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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 1 February 2017 - Brussels
 1.Resumption of the session
 2.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting: see Minutes
 3.Verification of credentials: see Minutes
 4.Composition of committees and delegations: see Minutes
 5.Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 69c): see Minutes
 6.Transfers of appropriations: see Minutes
 7.Action taken on Parliament’s resolutions: see Minutes
 8.Delegated acts (Rule 105(6)): see Minutes
 9.Implementing measures (Rule 106): see Minutes
 10.Documents received: see Minutes
 11.Order of business
 12.Travel restrictions following US President executive orders (debate)
 13.State of the Energy Union (debate)
 14.Managing migration along the Central Mediterranean Route (debate)
 15.Situation in South Sudan (debate)
 16.Rule of law crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Gabon (debate)
 17.Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation (debate)
 18.Bilateral safeguard clause and stabilisation mechanism for bananas of the EU-Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement (debate)
 19.Sustainable management of external fishing fleets (debate)
 20.Implementation of Erasmus + (debate)
 21.An integrated approach to Sport Policy: good governance, accessibility and integrity (short presentation)
 22.One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
 23.Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes
 24.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings (764 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings (3148 kb)
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