 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2017/2635(RSP)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : O-000025/2017

Predložena besedila :

O-000025/2017 (B8-0213/2017)

Razprave :

PV 03/04/2017 - 21
CRE 03/04/2017 - 21

Glasovanja :

Sprejeta besedila :

Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Ponedeljek, 3. april 2017 - Strasbourg

21. Goljufive prakse v brazilskem sektorju mesa (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur la question orale à la Commission sur les pratiques frauduleuses dans le secteur de la viande au Brésil de Czeslaw Adam Sierkierski, au nom de la commission de l’agriculture et du développement rural (O-000025/2017 - B8-0213/2017) (2017/2635(RSP)).


  Czesław Adam Siekierski, autor. – Szanowni Państwo! Podejmujemy ważny temat dla funkcjonowania rynku światowego, w tym wypadku przede wszystkim dla naszych relacji handlowych z krajami Mercosuru. Najważniejszy jest tutaj problem standardów i przestrzegania pewnych zasad, ale również kwestie wzajemnego zaufania między partnerami. W tym właśnie kontekście należy rozpatrywać ostatnie incydenty w Brazylii, które – miejmy nadzieję – są tylko incydentami, a nie stałą praktyką związaną, po pierwsze, z wysłaniem na rynek unijny mięsa niespełniającego standardu, po drugie, z naruszeniem zasad współpracy, będących podstawą relacji handlowych.

W Unii Europejskiej mamy wysokie standardy. Nasi konsumenci i my wszyscy oczekujemy takich samych wymogów dla towarów importowanych. A tutaj mowa o żywności, która ma przecież istotny wpływ na zdrowie ludzkie.

Przejdę teraz do pytania zgłoszonego przez Komisję Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, a przygotowanego przy aktywnym udziale wielu członków naszej komisji, ale także innych posłów.

Operacja Carne Fraca – dwuletnie śledztwo brazylijskiej policji federalnej dotyczące dwóch największych brazylijskich zakładów przetwórstwa mięsnego (JBS i BRF) w siedmiu głównych brazylijskich stanach produkujących wołowinę – wzbudziła ogromne zaniepokojenie. Śledztwo ujawniło poważne nadużycia i korupcję w sektorze, w którym do łańcucha żywności wprowadza się potencjalnie niebezpieczne i oszukańcze produkty stanowiące zagrożenie dla europejskich konsumentów.

Według śledczych inspektorzy federalni otrzymywali pieniądze w zamian za ignorowanie fałszerstw lub wygaśnięcia terminu przydatności do spożycia przetwarzanej żywności. Fałszowano także zezwolenia sanitarne i świadectwa wywozowe. Ponadto śledztwo wykazało, że w celu poprawy wyglądu i zapachu przeterminowanego mięsa stosowano chemikalia, a także dodawano do mięsa tańsze produkty. Europejscy konsumenci są poważnie zaniepokojeni doniesieniami, że mięso zakażone salmonellą zostało wyeksportowane do Europy oraz że w celu poprawy wyglądu zepsutego mięsa stosowano kwas askorbinowy.

Brazylia jest największym na świecie eksporterem wołowiny i drobiu. Jest także największym dostawcą mięsa w Unii, który co roku wprowadza na nasz rynek setki tysięcy ton wołowiny i drobiu. Europejscy producenci i konsumenci oczekują, że całe mięso przywożone do Unii będzie spełniać wysokie europejskie standardy jakości w odniesieniu do żywności.

1. Czy Komisja może podać szczegóły dotyczące importu tych skażonych produktów do Unii z wyszczególnieniem wolumenu podejrzanych produktów oraz rynków europejskich, na które produkty te zostały sprzedane?

2. Dlaczego europejskie służby kontroli nie wykryły tego systemowego oszustwa polegającego na wprowadzaniu na rynek Unii sfałszowanego mięsa? Jakich porad Komisja udzieli państwom członkowskim, aby mogły wzmocnić kontrolę w następstwie przedmiotowych doniesień?

3. Z uwagi na fakt, że skandal ten budzi zaniepokojenie co do bezpieczeństwa żywności, w jaki sposób doniesienia te wpłyną na toczące się negocjacje handlowe z państwami Mercosuru? Czy nadszedł już czas na przegląd negocjacji i wycofanie mięsa z planu negocjacji handlowych?

Koniec pytania. Przedstawiłem pytanie w imieniu Komisji Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, a teraz mój krótki komentarz. Zaistniałą sytuację musimy wykorzystać do przeglądu naszych relacji w zakresie zasad i systemu kontroli po stronie brazylijskiej i jasno domagać się likwidacji błędów i niedociągnięć, które tam występują. Ważne jest, żeby strona brazylijska sama odkryła te nieprawidłowości, a jak wynika z informacji z Brazylii, jej służby zajmowały się tą sprawą od pewnego czasu. Szkoda jednak, że nie było w tym zakresie współpracy ze stroną unijną. Sądzę, że wspomniany przeze mnie przegląd może dokonać nowego otwarcia, które należy uwzględnić w negocjacjach z Mercosurem. Również my w Unii musimy wyciągnąć wnioski i przeprowadzić ocenę naszego systemu kontroli. Ta sytuacja powinna przyczynić się do lepszych relacji w przyszłości oraz respektowania przez stronę brazylijską wymogów unijnych.


  Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, thanks largely to the solid set of legislation, which aims to ensure that food is safe for consumers, the European Union has probably the world’s highest food safety standards. Our European Union system imposes strict hygiene and safety controls on food imports, and in particular on animal products for which systematic documentary, identity and physical checks are compulsory.

Immediately after the information became known about the deficiencies in food licensing in Brazil, on 17 March, and following the Commission’s advice, Member States – in addition to the existing documentary and identity controls – introduced reinforced physical controls to ensure the safety of imports from Brazil, focusing on food hygiene requirements. As soon as news came to light about the fraudulent practices in the Brazilian meat sector, the Commission asked the Brazilian authorities to ensure that there were no exports to the EU from any establishments in Brazil that could bear a risk of non-compliance with European Union requirements.

We immediately introduced a request to ban the imports from establishments implicated in the scandal; we requested the reinforcement of control checks at EU borders and we made clear to the Brazilian authorities our dissatisfaction, including learning of this crisis in the media rather than through official channels. We continue to ensure that Member States authorities are continuously informed about the evolution of the situation; we are preparing urgent audits of Brazil. In addition, let me stress that all consignments currently en route to the EU from the establishments implicated in the fraud will be rejected and returned to Brazil.

The importance of the controls on imports at the point of entry to the EU – at border inspection posts – is crucial. The Commission is in close contact with the Member States to ensure a harmonised approach as regards these reinforced checks. A full consensus was reached on these reinforced checks and on the way they should be selected. In particular, it was confirmed that there should be 100% physical checks on all consignments presented for import to the EU and 20% microbiological checks. It was also confirmed that importers would be liable for the cost of these reinforced checks.

In the light of the outcome of these reinforced checks, the evolution of the situation and the response of the Brazilian authorities to the demands for corrective measures, the Commission and the Member States will decide whether further measures are necessary. In this regard, the protection of European consumers will be the determining factor. The Commission will also undertake audits of Brazil as soon as possible and not later than mid-May. I would like to use this opportunity to thank Members of the European Parliament for their recent vote in favour of the new official control legislation which will enable the Commission to ensure even more vigorous controls of imported food products.

Let me also reassure you of my personal commitment to ensure the safety of European consumers. With this objective firmly in mind, I met with the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Mr Maggi, last Tuesday in Brazil. I had an open, long and frank discussion with the minister. I asked him to provide more information on the state of play and the next steps that he planned to take. I also stressed the need for Brazil to restore the trust, reliability, predictability and independence of the Brazilian official control system. In addition, I made a point of passing on to the Minister the positions and concerns of the Member States, as well as the requests coming from honourable Members of this Parliament.

My services also had a meeting with Brazilian officials on 30 March to further discuss this matter. It was agreed that the minister would send more details about the findings of the investigation and the possible food safety impact.

Important progress was also made on two other requests from the EU. First, the Brazilian authorities agreed on concrete steps to solve long-standing applications for export from the EU to Brazil, and to make the approval process more predictable. We also discussed how to improve our cooperation using the bilateral sanitary and phytosanitary mechanism. Second, in relation to avian influenza, Brazil also promised to accept the principle of regionalisation based on region of outbreak. Speaking about possible recognition of the EU as a single entity, the Brazilian counterparts showed some openings. However, more discussions will be needed.

In addition, we discussed cooperation on antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare. Just today we received a letter from Minister Maggi informing us, and I quote: ‘the issues investigated by the federal police in the four establishments are authorised to export to the EU are related to conduct misbehaviour and economic fraud not representing any risk to food safety.’ The Minister also informed me of the modification of Brazilian legislation for the inspection of products of animal origin, among other things.

Turning to the negotiations with Mercosur, trade relations between the EU and Brazil currently take place within the framework of the World Trade Organisation. However, the proposed future agreement with Mercosur would not undermine our high safety requirements.

Current as well as future imports from Mercosur countries will have to respect these requirements. This will not change. A future EU-Mercosur agreement will not lower our high regulatory standards for food safety. It will not authorise imports of agri-food products if they do not meet our high food safety requirements. The agreement will, however, reinforce cooperation with the authorities of Brazil and other Mercosur countries by means of updated provisions to establish solid information and notification systems in the sanitary and phytosanitary field. This would strengthen our reaction capacity via a privileged channel with the four countries concerned.

To conclude, let me emphasise that current and future imports into the EU will always have to meet the high quality and food standards established by our EU legislation and implemented through a credible certification and control system. Once again, a future EU-Mercosur agreement would not lower our high regulatory requirements and food safety standards for agricultural imports from Mercosur countries, including Brazil.


  Mairead McGuinness, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for his detailed response. However, I have just some comments to make. On our first question we did look for some details and I am not sure that you have provided us with the details we would like. This investigation, which is a criminal investigation, was going on for two years and in that time products that were unfit for purpose were placed on the market and we need more clarity about the extent of it, and where they were sent to.

The second point I would make is in relation to the return of products on the high seas. I have to say, if I were a Brazilian consumer and I heard that this product was being returned to Brazil I would be very frightened. I would want this product destroyed somewhere and to have a guarantee of that if there is any doubt about its quality, because insofar as I worry about European consumers I clearly would have a worry too about Brazilian consumers.

In relation to how this was discovered, probably the only good part of this story is that there was an investigation and the system was found wanting. It reveals an all too close relationship between the industry and those who are inspecting it, and it reveals that where an industry is very large, then it is very powerful. While I like what you are saying, that there would be no lowering of EU standards, these are very fine words but the problem is that if you have this type of activity in an industry that is supplying the European Union today, how can you guarantee that it will not continue tomorrow? So we still have some questions.


  Jean-Paul Denanot, au nom du groupe S&D. – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, à la suite du scandale de la viande avariée et à ses conséquences possibles, tant pour les consommateurs que pour les producteurs européens, la Commission a choisi de ne pas suspendre ses importations de viande en provenance du Brésil. Vous avez simplement ôté de la liste les quatre entreprises incriminées qui disposaient de licences d’exportation vers l’Union et vous avez adopté des mesures de contrôle supplémentaires en matière d’hygiène pour les viandes importées. Ces mesures sont à la fois insuffisantes et incohérentes.

Alors qu’un nouveau cycle de négociations commerciales vient de s’ouvrir entre l’Union européenne et le Mercosur, il apparaît indispensable de suspendre les importations de viande, du moins celles en provenance des régions où les défaillances ont été constatées. L’affaire «carne fraca» implique trente-trois inspecteurs du ministère de l’Agriculture dans ce vaste réseau de fraude, c’est donc bien l’ensemble du système de contrôle d’une certification de la viande au Brésil qui est remis en cause.

Dans ces conditions, Monsieur le Commissaire, quelles mesures concrètes comptez-vous prendre pour enfin protéger à la fois les consommateurs et les éleveurs européens?


  James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, I thank the Commissioner for what he has said tonight. This scandal, when I raised it in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development – with the full support of the committee – certainly brought home to us how dangerous this situation can be. But I say to the Commissioner: this is not the first time Brazil has pulled the wool over Europe’s eyes. They did it back in 2007 and 2008, and it took a delegation from this Parliament to go out there to prove that your Commission was not telling us everything.

So Commissioner, I have to say to you tonight – and the previous speakers and Ms McGuinness have referred to this – you have not answered all the questions that we asked. We need more answers. This is simply not good enough. And if they have pulled the wool over our eyes once again then we have got to ask the question: how long are we going to allow them to do similar actions as they have done in the past? I sincerely hope you are not telling us here tonight that nothing will change, because if that is the case that is unacceptable, certainly from my point of view and from the point of view of consumers throughout the European Union.

And you are quite right: you told us here tonight that we in Europe are the best, we have the highest possible standards that anyone can hope for. But that is something that has got to be kept right; and it is not right if we allow other countries to break that. And it is even more wrong that you say talks with Mercosur will go on and the negotiations there will go on. They must be ended as well.


  Ulrike Müller, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Der aktuelle Fleischskandal um brasilianisches Fleisch ist auch für uns hier ein sehr sensibles Thema. Die Bürger der Europäischen Union verlangen vollkommen zu Recht, dass die hohen und weltweit anerkannten Standards innerhalb der EU auch für Importware gelten müssen. Dies bedeutet, dass diese Standards für die gesamte Produktionskette auch von unseren außereuropäischen Handelspartnern mit Nachdruck eingefordert werden müssen.

Um hier richtige Schlüsse zu ziehen und die notwendigen Maßnahmen einleiten zu können, müssen umgehend alle Fakten und Hintergründe auf den Tisch. Der Verbraucherschutz ist unbedingt zu gewährleisten. Die Bevölkerung erwartet hier eine klare Linie. Daran muss uns auch mit Blick auf die Zukunft unserer Handelsbeziehungen gelegen sein. Die Menschen wollen Transparenz und sichere, verlässliche Kontroll- und Schutzsysteme. Nur auf dieser Basis können wir das Vertrauen in die dringend notwendigen Handelsabkommen festigen.

Deshalb ist es auch in unserem Interesse, dass wir hier Gründlichkeit vor Geschwindigkeit stellen und mit einem funktionierenden, effektiven Kontrollsystem den kriminellen Machenschaften das Handwerk legen.


  Matt Carthy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, the truth is that if this Commission was prioritising the livelihoods of European farmers and the well-being of European consumers then the recent scandal relating to Brazilian meat imports would have immediately led to withdrawal from the Mercosur trade agreement talks.

Instead, last week, the Commission released a joint statement with the Mercosur trading bloc committing us to concluding a deal as soon as possible. Not a single mention whatsoever in that statement of the complete breakdown in trust following the emergence of the meat scandal just ten days previously. It appears that revelations that rotten meat, meat treated with carcinogenic chemicals, meat mixed with cardboard, that had made its way into the EU under your watch, could not dampen the enthusiasm of this Commission to try to conclude dangerous and regressive trade deals.

This time last year Commissioner Hogan told us that beef was temporarily off the table of these negotiations. But where is the follow-up timeline or detail of the conditions under which it will be brought back to the table? Where are the assurances for poultry, the sector which is actually the single largest category of meat consumed in Ireland, for example, and which faces far bigger Brazilian import quotas than even beef? What about the other sectors that stand to be impacted by cheaper, improperly treated agricultural products? Where are the assurances for consumers who should be confident that what they buy in the shops or order in the restaurants is properly treated? At what cost is this Commission actually prepared to continue pushing with these deals? It is time to protect our consumers and to protect our farmers. It is time for you, Commissioner, to ensure that we withdraw from the Mercosur trade talks.


  Martin Häusling, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, sehr geehrte Kollegen! Herr Kommissar, Sie haben zwar bei dem Fall jetzt relativ schnell gehandelt, aber es stellt sich trotzdem die Frage: Was haben Sie denn vorher getan? Waren die Kontrollen effektiv? Und Sie haben auch nicht die Frage beantwortet: Ist denn wirklich Fleisch auf den europäischen Markt gekommen? Das haben Sie nicht definitiv beantworten können. Es handelt sich ja bei diesem Skandal nicht um irgendeine Bagatelle. Gammelfleisch wurde Chemie zugesetzt, das Fleisch war mit Salmonellen verunreinigt – also eine effektive Gesundheitsgefahr. Das heißt, da ist wirklich die höchste Alarmstufe angesagt. Und die Kommission macht jetzt so ein bisschen business as usual und sagt: „Alles kein Problem, wir haben es im Griff.“ Aber die Sache ist schwerwiegender, vor allem, weil dieser Skandal bei immerhin 21 Produktionsstätten gezeigt hat, dass da ein Systemfehler vorliegt. Massive Korruption, Betrug, auch in höchste staatliche Stellen hinein – das ist nicht mal ein kleiner Skandal, das ist ein Skandal sozusagen des ganzen brasilianischen Sektors. Und deshalb ist doch die Frage: Was für Konsequenzen ziehen Sie?

Heute ist schon mehrmals das Thema Mercosur-Verhandlungen angesprochen worden. Auch da kann es kein business as usual geben, da muss man doch Konsequenzen ziehen. Denn was dabei rauskommen wird, ist doch wahrscheinlich, dass die Verbraucherstandards, die Sicherheitsstandards nicht steigen werden, sondern man eher auch wieder in diesem Bereich liberalisiert und Verbraucherschutz und auch das Recht kleiner Bauern doch auch bei Mercosur eher zweitrangig ist.

Ich habe auch kein Vertrauen in die brasilianische Regierung, muss ich ganz ehrlich sagen. Wir haben ja den Agrarminister im Agrarausschuss erlebt, er ist selber ein Teil des Agrarbusiness mit 200 000 Hektar. Ich habe kein Vertrauen, dass, wenn so jemand den Skandal aufklären will, tatsächlich Konsequenzen gezogen werden.

Wir müssen als Europäer konsequent sein. Deshalb die Frage: Wird eine Delegation, eine Kommission nach Brasilien vor Ort geschickt, um sich vor Ort die Produktionsstätten anzuschauen und wirklich Konsequenz zu ziehen, Herr Kommissar?


  John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, this is the second time that the British beef consumers have been let down by the EU. In the first instance our consumers were conned into eating horsemeat when they thought they were eating beef. They were obliged to rely on the EU hack-up process of traceability which is only as good as the least honest person in the food chain. Now we discover that relying on the Commission to monitor the conduct of the Brazilian meat industry is a very naive aspiration. The Commission did not have a clue what was going on as grossly substandard meat arrived on EU shores from Brazil. This is particularly worrying as the Commission had ambitions for yet more Brazilian beef imports in its Mercosur negotiations.

British beef producers are subject to RPA inspections, assurance scheme inspections and the scrutiny of animal rights organisations, whilst the cost of meat processing is higher than it need be due to the EU’s insistence on expensive veterinary surgeons to attend abattoirs when the experienced reliable British meat inspector had done an excellent job.

Brexit gives us the opportunity to address these problems.


  Edouard Ferrand, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, ce qui nous inquiète dans ce scandale, c’est l’incapacité de la Commission à nous donner les vrais chiffres et à répondre à nos questions. Est-ce un débat pour rien? En tout cas, pour l’instant, nous n’avançons pas sur ce sujet.

Combien de temps nos concitoyens ont-ils été exposés à ce risque? Quelles quantités sont-elles réellement en cause? Ce que nous voyons, c’est que le Chili et la Chine ont immédiatement fermé leur marché alors que la Commission européenne a plutôt demandé au Brésil de revoir vaguement ses normes.

Comment est-il possible de demander aujourd’hui à nos éleveurs européens, notamment aux éleveurs français, d’observer des normes de protection sanitaires maximales alors que nous laissons entrer de la viande avariée?

Le Brésil, l’Ukraine ou la Turquie sont des pays gangrenés par la corruption et peuvent néanmoins exporter. Monsieur le Commissaire, je pense qu’il est temps de revoir nos normes et de faire en sorte que nous puissions, en Europe, effectuer des contrôles payés par les pays d’origine.


  Diane Dodds (NI). – Madam President, it is vitally important to take food quality and food security seriously and the Brazilian meat scandal has reinforced this message. There can be no place for corruption at the heart of any food supply chain and we must congratulate the Brazilian police for tackling the problem. In Northern Ireland we make enormous efforts to ensure the safety and traceability of our food. However, many of the farmers and processors that I represent are questioning the ability of the Commission to guarantee that product entering the EU is of a comparably high standard. Why did the inspections not uncover this problem and leave it to the Brazilian press to break the story? Why is it that only now additional measures to ensure food safety are being adopted? As the Commission races ahead with the Mercosur trade deal, what measures will be put in place to ensure food standards and consumer safety?

Many farmers in Northern Ireland believe that the Commission has a laissez-faire attitude to imports which is quite contrary to the stringent and over-burdensome requirements placed on them. What we need is a full investigation. All affected plants must be delisted from exporting to the EU and any product from these plants removed from the food chain. If we do not get a satisfactory response from Brazil, then we should be prepared to consider a ban on imports until such times as we have a proper reassurance.


  Elisabeth Köstinger (PPE). – Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar, es geht hier um Lebensmittelsicherheit, es geht hier um Transparenz, und es geht vor allem um einen fairen Wettbewerb. Der brasilianische Fleischskandal ist eine Verhöhnung der europäischen Produktions- und Tierwohlstandards, und ich glaube, dass hier wirklich der Vertrauensverlust ganz enorm ist und dass wir hier massive Schwächen bei den EU—Checks zu den Lebensmittelimporten aufgezeigt bekommen haben.

Ich frage mich aber auch, wo hier eigentlich unsere Verbraucherschützer sind, die sonst normalerweise, vor allem wenn es um europäische Produktionsstandards geht, bei den Kontrollen zum Teil wirklich nicht streng genug sein können. Wer den Zugang zum europäischen Markt haben will, muss sich an die gleichen europäischen Standards halten wie auch die europäischen Produzenten, und das auch dazuzusagen, halte ich wirklich für sehr wichtig.

Es ist höchst an der Zeit, dass wir bei den Mercosur—Verhandlungen und bei den Abkommen zum Agrarkapitel endlich auch einbremsen und stattdessen bei der Entwicklung eines Qualitätsaußenschutzes wirklich Gas geben. Konsumenten und Landwirte müssen sich darauf verlassen können, dass bei den Importen höchste Kontrollsicherheit und Qualitätsstrenge gilt.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, esta questão oral incide sobre um assunto de inegável importância já que estão em causa coisas tão importantes como a segurança alimentar e a salvaguarda da saúde pública.

A entrada, no espaço europeu, de carne estragada não pode ser tolerada, tenha ela a proveniência que tiver. Compete às autoridades comunitárias a prossecução das diligências indispensáveis para o apuramento do ocorrido e a sua imediata superação. O que não podemos é usar este caso singular como pretexto para pôr em causa o sucesso das negociações em curso visando o estabelecimento de um acordo de associação comercial entre a União Europeia e o Mercosul.

É, aliás, conveniente lembrar que este caso foi detetado e denunciado pelas próprias autoridades brasileiras e que afeta uma ínfima parte do vasto universo de produção de carne daquele país. Refere-se a 22 empresas, sendo que apenas 4 exportavam para a União Europeia.

A Comissão Europeia já veio, e bem, afirmar que a atual situação da carne brasileira não representa, de forma alguma, um obstáculo para as negociações do acordo UE-Mercosul. Resolvamos em conjunto com as autoridades brasileiras este problema fitossanitário.

Não caiamos na tentação de o transformar num grave problema de relacionamento comercial entre dois blocos regionais que têm todo o interesse em garantir a sua aproximação nos planos político, económico, cultural e também comercial.


  Zbigniew Kuźmiuk (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Zabierając głos w debacie dotyczącej importu z Brazylii do Unii – potencjalnie niebezpiecznego dla konsumentów mięsa wołowego – chcę zwrócić uwagę, że unijne służby weterynaryjne i sanitarne tego nie wykryły, a o sprawie dowiedzieliśmy się z mediów. Taki proceder miał jednak miejsce i trwał całymi miesiącami, co potwierdza śledztwo brazylijskiej policji, prowadzone między innymi wobec największych zakładów przetwórstwa mięsa wołowego. Do Unii tylko w roku 2016 sprowadzono z Brazylii ponad 145 tys. ton wołowiny, co stanowi aż 42 % całego importu tego mięsa do krajów Wspólnoty, i raczej nie ulega wątpliwości, że niebezpieczne dla konsumentów mięso znalazło się na europejskich stołach, a to świadczy o ogromnej skali zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa zdrowia publicznego. W tej sytuacji proponowane przez Komisję wzmożone kontrole importowanego brazylijskiego mięsa są raczej półśrodkami. Moim zdaniem, do czasu wyjaśnienia tej afery należy wprowadzić zakaz importu mięsa wołowego z tego kraju.


  Jan Huitema (ALDE). – Beste collega's, beste commissaris, van kalf tot biefstuk en van big tot schouderham, Europese boeren en onze vleesverwerkende industrie voldoen aan de hoogste eisen op het gebied van voedselveiligheid. Regelrechte fraude in Brazilië met vlees komt dan ook hard aan. Voedselveiligheid moet gewaarborgd blijven. Het is daarom van groot belang dat we zo snel mogelijk alle feiten op tafel krijgen. Wanneer werd duidelijk dat de voedselveiligheid in het geding was? Waar is het vlees beland? Dit soort schandalen moeten we in de toekomst voorkomen en we mogen glasharde garanties verwachten.

Daarnaast is het niet uit te leggen dat Europa ondanks onze zeer strenge eisen geen rund- en kalfsvlees mag exporteren naar Brazilië. Andersom kan Brazilië zijn vlees nog wel exporteren naar de EU. Ik vind dat we beter op moeten komen voor onze belangen, want dit is de wereld op z'n kop.


  Marco Zullo (EFDD). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la ringrazio commissario, ma devo dire che le sue parole ci preoccupano perché da quello che ci ha detto emerge che noi non sappiamo niente del passato. Ha parlato del futuro, di quello che faremo, ma non di quello che è stato.

Ci siamo accorti di questo scandalo grazie alle autorità investigative brasiliane. E allora io mi chiedo: e le dogane europee come si sono comportate? È già successo in passato che attraverso i porti europei sia arrivato in Europa qualcosa che non doveva arrivare – mi riferisco per esempio al caso della Xylella. E allora mi chiedo se questa è una disattenzione o una volontà di immettere sul mercato europeo dei prodotti per poi generare delle sacche di concorrenza sleale.

A noi questo approccio non può andar bene. Non abbiamo garanzia dalle autorità sanitarie brasiliane che facciano parte del processo che ha causato questo scandalo sulla carne avariata. E in più non sappiamo dove siamo arrivati. Non sappiamo dove è arrivata questa carne, non sappiamo chi l'ha mangiata, non sappiamo se fa male, non sappiamo nulla. Allora, al di là dei propositi per il futuro, io mi auguro che avremo anche informazioni per sapere se oggi abbiamo attentato alla salute dei cittadini europei.


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, señorías, la seguridad alimentaria de los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea no puede ni debe ser tomada a la ligera.

Yo quisiera felicitar a la Comisión por la diligencia en su reacción, por la visita a Brasilia y el encuentro con el ministro de Agricultura, y también a las autoridades brasileñas por haber destapado este caso. Es un caso que viene, como ha recordado el señor Assis, circunscrito a un número reducido de supuestos.

En todo caso, una cosa es la seguridad alimentaria de nuestros ciudadanos y otra cosa es aprovechar para tirar por elevación contra el Acuerdo de Asociación Unión Europea-Mercosur.

Yo quiero recordar que los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, reunidos en Roma, han pedido una Unión Europea más activa en la escena internacional. Y quiero recordar que el último Consejo Europeo por unanimidad decidió apoyar estas negociaciones. Y decidió apoyarlas, señora presidenta, no por nada en especial, sino porque la Unión Europea y sus ciudadanos y sus empresas pagan más de 4 500 millones de euros anuales en aranceles, que redundan naturalmente en beneficio de nuestros ciudadanos y de nuestras empresas.

Por eso, evidentemente, insisto para que la Unión Europea pueda concluir un acuerdo que respete las exigencias de seguridad de nuestros ciudadanos, un acuerdo equilibrado y ambicioso en los mejores plazos posibles entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D). – Elnök asszony! Én azt gondolom erről az egész kialakult helyzetről, hogy nagy kár lenne ilyenkor, mondjuk a Mercosur tárgyalásokon ütni a brazil felet, tekintettel arra, hogy valamennyi jóindulatot mindkét oldalról föl lehet tételezni. De, az hogy egyes csalárd cégek, csalók, bűnözők kihasználták az európai rendszer gyengeségeit, az viszont tény.

Magyarul, akkor van helyes válaszunk, hogyha a mi magunk határellenőrzését, élelmiszer-ellenőrzését és egyáltalán az egész rendszerünket erősítjük meg, oly módon, hogy az olyan erős legyen, az annyira jól látható legyen, hogy senkinek eszébe se jusson elindítani ide, ebbe a térségbe, erre a kontinensre romlott vagy mérgezett szállítmányokat. Én azt gondolom, hogy a saját portánk előtt kéne egy kicsit söprögetni, és nem feltétlenül azonnali tilalomért kiáltani, hanem sokkal erősebb ellenőrzésért.


  Bas Belder (ECR). – Terwijl Europese producenten moeten voldoen aan de hoogste standaarden voor voedselveiligheid, heeft de Braziliaanse vleessector dat vertrouwen in één klap beschadigd. Dit is een zeer ernstige zaak. Ik heb dan ook een aantal vragen aan de Commissie. Om te beginnen de belangrijkste, en collega Huitema had het er al over: hoe kan het dat Europa keer op keer kansen geeft aan de Braziliaanse vleessector, terwijl Brazilië al jaren weigert om Europees vlees, ook kalfsvlees waarvoor het geen enkele concurrentie te duchten heeft, toe te laten op de Braziliaanse vleesmarkt? Dit is een zeer oneerlijke situatie en ik vraag de Commissie dan ook om een adequate aanpak van dit probleem.

Bij het schandaal zijn Braziliaanse overheidsambtenaren betrokken. Betreft het soms ook ambtenaren in de top van het ministerie?

Ten slotte, heeft de FVO de betrokken bedrijven in het verleden bezocht? In hoeverre kijken de audits naar de traceerbaarheid van vlees ná het moment van verpakking?


  Angélique Delahaye (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, chers collègues, je remercie mon collègue pour sa question orale.

Nous devons relayer les inquiétudes que suscite ce scandale sanitaire tant chez les consommateurs que chez les éleveurs de viande bovine. Il est légitime de s’interroger sur la place de la viande bovine dans les négociations de l’accord avec le Mercosur. S’il est excessif de vouloir mettre un terme à cet accord, cette affaire ne doit pas être sous—estimée. Ce scandale concrétise les préoccupations dénoncées depuis plusieurs années par les éleveurs bovins et doit être pris très au sérieux par la Commission.

Dans le cadre des négociations avec le Mercosur, deux risques sont à prendre en compte: le risque sanitaire pour les consommateurs et le risque économique pour les filières d’élevage. Faute de mesures fermes pour garantir la protection des consommateurs et des éleveurs de viande bovine, le message envoyé par la Commission sera de nature à renforcer l’euroscepticisme des citoyens et le rejet des institutions européennes par les agriculteurs.

Rappelons que l’esprit de la PAC est de protéger l’agriculture européenne. Je réaffirme que l’agriculture ne peut pas être une variable d’ajustement lors de négociations commerciales.


  Nicola Danti (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor commissario, a fronte dello scandalo che nelle ultime settimane ha investito il settore della carne in Brasile, chiediamo con forza alla Commissione di garantire misure tempestive a tutela della salute dei consumatori europei, e chiediamo alle autorità brasiliane la massima collaborazione nell'accertare le responsabilità e salvaguardare la propria credibilità.

Lasciatemi però sottolineare che quella di cui dibattiamo oggi è una grave frode commerciale, che non deve essere strumentalmente utilizzata come scusa per un possibile stop ai negoziati con il Mercosur. Viceversa, proprio un accordo potrà fornire un quadro giuridico più solido a tutela dei cittadini europei. I negoziati sono oggi in una fase cruciale, e mentre altri propongono guerre commerciali e protezionismo, non dovremmo lasciarci sfuggire l'opportunità di rafforzare i legami già esistenti con quest'area strategica per l'Unione europea.


  Julie Girling (ECR). – Madam President, I am saddened to hear so many colleagues using this crisis is an opportunity to trot out their dogmatic anti-global views. Our reaction to the Brazilian meat scandal should not be a purely protectionist attitude. Suggestions that the scandal could undermine the negotiation of the EU-Mercosur Agreement are not only unhelpful, they are also disproportionately excessive in my view.

Four plants eligible to export to the EU were implicated in the scandal. This is very manageable in terms of an investigation. Moreover, given the increasingly interdependent nature of the global environment such a closed-minded approach would be counter-productive and damaging at a much broader level. The focus should be on finding ways better to uphold Europe’s high standards. This applies both to the delivery of consumers’ expectations for quality as well as ensuring that the EU producers are not penalised for adapting to ensure these standards are maintained.

I would like to see a full report identifying lessons that we can learn and measures to be enforced. I know that Mr Siekierski summed up our questions at the beginning and we would like to hear full answers.


  Fernando Ruas (PPE). – Algumas palavras enquanto Presidente da Delegação para as Relações com o Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, para enfatizar que as palavras a transmitir aos nossos concidadãos devem ser de esclarecimento, tranquilidade e confiança. De facto, as autoridades dos dois lados do Atlântico agiram de forma rápida e, ao que sabemos, também de forma eficaz.

Temos, contudo, um mercado sob pressão e se hoje falamos de carne brasileira, no passado já falamos da doença das vacas loucas, da carne dos equídeos mal rotulada, da gripe das aves, enfim, até dos avisos da Organização Mundial da Saúde.

E, na verdade, quando a carne está no prato poucos consumidores sabem a sua origem ou a sua nacionalidade.

Estamos perante um problema que afeta todos e não apenas os produtores de carne de determinado país. Exige-se, então, às empresas desta cadeia de valor com vendas na Europa que cumpram estritamente a legislação, mas também se exige às autoridades competentes que garantam este cumprimento.

Em segundo lugar para reafirmar que estamos perante um caso judicial. Sublinho, por isso, o mérito da investigação das autoridades brasileiras, que identificaram estas práticas irregulares, bem como a rapidez, a transparência e a eficácia das ações subsequentes.

A concluir, lembro que o Acordo Comercial entre o Mercosul e a União Europeia é bem-vindo, pois, para além dos evidentes benefícios económicos, reforçará a proximidade e a cooperação entre os nossos povos.


  Clara Eugenia Aguilera García (S&D). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, estamos sin duda ante un fraude importante porque afecta a elementos tan sustantivos como son la seguridad alimentaria y la salud pública. Por tanto, se genera una gran preocupación en los ciudadanos y conviene aclararlo; que estos debates sirvan para aclararlo.

Al parecer, la detección la hacen las autoridades brasileñas. A mí me preocupa la parte europea. ¿Qué es lo que pasa con las inspecciones? ¿Cómo se hacen? Se está diciendo que las inspecciones que se hacen son básicamente documentales, y que no se realiza el porcentaje de inspección física. Por tanto, estamos poniendo en cuestión los controles de las importaciones en productos como esta carne que procede de Brasil.

Además, no sé si es culpa de los controles de los Estados miembros o de la inspección de la Unión Europea. Conviene aclarar todos estos aspectos, porque sin duda hay un gran problema: que la ciudadanía tiene una desconfianza hacia estas producciones. Es bueno aclararlo y no confundir con otros debates.


  Annie Schreijer-Pierik (PPE). – De oproep van de Braziliaanse autoriteiten om vertrouwen te houden in hun vleessector heeft ons zeer verbaasd, vooral omdat de inspecteurs van het ministerie van Landbouw bij het fraudeschandaal betrokken waren. Ook houdt deze regering de invoer van Europees vlees, kalfsvlees, al jaren tegen omdat ze zegt geen vertrouwen in ons te hebben. Dat is te gek voor woorden, te meer als je weet dat met name onze Europese vleesindustrie tot de belangrijkste in de wereld behoort, de wereldtop. Dat geldt niet voor de Braziliaanse producenten die onder meer - en dat zeg ik niet zomaar - grote hoeveelheden chloorwater gebruiken voor de ontsmetting. Dat mag bij onze producenten niet gebeuren, daar mag niks op zitten. Dat is in Nederland en in Europa verboden. Toch verdienen de Brazilianen jaarlijks wel 12 miljard aan de export van vlees naar Europa.

Voorzitter, commissaris, onze boeren hebben gewoon recht op een gelijk speelveld en willen ze vertrouwen in Europa behouden - iedereen is er keihard mee aan de slag - dan moeten wij nu wat gaan doen.


  Karin Kadenbach (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar! Das erste, was mir dazu einfällt, ist: Wir brauchen die verpflichtende Herkunftsangabe auch bei verarbeitetem Fleisch, und wir brauchen sie auch in der Gastronomie, denn nur dann hat der Konsument und die Konsumentin überhaupt die Chance, eine informierte Entscheidung zu treffen, zu wissen, wo das Fleisch, das er auf seinem Teller hat, herkommt. Wir werden in der Europäischen Union in Bälde ein neues, in vielen Bereichen verschärftes Kontrollsystem der amtlichen Kontrollen haben. Dort wollen wir kontrollieren from farm to fork. Es wird strenger sein, wir werden mehr Transparenz haben, wir werden mehr Unabhängigkeit haben, versuchen, Interessenskonflikte zu vermeiden. Wir haben den Whistleblower eingebaut, sodass die Möglichkeit besteht, dass hier auch Informationen unter der Hand hinausgehen, um auf diese ungesetzlichen Vorgänge, z. B. in Produktionsbetrieben, hinzuweisen.

Es wird uns aber nichts helfen, wenn bei Importen die strengen Importkontrollen stattfinden, wenn wir uns aber in Bereichen wie z. B. dem Tierschutz nicht auf unsere Partner verlassen können. Wir brauchen auch Bestimmungen in den Handelsabkommen, die darauf drängen, dass unsere sehr strengen Gesetze, die in Europa gelten, auch für unsere Importeure entlang der gesamten Produktions- und Vertriebskette gelten.


  Nuno Melo (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, os agricultores europeus têm feito muitos esforços ao longo de anos para produzir melhor, com altos standards do mundo, os mais altos standards ao nível do bem-estar animal, da segurança alimentar e, no caso da produção de carne bovina, com a rastreabilidade individual, como a legislação europeia obriga.

É, obviamente, importante que a Europa, quando importa animais de países terceiros, exija, pelo menos, aos países exportadores as mesmas exigências que faz aos agricultores europeus para desta forma não destruir a confiança que os consumidores têm na carne vendida na Europa, que tanto esforço tem custado aos agricultores europeus e tantos recursos económicos à União Europeia.

Neste caso devemos reconhecer que foram as próprias autoridades brasileiras a denunciar o caso, o significa que a fiscalização no Brasil funcionou mas, ao mesmo tempo, significa que na União Europeia a fiscalização não foi eficaz, porque se a carne era adulterada não foi detetada como tal no espaço da União Europeia e é sobre esta fiscalização interna, na União Europeia, Senhora Presidente, que também nos devemos questionar.


  Monika Smolková (S&D) – Vážený pán komisár, veľmi pozorne som vás počúvala, čo poviete na úvod rozpravy, a musím povedať, že ma to sklamalo. To, že zlyhali brazílske kontrolné orgány je jedna vec, ale obrovskú dieru v kontrolnom systéme máme u nás v Európskej únii. Ako sa mohlo stať, že sa v rámci EÚ rozdistribuovalo množstvo pokazeného mäsa, ak by kontrola fungovala?

V týchto dňoch sa na Slovensku stiahlo z distribúcie 21 ton mäsa, ktoré obsahovalo salmonelu a bolo 2 roky v soli. Ak by sme to neurobili, možno už dnes by takéto mäso jedli deti v školách, pacienti v nemocniciach, v sociálnych zariadeniach a bežní klienti v reštauráciách. Konzumentov by bolo 210-tisíc; 210-tisíc ľudí by bolo ohrozených.

Vážený pán komisár, prosím, povedzte, čo máme povedať našim obyvateľom, ktorí takýmito kauzami strácajú dôveru v EÚ a už dnes rozširujú rady euroskeptikov. Aké viete dať garancie európskym občanom, že nekalé obchodné praktiky v potravinovom dodávateľskom reťazci sa nebudú opakovať? Povedzte, kedy označíte vinníka a kedy a ako bude aj potrestaný?


  Sofia Ribeiro (PPE). – Nos acordos comerciais tenho vindo a defender um mercado regulado que garanta a segurança alimentar dos produtos que entram na União Europeia, bem como condições de equidade relativamente ao seu modo de produção. Temos de proteger os agricultores europeus da competição desleal, não permitindo a entrada de produtos sem os mesmos critérios de produção que os que exigimos na União Europeia, garantindo a equidade de custos. Não podemos admitir dois critérios, um mais permissivo para os externos e outro mais exigente para os nossos agricultores.

A situação em apreço é criminosa e pontual, mas evidenciou graves falhas ao nível do controlo, que são sistémicas. É introduzida na União carne adulterada e aditivada, com prejuízo dos nossos agricultores por falta de equidade.

Eu sou a favor do Mercosul, mas sou a favor de um Mercosul “regulado” e, neste momento, é por isso que defendo a revisão das negociações do Mercosul no que concerne à carne, por uma questão de proteção do consumidor e de proteção dos agricultores europeus.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Madam President, I think there is a credibility issue here. Not so much for Brazil but for the European Commission. The credibility of Brazil has been questioned for a long time, as my colleague Mr Nicholson pointed out. They, Members here, the Irish Farmers Journal, the IFA, exposed the fraudulent activity 10 years ago and here we are with another scandal now. What does the Commission do? Nothing! They are letting down European consumers. We are supposed to have the highest standards in the world within Europe, but we do not for food coming into Europe.

The first thing we should do is ban Brazilian beef. Look what happened when BSE struck in Ireland and in Europe. It was banned, and it still has not yet been lifted in some cases. Seventeen years! That is how you act to defend your citizens and your consumers.

Tolerating and asking for guarantees is no good. We must ensure that guarantees satisfy us so that our consumers can know that they are getting the highest standard of food within Europe at all times.


  Tom Vandenkendelaere (PPE). – Geachte commissaris, eerst en vooral bedankt dat u vanavond hier bent na uw vergadering met de Raad eerder vandaag. Ik denk dat ik hier niet hoef te herhalen dat uw aanpak doorslaggevend zal zijn voor het herstel van het consumentenvertrouwen. Ik verwacht dat de Europese audit van Brazilië die dit voorjaar gepland is, uiterst ernstig wordt uitgevoerd. Het is een noodzakelijke voorwaarde om het consumentenvertrouwen te herstellen.

In Europa moet de nadruk liggen op harmonisatie tussen de lidstaten, op alle niveaus. Frauduleuze operatoren mikken op de zwakste schakels, waar de minste controle en/of de laagste kosten zijn. Grondigere inspectie en voldoende testen, overal in de Unie, zijn onontbeerlijk.

Commissaris, ik ben een Belg. Bij ons is er geen biefstuk zonder frieten. En ook over onze Europese frieten maak ik mij zorgen. Niet over de kwaliteit ervan, noch over de veiligheid, maar wel omdat er sinds februari Braziliaanse antidumpingmaatregelen van kracht zijn tegen Europese diepvriesfrieten. Ik stelde u daarover trouwens al een schriftelijke vraag op 7 februari. En hoewel ik besef dat het geen fytosanitair probleem is, durf ik u toch te vragen om de aanpak van de Commissie hierover toe te lichten.


Interventions à la demande


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE) – Vážený pán komisár, 145-tisíc ton mäsa bolo privezených z Brazílie. Nakazeného mäsa, ktoré je impestované salmonelou, ktoré je ošetrené karcinogénmi a ktoré je distribuované v Európskej únii. Len na naše malé Slovensko bolo distribuovaných už 21 ton mäsa a boli jednoducho už v potravinových prevádzkach, v školách a v nemocniciach.

Pýtam sa vás, pán komisár, ako je možné, že európski kontrolóri, naši hygienici, centrálne orgány, mikrobiológovia, potravinové komory neprišli na to, že z Brazílie k nám prichádza poškodené mäso. To sme sa museli dozvedieť až o tom, že Brazília sama zistila tento hrozný škandál, keď brazílski kontrolóri boli podplácaní kartelmi a prižmurovali oči nad kvalitou mäsa? Pýtam sa vás, pán komisár, čo urobíte, aby sa toto viac neopakovalo?


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhora Presidente, as autoridades judiciais brasileiras identificaram fraudes diversas nalguns lotes de carne exportados pelo Brasil para a Europa e outras regiões do globo. Isto é lamentável! Mas deve sublinhar-se a eficácia da operação que detetou a fraude e a rápida reação das autoridades que suspenderam empresas, lançaram auditorias e processaram os funcionários do Estado envolvidos.

Uma outra dimensão do escândalo é o impacto que poderá ter na segurança alimentar no Brasil, ou fora dele. Temos de proteger os consumidores. Esta investigação tem de ir até ao fim. Mas, neste contexto, não é aceitável usar este caso como arma de arremesso para pôr em causa o acordo comercial entre a União Europeia e o Mercosul. Na atual ordem económica e política mundial deixar escapar uma aproximação estratégica entre a Europa e uma parte importante da América Latina por calculismos setoriais, a acontecer, seria também um grande escândalo, uma visão fraca sobre uma operação que se chama “carne fraca”.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I have a question for the Commissioner. Commissioner, you spoke of the highest safety standards in the EU, but my question is: who is taking responsibility for ensuring the safety of meat imports into the EU? As my colleague Seán Kelly said, this is not the first time. Ten years ago in this Parliament we were discussing the absence of traceability of Brazilian beef, and tonight we are discussing an even bigger scandal which shows systematic failures in controls at all levels in Brazil. European consumers rely on the Commission to ensure safe food. European farmers rely on the Commission to ensure verifiable equivalence in the food products we import. The Commission has failed in this duty. Several countries moved swiftly to ban Brazilian beef. Some have relaxed that ban, but we sat on our hands and failed our citizens and farmers again. It cannot be business as usual in the Mercosur negotiations. The mutual trust that should be there has been shattered.


  Luke Ming Flanagan (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, Commissioner Andriukaitis talks about current and future safety. I notice he did not talk about our past safety because we have been let down and it is too late on that. Then he goes on to talk about continuing these trade talks, but surely the best way to guarantee the safety of European citizens is to give them access only to meat that comes from the safest system – in other words, from the European Union. Surely it makes sense to have a short supply chain and interestingly enough, I have not heard many people talk here about the fact that we have signed up to doing something about climate change. How on earth, pardon the pun, does it makes sense to bring meat from that far away across the planet and potentially send it the other way – although we are not allowed to do that yet, though potentially with trade talks.

Who is mandating you to do this? Because apparently we are not going to do this. As for safety checks, how can you increase physical checks? What are you going to do – have X-ray vision? You are already physically checking it.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, otkrivena situacija prijevara u sektoru mesa zabrinjava zbog propusta službenih kontrola koje su znale da je meso nesukladno standardima kvalitete, ali unatoč tome nisu spriječile da bude izvezeno na europsko tržište.

U međunarodnoj trgovini povjerenje partnera je ključno, a ono je u ovom slučaju bitno narušeno – i u službe nadzora i u kontrole proizvoda. Takvo ponašanje krajnje je neodgovorno jer dovodi u pitanje postojeće međunarodne trgovinske ugovore između Brazila i Europske unije.

Navedeno šteti vjerodostojnosti Brazila u poštivanju pravila WTO-a u tom sporazumu. Ova situacija dovodi u pitanje i daljnje trgovinske pregovore sa zemljama Mercosura te prisiljava države članice Europske unije da s ciljem zaštite svojih građana podignu razinu povjerenja i provjere uvoznih prehrambenih proizvoda.

Ako ne možemo vjerovati deklaracijama i certifikatima trećih država, tada su nužne domaće provjere. Ako nema međusobnog povjerenja, ne može biti niti sporazuma o slobodnoj trgovini. Uostalom, ja se uvijek zalažem za kupnju domaćeg, jer domaće je najbolje.


  Paolo De Castro (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor commissario, lo scandalo di cui stiamo discutendo impone una seria riflessione su due aspetti distinti ma strettamente correlati tra loro. Da un lato la protezione dei nostri consumatori, per la quale è quanto mai necessario un approccio armonizzato tra gli Stati membri con maggiori controlli, non solo sulla carne in entrata, ma anche sulle partite già importate dal Brasile; dall'altro gli standard che i nostri operatori devono rispettare e che rendono i prodotti europei i più sani e sicuri al mondo.

Il rispetto di questi standard, di cui come europei dobbiamo essere orgogliosi, implica tuttavia costi e sacrifici pesanti per i produttori dell'Unione, ponendoli spesso in una posizione di svantaggio competitivo rispetto ai nostri competitor globali. Chiediamo quindi, commissario, che anche attraverso gli accordi commerciali in corso di negoziazione e futuri venga garantito un mercato più trasparente, orientato al perseguimento del principio di reciprocità, a livello internazionale, degli standard qualitativi applicati dall'Unione.

Solo in questo modo verrà realmente valorizzato l'approccio alla crescita che può essere dato da un ampliamento degli scambi commerciali, senza ridurre le tutele di cui godono i nostri consumatori.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, first of all I would like to start with this very simple question: who is responsible? Me! I am responsible. I am required to do my best and to be responsible in this situation. I would like to continue my work in this style.

Of course it is not about a trade war, it is not about protectionism, I fully agree with all of you. It is about food safety, about trust, about reliability, predictability and effectiveness of official controls in Brazil and here. Of course the fraud was in Brazil, and we all know very well how it is difficult to detect fraud because we have our own experience when we are speaking about the horsemeat scandal. Now it is very difficult to detect fraud on the ground and the Brazilian police authorities did it. Of course we will ask the Minister once again to provide us with very informative, very detailed information. We will look at such a response from the Brazilian side. As you know, in Brazil they have only three states which have the right to use the European certificate. Twenty-one establishments were involved in this situation. Only four establishments were involved in that scandal.

Of course we will see how to monitor the situation. This is why we have asked to check, to reinforce controls here in the EU – because we are speaking about the past and not only about the future – but we will ask Member States to follow all situations and once again to provide very reliable information after official and enforced controls here in our Union.

Then we will ask also to see how to introduce stricter rules today. We organised two immediate meetings with senior officials, with senior veterinary officials and they all agreed about such a harmonised approach at the moment. As you know, we do not rule out the adoption too of further measures should the situation so require, be it through the outcome of the import controls, the Commission’s audit in Brazil or the information provided by Brazil, and I am ready to inform you after a few months about the situation because it is about food safety, about consumer protection, about our trust and reliability.

Of course, there is no doubt we will do our best in this way, but it is not about war between the EU and Brazil, about war between the EU and Mercosur. This is not the situation when we are speaking about a rule-based trade agreement. A rule-based trade agreement! You need to understand that the EU-Mercosur agreement must be based on rules and of course we will guarantee all possibilities to provide clear instruments to defend food safety standards.

Of course you ask me about statistics. Such statistics are available. I can send you this information additionally. Just to illustrate: in 2016 imports from Brazil of bovine animals meat was EUR 449 million and of poultry EUR 163 million. As I mentioned, of course, you also know that we have a rapid alert system and in this rapid alert system they have all the figures. I do not know about some figures which were mentioned here, they are not in line with our figures which we have in our rapid alert system.

I would like to respond to all of your questions in more detail, but I will be more than happy to continue our discussions and then to provide you addition information after the audit, after the response from the Brazilian side and also after collection of additional new information in the EU.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Déclarations écrites (article 162)


  Mario Borghezio (ENF), per iscritto. – Lo scandalo delle carni avariate brasiliane è di portata mondiale, tanto che Cina e Corea del Sud hanno adottato misure di blocco delle importazioni. L'UE, al momento, ha solo minacciato di adottare le stesse misure. E' necessario, che l'intervento europeo sia urgente, bloccando tutte le importazioni di carne brasiliana, non solo quella prodotta e lavorata dalle aziende coinvolte nello scandalo.

La Commissione intende intervenire in questo senso? E ancora: la Commissione sta monitorando che carne infetta non sia già arrivata nei supermercati e/o sulle tavole dei cittadini europei, i quali hanno il diritto alla salvaguardia pubblica della propria salute?


  Nicola Caputo (S&D), per iscritto. – Dopo due anni di indagini, la polizia federale brasiliana ha portato alla luce frodi gravissime ed episodi di corruzione sistematica in alcune aziende di trasformazione delle carni. Gli enti di controllo brasiliani avrebbero dolosamente ignorato violazioni delle più elementari norme di difesa e sicurezza alimentare. Parliamo della falsificazione di certificati d'esportazione e di autorizzazioni sanitarie, a cui si aggiunge l'uso di sostanze chimiche per migliorare aspetto e odore delle carni scadute.

Sembra addirittura che in Europa sia stata importata carne contaminata da salmonella, trattata con acido ascorbico per nasconderne l'aspetto. Si tratta di palesi violazioni di norme europee. È una falla enorme nella corretta gestione della filiera alimentare, ancora più grave perché arriva dopo le rassicurazioni sull'efficacia dei controlli, date anche a questa assemblea in occasione della discussione sul CETA.

La credibilità dell'Europa è pesantemente minata da questi episodi, inaccettabili atti criminali che vanno contrastati con misure rigorose e tempestive per salvaguardare la salute dei consumatori.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR), γραπτώς. – Όπως αποδεικνύεται και από την έκθεση, οι δόλιες πρακτικές των βραζιλιανών αρχών, και ιδίως των περιφερειακών κρατιδίων, σε σχέση με τις εξαγωγές ακατάλληλων και επικίνδυνων κρεάτων προς την ΕΕ είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη, καθώς αποτελούν συνηθισμένη πρακτική εδώ και πολλά χρόνια. Αυτό είναι αποτέλεσμα και της ανεξέλεγκτης τακτικής που επικρατεί σε επίπεδο ΕΕ, η οποία στο πλαίσιο της παγκοσμιοποίησης έχει ανοίξει τις πύλες της σε αθρόες εισαγωγές γεωργικών και κτηνοτροφικών προϊόντων αμφιβόλου ποιότητας. Επιπλέον, η ηγεσία της ΕΕ με τις πολιτικές που ακολουθεί στον τομέα της Κοινής Γεωργικής Πολιτικής έχει κυριολεκτικά διαλύσει τη γεωργία και την κτηνοτροφία, με αποτέλεσμα η Ένωση να εξαρτάται ουσιαστικά από τις εισαγωγές, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπίσει τις διατροφικές ανάγκες των ευρωπαϊκών πληθυσμών. Για όλους τους παραπάνω λόγους απαιτείται πλέον η επαναφορά της αρχής της κοινοτικής προτίμησης, προκειμένου η ΕΕ να προστατέψει τη γεωργία και την κτηνοτροφία και να χαράξει μια πολιτική η οποία θα της προσδώσει αυτάρκεια και επάρκεια ιδίως στην παραγωγή κρεάτων. Επιπλέον, εδώ και τώρα θα πρέπει να επιβληθούν αυστηροί έλεγχοι στην εισαγωγή κρεάτων από την Βραζιλία και άλλες τρίτες χώρες με ταυτόχρονη επιβολή αυστηρών μέτρων που θα περιορίζουν τις εισαγωγές κρεάτων από τρίτες χώρες.


  Момчил Неков (S&D), в писмена форма. – Скандалът с вносното говеждо от Бразилия е само върхът на айсберга. С всеки регламент в областта на селското стопанство създаваме все повече условия за европейските производители. Същевременно обаче отваряме все по-широко вноса от трети страни на редица продукти. Европа трябва да бъде гарант за стабилност на дохода на европейските говедовъди, а не дестинация на продукция със съмнително качество и стандарти от други части на света. Аз смятам, че флиртът на Европейската комисия с третите страни, чрез така наречените споразумения за свободна търговия, трябва да спре. Европейското селско стопанство губи своята конкурентоспособност, селските региони губят своя поминък точно заради подобни споразумения, като подготвяното с Меркосур, на който и Бразилия е член. През 2016 г. ЕС е внесъл 66 хиляди тона телешко в прясно и замразено състояние само от Бразилия. Говедовъдството е сектор, които ангажира местна работна ръка и суровини, създава поминък за няколко сектора. Повече защита за европейските производители означава по-силно европейско селско стопанство, повече местно производство и по-добро качество.


  Pavel Poc (S&D), písemně. – Podle vyjádření komisaře pro zdraví Vytenise Andriukaitise na plenární debatě dne 3. dubna 2017 má EU nejvyšší standardy bezpečnosti potravin na světě. Přesto se v důsledku nekalých obchodních praktik dostalo na evropský trh maso, které vystavuje spotřebitele riziku. Vítám sice posílení kontrol importovaného masa z Brazílie, je ale potřeba mít záruky, že se taková věc nebude opakovat, ať by mělo jít o jakoukoli zemi. Je důležité uvědomit si, že vyšetřování brazilských úřadů probíhalo dva roky a za celou tu dobu Komise nevyslala jediný signál, že by bylo něco v nepořádku. Je třeba posílit kontroly dovozu masa ze třetích zemí obecně. Brazílie je největším světovým vývozcem hovězího a drůbežího, do EU každoročně vyveze 400 000 tun masa. Evropští spotřebitelé a producenti očekávají, že veškeré dovozy masa budou splňovat náročné evropské normy a standardy. Podporuji iniciativu kolegyně Smolkové, která požaduje odpovídající reakci Evropské komise, a proto podporuji i iniciativy mého členského státu, České republiky, která v návaznosti na skandál požaduje zákaz dovozu masa z Brazílie. Vítám také rychlou reakci státní veterinární správy, která na základě laboratorních vzorků analyzovala přítomnost patogenních mikroorganismů, inhibičních látek (antibiotik) a látek zadržujících vodu v mase a objevila závažná pochybení.


  Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – Senhor Comissário, as elevadas normas e os controlos europeus fracassaram totalmente. A União Europeia não foi capaz de descobrir a fraude. Pergunto-me eu, assim como qualquer pessoa com sentido comum, quantas mais fraudes estão a acontecer com as importações de alimentos sem que sejam descobertas pela Comissão Europeia e os Estados?

Mas isto explica como são os métodos fraudulentos que permitem colocar produtos alimentares a baixos preços nos mercados de todo o mundo, pondo em risco a saúde das pessoas e arruinando a produtoras e produtores locais. E também mostra claramente por que razão as grandes empresas da carne não querem a rotulagem do país de origem da mesma, porque o negócio também está na utilização de carnes baratas em transformados de marcas reconhecidas.

No meu país diz-se que “ninguém vende pesos a quatro pesetas”, ou seja, ninguém venderia um euro por oitenta cêntimos. A solução para tudo isto passa por acabar com a vocação exportadora das políticas agrárias e alimentares, acabar com a circulação em massa de alimentos em todo o planeta, conferir prioridade à produção local para os mercados locais e de proximidade, regular produções e mercados e definir preços mínimos que cubram custos e remunerem o trabalho.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. – Een nieuw voedselschandaal teistert de EU: de invoer van rot en ongezond vlees uit Brazilië. Eenentwintig Braziliaanse bedrijven staan onder verdenking. Vier ervan voerden vlees uit naar de EU. Dit schandaal vormt de top van een enorme ijsberg. Tussen 2000 en nu vermeldt het Snelle Waarschuwingssysteem voor Voedsel en Veevoer 258 notificaties over Braziliaanse vleesproducten en 553 notificaties inzake gevogelte. Tussen 17 november 2016 en nu zijn er 24 serieuze meldingen inzake Salmonella en 3 over E.coli in bevroren vlees en kip.

Dit schandaal is gelinkt aan intensieve landbouwtechnieken die zorgen voor massale ontbossing van de Cerrado, een savanne-achtig gebied waar de ontbossing 2 tot 3 maal sneller gaat dan in de Amazone. Dat heeft ook een directe impact op de mensenrechten: 207 milieuactivisten werden vermoord tussen 2010 en 2015.

Het voormalige FVO organiseerde 3 audits in 2016 en stelde vast dat de export van vlees niet voldeed aan Europese exportstandaarden. Toch had dat geen enkele invloed op het handelsverkeer. Het FVO doet ongelofelijk goed werk, maar er is onvoldoende politieke controle op de opvolging van hun conclusies en aanbevelingen. Daarom pleit ik voor een jaarlijks politiek debat over de aanbevelingen van het FVO.


  Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – A polícia federal brasileira revelou recentemente um gigantesco esquema de fraude e venda de carnes adulteradas envolvendo as principais marcas do país. Foram 29 as companhias investigadas, incluindo as duas gigantes JBS, das marcas Friboi, Seara e Big Frango, e a BRF, dona da Sadia e Perdigão.

Entre o rol de irregularidades investigadas destaca-se a reembalagem de produtos em fim de período de validade, injeção de água para aumentar o peso das mercadorias e uso de ácido ascórbico e ácido sórbico para maquilhar sinais de degradação da carne. Ambos os ácidos são cancerígenos quando usados em doses elevadas. A estes crimes está associada um rede de corrupção envolvendo funcionários dos serviços oficiais de fiscalização e controlo.

É fundamental que a Comissão Europeia avalie este escândalo vindo daquele que é hoje o maior exportador mundial de carne e o maior fornecedor de carne bovina à União Europeia e que tome medidas que protejam os consumidores e evite quaisquer dúvidas sobre a qualidade da carne comercializada no espaço europeu. É igualmente imperioso que esta questão tenha consequências sobre as atuais negociações com o Mercosul.

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