 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2015/2086(INL)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A8-0370/2016

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 02/02/2017 - 4
CRE 02/02/2017 - 4

Votes :

PV 02/02/2017 - 7.2
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Jeudi 2 février 2017 - Bruxelles Edition révisée

8.2. Aspects transfrontaliers des adoptions (A8-0370/2016 - Tadeusz Zwiefka)
Vidéo des interventions

Explications de vote orales


  Michela Giuffrida (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Unione europea deve essere un'opportunità per i cittadini e non un ostacolo. La situazione di una famiglia con bambini adottati che decide di trasferirsi all'estero si può trasformare in un incubo burocratico: potrebbe addirittura succedere che il procedimento di adozione non venga riconosciuto, potrebbe essere necessario avviare nuove pratiche – sarebbe come chiedere, in pratica, a un bambino di rinascere. E se la valutazione del secondo paese fosse diversa, che cosa succederebbe? Si creerebbero situazioni paradossali.

Ho votato a favore di questa relazione perché chiarisce che l'adozione non è il diritto di una coppia a diventare genitori ma il diritto di un bambino a vivere in un ambiente stabile, affettuoso e premuroso. È comprensibile che gli ordinamenti giuridici degli Stati membri siano diversi, ma nel rispetto del principio della sussidiarietà è necessario intervenire. Il primo passo potrebbe proprio essere l'adozione di un regolamento per il riconoscimento automatico dei provvedimenti di adozione nei paesi membri.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Paní předsedající, svým hlasováním jsem podpořila zprávu o návrhu nařízení Rady o přeshraničních aspektech osvojení, které navrhuje zavést automatické uznávání vnitrostátních rozhodnutí o osvojení vydaných v jednom členském státě jiným členským státem. Takové pravidlo umožní uznat rozhodnutí soudu nebo jiného příslušného orgánu o adopci vydané v jiném členském státě. Avšak v žádném případě nezasahuje do vnitrostátních pravidel adopce. Považuji za důležité toto uvést jako pravý důvod, proč jsem podpořila tento návrh zprávy. Já osobně nesouhlasím s tím, aby děti byly dávány k osvojení registrovaným partnerům, ale jsem přesvědčena o tom, že tento návrh zprávy není o tomto rozhodnutí a nezasahuje do vnitrostátních legislativ, které plně rozhodují o podmínkách adopce ve své působnosti.


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). – Madam President, the adoption of children is a very important and sensitive task for our societies, and is especially so for Latvia. It is a shame that a lot of children still live in special state institutions, not in their families. States should take all decisions in adoption matters with the best interests of the child in mind, and with respect for his or her fundamental rights, while always taking into account the specific circumstances of the particular case. The child should always be given the opportunity to be heard without pressure and express his or her view on the adoption process, taking into account his or her age. No decision on adoption should be taken before the biological parents have been heard. I am convinced that the interests of the children have to be taken in consideration as the only main criterion. I voted in favour, of course.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Г-жо Председател, уважаеми колеги, гласувах „въздържал се“ по доклада на колегата Звефка, тъй като не смятам, че е необходима намеса на Съюза в сфери, които попадат в суверенитета на държавите членки. Изборът на най-силния правен аргумент за хармонизация на законодателството – регламента по конкретна тема, е също доказателство за намеса във вътрешната политика на държавите – членки на Съюза.

Същевременно подкрепям засилването на съдебното сътрудничество в областта на осиновяванията, защото е наш морален дълг да осигурим максимална възможност за защита на една от най-уязвимите групи в обществото. Семейството е основата на едно общество. Именно поради тази причина трябва да съумеем да намерим баланса, така че едновременно да защитим правата на семейството и да не отнемаме правомощията на държавите членки по политики, формирани въз основа на културни и исторически фактори и традиции.


  Anna Záborská (PPE) – Adopcia musí byť v najlepšom záujme dieťaťa. To, kedy je tento záujem splnený, si zákonmi definujú členské štáty. Ak Európska únia štátom nariadi automaticky uznávať aj osvojenia, ktoré ich vlastné zákony neumožňujú, bude to hrubý zásah do ich výlučných právomocí v oblasti rodinného práva. Výsledkom takéhoto zásahu bude, že najlepší záujem dieťaťa pre celú Úniu definuje členský štát s najliberálnejšími zákonmi. V ostatných štátoch vznikne schizofrenická situácia a ich súdy budú musieť riešiť diskriminačné žaloby. Snaha spravodajcu definovať minimálne normy pre osvojenie je chvályhodná. Mala sa však zastaviť tam, kde sa pohľad členských štátov na rodinu a osvojenie dieťaťa rozchádzajú. Preto som túto správu nemohla podporiť.


  Daniel Hannan (ECR). – Madam President, now here is a subject with an apparently cross-border aspect. Adoptions do take place across national borders, and it seems sensible to have a framework. Of course, immediately one runs up against the fact that most cross-border adoptions are not limited to EU Member States. There is a lot of adoption that takes place from outside the EU. And here’s the good news: it is regulated by an international framework; it is regulated by the Hague Convention of 1993. So why do we need additional EU regulation that applies narrowly only to one part of the world? I suppose it is conceivable that there are some gaps that need to be filled in. But again countries could surely opt in on a bilateral or multilateral basis without needing to involve the entire bureaucracy of the European Union? I have said it before and I’ll say it again: international cooperation beats supranational government every time.


  Branislav Škripek (ECR). – Madam President, a European regulation where the rights of the child are prioritised should be welcomed. However this report calls for measures that we should absolutely reject. In the name of convenience and harmonisation of documents, children would be at the risk of being trafficked across borders. Already some Member States have seen a dramatic rise in the number of children being taken into care away from their biological parents. Research into abuse consistently shows that natural parents are the ones least likely to abuse their children.

We cannot put children at risk by loosening the strict adoption procedures in place, by imposing a poor, one-size-fits-all European regulation. A child needs both father and mother to flourish. Let us invest in supporting that most important family unit, helping biological parents raise their children even in difficult circumstances.

Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité