 Úplné znění 
Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Středa, 30. listopadu 2016 - Brusel

15. Nedávné přenesení dohledu IANA na celosvětové internetové společenství v říjnu 2016 a nadcházející Fórum pro správu internetu, které se bude konat v Mexiku (6.–8. prosince 2016) (rozprava)
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  President. – The next item is the debate on the Commission statement on recent transition of the IANA stewardship to the global internet community in October 2016 and the upcoming Internet Governance Forum in Mexico (6—8 December 2016) (2016/2997(RSP)).


  Corina Crețu, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, as you know, Parliament and the Commission have been working side by side on internet governance issues in support of the multi—stakeholder model for many years. Both institutions actively supported the completion of the IANA transitions, as well as the extension of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) mandate, which was part of the successful outcome of the review of the World Summit on the Information Society one year ago in December 2015.

Recently a historical milestone for internet governance was finally achieved. The IANA contract has expired. As of 1 October 2016, the multi-stakeholder community is responsible for the overview of the IANA functions. In parallel, a series of improvements in economic accountability have come into force. This is a major step in making internet governance truly global and I warmly welcome it.

Parliament, our Member States and the Commission have long called for the globalisation of the IANA functions. We have all worked together with the rest of the global multi—stakeholder community for it to happen. Indeed the European input into this process has been substantial. However, the transition is not only the end of a process. It is, much more importantly, the beginning of a new phase. The multi-stakeholder model will now be put to the test. It is now up to all of us to live up to our new responsibilities.

My message to you is that it is even more relevant now for Europe to have a strong presence and voice in international discussions. While the United States has stepped back from its previous role, the continued threat from more authoritarian countries means that the EU must remain vigilant and play an even bigger role in the stewardship of the internet and defence of the multi-stakeholder model. Next will be the Internet Governance Forum in Mexico. It is a very good sign of Parliament’s engagement that, as I understand it, 18 MEPs will be participating in this global meeting.

Now that the IGF’s mandate has been extended, the challenge is to make it even more relevant and helpful for the whole multi—stakeholder internet community, which will face an ever—changing technological landscape. The internet of today is very different from the internet we will have in 10 years’ time.

Europe can, and should, be a more active and powerful player in internet governance in line with the importance of the internet for the European economy and society. The role of the internet and digital has never been so high on the political agenda. In Europe we are working hard to deliver on the digital single market. A fundamental building block for our success is ensuring that the internet continues to function in a reliable and stable way and its governance is balanced, inclusive and transparent. I look foward to your contributions.


  Pilar del Castillo Vera, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señora Presidenta; muchas gracias, Comisaria. Realmente, el año 2016 ha sido un año enormemente fructífero en la maduración de la gobernanza de internet. Hasta el 1 de octubre de este año, la gestión de la Autoridad para la Asignación de Números de Internet (IANA) estaba vinculada a la Administración de los Estados Unidos. A partir de 2016, la maduración de la gobernanza de internet ha culminado con su emancipación de ICANN, del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, gracias al traspaso, el pasado 30 de septiembre, del contrato que tenía para el desempeño de las funciones de IANA desde la Administración estadounidense.

Esto es un hito realmente importante. Han sido muchos los años en los que este proceso se ha desarrollado. Ahora mismo nos encontramos ante una situación claramente definida por un enfoque multistakeholder para la gobernanza de internet.

Hay que decir, como decía la Comisaria, que la Unión Europea ha jugado un papel importante: la Comisión Europea, representando los intereses de todos los Estados miembros, por un lado, y también la presencia del Parlamento Europeo en todas las reuniones —y ya van a ser once— que, desde su fundación, ha tenido anualmente el Foro para la Gobernanza de Internet, que tiene que seguir manteniendo ese carácter abierto, no fragmentado y global de internet.


  Carlos Zorrinho, em nome do Grupo S&D. – Senhora Presidente, no Fórum Global da Internet, em 2015, realizado em João Pessoa, no Brasil, foi possível prolongar por dez anos o acordo para a governação da Internet, continuando este a ser assegurado pela comunidade mundial de utilizadores, através de uma plataforma de parceria múltipla envolvendo os diversos stakeholders.

Nas conclusões desse fórum, foi dada ênfase ao compromisso do governo dos Estados Unidos de garantir a transferência das funções da IANA para a ICANN através de um processo transparente, acompanhado e verificado pela comunidade mundial de utilizadores.

Isso aconteceu. Em outubro de 2016, o processo de transferência foi consumado. Foi dado um passo importantíssimo para garantir um modelo aberto e participado de governação da Internet. Cabe agora ao Fórum Global de 2016, que decorrerá em Guadalajara, no México, entre 6 e 8 de dezembro, sob o signo da inclusão e do crescimento sustentável, consolidar o modelo de governação com provas dadas, fundado em valores democráticos e baseado em redes de fóruns de utilizadores estruturadas ao nível nacional, ao nível regional e ao nível global.

É fundamental garantir que, com a nova revolução digital e com as novas plataformas tecnológicas, a Internet continue a ser uma rede aberta, livre de ingerências, tecnologicamente neutral e capaz de conciliar a abordagem de mercado com as dimensões sociais da inclusão, da universalização de acesso e da generalização de serviços de utilidade pública.

A União Europeia tem sido um parceiro determinante na afirmação de uma visão aberta e plural na divulgação da Internet. Esta visão, associada a parcerias globais bem-sucedidas, fez a diferença em momentos-chave da decisão em que os arautos do controlo da Internet tentaram fazer valer a sua perspetiva e falharam.

Esta perspetiva europeia, vencedora do plano global, tem de ser também agora prevalecente na concretização da Agenda Digital e do Mercado Único Digital. A opção por uma Internet aberta, de acesso universal, inclusiva e ao serviço de cidadãos, enforma e motiva também a iniciativa Wifi for Europa de que sou relator.

Esta iniciativa afirma o modelo democrático e participativo, de facilitação do acesso à Internet pelas diversas comunidades e territórios, e pode e deve ter um efeito seminal, com princípios de ação que devem ser encorajados em todo o mundo e incluídos nas diretivas de cooperação externa da União.


  Kosma Złotowski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Szanowni Państwo! Internet jest narzędziem o zasięgu globalnym – to jasne. Finał procesu przekazywania funkcji porządkowania systemu domen i adresów IP przez rząd amerykański społeczności międzynarodowej to potwierdzenie tego faktu od strony administracyjnej. Intencje tego procesu są oczywiście jak najbardziej słuszne, jednak czy możemy być pewni, że globalna kontrola będzie bardziej efektywna niż dotychczas? Czy na dłuższą metę wypracowanie uniwersalnych standardów w zakresie podstawowych zasad funkcjonowania internetu jest możliwe, skoro nawet w kwestii praw człowieka nie mogliśmy się porozumieć? Trudno uwierzyć, że reżimy niedemokratyczne i prywatne korporacje nie wykorzystają swoich wpływów, aby dzięki tej zmianie wzmocnić swoją kontrolę nad siecią. Taki scenariusz byłby oczywiście niezwykle groźny dla nas wszystkich. Dlatego musimy rozmawiać z naszymi partnerami w międzynarodowych gremiach i szukać porozumienia w sprawie wspólnych zasad zarządzania internetem.


  Kaja Kallas, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, the recent internet governance transition to the global internet community is a symbolic step, but symbolic steps are quite necessary in these turbulent times, especially after the recent elections in the USA. Most people involved in the work of ICANN will say that it will not change much, as the US Commerce Department was only validating that decisions follow protocols, but this is how it was, and with new leadership things can change. So for non-Americans there is definitely a sense of relief that the transition has been done, not only because of the US political landscape, but because internet governance just cannot be under oversight of one specific country.

Trust and openness are at the heart of the internet, so people expect the internet to function and to be able to trust it; but maintaining that trust does involve a lot of technical work behind the scenes that most of us do not really see. The work of ICANN on domain names is a good example. Domain names are like phone numbers: if some of us have the same number, then it’s a problem. So people need to trust that there is an inclusive and transparent process in place on how domain names are distributed and how name collisions are dealt with. The internet was created with the dream of free flow of information, but since then interests around controlling the internet from both the private sector as well as the public sector have been growing. Therefore this is an important time for multi-stakeholder internet governance to be successful. It is crucial to show even in a rather technical area that the process is independent and transparent.


  Barbara Kappel, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin! Das Internet Governance Forum 2016 steht unter dem Motto: „Inklusives und nachhaltiges Wachstum ermöglichen.“ Die Erhöhung der Konnektivität ist dabei eines der vorrangigen Ziele, und Konnektivität bedeutet in dem Zusammenhang, dass bis zum Jahr 2020 eine weitere Milliarde Menschen online gehen sollen.

Das diesjährige Forum hat drei Schwerpunkte, das sind Cyber Security, Cyber Economy und Menschenrechte, die sehr gut gewählt sind! Cyber Security – die Bedeutung ist nicht extra hervorzuheben. Jeder in Deutschland – rund 300 000 Personen waren von dem Ausfall bei der Deutschen Telekom betroffen –, weiß, dass Cyber Security heute nicht nur Unternehmen, sondern jeden privaten Haushalt ebenso betreffen kann.

Die digitale Wirtschaft generell ist der Schlüsselfaktor für Wachstum und Beschäftigung. Digitale Innovation, wie wir heute bei Blockchain zum Beispiel sehen, ist der Treiber für Hunderttausende neuer Arbeitsplätze. Die EU muss hier stark vertreten sein.

Die vom Internet Governance Forum gefassten Beschlüsse sind allerdings nur agreements of principle. Das heißt, sie können das digitale Wachstumspotenzial und die Auswirkungen auf eine globale Gesellschaft aufzeigen, eine Fragmentierung des Internets aber nicht verhindern. Die Fragmentierung ist aber die größte Gefahr für das Internet. Aus diesem Grund muss das Mandat des IGF verstärkt werden. Das Internet muss offen und frei zugänglich bleiben.


  Jerzy Buzek (PPE). – Madam President, the internet is a global common resource and a springboard to economic, scientific and social development. The EU has to contribute actively to the evolving model of internet governance. Parliament has been committed to making the governance transparent and inclusive. We welcomed the transfer of supervision over the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority to the multi-stakeholder communities. This will help us keep the internet open and safe. Moreover, the Internet Governance Forum must remain high on the agenda of the EU institutions and the Member States.

Next week the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) will once again lead the European Parliament delegation to the Forum’s meeting in Mexico. The European perspective must be communicated globally for the sake of our industry, business and citizens, especially citizens of course. Three preconditions are necessary: global efforts to improve access all over the world to the internet, joint strategies for raising the security of critical infrastructure, which is very important in times of so many hybrid threats, and ensuring internet communication for our citizens and companies, especially small and medium enterprises. That is a priority for us.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). – Madam President, next week the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) takes place just after the change of the IANA stewardship to the global internet community in October 2016 – an important milestone that has been supported by Parliament and the Commission for years.

The new arrangement is the outcome of political awareness and pressure. We have strengthened the position of the global internet community, internet governance. The principles of openness, security, reliability and independence from national states have been applied. In times of strong tendencies toward national solutions and attitudes, we have to make sure that the internet truly remains the free worldwide web. There can be no Balkanisation of the internet, where countries build virtual walls, fragmenting the worldwide web into national internets, limiting trade and communication, which are our principles.

A lot of work needs to be done, as Mr Buzek said, including in terms of involving the stakeholders from developing countries and our youth. It is important that young people take responsibility, and the Youth IGF next week in Mexico is a good start. It is a good sign that Parliament is sending a big delegation – a good high-level delegation – as is the Commission, to Guadalajara in Mexico.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, mnoho už bylo k tomuto tématu řečeno, já pouze podtrhnu slova svých předřečníků. Je velmi dobře, že Evropská unie vysílá svoji delegaci na toto globální internetové fórum. Podoba internetu je mimořádně důležitou věcí. Patří ke svobodné společnosti. My musíme udělat maximum pro to, aby správa internetu, která přechází fakticky do soukromých rukou, do oblasti soukromého sektoru, tak aby byla vykonávána efektivně a aby některá klíčová témata, o kterých se diskutuje, jako je přístup k internetu pro mladé lidi, pro gendry, jako je přístup k internetu ve třetích zemích, jako je otázka ochrany osobních dat, ochrana lidských práv a ochrana svobody projevu na internetu, byla předmětem důsledné debaty. Já jsem pro absolutní svobodu projevu na internetu, na druhou stranu my musíme upozorňovat na to, že tato svoboda občas je zneužívána, například v případě České republiky ze strany Ruska, které šíří nepravdivé informace na internetu.

(Řečník souhlasil s tím, že odpoví na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty (čl. 162 odst. 8 jednacího řádu).)


  Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D), sinisen kortin kysymys. – On tärkeää, että Eurooppa on edustettuna. Meillä oli myös mahdollisuus kuulla asiantuntijoita, miten he näkevät tilanteen kehittymisen kaiken kaikkiaan internetin osalta, onko avoimuus lisääntynyt vai vähentynyt. Näiden eurooppalaisten itsestään selvien mielipiteiden vieminen eteenpäin on tärkeää. Siksi on tärkeää, että Euroopan delegaatio on siellä. Valitettavasti asiantuntijat kertoivat meille, että hyvään suuntaan emme ole kehittymässä vaan huonoon suuntaan.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE), odpověď na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty. – Nevím, zda byl špatný překlad, ale přímo jsem nezaznamenal otázku. Budu tedy reagovat na to, co paní kolegyně řekla.

Já absolutně souhlasím. Naším cílem má být to, abychom udělali vše pro to, aby internet byl otevřený, aby tam byla svoboda projevu, aby nedocházelo k jeho fragmentaci a aby víceméně internet byl přístupný občanům ve třetích zemích. To je palčivý problém, kde by Evropská unie měla jednoznačně podporovat, aby maximum lidí na této planetě mělo svobodný přístup k internetu.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, το DNS αποτελεί έναν από τους πιο σημαντικούς πυλώνες του Διαδικτύου, καθώς συνδυάζει τις διευθύνσεις IP με τους παρόχους. Οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες είχαν πάντα τον τελικό έλεγχο σε ό,τι αφορά τον έλεγχο του DNS και η μεταβίβαση της διαχείρισης της IANA από την αμερικανική κυβέρνηση στη μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση ICANN αποτελεί το τέλος του ελέγχου και της διαχείρισης του Διαδικτύου από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Η ενέργεια αυτή των ΗΠΑ είναι ένα βήμα ανοικτό, σταθερό και συνδυάζει τον πολυμερή έλεγχο του Διαδικτύου. Περιορίζει την εξουσία της Ουάσιγκτον στη διακυβέρνηση του Διαδικτύου και θέτει τον έλεγχο υπό το φάσμα μιας διεθνούς ομπρέλας. Τα εμπλεκόμενα μέρη πρέπει να διασφαλίσουν ότι το Διαδίκτυο θα είναι και θα παραμείνει ένα ενιαίο, ανοικτό, ουδέτερο, ελεύθερο και αδιάσπαστο δίκτυο και κατά τη μεταβατική περίοδο.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Corina Crețu, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, let me first thank you for your support and engagement in this file. We are at a turning point for the evolution of the internet, an amazing technology that for good and for bad is a mirror of our societies. Now it is time to deliver what is needed to keep the internet open, unfragmented and reliable. Going forward, it will be important to continue to work together and make sure the EU acts as a coherent and positive partner in internet governance discussion at the global level. This will include working on how to improve the multi-stakeholder model and make it more inclusive, accountable, and transparent. In this context, stronger links with internet governance dialogue taking place at local and national level are also very important.

The internet governance forum has grown to become an important platform for these discussions, and I am confident with our input it will continue to improve and grow over the next coming years. I therefore wish the European Parliament delegation going to Guadalajara a fruitful meeting. The Commission will also be present there with a delegation from DG CONNECT. I am confident that you will be able to bring forward the discussion in many areas, and I am looking forward to hearing about the result of your discussions.


  President. – The debate is closed.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Nicola Caputo (S&D), per iscritto. – Tra pochi giorni si terrà l'Internet Governance Forum 2016, importante appuntamento per discutere e codificare ulteriormente i miglioramenti necessari nel settore delle ICT. Queste discussioni guidano le azioni da parte dei governi nazionali, le agenzie regionali e globali e degli operatori. È di conseguenza importante sottolineare che l'IGF discuterà anche di questioni di politica pubblica pertinenti con internet, quali la sicurezza informatica e la privacy dei dati, argomenti sui quali mi sono più volte pronunciato. Devo dire che sarà imprescindibile il tema della governance di internet in un contesto globale, con alcune particolarità di rilievo: vi è una crescente competizione economica nel campo digitale; l'asse del cyberspazio globale non è quello solito, ma è intorno gli Stati Uniti e la Cina; dopo le decisioni della Corte di giustizia europea su Safe Harbor e diritto all'oblio, la privacy e la cybersecurity non sono più solo una questione di diritti umani. Ora sono anche un problema economico, anzi, di cybereconomy, è in quest'ottica che vanno risolte, con l'attivazione di una crescita inclusiva e sostenibile per i paesi in via di sviluppo.


  Danuta Jazłowiecka (PPE), na piśmie. – Nadchodzące Forum Zarządzania Internetem jest nie tylko ważnym wydarzeniem na skalę światową, ale także ważnym elementem współpracy pomiędzy Unią Europejką a Meksykiem. Na ten aspekt chciałabym zwrócić Państwa uwagę jako członkini Delegacji ds. Stosunków z Meksykiem oraz jako członek delegacji Parlamentu Europejskiego z ramienia STOA na to właśnie wydarzenie. Meksyk, ze względu na swój potencjał naukowo-technologiczny, jest dla nas atrakcyjnym partnerem. Od początku nasza współpraca była intensywna i wydarzenia takie jak Forum Zarzadzania Internetem jeszcze bardziej ją pogłębiają. Warto zwrócić uwagę na wspólne europejsko-meksykańskie projekty takie jak projekt LEADERSHIP, który wspierał dialog między Unią a państwami Ameryki Łacińskiej w dziedzinie współpracy na rzecz technik teleinformacyjnych (ICT). Dzięki realizacji projektu powołano specjalną grupę ekspercką, która jest trwałym mechanizmem wspierającym dialog. Mam nadzieję, że wydarzenia takie jak Forum Internetu zaowocują podobnymi pożytecznymi inicjatywami. Ponadto nadchodzące forum jest świetną okazją, aby porozmawiać o wpływie cyfryzacji na rynek pracy. Szczególnie interesująca może okazać się wymiana dobrych praktyk na temat nowych form pracy poprzez platformy cyfrowe. W Europie nadal nie znaleźliśmy idealnego rozwiązania, jak połączyć elastyczność z bezpieczeństwem pracownika. Dlatego tez forum to może okazać się doskonałym źródłem informacji.

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