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Procedūra : 2016/2961(RSP)
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls sēdē
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls : O-000128/2016

Iesniegtie teksti :

O-000128/2016 (B8-1807/2016)

Debates :

PV 23/11/2016 - 20
CRE 23/11/2016 - 20

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Debašu stenogramma
Trešdiena, 2016. gada 23. novembris - Strasbūra

20. Starptautiskie aviācijas nolīgumi (debates)
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  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung an die Kommission über internationale Luftverkehrsabkommen von Michael Cramer im Namen des Ausschusses für Verkehr und Fremdenverkehr (O-000128/2016 - B8-1807/2016) (2016/2961(RSP)).


  Michael Cramer, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Im Dezember 2015 hat die Kommission eine Luftverkehrsstrategie für Europa verabschiedet. Im Rahmen dieser Strategie wurde vorgeschlagen, auf EU-Ebene Verhandlungen über Flugsicherheitsabkommen mit Japan und China und über Luftverkehrsabkommen mit China, der Türkei, Mexiko, den sechs Mitgliedstaaten des Golf-Kooperationsrates, Armenien und dem Verband südostasiatischer Staaten ASEAN aufzunehmen. Der Rat ermächtigte die Kommission am 8. März 2016, Verhandlungen mit China und Japan über Flugsicherheitsabkommen aufzunehmen. Am 7. Juni 2016 wurde die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen über Luftverkehrsabkommen auf EU-Ebene mit dem ASEAN, der Türkei, Katar und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten genehmigt. Der Rat berät derzeit noch über den Entwurf von Verhandlungsrichtlinien für die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen auf EU-Ebene über Luftverkehrsabkommen mit China, Mexiko, Armenien und den verbleibenden vier Mitgliedstaaten des Golf-Kooperationsrates.

Der Ausschuss für Verkehr und Tourismus – nicht Verkehr und Fremdenverkehr – richtet in diesem Zusammenhang folgende Fragen an die Kommission: Welche Zielsetzungen, Themenschwerpunkte und Zeitrahmen wurden für die Aushandlung von Luftverkehrsabkommen festgelegt, für die die Kommission die Verhandlungsrichtlinien erhalten hat? Wie ist der Stand der Verhandlungsrichtlinien, über die der Rat noch entscheiden muss? Wie gedenkt die Kommission, dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass das Parlament gemäß Artikel 218 Absatz 10 des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union unverzüglich und umfassend über alle Verhandlungsetappen unterrichtet wird? Wie gedenkt die Kommission, bei den Verhandlungen für die angemessene Transparenz und Akteneinsicht zu sorgen? Kann die Kommission zusichern, dass das Parlament und der Rat gleichzeitig informiert werden, und das vor und nach jeder Verhandlungsrunde – auf Augenhöhe, würde ich sagen? Kann die Kommission bestätigen, dass sie sich nicht um eine vorläufige Anwendung abgeschlossener Luftverkehrsabkommen bemühen wird, solange das Parlament nicht seine Zustimmung zu den Abkommen erteilt hat?

Frau Kommissarin, ich bin gespannt auf Ihre Antwort.


  Der Präsident. – Vielen Dank, Herr Kollege Cramer. Wir werden noch in eine semantische Auseinandersetzung eintreten, was den Unterschied zwischen Tourismus und Fremdenverkehr anbelangt. In der Landschaft, aus der ich herkomme, bemühen wir uns sehr, Touristen nicht als Fremde zu behandeln.


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, Mr Cramer, thank you very much for all your questions. I hope I will be able to respond to them adequately.

Since the publication of the Commission communication on developing the external aviation agenda, the EU and the Commission have been successfully pursuing aviation agreements in the neighbourhood and with key external partners. In the aviation strategy last December, we announced an ambitious external aviation agenda to ensure that our industry can be where growth is, and can deliver benefits to the European consumer and the EU economy.

To that end, the Commission proposed to negotiate EU air transport agreements with a number of partner countries – China, the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Turkey, Mexico, all six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Armenia – as well as EU air safety agreements with China and Japan. The objective is to tap into those markets and improve commercial opportunities within a modern regulatory framework.

EU transport agreements with these partners aim to provide for market access based on the acceptance of certain common rules. In the case of neighbourhood countries, the EU expects the partner country to agree to implement the entire EU aviation acquis. The Commission aims to replicate in new air transport agreements the positive impact of the existing agreements. These already cover almost half of today’s passengers flying in and out of the EU, and deliver consumer benefits through a modern, transparent and enabling regulatory framework, better connections and lower fares. With all the countries with which we sign such agreements we also see dramatic increases in traffic.

EU bilateral aviation safety agreements promote cooperation to ensure high levels of civil aviation safety and environmental compatibility. They also serve the purpose of facilitating and promoting trade and investment relations for aeronautic products and services. Through the negotiation of such air safety agreements with China and Japan, the Commission is seeking to replicate the benefits that have been achieved from similar agreements with the United States of America, Canada and Brazil.

So what is the state of play of negotiations? On 7 March 2016, the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations for bilateral air safety agreements with China and Japan. A first round of negotiations with China will take place in December in Beijing and a first round of negotiations with Japan is expected in early 2017. On 7 June 2016, the Council authorised the Commission to open negotiations with Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), ASEAN and Turkey. The first round of negotiations has taken place with Qatar, ASEAN and Turkey. The next rounds are planned for early 2017. Concerning the UAE, there is no confirmation yet on the starting date for negotiations.

The dialogue so far has been very constructive and the interest of all parties in making progress is already clear. We intend to sustain a quick pace throughout the negotiations. Further requests for authorisation to launch negotiations with Armenia, Mexico, China and the four remaining countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, are still on the table at the Council. We expect that the Commission will be authorised by the Council in December to open negotiations with Armenia.

Regarding cooperation with the European Parliament, as you know, honourable Members, the Commission considers it very important that Parliament is kept fully informed of progress in the aviation negotiations. The modalities for the Commission’s contribution to keeping Parliament informed were agreed between our two institutions and set out in the framework agreement. Good cooperation on these matters must continue, as outlined in my letter of March this year to the Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, Mr Cramer.

My staff are working in this spirit to keep interested members of the Transport Committee informed about the state of play in the negotiations, as provided for in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making, concluded earlier this year between Parliament, the Council and the Commission, on improved practical arrangements for cooperation and information sharing in the context of international agreements. These negotiations provide a good opportunity to discuss further the modalities of our cooperation on these matters.


  Wim van de Camp, namens de PPE-Fractie. – Inderdaad is de grote vraag vanavond: hoe wordt het Europees Parlement betrokken bij de onderhandelingen over de internationale luchtvaartovereenkomsten? Sinds het Verdrag van Lissabon heeft de Europese Commissie het recht en de plicht om namens de 28 lidstaten te onderhandelen over dit soort akkoorden. En het Europees Parlement, u hebt het gehoord van onze voorzitter, wil graag betrokken zijn bij die onderhandelingen. Maar Voorzitter, ik heb geleerd dat parlementen niet zelf moeten onderhandelen. Dat is levensgevaarlijk. Wij hebben allerlei opvattingen, wij hebben allerlei vleugels in dit huis, wij moeten niet zelf onderhandelen. Maar, Voorzitter, en daarin ben ik het zeer eens met de Transportcommissie en de Commissie toerisme, er is inderdaad een groot verschil tussen Fremdenverkehr en toerisme. Want toerisme klinkt veel sympathieker. En ik vraag mevrouw Bulc om die informatiestroom overeind te houden. En inderdaad, tussentijdse berichten over de onderhandelingen zouden zeer welkom zijn. Voorzitter, wij moeten de cultuurverschillen tussen de Europese Unie en een aantal van onze verdragspartners niet onderschatten. Het gelijke speelveld dat wij graag willen, bijvoorbeeld met de Golfstaten, maar ook de kwestie van de illegale staatshulp, alsmede de sociale aspecten, zijn voor het Europees Parlement van groot belang. En ik vertrouw erop, Voorzitter, dat de Europese Commissie deze nieuwe taak uit het Verdrag van Lissabon naar behoren zal vervullen.


  Isabella De Monte, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, gli accordi sul trasporto aereo tra l'Unione e i paesi terzi, con un'attenzione particolare ai nuovi mercati in espansione, rappresentano un'opportunità importante per la connettività internazionale dell'Europa. La negoziazione di tali accordi costituisce una fase cruciale in questo contesto, dato che influirà in modo decisivo sull'eventuale contenuto degli stessi.

Per queste ragioni mi preme sottolineare quanto sia essenziale il pieno e costante coinvolgimento del Parlamento europeo, previsto espressamente dal trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea. Non si tratta soltanto di una questione di trasparenza: poter valutare le questioni in gioco, conoscere le tempistiche e lo stato dell'arte, prima e dopo ciascuna tornata negoziale, significa essere posti nelle condizioni di scegliere consapevolmente se sostenere o meno, in futuro, un potenziale accordo raggiunto.

In questo senso, ritengo che le opportunità create da tali accordi non possano e non debbano prevalere sulla necessità di garantire condizioni di mercato eque e trasparenti per le compagnie aeree dell'Unione europea. Allo stesso tempo, credo fermamente che in fase negoziale sia indispensabile assicurare che le rispettive politiche delle parti interessate sostengano livelli elevati di protezione in ambito sociale.

Da ultimo, mi preme sottolineare che il ruolo del Parlamento europeo non dovrebbe limitarsi ad essere solo conoscitivo ma anche propositivo dei contenuti.


  Jacqueline Foster, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, as we know, aviation agreements date back to 1913 when France and Germany exchanged notes over the movement of their airships. Following phenomenal technological advances during World War II, the transition that moved us from airships to biplanes to the invention of the jet engine meant we were now developing the ability to move more and more people and freight around the world. As a result, in 1944, 54 countries signed the Chicago Convention, which is an important reminder that these agreements predate the foundation of the United Nations. In 1946 the first bilateral between the UK and the US became the model. This consisted of a schedule which outlined prices and capacity in order to regulate air traffic between two countries. These were registered under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), where additional criteria were lodged.

The EU court judgment of 2002 sent a clear message: that, in order to have the EU nature of our carriers recognised, Member States had to allow access for the relevant third country.

To conclude, while it is vitally important that we are updated with the progress of negotiations, we should be aware that unrealistic demands on third-country airlines who wish to access the EU will ultimately damage the opportunities for our airlines to expand their networks worldwide. Ultimately, these agreements are about trade, jobs and wealth and it is vital that we take a pragmatic approach.


  Pavel Telička, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, first of all I would like to underline that many of us have negotiated numerous international agreements and we know that there has to be a certain balance. Obviously, while we would love to be consulted on every single proposal that is made, sometimes negotiating techniques mean that this is not always possible.

But that is one side of the story. The second part of the story – and you have heard it – is that many of us have different concerns. Some have social concerns, some have concerns about security, safety or trade, some want to see a liberal approach etc. I must say that the Parliament is very lively today on these issues. While I might not share some of the concerns, I do appreciate the fact that the Parliament has to be engaged. We need to find the right balance. This is perhaps the way to avoid unpleasant surprises later on. This means that we can have solid interaction with the Commission from time to time in plenary as we are doing today, but the Committee and the Commission services should be in intensive contact on the relevant issues to be negotiated. That is a message to the Commission.

The message for us is that the agreements are an opportunity. It is something that can address a number of the issues that we are legitimately concerned about. Some of you mentioned social issues and some mentioned anti-competitive measures. I am the rapporteur for aviation strategy, and I would like to see a fair competition clause in the bilateral agreements. This is just one example, but I think that we need to understand that, while there has to be a balance, we also need to address these agreements as an opportunity to settle some of the problems and some of the concerns, but also maximise the effect for our consumers, our industries and our airliners and to avoid counterproductive results.


  Merja Kyllönen, GUE/NGL-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, lentoliikenteen kehittäminen sekä Euroopan sisällä että yhdessä kolmansien maiden kanssa on hyvin tärkeää. On hyvä, että liikennemuotoa kehitetään strategisesti, kunnianhimoisesti ja koordinoidusti.

Paljon sopii odottaa käynnissä olevilta sopimusneuvotteluilta kumppanimaiden kanssa ja siksi yhdyn täysin puheenjohtaja Cramerin esittämään pyyntöön saattaa parlamentti aina tietoiseksi neuvottelujen etenemisestä.

Itseäni hieman huolettaa, onko komissiolla tässä nyt tällä hetkellä liikaakin palloja samaan aikaan ilmassa? Toivon, että nähtävissä olisi selvää edistymistä käynnissä olevissa neuvotteluissa ennen kuin neuvotteluja avataan uusien kumppaneiden kanssa.

Lisäksi toivon hyvin rehellistä ja suoraselkäistä suhtautumista sellaisiin mahdollisiin tilanteisiin, joissa neuvottelut EU-tasolla uhkaavat tyssätä. Tällöin jäsenmailla tulee olla mahdollisuus jatkaa ja kehittää yhteistyötä kolmansien maiden kanssa, myös bilateraalisopimusten pohjalta.


  Daniela Aiuto, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, l'informazione e la trasparenza nei confronti del Parlamento e dei cittadini europei sono fondamentali, soprattutto in un settore come quello dell'aviazione, che coinvolge milioni di passeggeri ogni anno.

Vorrei sapere dalla Commissione come intende affrontare alcuni temi specifici in tali accordi, temi come quelli ambientali, sociali, della sicurezza e della competitività. Proprio quanto ad ambiente e sicurezza, sappiamo bene che non tutti i paesi terzi mostrano la stessa attenzione e premura ed è dunque necessario che si mantengano alti gli standard europei.

Come Unione dobbiamo perseguire gli obiettivi di Parigi e dobbiamo adottare tutte le misure necessarie a tal fine, ivi compresa, ad esempio, la necessità di scegliere le rotte più brevi e non quelle meno costose per le compagnie aeree. È necessario inoltre rimarcare l'importanza della correlazione tra gli aspetti sociali e quelli legati alla sicurezza. Non meno importante, poi, è la sicurezza legata alla lotta al terrorismo.

Infine, vorrei chiedere alla Commissaria in che modo intende tutelare l'industria europea e la concorrenza leale, considerate le norme sugli aiuti di Stato vigenti nel nostro mercato interno e la presenza sempre più considerevole di capitali stranieri che spesso esulano dall'applicazione di tali norme.


  Andor Deli (PPE). – Mr President, Madam Commissioner, I am really pleased that this topic has made it to the plenary agenda. It is evident and maybe normal to have a certain level of rivalry between European institutions, but I am convinced that the European Parliament can help the Commission’s efforts to achieve strong and sustainable deals and agreements. This is true for all policy areas, but it is very evident in the aviation sector, given the fact that it is a very complex global industry and service area.

As one of the two co-legislators the European Parliament could work more effectively and swiftly if it were involved in the whole negotiation process from the very beginning. I am afraid that this fact is not getting the proper level of attention. For example, at the beginning of October, the EP delegation got the opportunity to participate at the 39th plenary session of the ICAO in Montreal, of which I was also part. We arrived for the final days of the difficult negotiations on global market-based measures (GMBM) and other dossiers. If we had been allowed to participate from an earlier stage, it would help us to understand the whole process and the reasons behind certain decisions much better. This kind of insight could help us when it comes to European legislation and the approval of these agreements in Parliament. I do hope that during the ICAO visit this became evident for the Commission as well, so we should build on this experience also when it comes to the new aviation agreements and negotiations. I kindly ask you, Commissioner, to take these arguments into consideration when planning future negotiations in the aviation sector.


  Inés Ayala Sender (S&D). – Señor Presidente, yo también me uno al interés por los acuerdos, tanto en materia de seguridad como de servicios aéreos, con todos los Estados, con todos los países que se han nombrado —en algunos, como usted sabe, tenemos todavía otros debates en calidad de reservas—.

Y, por lo tanto, me parece fundamental insistir en la necesidad de que esos acuerdos se establezcan sobre la base de la reciprocidad y, desde luego, en el más absoluto respeto de los estándares internacionales que establecen tanto la OACI, en materia de exigencias medioambientales y de servicios, como la OIT en el caso de las reglas sociales.

Y, desde luego, también estoy con mis compañeros y con mis colegas en relación a la necesidad de una mayor transparencia y una comunicación lo más diaria posible con este Parlamento.

Usted sabe que estamos abiertos precisamente a una ampliación y que estamos en contra de proteccionismos en ese sentido, que son reduccionistas. Pero en este tipo de acuerdos, cuanta mayor transparencia y cuanto mayor apoyo, que le brindaremos, tendrá usted mejores resultados.


  Kosma Złotowski (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowna Pani Komisarz! Z tej dzisiejszej debaty można jasno wyciągnąć dwa wnioski. Pierwszy to ten, że te umowy są potrzebne i że wszyscy uważamy, że one są potrzebne. I drugi wniosek – że nic o nich nie wiemy, że jesteśmy niedoinformowani, że Komisja Europejska ignoruje art. 218 Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej. Szanowni Państwo! Wyciągajcie wnioski z rzeczywistości!

Teraz mamy do czynienia z ogromnymi protestami przeciwko TTIP i przeciwko CETA. Większość z tych protestów, drodzy Państwo, wynika właśnie z tego, że Parlament Europejski i zainteresowane strony nie były informowane o postępie negocjacji, o tym, w którym to idzie w kierunku itd. I dzisiaj też: dzisiaj pani komisarz odpowiedziała na kilka pytań, ale jest chyba jasne, że chcemy tych odpowiedzi więcej. Drodzy Państwo! Wyciągajcie wnioski z rzeczywistości!


  Matthijs van Miltenburg (ALDE). – Mr President, first of all I would like to thank Commissioner Bulc for joining us tonight because I know she came all the way from Warsaw from the high-level conference on drones.

The point I want to make is that the Commission recently forwarded to the secretariat of the Committee on Transport and Tourism EU restricted information regarding the air agreements with ASEAN. An email from the Transport Committee secretariat was sent to some MEPs – not all, only a few – with the following information, and I quote, ‘Documents are accessible on a need-to-know basis to the following authorised persons: chairs, vice—chairs, coordinators, rapporteurs, shadow rapporteurs and staff involved in the specific file.’ I have one question: why not extend the right to know to all interested MEPs, given that restricted documents are to be consulted individually in a secure reading room?

My second question, Commissioner, is how will you debrief Parliament after each negotiating round?


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, thank you Commissioner for coming to respond to the question, and I would also like to thank those who have brought us to this point. I am sure, Commissioner, that you hear from the floor here tonight the many concerns that various Members have. They want to be involved, and the point has been made very clearly by a number of colleagues that if you could engage early with Parliament and get its views on board, it will save trouble or conflict down the road. I hope that that will not come, but the views of parliamentarians are important and I hope that you will take them on board.

I very much welcome the agreements that you are hoping to make with other countries, and I think they are very important. You said it yourself: it is so that EU airlines can tap in to other markets. I think that that is important. We tend to see it so much from the other side: it is about other airlines coming here and availing themselves of the lucrative market that is the European Union. However, we should look at it from the other said too, and the value that is there for European airlines to tap into markets and to bring customers, those who would be carrying out business and passengers to those markets. Indeed on the return leg too it would bring tourists, business and consumers to Europe.

The facts speak for themselves. Previous air agreements have been very successful and have led to a growing aviation market, so I really would appeal to you following tonight’s debate to set up structures so that the European Parliament can be informed and be kept up to date on the progress and the content of the negotiations.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). – Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, la negociación de los múltiples acuerdos que la Unión Europea ha emprendido en el campo de la aviación comercial nos obliga a un esfuerzo de transparencia, porque su ejercicio es la base de la confianza.

Creo que es una obligación dar a conocer calendarios, intereses en juego, fechas y objetivos previstos en estos procesos, así como que se cumplan los Tratados en lo que respecta a la información que debe recibir este Parlamento y el momento en el que debe hacerlo, como el Consejo Europeo y antes y después de cada ronda negociadora.

Finalmente, hay que garantizar que los acuerdos solo se apliquen tras el visto bueno de esta Cámara. El protocolo de claridad y transparencia que plantea esta pregunta creo que resuelve cualquier duda sobre la marcha de un proceso negociador. Es evidente que no garantiza que todos estén de acuerdo con los contenidos de un acuerdo alcanzado en estas condiciones, pero nos evitaremos las críticas por opacidad en el futuro.




  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, οι αερομεταφορές διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία, στηρίζουν 5,5 εκατομμύρια θέσεις εργασίας, συνεισφέρουν 110 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ στο ΑΕΠ της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και ενισχύουν τον τουρισμό και, συνολικά, την οικονομική ανάπτυξη.

Όσον αφορά, όμως, την επιδιωκόμενη αεροπορική συμφωνία Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης - Τουρκίας, δημιουργείται έντονη καχυποψία εξαιτίας των ανταλλαγμάτων που προσφέρει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στην κυβέρνηση Ερντογάν το τελευταίο διάστημα, προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσει τη συνεργασία στο θέμα της προσφυγής κρίσης.

Κυρία Επίτροπε, κυρία Bulc, η Επιτροπή πρέπει να διασφαλίσει την κατοχύρωση των κυριαρχικών δικαιωμάτων και των ζωτικών συμφερόντων κάθε κράτους μέλους, και κυρίως της Κύπρου και της Ελλάδας, στο πλαίσιο της επιδιωκόμενης αεροπορικής συμφωνίας, και να εξασφαλίσει ότι η Τουρκία θα σεβαστεί πλήρως τις υποχρεώσεις που απορρέουν από τη συμφωνία, αλλά και από το ευρωπαϊκό και διεθνές δίκαιο. Επιπλέον, πρέπει να διασφαλιστεί η πλήρης διαφάνεια κατά τη διάρκεια των διαπραγματεύσεων, για να έχουμε εικόνα του τι ακριβώς συζητείται.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, thank you for your interest in this topic and, of course, for sharing your views.

I strongly believe that the changing landscape of global aviation offers many opportunities for the EU. Our successful internal EU aviation market shows that open markets are the best basis for developing our international aviation relationships. But let me stress this point: market opening must come with a clear, fair and stable regulatory environment. EU aviation agreements are our tools to achieve this and make the external aviation policy a success. We should therefore aim to capitalise on the benefits of international aviation agreements without delay and with as many partners as possible.

I know that some of you might dispute that, but if we do not have enough partners with whom we can negotiate at the same time, we will lose the competitive situation and that works against us.

Under the Treaty, provisional application may begin from the date of signature of an international agreement, if so decided by the Council. You know very well that there is, unfortunately, a very long delay between the signing and the conclusion of EU air transport agreements. This is due to the fact that they are mixed agreements that have to be ratified by all 28 Member States before proceeding to conclusion at EU level.

We are, however, only at the beginning of the process. The first negotiating rounds were promising. I am looking forward to continuing to work with Parliament and I will keep you fully informed of the progress of the talks. The Commission is committed to transparency. For the agreements pursued as part of the aviation strategy, in particular, we have made available the documents that come under the Commission’s responsibility, as provided for in the framework agreement. We have also arranged to debrief the rapporteurs on the progress made today.

Dialogue is ongoing as to how to make this information process even smoother. When addressing this we have to consider too the sensitive nature of this information and our commitment, both that of the Commission and that of Parliament, to handle it accordingly.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Dezember statt.

Die gemäß Artikel 128 Absatz 5 GO einzureichenden Entschließungsanträge werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bekannt gegeben.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE), na piśmie. –Odnosząc się do przyjętej w 2015 roku przez Komisję europejskiej strategii w dziedzinie lotnictwa oraz do nowo rozpoczętych negocjacji w sprawie bezpieczeństwa lotniczego z Japonią i Chinami, jak i do umów o komunikacji lotniczej na szczeblu UE z ASEAN-em, chciałabym wyrazić moje zaniepokojenie odnośnie do niebezpieczeństwa pojawienia się nieuczciwej konkurencji, jaka mogłaby zaistnieć w przypadku przelotów nad terytorium Rosji.

W związku z sankcjami nałożonymi na Rosję, jak i jej odpowiedzią na nie, europejskie linie lotnicze płacą zdecydowanie większe stawki za lot tranzytowy nad terytorium Rosji. Kwoty, o których tutaj mówimy, są bardzo duże. Niektóre europejskie linie lotnicze mają rozbudowane siatki połączeń i odbywają nawet po kilkaset lotów nad terytorium Rosji. Już teraz bilety są bardzo drogie. Podpisanie umowy np. z Chinami, których linie lotnicze posiadają zdecydowanie niższe stawki za loty tranzytowe nad Rosją, może sprawić, iż wielu europejskich przewoźników po prostu upadnie.

Ponadto pragnę zaznaczyć, że Komisja powinna dążyć do ujednolicenia opłat pobieranych za obsługę przelotów nad terytorium danego kraju, w tym wypadku państw Unii Europejskiej. Obecnie opłaty są nierównomierne i istnieją duże różnice, które powinny być zharmonizowane.


  Davor Škrlec (Verts/ALE), napisan. – Zračni sektor snažan je pokretač gospodarskog razvoja, stvaranja radnih mjesta, mobilnosti i trgovine u Europskoj uniji. Europski sektor zrakoplovstva znatno se razvio posljednjih 20 godina zahvaljujući liberalizaciji tržišta te povećanoj potražnji za ovom vrstom usluge. Poseban napredak uočen je u međunarodnom prometu izvan Europe s iznimno velikim rastom u određenim regijama svijeta, a povezan je s pomicanjem gospodarskog težišta svijeta prema istoku, posebno Aziji. U okviru strategije Komisije iz prosinca 2015. predlaže se otvaranje pregovora o potpisivanju sporazuma na razini EU-a o sigurnosti zračnog prometa s Japanom i Kinom te sporazuma o uslugama u zračnom prometu s Kinom, Turskom, ASEAN-om, UAE-om, Omanom, Katarom itd. EU politika o zrakoplovstvu svakako mora iskoristiti nova rastuća tržišta jer će se na njima u narednim desetljećima otvoriti velike gospodarske prilike budući kako je već na temelju prethodnih sporazuma postalo jasno da su dogovori o sveobuhvatnim sporazumima o zračnom prometu s trećim zemljama na razini EU-a učinkovit alat. Upravo zbog toga nameću se neka od ključnih pitanja: Koji su ciljevi, pitanja i vremenski okviri predviđeni za pregovore o sporazumima o zračnom prometu? Koje je aktualno stanje preostalih pregovaračkih smjernica? Na koji način Komisija planira zajamčiti transparentnost i pristup dokumentima tijekom održavanja pregovora?

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