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Środa, 14 grudnia 2016 r. - Strasburg Wersja poprawiona

21. Atak na katedrę koptyjską w Kairze - wolność religii i przekonań (debata)
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  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι Δήλωση της Αντιπροέδρου της Επιτροπής / Ύπατης Εκπροσώπου της Ένωσης για Θέματα Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής και Πολιτικής Ασφάλειας σχετικά με την επίθεση στον Καθεδρικό Ναό των Κοπτών στο Κάιρο - Θρησκευτική ελευθερία και ελευθερία πεποιθήσεων (2016/3037(RSP))


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, last Sunday we were appalled when Coptic Christians were targeted as they were worshipping at St Peter’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Cairo. At least 25 people were killed and many more injured in the bombing. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families. The European Union expresses condolences to them as well as to all the people and the Government of Egypt.

An attack against Egypt’s Coptic community is an attack against all Egyptians and against their wish to live peacefully together. I visited Egypt recently because it is a key partner in the region for the European Union on many issues and we had a very fruitful discussion on all issues. I also met President el-Sisi and we also discussed security issues. They were aware that the situation is very difficult and attacks might occur at any moment.

These attacks endanger a multicultural society, which Egypt is and wishes to continue being. President el-Sisi is equally concerned about the destabilisation of his country as a result of the permanent terrorist threat. I assured him that we are partners against this common threat and Egypt has all our support.

Freedom of religion implies not only the freedom of belief, but also the freedom to worship, either individually or in a community, without fear or intimidation, discrimination, violence or attack. All people should be able to exercise their rights everywhere, based on the principles of equality, non—discrimination and universality. All states have an obligation to prevent violence based on religion or belief but, beyond this obligation, the prevention of this form of violence is also in the interest of every state because sectarian attacks make a society weaker, less cohesive and less resilient.

In the Middle East and North Africa in particular, an attack against any ethnic or religious group undermines the very fabric of society. Christianity belongs in the Middle East and in North Africa just as much as it belongs in Europe. Egypt’s Christian community is as ancient as Christianity itself. Obviously terrorist groups and individuals are afraid of the Middle East’s long history of diversity because it defies their weak narrative of a clash of civilizations. The Egyptian authorities must now work to ensure that the perpetrators of this attack are promptly brought to justice and that there will be no impunity for sectarian attacks.

Overall, the number of terrorist attacks in Egypt has grown in recent weeks. Just two days before the attack on the church, there were two terrorist bombings in different parts of the country, killing security personnel. We stand on the side of the Egyptian people in the fight against terrorism. It is a shared challenge which we must tackle together.

Terrorism, of course, needs to be addressed as a security issue. At the same time, measures to reinforce physical security will only be effective if police and judicial prevention and prosecution of terrorist acts is organised in a modern and effective manner. Countering radicalisation and violent extremism is also of fundamental importance.

We believe that a comprehensive approach is needed, including dialogue, education, the promotion of tolerance and pluralism, and adequate space for civil society. We are close to completing negotiations with Egypt on the priorities for our bilateral partnership and this terrible incident shows how essential it is becoming for us to work together with Egypt in this area, as in many others.

The importance the European Union attaches to freedom of religion and belief has also been reflected in the appointment by President Juncker of Mr Ján Figeľ as a Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union. The EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Lambrinidis, has also been actively engaged in the promotion of freedom of religion and belief during official visits to partner countries and in multilateral fora.

Our work to preserve religious diversity all around the world also has a financial dimension. For instance, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights invests EUR 11 million in programmes focusing directly on freedom of religion and belief.

Cooperation with our partners, both in governance and civil society will remain essential to all our efforts. From Egypt to Syria, the protection of diversity is – and will be -– a top priority in the years ahead. If there is one international actor that will always protect and defend the freedom of religion, it is us, the European Union. Let me therefore conclude by sending a strong message of support to Egypt. We are all standing by Egypt, united against the common threat of terrorism.


  Tunne Kelam, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, a horrible crime was committed last Sunday in Cairo during a Coptic worship, and we know that it has caused many, many victims. Today is our opportunity to condemn this massacre, for which ISIS has taken responsibility, in the strongest possible terms and extend our solidarity to all victims of terror and violence.

It is true that the government has a primary responsibility to guarantee security and equality of all religions in Egypt. However, I think there are also some positive signals. The Coptic Pope Tawadros declared that the terror attack was conducted not only against the Coptic Church but against all of Egypt, and a leading Islamic university, Al-Azhar, qualified the attacks against houses of worship and killing innocents as criminal acts that violate Islamic principles. Egyptian President el-Sisi proclaimed a three-day national mourning and ordered state funerals. These demonstrations of shared solidarity are important. But now even more important is that the Egyptian people as a whole will recognise the ownership of such tragedies and victims. That supposes that also in everyday life, people will start to treat co-citizens from different religions as equals and start to respect them.


  Javi López, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor Presidente. En primer lugar, en nombre de mi Grupo y en el mío propio, queremos enviar un mensaje de solidaridad a las víctimas —especialmente después de un ataque terrorista como este, el del 10 de diciembre, en la catedral copta de El Cairo, con más de una veintena de víctimas—, y no solo a las víctimas, sino también a sus familiares, a la comunidad copta en su conjunto y al pueblo egipcio.

Sabemos la importancia que tiene la comunidad copta, sabemos que ha sido una de las minorías que ha sido sistemáticamente atacada por los yijadistas durante los últimos años y que cuenta con más de 85 millones de personas y representa el 8 % de la población total de Egipto. Al mismo tiempo queremos reconocer en un día como hoy que el Presidente al Sisi sitúa la seguridad como una de sus preocupaciones principales y que ha condenado el atentado y ayudado a las víctimas durante estos días.

Pero hay que recordar —también de forma muy clara—que se combate el terrorismo con medidas de seguridad pero que, a la vez, se derrota al terrorismo con una lucha efectiva, que quiere decir tener una gobernanza inclusiva y quiere decir defender los derechos humanos y respetar la libertad religiosa.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, life for the Coptic Christians of Egypt has considerably improved since President el-Sisi came to power. Honouring the victims by way of a state funeral and three days of national mourning is a powerful signal that this was not an attack on a minority community but an attack on all Egyptians. The attack on Saint Mark’s Cathedral is a stark reminder of the protection that this vulnerable community needs and the security threats that Egypt faces more generally on a daily basis.

Claimed today by ISIS, this atrocity is an early warning sign of the trend that we will see over the coming year as ISIS shifts its focus to North Africa and the Sahel, and Mosul and Raqqa are squeezed, and as their strongholds in Syria are weakened they will go to other places including, I am afraid, Europe.

In its statement today ISIS threatened to escalate its war on polytheism and to extend its attacks beyond the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt is a strategic partner of the European Union and is battling to contain the threats of high unemployment, a struggling economy, terrorism and the political transition following the fall of Mubarak. We in the European Union now need to support Egypt in these struggles and to better understand the threats that it faces.


  Marisa Matias, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, condenamos, obviamente, este ataque, como condenamos todos os horrendos ataques terroristas que têm acontecido ao longo dos últimos tempos. Mas penso que é importante falar sobre este ataque contra a comunidade copta para deixar uma mensagem muito clara.

Não é de uma guerra de religiões que se trata, não é de uma guerra de civilizações que se trata, e nós, neste Parlamento, não podemos cair nessa armadilha. Todas as vítimas contam, sejam de que credo for. Portanto, temos a obrigação de não alimentar o ódio, o mesmo ódio do qual é alimentado o terrorismo que provoca estas vítimas.

Não podemos ser cúmplices da lavagem que é feita. Não há vidas que valem mais do que outras. O nosso papel é um papel de agir sobre as causas, de perceber que este foi um ataque perante todo o povo egípcio. O povo egípcio uniu-se, e uniu-se em três dias de luto.

A nós, cabe-nos chamar a atenção para cada um destes ataques e ter uma resposta solidária em relação à crise humanitária que vivemos, mas, como disse, sobretudo atuar sobre as causas e não dar mais importância a umas vidas do que a outras. Todas são igualmente importantes.


  James Carver, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, this barbaric act was a shameless attack on an ancient centre of Christianity. Naturally I wish to express my sincere condolences to all those affected. This was not just an attack on a Coptic Christian community but on all Egyptians. I am encouraged how Egyptian society, which is of course made up of many different faiths, has widely condemned this atrocity, and moved swiftly to show their support for Egypt’s Coptic Christians. The presidential decision to give the victims state funerals and the announcement of three days’ national mourning must be acknowledged as a noble act of inclusiveness.

However, this tragedy again highlights the precarious position facing Christian communities across the Middle East and North Africa. Governments have a duty to protect their minorities, and we must do more to support those Christians fleeing persecution from Islamic fundamentalists.


  Dominique Bilde, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, un engin de mort explosait dimanche 11 décembre dans l'église de Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, au Caire. Au moins 25 personnes ont perdu la vie et 49 autres ont été blessées, parmi lesquelles une majorité de femmes et d'enfants. Les chrétiens vivant dans les pays musulmans sont menacés dans leur chair. En Iraq et en Syrie, les monstres de l'État islamique ont toujours des velléités génocidaires.

Ne croyez pas que seuls les chrétiens d'Orient soient menacés; la sécurité des chrétiens n'est plus assurée en Europe. Un prêtre a été égorgé dans son église de Saint-Pierre-du-Rouvray par des jeunes islamistes français de papier, auxquels notre pays avait pourtant tout donné. Les églises sont régulièrement les cibles d'actes antichrétiens de vandalisme sans que cela ne semble vraiment émouvoir qui que ce soit. Il est temps de protéger les chrétiens en Orient et en Europe contre le réveil de l'islam de combat.

À l'heure où l'Union européenne semble vouloir se soumettre en toute dhimmitude, sonnons le tocsin pour les victimes. Plus tard, il sera trop tard.


  György Hölvényi (PPE). – Elnök Úr! Az Iszlám Állam kairói merénylete az egyiptomi keresztényeket vette célba, de a békés együttélésre törekvő egyiptomiakat, koptokat és muszlimokat együttesen érte támadás. Részvétünket fejezzük ki a szertartáson elkövetett terrortámadás fiatal és idős áldozatai, valamit a gyászoló családtagjaik felé. Szimbolikus a cselekmény, a gaztett, hogy a keresztény vallását gyakorló közösségek tagjait gyilkolták meg az ünnepi készülődés időszakában. Céljuk, Elnök Úr, nem volt kevesebb, minthogy tovább terjesszék Közel-Keleten és az egész világban a félelem és a halál kultúráját.

Mi a feladat? A keresztények és más vallási kisebbségek biztonságát nemzetközi közösségnek kell a Közel-Keleten szavatolnia. Európának segítenie kell a keresztény és más vallási kisebbségek biztonságának megteremtését – hangsúlyozni szeretném – a szülőföldjükön. Európának mindent meg kell tennie a dzsihádizmus visszaszorítására elfogadott intézkedések, intézkedéseink végrehajtásáért. Meggyőződésem, hogy ez Európa és Egyiptom és a Közel-Kelet közös érdeke.


  Mireille D’Ornano (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, l’attaque de dimanche dernier est le point d’orgue d’une triste litanie de persécutions. Ce seraient au moins 42 églises qui, en Égypte, ont fait l’objet de profanations diverses depuis 2013, même si on peut saluer les efforts du président Sisi en faveur des coptes.

En visant la plus importante minorité chrétienne du monde arabe, avec ses quelque huit millions d’âmes, c’est l’ensemble de la chrétienté que l’État islamique meurtrit dans sa chair.

Nos valeurs de tolérance et d’humanisme ne doivent pas nous conduire à l’aveuglement; c’est bien l’éradication du christianisme qui est l’objectif ultime des islamistes. À l’heure où l’ingérence occidentale a provoqué la déliquescence d’États autrefois fonctionnels, cet objectif est à portée de main au Moyen-Orient.

Il est urgent que les Européens apportent un soutien concret aux minorités chrétiennes du monde arabe, afin de ne pas endosser une responsabilité historique dans leur disparition.


  Udo Voigt (NI). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Es entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, wie Sie dazu kommen zu sagen: Es war ein Angriff auf alle Ägypter. Zehn Prozent der Ägypter sind Christen.

In einem Gotteshaus werden 23 Christen ermordet – der Islamische Staat bekennt sich dazu. Christen werden weltweit am intensivsten von allen Religionen verfolgt. Mit 7 100 ermordeten Christen 2016 hat sich diese Zahl im Vergleich zum Vorjahr verdoppelt. Ich weiß es, und Sie wissen es auch: Es war ein Islamist, der die 23 Christen in der koptischen Kirche in Kairo ermordete. Es sind Islamisten, welche die Christen im Irak und Syrien verfolgen, töten oder zur Flucht zwingen. Es sind Islamisten, die den vielen Flüchtlingslagern in Deutschland und ganz Europa unter Christen Angst und Schrecken verbreiten.

Ein Land wie Ungarn hat reagiert und den Posten eines Staatssekretärs zur Unterstützung verfolgter Christen in der ganzen Welt eingerichtet. Wo bleiben unsere Maßnahmen im Europaparlament zum Schutz der Christen?


  Lars Adaktusson (PPE). – Herr talman! Jag läste tidigare idag om några av dödsoffren för terrorattacken i Kairo. Om den lilla flickan Maji. Om Aida, en äldre kvinna och farmor. Om Nabil som just hade blivit pappa till en efterlängtad son.

Här i parlamentet har vi idag röstat om ett betänkande om mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati. Bland annat röstade vi om en text som tydliggör att kristna är den mest förföljda religiösa gruppen i världen. Paragrafen fick stöd av en majoritet, men allt för många valde att inte ställa sig bakom detta faktum. Från mitt hemland Sverige handlar det om kollegor i socialdemokraterna, miljöpartiet, vänsterpartiet och centern.

Herr talman! Att inte erkänna omfattningen av den förföljelse som idag sker mot kristna är att ta på sig ett stort ansvar. Det är att relativisera ondska och brott mot mänskligheten. Det är att svika Maji, Aida och Nabil – offren för den globala förföljelse och det folkmord som pågår i detta nu.


Διαδικασία «Catch-the-Eye»


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, gospodine povjereniče, Egipat, srpanj ove godine – koptska obitelj napadnuta je noževima pri čemu je jedan član obitelji ubijen. Lipanj – koptski svećenik upucan je u glavu. Ožujak – četvero prevoditelja Biblije mučki su ubijeni u svom uredu. Studeni 2015. – 26-godišnju majku dvoje djece ubio je njezin ujak jer je odlučila prijeći na kršćanstvo. Kolovoz 2015. – koptskog vojnika upucali su vojnici. Lipanj 2015. – kršćanin je pronađen s dva metka u prsima nakon što je odbio prijeći na islam. Svibanj 2015. – koptski kršćanin je otet i ubijen. Travanj 2015. – pucnjava na crkveni autobus. Ožujak 2015. – crkva sagrađena u spomen na ubijene koptske kršćane je izrešetana. Veljača 2015. – koptski vlasnik trgovine ubijen je u vlastitoj trgovini. Ožujak 2015. – pedesetogodišnji koptski kršćanin ubijen je u vlastitom domu. 

Nedavni napad na katedralu samo je nastavak brutalnog progona – 25 mrtvih, od čega šestero djece. Zaustavimo progon kršćana. Odgovornost je i na nama.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, si tratta di "un'unica violenza che semina morte e distruzione". Con queste parole Papa Francesco ha commentato l'attentato terroristico che ha colpito la comunità copta del Cairo, che ha provocato la morte di 25 persone, tra cui molti bambini, e il ferimento di molti civili. Un crimine orribile, compiuto nel momento della preghiera presso la cattedrale copta di San Marco in Abassiya, la più antica chiesa d'Africa e sede del Papa di Alessandria.

Non è la prima volta che in Egitto il terrorismo colpisce la comunità cristiana copta, che rappresenta circa il 10 per cento della popolazione, in un paese a stragrande maggioranza musulmana. La strage compiuta in Egitto è particolarmente grave perché sono stati colpiti uomini, donne e bambini la cui unica colpa era quella di professare una religione diversa da quella professata dai terroristi.

La comunità internazionale deve reagire con determinazione ed essere al fianco dell'Egitto nella lotta al terrorismo, senza però venir meno ai nostri valori e senza cedere il passo a populismi e fanatismi religiosi.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κατ’ αρχάς εκφράζω τα βαθιά συλλυπητήριά μου στις οικογένειες των θυμάτων της τρομοκρατικής επίθεσης που έκανε το Ντάες την Κυριακή στον Καθεδρικό Ναό του Αγίου Ανδρέα στο Κάιρο. Tην προηγούμενη εβδομάδα η Oμάδα του ECR με εμένα επικεφαλής βρεθήκαμε στο Κάιρο και συναντηθήκαμε με την αιγυπτιακή ηγεσία και τον κύριο Σίσι. Βεβαίως δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ ότι σήμερα μιλώντας για τα θέματα αυτά θα έχουν περάσει μόνο ελάχιστες ημέρες απ’ τη στιγμή που φύγαμε από το Κάιρο. Η τρομοκρατική επίθεση πρώτα απ’ όλα ήταν επίθεση κατά όλων των Αιγύπτιων. Το γεγονός ότι οι αιγυπτιακές εφημερίδες κυκλοφόρησαν με τον τίτλο «όλοι είμαστε Κόπτες» σημαίνει πάρα πολλά. Σημαίνει ότι υπάρχει και επέρχεται σιγά-σιγά μια ενότητα στους κόλπους του αιγυπτιακού λαού. Όλοι αντιλαμβάνονται ότι η τρομοκρατική πράξη κατά της εκκλησίας, που έγινε την ημέρα του εορτασμού του Μωάμεθ, στόχο είχε να δημιουργήσει εντάσεις και συγκρούσεις μεταξύ Μουσουλμάνων και Χριστιανών. Είναι κάτι το οποίο οι ίδιοι οι πολίτες της Αιγύπτου δεν πρόκειται να επιτρέψουν, δηλαδή να μπουν θύματα στο πλαίσιο της τρομοκρατίας και να συγκρουστούν μεταξύ τους. Αυτό δηλαδή που ήθελε να προκαλέσει το Ντάες είναι σίγουρο ότι δεν πρόκειται να γίνει.


  Bas Belder (ECR). – Wie zou niet wenen over de vreselijke terreuraanslag op de christelijke gemeenschap in Egypte van zondag als je de foto’s ziet van de slachtoffers? Ik deel de groeiende zorgen van de Egyptische christenen over een reeks van incidenten tussen moslims en christenen in dorpen, waarbij bijvoorbeeld een oude christenvrouw naakt over straat werd gesleept. En ik deel de zorgen over het ontbreken van de elementaire vrijheid om zich als moslim tot het christendom te bekeren. De Egyptische christenen wensen een overheid die hun leven, bezittingen en grondrechten effectief beschermt. Daartoe moet de Europese Unie president Sisi krachtig oproepen en bovendien alle steun verlenen.


  Jan Zahradil (ECR). – Mr President, I was a Member from the ECR Group of the same delegation that visited Cairo only last week. I left just one day before that terrorist attack, and after all meetings we had there with President el-Sisi and Grand Imam of al-Azhar and other dignitaries, I still have the feeling that we owe Egypt something. We owe Egypt clear support in its fight against terrorism, but also fair and balanced treatment.

We have adopted many critical resolutions on Egypt here in the European Parliament, maybe too many, unlike in the case of some other countries. We also recognise the right of other countries to take very tough measures against terrorist threats, for instance in the case of Turkey. We should recognise the same right for Egypt, because Egypt is a key player in the region and its stability and security are crucial and vital, and also very important for Europe.


(Λήξη της διαδικασίας «Catch-the-Eye»)


  Dimitris Avramopoulos, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, we are all touched by this horrible and barbaric event in Egypt and we share the same feelings here tonight in this debate. I would like to thank you for your sensitivity in connection with the attack that occurred in Egypt.

The European Union is undertaking efforts to enhance stability in Egypt, as well as the freedom of religion in the whole region. The freedom of religion or belief is a universal human right. Its free exercise contributes to pluralism, democracy, development, rule of law, peace and stability. Its violation leads to intolerance, violence and despotism. The European Union will continue to use all its policy instruments to ensure all over the world a favourable environment for the exercise of the freedom of religion and belief. And this is what unites us all in this Chamber tonight.


  Πρόεδρος. – Η συζήτηση έληξε.

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 162)


  Mario Borghezio (ENF), per iscritto. – L'attacco alla cattedrale copta di San Marco al Cairo, con un tragico bilancio di 25 morti e 49 feriti, appare come un punto di svolta nella strategia terroristica in atto in Egitto. Da tempo infatti non si verificavano episodi così gravi nei confronti di luoghi di culto cristiano ed il governo ha proclamato tre giorni di lutto nazionale. Alcuni commentatori ipotizzano che questa recrudescenza sia un tentativo operato da gruppi legati al radicalismo islamico e all'Isis (presenti soprattutto nella zona del Sinai) per aumentare la tensione tra i copti ed il presidente Al-Sisi. La comunità copta infatti, che nel 2013 aveva appoggiato l'attuale presidente contro Mohamed Morsi, sostenuto invece dai Fratelli musulmani, chiede con forza maggiore impegno per la protezione dei propri luoghi di vita e di incontro. La comunità internazionale e l'UE hanno il dovere di dimostrare con i fatti un chiaro sostegno a questa comunità, antica custode del cristianesimo delle origini, nonché il contrasto ad ogni tentativo di ulteriore destabilizzazione del paese, che oggi vive anche una difficile situazione economica con la svalutazione della lira egiziana e la scarsità di approvvigionamenti di beni di prima necessità. Il nostro cordoglio al Patriarca della Chiesa Copta egiziana Tawadros.

Informacja prawna - Polityka ochrony prywatności