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Onsdag den 1. februar 2017 - Bruxelles Revideret udgave

12. Restriktioner på rejser som følge af den amerikanske præsidents dekret (forhandling)
Video af indlæg

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione sulla dichiarazione del Vicepresidente della Commissione/Alto rappresentante dell'Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza sulle restrizioni di viaggio a seguito degli ordini esecutivi del Presidente degli Stati Uniti (2017/2546(RSP)).

Ricordo agli onorevoli deputati che per questa discussione non è prevista la procedura "catch-the-eye", né saranno accettate domande "cartellino blu".


  Federica Mogherini, VPC/HR. – Signor Presidente, vorrei iniziare con il congratularmi con Lei per l'elezione a Presidente di questo Parlamento e augurarmi, anzi essere certa, di un'ottima cooperazione che d'altra parte abbiamo già avviato.

I would also like to underline one element. I fully agree with what my friends, Ms Fotyga and Ms Corazza Bildt, raised. In the Foreign Affairs Council on Monday, the situation in Ukraine will be on the agenda with the Foreign Ministers, and that will also give us an opportunity to restate our full support for the country and for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreement.

Turning to the issue on our agenda today, I would start by saying that Europe and the United States of America are tied by an old and deep friendship. Personally I have always looked – and I still look – at the United States with great respect and admiration, as a land where everyone can succeed whatever their social, ethnic or cultural background. It is a land of opportunities, a land of hope and dreams, a country that has always been great precisely because it has always been open and has always been a champion of freedoms.

As a good friend of the United States, I believe Europe has a duty to be clear – respectful and clear – whenever disagreement arises, especially when it relates to our fundamental values. We certainly disagree with the executive order issued by the President of the United States on 27 January as, it seems, do many in the US too. As you know, the executive order introduces a temporary suspension, for a period of 90 days, of the entry into the USA of foreign nationals from seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. A temporary suspension is also foreseen, for a period of 120 days, of the US refugee admissions programme, in principle so that no new refugee application can be accepted until the US Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Homeland Security, reviews the current application process.

There have been questions about which citizens are affected by the travel ban. I would like to tackle this issue immediately and then focus on what to me is even more important. The US Department of State clarified yesterday that European Union citizens will not be affected by the ban, even if they hold dual citizenship in one of the seven countries listed in the executive order. We welcome this clarification, but let me be absolutely clear that this does not change our overall assessment of the executive order.


I have already made clear in recent days where the European Union stands on this. No—one – no—one – can be deprived of his or her own rights because of their place of birth, their religion or their ethnicity. This is written in our constitutions, both in Europe and in America. This is who we are, this is our identity, and this is something we cannot forget. Our European history has taught us to celebrate when a wall is torn down and a bridge is built. We learned from our own great, but also tragic, history that every human being is, first and foremost, a person with fundamental rights that cannot be put into question.

Let me add, from a personal point of view, that I found it really sad to learn that this executive order was issued on 27 January, Holocaust Remembrance Day, that is first and foremost a day to commemorate millions of Jews killed by Nazis, but also to reject any discrimination and to reflect on our duty to host those who flee from persecution and protect them and their rights.


Many of them – most of them actually – are fleeing from terrorist groups such as Daesh. They are victims of terrorism and, beyond being refugees, they are men, women and children with personal stories, dreams, fears and profound wounds. Most of all, they have a future to build, also for the sake of their own countries and our own security, because the social reconstruction of their countries depends on them. So let me – actually, I should say let us – be very clear. The European Union will not turn back anyone who has the right to international protection. This is where we stand. This is where we continue to stand.

It would not be moral, it would not be just, it would not be legal, and it would not be in our interest, because this kind of measure has the potential to increase tensions and mistrust among peoples and nations. When I say among people, I also mean among people in our own societies. I am worried by the trends we are seeing inside American society at the moment, and that is why, with a lot of respect, I invited the President of the United States to pay attention to what is happening in his own country.

Only respect and cooperation can make us more secure. Only respect and cooperation can help us manage the many crises around the word. This is the European way. We work together with the countries experiencing a crisis and with their neighbours – all of them. A travel ban can maybe – maybe – give a temporary illusion of addressing the issue, but it can only create more frustration and anger. We need cooperation, not closures. We need to engage and to build common ground, not to ban. The EU will continue to be a partner and a strong point of reference for all countries in the region, regardless of the religion of their citizens. They can count on us.

We will continue to be a partner and a strong point of reference for all those in the world who believe in international cooperation, human rights and the rule of law. This is also why the European Union is the biggest donor in the world to the Syrian people and their neighbouring countries, with more than EUR 9 billion invested since the start of the fighting in Syria. So far, the European Union and the US have worked closely together, including at the UN Summit on Refugees in New York, because a global issue requires global common work. Bold commitments were made, both to protect the human rights of all refugees and migrants, and to counter hate speech against refugees and migrants.

The EU is always ready to engage with the new US Administration to follow up on these commitments, as well as on the many other achievements we have managed to build together in recent years, and which are today key fundamental elements of our European Union policy – from climate change to the Iran deal, from the Middle East peace process to our support for the UN system and a free and fair trade system.

On the basis of this very clear international agenda, we will work with the US administration as partners with full reciprocal respect. This is the European Union way. These are our principles, our values and our interests. I believe we have a responsibility, both towards our citizens and our partners in the region and beyond, in the world, to be true to our values and identity, and show leadership and strength.



  Manfred Weber, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir haben heute das Thema Einreiseregelungen, aber wir wissen und spüren alle, dass es um mehr geht. Wir unterstützen die Position, die Federica Mogherini heute im Namen der Kommission vorgestellt hat, aber es geht – wie gesagt – um mehr.

Trump ist gewählt, er ist im Amt. Wir respektieren das, es war eine demokratische Entscheidung. Und wir als EVP wollen die Zusammenarbeit, wir wollen einfach miteinander reden – jeder in seiner Verantwortung –, miteinander Brücken bauen. Diesen Respekt vor dem Wahlergebnis, den muss man zunächst zum Ausdruck bringen.

Wir als EVP wollen auch die Differenzierung. Wenn Donald Trump beispielsweise sagt, er kämpft gegen die illegale Migration, dann hat er uns als EVP an seiner Seite. Wenn er sagt, er kämpft gegen den islamistischen Terrorismus, dann hat er uns als EVP an seiner Seite. Und wir freuen uns auch, dass nach dem Gespräch mit Theresa May und auch nach den Telefonaten mit Angela Merkel jetzt ein klares Bekenntnis zur NATO im Raum steht. Danke dafür! Aber das Positive ist leider Gottes nicht das, was überwiegt, wenn wir auf die Äußerungen von Donald Trump in den letzten Wochen und auf die Aktivitäten der letzten Tage schauen.

Amerika ist eigentlich das Land der Freiheit, die USA sind eigentlich das Land der Einwanderer. Das ist das Bild, das ich seit jungen Jahren im Kopf habe. Generalverdacht für einzelne Staaten, Generalverdacht für einzelne Religionsgemeinschaften: Das führt nicht zu Freundschaft und zu Abbau von Hass, das führt zu neuem Hass. Der kanadische Attentäter, der Muslime in Ottawa ermordet hat, hat sich explizit auf Trump bezogen.

Die USA waren für mich immer das Land des freien Marktes, der freien Marktwirtschaft. Jetzt erleben wir einen amerikanischen Präsidenten, der jede Handelsbeziehung abbrechen will, die TTIP-Gespräche beendet, das transpazifische Abkommen zerreißt. Wir als Europäer wollen den Handel, wir wollen die Partnerschaft im fairen Welthandel, und deswegen werden wir im Februar auch für CETA stimmen und damit ein klares Signal setzen. Wir unterstützen auch die Kommissarin Malmström bei allen Bestrebungen, mit Mexiko, mit Kanada, mit Japan, mit anderen ins Gespräch zu kommen und den Handel zu stärken. Wir wollen diesen Handel.

Die USA waren für mich immer – um noch ein drittes Beispiel zu bringen – das Land der Grundrechte, der Menschenrechte, für die gekämpft worden ist, für die gestorben worden ist. Und Trump stellt sich jetzt hin und sagt, dass Folter effektiv ist und er seinen Behörden freie Hand dafür gibt. Wenn ein Staat Folter anwendet, dann wird dieser Staat selbst zum Verbrecher. Und deswegen darf es dazu nicht kommen.

Es wurde heute bereits angedeutet, dass eventuell ein neuer US-Botschafter kommt. Einen US-Botschafter haben wir mit Nigel Farage schon hier sitzen, aber es kommt noch ein weiterer, der den Euro am Ende sieht, der den Brexitanfang als Anfang sieht. Und das ist die große neue Unabhängigkeit Großbritanniens, dass man jetzt anstatt nach Brüssel nach Washington fahren und alles genehmigen lassen muss. Aber ich möchte für die EVP-Fraktion auch sagen: Wenn wir einen Botschafter aus Amerika hier begrüßen müssten, der den Euro infrage stellt und der sich das Ende der Europäischen Union wünscht, dann kann er von den europäischen Institutionen nicht akkreditiert werden. Mit so einem Partner können wir nicht zusammenarbeiten.

Putin baut seine Machtsphäre aus, er setzt auf Krieg, um seine Interessen durchzusetzen, und er will ein schwaches Europa. Donald Trump hat die Wirtschaft, „America First“ im Blick. Er sieht, dass Europa und China die zwei großen wirtschaftlichen Konkurrenten sind, die Amerika auf Augenhöhe begegnen können. Auch er will ein schwaches Europa, ein zerstrittenes Europa, ein zerteiltes Europa. Deswegen geht es in den nächsten Wochen, Monaten und Jahren um grundsätzliche Fragen, nämlich darum, ob wir zusammenstehen oder nicht.

Wenn wir auf die Geschichte der USA und auch auf die Geschichte des Vereinigten Königreichs blicken, dann fallen mir Namen wie Roosevelt und Churchill ein. Das waren Politiker, die Seite an Seite für die Freiheit und gegen den Totalitarismus und den nationalen Egoismus gekämpft haben, die nicht zunächst auf den nationalen Egoismus geschaut, sondern für Werte gekämpft haben. Reagan und Thatcher haben den Kommunismus mit dem NATO-Doppelbeschluss gemeinsam in die Knie gezwungen, sie haben nicht zunächst egoistisch geschaut, was für das Land richtig ist, sondern was für die Welt richtig ist.

Beide Paare, die ich gerade beschrieben habe, haben für die Freiheit in dieser Welt gekämpft. Ich würde mir wünschen, dass das heutige führende Politiker auch machen. Donald Trump und Theresa May stehen leider Gottes für den nationalen Egoismus und nicht mehr für das Weitertragen der Flamme der Freiheit auf dieser Welt.

Die Welt verändert sich fundamental, und deswegen ist meine und die Bitte meiner Fraktion, dass Valletta am Freitag ein klares, starkes Signal aussendet, das bereits Donald Tusk in seinem Brief grundgelegt hat. Le Pen sagt, die EU sei ein Protektorat der USA, und ich glaube, dass Valletta zeigen kann, dass dem nicht so ist, dass Europa geeint und stark für das eintritt, was wir als unsere Werte bezeichnen.


  Gianni Pittella, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, alcuni, diciamo la verità, pensavano che Trump sarebbe stato uno scherzo, quasi una barzelletta, e invece si sta rivelando un incubo. Non sottovalutiamo, quanto abbiamo sottovalutato nella storia, alcune personalità che si sono trasformate in dittatori e hanno seminato guerre e sangue.

Come ha detto giustamente Federica Mogherini, l'amicizia con il popolo americano è fuori discussione. Per noi è essenziale, feconda, rimane un punto fermo dei nostri sentimenti e delle nostre azioni, così come rimane forte l'ammirazione per gli Stati Uniti d'America, per quello che sono stati nella storia e per quello che sono. Ma proprio per questo diventa doloroso prendere atto di queste proposte, di questi provvedimenti che sta portando avanti Trump, che sono un attacco alla civiltà giuridica europea, ai valori fondamentali.

Diciamo le cose come stanno, on. Weber: il travel ban, diretto ai cittadini solo di alcuni paesi musulmani, non ha niente a che vedere con la gestione delle frontiere e con la lotta al terrorismo. È una bugia demagogica. Si fa il ban per alcuni e per altri no, con i quali Trump fa affari. Diciamo la verità, perché i cittadini hanno bisogno di parole chiare. È un attacco al diritto all'asilo e allo Stato di diritto, è un attacco che viene insieme ad altre cose, come il muro con il Messico. Le relazioni internazionali ne vengono a perdere, le relazioni con il Messico, con l'America latina, tutto il mondo viene infettato da questo virus di instabilità, di perturbazione. Io dico alle compagnie aeree: non lo assecondate, non rifiutate l'imbarco per gli Stati Uniti di passeggeri provenienti dalle nazioni prese di mira da Trump.

Ha ragione Jo Leinen, e qui ha ragione anche Manfred Weber, quando dice: se fosse nominato quell'ambasciatore non sarebbe persona gradita, perché non posso gradire uno che dice, prima ancora di essere nominato, "io vado là per distruggere l'Unione europea". E dico alla signora May e al governo del Regno Unito: non si presti, la signora May, e non si presti il governo del Regno Unito a svolgere il ruolo di cavallo di Troia per distruggere l'Unione europea.

Dico anche che sarebbe bene che gli Stati membri (sono liberi di farlo) chiamassero i loro ambasciatori e si consultassero su ciò che sta succedendo negli Stati Uniti. Sarebbe anche un atto simbolico. E sarebbe anche bene che, sul suolo europeo, fino a quando questa tendenza non cessa, Trump non venga invitato.

Ho concluso. Anch'io sono, come la vicepresidente Mogherini, per la cooperazione, ma fino a quando Trump non cambierà questa linea, la porta dell'Europa non può che essere sbarrata nei suoi confronti.


  Syed Kamall, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, according to a study by the Cato Institute – a well-respected and classically liberal US think-tank – no American has been killed since 1975 on US soil by a national from any of the seven countries listed in President Trump’s executive order. So those of us who believe that law should be fair, that there should be equality under the law, that the primary functions of law should be enforcement of contracts and social order, will rightly be concerned by this arbitrary ban, which affects not only Muslims, but also affects Christians fleeing persecution and war. Sending a message that there is some inherent contradiction between being a good Muslim and being a good citizen of a Western democracy, simply plays into the arms of Daesh and other extremists who make exactly the same claim.

(Applause from certain quarters)

It plays into their arms because they make exactly the same claim when they are recruiting disillusioned and disconnected young Muslim men and women as terrorists. But whatever we in this Chamber may think, the fact is that Americans voted for a candidate who said what he thought, and now they find that they have a President who does what he promised to do. We must accept that this President, his priorities and these policies are the consequence of a growing tide of discontent to be found not only in middle America, but also in many of our countries. Electorates have lost faith in mainstream politicians on both sides of the Atlantic; electorates that have lost trust in politicians’ ability to listen and act upon their legitimate concerns; electorates attracted by simplistic solutions offered by politicians on the edges of the political spectrum.

While we express our concerns over President Trump’s executive orders, we must also realise that as long as the gains from globalisation are seen only in the portfolios of company directors and not in the pay packets of workers, as long as our migration and asylum policies are seen as more about compassion, diversity and political correctness, and less about ensuring integration, we will find politicians pursuing similar policies and making electoral gains in France, the Netherlands and elsewhere in the EU. So every time a mainstream politician dismisses those who disagree with the current direction of political travel in Europe and America, every time you dismiss them as racist or populist, this simply demonstrates an inability to offer a credible alternative.

In the meantime, no matter how strongly we feel about the current policies of the US President, let us all ask ourselves: what is more effective? The hot heads of protest or the cool heads of diplomacy? And let us make it clear to our American allies that decisions of the new US Administration in these executive orders, which lacked the support of Congress, which are arbitrary, which have been purely planned without preparation for the consequences, will not make America great again. Moreover, they will not strengthen, but only weaken, our transatlantic relationship. Let us also remember that friends are more likely to pay attention to friendly voices of reason, not raised voices of anger.




  Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I will start from where Mr Pittella ended his intervention and also from where Mr Kamall started.

I do not understand something in your intervention, Mr Kamall. First of all you say, yes, it is not done, and then you say two phrases later that we have to accept it because he is elected. No, it is not because he is elected that he can go against human values and the values of the United States of America. Even an elected President with a majority – and he has no majority of the popular vote in the US – has to listen to the American Constitution, has to listen to the American judiciary. That is the starting point of my intervention.

In fact, some people are saying in the US that it helps security. That is nonsense. You have given the figures. Since 1975, all terrorists in the US came from three countries – Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. None of them is on the list of seven countries and nobody came from those countries since 1975 as a terrorist. So it is pure discrimination, and pure discrimination in a broader approach, because it is not only about this religious ban. It is about fuelling populism and nationalism – that is what the Trump administration is doing for the moment, and that is not only by appointing Mr Farage as his spokesman here in the plenary, but it is also by having the idea to designate Malloch as the ambassador and, more importantly, and let’s be aware of this, Steve Bannon, a member now of the National Security Council of the United States of America and a man who is openly saying that we want a worldwide right-wing movement to get rid of the European Union, to get done with the European Union, and they are sitting here. It is our Fifth Column, because Mr Farage is working with Mr Bannon. He sees him on a regular basis to effect one thing, which is to see how the European Union can be destroyed in the coming years. Not thinking, dear colleagues, of one thing, which is that it is a big risk to bid on nationalism and populism in Europe. We have had it already in the past. We have had it already in the 20th century. People would say that nationalism and populism was the solution for our continent and they created the most gross atrocities we have ever seen: 20 million deaths, Mr Farage, is what nationalism has cost in Europe. There is no family in the European Union which does not have a grandfather or a grandmother or a son or a daughter who was a victim of that nationalism and of that populism. And that is the reason why we created the European Union – to overcome that, to make a continent of peace.

Normally an American President – take Roosevelt, for example – wants to be the leader of the free world, and now I see an American President who wants to be the leader in the fight against the free world, against solidarity, and against tolerance. I think it is an existential moment for the European Union. We can only take one decision. We have the autocrat Putin who wants to defy Europe. We have President Trump, who has a populist nationalist view and wants to disintegrate us. We have the threat from the radical Islamists in the south and we have a bunch of people here who want to destroy within the European Union.

We can do one thing and that is unite, fight back as the European Union, and I hope in Valletta it will not only be the letter – and I support the letter of President Tusk on his behalf – that will be the conclusion. I hope for once that all European leaders have the courage to stand up together with the European Parliament and fight back against this bunch of nationalists and populists who want to destroy us.



  Gabriele Zimmer, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Wir werden uns heute sicher nicht das erste und nicht das letzte Mal mit der Politik der Vereinigten Staaten und insbesondere der Regierung Trump beschäftigen müssen. Und ich danke Ihnen sehr, Frau Mogherini, dass Sie auch den Zusammenhang mit dem Zeitpunkt hergestellt haben, an dem Herr Trump sein Dekret zur Beschränkung oder zum Stopp der Einreise von muslimischen Bürgern veröffentlichte – dem 27. Januar. Das ist nicht einfach Gedankenlosigkeit gewesen, die Herr Trump da erkennen ließ, sondern das hat System bei ihm. Es hat System, weil er nämlich gleichzeitig – fast noch am gleichen Tag – den demokratischen Abgeordneten Schumer beleidigte, als dieser vor dem Hintergrund seiner Biographie, angesichts des Todes seines Großvaters und enger Familienangehöriger in deutschen KZs, darüber redete, was das bedeutet, wenn Menschen wegen ihres Glaubens ausgegrenzt werden, nicht einreisen dürfen, und Trump ihn fragte, welch schlechten Schauspiellehrer er denn gehabt habe.

Ich glaube, es ist diese Art und Weise der Auseinandersetzung, die wir bekommen werden – darauf müssen wir uns einstellen. Wir sollten uns aber darüber im Klaren sein, dass, wenn wir beweisen wollen, dass unser System, dass die Europäische Union dem etwas entgegenzusetzen hat – dieser Verachtung von Menschen entgegentreten kann –, wir dann beweisen müssen, dass wir besser sind. Sie haben in einem Tweet darauf verwiesen, dass die Europäische Union ein sicheres Haus für Migrantinnen und Migranten sei. Nein, das ist es auch nicht.

Also beweisen wir und setzen wir unsere Werte tatsächlich dieser Verachtung von Trump entgegen und sorgen wir mit einer anderen, mit einer solidarischen Migrationspolitik dafür, dass Menschen, die Schutz suchen, hier nicht als Wurzel des Übels betrachtet werden und als diejenigen, die Terror und Kriminalität zu uns bringen, sondern dass wir hier unseren Werten verpflichtet bleiben und hier gemeinsam agieren.

Ich sage es nochmal: Was wäre nach 1945 aus den Nachkriegsdemokratien hier in Europa geworden, wenn vielen der Flüchtlinge, die gerade zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus – des übelsten deutschen Faschismus –, als dieser brennend und mordend durch Europa und durch die Welt zog, damals kein Aufenthalt gewährt worden wäre? Wo wären wir hingekommen? Wie schmerzlich hätten wir sie vermisst, wenn sie den Nazis in die Finger geraten wären? Und genau das muss uns dazu verpflichten, dass wir uns auf diese Spielchen nicht einlassen. Aber nicht einfach nur wild zurückschlagen, sondern mit dem, was wir besser machen können, beweisen, dass wir etwas entgegenzusetzen haben und dass wir mit den amerikanischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, die sich zur Wehr setzen, hier auch kooperieren.

Im Übrigen – das auch noch abschließend gesagt: Das, was mir in diesen Tagen wirklich Hoffnung gegeben hat, das ist, dass unmittelbar am Tag der Amtseinführung und auch in den Tagen danach überall in der Welt und insbesondere in den USA Tausende, Hunderttausende von Frauen sich gegen ein solches Menschenbild gestellt haben. Da geht es nicht nur um die Diskriminierung von Frauen, sondern es geht generell um die Achtung und den Respekt des Einzelnen – von Menschen, ob Frauen, ob ausgegrenzt, unabhängig von Herkunft, Nationalität, Glauben. Darum geht es, und das ist das, was wir auch bei uns durchsetzen müssen.

Bekämpfen wir Trump und seine Ideologie, indem wir ihn beispielsweise auch daran hindern, in irgendeine Situation zu kommen, dass er tatsächlich den Knopf auslöst! Sorgen wir ein bisschen mehr für Sicherheit, schaffen wir die amerikanischen Atomwaffen von EU-Boden endlich ab! In Deutschland sind immer noch welche stationiert. Das macht auch mir Sorge.


  Ska Keller, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, the 45th President of the United States of America is truly opening a new chapter in the history of the US and in the history of democracy as well. Let us very clear: this ban on seven countries is not something that is put forward for security or one of the other reasons. It is very clearly a discriminatory act. It is targeting Muslims. Even though not only Muslims are hit, and even if it does not hit all Muslims, it is directed against people because of their religion.

Who could have imagined that such a thing could happen? Who could have thought that the freedoms and the rights that we all assume are normal and natural, that we have always had and think are guaranteed, can evaporate so quickly and can disappear so suddenly? This is apparently how liberal democracy dies. It vanishes very quickly with an executive order. The US built itself on religious freedom – that was one of the key figures of its founding – and on immigration. Now what is left of this American dream? How quickly did it vanish. But that is also the point isn’t it? All the rights, the freedoms and the liberties that we take for granted are actually not for granted. They always have to be fought for. They have to be fought for every single day. Democracy is not something that you set up, you write into your constitution and then, voilà, it is there. No, you have to defend it every single day. The same goes for human rights. They are never guaranteed. You have to work for them.

Here in Europe we pride ourselves on living in a union of peace, democracy and the rule of law. We are proud to defend the idea of human rights in the world as well, but do we really do enough to safeguard those values? Don’t we also restrict access at our borders? Don’t we also have walls and fences? Do we not also – even in this Chamber sometimes – hear people who discriminate against other people based on where they come from and based on their religion? And what are we doing about that? Every one of us, including the governments of the Member States, need to be clear on which side we stand. Do we stand on the side of hate and of walls, or do we stand on the side of democracy and of building bridges?

I think we need to build our European Union stronger, and for that we need to get our act together when it comes to finally solving the economic crisis that is still leading to so much unemployment, especially for young people. We need to coordinate our foreign policy and we need to be champions of international law because there are not many other people out there in the world who will do so. We need to step up our role in the UN and also when it comes to climate change. Let us make Europe the counter—model to Trump, the light of liberty of human rights and the rule of law, and also of generosity. Let us be the ones who show justice and compassion. Let us make sure that we are not just speaking of those values, but are actually demonstrating them in everything we do.

The Statue of Liberty was once given by France to the younger sister, America – sisters in freedom and rights. I think we should build more statues of liberty. We need to put them in Lesbos and Lampedusa, where people arrive full of hope and fear. We need to put them everywhere where people are standing up for their rights and also for their neighbour’s rights. Let us be the Europe that brings forward and champions those people who fight for their rights and the rights of others, no matter what their nationality, religion, sex or sexual orientation, and no matter where they come from. Europe needs to be building bridges and not walls. Let us do that together.



  Nigel Farage, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, I can see that you are all very upset here this afternoon and I’ve no doubt that the events in the USA over the last few weeks have been a very profound shock to you; perhaps you’re right. You see, what has happened here is somebody has stood on a manifesto for election, got into office and, within one week, said that he will hold faith with his own electorate. It is called genuine democracy – unlike the system we have in the European Union, where the unelected Commissioners like Mogherini here have the sole right to propose legislation. So I am sure that it’s a great shock to you to see that a genuinely—elected democrat is doing what he was put in to do. And it must be, I would think today in Washington ...


  Presidente. – La invito a essere rispettoso...

(Sorry, I can't hear you, mate.)

...nei confronti di questo Parlamento e delle funzioni istituzionali dei Commissari. Questo lo dobbiamo non solo per il rispetto istituzionale alla Commissione, ma anche per la benevolenza del Vicepresidente/Alto rappresentante Mogherini. La ringrazio.


  Nigel Farage (EFDD). – And out of institutional respect, President, to the truth, perhaps you will understand and agree with me that within the European form of law—making it is the unelected Commission that has the sole right to propose legislation. If I’m wrong in saying that, you can throw me out of this Parliament right here, right now, this afternoon.


  Presidente. – On. Farage, io la richiamo soltanto a un atteggiamento rispettoso.


  Nigel Farage (EFDD). – I will be respectful alright, and perhaps you will be too – for the right of the leader of a political party that won the European elections in the United Kingdom in 2014.

It seems to me that with all the anti—Trump rhetoric that is coming from everywhere, actually what we are hearing is the true nature of the European project, which is genuine anti-Americanism. Trump is motivated by protecting the United States of America from Islamic terrorism, whereas what has happened in this room and in governments around Europe is you have welcomed these people into your own homes.

But can we just for a moment look at the facts, amongst all the hyperbole and the hysteria? All that Donald Trump has done is taken seven countries that were identified by President Obama as posing a risk to the USA. Obama had already put in place extreme vetting; what Trump has done is, for 90 days, to say ‘let’s examine that vetting and see whether it is good enough’.

What I want to ask you, Mr Verhofstadt, and all the others, with your faux outrage today, is where were you when Obama in 2011 banned any Iraqi from going into the country for six months? Why do I hear no criticism in this Chamber, or from the Commission, of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and others, who have refused to take a single – not one – refugee or displaced person from Syria. And how can it be that on Holocaust Day last Friday, not a single one of you criticised the 16 countries in the world that ban Israeli Jews from even going to their country on holiday? What is this hypocrisy?

So perhaps what we need to do, Mr President, and through you to the Members, is to be a little bit more constructive. All of us here say we are democrats, well here is the chance to prove it. Let us invite President Trump to come here, to this European Parliament. I am sure that as democrats you would all agree that what we need to do is to have an open dialogue with the newly-elected most powerful man in the world. And if you throw that rejection back in my face then you prove yourself to be the anti-democratic zealots that I always thought you were.

(Applause from certain quarters)


  Presidente. – (Riferendosi all'intervento senza microfono dell'on. Verhofstadt "We should have Obama here in Parliament") Grazie, on. Verhofstadt.


  Marcel de Graaff, on behalf of the ENF Group. – Mr President, Mr Tusk recently said that the United States of America is as great a threat to the EU as Russia and the Islamic State. Is Mr Tusk suffering from irrational anxiety, from panic attacks that disturb his view on reality? President Trump has rightfully introduced a temporary stop on the entry of citizens from countries that were already identified by his predecessor Mr Obama – as Mr Farage has said already – as countries that pose a threat to US security. This argument to improve border controls before allowing people to enter is completely valid. In the EU, we are directly suffering from the consequences of failing border control. We have suffered attacks in Brussels, Nice, Paris and Berlin, and many have lost their lives or were severely injured.

Trump called the EU a mess, and he’s right – it is a mess. The outcry against President Trump is pure hypocrisy, as Mr Farage has already said. Where were the protests against exclusion of Israeli citizens by the same Islamic countries that are now banned from the United States? You should be ashamed for jeopardising the lives of EU citizens because of the failing border controls in the EU. And I call upon Mr Tusk and the Commission to follow the example of President Trump: install national border control; keep jihadists out, not just from the seven countries that President Trump has singled out, but from many more that are responsible for the wave of illegal migrants in the EU.

(Applause from certain quarters.)


  Bill Etheridge (EFDD). – Mr President, during Nigel Farage’s speech a Member of the British Labour Party sat behind him with a sign, all the way through, and not till the end did someone come down to deal with that. I trust that something will be done to discipline this Member, because if not I will write my own sign and go and sit over there. It might say something like ‘sell—out’.


  Presidente. – Abbiamo mandato i commessi a dire all'onorevole che non poteva esporre quel cartello.


  Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης ( NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η επιλογή Trump εκφράζει ανακατατάξεις ανάμεσα σε μερίδες του κεφαλαίου των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Οι απαράδεκτες απαγορεύσεις και τα μέτρα καταστολής της διακυβέρνησης Trump συνιστούν επικίνδυνη εξέλιξη. Βάζουν στο στόχαστρο εκατομμύρια μετανάστες και πρόσφυγες, μεγάλα θύματα του καπιταλιστικού συστήματος που διαχειρίζεται και η διακυβέρνηση Trump. Στόχος είναι η μέγιστη κερδοφορία των αμερικανικών επιχειρηματικών ομίλων σε βάρος των Αμερικανών εργαζομένων. Οι κινήσεις οικονομικού προστατευτισμού των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών που συγκεντρώνουν δυνάμεις στην αντιπαράθεσή τους με την Κίνα, επιχειρώντας προσέγγιση με τη Ρωσία, οξύνουν τις αντιθέσεις, δρομολογούν ανακατατάξεις. Το Brexit, η στήριξη των λεγόμενων ευρωσκεπτικιστών, αποτελούν απάντηση μερίδας του κεφαλαίου στην Ευρώπη που δεν κερδίζει όσα υπολόγιζε στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, αξιοποιώντας κιόλας και τη λαϊκή δυσαρέσκεια. Η συνοχή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και της ευρωζώνης θα δοκιμαστούν. Πιθανός είναι και ο σχηματισμός άλλων συμμαχιών εξίσου αντιδραστικών με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Οι λαοί πρέπει να απορρίψουν κάθε συμμαχία του κεφαλαίου και να βαδίσουν το δρόμο των δικών τους συμφερόντων για μια άλλη, νέα οργάνωση της κοινωνίας και της οικονομίας, αποδεσμευμένη από τις αλυσίδες των λυκοσυμμαχιών τύπου Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και ΝΑΤΟ.


  Federica Mogherini, VPC/HR. – Grazie Presidente, la ringrazio anche per le parole di rispetto.

I will switch to English because that might be better. Respecting the role of the Commission – and in particular, in my case being a Vice—President of the Commission and also a High Representative – is also a sign of respect for this Parliament, because I was asked to do this job by the European Parliament, which, to my knowledge, is elected, and, by the way, also by the European Council, which is composed of Prime Ministers who are elected.

I see that there is a lot of confusion in some parts of the UK. The United States is a great country and a great democracy. America will have to deal with its own divisions and discussions. I know that, as Europeans, we specialise in making every crisis our own crisis, but it is clear that this is an American crisis that which will have to be dealt with by Americans. They will have to sort this out somehow, starting with the dangerous divisions and polarisations we are seeing in the American political, institutional and societal dynamics. But I am confident that our American friends will find their way out of these tensions and crises and continue to be the great country that most of you recognise that they are, have been, and will continue to be.

What is up to us here is not to try and solve the American contradictions of the present, but to be clear on where we stand, to affirm our own values, our own policies and our own interests, and be true to them. Those of you who underlined this are completely right. This is also up to you in this Chamber, and to many others in the European institutions. Be strong and show leadership. We might have lost one important partner on some files, but this makes our leadership even more important, relevant, and, I would say, indispensable.

All around the world, be it in our region or very far away, people are now looking to the European Union – maybe not in the UK, but in the rest of the world – as a point of reference with regard to multilateralism, free and fair trade, human rights, respect – which for us is the basis not only of institutional relations but also of human relations – and our own, in Italian we would say ‘humanism’. I am not sure if that works in English. Europeans are like this. Sometimes we are not proud enough of what we are, who we are and what we can be.

I will end by saying that some great Americans, good friends, only a few months ago were reminding us, the Europeans – here in Brussels – that Europeans should believe in themselves as much as their friends in the world believe in them. I think that this is the time for us, as Europeans, to realise the potential we have, to realise the responsibilities we hold in this particular historic moment, and to be that strong point of reference that the world needs at this moment, in particular in our region.

I was thinking of the paradox that we will have Prime Minister al-Sarraj from Libya here tomorrow. That was natural and the invitation came before the executive order came out, but a Libyan citizen will be here in Brussels discussing ways out of the Libyan crisis with us. When you ban something and build a wall, you might have the feeling that you are more secure, but you are actually building walls all around yourself and preventing yourself from having many opportunities. We Europeans are not like that. We will continue to be true to our values and to our way of working – the European way, which puts cooperation before confrontation. I think we will have to be proud of that and to do that even more.



  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  José Blanco López (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Κώστας Χρυσόγονος ( GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Το διάταγμα του νέου προέδρου των ΗΠΑ που εκδόθηκε στις 27.1.2017, συνιστά προσβολή σε βάρος της ανθρώπινης αξιοπρέπειας. Με το διάταγμα αυτό ο νέος πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ απαγόρευσε για 90 ημέρες την είσοδο στη χώρα του κάθε πολίτη επτά συγκεκριμένων κρατών (Ιράν, Ιράκ, Συρίας, Λιβύης, Σομαλίας, Σουδάν και Υεμένης). Μια τέτοια γενική απαγόρευση, για ανθρώπους οι οποίοι διαθέτουν ατομική θεώρηση εισόδου και άρα έχουν κριθεί από τις ίδιες τις αμερικανικές αρχές ότι δεν είναι επικίνδυνοι, συνιστά δυσμενή μεταχείριση στηριγμένη αποκλειστικά στο γεγονός ότι είναι φορείς συγκεκριμένης εθνικότητας, χωρίς να υφίσταται εμπόλεμη κατάσταση μεταξύ των ΗΠΑ και των κρατών αυτών. Είναι μάλιστα αξιοσημείωτο ότι τουλάχιστον στην περίπτωση του Ιράν δεν υφίσταται καν κάποια μείζονος σημασίας εσωτερική αναταραχή ή ανωμαλία.

Στη βαθύτερη λογική του το διάταγμα της 27.1.2017 στοχοποιεί επομένως ανθρώπους ανεξάρτητα από τα ατομικά τους χαρακτηριστικά, απλώς και μόνο για να εξυπηρετήσει κάποιες πολιτικές σκοπιμότητες, συμβολικού ή άλλου χαρακτήρα, δηλαδή μετατρέπει αδιακρίτως τους πολίτες των επτά αυτών κρατών σε αντικείμενα προαποφασισμένης δυσμενούς μεταχείρισης από τις ΗΠΑ. Ελπίζω ότι τα αρμόδια αμερικανικά δικαστήρια θα αποδείξουν στον νέο πρόεδρο ότι δεν μπορεί να αγνοεί τα θεμελιώδη ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.


  Eugen Freund (S&D), schriftlich. – Noch hat der neue amerikanische Präsident kein Dokument unterschrieben, das direkte Auswirkungen auf Europa hat, aber indirekte: Wir haben das bei seinem Dekret gesehen, wonach keine Staatsbürger aus sieben moslemischen Ländern mehr in die USA einreisen dürfen – mit dem Resultat, dass sogar auf dem Flughafen in Wien Menschen aus dem Iran gestrandet sind, die ein gültiges Einreisevisum hatten. Sollen wir jetzt dem neuen amerikanischen EU-Botschafter die Akkreditierung verweigern, oder sollen wir gar Präsident Trump solange nicht nach Europa einladen, bis er die Einreiseverbote wieder aufhebt? Auch diese Vorschläge sind diskutiert worden. Ich bin der Ansicht, dass Europa nicht mit gleicher Münze zurückschlagen sollte – nicht zuletzt, weil unsere Flüchtlingspolitik auch nicht gerade ein Vorzeigeprojekt ist. Nein, Europa muss sich stärker auf eigene Beine stellen, näher aneinander rücken – auch das schafft Wärme, mit der man der Kälte, die über den Atlantik strömt, entgegenwirken kann. Und: So lange wird die Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump vielleicht gar nicht dauern. Ich bin nicht der einzige, der sagt, es könnte schon vor Ablauf der ersten Periode ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren geben. Damit würde man vielleicht Donald Trump loswerden, aber die USA würden von dieser prä-revolutionären Phase in eine noch schlimmere Krise schlittern.


  Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Ramón Jáuregui Atondo (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Benedek Jávor (Verts/ALE), írásban. – Elnök Úr, Trump elnöki rendelete a menekültek és egyes országok állampolgárainak kitiltásáról, beleértve az Amerikában zöld kártyával rendelkezőket is semmi másra nem alkalmas, minthogy elmérgesítse a helyzetet. Pökhendi és fölösleges lépés, ami semmilyen módon nem járul hozzá az állampolgárok biztonsággal kapcsolatos – amúgy jogos – elvárásainak teljesítéséhez. Ráadásul jól láthatóan az amerikai elnök személyes üzleti érdekei jobban befolyásolták a lista pontos összeállítását, mint a biztonsági megfontolások – egyébként semmi más magyarázata nincsen annak, hogy például Szaúdi-Arábia kimaradt a listáról. Amit elért Trump ezzel a rendelettel, az pusztán annyi, hogy tovább rombolta az amúgy is gyenge bizalmat a nemzetközi szintéren és növelte a feszültséget.

Márpedig a fokozódó feszültség eredménye nagy valószínűséggel további konfliktusok és újabb menekültek lesznek – azaz pont az ellenkezője a hivatalos célnak. Továbbá nem lehet eléggé hangsúlyozni, hogy a terrorizmus elleni harc keretei között is elfogadhatatlan a rendelet: nem lehet általános gyanúval élni embercsoportok ellen származásuk és/vagy vallásuk miatt. Ez az intézkedés tehát nem csak jogszerűtlen és ellentétes az emberiességgel, hanem egész egyszerűen ostoba, értelmetlen és eredménytelen – egy globális válsághoz vezető populista politikai manőver iskolapéldája.


  Barbara Kappel (ENF), schriftlich. – Die emotionale Debatte rund um die Reisebeschränkungen nach dem Dekret des US-Präsidenten verlangt es, Tatsachen auf den Tisch zu legen: Es gibt kein generelles Einreiseverbot für Muslime in die USA, vielmehr gilt ein 90tägiges Einreiseverbot für Personen aus sieben muslimischen Ländern. Es sind dies der Iran, der Irak, Libyen, Somalia, Sudan, Syrien und Jemen. Die Auswahl dieser sieben Länder hat einen besonderen Hintergrund, denn bereits 2011 hat Trumps Vorgänger, Barack Obama, sechs Monate lang Visa für irakische Flüchtlinge ausgesetzt. Die genannten Staaten sind von der Obama-Administration als „Quellen des Terrorismus“ identifiziert worden. Die Trump-Administration hat Personen mit zwei Staatsbürgerschaften von diesem Einreiseverbot ausgenommen. Es gibt gute Gründe, diese undifferenzierte Einreisepolitik zu kritisieren; allein, der Sicherheitsaspekt dahinter ist berechtigt.

Ebenso ist anzusprechen, dass seit 1948 Israelis in 16 muslimischen Ländern mit einem Einreiseverbot belegt sind. Die meisten davon befinden sich in der betroffenen Staatengruppe. Und Präsident Trump sagte dazu: „Um es klar zu machen: Dies ist kein muslimischer Bann. Hier geht es nicht um Religion, es geht um Terror und darum, unser Land zu schützen“. Wenn in den nächsten 90 Tagen „sichere“ Maßnahmen in Kraft gesetzt werden, dann werden die USA wieder Visa für diese Länder erteilen.


  Javi López (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al derecho internacional impulsadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación socialista española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.


  Elena Valenciano (S&D), por escrito. – La UE debe reaccionar de forma contundente, clara y unida contra las medidas arbitrarias y contrarias al Derecho internacional adoptadas o anunciadas por la nueva Administración de los EE.UU., que se muestra hostil hacia la UE, hacia América Latina y hacia el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. La Delegación Socialista Española propone las siguientes medidas:

1. Solicitar a la Comisión Europea un informe jurídico sobre el impacto de las nuevas disposiciones migratorias norteamericanas, concretamente sobre los efectos del veto a la entrada en los Estados Unidos para los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad, de un país europeo y de alguno de los estados afectados.

2. Pedir a la Alta Representante Mogherini que llame a consultas al embajador de la UE en Washington.

3. Negar el plácet a Ted Malloch, al que el presidente Trump pretende nombrar embajador ante la UE, por sus declaraciones hostiles al euro y a la propia existencia de la UE.

4. Pedir a los Estados miembros que no reciban al presidente Trump mientras mantenga esta política de hostilidad y desprecio a los derechos humanos.

5. Solicitar un debate con resolución en el próximo pleno para fijar la posición del Parlamento Europeo sobre las relaciones Europa-EEUU en este nuevo contexto.

Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik