3. Pajjiżi terzi li ċ-ċittadini tagħhom għandu jkollhom viża fil-pussess tagħhom u dawk iċ-ċittadini li huma eżentati minn dik il-ħtieġa: il-Georgia (dibattitu)
Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Mariya Gabriel, a nome della commissione per le libertà civili, la giustizia e gli affari interni, sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che modifica il regolamento (CE) n. 539/2001 del Consiglio che adotta l'elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini devono essere in possesso del visto all'atto dell'attraversamento delle frontiere esterne e l'elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini sono esenti da tale obbligo (Georgia) (COM(2016)0142 - C8-0113/2016 - 2016/0075(COD)) (A8-0260/2016).
Мария Габриел,докладчик. – Г-н Председател, скъпи колеги, изминахме дълъг път преди днешното финално гласуване за отпадане на визите за грузинските граждани. Това е признание за постигнатото от грузинските власти и граждани. Днес е исторически ден не само за Грузия, но и за Европейския съюз. Въвеждането на безвизов режим за Грузия бележи нов етап в отношенията ни със страната.
Благодаря на всички колеги за силната подкрепа в процеса на работа по това ключово досие. Пътят до днес не беше лек. Но усилията си заслужаваха в името на грузинските и европейските граждани. През септември компетентната комисия LIBE прие с голямо мнозинство доклада ми. Така получих мандат за водене на преговори от името на Европейския парламент. Междувременно Съветът/държавите членки обвързаха влизането в сила на визовата либерализация за Грузия с укрепването на механизма за суспендиране на безвизовия режим. Това отложи стартирането на междуинституционалните преговори. То стана възможно след постигане на споразумение по механизма за суспендиране през декември миналата година.
Силата на Европейския парламент е, че сме последователни в действията си. Винаги сме отстоявали една позиция: при изпълнени всички критерии, визовият режим се либерализира. Радвам се, че Съветът подкрепи многократно заявявания ни ангажимент за постигане и на бързи резултати в процеса на либерализиране на визовия режим за Грузия. Едновременното влизане в сила на механизма за суспендиране и визовата либерализация за Грузия бележи крайния успех на тези усилия.
Премахването на изискването за визи за Грузия е силен сигнал към гражданите. Тук специално искам да им благодаря за последователността, търпението и силата на демократичните им убеждения. Грузия не само изпълни всички изисквания, поставени от Европейския съюз, но и надгради над тях. По този начин и общата визова политика на Европейския съюз се доказва като ефективен инструмент за външна политика в диалога с нашите партньори. Грузия постигна значителен напредък при провеждането на широкообхватни и комплексни реформи. Това доближи страната още повече до европейските ценности и демократични стандарти.
Грузия е стратегически важен партньор на Европейския съюз в рамките на европейската политика на съседство и по-специално на Източното партньорство. Нещо повече – страната играе ключова роля и в усилията на Европейския съюз за укрепване на общоевропейската сигурност. Европа трябва да бъде обградена от приятели и партньори. Ето защо е важно да изпълним собствения си ангажимент към страната за премахване на изискванията за визи. Така ще гарантираме задълбочаване на отношенията ни в дух на взаимно доверие и диалог.
Въвеждането на безвизов режим е от съществено значение и за грузинските, и за европейските граждани. Не бива да забравяме, че реалното доближаване на грузинците до нашите общоевропейски ценности е възможно само при условие че им бъде гарантирана свободата да пътуват безвизово. Само така можем да споделяме нашите култури, да насърчаваме икономическото и политическото сближаване, да затвърждаваме позицията на Съюза като важен фактор в региона.
Не на последно място бих искала да призова Съвета сега и за започване на преговори без повече забавяне по визовата либерализация за Украйна. Нека отговорим на очакванията на нашите партньори. Те също са изпълнили критериите.
В заключение бих искала да призова да подкрепим днес силно визовата либерализация за Грузия по време на гласуването. Така ще изпълним собствения си принцип за визова реципрочност. Вярвам, че днес Европейският парламент ще отправи силно положително послание към грузинските граждани. Разчитам на Вашата подкрепа.
Dimitris Avramopoulos,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, let me start by expressing our thanks to Ms Gabriel for the excellent job she has done. She was behind all these efforts in order to arrive where we are today. Georgia has been exemplary in fulfilling a demanding roadmap which allowed us to propose to you – and the Council of course – visa liberalisation for its citizens. I am therefore very pleased that Georgian citizens with biometric passports will soon be able to travel to the Schengen area without a visa for a short period of up to 90 days. It is a very important achievement indeed, and it has been a long process.
The EU-Georgia visa liberalisation dialogue, as you will remember, started in June 2012. The continuous monitoring and reporting carried out since then showed that Georgia has made the necessary progress. Georgia has undertaken all the necessary efforts to meet all of the benchmarks. Therefore, following the positive assessment of the progress report, the Commission proposed in March 2016 to lift the visa requirement for Georgian citizens holding a biometric passport. This will be done by amending the Visa Regulation. This proposal also took into account overall EU-Georgia relations.
The hard work, really hard work, of the Georgian authorities over the past two years has paid off. The Commission will continue to monitor Georgia’s continuous compliance with the visa liberalisation criteria, in particular on fighting organised crime. Because, as I have said on other occasions, these reforms bring Georgia closer to European Union standards, facilitating cooperation with the European Union and bringing the country a step forward on its European path.
I would like to remind you that visa-free travel for Georgia will enter into force at the same time as the revised suspension mechanism, even though they are two separate issues. In addition, the suspension mechanism applies to all visa-free countries horizontally, not just to Georgia. It will be an important tool to further enhance security for the European Union, but also a catalyst that will enable our visa liberalisation policy to expand.
Visa liberalisation with Georgia is an essential contribution to strengthen cultural and economic ties between Georgian and EU citizens because, let’s not forget, visa-free travel is a tangible tool of European integration that directly concerns the citizens. I would like to share personal experience with you. When I first visited Tbilisi as European Commissioner, I was very impressed by the many European Union flags around the city – I would say more European flags in Georgia than in Brussels. I was touched, because in a period where we here in the European Union, in the Member States, take our Union for granted and where we see anti-European rhetoric develop, the citizens of Georgia remind us what a unique achievement of peace, stability and prosperity the European Union is.
Dear Members of the European Parliament, let me conclude by calling on you to support the proposal on the table later during the vote.
Andrejs Mamikins, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. –
Mr President, dear colleagues, dear Georgian friends, I would like to say some words about the process of adoption of the visa-free regime with Georgia. It was very ugly. The Council’s idea to connect the visa-free regime between the EU and Georgia and Ukraine with the visa suspension mechanism was, in my opinion, a bad idea. As a result, an unexpected delay occurred and nobody could say when this process would be finished. Some EU country leaders publicly declared that they were glad to see these Eastern European countries on the way of European integration, but at the same time behind closed doors they put their feet on the brakes and started to blackmail the European Parliament. In this way they tried to solve their internal political problems.
Colleagues, in politics as in a business company, reputation of reliable partners is a very valuable thing, and the reputation of the EU in this case, in my opinion, was seriously damaged. I would like to apologise to our Georgian friends for this unpleasant experience. Nevertheless, dear colleagues, now in this Chamber among us is the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, the best friend of the European Parliament and Europe, his Excellency Irakli Kobakhidze. Dear Georgian friends, I hope that today’s decision will give impetus for the new achievements in cooperation between Georgia and the European Union. Fulfilling all the criteria for adopting the free visa regime was not an easy task but the Georgians have done a great job. It is a very important step on the path of the European integration of Georgia. It is a great achievement of the Georgian people, politicians, civil society, students and so on.
Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señor presidente, señor comisario. Felicito a la ponente Maríya Gabriel por su trabajo tan profesional y tan comprometido y, asimismo, al pueblo y a las autoridades georgianas. Tal y como ya he manifestado en reiteradas ocasiones, Georgia merecía desde hace mucho tiempo la exención del visado, ya que cumplía todas las exigencias recogidas en el artículo -1 del Reglamento n.º 539/2001. Nunca entendí la vinculación innecesaria de este expediente con otros en negociación. Desde mayo del pasado año hemos trabajado intensamente para mejorar el mecanismo de suspensión, de cuyo informe —como saben— soy ponente.
Espero sinceramente que la aprobación definitiva del mecanismo, el corrigendo que realizaremos durante la próxima sesión plenaria, sirva para asegurar la entrada en vigor definitiva del acuerdo de exención de visados que hoy debatimos. Nadie entendería ninguna dilación que impidiera su firma el 1 de marzo, su publicación más allá del 9 de marzo y su entrada en vigor antes del final del mismo mes.
Por ello le pido a la Presidencia de turno la mayor diligencia posible para realizar todos los trámites pertinentes con el Consejo que supongan la aprobación definitiva de ambos expedientes, su firma y su publicación. Este Acuerdo profundizará y mejorará las relaciones recíprocas entre Georgia y la Unión Europea. Y como ya se ha demostrado en otros muchos casos, producirá efectos beneficiosos para ambas partes en ámbitos tan dispares como la seguridad, el turismo, la cultura o la defensa y, sobre todo, servirá para acercar mucho más a Georgia a Europa.
Birgit Sippel, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Bereits im Dezember 2015 attestierte die Europäische Kommission: Georgien hat alle Kriterien des Aktionsplans zur Visaliberalisierung erfüllt. Voilà! Dass die Menschen in Georgien dennoch bis heute auf diese Visaliberalisierung warten, lag auch an den Mitgliedstaaten, die dann diese Visaerleichterung zusätzlich an einen sogenannten Aussetzungsmechanismus knüpften. Dank der Hartnäckigkeit und Kompromissbereitschaft des Europäischen Parlaments und insbesondere unseres Berichterstatters konnten wir diesen Mechanismus jetzt beschließen – zu klaren Bedingungen und gegen den Willen des Rates, inklusive eines Mechanismus demokratischer Kontrolle durch dieses Haus.
Georgien hat lange genug auf die hart erkämpfte Visaerleichterung gewartet. Es wird Zeit, diese Reisefreiheit endlich in Kraft treten zu lassen.
Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, it was a long way for Georgians, regardless of their political option. It was a long way for many of us participating in the first Congress of Polish Solidarność, extending a friendly message to all nations suffering under Communist rule. I welcome this report, and I await quick decisions concerning Ukraine.
Nathalie Griesbeck, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, je me réjouis évidemment, comme mes collègues, de la finalisation de cet accord de libéralisation et je voudrais saluer l’excellent travail que nous avons réalisé avec Mariya Gabriel, notre très efficace rapporteure.
La Géorgie a démontré, ces dernières années, une volonté très claire de rapprochement avec l’Union, une volonté politique mais surtout une volonté concrète, qui s’est traduite par un certain nombre de réponses à tous les critères qui avaient été exigés et imposés, comme cela a été rappelé à l’instant, et qu’elle a réalisé toutes les avancées nécessaires afin de pouvoir bénéficier de ce régime de libéralisation.
Si je salue ces avancées, il faut cependant insister sur le fait que ces nombreuses réformes mises en œuvre par la Géorgie ne doivent pas être, bien sûr, le fait d’un jour. Elles doivent être maintenues, consolidées et pérennes dans tous les domaines clés que sont l’indépendance et le pluralisme des médias, l’indépendance de la justice, le respect des droits des minorités ainsi que la lutte contre la criminalité organisée.
Cet accord marque une étape importante dans l’approfondissement des relations, mais aussi parce que la Géorgie est un acteur, un partenaire clé, un partenaire stratégique dans le cadre de la politique européenne de voisinage et plus particulièrement du partenariat oriental. Je pense notamment – et j’insiste - à la coopération dans le domaine des affaires intérieures et de la lutte contre la criminalité organisée.
Dans ce contexte, dans notre contexte géopolitique extrêmement instable et pour certains citoyens, angoissant, il n’y a pas besoin de longs commentaires pour comprendre combien il est stratégique d’établir des relations privilégiées avec ces pays du sud du Caucase, pour en faire des partenaires et des amis, des amis aussi entre les citoyens.
Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Jag vill också välkomna förslaget. Det här hade kunnat gå mycket fortare. Vi hade kunnat bevilja visumlättnader mycket tidigare. Jag kan inte heller riktigt förstå det som herr Díaz de Mera tog upp här tidigare: att vi skulle invänta, att vi måste koppla det här till den så kallade upphävandemekanismen. De har ju inte direkt med varandra att göra. De har kopplingar på ett visst sätt, men de är inte någonting som man absolut måste ta tillsammans.
Det är ju så att Georgien sedan länge har uppfyllt alla kriterier för att få de här visumlättnaderna. Det som jag också välkomnar väldigt mycket är att det nu gäller att de georgiska medborgarna ska kunna få komma också till oss, och inte bara vi som ska få komma till dem utan visum, såsom det är idag. Så jag vill också lyckönska de georgiska medborgarna här idag, därför att jag tycker att det är på tiden att vi faktiskt tar det här steget nu.
När det gäller visumlättnader generellt så är ju vår inställning att det är väldigt viktigt att den fria rörligheten omfattar inte bara oss i Europa, utan att vi utvidgar den också till andra länder. Ju lättare människor har att röra sig över gränserna, desto bättre, menar vi också.
Egentligen så borde inga gränser få finnas i världen, men det är ju en utopi, så vi kan inte förvänta oss att det ska gå åt det hållet. Men jag vill verkligen välkomna det här förslaget idag, och hoppas att det kan träda i kraft så tidigt som möjligt och egentligen inte alls kopplat till den här upphävandemekanismen. Tack!
Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, well, the Treaty of Rome is burning. And while it’s burning you’re fiddling, specifically fiddling with visa restriction rules. A lot of people were very upset in this Chamber yesterday and there were some very disgraceful scenes, and it was the people who would like Britain to remain in the EU getting upset with the people on this side who want it to leave. Now the truth is finally dawning on you here that Britain is going to leave and the European Union is going to lose one of its biggest net contributors.
Perhaps it would be good for you to understand that the central issue on why we decided to leave was because of a loss of democracy and national sovereignty and control, and the biggest issue that brought that home to the British people was the issue of immigration, and specifically mass uncontrolled immigration, which is what we’ve had for many years, specifically from the European Union in great numbers since 1997. To give you an idea on those figures, last year the official figure is that we had 650 000 people come into the country, but there were 825 000 National Insurance numbers issued, so it’s out of control and nobody knows what the real figures are.
To come onto the specifics of what we’re discussing here, this is a technical change, I understand, which would give Georgia visa-free access to the European Union for a period of 90 days, and as the rapporteur Ms Gabriel says, the EU remains a very attractive destination. Well, it’s true that back in the 18th century Dr Johnson said the most attractive thing about Scotland was the road to England. That’s still true, and in the 21st century equivalent the most attractive thing for many countries on the periphery of Europe is the road somewhere else, and one can hardly blame them.
Now perhaps there is something that you should consider. The British people voted to leave the European Union for many reasons, and one of the biggest ones was mass immigration. You’re actually making the problem worse for the European Union because you are extending these visa arrangements to people, who can come, there are then very few or no checks, they can overstay their welcome, and once inside the Schengen area, they can move anywhere else that they like.
You are going to lose Britain, and I wish you well when we’ve left. I don’t want to destroy the European Union; if that’s what you want, then good luck to you. But you’re going to destroy your own project because the next countries that are going want to leave are Germany, Holland, France and more. So in your own interest. I think you should wake up to what’s happening in the real world.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8).)
Andrejs Mamikins (S&D), zilās kartītes jautājums. – Godātais kolēģi! Paldies, ka akceptējāt manu zilās kartītes jautājumu! Man tiešām ir prieks, ka drīzumā jūs nesēdēsiet šajā plenārsēžu zālē, par cik jūs tik gribat pamest gan šo posteni, gan cīnāties par to, lai jūsu valsts pamestu Eiropas Savienību. Bet pasakiet, par kādiem migrācijas draudiem jūs tikko runājāt? Jūs zināt, cik cilvēku dzīvo Gruzijā? Jūs tiešām saskatāt, ka aptuveni trīsarpus miljonu cilvēku ir drauds Eiropas Savienībai, ja viņi brauks padzert alu Rīgā vai padzīvot viesnīcā Berlīnē? Paldies!
Gerard Batten (EFDD), blue-card answer. – Well, there were two parts to your question. The first one was about Brexit, and I can tell you that we want to leave as quickly as possible. I am the UKIP Brexit spokesman, and I’m writing a plan which would get Britain out of the European Union a very much a great deal faster than Theresa May’s, and soon as it’s done I’ll be happy to send you a copy. The day that I leave here and Britain is restored as an independent country, I will be very, very happy, and pleased to make you happy as well.
The second part of your question was about 3.7 million people in Georgia, I believe, and it’s not about the actual numbers in Georgia – we’ve had this from every country in the European Union. We were told that about 13 000 people would come from Poland. I think that the figure is at least 700 000 – it’s over a million, probably, and we in Britain have no problem with people going to other countries. It’s a matter of numbers and the degree. That is the problem.
Vicky Maeijer, namens de ENF-Fractie. – En weer krijgt een dubieus land van Brussel visumliberalisatie cadeau, deze keer Georgië. Terwijl Europa wordt geteisterd door georganiseerde misdaad uit het voormalige Sovjetland mogen straks miljoenen Georgiërs vrij door Europa reizen. Eerder waren het de asielprocedures die massaal door Georgische criminelen werden misbruikt om in Europese steden te komen roven, stelen, afpersen en mishandelen. Dat is straks niet meer nodig, want criminelen wordt het door visumvrijstelling namelijk supersimpel gemaakt om op rooftocht te gaan. Uit cijfers van 2016 bleek dat alleen al in Duitsland in één jaar tijd meer dan 8000 Georgische criminelen waren geregistreerd en het kan Brussel ondertussen allemaal niet schelen.
Nederland moet zelf beslissen wie er wel en wie er niet ons land binnenkomt. Het vrij verkeer van personen is ondertussen al verworden tot vrij verkeer van asielzoekers, terroristen en wapens. Mijn partij is voor veiligheid. De PVV is tegen meer Europese Unie en daarom is mijn fractie tegen de visumvrijstelling voor Georgië.
(De spreker gaat in op een "blauwe kaart"-vraag (artikel 162, lid 8, van het Reglement).)
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. – Dear colleague, you come from a European country. Your country has important European values, and you are Europeans because of your traditions, culture, history and values. So is Georgia. They fulfilled all the benchmarks required in order to receive this, and they are also a European country, and we have to send them the message that they could become one day Members of the European Union. That’s why we have to implement, as soon as possible, this visa liberalisation for Georgian citizens. Don’t you agree that you and all the other MEPs, who come from European countries, have to support this – not to be against?
Vicky Maeijer (ENF), "blauwe kaart"-antwoord. – Uiteraard steun ik dat niet. Want vrijheid en veiligheid zijn de waarden die ik verdedig, die mijn partij verdedigt. Om die te kunnen verdedigen is wat wij nodig hebben absoluut niet méér Europese Unie, maar minder Europese Unie.
Steven Woolfe (NI). – Mr President, when Ms Merkel made the monumental error of judgment by opening the doors of Germany to those from all countries without positive checks, we now have seen the consequences. The European Union, in its desire to continue to extend its influence – or, as some would say, its empire – is doing two things. The first of those is making the same mistakes by not making sure it checks those who are coming in. In the Library of Congress on Georgia, it says that borders with Turkey are porous and dangerous for terrorists. In June of last year, the Georgian newspaper Rezonansi reported that ISIS had established a special—purpose vehicle brigade of 600—700 terrorists to use Georgia as a transit corridor for ISIS. Please do not make the same mistakes, with your huge desire to have open borders between all countries of Europe, that Merkel made last year.
Michał Boni (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to give special thanks to Mariya Gabriel, the rapporteur. I would like to take this one minute and turn to Georgia’s citizens. Dear Georgians, today’s decision of the European Parliament is one of the last miles in your visa liberalisation marathon. You deserve it, and I am proud to be part of the decision by voting in favour. Liberalisation of the visa regime provides you with a lot of opportunities and advantages. Use it to the benefit of the development of your country. To meet the visa liberalisation benchmarks was a challenge to which you have risen. There will be more reform challenges from the Association Agenda to meet. I am convinced that the decision on visa liberalisation will yield even more energy and enthusiasm to deliver on those new challenges.
Dear Georgians, your country is not suspicious. You are a very proud, brave European nation. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Ana Gomes (S&D). – O regime de isenção de vistos entra a Geórgia e a União Europeia é desejável e devido, já que a Geórgia há mais de um ano que tomou todas as medidas necessárias para corresponder aos padrões de exigência da União Europeia. E o seu povo e instituições estão empenhados na consolidação da democracia e imbuídos de um espírito pró-europeu, como eu pude constatar, como chefe da missão de observação do Parlamento Europeu às eleições na Geórgia, há uns meses.
Torna-se mais importante ainda que este regime entre sem demora em vigor, face às mudanças tectónicas a ocorrer no contexto político internacional, com Trump, Presidente dos Estados Unidos, a servir a estratégia de Putin, visando destruir a União Europeia e a democracia.
Precisamos, por isso, de reorganizar forças e de apoiar todos aqueles que, na Geórgia, se opõem à ocupação russa do seu território e trabalham pela intensificação das relações económicas e políticas com a União Europeia. A isenção de vistos facilitará o intercâmbio de pessoas a todos os níveis e dará às forças democráticas na Geórgia sinal claro de que queremos ajudá-los a consolidar a sua democracia e a sua autonomia.
As minhas saudações ao Presidente do Parlamento da Geórgia e à sua delegação, que hoje estão aqui connosco, e à colega Maria Gabriel pelo seu empenho como relatora neste processo.
Sajjad Karim (ECR). – Mr President, it amazes me how our Parliament can be the best of parliaments and the worst of parliaments in the same session, all at the same time. Whilst I rise and it gives me a huge amount of personal pleasure to be able to congratulate Georgia on such a tremendous achievement, let me also make it clear that the vast majority of this House stands absolutely united in rejecting the alternative facts and the bare racism that is demonstrated by a very small minority of people in this House, who speak about things that they do not understand. I apologise to colleagues for my anger that is coming through today, but may I echo the words of our Commissioner when he stands and says that Georgia made him proud. Let our Commissioner know that this House stands united behind him because we have all seen those same flags in Georgia. We have seen their commitment. We have seen how their sovereignty and territorial integrity remains compromised but yet they stand firm, through their people, on their European way. Let Europe stand firm with them. We owe it at least to them to stand united in the face of these alternative facts and this changing geopolitical situation that is emerging in the world today.
Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE). – Klausimas, ar panaikinti Gruzijos piliečiams vizas, visų pirma yra ir klausimas, ar Europos Sąjunga nori turėti efektyvią išorės santykių politiką. Gruzija jau seniai siekė suartėjimo su Europos Sąjunga, dėl to atliko daug sunkių reformų, dėl to jie ir daug nukentėjo nuo savo ne itin draugiškos kaimynės. Ir visa tai vyko žinant, kad mainais už Gruzijos europėjimą siūlomi tokie apdovanojimai kaip bevizis režimas. Todėl panaikindami vizas Gruzijos piliečiams mes parodysime, jog Europos Sąjunga laikosi savo įsipareigojimų ir paskatinsime kitas mūsų kaimynes plėtoti gerą valdymą ir demokratiją, saugoti žmogaus teises ir laikytis rinkos ekonomikos principų. Visi žinome, jog reformos buvo sėkmingos. Gruzija yra demokratiška, stabili šalis, gerbianti žmogaus teises ir besilaikanti europinių vertybių.
Λάμπρος Φουντούλης (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, δεν θα έπρεπε καν να συζητούμε σοβαρά την προοπτική απελευθέρωσης βίζας για τους υπηκόους της Γεωργίας. Η συγκεκριμένη χώρα αντιμετωπίζει τεράστια προβλήματα διαφθοράς και έχουν εντοπιστεί πολλές φορές πλαστά διαβατήρια. Επιπλέον, αντιμετωπίζει εκτεταμένο και άριστα οργανωμένο έγκλημα, το οποίο και έχει ήδη εξάγει σε αρκετές χώρες της Ένωσης. Επίσης, το πολιτικό προσωπικό της χώρας θυμίζει άλλες εποχές και καταστάσεις, με πρώην προέδρους να γίνονται μέχρι και νομάρχες σε γειτονικές χώρες, μήπως και αποφεύγουν τη φυλακή με την υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως βεβαίως. Όσον αφορά τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, οι λαοί της Αμπχαζίας και της Νοτίου Οσετίας στους οποίους και αναφέρετε στην έκθεση σαν πληθυσμούς, λες και ομιλείτε περί προβάτων, έχουν βιώσει και συνεχίζουν να βιώνουν καθημερινά τις «προόδους» της Γεωργίας στον τομέα αυτό που μέχρι και εισβολή με τις ένοπλες δυνάμεις της πραγματοποίησε εναντίον αμάχων και αναγκάστηκε τελικά να αποσυρθεί όταν τα ρωσικά άρματα έφτασαν λίγα χιλιόμετρα έξω από την Τιφλίδα. Όλα αυτά συμβαίνουν με την υποστήριξη της Ενώσεως, που υπερασπίζεται το δικαίωμα στην αυτοδιάθεση των λαών πολύ επιλεκτικά.
Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to openly declare my support for granting a visa-free regime to the Georgian people. I have met many Georgians, especially young Georgians, and I am happy to observe their enthusiasm and dedication to the idea of bringing their country closer to the EU. They feel that European roots are an essential part of their identity and I believe that the Georgian nation does indeed deserve to have a European future one day.
However, in these difficult times, we need to pragmatic and look well at the reasons why we should support Georgia. One such reason is the increasingly tense security situation in the Black Sea region. Georgia is strategically important, not just as a transit country but also as the only pro-western littoral state along the eastern shores of the Black Sea.
Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Mr President, I very much welcome the visa—free regime for Georgia. We are today in a highly volatile political context, we need our strategic partners more than ever, and we need to prove to them that they can rely on us. Georgia has shown its strong commitments towards European values and integration, and it undertook reforms that were not easy. Despite the visa-free delays, Georgia’s citizens demonstrated once again in the recent parliamentary elections what they stand for, and it is high time to give them tangible signals – in fact, nothing more than what we promised, and what they have been waiting for for too long. According to the European Commission report, Georgia was already meeting the visa liberalisation Action Plan requirements in December 2015 and it is a pity that our Georgian partners had to wait until now to reach this important objective. Finally, considering that all necessary elements are in place, I hope also that the visa liberalisation process for Ukraine will be completed with no further delay.
Zgłoszenia z sali
Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Mr President, that the EU countries recently exercised caution in their visa liberalisation policy after an uncontrolled influx of more than a million refugees and migrants can be easily understandable. However, considering the hard geo-political choices Georgia has made about the country’s future and the far-reaching and difficult reforms it has implemented in the Justice and Home Affairs area, it is time for the EU to show that once its benchmarks are fulfilled, it can also deliver on its promises. I agree with the rapporteur that the visa waiver for Georgian citizens should prove an important tool for enhancing economic and cultural relations, and provide a stable framework for a dialogue on fundamental rights. Ultimately, in difficult political weather, it could also be one small step for Europe in securing democratic development in its turbulent neighbourhood.
Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'esenzione dal visto per i cittadini georgiani che viaggiano nell'Unione europea rappresenta uno strumento importante per rafforzare le relazioni economiche e culturali con questo importante paese, ma anche per intensificare il dialogo politico sui diritti umani e le libertà fondamentali.
La Georgia è un partner strategico dell'Europa nel quadro della politica di vicinato e, in particolare, del partenariato orientale. L'accordo di associazione tra l'Unione europea e la Georgia firmato nel 2014 ha contribuito a portare le relazioni a un nuovo livello e ha rafforzato la cooperazione in molti settori. Utile potrà essere l'apporto del paese dell'ex Unione Sovietica nella lotta contro la criminalità organizzata, compresi terrorismo, corruzione e tratta di esseri umani.
Negli ultimi due anni, la Georgia ha compiuto i progressi necessari e ha soddisfatto tutti i parametri di riferimento stabiliti nel piano d'azione sulla liberalizzazione dei visti. Pertanto, valuto positivamente la decisione di esentare dal visto i cittadini georgiani che viaggiano nell'Unione europea.
Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, την ώρα που η Ελλάδα και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αντιμετωπίζουν τεράστιες προσφυγικές και μεταναστευτικές ροές η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, αποφασίζει να απαλλάξει από την υποχρέωση θεώρησης τους πολίτες της Γεωργίας που ταξιδεύουν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση για σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα. Βεβαίως η απόφαση κατάργησης της βίζας οδηγεί τη Γεωργία ένα βήμα πιο κοντά στην ευρωπαϊκή της πορεία. Όμως, για να συμβεί αυτό, πρέπει να διασφαλιστεί ότι η Γεωργία σέβεται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, το κράτος δικαίου και τα δικαιώματα των μειονοτήτων. Δεν θα πρέπει να ξεχνούμε ότι στη Γεωργία υπάρχει ελληνική μειονότητα που επί εκατοντάδες χρόνια ζει και εργάζεται σε αυτή τη χώρα. Καλούμε λοιπόν τις αρμόδιες αρχές της Γεωργίας να σεβαστούν πλήρως τα δικαιώματα της ελληνικής μειονότητας και επιπλέον να μεριμνήσουν ούτως ώστε να παραδοθούν στους Έλληνες Πόντιους τα σπίτια τους, τα οποία, δυστυχώς, έχουν καταληφθεί παράνομα από τρίτους.
Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE). – Mr President, I think that today we have an excellent reason to congratulate both the European Union and Georgia. Let’s be frank: Georgia has made a great step forward towards Europeanisation. We have to admit that Georgia’s progress in many areas, such as the fight against corruption, the judiciary, better border control, and producing better passports for its own citizens, is self—evident. But of course Georgia has not completed everything and I wish Georgia all the best on its way.
But, colleagues, let us again be frank. We have even better reason to congratulate the European Union, since today the European Union is building a partnership and not a wall, as unfortunately some countries are doing in today’s world. I am very hopeful that Ukraine will follow suit and that we will in a short time approve the decision on visa liberalisation for Ukraine.
Kinga Gál (PPE). – Elnök Úr, Georgia sikeresen teljesítette a számára meghatározott feltételeket, ezzel is demonstrálva elkötelezettségét az Unióval kialakítandó szorosabb kapcsolatok mellett. Ezzel a maga részéről mindent megtett a vízumkötelezettség eltörléséhez. A felfüggesztési mechanizmus a visszaélések elkerülésére megszületett, ezért most az Unión a sor az ígéreteinek betartására. Az Unió szavahihetősége a tét, ha a vízummentesség megadása tovább halogatódik, ez a térség felé rossz geopolitikai üzenetet közvetítene. Számunkra a kezdetektől fogva prioritást élvez, Magyarország számára is, hogy az Európai Unió Georgiát felvegye a vízummentes országok listájára. Személyes meggyőződésem is az, hogy a biometrikus útlevéllel rendelkező grúz állampolgárok már jó ideje vízummentesen kellene, hogy utazzanak.
Ugyanúgy, ahogy az ukrán állampolgárok is. Hiszen Ukrajna – Georgiához hasonlóan – kiérdemelte a vízummentességet. Minden uniós feltételt teljesített, a kettős mérce nem indokolt.
Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já podporuji zrušení krátkodobých víz pro Gruzii. Tato země je naším důležitým partnerem a také usiluje o přidružení do NATO. Gruzie splnila všechny podmínky, a jak tady řekl pan komisař, tak Evropská komise bude dál sledovat plnění podmínek pro to, aby trval bezvízový styk. My jsme přijali mechanismus pozastavení bezvízového styku, čili nemusí zde být obavy, že bychom v případě velkého nárůstu migrantů či velkého nárůstu žádostí o azyl nemohli bezvízový styk zastavit. Gruzie si prošla velmi složitým obdobím a myslím, že můžeme pogratulovat Gruzíncům, že dosáhli svých cílů, je to pro ně důležitý signál, že se vyplatí bojovat a pokračovat i nadále v reformách. Já bych si přála, abychom dosáhli stejného pokroku a stejného úspěchu v liberalizaci víz s Ukrajinou.
(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)
Dimitris Avramopoulos,Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members of Parliament, let me start by expressing my thanks for this debate. I am really glad at the end of this session that there is a large consensus in this House on the need to keep the promises the European Union has made to the people of Georgia. The Georgian Government has indeed worked very hard to fulfil all the benchmarks of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan, and I would like to commend and praise once again the government for its commitment.
Should there be any problems after visa liberalisation, the revised suspension mechanism is there to deal with that. We will continue to monitor the situation. There is no need to delay this important file any further. Let us proceed with the voting on the report by Ms Gabriel, which will bring us one step closer to the conclusion of the whole procedure to grant visa-free travel for the citizens of this great country.
Мария Габриел,докладчик. – Г-н Председател, г-н Комисар, искам най-напред да благодаря на колегите за подкрепата и за ясните послания. Благодаря Ви, г-н Комисар, за постоянния диалог и доброто сътрудничество по нелеката работа по това досие. Искам да кажа само две неща. Одобрението днес за безвизово пътуване на грузинските граждани не е жест. То е признание, то е и предизвикателство. Признание за свършеното от грузинските власти, признание за отстояването на общите ни европейски демократични ценности и от грузинските граждани.
Днешният вот е и предизвикателство. Предизвикателство да продължим да задълбочаваме партньорството си с Грузия, предизвикателство за нашите културни, икономически и политически връзки. Затова призовавам Съвета максимално бързо да финализира процедурата, за да може преди края на месец март да изпълним ангажимента си.
Още веднъж, когато говорим за визи, нека винаги не забравяме, че говорим за гражданите. Дължим им го в името на нашите общи споделени ценности, в името на нашата обща сигурност, в името на нашето общо бъдеще. Сега трябва да преминем и към последния етап на процедурата.
Przewodniczący. – Mam poczucie, że wziąłem udział w historycznej debacie. Cieszę się, że ją prowadziłem. Pozdrawiam naszych gruzińskich przyjaciół na galeriach dla publiczności.
Zamykam debatę.
Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 2 lutego 2017 r.
Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)
Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), napisan. – Gruzija je važan trgovinski partner EU-a, te ključni akter u pogledu sigurnosnih izazova u području Istočnog partnerstva. Upravo radi toga, potrebno je osnažiti načelo po kojem svaka zemlja koja je uspješno zadovoljila sva mjerila može ostvariti koristi liberalizacijom viznog režima, ali kriteriji koji su doveli do liberalizacije moraju se sustavno poštovati. Gruzija je postigla očite napretke u provedbi akcijskog plana za liberalizaciju viznog režima (VLAP), te uspjeh u pogledu dostizanja potrebnih mjerila. Takvo što donosi znatne prednosti i za gruzijske građane. Iako je Gruzija zemlja stabilne demokracije, koja je pokrenula konkretne mjere u borbi protiv organiziranog kriminala, uključujući trgovinu ljudima, terorizam i korupciju, potrebno je dodatno pojačati napore koji se ulažu u ostvarivanje napretka u području slobode medija, neovisnosti pravosuđa te pravednog provođenja izbora.
Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Gruusia on juba mõnda aega valmis viisavabaduseks ELiga ning on hea, et Euroopa Parlament selle heaks kiitis. Viisavabadus aitab kaasa inimestevaheliste kontaktide loomisele ning ka majandussuhete edendamisele. Loodetavasti saame üsna pea edasi liikuda ka Ukrainale viisavabaduse kehtestamisega.
Tibor Szanyi (S&D), írásban. – Az Európai Unió szomszédságpolitikájának fontos eleme a Keleti Partnerség, amely központi szerepet játszik az EU keleti határán húzódó térségek stabilitását és demokratizálását célzó törekvéseinkben. Figyelemmel arra is, hogy ez egyaránt szolgálja az érintett partnerek és az EU tagállamai érdekét, a Grúziával kötött társulási megállapodás végrehajtása, ennek keretében pedig a vízumliberalizációs akcióterv teljesítése érdekében végzett közel ötéves intenzív munka alapján Grúziát szomszédságpolitikánk egyik sikertörténeteként értékelhetjük. A vízummentes utazás lehetősége – amelyet egyébként a grúz fél már korábban egyoldalúan biztosított az uniós állampolgároknak – a lakossági kapcsolatok és üzleti lehetőségek új területeit nyithatja meg.
Természetesen nem lehet szem elől téveszteni, hogy az Európai Unió a Grúziából kivándorolni szándékozók legkedveltebb célpontja, de a megelőző parlamenti viták és az előterjesztés alapján úgy vélem, a megállapodásban előirányzott monitoring és felfüggesztési mechanizmus kellő biztosítékot nyújt az esetleges visszaélésekkel szemben. Megjegyzem, hogy az EU szempontjából kedvező értékelés ugyanígy vonatkozik a grúz esettel gyakorlatilag párhuzamosan tárgyalt ukrán EU-vízumliberalizáció megítélésére, amelynek sikeres végrehajtása minkét partnerünk számára az európai értékekhez és demokratikus struktúrákhoz való kapcsolódás fontos állomását jelenti.
Janusz Zemke (S&D), na piśmie. – Popieram wspólny wniosek Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie zwolnienia obywateli Gruzji z wymogu posiadania wiz wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej, jeżeli posiadają oni paszporty biometryczne. Pamiętajmy, że Gruzja uczyniła pierwszy krok, znosząc obowiązek wizowy dla obywateli wszystkich państw UE, w przypadku gdy ich pobyt na terytorium Gruzji nie przekracza 90 dni. Przyjęcie podobnych środków w stosunku do obywateli Gruzji będzie ważnym instrumentem zacieśniania kontaktów kulturalnych i gospodarczych z tym państwem. Gruzja jest kluczowym partnerem UE w ramach wspólnej polityki sąsiedztwa. Powinno nam zależeć na stopniowym zbliżaniu UE i Gruzji. To rozwiązanie będzie istotne zwłaszcza dla studentów, naukowców, nauczycieli i przedsiębiorców. Równocześnie jednak UE powinna monitorować sytuację w Gruzji, podkreślając znaczenie praworządności i niezawisłości sądownictwa w tym państwie.