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Procedūra : 2016/2312(INI)
Procedūros eiga plenarinėje sesijoje
Dokumento priėmimo eiga : A8-0023/2017

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Debatai :

PV 14/02/2017 - 16
CRE 14/02/2017 - 16

Balsavimas :

PV 15/02/2017 - 7.9
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Posėdžio stenograma
Antradienis, 2017 m. vasario 14 d. - Strasbūras

16. 2016 m. ataskaita dėl Albanijos (diskusijos)
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest sprawozdanie sporządzone przez Knuta Fleckensteina w imieniu Komisji Spraw Zagranicznych w sprawie sprawozdania Komisji za rok 2016 dotyczącego Albanii (2016/2312(INI)) (A8—0023/2017)


  Knut Fleckenstein, Berichterstatter. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Seit Sommer 2014 ist Albanien Kandidat für den EU-Beitritt, und seitdem macht Albanien stetige Fortschritte bei der Erfüllung der Beitrittskriterien beziehungsweise der noch ausstehenden sogenannten key priorities. Die größte Errungenschaft des Landes und aller politisch Verantwortlichen, der Regierungsmehrheit und der Opposition, ist ohne Zweifel die Verabschiedung einer umfassenden Justizreform. Ich beglückwünsche deshalb die Regierung und die Kolleginnen und Kollegen im albanischen Parlament, die durch ihre einstimmige Annahme der nötigen Verfassungsänderung den Weg für diese Justizreform frei gemacht haben.

Die Reform der albanischen Justiz ist ein Meilenstein, sowohl auf dem Weg in die EU als auch und vor allem auf dem Weg zu einem modernen Albanien – ein Albanien, dessen Bürger sich auf ihren Staat verlassen können, weil er ihre Rechte wahrt, schützt und verteidigt.

Mein Bericht spricht sich dafür aus, die Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Albanien zu eröffnen, wenn die ersten Schritte zur Umsetzung der Justizreform angelaufen sind. Denn dies sind ja auch dann die ersten Umsetzungsschritte beziehungsweise Voraussetzungen zur Bekämpfung von Korruption und organisierter Kriminalität. Das erfordert natürlich zunächst einmal einen „Vetting-Prozess“, bei dem alle Richter und Staatsanwälte einer Überprüfung unterzogen werden.

Am Vetting hängt die Glaubwürdigkeit und die Wirksamkeit der gesamten Justizreform. Ohne eine ernsthafte Überprüfung der Mitglieder der Justiz könnte es keine ernstgemeinte Justizreform geben. Die Justizreform ist ein langjähriger Prozess und die Implementierung wird parallel zu den Beitrittsverhandlungen weiterlaufen.

Für den Alltag der albanischen Bürger sind weniger Korruption und weniger Kriminalität, organisierte Kriminalität zentral. Albanien braucht anhaltende Erfolge bei der Bekämpfung organisierter Kriminalität, nicht nur bei der polizeilichen Ermittlung, sondern auch bei der Strafverfolgung bis zur höchsten Ebene und bei der endgültigen Zerschlagung der kriminellen Netzwerke.

Die Verwaltungsreform muss weiterlaufen. Es geht nicht nur darum, dass die öffentliche Verwaltung Albaniens in der Lage ist, effizient mit der EU Beitrittsverhandlungen zu führen. Es geht vor allem darum, den Interessen der Bürger zu dienen und für ihre Belange da zu sein.

Der Bericht hat viele andere Punkte. Es geht um die Wirtschaft, um den Fortschritt im sozialen Bereich, um Umweltstandards, den Schutz von Minderheiten und eine verantwortungsbewusste Arbeit als Akteur in der regionalen Partnerschaft. Und natürlich geht es auch um einwandfreie, saubere Wahlen in diesem Jahr. Vote buying in einem Albanien auf dem Weg in die EU ist nicht denkbar.

Wir sind bereit, diesen Kurs mit voller Kraft zu unterstützen. Ich danke ausdrücklich meinen Schattenberichterstattern für die gute Zusammenarbeit. Sie haben wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass das Europäische Parlament mit einer starken Stimme spricht, wenn es morgen den von mir vorgelegten Bericht verabschiedet.


  Ian Borg, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur. Let me first of all welcome the steady progress Albania has made in addressing the five key priorities of the opening of accession negotiations. These are positive signals, showing that Albania is on the right path, and we encourage it to continue these efforts.

Let me also mention, in particular, the major step Albania has taken with the pivotal constitutional amendments which opened the way to a comprehensive reform of the judicial system, as well as the continued efforts for reforming the public administration. Moreover, we also welcome the adoption of the decriminalisation legislation, which should enhance citizens’ trust in their political representatives and public institutions. We now look forward to its effective implementation.

However, significant challenges lie ahead and further efforts are still needed. In particular, it will now be essential to pursue the comprehensive and thorough reform of the justice system, including the court system. This implies carrying out the re-evaluation of all the members of the judiciary. Efforts need to be intensified in the fight against corruption and organised crime, and it is important to achieve tangible and sustainable results in these two areas.

I would also like to underline that further progress is key to consolidate achievements towards a more efficient, depoliticised and professional public administration. Let me also reiterate the need for effective legislative and policy measures to reinforce the protection of human rights and anti-discrimination policies, including the equal treatment of all minorities and access to rights for persons belonging to them. Albania also needs to implement property rights.

The European Council will consider the opening of accession negotiations once Albania has met all the five key priorities, and this represents a strong incentive to move forward. A constructive and sustainable dialogue between the government and the opposition on EU-related reforms will be vital for the success of these endeavours. This will also be of particular relevance during the finalisation of its electoral reform, ahead of the next round of parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for June 2017.

Moreover, I would like to commend Albania’s progress made in several aspects beyond these five key priorities. In particular, we welcome its generally constructive engagement in regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations, which remain an essential element of the enlargement process. In this respect, occasional actions and statements which negatively impact on good neighbourly relations are counterproductive and should be avoided. The Council also commends Albania for its full alignment with the EU’s common foreign and security policy. Finally, we note the progress the country has made regarding its fight against radicalisation, extremism and terrorism, and we encourage further efforts in these fields.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Fleckenstein, for his work on drafting this text and his significant coordination efforts, and I would like to include in these thanks the shadow rapporteurs. The work finally resulted in a very balanced text. The resolution captures not only the progress that Albania has made in the past year but also the challenges that lie ahead in order to move the country closer to the European Union.

I particularly welcome the emphasis that this resolution places on the reform of the justice system. The consensual adoption in July 2016 of constitutional amendments that paved the way for a deep and comprehensive judicial reform was a major step for Albania on its EU path. The resolution is right to commend Albania strongly for these efforts. Similarly, the Commission agrees with Parliament’s assessment that full and timely implementation of this justice reform remains the utmost priority in Albania.

Particularly relevant, of course, is the swift kick-off of the re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors, the so-called vetting process. The vetting process has now begun, with the establishment of the vetting bodies, and sustained commitment and focus in this area is necessary for Albania to further advance in its EU accession process.

The Commission’s conditional recommendation on the opening of accession negotiations was clear in this regard. This judicial reform is a major demand from Albanian citizens and its successful implementation will foster public trust in state institutions, enhance the credibility and effectiveness of the justice system and contribute to the entrenchment of the rule of law throughout the country. Moreover, it will bring tangible benefits including economic stabilisation and an increase in foreign investments.

Beyond judicial reform, the resolution also provides a clear review of progress on other rule-of-law matters and key priorities for Albania, in particular, on the fight against organised crime and corruption. Albania needs to demonstrate further progress, with a view to establishing a solid track record of investigations, prosecutions and convictions in the fight against organised crime and corruption at all levels. High-level corruption needs to be tackled more effectively, and proactive and effective investigations need to be stepped up.

The same goes for the challenge posed by organised crime. More results are needed in dismantling organised criminal networks that operate locally, regionally and globally. In this regard, let me assure you that the Commission will be increasing its technical engagement with Albania on rule-of-law matters. This enhanced engagement will help Albania better address the challenges in this area.

I would also would like to comment on the emphasis that the resolution attaches to a number of processes that fall outside the scope of the five key priorities but are nevertheless crucial to consolidating the credibility of the state and its institutions. For instance, as outlined in this resolution, Albania urgently needs to finalise the reform of the electoral system. Cross-party consensus is necessary to guarantee that outstanding OSCE/ODIHR recommendations are met. This includes, in particular, the transparency of party financing as well as the independence and professionalism of the electoral administration. Since general elections will take place on 18 June 2017, the focus must now be kept on visible and targeted adjustments to the electoral code.

Lastly, we agree with Parliament’s assessment that the implementation of the decriminalisation process has brought a number of results. That being said, it must also be applied rigorously in view of the upcoming general elections.

The Commission maintains its strong commitment to supporting Albania’s efforts to advance further towards European integration, and looks forward to continuing fruitful cooperation with the European Parliament in the months ahead.


  Eduard Kukan, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, it is important to welcome Albania’s continuous progress in EU integration. I hope this trend will continue and that we will be able to set a date for opening the accession negotiations soon. We should appreciate political consensus leading to adoption of the justice reform. Once implemented, it will significantly strengthen citizens’ faith in the judiciary and the rule of law. I would like to stress my full support for this reform, and to the International Observation Mission, which is going to oversee its implementation. Albania should continue addressing the key priorities and show a credible track record for their implementation. This will make it possible to advance further in the integration process.

At the same time, sustainable political dialogue is crucial for the country. Therefore, I want to appeal to Albanian politicians to make efforts and address the OSCE recommendation before the upcoming elections. The elections are an important test for a functioning democratic system and a mature political culture. These elections will be also an occasion for political parties to observe the implementation of the decriminalisation law. It is a chance for a new political culture, avoiding the nomination of people with a criminal past to public office. My thanks to colleague Fleckenstein for the excellent work on this file and for a very good draft resolution.


  Victor Boştinaru, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, Mr President-in-Office, again I can state today without a shadow of a doubt that Albania has made tremendous progress towards meeting the political criteria for membership and the implementation of the five key priorities for the opening of accession negotiations and beyond that. Moreover, the Albanian ruling majority has proved its leadership and demonstrated its commitment to make every effort to ensure a constructive political dialogue and to build on the existing political consensus on EU integration to pursue their reform agenda.

National unity is needed to open the paths of the EU integration to Albania. I can assure that on this path you will constantly have our group’s support and the European Parliament’s support too. On 9 November last the Commission recommended conditional opening of the accession, and I hope that the Commission will confirm the opening of a chapter for Albania.


  Ελένη Θεοχάρους, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας ECR. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Αλβανία έχει κάνει πραγματικά πρόοδο όσον αφορά τον εκδημοκρατισμό της χώρας και την απαγκίστρωση των εγκληματικών στοιχείων από την διοίκηση. Πρέπει, ωστόσο, να κάνει ριζικές μεταρρυθμίσεις όσον αφορά την δικαιοσύνη και τον σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Είναι υποχρεωμένη να προχωρήσει στις αλλαγές τις οποίες καταγράφει λεπτομερώς η έκθεση. Ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα είναι δυστυχώς η μετατροπή της Αλβανίας σε εκτροφείο ακραίων μουσουλμανικών στοιχείων, με τη διείσδυση φανατικών μουσουλμάνων από την Τουρκία και τη Σαουδική Αραβία. Ταυτόχρονα, η Αλβανία εφαρμόζει πολιτική εθνικού ξεκαθαρίσματος της ελληνικής μειονότητας, παραβιάζοντας κάθε έννοια δικαίου στις μειονοτικές περιοχές, μετακινώντας μουσουλμανικούς πληθυσμούς στις νότιες περιοχές της χώρας και αλλοιώνοντας έτσι τη δημογραφική σύνθεση του πληθυσμού. Ο σεβασμός των δικαιωμάτων όλων των μειονοτήτων είναι απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για τον εκδημοκρατισμό της χώρας και την πρόοδο της ενταξιακής διαδικασίας. Η ελληνική μειονότητα τελεί υπό διωγμό. Στις μειονοτικές περιοχές επικρατεί τρομοκρατία. Απαγορεύεται η χρήση της ελληνικής γλώσσας, γίνονται διοικητικές αλλαγές για να μην μπορούν οι μειονοτικοί να εκλέξουν όργανα τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης. Καταπιέζονται οι Έλληνες όσον αφορά την εκπαίδευση των παιδιών τους και τη λειτουργία των μειονοτικών σχολείων και πανεπιστημίων, για την άσκηση των θρησκευτικών τους καθηκόντων. Οι περιουσίες των Ελλήνων υφαρπάζονται από το αλβανικό κράτος, δήθεν για λόγους δημοσίου συμφέροντος και παραχωρούνται σε γνωστά εγκληματικά στοιχεία που συνεργάζονται με το αλβανικό κράτος. Ένα σημείο της έκθεσης το οποίο θα πρέπει να ξαναδούμε είναι ότι καλεί και τις δύο πλευρές, δηλαδή την Ελλάδα και την Αλβανία, να αποφεύγουν δηλώσεις που προκαλούν ένταση. Η επισήμανση αυτή είναι άδικη για την Ελλάδα, η οποία επί μακρόν φιλοξενεί Αλβανούς πολίτες, προσφέροντας τους εργασία, στέγη, εκπαίδευση και κάθε είδους βοήθεια ενώ, αντιθέτως, η αλβανική κυβέρνηση υποδαυλίζει αλυτρωτικές τάσεις και εδαφικές διεκδικήσεις σε βάρος της Ελλάδας. Προσφάτως υπήρξαν κρούσματα ακόμη και στον ελληνικό στρατό από φαντάρους αλβανικής καταγωγής, οι οποίοι φωτογραφίζονται να κάνουν το σήμα της Μεγάλης Αλβανίας, υποκινούμενοι προφανώς από τα Τίρανα. Δεν πρέπει να απομακρύνουμε τον αλβανικό λαό από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αλλά να του πούμε την αλήθεια και να δώσουμε στην ηγεσία του να καταλάβει ότι με τις τακτικές που υιοθετεί δεν βοηθά τον εξευρωπαϊσμό της χώρας. Με το να χαϊδεύουμε την Αλβανία θα οδηγήσουμε την κατάσταση σε κάτι ανάλογο με αυτό που έγινε στην Τουρκία.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, first of all I would like to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Fleckenstein, for his significant efforts in the preparation of this progress report on Albania. In the light of this, we should clearly recognise Albania’s role for regional stability in its full alignment with relevant EU declarations, demonstrating clear commitment to European integration.

As a Member of the European Parliament from a Balkan country, I fully support Albania’s accession to the EU and I am very happy that the Foreign Affairs Committee voted with a full majority for the accession negotiations to be opened as soon as there is credible and sustainable progress in the implementation of judicial reform and in the fight against organised crime and corruption. During the past year, Albania has made progress in key reform areas in domestic policies, and for that reason the Commission recommended the opening of the accession negotiations. Of course, challenges persist and the upcoming parliamentary elections in June 2017 will be crucial to further advance the EU accession process.

I believe the best opportunity for Albania to show its commitments towards the EU is by ensuring free and fair elections. All political actors and institutions have to guarantee that the elections will be held in compliance with international standards, and civil society organisations have to participate actively in the overview of the whole electoral process. In this regard, I call on the Albanian authorities to take measures to facilitate the possibility for Albanian citizens residing abroad to vote in Albanian elections outside the country.

In conclusion, the report underlines the improved political climate in Albania and the fact that some key reforms were consensually adopted in the parliament, notably measures on judicial reform and reorganisation of the judiciary. It clearly highlights challenges that Albania is facing and some of the positive steps that the Government has taken to deal with them – for example, its efforts to counter violent extremism, and the adoption of key pieces of anti-corruption legislation. But more should be done to improve the climate of inclusion and tolerance of all minorities.


  Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, μιλούμε για ένα κράτος, την Αλβανία, από τα φτωχότερα της Ευρώπης, το οποίο αντιμετωπίζει σοβαρότατα προβλήματα στη λειτουργία του. Υποστηρίζουμε την ενταξιακή πορεία της Αλβανίας, εφόσον αυτό είναι και η απαίτηση της πλειοψηφίας του αλβανικού λαού, ωστόσο, διαφωνούμε με την επιβολή οικονομικών μοντέλων που αποδεδειγμένα έχουν επηρεάσει σε τόσο αρνητικό βαθμό τους λαούς της Ευρώπης, όπως επίσης και με την απαίτηση για πλήρη ευθυγράμμιση της εξωτερικής πολιτικής της Αλβανίας με αυτή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Έχουμε χρέος, ως Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο, να εμβαθύνουμε τις σχέσεις μας με την Αλβανία και τον λαό της, να στηρίξουμε τη χώρα για την αντιμετώπιση των τόσο σοβαρών προβλημάτων που έχει, να στηρίξουμε τις προσπάθειες για εμβάθυνση, κυρίως, του κράτους δικαίου, για αντιμετώπιση της διαφθοράς και του οργανωμένου εγκλήματος. Χρειάζεται στήριξη για να αντιμετωπιστούν ζητήματα όπως η φτώχεια, η κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση, η αρμονική συνύπαρξη και η προστασία των μειονοτήτων που ζουν στην Αλβανία και χρειάζεται η εμπέδωση των σχέσεων καλής γειτονίας με όλα τα γειτονικά κράτη.

(Ο ομιλητής αρνείται ερώτηση με γαλάζια κάρτα του κ. Frunzulica.)


  Tamás Meszerics, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, let me first of all thank Mr Fleckenstein, the rapporteur, for the very balanced approach that he took as usual to this report and his very professional handling of the negotiations with the shadows. I think the quality of the text is largely due to his professionalism.

We are in desperate need of good news in the Western Balkans and it seems that Albania, just a few years ago one of the least likely providers of such good news, is able to provide us, and above all itself, with good news. I also would like to welcome the constitutional reform Albania has been successfully going through, which is a very difficult task – we all understand that – but we also know that when it comes to judicial reform it is the implementation which is the most difficult and the most important task. If Albania engages in this reform process according to its envisaged reform strategy, we will be very satisfied with that.

We Greens would be betraying our principles if we did not draw attention to some of the environmental concerns over hydroelectric plants threatening one of the most beautiful regions in the West Balkans, the Vjosa river. We urge the Albanian Government to reconsider those plans. We also believe that Albania should finally get rid of the practice of blood feuds because it is a threat to its most vulnerable children. Finally, while Albania’s reforms are not needed because of the EU but because of Albanian citizens, we should then keep our end of the bargain and engage very soon with the accession negotiations.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, les rapports se suivent et se ressemblent. Toujours cette litanie, «l’Albanie, le Kosovo, la Turquie auraient une vocation européenne». L’élargissement serait par définition bénéfique. Alors, il faut s’élargir, il faut élargir et on s’arrange avec la réalité, renvoyée à plus tard.

La réalité, la voici: l’Albanie est un État mafieux; la corruption et les trafics y sont endémiques; les réformes cosmétiques destinées à faciliter l’adhésion ne trompent que vous; les conflits des Balkans ne sont pas éteints comme les agissements de la Bosnie ou du Kosovo contre la Serbie nous l’ont montré; enfin, vous risquez de nous soumettre aux mains de cette mafia albanaise – la pire –, qui contrôle plus de la moitié du commerce de la drogue, du sexe, du trafic d’organes et de l’immigration en Europe.

C’est une trahison contre la civilisation européenne, c’est une trahison qui nous oblige, la France et bientôt d’autres pays, également, à quitter vos institutions européennes.




  Андрей Ковачев (PPE). – Г-жо Председател, г-н Комисар, ще се спра само на два елемента: първо на правата на малцинствените общности и след това на пътната и мобилна инфраструктура. Зачитането на правата на малцинствените общности е един от важните критерии, които кандидат-членките трябва да изпълнят по пътя към присъединяване към Европейския съюз. В тази връзка искам да напомня за българското етническо малцинство – единственото непризнато историческо малцинство, подложено на жестока денационализация от страна на комунистическата пропаганда по времето на Титова Югославия от 1944 година насам.

Хората с български етнически произход в Албания според различни източници наброяват между 50 и 100 хиляди души и чакат от десетилетия да бъдат признати за официално малцинство. За разлика от други общности, които са компактни, българската е разпокъсана главно в три различни региона, които не са свързани помежду си. Българската общност също е религиозно многообразна. Например в Преспа преобладават православните християни, в Голо бърдо тя е предимно смесена мюсюлманска и православна, докато в района на Гора преобладават мюсюлманите.

Освен това искам да призова да се ускори изграждането на железопътната връзка и магистралата между Тирана и Скопие като част от коридор № 8, който трябва да свърже Албания, Македония и България. Г-н Комисар, нещо много важно: за да има контакти на Балканите, на Западните Балкани, трябва да се намалят или да се премахнат и роуминг таксите за мобилен интернет и за телефонни обаждания, като страните, които се присъединяват, да се присъединят и към общия дигитален пазар, още преди да са се присъединили окончателно към Европейския съюз.


  Elly Schlein (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, volevo ringraziare il relatore per questa relazione e dire che questo è un anno importante per l'Albania. Sono anche particolarmente felice del parere positivo che è arrivato sull'apertura dei negoziati, che chiediamo da tempo. Il Parlamento giustamente riconosce i passi importanti compiuti da Tirana, in particolare la fondamentale riforma della giustizia, ricordando però che la coerente attuazione ed implementazione sono tanto importanti quanto l'adozione delle riforme e questo vale anche per le altre priorità fondamentali.

Servono ulteriori sforzi nell'attuazione della riforma della pubblica amministrazione e nella lotta alla corruzione e bisogna assicurare dei media indipendenti e pluralistici e anche i diritti delle minoranze. Questi, insieme a un sano dialogo politico tra la maggioranza e le opposizioni, sono condizione e presupposti indispensabili per una robusta democrazia.

Da ultimo, è importante che la commissione elettorale finisca i lavori in tempo per le prossime elezioni, tenendo in conto le raccomandazioni OSCE/ODIHR. Spero anche che si voglia considerare di far votare i tanti albanesi all'estero che mantengono vivo il rapporto con il proprio paese.


  Monica Macovei (ECR). – Mulțumesc, doamnă președintă. Albania a făcut progrese remarcabile în parcursul ei european, în special în ceea ce privește reforma justiției, lupta împotriva corupției și cooperarea regională.

Toate acestea sunt deocamdată la nivel de lege. A existat consens între putere și opoziție – foarte bine – pentru adoptarea acestei legislații. Însă cel mai important lucru, știm cu toții, este implementarea. Procesul de selecție și de numire a judecătorilor trebuie să fie corect și independent, la fel anchete, la fel condamnări, făcute independent, de oameni independenți și profesionist. Avem în iunie anul acesta alegeri în Albania și sper ca aceste alegeri să nu polarizeze puterea și opoziția, așa încât să pună în pericol reformele și aplicarea lor.

Aș vrea să reamintesc un lucru, valabil pentru toată lumea: singurul scop ca să câștigi puterea, pentru un partid politic sau pentru o persoană, este să îți servești națiunea și poporul și țara.


  Franz Obermayr (ENF). – Frau Präsidentin! Die Kommission bemängelt zu Recht die fehlende Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau in Albanien.

Ich fürchte allerdings, das wird sich dort nicht so schnell ändern, sondern das Problem, so glaube ich, wird sich verschärfen, denn Albanien ist Mitglied der Organisation für islamische Zusammenarbeit. Es ist höchst pikant, dass diese internationale Organisation beispielsweise die Teilnahme der Schwulen- und Lesbenverbände an der UN-Konferenz für HIV im Juni 2016 in New York verhinderte. Diese Organisation für islamische Zusammenarbeit ist nichts anderes als ein Instrument des politischen Islams Saudi—Arabiens und weiterer 56 mehr oder weniger islamischer Staaten.

Mit Albanien würde somit dem politischen Islam Tür und Tor geöffnet, und das wäre nach meiner Einschätzung ein weiterer Anschlag auf die sogenannten hochgepriesenen europäischen Werte. Somit sind Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Albanien zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt klar abzulehnen.


  Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Paní předsedající, pane komisaři, vítám zprávu Komise o Albánii jako další krok k integraci Albánie do Evropské unie a k zahájení přístupových jednání. Zpráva obšírně popisuje nedostatky, které brání integraci a odsunují asociaci na dlouhá léta.

Nezmiňuje však jeden z podivuhodných rysů albánské politiky. Tím je politická velkorysost, kterou Tirana nedávno projevila. V době, kdy Evropa žije uprchlickou krizí a xenofobní populismus jednotu Evropy nahlodává, Albánie dokázala v letech 2012 až 2016 projevit solidaritu. Přijala více než dva tisíce iránských mudžahedínů z uprchlického tábora Camp Liberty v Iráku.

Čin o to pozoruhodnější, že je Albánie jednou z nejchudších zemí Evropy. Čin, který nastavuje zrcadlo některým členským zemím EU neschopným integrovat ani několik stovek uprchlíků. Čin, kterým Albánie dokazuje, že je schopna ctít evropské hodnoty.


  David-Maria Sassoli (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Albania prosegue la sua marcia per entrare in Europa. I progressi compiuti dal paese stanno andando nella giusta direzione. Mi rallegro, anche in qualità di presidente del gruppo di amicizia Unione europea-Albania, nel vedere che il governo albanese sta mantenendo fede agli impegni presi. C'è una grande partecipazione intorno a questo processo.

L'ingresso dell'Albania sarebbe una grande opportunità per poter collaborare, per poter investire in un paese dalle grandi potenzialità, in una fase storica europea in cui molte nostre imprese fanno fatica ad essere competitive nel mercato globale. L'analisi dei vari criteri di processo di adesione dimostrano evidenti progressi nel settore della giustizia e per quanto riguarda gli interventi indirizzati a combattere la criminalità organizzata. Sul tema dei diritti umani, il quadro legislativo è in linea con gli standard europei, in particolare sul tema della libertà di espressione. Sappiamo quanto l'Unione europea sia sensibile su questo tema. Una richiesta di adesione, signora Presidente, che dimostra quanto sia miope la critica del variopinto mondo populista e antieuropeo. Chi è fuori dall'Unione europea sa benissimo quanto vantaggioso sia stare dentro e partecipare da europei alle sfide globali.


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR). – Уважаеми колеги, с разочарование научих, че колеги са поискали разделно гласуване по текстове на доклада, които предвиждат защитата на правата и законните интереси на българската общност в Албания. Категоричен съм: необходими са допълнителни условия да се защитят правата на хората с български етнически произход в района на Преспа, Голо бърдо и Гора, като бъдат включени в законодателството и гарантирани на практика.

Само през 2016 година над 2500 човека от Албания са поискали да възстановят своето гражданство на основа на своя произход. Там действат три български училища в Тирана, Корча и Билища, възстановява се църквата „Св. Николай“ в село Стеблево, област Голо бърдо, действа и църквата в село Гиновец. Стотици българи от Албания учат във висши учебни заведения, десетки се върнаха преподаватели в Елбасан и Тирана.

Кой ще посмее да отрече правото на тези хора да се самоопределят, както те желаят? Нали това се предполага, че трябва да се прави в тази зала? Нали на всяка сесия гледаме подобни въпроси, доклади, които защитават пламенно точно същите права на подобни общности по целия свят, извън Европейския съюз, от Китай до Екваториална Гвинея. Това би било цинично и нагло. Би било недопустим двоен стандарт и погазване на всички принципи, за които се говори в тази зала. Това би било унизително съучастие в продължаващите престъпления на коминтерновската пропаганда на Балканите.

Призовавам всички колеги да гласуват с два плюса при разделното гласуване на параграф 24 от доклада на колегата Флекенщайн.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE). – Madam President, I would like to welcome the very constructive report by my colleague Fleckenstein, because Albania is making encouraging progress in EU integration. In particular, their constitutional amendments from July 2016 will open the way to important judicial reform, which of course needs to be carried out. Continued cooperation and constructive dialogue between different political parties is vital and commendable and remains essential not only for Albania, but as a positive example for the whole region. So Albania has deserved the Commission’s recommendation to open accession negotiations.

Albania has also been active in regional cooperation, and I am impressed by its human dimension by accepting hundreds of UN—protected Iranian refugees from Iraq, where their lives were in imminent danger.

Last but not least, I would like to call on all political forces to address clearly and resolutely the claims of the recent Communist regime to agree on a moral and political assessment of these horrible deeds, providing us finally with truth and justice for the victims.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Hahn, δεν άκουσα κουβέντα από σας για την προκλητικότητα και το ανθελληνικό παραλήρημα της Αλβανίας, το οποίο δεν έχει σταματημό. Δεν σας άκουσα να λέτε τίποτα για την παράνομη αρπαγή των περιουσιών 123 οικογενειών της ελληνικής εθνικής μειονότητας της Βορείου Ηπείρου από τους Δρυμάδες της Χειμάρρας. Δεν σας άκουσα να λέτε τίποτε για τους βανδαλισμούς ενάντια στα σπίτια Ελλήνων της ελληνικής μειονότητας. Κύριε Hahn, η αναβίωση του αλβανικού εθνικισμού είναι ιδιαίτερα ανησυχητική. Πρέπει να αντιληφθεί η Αλβανία ότι οφείλει να σέβεται τα δικαιώματα της ελληνικής εθνικής μειονότητας της Βορείου Ηπείρου, τα οποία καταπατά βάναυσα, μιας μειονότητας με πληθυσμό άνω των 250.000 ατόμων, μιας μειονότητας η οποία στις 17 Φεβρουαρίου, σε τρεις ημέρες, θα γιορτάσει την επέτειο συμπλήρωσης 103 ετών από την ανακήρυξη της αυτονομίας της Βορείου Ηπείρου, στις 17 Φεβρουαρίου του 1914. Επιπλέον, τα Τίρανα με μοχλό τους Τσάμηδες και το Κόσοβο, έχουν αρχίσει πλέον να υποδαυλίζουν μια κατάσταση ανεπίτρεπτη. Προωθούν την αλυτρωτική ιδέα της Μεγάλης Αλβανίας και διεκδικούν αλλαγές συνόρων στα Βαλκάνια και εδάφη τα οποία ανήκουν στην Ελλάδα. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να λάβει μέτρα, να προστατεύσει την ελληνική εθνική μειονότητα της Βορείου Ηπείρου. Είμαι κάθετα αντίθετος με την έναρξη προενταξιακών διαπραγματεύσεων Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-Αλβανίας.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já jsem pozorně poslouchal celou debatu. Jako člověk, který byl v České republice odpovědný za reformu justice a za spravedlnost musím říci, že jsem velmi rád, že jedna z těch pěti priorit je spravedlnost a reforma justice a že to je téma číslo jedna v této debatě.

Ale musím také odpovědně říci, že reforma justice není pouze o změnách zákonů, není to pouze o institucionální nezávislosti justice a o případném rychlém přezkoušení soudců, je to proces na roky, je to proces velmi dlouhý, a já moc prosím Komisi a pana komisaře, aby si toto uvědomili. Abychom pouze formálně neřekli, že Albánie splní podmínky právního státu tím, že zavede určité zákony, ale právní stát fakticky musí fungovat. Bude tedy třeba zkoumat, jak tyto reformy v praxi budou působit, zda opravdu povedou k tomu, že justice bude nezávislá, že bude zbavena korupce a že se opravdu reálně svou výkonností a rozhodováním přiblíží evropským standardům.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'Albania ha compiuto progressi importanti negli ultimi anni, ma deve ancora completare un percorso di riforme. Penso all'adozione e alla riforma della Costituzione, che apre la strada ad una profonda e globale riforma della giustizia, la cui attuazione è essenziale per la lotta contro la corruzione e il consolidamento dello Stato di diritto.

L'Albania deve completare rapidamente la revisione del codice elettorale, tenendo conto delle raccomandazioni dell'Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa e rafforzando la trasparenza del finanziamento dei partiti e l'integrità dei procedimenti elettorali. Purtroppo, la corruzione resta elevata e diffusa in molti settori e continua a costituire un grave problema in Albania, erodendo la fiducia dei cittadini nelle pubbliche istituzioni. Sussistono ancora altre sfide chiave che riguardano lo smantellamento delle reti della criminalità organizzata e la necessità di rafforzare la protezione dei diritti umani e dei diritti delle minoranze, ma l'Albania è sulla buona strada per aderire all'Unione europea.


  Arne Gericke (ECR). – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar Hahn! Ich danke dem Kollegen Fleckenstein für seinen guten und fundierten Bericht über Albanien.

Ich meine, wir tun sehr gut daran, dieses Balkanland auf seinem Weg in die EU weiter kraftvoll zu unterstützen. Lassen Sie mich an dieser Stelle den katholischen Erzbischof von Tirana und Durres, George Frendo, zitieren: „Albanien hat keine Alternative zur EU. Freilich muss die Regierung noch einige Hausaufgaben machen. Da sind noch einige Reformen, die wir angehen müssen, vor allem bei der Rechtsprechung. Aber auch andere Dinge müssen angegangen werden, etwa die Kontrolle von Korruption und Fragen der sozialen Wohlfahrt. Außerdem braucht es neue Arbeitsplätze. Wir haben zu viele Arbeitslose im Land.“

Unterstützen wir das albanische Volk auf diesem Weg und machen wir unmissverständlich klar, wie wichtig der Kampf gegen Drogenhandel, Waffenschmuggel und Korruption ist! Hier liegt es am albanischen Volk selbst, Stolpersteine aus dem Weg zu räumen, die auf dem Weg in die EU stören. Aber wir müssen, wir können helfen.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Poštovana predsjednice, dijalog među političkim strankama u Parlamentu, dijalog između Vlade i opozicije, omogućio je danas Albaniji ovako pozitivnu raspravu. To je glavna poruka koja mora ići prema albanskom političkom tijelu. Moramo jasno reći da podržavamo njihov dijalog i ustavne promjene koje su u tijeku. Očekujemo njihovu implementaciju, ali očekujemo još puno toga.

Očekujemo rješavanje problema korupcije, naravno, ali i prava manjina i slobode medija. Sve to bit će moguće isključivo upravo ako se dijalog unutar albanskog političkog tijela zaista i nastavi. Zato, ja se radujem i ovoj novoj inicijativi, jadranskoj trilaterali. Radujem se onom što Albanija radi u sklopu jadransko-jonske makrostrategije Europske unije. Radujem se svim njenim uspjesima, ali očekujemo da to što je započeto, zaista nastavi i implementira.


  Jiří Maštálka (GUE/NGL). – Paní předsedající, návrh zprávy o Albánii za rok 2016 obsahuje z informačního a analytického hlediska řadu zajímavých informací. Zároveň podle mě obsahuje argumentačně zbytečná, ale výrazně zdůrazněná konstatování, například, že proces přistoupení Albánie k EU se těší široké podpoře veřejnosti. Asi by se těžko albánská vláda tohoto procesu účastnila proti vůli veřejnosti.

Těžiště dokumentu tvoří výčet problémů, které jsou z hlediska situace v Albánii a jejího zájmu o členství zásadní. Mám na mysli vysoký stupeň kriminality, korupci zasahující vrcholovou politiku nebo diskriminaci žen. Zpráva sice na jedné straně chválí Albánii za pokrok, zároveň ale jasně konstatuje, že výše uvedené problémy jsou zásadního rázu a jejich faktická existence musí mít při hodnocení prioritu před formálními kroky v oblasti legislativy či reformy justice. Je tedy otázkou, jak je možné správně chápat kupříkladu věrohodný pokrok v boji proti organizované trestné činnosti a korupci. Doporučuji dát Albánii více času.


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). – Torej, najprej bi se želel zahvaliti gospodu Fleckensteinu za odlično pripravljeno besedilo resolucije, za ves njegov vložen trud in delo, ki ga je vložil v to poročilo, in bilo je zelo konstruktivno in poučno sodelovati z njim.

To, kar je izpostavil že poročevalec v samem besedilu resolucije, Albanija dela stalen napredek na področju reform, ki zadevajo EU. Seveda je tu še veliko prostora za izboljšave, tudi na področju reform, ki se tičejo boja proti korupciji, svobode medijev in pa seveda tudi upravnih zmogljivosti.

Želel bi pa samo opozoriti, kot poslanec Zelenih, še na okoljevarstveno perspektivo in sicer še posebej zato, ker sem zaskrbljen nad podatkom Evropske komisije, da je kar 44 od skupno 71 hidroelektrarn, ki so planirane za gradnjo v Albaniji in načrtovane v okoljevarstvenih zaščitenih območjih, vključno seveda z reko Vjoso, in na to bi rad posebej opozoril.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la relazione del collega Flechenstein, che ringrazio molto per gli sforzi profusi, presenta molto bene il quadro attuale del paese e mi trova d'accordo con quasi tutto ciò che riguarda l'anticorruzione, la criminalità organizzata, le necessarie riforme amministrativa ed economica, nonché la libertà dei media e la tutela delle minoranze.

La massima priorità riveste senz'altro proprio la concreta implementazione invece della riforma del settore giudiziario per vincere le grandi, enormi sfide in tema di legalità che ancora attraversano l'Albania. Un paese che da sempre è un'area di transito tra Oriente e Occidente e proprio per questo intravedo una grande possibilità di sviluppare, unendo a questo paese, l'Albania, gli altri paesi del bacino del Mediterraneo, un'area di cooperazione e di pace.

Il cammino è ancora lungo verso l'adesione, ma deve essere un cammino fatto di progresso e di sforzi veri non solo sulla carta. Deve essere un obiettivo da raggiungere appunto con i fatti e, se saranno questi i presupposti, il nostro sostegno in questo percorso non mancherà.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος ( NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, όποιες προσπάθειες και αν καταβάλει η αλβανική κυβέρνηση για να δημιουργήσει προϋποθέσεις ενάρξεως των συνομιλιών για την ένταξη της χώρας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, τις υπονομεύει ουσιαστικά η ίδια για δύο λόγους. Ο πρώτος λόγος είναι ότι, είτε υποθάλπει, είτε ανέχεται τη δράση ορισμένων ακραίων κύκλων της χώρας, οι οποίοι στο πλαίσιο των σχεδίων για δημιουργία Μεγάλης Αλβανίας εκφράζουν επεκτατικές βλέψεις επί εδαφών όλων των γειτονικών χωρών. Σε ό, τι αφορά την Ελλάδα, αυτές τις απαράδεκτες βλέψεις έχει εκφράσει επισήμως ο ίδιος ο Πρωθυπουργός της Αλβανίας. Άρα, λοιπόν, η Αλβανία δεν δημιουργεί προϋποθέσεις για καλή γειτονία. Ο δεύτερος λόγος είναι η συνεχιζόμενη απαράδεκτη καταπάτηση των δικαιωμάτων της ελληνικής μειονότητας της Βορείου Ηπείρου. Γνωρίζετε πολύ καλά τα μέτρα της αστυνομικής τρομοκρατίας που λαμβάνονται κατά της ελληνικής μειονότητος, το γκρέμισμα των ορθοδόξων ναών, την απαγόρευση διδασκαλίας της ελληνικής γλώσσας στα σχολεία και πολλά άλλα. Όλα αυτά θα διορθωθούν, εάν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αποφασίσει να διακόψει άμεσα τις ενταξιακές διαδικασίες με την Αλβανία.


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). – Iskrena pohvala in zahvala in čestitke najprej gospodu Fleckensteinu za odlično poročilo. Na drugi strani pa tudi albanski vladi in vsem, ki delujejo v Albaniji, za napredek, ki je bil prepoznan v tem poročilu. Napredek, ki ga je tudi Komisija zaznala in na neki način ustvarja pogoje za odpiranje prvih poglavij v predpristopnih pogajanjih.

Nadaljevanje ustavnih in pravosodnih reform, prav tako boj proti korupciji in kriminalu, so ključne naloge, ki jih mora Albanija narediti v naslednjih letih, in skozi proces približevanja Evropski uniji je najboljša pot, da se naredi demokratizacija države, na eni strani, na drugi strani, da se izboljša sodelovanje v regiji, prav tako pa, da se, preko tudi s pomočjo berlinskega procesa in podobnega, vzpostavi boljše pogoje za delovanje mladih.

Veseli me, da je v berlinskem procesu sedaj organizacija, ki bo skrbela za sodelovanje mladih v celotnem območju Zahodnega Balkana, in s tem se vzpostavljajo pogoji tudi za izboljšanje položaja v celotni regiji.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Madam President, I believe Albania has made progress on its succession-related reforms. It has notably embarked on a comprehensive judicial reform process, which has been a major demand from Albanian citizens. Albania should now ensure that the judicial and other key reforms are being implemented. The judicial reform will allow Albania to move forward on other key priorities as well, such as the fight against corruption and organised crime.

Accession negotiations should be opened as soon as there has been credible progress on the implementation of the judicial reform. I welcome the inclusion in the report of the need to reinforce the legislative framework for the protection of the rights of national minority, especially those of the Greeks who represent the largest national minority in Albania, but also Macedonians, Montenegrins and Romanians, who unfortunately are only recognised as a cultural minority rather than a national minority.

We should by all means send a clear message to the Western Balkans that one day they will become part of the European Union. I also congratulate the rapporteur.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Paní předsedající, já bych chtěl poděkovat zpravodaji za velmi kvalitně připravenou práci a zároveň ocenit pokrok, který učinila Albánie na cestě do Evropy. Nepochybně ty dobré zprávy, které jdou z této země, je důležité ocenit, přestože víme, že určité problémy nadále ještě jsou k řešení, to není cesta, kterou by Albánie zvládla určitě za několik málo let.

Ale já bych chtěl rovněž upozornit na to, co zde řekl již můj kolega pan poslanec Štětina. Je důležité zmínit, jakým způsobem – aktem milosrdenství – Albánie přistoupila k vyzvednutí uprchlíků, kteří se nacházeli na iráckém území. Byli to především iránští uprchlíci, kteří se ocitali v takovém bezvládí. Já velmi oceňuji tento krok ze strany albánské vlády, myslím, že nám to ukazuje skutečný akt milosrdenství. Proto bych byl velmi rád, kdybychom i toto ocenili. Uprchlívi potřebují například zdravotní péči, kdybychom i v této věci se snažili Albánii pomoci.


A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, the Commission will welcome the adoption of the resolution on Albania and will continue to rely on the views expressed by the European Parliament in its upcoming engagement with Albania. Since Albania was recognised as a candidate country in 2014, it has consistently made steady progress on the five key priorities leading to the Commission’s conditional recommendation in November 2016 to open accession negotiations. In light of this recommendation, the Commission would like to stress once again that the most important priority for Albania at the moment remains the implementation of justice reform and the swift kick-off of the process for the re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors. May I stress once again that it is about the process and not simply about adopting any kind of legislation. No, it is about a sustainable track record.

This vetting process has now started and the Commission is supporting and overseeing these efforts with the launch of the international monitoring operation last week as called for by the Constitution of Albania. We are therefore glad to have the European Parliament’s support in these endeavours and are looking forward to its successful implementation, which will contribute to the entrenchment of the rule of law throughout the country. The observations in your resolution provide good guidance in this specific regard.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate that the Commission will continue to intensify its support, monitoring and assessment of the results that Albania will achieve on its reform path. Concrete results will not only bring the country closer to the European Union, but also guarantee that all Albanian citizens can rely on a functioning democratic state that successfully provides welfare, security and opportunities. I hope that all political actors in Albania will also work with this important objective in mind.


  Ian Borg, President fil-Kariga tal-Kunsill. – Grazzi Madame Chair, grazzi lill-Kummissarju, grazzi lill-Membri kollha li pparteċipaw. Fuq kollox, nirringrazzja lir-rapporteur, is-Sur Fleckenstein, tax-xogħol eċċellenti li għamel. U naħseb li, kemm permezz tar-rapport tiegħek, kif ukoll anke permezz ta’ din id-diskussjoni li assistejna għaliha, nistgħu niġbdu linja waħda li t-tliet istituzzjonijiet huma tal-istess fehma. Jirrikonoxxu l-ħidma li għamlet l-Albanija lejn l-“aċċessjoni” għas-sħubija tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Ovvjament, issa kif qal anke l-Kummissarju, wieħed irid iħares lejn sfidi oħrajn li l-Albanija trid tilħaq u, b’mod partikolari, ir-riforma fil-qasam tal-ġustizzja, u ovvjament l-azzjonijiet sabiex jintlaħqu l-ħames prijoritajiet li rreferjna kemm-il darba għalihom f’dan id-dibattitu. Jibqa’ l-fatt li l-Albanija ħadu diversi direzzjonijiet fit-triq it-tajba. Ovvjament, l-Unjoni Ewropea tkun lesta sabiex tkun qiegħda tassisti u tgħin lill-Albanija u tiftaħ aktar negozjati kemm-il darba dawk il-kundizzjonijiet u dawk l-“areas” ta’ prijoritajiet jintlaħqu.


  Knut Fleckenstein, Berichterstatter. – Frau Präsidentin! Es gibt in Deutschland ein Sprichwort, das heißt: Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es.

Insofern ist genau richtig, was viele von Ihnen gesagt haben: Auf dem Papier etwas aufzuschreiben, ist in Albanien schon manchmal ziemlich schwierig. Aber die Umsetzung muss kommen, damit man auch sieht, dass das Ganze ein Erfolg wird.

Zweitens, Herr Borg: Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Wort halten. Die Albaner haben es verdient, wenn sie eine ordentliche Wahl durchführen und mit der Umsetzung der Justizreform sichtbar beginnen, dass auch die Verhandlungen eröffnet werden und dass nicht noch einmal überlegt wird, und noch einmal überlegt wird, und noch einmal überlegt wird. Dann haben sie mehr getan als mancher, mit dem Sie bereits verhandeln.

Die Menschen in Albanien haben es dann auch wirklich verdient.

Dritter Punkt: Minderheiten haben Rechte. Sie haben diese Rechte natürlich auch in Albanien. Es gilt für alle Minderheiten. Wenn nicht einzelne in dem Bericht aufgeführt werden, so soll das nicht heißen, dass ich die Sorgen nicht sehe – auch nicht die Sorgen der griechischen und der bulgarischen Bevölkerung, und dass daran gearbeitet werden muss.

Was ich verhindern wollte, ist einfach, dass wir sozusagen die einzelnen Nationalitäten durchgehen und jede einzeln abhalten, und deshalb ist es vielleicht zu allgemein gehalten. Auch in meiner Fraktion gibt es eine Reihe von Menschen, die meiner Empfehlung, das nicht zu tun, nicht nachkommen werden und sicherlich auch, was die Bulgaren angeht, in diesem einen Änderungsantrag, anders stimmen werden, als ich es tue.

Letzter Punkt: Nun sind die Herren nicht mehr da – aber das, was die Vertreter der ENF heute hier gesagt haben, ist so weit weg von dem Albanien, das wir kennen, dass man es noch einmal erwähnen muss. Es ist einfach unmöglich, über Islamismus in einem Land zu reden, das vorbildlich – besser als bei uns manchmal – miteinander auskommt: die moslemische Bevölkerung, die katholische Bevölkerung und die orthodoxe Bevölkerung. Und zwar sehr viel besser, als es bei einigen von uns passiert.

Deshalb ein letzter Satz: Mir sind Abgeordnete im Europäischen Parlament aus einem reformierten Albanien hundertmal lieber als die ignoranten und intoleranten Leute Ihrer Partei, die meiner Meinung nach hier leider nichts zu suchen haben.


  Elnök asszony. – A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2017. február 15-én, szerdán kerül sor.

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