 Úplné znenie 
Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Streda, 15. marca 2017 - Štrasburg Revidované vydanie

8. Rokovania pred prvým čítaním v Parlamente (článok 69c rokovacieho poriadku)
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  President. – In relation to the decision by several committees to enter into interinstitutional negotiations, pursuant to Rule 69c, paragraph 1, announced at the opening of the sitting on Monday, 13 March, I have received no request for a vote in Parliament.

The committees may therefore start negotiations.


  James Carver (EFDD). – Madam President, I have just returned from London, following an earlier meeting with the Somali Ambassador to the UK, who has highlighted the tragedy that is emerging across the Horn of Africa, all the way down to Kenya and through to Angola with this drought. Over two million animals have died, people are losing their lives, and I would urge colleagues from across the Groups in this Parliament to do what they can to highlight the tragedy which is growing across the Horn of Africa and encourage Member States to do all they can to support them.

Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia