7.8. Obiezione a norma dell'articolo 105, paragrafo 3: Norme tecniche di regolamentazione relative all'applicazione dei limiti di posizione agli strumenti derivati su merci (B8-0139/2017, B8-0147/2017, B8-0148/2017) (votazione)
Anneliese Dodds (S&D). – Mr President, I am very sorry to take up 60 seconds of your time, but I think it is essential people in this Chamber know what they are about to vote on. Charities, religious groups and many businesses support rejection of this technical standard because they are concerned about the impact of speculation on food commodity prices. Many of you will know that those spikes in food commodity prices have been linked to famine in some countries, pushing millions of people into poverty. We are asking for a very small change to tighten up rules. National regulators will still have the power to loosen those rules if they have to, and farmers who use derivative markets to hedge their bets are accepted. Please, whatever group you are in, reject these technical standards.
– Dopo la votazione sulla proposta di risoluzione del gruppo socialista:
Markus Ferber (PPE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und liebe Kollegen. Ich will nur darauf aufmerksam machen, dass zur Ablehnung die qualifizierte Mehrheit notwendig ist. Deswegen ist Stimmengleichheit auch noch weit weg von der qualifizierten Mehrheit, und deswegen macht es auch keinen Sinn, darüber jetzt zu diskutieren.