly believe that International Financial Reporting Standard 9 should be endorsed, but our work on the standard will not stop with its endorsement. We will be vigilant to avoid any unintended consequences.
Theodor Dumitru Stolojan, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, acest Standard, instrumentele financiare, ne-a dat multă bătaie de cap aici, în Parlamentul European. Am avut multe audieri, am avut multe scrisori primite din partea celor interesați din industria bancară, de asigurări. Ce știm foarte bine este că actualul standard a permis băncilor să raporteze cu multă întârziere pagube de sute de miliarde de dolari sau euro. Am ajuns la concluzia, în acest Parlament, în grupul de lucru ECON, că standardul propus, noul standard este mai bun decât cel vechi, chiar dacă nu este perfect. Prin urmare, susținem procesul de adoptare a standardului în Uniunea Europeană. Suntem convinși că va permite în special băncilor să aplice o politică de recunoaștere a pierderilor mai devreme. În același timp, această rezoluție care va fi votată în Parlamentul European joi arată o serie de îngrijorări care există în rândul parlamentarilor, dar și în rândul celor care urmează să aplice acest standard internațional de raportare financiară. Eu mulțumesc Comisiei Europene și tuturor colegilor pentru munca depusă pentru acest standard.
Pervenche Berès, au nom du groupe S&D. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, je vous remercie d'avoir déjà, dans votre intervention liminaire, déminé beaucoup des points qui préoccupent ce Parlement. Je voudrais aussi remercier mon collègue Theodor Stolojan, qui anime avec beaucoup d'efficacité et d'intelligence notre groupe de travail.
Les normes comptables élaborées à la suite de la crise financière – vous l'avez rappelé – étaient d'abord destinées aux banques, puisque la crise financière a révélé la nécessité de renforcer la solidité du système financier mondial, y compris à travers ces normes comptables. C'est dans cet esprit, et dans le droit fil des conclusions du G20 à Londres, en avril 2009, que les régulateurs comptables ont travaillé au remplacement de la norme IAS 39. C'est cette réflexion qui a abouti, en juillet 2014, à la publication par l'IASB de la version finalisée de la norme comptable IFRS 9, dont l'objectif est de garantir une plus grande transparence sur le risque de crédit dans les états financiers, en passant par une approche de la dépréciation des actifs qui devrait être plus réactive face aux évolutions du cycle de crédit.
La norme IFRS 9 est d'abord conçue pour s'appliquer aux établissements bancaires et, de ce fait, deux questions se posent: premièrement, en l'absence d'une réelle étude d'impact, des inquiétudes pèsent sur les effets potentiels de l'application de cette norme sur l'investissement, dans la mesure où elle pourrait introduire une volatilité dans les comptes sans relation avec la réalité économique d'un prêteur de long terme. D'une certaine manière, nous souhaitons ici évoquer la notion de "bien public" telle que développée par Maystadt dans son rapport. L'investissement de long terme n'est-il pas le bien public par excellence, d'autant plus que nous sommes dans cette période trouble? Deuxièmement, nous nous préoccupons – vous l'avez mentionné – de l'incidence de cette norme sur le secteur de la banque—assurance, et nous souhaitons évidemment dans ce domaine poursuivre nos travaux et notre collaboration en bonne intelligence avec l'EFRAG et son nouveau président.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, I welcome the scrutiny of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9, and given the concerns that have been raised, I welcome this short discussion. It is important that measures to represent big changes to the norm, particularly in the financial sector, must be given as much assessment as possible. I very much agree with the principle of what IFRS 9 seeks to achieve, namely to prevent some of the problems that we have encountered in the financial crisis by moving towards a model with banks recognising expected losses and financial assets on the balance sheet. This is a welcome step given that, until now, banks have been unable to book accounting losses until they happened, even if they could see them coming down the line. This could prevent a number of problems.
What concerns me most about the introduction of the IFRS 9, however, is the uncertainty it seems to be generating in the financial sector. It is reported that two-thirds of banks are still unsure how IFRS 9 will affect their balance sheet, and I hope the European Commission can offer some assurances on this issue. Ensuring the same mistakes are not made again is crucial, but there is definitely a need to ensure that unintended negative effects on the economy are avoided, and I welcome the Commissioner’s comments in this regard a few moments ago. Finally, I just want to conclude by saying that the introduction to the IFRS 9 can hopefully find a good solution that allows ample time for the financial sector to adapt to the changes.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, στις 7 Οκτωβρίου 2016 θα ολοκληρωθεί ο έλεγχος του Κοινοβουλίου σχετικά με το σχέδιο εκτελεστικού μέτρου της Επιτροπής για το Διεθνές Πρότυπο Χρηματοοικονομικής Αναφοράς 9. Σύμφωνα με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, τα διεθνή πρότυπα χρηματοοικονομικής αναφοράς θα πρέπει να βελτιώνουν την ποιότητα των χρηματοοικονομικών αναφορών και να παρέχουν τη δυνατότητα στους επενδυτές να λαμβάνουν τεκμηριωμένες αποφάσεις, συμβάλλοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο στη σταθερότητα των χρηματοπιστωτικών αγορών.
Σε περίπτωση, ωστόσο, που ο έλεγχος του διεθνούς προτύπου χρηματοοικονομικής αναφοράς 9 δείξει πιθανές αρνητικές επιπτώσεις στις μακροπρόθεσμες επενδύσεις, καθώς και στην χρηματοοικονομική σταθερότητα, ιδίως όσον αφορά τον καθοδικό αντίκτυπο στα ίδια τα κεφάλαια των τραπεζών, η Επιτροπή θα πρέπει να λάβει άμεσα μέτρα για τον επανακαθορισμό του συγκεκριμένου προτύπου. Για το λόγο αυτό, η Επιτροπή θα πρέπει να συνεργαστεί με τις αρμόδιες αρχές για τα διεθνή πρότυπα χρηματοοικονομικής αναφοράς με στόχο την επίτευξη χρηματοοικονομικής σταθερότητας.
(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)
Věra Jourová,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank the honourable Members for their interest in the International Financial Reporting Standard 9 and for the useful elements they have highlighted during its endorsement process. We have found that all the key players in the endorsement process support the standard. Nevertheless, the Commission and others have shared your concerns. Thus, we will continue to work on the areas that you have highlighted with a view to ensuring that the International Financial Reporting Standard 9 delivers the benefits that are expected, as well as ensuring that we avoid any unintended consequences.
Der Präsident. – Gemäß Artikel 128 Absatz 5 der Geschäftsordnung eingereichte Entschließungsanträge werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bekanntgegeben.
Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016, statt.