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Четвъртък, 1 декември 2016 г. - Брюксел Редактирана версия

2. Борба с расизма, ксенофобията, хомофобията и други форми на нетърпимост (разискване)
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  Preşedinte. – Primul punct de pe ordinea de zi este dezbaterea privind Declarațiile Consiliului și Comisiei, referitoare la Combaterea rasismului, a xenofobiei, a homofobiei și a altor forme de intoleranță (2016/2989(RSP)).


  Ivan Korčok, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, Commissioner, honourable Members, you have invited the Council to intervene on a topic of common concern: how to combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance. We very much share your preoccupation. The evidence from different sources such as the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe confirms an alarming increase of intolerance and hatred in Europe. There might be several reasons explaining this worrying phenomenon, but let me be clear on this: there can be no justification for it.

The EU has adopted specific legislation on combating intolerance and hatred, in particular the 2008 Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia. The Presidency is aware that the Commission is currently looking into the national laws of the Member States to assess the framework and to ensure its correct implementation. Only a few months ago, in June, the Council reminded Member States of the need to ensure the effective transposition and implementation of the Framework Decision and other relevant laws at national level to counter the plight of hate crimes. In addition, the Council asked Member States to develop effective methods to report and ensure proper recording of hate crimes. It is also worth mentioning that the Council has adopted a directive that prohibits discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin. It has been in place for more than 15 years and it is an important tool in the fight against racial discrimination.

As for the future: we need to combine our actions and strengthen the existing cooperation between institutions. In this context, I would like to recall the important step made last June, when the Council responded positively to the Commission’s list of actions to advance LGBTI equality. The Council invited the Commission to promote the measures outlined in that list and report regularly on the progress achieved. The Council has likewise invited the Member States to take action to combat discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Council has also consistently supported the efforts of the EU and its Member States to improve the situation of the Roma, which is Europe’s largest ethnic minority. Moreover, in the context of interinstitutional cooperation, the Council has supported the ambitious plan of the new Commission high-level group seeking to develop with Member States concrete practices and tools to improve responses to racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance. We also welcome the ongoing EU-level dialogue with major IT companies, in cooperation with Member States, to address online hate speech. Last but not least, we should remember and commend the remarkable work done by the Fundamental Rights Agency in this field.

Let me stress once again that racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance are incompatible with our common values and principles. According to the legal framework in place they can even constitute a crime that should be prosecuted. There is indeed no exception from this for politicians abusing the freedom of expression by inciting to violence or hatred. Our role – and on this I count on your support – is to remind ourselves of our responsibility for what we say. Words have power, including the power to harm. For this reason, freedom of expression has its limits. It is our common responsibility to find the right balance, and this is never an easy task. I look forward to your debates, honourable Members, and I thank you for your attention.


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, Commissioner Jourová sends her apologies for being unable to attend this morning. She asked me to replace her and I am glad to do so.

Increasing fear and high rates of verbal and physical violence against ethnic, religious or other minorities across Europe are – and remain – a major concern. As we never get tired of reiterating, the Commission condemns all manifestations of racism, xenophobia, homophobia and all other forms of intolerance as these are incompatible with the values and principles upon which the European Union is founded. I personally believe that we all, collectively and individually, have the duty to fight against intolerance and hatred and reject all of its expressions. Political and opinion leaders bear, in this regard, a particularly important responsibility since racist, xenophobic and other attitudes of intolerance expressed by leaders are, by their very nature, incompatible with the responsibilities they are called upon to fulfil. They also contribute to a climate in which hatred and intolerance become normalised. History should have taught us to be wary.

But for those who live in the here-and-now, very recent events have shown that this is not simply a theoretical issue, but a very real danger. I commend the efforts that this place, the European Parliament, makes in ensuring that incitement to hatred pronounced by its Members is taken seriously and addressed. Public condemnation of racism and xenophobia by the authorities, political parties and civil society contributes to acknowledging the seriousness of these phenomena and actively fighting against racist and xenophobic speech and behaviour. In the Commission prevention and the fight against racism, xenophobia and all other forms of intolerance are shared priorities. The fact that we devoted the first annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights to combating racism and intolerance last year reflects that commitment.

The Commission appointed two Commission coordinators to contribute to combating hate crime, hate speech and intolerance by engaging and listening to the community’s concerns with regard to two particular forms of racism and xenophobia which have reared their heads: anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. To give one illustration, in 2015 Jews were the target of 40% of all racist crimes committed in France and, as the November Fundamental Rights Agency report on hate crime and the current migration situation puts it, Muslims experience increased hostility as they are often perceived as perpetrators or sympathisers of terrorist attacks or for being part of a refugee movement seen as threatening safety and security. The Commission is acutely aware of this developing narrative and will continue to speak out forcefully against such stigmatisation and incitement to hatred against certain communities. We are also working with Member States to ensure they effectively enforce the legislation criminalising illegal hate speech, with particular regard to the EU’s Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law, which concerns, as you know, the public incitement to violence and hatred on grounds of race, colour, religion, descent, national or ethnic origin. This legislation applies to incitement to violence or hatred, online and offline, including statements by political and opinion leaders.

In the bilateral dialogues we have with Member States to ensure the correct transposition and implementation of this instrument, we have raised a series of issues and concerns. As a result, in the past two years, six Member States have made amendments to their criminal law to bring their legislation in line with the framework decision. Commissioner Jourová strongly reiterated the importance of ensuring correct transposition and effective implementation of the instrument at the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 14 October and urged national governments to do everything possible to ensure that national provisions can be swiftly and fully aligned to the EU rules and, just as importantly, that they are applied in practice. Member States’ law enforcement authorities and courts remain competent to investigate, prosecute and try individual cases of hate speech and hate crime.

So it is only through working together with the Member States and other key actors, including civil society, that we can make a real difference on the ground, supporting national efforts to ensure implementation of the rules and to set up effective policies to prevent and combat this phenomenon. It is a matter of building the necessary commitment, capacity and making available resources and tools. The EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance is a unique platform for the exchange of best practice, guidance, strengthening cooperation and synergies, bringing together the key actors: civil society, community representatives, EU agencies, in particular the Fundamental Rights Agency, and relevant international organisations, including the UN, OSCE and the Council of Europe. The engagement of the European Parliament Intergroup against racism with this High Level Group is very welcome. We need to join our efforts to achieve common objectives.

The group is focusing on issues such as how to improve awareness, enhance the effectiveness of investigations and prosecutions, better address under-reporting and ensure adequate victims’ support. The group is discussing forms of intolerance in order to develop and improve targeted responses. One priority for the High Level Group is to help all Member States develop sound methodologies for recording and collecting data on hate crimes, which can often go unreported or get mistaken for other offences. This work is carried out by a specific sub-group led by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and that met for the first time in October.

We have also taken important steps to counter illegal hate speech on the internet. A Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online was agreed by the Commission with Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and YouTube in May this year. We will present a preliminary assessment of the work in this area on 7 December. We are also looking at how to support further the role of the media and ethical journalism in promoting fundamental rights and to ensure that a pluralistic media environment can foster political debate on crucial issues for democratic societies.

These and other related issues were at the heart of the discussion at this year’s annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights, which First Vice-President Frans Timmermans hosted together with Commissioners Oettinger and Jourová earlier in November. Furthermore, we have consistently supported concrete projects to prevent racism, xenophobia homophobia and other forms of intolerance under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. Through the new call for proposals, which is now open, we are making available EUR 6 million for projects in this area. In addition, the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) continues to support frontline practitioners and civil society actors to effectively address the challenges of radicalisation and polarisation at a local level. Practitioners are concerned about how violent, extremist, racist groups, on one hand, or Daesh, on the other, exploit the refugee crisis to promote their own poisonous narratives. Within the RAN practitioners are developing practical approaches and ways to address and prevent polarisation in schools and local communities with the objective of supporting a cohesive and inclusive society and reaching out to all communities. They will look into more effective ways of countering different types of extremist propaganda, including xenophobic propaganda, also drawing on the expertise within the European Strategic Communications network.

Everybody should be able to enjoy their fundamental rights. We are all entitled to the respect of our right to non-discrimination, to human dignity, to life, to integrity of the person, and to protection from violence. That is why the High Level Group will also include exchanges on the intolerance and violence suffered by members of the LGBTI community. All that said, notwithstanding our efforts and the results we have achieved so far, we know there is a lot more to be done. We are ready to report regularly on the progress made and evaluate the need for further actions, and we count on your continued support as well as your constructive engagement.


  Kinga Gál, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. – Elnök Úr! Biztos Úr, Miniszter Úr! Mindaz, ami gyűlöletet kelt, az erőszakot, intoleranciát erősíti a társadalomban, az elfogadhatatlan. Nem csak papíron, de gyakorlatban is. Ugyanakkor sajnálatosnak tartom, hogy rendszerint elmarad az uniós döntéshozók részéről a hagyományos nemzeti kisebbségek elleni intoleráns magatartások elítélése.

Felhívnám a figyelmet – úgyis, mint a hagyományos nemzeti kisebbségi intergroup egyik társelnöke – azokra az intoleráns magatartásokra tehát, amelyek végbemennek az Európai Unió tagállamaiban azon európai polgárok ellen, akik mindig is a szülőföldjükön éltek, nem mozdultak, a hagyományos nemzeti kisebbségek ellen. Ilyenek a sajtóban megvalósuló diszkrimináció és a gyűlöletkeltés ellenük, a nemzeti szimbólumaik használatának betiltása és szankcionálása, valamint anyanyelvük használatának korlátozása. Ezek mélyen elitélendő dolgok, és az Európai Bizottságnak foglalkoznia kellene ezekkel az ügyekkel. Mivel minden ilyen intoleráns magatartás azt az érzést kelti a hagyományos nemzeti kisebbségekhez tartozó európai polgárokban, mintha csak másodrendű állampolgárok lennének saját hazájukban.


  Tanja Fajon, v imenu skupine S&D. – Evropa se sooča s porastom rasizma, ksenofobije, homofobije, transfobije in drugih oblik nestrpnosti. Pretresa me, da je bilo po podatkih Transgender Europe zgolj v zadnjem letu po svetu ubitih skoraj 300 transspolnih ljudi.

Brexit in ameriške volitve pa sta še dodatno vzpodbudila različne oblike sovražnega govora in nestrpnosti. Te in druge oblike sovraštva močno zastrupljajo dialog in sodelovanje med ljudmi, so pogosto produkt različnih ideologij in zgodovine ter večinoma najbolj prizadenejo najbolj ranljive skupine.

Tudi v moji državi – Sloveniji – se soočamo z naraščanjem nestrpnosti. Obžalujem, da posamezniki stisko ljudi izrabijo za napihovanje nestrpnosti ter širjenje neresnic. Napadi na begunce, verske objekte ali ustanove, ki spodbujajo medkulturni dialog, so resnično zavržena dejanja, katera najostreje obsojam.

Predsodke in strahove moramo nasloviti skozi izobraževanje in vzgojo ter z učinkovitimi zakonodajnimi ukrepi in politikami. Nekatere države članice v praksi še vedno nezadostno izvajajo okvirne sklepe in ne zagotavljajo ustrezne zaščite pred rasističnim in ksenofobnim sovražnim govorom in kaznivimi dejanji iz sovraštva.

Prišel bo čas, ko nas bo po dejanjih sodila zgodovina. Vsak se mora vprašati, na kateri strani zgodovine želi biti in kaj smo za to naredili.


  Helga Stevens, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik wil graag benadrukken dat alle mensen vrij en gelijkwaardig en met rechten geboren worden. Diversiteit is de basis van een leefbare samenleving. Europa heeft de taak deze principes effectief uit te dragen en te beschermen waar en wanneer nodig. Living free and equal zou voor iedereen weggelegd moeten zijn. Sommige groepen en individuen ondervinden meer dan anderen dat hun beleving van gelijkheid en vrijheid onder druk staat.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, intersex, afgekort LGBTI, zijn zo’n kwetsbare groep. Tien jaar geleden werden de Jogjakarta-beginselen opgesteld door een groep van internationale mensenrechtenexperts. Ze geven een overzicht van internationale beginselen en mensenrechten, specifiek met betrekking tot seksuele geaardheid en identiteit. Na tien jaar zijn de bekommernissen uitgedrukt in de Jogjakarta-beginselen nog steeds even relevant. In een groot aantal EU-landen worden LGBTI gediscrimineerd of gestigmatiseerd. Er is vooruitgang geboekt, maar er is nog veel werk aan de winkel. Cultuur, traditie of religie kunnen nooit een excuus zijn voor discriminatie, niet van LGBTI, maar evenmin van andere groepen, zoals religieuze minderheden, etnische minderheden, personen met een beperking. Tolerantie is onvoldoende. Inclusie moet ons doel zijn.


  Catherine Bearder, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, we all know Niemöller’s poem: that first they came for the Communists, the Socialists and the Jews, and how he lamented that he had not spoken out for them until there was no one left to speak out for him. This was Europe 65 years ago, but now we see that we must speak out again. It’s happening to those others, whoever they are. In June, the UK had the most divisive referendum campaigns. Our Equality and Human Rights Commission said that the referendum campaign had, and I quote, ‘legitimised hate’. During the campaign, a young MP doing her job was shot and stabbed to death by a man consumed with hate, and who, shockingly, on his conviction was supported by 60,000 tweets. Two months after the EU referendum, Mr Arkadiusz Jóźwik, a Polish national, was assaulted and killed by six teenagers in what was believed to be a hate crime. In the weeks following the Brexit result, reported hate crime rose by 58% compared to the year before, but it’s not just in the UK. Politicians and leaders on both sides of the Atlantic and across the Union are again peddling hate and fear. It gives permission to others, who feed on this bile and who are deranged enough to think that it’s acceptable.

Many EU citizens living in the UK are very scared, as are those seeking refuge or who have migrated elsewhere in the EU. What has the UK Government’s response been? To ask companies to report to them their foreign-born employees. What message is this sending? This is not the Britain I know. This is not the Europe that I know. The Britain I know is outward—looking, decent and tolerant. The Britain I know stands up for everyone, no matter what their skin colour, what their language, who they love or who they worship. And it was this ethos that founded the European Union as Europe recovered from the horrors that inspired Niemöller’s poem. But in this sea of rising intolerance, there are glimmers of hope. After the death of Mr Jóźwik, the Polish Centre in London was deluged with flowers and messages of sympathy. Brexit or no Brexit, racist, homophobic and hateful speech must be publicly and forcibly condemned by us all, and I, as a Liberal Democrat, will continue to do just that.


  Barbara Spinelli, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il trattato, la Carta dei diritti, la decisione quadro del 2008, la Convenzione di Istanbul, così combattiamo il razzismo, la xenofobia, le violenze contro le donne. È urgente che la decisione quadro condanni esplicitamente oggi l'islamofobia, l'antisemitismo, l'antitziganismo, l'omofobia che inquinano i nostri paesi e perfino le istituzioni comuni. È grave che gli attacchi del Commissario Oettinger a donne, gay, cinesi, diventino una normalità. È anche questione di linguaggio, non siamo uniti da valori astratti ma da norme precise. Se esiste un demos dell'Unione è a causa di tale patto normativo: chi lo viola non può invocare culture nazionali discordanti. Penso che ogni individuo libero, specie in tempi di forte immigrazione, abbia più appartenenze, più identità. L'assimilazione ha un'identità unica, genera violenza. Meglio l'integrazione nel rispetto delle norme che la parola assimilazione.


  Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, members of the Commission and the Council, Mrs Bearder has referred to what has been happening in the UK, especially after Brexit. Polish workers, people who came to the UK to work, have been physically attacked. Also, during the Brexit campaign and afterwards, attacks against black UK citizens, many of them born in the UK, have increased.

We have seen all over this continent a rise in racism, anti-Semitism, homophobic violence and hate speech, Islamophobia, xenophobia and also sexism. This is something that both the Commission and Council have to tackle more urgently. I welcome both of you speaking out and welcoming the Directive against discrimination on grounds of race and ethnic origin, and also the list of actions against homophobia. But the problem is that Member States are not delivering as much as they should. When we have, in Hungary for example, a Jobbik mayor making sure with a decree that in his city there should not be any propagation of, for example, same-sex marriage, or of the family as anything other than marriage and parent-child relationships, and banning muezzins and other issues, how can we not make stronger efforts for Member States to implement everything we have?

The Commission’s promise to implement the equal treatment directive is not happening. We need it urgently in order to make sure that this continent provides its citizens with what it promises.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Tisztelt Képviselő Asszony! Ön tett említést Magyarországról, ahonnan én is származom, én azért úgy látom, hogy ennél egy kicsit rosszabb a helyzet arrafelé, mert nem csak szélsőséges polgármesterek vannak, hanem maga a kormány, a magyar kormány, Orbán Viktor kormánya sokszor európai pénzekből fűti a xenofóbiát, idegengyűlöletet és az összes idetartozó fogalmat. Ön szerint ez a mostani dokumentum egyáltalán van-e valamilyen ellenhatással ezekre a folyamatokra?


  Ulrike Lunacek (Verts/ALE), blue-card answer. – Thank you, Mr Szanyi, for giving me the opportunity to speak 30 seconds more. Yes, for sure, the example I mentioned was just one of the most recent that also the government of Mr Orbán is not doing anything against. I agree with you, and we have been addressing this issue – the way the Orbán Government is working in Hungary, not protecting people with whatever differences that they might have. So, the one thing that we have voted in this Parliament – the pact on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights – is something that should be implemented, because that would help in order to move governments that are not adhering to European values away from that, and get them in line again with what we have decided on together.


  Kristina Winberg, för EFDD-gruppen. – Herr talman! Det är många skällsord som kastas runt i denna kammare alltför ofta. ”Rasist”, ”xenofob” och numera ”populist” är termer som hade kunnat ha en klar och tydlig betydelse i ett annat samhällsklimat. Men med tanke på att ni har kallat vanligt folk – som helt enkelt har andra uppfattningar kring invandring – för detta har termerna tappat sin betydelse.

När blev det rasistiskt att vilja ha en kontrollerad invandring? När blev det rasistiskt att bry sig om kvinnors och barns säkerhet? När blev det rasistiskt att älska sitt land och sin kultur?

Våra medborgare har sett nog för att vara mycket bekymrade över situationen. Detta kan inte avfärdas som populism eller avvikande åsikter. Ni i EU låtsas bekämpa intolerans samtidigt som ni bjuder in miljontals migranter som kommer från intoleranta kulturer. Hur kan ni förvänta er att våra medborgare ska vara toleranta med intolerans? Jag tar gärna en applåd också.

(Talaren godtog att besvara en fråga (”blått kort”) i enlighet med artikel 162.8 i arbetsordningen.)


  Maria Grapini (S&D), Întrebare adresată conform procedurii „cartonașului albastru”. – Stimată colegă, întrebați dacă este rasist să îți protejezi cultura. Răspunsul meu este nu, dar vă întreb: nu credeți că ne putem promova propriile culturi fără să aducem atingere celorlalte culturi, fără să le excludem?


  Kristina Winberg (EFDD), svar (“blått kort”). – Tack för frågan! Jag kan bara se i mitt land Sverige hur vi i vissa fall tar avstånd från vår egen kultur för att rätta oss efter de invandrare som kommer. Till exempel slutar vi att fira skolavslutningar i kyrkan för att vi kan stöta oss med vissa grupper, och så vidare. Jag ser mer och mer hur vi frångår vår egen kultur för att anpassa oss till andra.


  Vicky Maeijer, namens de ENF-Fractie. – Voorzitter, afgelopen weekend kon de heer Juncker het niet laten om dictator Fidel Castro op het schild te hijsen als een held van velen. De sympathie van de EU voor dictators die hun tegenstanders het zwijgen opleggen is tekenend. Want onder hun leiding verandert ook de Unie in een dictatuur waar geen ruimte is voor afwijkende meningen. Vrijheid van meningsuiting geldt hier alleen als je zegt wat de politiek correcte elite wil horen, en de Brusselse elite is weer op haar best vandaag. Het verkwanselen van zwaar bevochten vrijheden door iedereen met een onwelgevallige mening weg te zetten als racist, xenofoob of islamofoob.

Geen middel wordt geschuwd in de pogingen om de oppositie monddood te maken. De Brusselse elite blijft doorgaan met het wegzetten van patriotten als extremisten, met kritiek op de asieltsunami gelijk te stellen aan haat. Maar Voorzitter, legt u die miljoenen kiezers dan eens uit wat er racistisch is aan het willen beschermen van je land tegen islamitische terroristen en tegen illegale immigratie. Wat is er mis met het opkomen voor je eigen land en zijn inwoners?

Voorzitter, ook in Nederland zien we dat de elite in een politiek proces een aanval pleegt op de vrijheid van meningsuiting op een manier die Turkije niet zou misstaan. Mijn eigen partijleider, leider van de Nederlandse oppositie Geert Wilders, moet zich volgens miljoenen Nederlanders voor de rechter verantwoorden. Maar, Voorzitter, hij zal zich niet monddood laten maken. Wij laten ons niet monddood maken want de tijd van het politiek correct wegkijken is voorbij en overal laten burgers zien dat ze het spuugzat zijn. Wij zijn sterker dan deze politiek correcte “weg met ons”-mentaliteit, sterker dan dit cultuurrelativisme, sterker dan deze politieke elite.


  Diane Dodds (NI). – Mr President, hate crime is unacceptable and each day we see an increase in these despicable actions right across the EU. In my constituency of Northern Ireland some great work is being done to combat the causes and recently I was contacted by a local skills SME, which works with employers, developing recruitment models that are fairer to migrant workers. In many cases workers may have the professional skills and experience but the qualifications they have achieved elsewhere are not recognised. This often leads them to become socially and economically isolated. It is vital that every citizen has the capacity to make their own contribution and this is critical to changing the unwanted perceptions in society.

I am saddened today to hear many in this Chamber refer to the result of the British referendum as a victory for racism or xenophobia. I, like the majority of people in the United Kingdom, was heartbroken by the death of Jo Cox. The British people are a welcoming people, our communities are some of the most diverse across the continent. Crimes like this are abhorrent to the vast and overwhelming majority of our people. In choosing Brexit we simply rededicated our commitment to be free from the unnecessary disorder of Brussels.


  Monika Hohlmeier (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Das Thema, über das wir heute reden, ist nicht dafür geeignet, sich gegenseitig politisch irgendwo anzugreifen und zu versuchen, daraus einen politischen Vorteil zu ziehen. Es ist ein ernstes Thema für diejenigen, die tatsächlich einer religiösen Verfolgung ausgesetzt sind, die als Minderheit nicht anerkannt und benachteiligt werden oder als behinderte Menschen in schwerster Weise angegriffen werden oder wegen ihrer sexuellen Orientierung nicht das normale Leben leben können, das sie gerne leben würden.

Einzelangriffe – ich könnte in jedem Land Schwierigkeiten nennen, auch in Ländern wie zum Beispiel dem, das derzeit von Herrn Tsipras regiert wird. Da sind die Minderheiten genauso wenig geschützt, wie das vielleicht in Ungarn der Fall ist. So lasst uns dieses Thema miteinander ernst nehmen und nicht als politisches Vehikel benutzen, um sich gegenseitig parteipolitisch zu bashen. Denn ich glaube, dass die ganz große Mehrheit hier in diesem Haus einen großen Willen hat, jeglicher Form von Ausgrenzung, von Desavouierung von Menschen, von ungerechtfertigter Erniedrigung von Menschen entgegenzuwirken.

Wenn wir uns als diejenigen, die wir uns als demokratische Parteien verstehen, darin wirklich respektieren und nicht versuchen würden, es sozusagen als politische Wahlkampfauseinandersetzung zu nutzen, dann, glaube ich, würden wir den Menschen, die ausgegrenzt werden, am allermeisten nutzen. Darum lassen Sie uns in dieser Frage wirklich gemeinsam zusammenstehen!


  Preşedinte. – Fac un apel la colegi, să încerce să se înscrie în timpul acordat, întrucât avem o ședință solemnă la ora 11:30 și mai avem un punct pe ordinea de zi în afară de acest punct.


  Claude Moraes (S&D). – Mr President, it is very clear from this debate that we are acknowledging that we are going through an unprecedented period in our history. Members in this Chamber will remember the very optimistic time in which the Framework Decision on Racism was created and the Race Equality Directive happened; it was a different time in Europe.

But I want to say to those colleagues who mention Brussels in the negative way that they do, that this is a union of values. It is a union of values for those who are rejecting it and for those who stay, and that binds us together in one very important way. It means that it is very legitimate for us to legislate, to regulate, to say that it is important for all of our citizens – not minorities, by the way; those who are old, disabled, of a different sexual orientation, those who are a different colour, race – these are millions of our European citizens. They deserve protection and what we do not see is enough implementation by our Member States. These values still exist today in these difficult times, and I would say that it increases our value and increases our cohesion here in the European Union if we are determined to make this happen.

This is not a time for us to retreat on these values. It is a time to do, as Ms Bearder said, what needs to be done when we see hatred on our streets. This is not anecdotal. We know, because of the legislation we have implemented, that we are calculating and seeing, because our police forces tell us what is happening on our streets. This is a time to go forward, but I would say, finally, to the Council: ensure that this horizontal anti-discrimination directive happens so that millions of our citizens can be protected, in line with the values of this European Union.


  Ulrike Trebesius (ECR). – Herr Präsident! Die Initiative gegen Rassismus, Xenophobie und Hassrede ist problematisch, weil sie ihr eigenes Anliegen unterbindet. Einerseits soll sie Rassismus bekämpfen, aber gleichzeitig werden kulturell oder religiös motivierte Taten von der Kritik ausgenommen. Man will gesellschaftliche Muster nicht sehen und nicht ansprechen. Die Gewalt gegen Juden und Homosexuelle ist in Europa beispielsweise heute stark ansteigend. Es sind meist Täter aus dem islamischen Kulturkreis, die für diese Taten verantwortlich sind. Sollen wir in solchen Fällen wirklich die Augen verschließen und so tun, als wäre dem nicht so?

Gleichermaßen es ist nicht verständlich, warum andere Hassbotschaften wie die von Islamisten gegenüber Christen oder die der Linksextremisten gegenüber der Polizei – wie oft in Deutschland – nicht gleichermaßen verfolgt werden. Die Bürger Europas nehmen diese doppelten Standards zur Kenntnis, und die Wahlergebnisse der nächsten Monate werden die Frustration darüber auch wiedergeben. Der vereinbarte Prozess führt trotz aller gegenteiligen Beteuerungen zur Zensur und damit zur Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit.


  Marina Albiol Guzmán (GUE/NGL). – Señor Presidente, estamos aquí hablando de cómo combatir el racismo, la xenofobia, la homofobia y otras formas de intolerancia y la verdad es que estaría bien empezar cada uno por su casa y también por esta nuestra, por el Parlamento Europeo.

Porque es verdad que muchas veces, cuando pensamos en racismo u homofobia, en lo que pensamos es en un grupo de nazis dándole una paliza a un negro o a un gay. Pero nunca pensamos en un señor bien educado, con traje y corbata, haciendo un discurso aquí en el Parlamento Europeo, o no pensamos en un ministro, o no pensamos en un presidente del Gobierno. Pero es ahí, en los gobiernos y en las instituciones, donde se dan los casos de odio y de intolerancia más repugnantes.

Es Cameron hablando de «plaga de inmigrantes». Es el Gobierno de Lituania, liberal, contra los homosexuales. Es Orbán, contra los refugiados y las refugiadas. Es Fernández Díaz, cuando era ministro, hablando de la pervivencia de la especie para cargar contra el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Y es Valls contra los gitanos y las gitanas. Por tanto, empiecen ustedes también por sus partidos.

(La oradora acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» (artículo 162, apartado 8, del Reglamento))


  Marek Jurek (ECR), pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki. – Bardzo mnie zainteresowało to, co Pani mówiła o rozpoczęciu walki z homofobią i podobnymi zjawiskami w Parlamencie Europejskim i w polityce demokratycznych państw europejskich. Chciałbym dobrze zrozumieć, jak Pani sobie to wyobraża? Czy na przykład Komisja Europejska powinna angażować się w wybory w innych państwach, czy powinniśmy dofinansowywać partie preferowane, które powinny wygrywać wybory, a może najlepiej delegalizować niektóre listy. Może to będzie dobra forma wyeliminowania z życia publicznego zjawisk, przed którymi Pani przestrzega.


  Marina Albiol Guzmán (GUE/NGL), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». – Señor Jurek, yo lo que estoy diciendo es que muchísimos de los partidos que están aquí representados —partidos socialdemócratas, partidos conservadores, partidos liberales, partidos miembros del Partido Popular Europeo— entre sus filas tienen a dirigentes, a líderes, a presidentes, a ministros que están haciendo discursos homófobos, que están haciendo discursos xenófobos —tenemos también al Comisario Oettinger.

Por tanto, lo que digo es que cada uno empiece mirando por su casa. Y, por supuesto, que la Mesa del Parlamento Europeo no permita que se den en esta Cámara determinados discursos con total impunidad.


  Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I want to start by echoing the words of Catherine Bearder and also welcoming what the Commission has said, but I would also point out to some of our colleagues that culture is not fossilised and it changes. I am sure we are very grateful that we are not living in the Middle Ages at this moment.

I would also join those who have asked the Commission, and the Council as well, to move forward on completing the horizontal anti-discrimination directives and to consider updating the Framework Decision against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, to cover all groups in line with the Victims of Crime Directive.

In terms of other action that we can take, I think it is important that we strengthen the role of the equality bodies in each of our Member States. My own Member State has seen its budget slashed down by about two-thirds over the last six years. The valuable work that can be done at the grassroots level is cut away because our equality bodies are not fully independent and cannot carry out their role adequately.


  Janice Atkinson (ENF). – Mr President, violence should never be tolerated, but let’s get it into perspective. Sir Julian, you think hate crimes are under-reported. I will address that. Catherine Bearder cites misleading and anonymous statistics. Most of the so-called hate crime is reported anonymously and not subject to independent verification, including the police’s site True Vision. Other sites have been set up on social media. There are many. Anyone can log on and push up statistics, such as the hate-filled left for their own political agenda, as seen in this place. All can be anonymous and not subject to verification. It is very subjective.

The attacks on a Polish Cultural Centre in the UK were against a Polish pro-Brexit group. Get it into perspective. Other attacks were registered against Goths, punks and some misogyny. Nothing to do with post-referendum Britain, so don’t label it as such. Brexit and the election of Trump in the US demonstrate across the western world that people are tired of your political corrective multicultural lectures of the establishment. We’ve Brexited and we can get out of this place and stop listening to the hate-filled left. And you, Bearder.


  President. – This was uncalled-for. Really. That is my personal opinion. You have your own personal opinion, you have voiced it. I have my personal opinion and I am voicing it, and I go on and ask Mr Fountoulis to take the floor for one minute and 30 seconds.


  Λάμπρος Φουντούλης ( NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κυρίες και κύριοι συνάδελφοι, θα ήθελα να σας απευθύνω ένα ερώτημα: Το πρωί, όταν φεύγετε από το σπίτι σας, προφανώς κλειδώνετε την πόρτα σας. Το ίδιο ισχύει και το βράδυ, πριν κοιμηθείτε. Γιατί; Φοβάστε μην μπει κάποιος άγνωστος, κάποιος ξένος; Είστε ξενοφοβικοί, ρατσιστές και μισαλλόδοξοι; Όπως έχετε εσείς δικαίωμα να προστατεύετε την κατοικία σας και να επιλέγετε ποιον θα δεχθείτε και θα φιλοξενήσετε, το ίδιο δικαίωμα έχουν και οι χώρες. Δεν είναι θέμα ξενοφοβίας αλλά νομιμότητας. Είστε πολύ πρόθυμοι να βαπτίσετε όσους δεν συμφωνούν με την επικρατούσα φιλελεύθερη ιδεολογία ως ακραίους και εξτρεμιστές, ενώ καθημερινά με τις πρακτικές σας επιδεικνύετε την αντίληψή σας περί Δημοκρατίας, όπου ο καθένας είναι ελεύθερος να λέει ό,τι θέλει, αρκεί να μη διαφωνεί με τις απόψεις σας. Επιπλέον, δεν είδα ποτέ να σας απασχολεί ο συστηματικός ρατσισμός και οι διακρίσεις εις βάρος των γηγενών κατοίκων της Ευρώπης.

Στο όνομα της δήθεν προστασίας των δικαιωμάτων των μεταναστών μεροληπτείτε χαρακτηριστικά εις βάρος της πλειοψηφίας, ειδικά δε σε ορισμένες χώρες κάνετε ανυπόφορη τη ζωή των πολιτών, προκειμένου να επιβάλετε τα ιδεολογήματα σας. Δεν αντιλαμβάνεστε πόσο προκλητικό ηχεί στα αφτιά των εκατομμυρίων αστέγων στην Ελλάδα να αποκαλείτε ευπαθείς ομάδες υπαρκτές ή μη μειονότητες, την ίδια ώρα που εκείνοι δεν έχουν τη δυνατότητα ούτε τα βασικά να εξασφαλίσουν; Γνωρίζετε πως αυτή τη στιγμή είναι σαφώς ευκολότερο στην Ελλάδα να είσαι πρόσφυγας ή λαθρομετανάστης από το να είσαι Έλληνας άνεργος; Για παράδειγμα οι λαθρομετανάστες έχουν δωρεάν πρόσβαση στο Σύστημα Υγείας, πράγμα που δεν ισχύει για τους Έλληνες ανέργους. Όμως οι λαοί σύντομα θα ανατρέψουν την καταστροφική σας πολιτική με την ψήφο τους. Πλέον κανείς σας δεν αμφιβάλλει για τις επερχόμενες ιστορικές αλλαγές και τις φοβάστε. Καλά κάνετε!


  Carlos Coelho (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Presidente do Conselho, Senhor Comissário King, no passado dia 16 de novembro passaram-se 21 anos sobre a Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre a Tolerância, mas, vamos ser sinceros, ainda há muitos obstáculos a uma Europa plenamente tolerante.

Em 2015, um terço dos europeus declarava não se sentir confortável se o seu filho, ou filha, tivesse uma parceira ou um parceiro muçulmano. Um pouco mais de um quinto considerava que a comunidade LGBT não deveria ter os mesmos direitos que as pessoas heterossexuais. Também um quinto dos europeus não se sentia confortável em trabalhar com uma pessoa de origem cigana. As mulheres europeias ainda ganham em média menos 30% do que os homens e muitos acham isso aceitável.

Todos estes dados não nos podem deixar indiferentes, sobretudo num momento tão delicado em que os populismos surgem um pouco por todo o lado. O Parlamento deve continuar o seu trabalho nos vários domínios, combatendo a intolerância.

Sobretudo num momento em que discursos políticos populistas semeiam o ódio e pregam a violência, temos de reafirmar e fazer sentir que a tolerância e a não discriminação são valores fundamentais da União Europeia desde a sua fundação, tanto para os Estados—Membros como na ação externa da União.

Isso está claro nos Tratados, na Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais e encontra reflexo em numerosa legislação comunitária.


  Sylvie Guillaume (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, alors qu'une décision-cadre sur la lutte contre le racisme existe depuis 2008 et qu'une commission a vu le jour en 2016 pour lutter contre ce fléau, les discours haineux, racistes et homophobes s'expriment davantage et plus librement dans l'espace public. Cette banalisation n'est pas acceptable.

Nous devons promouvoir les valeurs de l'Union européenne, dont la devise "Unie dans la diversité" n'est pas qu'une abstraction. Le repli sur soi, la fermeture d'esprit, le manque de curiosité, le chacun pour soi, l'Europe rabougrie, ce n'est pas ce que nous voulons.

Alors, il faut agir en prenant des mesures concrètes, claires et exemplaires à l'égard de quiconque tenant ce type de discours, qu'il s'agisse d'un citoyen, d'un chef d'État, d'un parlementaire, d'un commissaire européen ou d'un élu local.

À l'heure où, par exemple, en France, certains élus municipaux censurent des affiches sur lesquelles apparaissent des couples homosexuels, et ce pour atteinte aux bonnes mœurs, il est clair que le chemin qui reste à parcourir est encore long. Je tiens à rappeler toutefois que toutes les formes de racisme doivent être combattues et qu'il n'y a pas de hiérarchie dans le racisme. En vérité, lutter également contre toutes les formes de racisme permet de lutter efficacement contre chacune d'entre elles. C'est une autre manière de dire que personne n'est plus égal ou plus inégal que l'autre.


  Merja Kyllönen (GUE/NGL). – Arvoisa puhemies, aiheemme tänään on yksi tärkeimmistä: jokaisen ihmisen ihmisarvon ja ihmisoikeuksien puolustaminen.

Me käymme jatkuvaa keskustelua ihmisoikeuksista globaalisti. Löydämme toisemme ja yksimielisyyden, kun olemme tuomitsemassa kaukana tapahtuvia rikkomuksia, mutta kun EU:n perussopimusten keskeisiä arvoja rikotaan unionin sisällä, me ryhdymme väistelemään. Rasismi, muukalaisviha ja homofobia ovat vain kasvaneet useassa jäsenvaltiossa, ja kasvava epätasa-arvoisuus antaa näille vain lisää vauhtia.

Toivottomuus on sellainen polttoaine, josta ennakkoluulot kumpuavat toisiamme vastaan. Ei ruokita sitä toivottomuutta. Näytetään, että Euroopan unionissa on kyse muustakin kuin vain markkinoista, rahan vallasta ja muurien rakentamisesta. Kyse on todellakin niistä arvoista, joita me edellytämme ennen kaikkea myös itseltämme.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). – Pane předsedající, včera jsem zde večer mluvil o protiromských náladách v Evropské unii. Toto je ale jenom jeden z aspektů rasismu a netolerance, které se v posledních obdobích na území Evropské unie odehrávají. A to navzdory tomu, že současná Komise se již dlouhou dobu nechává slyšet, že je nutné proti formám rasismu, xenofobie a nesnášenlivosti bojovat.

Jsem velice rád, že Věra Jourová oznámila vytvoření skupiny na vysoké úrovni, která bude bojovat proti projevům rasismu a nesnášenlivosti. EU musí být příkladem pro zbytek světa a postavit se do vůdčí role v této otázce.

Ale když zde slyším projevy některých poslanců, ptám se: Nejsme to my, poslanci, politici, kteří tuto nesnášenlivost a tyto rozbroje vyvoláváme? Neměli bychom se my, poslanci, zamyslet nad tím, jak dáváme nebo nedáváme příčinu k podobným výlevům třeba na internetu?


  Soraya Post (S&D). – Mr President, racism and discrimination should never be accepted or normalised because they are violations of democracy and the rule of law. Some people in this Chamber do not understand that. My message is for those who feel threatened and scared due to the normalisation of hatred. In Parliament, I will continue to fight and call out, and I will not stop until Muslims, Jews and other religious minorities can practice their religion freely, Roma people have full access to their human rights, black Europeans are protected from Afrophobia, LGBTI people can love whom they want, trans people are able to express who they are, people with disability are treated equally, refugees are no longer demonised, and violence against women is recognised as a security issue. These are the values that underpin the EU. These are my values, which I will fight for in the face of racists and populists, in the ARDI intergroup, inside the Parliament and in cooperation with the Commission.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Elnök Úr! Fontosnak tartom a mindenféle intolerancia elleni küzdelmet, annál is inkább, mivel az Unióban még most is elég gyakran találkozunk ezzel a jelenséggel. Például sokszor szembesülnek intoleranciával azok a kelet-európai tagállamokból származó munkavállalók, akik élnek a szabad munkavállalási joggal, és egy másik államban dolgoznak. Vagy említhetném hazámat, ahol nem csak választások idején szoktak bennünket, nemzeti kisebbségeket Ázsiába küldeni.

Nagyon nagy felelőssége van nemcsak a politikának, de a sajtónak is. De beszélhetnénk az oktatás fontosságáról is. Nézzék meg, mit írnak a történelemkönyvek! Az európai polgároknak tudatosítaniuk kell, hogy az uniós polgársággal járó jogok mindenkit megilletnek. Ha európai szolidaritásról beszélünk, akkor annak első lépése, hogy elfogadjuk egymást európaiként, és nem teszünk különbséget európaiak és európaiak, európaiak és emberek között.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, tutti gli Stati membri hanno recepito nel loro ordinamento le direttive europee antidiscriminazione, eppure mai come oggi assistiamo a un significativo aumento degli episodi di violenza, di matrice razzista e xenofoba, e all'affermarsi di forme nuove di discriminazione, come la afrofobia contro la quale gli Stati membri non hanno ancora adottato delle strategie congiunte di contrasto. La legislazione da sola non basta a garantire la piena parità di trattamento, così come non basta la riprovazione sociale a fermare l'ondata di odio che si sta propagando in tutta Europa. Quello di cui abbiamo veramente bisogno è una maggior consapevolezza politica del fenomeno per costruire un modello culturale e sociale alternativo, perché il valore del pluralismo e dell'integrazione sia affermato come patrimonio comune. E unite a questo, azioni di contrasto più decisive contro quanti, pur detenendo cariche politiche e istituzionali, istigano e fomentano l'odio e l'intolleranza. Il razzismo non può mai essere strumento di lotta politica e va condannato.


Procedura „catch the eye”


  Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (PPE). – Señor Presidente, efectivamente tenemos la Decisión Marco del año 2008, directivas, resoluciones, el propio corazón del Tratado: todos hablando de la lucha contra la intolerancia, contra el racismo, contra la xenofobia, apelando a la igualdad, apelando a los derechos humanos, al Estado de Derecho, a la dignidad humana, a la libertad y a la democracia. Pero, qué duda cabe de que en los últimos años se ha producido una intensificación de la intolerancia —lo que yo llamo una metástasis de la intolerancia— en Europa.

Eso significa que la intolerancia se ha implantado, incluso, en algunos partidos políticos de gobierno, ha penetrado a veces en las instituciones; es una intolerancia visible y sumergida, con múltiples formas: contra los gitanos, islamofobia, antisemitismo, contra la discapacidad. Contra todos aquellos sectores que son vulnerables. Y por eso pido a la Comisión que intensifique sus esfuerzos, que haga una estrategia global, que actualice la Decisión Marco del año 2008 y que dé la batalla.


  José Blanco López (S&D). – Señor Presidente, no podemos cerrar los ojos ante lo que está pasando a nuestro alrededor. A lo largo y ancho de Europa crecen movimientos que tienen el odio al diferente —por su procedencia, por sus creencias, por su color de piel, por su orientación sexual— en la raíz de su ser.

Repuntan el nacionalismo, la xenofobia, el racismo, la homofobia, los peores fantasmas de un pasado que creíamos superado, pero que vuelve a golpearnos con virulencia. El aumento de los ataques a los extranjeros tras el brexit prueba que ninguna sociedad puede considerarse a salvo.

Urgen acciones para combatir el crecimiento del odio; urgen acciones por parte de la Comisión Europea, pero también por parte de los Estados miembros, no solo por justicia, sino por la propia supervivencia del proyecto europeo y de los valores que lo alimentan.

¡Basta ya!


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η ιστορική εμπειρία έχει δείξει ότι οι οικονομικές δυσκολίες, η μακροχρόνια οικονομική ύφεση αλλά ιδίως η οικονομική κρίση και η αύξηση της ανεργίας των νέων, που αισθάνονται στερημένοι από κάθε προοπτική αληθινής κοινωνικής ένταξης, συντελούν καθοριστικά στην εμφάνιση φαινομένων ρατσισμού, ξενοφοβίας και μισαλλοδοξίας. Τα φαινόμενα αυτά φαίνεται ότι εντείνονται στις χώρες της Ευρώπης όπου αυξάνονται οι μεταναστευτικές ροές και ιδίως τα κύματα παράνομων μεταναστών. Τα διαχρονικά αυτά φαινόμενα οδηγούν τις κοινωνίες σε αδιέξοδα, σε συγκρούσεις, σε κατακερματισμό, σε διάλυση και περιθωριοποίηση. Η καταπολέμησή τους συνεπώς συνεπάγεται καταπολέμηση εκείνων των πολιτικών αποφάσεων και δράσεων που βαθαίνουν τη φτώχεια, που προκαλούν πολεμικές συρράξεις και μαζικές μετακινήσεις πληθυσμών. Εάν δεν αναφερθούμε στη λιτότητα, στον κανονισμό Δουβλίνο ΙΙΙ, στην ανάγκη ειρηνευτικής διαδικασίας στη Μέση Ανατολή καθώς και στην ανάγκη συγκρότησης κοινωνιών που θα στηρίζονται στην αλληλεγγύη και την αλληλοβοήθεια και όχι στον απάνθρωπο ανταγωνισμό, δεν μπορούμε να πολεμήσουμε την ξενοφοβία και τον ρατσισμό.


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE). – Arvoisa puhemies, rasismi ja muukalaisvihamielisyys ovat nostaneet päätään Euroopassa. Nämä ovat ikäviä tuulahduksia menneestä maailmasta, jonka jo uskoin jääneen taaksemme.

Meidän poliitikkojen tehtävänä olisi näyttää esimerkkiä ja mallia: rasismiin, muukalaisvihamielisyyteen ja kaikenlaiseen syrjintään pitää olla nollatoleranssi. Tämän periaatteen pitäisi päteä myös puhetapaan täällä parlamentissa. Tämä tietysti edellyttää, että ihmisyyttä kunnioitetaan ja ilman poikkeuksia. Omia perusvapauksia, kuten sananvapautta, ei voi käyttää niin, että yritetään mitätöidä toisen ihmisryhmän ihmisiä ja perusoikeuksia.

Olen iloinen, että parlamentin puhemies on ottanut käyttöön tiukan linjan ja että Euroopan parlamentin jäseniä rangaistaan, jos he pitävät rasistisen puheen. Toivottavasti tuleva puhemies noudattaa samaa tapaa.


  Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου ( GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θέλω να συγχαρώ κατ’ αρχήν τον κύριο King για την ομιλία του και όσους συναδέλφους κινήθηκαν προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση, διότι ήταν μια ομιλία βγαλμένη κατευθείαν από τα σπλάχνα του Διαφωτισμού. Όμως, κύριε King, το πρόβλημά μας είναι πως οι ρατσιστές, οι ξενοφοβικοί, δεν μας ακούν. Δεν έχουν επαφή μαζί μας. Η ομιλία σας μπορεί να φτάσει στα αφτιά όσων συμφωνούν μαζί μας. Οι υπόλοιποι έχουν ήδη χτίσει τη δική τους ταυτότητα. Είναι αποκλεισμένοι σε ένα εικονικό στρατόπεδο.

Τι μπορεί να γίνει; Χρειαζόμαστε κράτος κοινωνικό. Χρειάζεται να τους φέρουμε ξανά σε επαφή με το σύνολο της κοινωνίας. Αναφέρομαι βέβαια στους πολίτες και όχι στις εξουσίες που προάγουν το ρατσισμό. Πώς γίνεται αυτό; Κράτος κοινωνικό, πολιτεία κοινωνική, δουλειά για όλους, καλή και γρήγορη πρόσβαση σε συστήματα υγείας για όλους, πολιτεία κοινωνική, παιδεία σε όλα τα επίπεδα· κι ακόμα χρειαζόμαστε μέσα ενημέρωσης που να μην προάγουν τον λαϊκισμό, να μην είναι εξαρτημένα από τις πολιτικές εξουσίες. Αυτό χρειαζόμαστε, κύριε King, αλλιώτικα θα μας νικήσουν. Κοινωνία πολιτική!


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος ( NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η εμφανής αδυναμία πολιτικών κομμάτων αλλά και μεμονωμένων πολιτικών να αντιμετωπίσουν τα προβλήματα τα οποία έχει δημιουργήσει σε όλες τις χώρες της Ευρώπης, και κυρίως στην Ελλάδα, η αθρόα και ανεξέλεγκτη προσέλευση εκατομμυρίων παράνομων μεταναστών, τους ωθεί στο να δημιουργήσουν νέες έννοιες, να διαστρεβλώσουν παλιές και να προσπαθήσουν με τον τρόπο αυτό να πουν ότι θα αντιμετωπίσουν το θέμα. Έτσι, η αντίδραση παραδείγματος χάριν γονέων παιδιών στην Ελλάδα να δεχθούν στα σχολεία τους ανεμβολίαστα παιδιά παράνομων μεταναστών που μεταφέρουν πληθώρα ασθενειών ονομάζεται ρατσισμός. Η καταδίκη της παραβατικής συμπεριφοράς και της εγκληματικότητας των παράνομων μεταναστών ονομάζεται ξενοφοβία. Όταν λαμβάνονται μέτρα κατά των παρανομούντων λαθρομεταναστών, τότε είμαστε ακραίοι και έχουμε μισαλλοδοξία. Όλα αυτά έχουν σκοπό να δημιουργήσουν ένα σύμπλεγμα ενοχής στον κόσμο, ούτως ώστε να μην αντιδρά και γι’ αυτό άλλωστε ποινικοποιείται και η οποιαδήποτε αντίδραση. Με αυτό τον τρόπο όμως διχάζεται ο κόσμος και εφαρμόζεται ρατσισμός εναντίον των γηγενών κατοίκων της Ευρώπης.


(Încheierea procedurii „catch the eye”)


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, on a point of order, you distributed the catch—the—eye on the basis of the groups in Parliament. Would it not be more logical to base it on the numerical strength of the groups? For instance, my group is five or six times larger numerically than other groups and, under the d’Hondt system which is often used in this Parliament, we should be given some consideration for extra speaking time under that system. That is something you may wish to answer now or reflect upon so that there will be greater equality under the d’Hondt system in catch—the—eye.


  President. – If you ask me, personally I would prefer to allow everybody to speak, and the fact that you are more than others does not mean that the others do not have the right to speak. This is my judgment. Maybe I’m wrong, we will certainly raise this with other colleagues because as far as I know there are no precise rules on who should get catch-the-eye. It is the prerogative of the President. Some other Presidents will probably have a different view but this is mine and I am trying to explain it, but thank you for your point of view. We do not want to transform this debate into another debate, but if you insist...


  Marek Jurek (ECR). – Nie chce zabierać głosu w debacie. Chcę tylko zwrócić uwagę, że między dwunastoma zgłoszeniami a siedmioma udzielonymi głosami jest tylko pięć minut różnicy, więc przy tak ważnej debacie dotyczącej dobra publicznego, wolności słowa naprawdę warto chyba skorzystać z procedury zgłoszeń z sali i przeprowadzić ją w całości, jeżeli jest tylko dwanaście zgłoszeń.


  President. – Yes, but sometimes we are under time pressure. I announced that we have this special session which starts at 11.30, so due to that we have to sacrifice and try to find a balance, but thank you.


  Julian King, Member of the Commission. – Thank you for organising this important debate and thank you to all who spoke. Can I just for one moment join Ms Bearder and Ms Dodds who recalled the tragic murder of Jo Cox, a Member of the British Parliament, and can I just salute her memory and her work promoting tolerance and inclusion.

As a number have said – Mr Moraes, Ms Guillaume, Ms Hohlmeier amongst others – we are bound together by our values. One of those values, a key value for me and for us all, is freedom of expression. We are not talking here about limiting freedom of expression. We’re talking about incitement to violence or hatred, which is a crime. Again, of course, we should have respect for the achievements of previous generations, our histories and our cultures. But we also need to be conscious of the lessons of history, the tendencies to intolerance, prejudice and fear, and those we must combat through promotion of tolerance and inclusion. And we need to work altogether, and with our Member States, to pursue that.

There have been a number of questions about what the Commission is doing with Member States, so I’ll answer that. In the course of the last year the Commission has initiated bilateral dialogue with 24 Member States with a view to ensuring full and correct transposition and implementation of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia that we’re discussing today. In the course of those discussions, I’m glad to say, positive progress has been reported in a number of Member States.

But there remains more to be done, as I said at the start of this debate. The Commission has begun pre-infringement proceedings against a number of Member States where there are still substantive gaps in their implementation of this framework decision. We’re going to continue to engage in a constructive discussion, obviously, with national authorities in line with the principle of sincere cooperation, but the Commission will not hesitate to use its power to launch infringement proceedings where these efforts prove unsuccessful. Because – as I said at the beginning, and as has been echoed throughout this debate – we are determined to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy their fundamental rights because we are all entitled to the respect of our rights to non-discrimination, to human dignity, to life, to integrity of the person and to protection from violence.




  Ivan Korčok, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, I would like to make two points in conclusion. First, Mr Moraes and Ms Lambert referred to the proposal for a horizontal equal treatment directive. As you know, the discussions in the Council are very complex due to the proposal’s intricacies and the requirement for unanimity. Nevertheless, the Slovak Presidency has worked hard since the start of its term and our intention is to present a progress report which we will submit to the Council on 8 December.

Secondly – and more importantly in my view – I would like to repeat what I said at the beginning, namely that hate crimes, racism and discrimination have no place in our societies and we have to fight them with resolve. I believe the problem that we have been discussing here this morning has two dimensions. On the one hand, we have a legal framework at EU level, the Charter of Fundamental Rights Framework Decision, and Member States of course have clear commitments that need to be implemented. But the second dimension of this is that I do not think we can be successful in fighting xenophobia and anti-Semitism successfully unless we mobilise our citizens to actively stand against those who are spreading hatred in Europe. To mobilize our citizens means, of course, raising awareness and showing courage – a civic courage – in protecting those who are victims of acts which we all know are clearly against the values we all share. I also believe that we have to bear this civic dimension in mind as well and not only focus on the role of institutions when we want to fight against these phenomena that clearly undermine our democratic societies.


Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.


  Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE), in writing. – During the last year Europe has seen a rise in racist, xenophobic and homophobic views in governments and among many citizens. Hate crimes on the basis of sex, religion, and race have been increasing in numbers and little has been done to combat the situation. Many European politicians and political campaigns have been spreading fear and intolerance through the minds of European citizens, enticing groups to attack people of other races or nationalities. These tendencies have been fuelled by such events as Brexit. After the campaign against migrants and the nationalistic ideology of the Brexit movement, a Polish citizen was killed in the UK.

Cyber hate speech provides individuals with a shroud of secrecy that further prevents them from receiving any type of punishment. The European Union has to respond to this situation. In June 2016 Commissioner Jourová announced the creation of a High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance; this is a vital step in the fight against this intolerance, but the fight must be pushed further. The fight has to span through the education sector and into the daily lives of our civil societies.


  Dominique Bilde (ENF), par écrit. – Comme tout le monde je ne peux que m’indigner des provocations, paroles ou actes racistes, xénophobes, homophobes ou intolérants. Malheureusement en la matière, la Commission et le Conseil, comme la plupart des gouvernants des États membres, sont aveuglés par une idéologie bien-pensante.

Par exemple, l’accusation de racisme est très prisée à gauche comme dans une incertaine droite à l’égard de quiconque lutte contre le communautarisme, l’immigration incontrôlée, le multiculturalisme, la dilution de l’identité, la défense du patrimoine culturel français ou européen ou le pillage de la sécurité sociale. Les antiracistes professionnels en ont usé, dans un usage souvent inapproprié, seulement destiné à discréditer l’autre ou en oubliant sciemment de qualifier de racisme ce qui doit l’être (racisme anti-blanc, anti-chrétiens ou anti-français, antisémitisme assumée de certaines populations…).

Cet antiracisme est désormais vidé de sa substance par les bienheureux du multiculturalisme et du dumping social. Ils l’utilisent surtout pour servir de caution morale afin de faire oublier les grandes affaires politico-financières et les véritables problèmes et aspirations des peuples.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D), in writing. – Hate speech is anything but free. It a tool of oppression, of dehumanisation – and this allowed homophobic rhetoric has led to the categorical murder, including suicide, of thousands. Homophobia tries to perpetuate the idea that you are less human than others based on aspects such as who you love, rather than how you love. Europe has a problem with hate. And many may say, these are empty calls for action, but how can you say that when this year alone 295 Europeans were murdered because they were trans or gender-diverse?

We still live in a Europe where being queer is sometimes still an act of bravery, and thousands of young Europeans are still terrified to live. They experience violence on public transportation, in our schools, in bathrooms, at the gym and more. Citizens do not deserve a Europe where they must hide themselves to feel safe. This is why I wholeheartedly support, welcome and thank the Maltese Presidency, which has pledged to bring the equality directive, currently blocked in Council, to the fore during its upcoming presidency.


  Laura Ferrara (EFDD), per iscritto. – Il contrasto agli episodi di incitamento all'odio e ai crimini di odio fondati su razzismo, xenofobia, omofobia e altre forme di intolleranza deve essere un obiettivo prioritario nel definire le politiche europee contro la discriminazione e nel settore della giustizia. In una Unione europea fondata sullo Stato di diritto, la democrazia e i diritti fondamentali continuano a verificarsi sia divisioni sociali sia la diffusione di un odio pericoloso e irrazionale verso minoranze, stranieri e in generale verso chi viene percepito come diverso. Manifestazioni di tali fenomeni riguardano anche la sfera pubblica e internet, ad opera sia di singoli individui sia di forze politiche che spesso strumentalizzano crisi socio-economiche. A livello sociale, culturale, informativo, oltre che penale, gli Stati membri devono avere un ruolo di primo piano nell'adottare misure idonee a prevenire, segnalare e perseguire quei reati e comportamenti intolleranti, violenti e discriminatori che minano la pacifica convivenza civile e offendono la dignità umana.


  Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D), písomne. – Obmedzovaniu rasizmu či xenofóbie sa v uplynulých rokoch na rôznych úrovniach venovalo viacero koncepčných dokumentov, stratégií, chárt, či nariadení. Napriek tomu je šírenie nenávisti na vzostupe prakticky v celej Európskej únii. Z vyhlásenia Rady a Komisie by malo jednoznačne vyplynúť, aké ďalšie opatrenia pripravujú na zvrátenie tohto trendu. Existujúce regulácie na úrovni EÚ je potrebné prehodnotiť. Musíme poznať ich účinnosť, praktický vplyv, ako aj dôslednosť uplatňovania v jednotlivých členských štátoch. K zlepšovaniu situácie mnohokrát neprispievajú ani politici z tzv. štandardných strán. Zneužívaním citlivých tém sa snažia získavať lacné politické body. Robia tak napriek tomu, že by sa mali snažiť s nárastom nenávisti bojovať. Je to, bohužiaľ, viditeľné v mnohých európskych krajinách. Dôležité je pritom nepripustiť, aby spoločnosť ovládol strach a nenávisť. Šíritelia nenávisti, či už na sociálnych sieťach, ale aj v reálnom živote, nemôžu mať pocit beztrestnosti. Na ich konanie musíme primeraným spôsobom reagovať tak, aby sa prestala znižovať schopnosť ľudí rozoznávať, čo je zlé.


  Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz (PPE), írásban. – A rasszizmus elleni küzdelem a jogállamiságba vetett hitünk, az emberi méltóság, azaz végső soron a demokrácia melletti kiállásról szól. Arról, hogy egyenlő jogokkal rendelkező állampolgárként mindannyian alkotórészei vagyunk egy nagyobb dolognak, egy közösségnek. Kötelessége mindenkinek tiszteletben tartani az alapvető emberi jogokat, és fellépni a jogértések ellen. A faji megkülönböztetésnek már a csírája is elfogadhatatlan, ezért akkor is fel kell lépnünk ellene, ha egy baráti beszélgetésben, politikai beszédben, vagy jogszabályban bukkan fel. A kulturális sokszínűséget értékként kell kezelni, és szembe kell szállnunk minden olyan törekvéssel, amely megosztásra, szembeállításra, bűnbakképzésre sarkallná embertársainkat. A rasszizmus, a faji előítélet a táptalaja mindannak a rossznak, amelyet ember az ember és az emberiség ellen elkövethet. Tanuljunk a történelmünkből! Világszerte erősödik egyes embercsoportok kirekesztése, és ez ellen közös akarattal és bátor szembenézéssel lehet fellépni.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. – Votre débat incantatoire sur la prétendue montée « du racisme de la xénophobie, de l’homophobie, de l’intolérance en Europe » est qu’une occasion de plus de tenter de culpabiliser la légitime réaction populaire.

Personne en Europe n’est raciste au sens étymologique: partisans de la domination d’une race sur une autre. Quelques-uns peut-être sont xénophobes, à force de devenir étrangers dans leur propre pays, sans y avoir jamais consenti. Mais ce sentiment est commun à tous les peuples qui ressentent une présence étrangère excessive.

En vérité, vous voulez brider le mécontentement qui monte. Vous multipliez les lois liberticides. Rien qu’en France: loi Pleven, qui interdit de critiquer l’immigration; loi Gayssot qui interdit toute critique des dogmes officiels sur l’histoire contemporaine; loi Perben qui interdit de préférer la famille naturelle aux unions homosexuelles; loi Taubira qui interdit toute relativisation de l’esclavage, mais seulement d’origine européenne.

Votre discours est rempli des poncifs haineux habituels. Mépris des classes populaires rétives au mondialisme. Appels à la répression au nom de... la tolérance! Culpabilisation des seuls Européens. Heureusement votre logorrhée n’a aucune prise sur la réalité.


  Jaromír Kohlíček (GUE/NGL), písemně. – Je zvláštní, že některé kroky oficiálně podnikané Komisí i jinými organizacemi ve prospěch menšin (lhostejno zda národnostních, náboženských, LGBT či jiných) mají za následek silný nárůst negativních reakcí. Tyto reakce směřují jak proti beneficientům, neboli adresátům těchto podpůrných opatření, tak proti orgánům či organizacím, které tato opatření přijímají, lhostejno zda se jedná o místní, regionální, národní či nadnárodní. Patrně hlavním problémem je, že v dnešní společnosti se na všech úrovních vytratil pocit nutnosti „plnit své povinnosti vůči společnosti“. Pokud chybí takový pocit, pokud občané, aby mohli uplatňovat svá práva, nepovažují za nutnost nejdříve plnit své povinnosti vůči společnosti (rodině, regionu, národu), potom nutně dochází k dezintegraci společnosti. To ostatně vidíme názorně zejména v posledních 30 letech, zvláště v průmyslově vyspělých státech. Tam totiž tento negativní vývoj probíhá obzvlášť zřetelně. Vše začíná tím, že si řada politiků plete demokracii s anarchií a že již malé děti ve školce se dozvídají o svých právech dítěte, ale nikdo je neseznamuje s tím, že mají též nějaké povinnosti. Důsledkem tohoto stavu je nárůst extrémních směrů v politice, jak jej vidíme v posledních letech prakticky ve všech zemích EU. Směšování tolerance a podpory, jak v řadě svých návrhů předvádí Evropská komise, tuto situaci jen zhoršuje.


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE), pisno. – Boj proti rasizmu in ksenofobiji je izziv, ki terja širši odziv, saj je na žalost v zadnjem obdobju oboje v porastu. Pozdravljam napoved komisarke Jourove o ustanovitvi delovne skupine na visoki ravni za boj proti rasizmu, ksenofobiji in drugim oblikam nestrpnosti. Je pa kljub temu še vedno zaskrbljujoče dejstvo, da sta rasizem in ksenofobija na pohodu, pogosto pa ju spremljajo še homofobija, seksizem ter druge oblike sovraštva in nestrpnosti.

Žal se k rasizmu in ksenofobiji vse bolj zatekajo tudi politične stranke in načrtno ščuvajo proti prosilcem za azil in priseljencem, med drugim tudi državljanom EU iz drugih držav članic. Zato mora EU jasno ter glasno obsoditi vse oblike nestrpnosti, rasizma in rasne ter druge diskriminacije.

Listina Unije o temeljnih pravicah na podlagi načela, da so vsi ljudje rojeni svobodni ter imajo enako dostojanstvo in enake pravice, izrecno prepoveduje kakršnokoli diskriminacijo. Družba, ki ignorira, spodbuja ali izvaja diskriminacijo, utemeljeno na rasnem ali drugačnem razlikovanju, je disfunkcionalna in prepletena s tveganji.

Menim, da morajo biti države članice še posebej pazljive, da se izogibajo rasni diskriminaciji, ko obravnavajo tuje državljane ob vstopu in izstopu na nacionalno ozemlje, saj s tem dajejo zgled svojim državljanom, ta pa mora biti pozitiven in ne negativen.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – Muito se fala sobre o racismo, a xenofobia, a homofobia, o sexismo e outras formas de intolerância. Mas aqueles que falam, vertendo lágrimas hipócritas de crocodilo, são muitas vezes os principais responsáveis pelo ressurgimento destas questões na Europa. De forma não inocente, mistura-se racismo, xenofobia e intolerância com religião, terrorismo e fanatismo, como se as questões sociais, do desemprego e da exploração não estivessem na base de todos estes fenómenos.

Daí o nosso combate por uma outra Europa. A outra Europa dos trabalhadores e dos povos nascerá da sua luta e da vontade livre e soberana dos povos. Derrotará o racismo, a xenofobia, as teorias reacionárias e afirmará a amizade entre os povos. Essa outra Europa será tão mais viva e justa quanto mais forte for a afirmação do direito ao desenvolvimento soberano e ao progresso social, será tão mais unida quanto mais iguais entre si forem os seus Estados soberanos.


  Beatrix von Storch (EFDD), schriftlich. – Diese Debatte ist eine Scheindebatte. Die EU und ihre Institutionen – so auch dieses „Parlament“ – sind Experten in selektiver Toleranz, wenn es um die Bekämpfung von Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Homophobie und anderen Formen von Intoleranz geht. Hier wird ständig mit zweierlei Mass gemessen. Wenn eine konservative Regierung ihr Wahlprogramm, für das sie demokratisch ins Amt gewählt wurde, umsetzen will, dann manipuliert Brüssel mit „Grundrechte-Mechanismen“, „Rechtsstaatlichkeitsprozeduren“ und „blauen Briefen“, vor allem gegen konservative Regierungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Wenn jedoch in Frankreich der sozialistische Innenminister mit Tränengas auf friedlich demonstrierende Familien mit Kinderwagen schießen lässt, dann beschäftigt das zwar den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen, nicht jedoch die linksliberale EU-Kommission. Wenn – auch wieder im sozialistisch regierten Frankreich – das Parlament einen weitreichenden Maulkorberlass gegen Vereine, die sich bei der Schwangerenberatung für Frauen in Not einsetzen, erlassen will, dann schließen die Merkel-Freunde der EU-Kommission die Augen. Die Grundrechteagentur muss abgeschafft werden. Sie ist ein ausgelagerter Arm der EU-Kommission. Dieses Instrument der LGBT-Lobby fördert die Gender-Ideologie. Zeigen Sie mir ein einziges Beispiel für eine gelungene Aktion der Grundrechteagentur zugunsten des Gemeinwohls. Finden Sie nichts? Dann sollten Konsequenzen gezogen werden: keine Klientelpolitik der EU mit dem Steuergeld der Allgemeinheit.

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