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Čtvrtek, 16. března 2017 - Štrasburk

3.1. Zimbabwe, případ pastora Evana Mawarireho
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  Elnök asszony. – A következő napirendi pont vita öt, Zimbabwével, Evan Mawarire lelkipásztor ügyével kapcsolatos állásfoglalásra irányuló indítványról1 (2017/2608(RSP)).


1 Lásd a jegyzőkönyvet.


  Geoffrey Van Orden, author. – Madam President, Zimbabwe should be one of the most prosperous countries on the African continent. Instead, a third of its population is near starvation, relying on international food aid and brutally oppressed by a corrupt, kleptocratic regime. There is mass unemployment and hyperinflation. In fact, the country is bankrupt and its people in despair, and yet the grand architect of this misery, Robert Mugabe, continues in power.

I have been in this Parliament for 18 years and, throughout this time, have campaigned for effective action against Mugabe and for freedom for the Zimbabwean people. They desperately need our help. Today we are focusing on the plight of the latest victims in a long line of brave people who have dared to speak out against the Mugabe tyranny. We still do not know the fate of Itai Dzamara and we deplore the treatment of Pastor Evan Mawarire. The international community, including the EU, has been divided and ineffective in its measures against the Mugabe clique, but particular blame must go to those African governments that have not only turned a blind eye to Mugabe’s atrocious regime, but have lauded Mugabe himself. Shame on all that have allowed this appalling situation to drag on for so long.


  Soraya Post, författare. – Fru talman! Kära kollegor! Som människorättsaktivist har befrielsekampen i södra Afrika varit en ledstjärna. Robert Mugabe gick dock från frihetshjälte till tyrann, men motståndet lever i Zimbabwe.

Pastor Evan Mawarire hotades till livet av diktaturens torpeder och flydde till USA. Han hade dock modet att ta sig tillbaka för att utmana denna tyrann. Mawarire greps så fort han hade landet i Harare. Mugabes maktbas utmanas också inifrån. Veteraner från befrielsekampen, alltså presidentens gamla allierade, bojkottade i somras Mugabes tal i protest mot diktaturen, och Evan Mawarire är numera en fri man. Nu måste regimens blodiga hantlangare ställas inför rätta, och åtalet mot Mawarire måste läggas ner.

Vänner, låt oss i dag visa att Zimbabwes demokratiska krafter också har stöd från oss i EU. Vi fortsätter att tro på förändring.


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, autora. – Señora presidenta. Condenamos la violencia y la represión de manifestaciones pacíficas, cualquier tipo de intimidación, acoso, arrestos arbitrarios y violencia contra activistas pro derechos humanos, la oposición, ONG y periodistas que hoy suceden en Zimbabue. Creemos que todo país debe respetar e implementar las convenciones internacionales de derechos humanos, incluyendo la Declaración de 1998 de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Defensores de los Derechos Humanos.

Sin embargo, rechazamos cualquier operación externa y las estrategias de desestabilización, así como las injerencias en los asuntos internos de Zimbabue por meros fines geoestratégicos. Seamos realistas. Los problemas los sufre la gente. La pobreza, el desempleo y la malnutrición crónica son los principales problemas que afronta el país, y consideramos que estos problemas solo pueden ser resueltos mediante la implementación de un ambicioso plan de políticas públicas en los ámbitos del empleo, la educación, la sanidad y la agricultura, junto con la solidaridad y la cooperación internacional.

Además, Zimbabue es uno de los países más endeudados del mundo y ejemplifica, una vez más, que necesitamos abordar la deuda desde un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos y en su sostenibilidad a largo plazo, así como unos estándares justos que redefinan los mecanismos de préstamo. Sin todo ello, seguiremos siendo incoherentes, utilizando estas Resoluciones de urgencia a modo de palo y zanahoria en función de intereses económicos y desatendiendo los problemas de la gente.


  Luke Ming Flanagan (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, I would prefer not to have to come in here and do this, but we are at the end of our tether at this stage. Potentially, up to 60 MEPs and MEPs’ assistants are not receiving their email, and their diaries are not working. We have attempted to resolve this through ITEC. ITEC does not know its elbow from its posterior, unfortunately. The administration has not contacted MEPs to tell them about the problem, and, wait for it – I hope you are looking for a bit of a laugh here – I had been told that I would be informed by email when my emails are back. Now when my emails are back, I will know because they will be back. I will not need an email to tell me.

It is a complete and utter mess. We do not know when speaking time is happening, we do not know when our appointments are happening, and this is happening to up to 50, 60 people in here. Yet every time we go down to ITEC, it is as if Pol Pot has taken over: it is year zero, and they know nothing about it. It is unacceptable. You have heard the phrase about being able to ‘run a piss-up in a brewery’? Well, you have failed. Can you sort it out? Can Mr Tajani sort it out? The 125 000 people who voted for me would like to know that I will know when my appointments are and when I have to turn up to work. It is fairly basic.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Elnök asszony. – Képviselő Úr, megértettem az első három mondatából az észrevételeit.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (ECR). – Madam President, may I just say what a pity it is that this very serious debate about a tragic matter and a country in Africa which has been ruined by the despoliation of this dictator Mugabe is interrupted by what can only be seen as relative trivia, and I would call for no more interruptions of that nature.



  Elnök asszony. – Nincs több hozzászólási lehetőség, a vitát nem tereljük el a témáról. Értettem, látom is képviselő úr jelentkezését, értettem is a kérését, továbbítani fogom, meg fogjuk vizsgálni, és vissza fogunk jelezni. Praktikusan nem e-mailben, hogy Ön ne tudja azt, hogy mi történik, hanem fölveszik Önnel személyesen a kapcsolatot, és kivizsgálják az ügyet. Az Elnökséghez továbbítom a kérését.

Visszatérünk a listára.


  Pavel Telička, author. – Madam President, one has to have a very strong stomach to interrupt a debate on the tragic situation in Zimbabwe with an administrative IT issue.

This is, and is not, a motion about the case of Pastor Evan Mawarire. Why is it about him? Because it is a tragic case. Why is it not just about him? Because this is yet another case out of hundreds of thousands in a country which should be flourishing, but which is sinking and sinking. We will surely have more debates about more motions for resolutions on Zimbabwe, on concrete cases, but what we really need is a serious debate. We need to implement the policy tools that we have at our disposal, limited as they are, vis—à—vis Zimbabwe and other African countries. Otherwise, we will have an inflation in the number of resolutions with no change. What we really need is a change for the better and an improvement. This is something that the EU has to do. If it is not capable of doing it, that it is a very negative sign.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta, autor. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Skupię się tylko na faktach. Rząd prezydenta Mugabe wielokrotnie łamał zasady praworządności, swobody obywatelskie są ograniczane, a korupcja skutecznie hamuje rozwój tego państwa. Ponieważ swoboda wypowiedzi, prawo do zrzeszania się i zgromadzeń są zapisane w konstytucji Zimbabwe, to doniesienia związane z postępowaniem władz wobec pastora Mawarire oraz innych obrońców praw człowieka, między innymi Itai Dzamary, który zaginął w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach, są bardzo niepokojące. Liczne protesty społeczne wzywające do poprawy sytuacji gospodarczej i poszanowania praw człowieka zostały brutalnie stłumione przez rząd, a pastorowi mimo uwolnienia przedstawiono politycznie umotywowane zarzuty. Poszanowanie praw człowieka to zasadniczy element współpracy AKP-Unia Europejska na podstawie umowy z Kotonu, której Zimbabwe jest sygnatariuszem. Dlatego władze tego kraju muszą zaprzestać represji wobec obrońców praw człowieka i przedstawicieli opozycji. To bardzo ważne, szczególnie w kontekście przyszłorocznych wyborów prezydenckich.


  Jiří Pospíšil, za skupinu PPE. – Paní předsedající, já se chci připojit a podpořit toto usnesení, připojuji se k práci svých kolegů, kteří navrhují toto usnesení, které kritizuje současný stav Zimbabwe. Celá ta dnešní debata byla vyvolána situací konkrétního ochránce lidských práv pastora Mawarireho. Ale je správné, že ta debata není pouze o této osobě, která je neoprávněně politicky stíhaná, ale i o celkové situaci lidských práv v Zimbabwe. Je třeba situaci a stav lidských práv, svobodu projevu, svobodu shromažďování a jiná ústavní práva, která jsou v Zimbabwe trvale potlačována, zde na plénu jasně popsat a odsoudit situaci v této zemi. Je třeba jasně říct, že pokud Zimbabwe chce peníze od EU, pak je třeba, aby dodržovalo lidská práva, aby respektovalo základní principy demokracie. Je třeba také kontrolovat, kam peníze z EU plynou a zda nejsou rozkrádány tamními veřejnými orgány.


  Josef Weidenholzer, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Simbabwe ist ein großartiges Land mit unvorstellbarem Potenzial. Seit vielen Jahren wird es jedoch von einem korrupten und autoritären Regime in Geiselhaft genommen und seiner Zukunftsperspektiven beraubt. Alle, die das thematisieren und die die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte einmahnen, werden zu Feinden des Staates gemacht, so wie Pastor Evan Mawarire und viele andere. Sie werden mit fadenscheinigen Argumenten mundtot gemacht.

Bald gibt es aber wieder Wahlen, die eine Chance für einen Neubeginn bieten. Es ist alles daran zu setzen, dass sie fair ablaufen. Die Europäische Union muss sich mit Wahlbeobachtern eindeutig positionieren. Vor allem braucht es im Vorfeld der Wahlen aber einen freien Zugang zu Informationen. Restriktionen für soziale Medien müssen aufgehoben werden. Radiolizenzen für private und Community- und Non—Profit—Organisationen müssen ermöglicht werden. Vor allem aber muss die Politisierung der Nahrungsmittelhilfe durch die Regierung abgestellt werden.


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, sfortunatamente, questa non è la prima risoluzione che facciamo sullo Zimbabwe: il caso dal pastore Mawarire non è purtroppo un caso isolato.

Le misure restrittive dell'Unione europea nei confronti del regime dello Zimbabwe sono state rinnovata nel febbraio 2017 per la durata di un anno, così come è stato mantenuto l'embargo sulle armi, mentre il congelamento dei beni e il divieto di viaggio continueranno a essere applicati nei confronti del presidente Mugabe.

Allo stesso tempo l'Unione europea, attraverso il programma indicativo nazionale per lo Zimbabwe, ha stanziato 234 milioni di EUR per il periodo 2014-2020. Credo che dobbiamo agire, facendo leva su questi strumenti a nostra esposizione se vogliamo vedere un miglioramento o qualche significativo progresso nell'ambito dei diritti umani, perché purtroppo dalle risoluzioni che abbiamo approvato in precedenza non ne abbiamo visto alcuno.

Evan Mawarire deve poter godere dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali e inalienabili così come qualsiasi altro cittadino dello Zimbabwe e lo stesso deve valere per tutti i prigionieri politici arrestati solo per aver espresso dissenso nei confronti di un governo, nei confronti del quale non si può far altro che dissentire.


  Mario Borghezio, a nome del gruppo ENF. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, appoggiamo anche noi questa risoluzione, come atto di sostegno alla lotta per la libertà e alla democrazia di questi leader africani assoggettati a regimi corrotti e sanguinari.

Ci sono però alcuni dubbi: l'Unione europea si impegna a monitorare che gli aiuti per il programma indicativo nazionale arrivino ai settori destinati. Questo regolarmente non avviene, né in Zimbabwe né negli altri paesi. L'Unione europea deve impegnarsi seriamente e concretamente a verificare che questi 234 milioni di EUR di aiuti vadano non ai corrotti ma alle popolazioni.

E poi ci dite qualcosa circa i risarcimenti dovuti agli agricoltori che sono stati espropriati con la violenza, con atti terribili, dalle forze militari che venivano dalla guerra d'indipendenza? E poi le dichiarazioni palesemente razziste di Mugabe contro i bianchi: perché non condanna alle nero su bianco?


  Jonathan Arnott (EFDD). – Madam President, from economic powerhouse to financial ruin, from the breadbasket of Africa to starvation, the Mugabe regime continues to do what it has sadly always done: run Zimbabwe into the ground. As far back as I can remember, Mugabe has acted in this way, retaining a veneer of democracy whilst acting in a despotic and undemocratic way. This persecution of political opponents is nothing new. The same was done to Morgan Tsvangirai over a number of years from 2000 to 2008, with persecution and violence against those Mugabe did not agree with. The rights of Pastor Evan Mawarire, who so far as I can see has done nothing wrong, are being trampled upon. We do not even know what is happening to Mr Itai Dzamara. We have seen assets of Mugabe frozen, yet at the same time a large amount of money is being sent to Zimbabwe in aid and we need to make absolutely sure that we know what we are doing, that we know why it is being done, and that we ensure that money is not going to the wrong places. I have grave concerns that may well be happening.


  Dominique Bilde (ENF). – Madame la Présidente, Robert Mugabe préside la République du Zimbabwe depuis près de 30 ans. Véritable autocrate, il est présente les caractéristiques des politiciens voyous qui dominent l’Afrique. Raciste anti-blanc revendiqué, M. Mugabe a transformé son pays en un enfer sur terre. Si la population ne jouit que de peu de droits individuels, ce n’est pourtant pas le pire des maux qui l’afflige. Famine, inflation et répression policière se succèdent à intervalles réguliers.

Dans ce contexte terrible, la censure des opposants est intolérable. Arrêté dès sa descente d’avion en février dernier, le pasteur Evan Mawarire a finalement été libéré sous caution. Il envisage de se présenter aux prochaines élections.

Robert Mugabe doit renoncer aux charges pour tentative de sabotage du gouvernement et incitation à la violence qui pèsent contre M. Mawarire. Plus généralement, l’Afrique ne pourra pas se développer si les institutions des États qui la composent n’évoluent pas.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Doamnă președintă, grupul nostru, Grupul PPE, a avut inițiativa de a discuta despre Zimbabwe la fix șase luni după ultima dezbatere despre această țară. Din păcate, ceea ce spuneam atunci nu face decât să se confirme în cazul pastorului Mawarire. În loc să răspundă preocupărilor cetățenilor prin reforme politice și economice, regimul Mugabe continuă să limiteze dreptul la liberă exprimare și să-i prigonească pe apărătorii drepturilor omului. Pastorul Mawarire nu a făcut decât să ceară guvernului reforme și respectarea drepturilor omului. Din această pricină, e urmărit penal și e pasibil de o pedeapsă cu închisoarea de până la douăzeci de ani. Aceste acuzații sunt evident motivate politic și cred că trebuie să luăm cu toții apărarea pastorului Mawarire.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, lo Zimbabwe sta attraversando una profonda crisi economica, con un altissimo tasso di disoccupazione e una corruzione diffusa ad ogni livello politico e amministrativo. Alcuni cittadini, sin dall'estate scorsa, hanno iniziato a rispondere con numerose dimostrazioni antigovernative.

In questo clima l'attivista per i diritti dei più diseredati, il pastore battista Evan Mawarire, considerato il Martin Luther King dello Zimbabwe, è diventato il simbolo della protesta, che chiede trasparenza nell'azione di governo e dignità per ogni cittadino dello Zimbabwe. Per la sua attività politica Mawarire è stato arrestato con l'accusa di cospirazione contro lo Stato. Il pastore è ora in libertà vigilata ma rischia una condanna fino a 20 anni. L'accusa di sovversione è stata definita dai suoi avvocati completamente inventata.

È chiaro che il processo al leader dell'opposizione in Zimbabwe risponde solo ad esigenze politiche del governo in carica. L'Unione europea e la comunità internazionale devono farsi parte attiva per consentire l'immediato rilascio di Evan Mawarire e per ripristinare l'agibilità democratica nel Paese.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το ψήφισμα, το οποίο άλλωστε έχω συνυπογράψει. Ο πάστορας Evan Mawarire συνελήφθη από την αστυνομία της Ζιμπάμπουε και μάλιστα την ώρα που βρισκόταν στα δικαστήρια, προκειμένου να δικαστεί, διότι είχε, λέει, υψώσει τη σημαία της Ζιμπάμπουε χωρίς άδεια. Η ενέργεια αυτή θεωρείται ποινικό αδίκημα, διότι το σύμβολο αυτό χρησιμοποιήθηκε από αντικυβερνητικούς διαδηλωτές στις κινητοποιήσεις τους κατά του προέδρου της Ζιμπάμπουε.

Καταδικάζουμε λοιπόν τη σύλληψη του Mawarire, όπως επίσης και των δημοσιογράφων και των ακτιβιστών που επίσης έχουν συλληφθεί. Η Ζιμπάμπουε πρέπει να προχωρήσει σε βαθιές δημοκρατικές μεταρρυθμίσεις, να υπάρξουν εγγυήσεις για την ελευθερία σκέψης, έκφρασης, την ελευθερία των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης, να υπάρξει ισότητα, ενίσχυση του κράτους δικαίου και σεβασμός των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, και φυσικά να σταματήσει η βία κατά των γυναικών και να ληφθούν μέτρα για την αντιμετώπιση του υποσιτισμού που πλήττει τη χώρα.


(A „catch the eye” eljárás vége)


  Julian King, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, honourable Members, thank you for this resolution. The recent arrest of Pastor Mawarire is, unfortunately, another case that raises important concerns about what is going on in Zimbabwe. The EU, through its delegation in Zimbabwe, has been following the case closely. Together with representatives from the Member States, we attended Pastor Mawarire’s High Court bail application hearing on 8 February. We welcome the positive ruling at the High Court to grant bail, and we take careful note of the judge’s remarks about the weakness of the State’s case. The case has been raised with the government at senior level, and we will continue to follow developments closely.

The right of Pastor Mawarire to express his views and opinions in a peaceful manner is a fundamental freedom enshrined in Zimbabwe’s own Constitution. Human rights defenders, organisations and activists are playing a critical role in the promotion of human rights in Zimbabwe. It is essential that they are free to operate in an environment that protects fundamental human rights and freedoms, as set out in Zimbabwe’s Constitution. They deserve recognition and credit for their significant and persistent contribution. The EU is committed to fighting discrimination, to preserving the rights of individuals to enjoy the full range of human rights in Zimbabwe, and we are determined to continue supporting the work of civil society organisations and protecting human rights activists.

Zimbabwe is at a critical juncture, as a number of you have said. Continued political and economic reforms are essential to restore growth and achieve inclusive and sustainable development. Respect for the rule of law, human rights and the consolidation of democracy are also essential. The electoral commission should engage with all parties to agree on an electoral framework for the 2018 elections. Our overall objective remains to re-engage fully with a stable and democratic Zimbabwe. I would like to recall the EU’s continuing commitment to the people of Zimbabwe and emphasise that the EU remains amongst the most important donors to that country.


  Elnök asszony. – Öt állásfoglalási indítványt juttattak el hozzám.

A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra a viták végén kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Isabella Adinolfi (EFDD), per iscritto. – L'arresto del pastore Evan Mawarire, vista l'evidente politicizzazione delle accuse a lui rivolte, appare come un utilizzo, da parte delle autorità dello Zimbabwe, del sistema di giustizia penale per colpire i difensori dei diritti umani. In Zimbabwe esprimere un parere in modo non-violento è un diritto costituzionale per tutti i cittadini ed è un obbligo delle autorità proteggerlo, tuttavia, da molti anni il popolo dello Zimbabwe è oppresso da un regime autoritario guidato dal presidente Mugabe, che rimane al potere mediante corruzione e violenza. È importante che l'UE avvii un dialogo politico con le autorità dello Zimbabwe, nel quadro dell'accordo di Cotonou, per dare sostegno alla popolazione locale.


  Rolandas Paksas (EFDD), raštu. – Zimbabvėje, vienoje iš skurdžiausių šalių pasaulyje, padėtis yra itin nestabili. Šalyje vyksta nuolatiniai žmogaus teisių pažeidimai, susidorojimai su opozicija. Pažymėtina, jog susirinkimų, asociacijos ir žodžio laisvės yra pagrindinės demokratijos sudedamosios dalys. Gerbti ir laikytis žmogaus teisių privalo visos valstybės. Zimbabvės valdžios institucijos turi dėti didesnes pastangas ir užkirsti kelią smurtinėms represijoms, politiniam smurtui, taip pat apribojimams ir bauginimams, taikomiems žmogaus teisių gynėjams. Baudžiamojo teisingumo sistema neturi būti piktnaudžiaujama. Žmogaus teisių gynėjams turi būti sudarytos palankios sąlygos vykdyti savo veiklą. Atsižvelgiant į esamą padėtį ir paramą vietos gyventojams, ES turėtų pradėti politinį dialogą su Zimbabvės valdžios institucijomis pagal Kotonu susitarimą.

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