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Procedure : 2017/2648(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 06/04/2017 - 4.3
CRE 06/04/2017 - 4.3

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PV 06/04/2017 - 7.3

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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 6 April 2017 - Strasbourg Revised edition

4.3. Bangladesh, including child marriages
Video of the speeches

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad siedmioma rezolucji w sprawie Bangladeszu, w tym małżeństw dzieci (2017/2648(RSP)).


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, abbiamo un accordo di cooperazione e partenariato sullo sviluppo con il Bangladesh, e come Unione europea dobbiamo avere il coraggio di dire ai nostri partner quando ci sono dei problemi. E in Bangladesh, ahimè, di problemi ce ne sono molti.

Con la risoluzione di oggi vogliamo evidenziarne uno particolarmente grave. In Bangladesh il tasso di ragazze che si sposa entro i 18 anni è del 52 %; le spose bambine con meno di 15 anni sono il 18 % del totale. È evidente che nella maggior parte dei casi non si tratta di una scelta, e proprio per questo motivo le Nazioni Unite la ritengono una violazione dei diritti umani, perché apre la porta ad abusi legati alla dote, alle molestie sessuali, agli stupri e alla legittimazione della corruzione di minorenne.

Per questo, pur riconoscendo gli sforzi intrapresi dal Bangladesh negli ultimi anni per migliorare la situazione, vogliamo dire al governo che questo non basta e bisogna andare avanti in modo più deciso e convinto. La legge sulle limitazioni al matrimonio minorile del 2017 – e le scappatoie in essa contenute, che di fatto legalizzano queste eccezioni – deve essere cestinata e completamente riscritta.

Vogliamo ricordare al governo che il tesoro più prezioso di un paese è sempre rappresentato dalla sua gioventù. Sì, perché è di gioventù che stiamo parlando oggi, cari colleghi, di bambine. Ed è compito di un governo tutelare questo tesoro, permetterne un'educazione nel pieno rispetto dei loro diritti e garantire loro un futuro e la possibilità di poter scegliere liberamente e scevre da ogni vincolo la persona con cui vorranno passare la loro vita.

In questo caso noi non possiamo che fare il nostro dovere di Unione europea e dire al Bangladesh che è ora di porre in essere veri passi in avanti concreti. Questa legge non basta e non può bastare.


  Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, a 14-year-old girl was brought to the altar to be married to a man twice her age for a dowry, forever. Fifty-two percent of girls in Bangladesh are married when they are 18 years old, and 18% before their 15th birthday. The new law against child marriages allows for so many exceptions that it will most likely lead to more girls being raped or disfigured in acid attacks. In nearly all cases, these girls will not get an education and will live in isolation, poverty, economic dependence and servitude. These girls are children, not objects for sale in the adults’ marriage market. Today, we – as Parliament – have the chance to let these girls learn that not all adults in the world have abandoned them. We are concerned about these girls’ future. We, as a Parliament, have to act.


  Ulrike Lunacek, author. – Mr President, just imagine that you were 13, 14 or 15 years old and had been raped, and then your parents and the courts decided that it would be in your best interests to get married to the rapist. That is what the new provisions of this Child Marriage Restraint Bill in Bangladesh allow for. This is horrendous and we have to speak out. I am glad that we have a sense of urgency now, because even though Bangladesh pledged at the Girl Summit of July 2014 to reduce the number of girls marrying between the ages of 15 and 18 by 2021, this new law allows for so many exceptions that it is really a step backward and not forward. It could lead to an escalation of dowry abuse, sexual harassment, rape, acid violence, legitimisation of statutory rape and allow parents to force their daughters to marry their rapists. I am glad that we are speaking out very clearly against that.

Let me nevertheless also refer to something else where I think Bangladesh still needs to move ahead. It is almost four years since the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, when a textile factory collapsed, killing more than 1 100 women and some men, with more than 2 500 people injured. Until now, the sustainability compact, which is supposed to improve the situation in the garment industry, labour rights and factory safety, has not been implemented as much as it should have been. So I ask the External Action Service and the Commission to follow up on that to make sure that human rights, children’s rights and girls’ rights are taken into account in Bangladesh.


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, today’s resolution is very useful in highlighting the problems of forced child marriage and acts of sexual violence against women in Bangladesh, which we all rightly condemn. We must, however, distinguish such concerns from a wider condemnation of cultural norms and morals in Bangladesh, with very different social traditions and economic imperatives to those of our own here in the European Union. I am also mindful of the fact that in the United Kingdom and in Spain, the legal age of consent for marriage is 16, with the permission of parents.

On a separate point, I note in paragraph 13 the reference to the Foreign Donations Regulation Act, calling for its amendment. Of course, we wish to see a vibrant and free civil society operating in Bangladesh, and should be concerned by any legislation that prohibits such development. However, there have been problems with some NGOs and charities operating as vehicles for the funding of jihadi terrorism organisations and we must support the Bangladeshi Government’s right to crack down on these practices. Bangladesh is a secular country and enjoys a PCA with the European Union, and we should help it in its democratic progress and its prosperity.


  Lola Sánchez Caldentey, autora. – Señor presidente, Bangladés ha aprobado una reforma legal que permite el matrimonio de menores en «ciertas circunstancias», pero estas «ciertas circunstancias» dejan la puerta abierta para legalizar una práctica que ya es muy habitual.

Según la Unicef, Bangladés tiene la segunda tasa más alta del mundo de matrimonios infantiles y la más alta de Asia. Más de la mitad de las niñas —ya se ha dicho aquí— están casadas antes de los dieciocho años y el número es muy alto antes de los quince años.

Esta reforma legislativa es un retroceso en materia de derechos humanos, y especialmente en lo relativo al derecho de las mujeres y de las niñas. No olvidemos que el matrimonio infantil es muchas veces consecuencia de la pobreza y de la desigualdad, es decir, que se combate con políticas sociales efectivas, sobre todo en educación y en sanidad, incluyendo, por supuesto, el respeto a la salud y a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las niñas porque, muchas veces, los embarazos no deseados son los que llevan al matrimonio infantil.

No debemos olvidar tampoco la seria situación que vive este país en lo relativo a derechos de los trabajadores, libertades sociales, libertades de expresión y de opinión. Los datos de detenciones arbitrarias, extorsiones y torturas a sindicalistas, opositores y defensores de derechos humanos son muy habituales y muy alarmantes.

Por eso, la Comisión debería iniciar cuanto antes una investigación sobre el cumplimiento de los convenios internacionales sobre derechos humanos y laborales. No podemos seguir ofreciendo un sistema de preferencias generalizadas a un país en el que las violaciones de derechos humanos cada día son más graves, especialmente contra las mujeres.


  Dita Charanzová, author. – Mr President, child marriage is a violation of human rights. Children are simply not able to give their full consent, and there is enough evidence showing the serious psychological and physical impact of marrying as a child. Bangladesh knows this and has tried to reduce the number of child marriages, but taking away the minimum age and creating special conditions for children to marry is not a solution. There can be no special cases when it comes to violation of human rights.

Bangladesh already had one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world with the ban in place. The new law will simply encourage the practice to continue and even intensify the current situation. The Bangladeshi authorities must act now to ensure that this does not happen. The special circumstances that allow for child marriage must be clearly defined and very difficult to use. The penalties for breaking the law must be strong and upheld to deter child marriage from the outset. For cases where a girl becomes pregnant, other safe and legal alternatives to marriage must be available. The EU must be active and willing to support the Bangladeshi authorities to achieve this and, on a broader scale, to respect all of its human rights obligations.


  Tomáš Zdechovský, Autor. – Pane předsedající, jménem skupiny Evropské lidové strany bych chtěl říct, že v Bangladéši i přes dosažený pokrok v mnoha oblastech dochází stále k potlačování lidských práv v mnoha ohledech. Mám především na mysli svatby dětí, a to zejména dívek mladších osmnácti let, a dokonce mladších i patnácti let.

Velice mě zaráží fakt, že letos v únoru byl v Bangladéši schválen zákon, který de facto umožňuje pokračovat v těchto praktikách. A to i přesto, že bangladéšská vláda se nedávno zavázala podíl těchto dětských svateb postupně snižovat. Dochází také k pokračujícímu potlačování práv dětí, které s sebou přináší negativní dopady na jejich psychiku, vzdělání a jejich budoucí život. To přece nemůžeme tolerovat. Musíme apelovat na místní vládu, aby změnila tento zákon a aby zakázala veškeré svatby dětí, a to bez výjimky.


  Csaba Sógor, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. – Elnök Úr! Gyermekházasságok ellen nem csak azért emelünk szót, mert sérti a gyermekek jogait, mert a mai európai országokban már nem elfogadott társadalmi norma, bár egyes közösségekben még ma is élő gyakorlat. Egyrészt azért tartjuk elfogadhatatlannak, mert óriási egészségügyi kockázatnak teszik ki a leánygyermekeket, akiket sokszor akaratuk ellenére kényszerítenek bele házasságba. Ezek a gyermekek fizikailag és lelkileg sincsenek felkészülve a szüléssel és az anyasággal járó feladatokra, de a társadalmi szokásoknak eleget téve mégis erre kényszerülnek. Másrészt azért gondoljuk, hogy véget kellene vetni a gyermekházasságok gyakorlatának, mert azok tulajdonképpen konzerválják a szegénységet. A házasságot kötő gyermek tanulmányai félbeszakadnak, az oktatási rendszerből való kiesés pedig a társadalmi mobilizáció gátja. Ezért lenne fontos, hogy az épp fejlődő dél-ázsiai országokban is, ahol minden második nő 18 éves kora előtt megy férjhez, minden hatodik pedig 15 éves kora előtt, érzékelhető változás következzen be ezen a téren.


  Arne Lietz, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Das in Bangladesch verabschiedete Gesetz zur Beschränkung der Kinderehe beinhaltet leider weiterhin Ausnahmesituationen, die Kinderehen zulassen. Derzeit sind in Bangladesch 52 Prozent der Mädchen an ihrem 18. Geburtstag und bereits 18 Prozent der Mädchen an ihrem 15. Geburtstag verheiratet. Aus Sicht des Europäischen Parlaments könnte das Gesetz zur Folge haben, dass Gewalt im Zusammenhang mit der Mitgift, sexuelle Belästigung, Vergewaltigung sowie Säureangriffe zunehmen und die Vergewaltigung Minderjähriger legitimiert wird. Die Situation ist damit sogar gegeben, dass Mädchen gezwungen werden könnten, eventuelle Vergewaltiger sogar heiraten zu müssen. Deswegen unterstütze ich unseren Entschließungsantrag, der die Regierung auffordert, dieses Gesetz zu ändern. Die Rechtslücken müssen geschlossen werden, um sämtliche Kinderehen zu verbieten.


  Jana Žitňanská, za skupinu ECR – Vážený pán predsedajúci, každoročne až 15 miliónov dievčat mladších ako 18 rokov je nútených sa vydať za častokrát omnoho starších partnerov. Každú minútu to predstavuje 28 neplnoletých dievčat. Každé dve sekundy jedno dievča. Bangladéš patrí medzi krajiny, ktoré majú jeden z najvyšších podielov detských svadieb na svete a zároveň jej v Ázii patrí smutné prvenstvo. Viac ako polovica dievčat podstúpi nútený sobáš pred dovŕšením plnoletosti a takmer 20 % je dokonca mladších ako 15 rokov. V tomto kontexte je alarmujúce, že v Bangladéši nedávno prijali zákon, ktorý síce na jednej strane zakazuje svadby neplnoletých, dokonca u chlapcov stanovuje minimálny vek na 21 rokov, na druhej strane v tzv. opodstatnených prípadoch pripúšťa výnimky. V texte zákona sa však neuvádza spodná veková hranica pre tieto výnimky a taktiež je reálna obava, že výnimky sa budú zneužívať a tisíce dievčat budú prichádzať o svoje detstvo. Dnes sa teda zdá, že dievčatá v Bangladéši od nútených sobášov neochráni zákon, ale ich lepšie vzdelanie, pretože vzdelané dievčatá sa dokážu lepšie brániť a rozhodovať o vlastnom živote.


  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. – Señor presidente, solo oímos hablar de Bangladés cuando hay un accidente en una planta textil que trabaja para compañías occidentales y mueren decenas de trabajadores desprotegidos. Pero en Bangladés, uno de los países más pobres del mundo, hay más cosas que merecen nuestra atención, aunque no afecten a nuestros intereses empresariales.

En más de la mitad de los matrimonios en Bangladés, un país de 150 millones de habitantes, la novia es una niña, una menor. Hasta hace unos meses, la ley prohibía expresamente que una menor de dieciocho años pudiera casarse. Pero acaban de reformarla introduciendo una brecha de excepcionalidad a la norma. ¿Para qué? Para que las niñas que quedan embarazadas puedan casarse con el futuro padre, es decir con su abusador. Así me lo confirmó hace poco en las Naciones Unidas, la ministra de Asuntos de la Mujer y la Infancia, la señora Meher Afroz Chumki.

No puede existir ninguna excepción que permita el matrimonio infantil. Las niñas de Bangladés necesitan protección legal y educación completa en materia sexual y reproductiva.

La Unión Europea ha comprometido nuevas ayudas de casi 700 millones bajo su Programa Indicativo Plurianual para Bangladés. Señora Mogherini, señor Mimica, les pido que sean estrictos aquí. Congelen esos fondos de inmediato. No financiemos a un Gobierno que abre puertas traseras a los matrimonios con menores.


  Ignazio Corrao, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Bangladesh continua a far parlare di sé per quanto riguarda le violazioni dei diritti umani su diversi fronti: libertà di associazione, matrimoni precoci, arresti arbitrari e abusi da parte delle forze dell'ordine.

Sono passati ormai anni dalla tragedia del Rana Plaza, tragedia che ha attirato l'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica mondiale. Ma ciononostante nessun cambiamento è davvero avvenuto. Ci sembra chiaro che non c'è stata alcuna reale presa di coscienza da parte del governo sulla necessità di apportare le dovute riforme. Anzi, si è andati di male in peggio: il salario minimo non viene aumentato dal 2013, mentre il costo della vita è aumentato in modo significativo, costringendo lavoratori, sindacalisti e giornalisti a scioperare e denunciare le inaccettabili condizioni di vita a cui sono sottoposti. Per tutta risposta il governo ha deciso di procedere con arresti e repressioni e, come se non bastasse, ha praticamente legalizzato il child marriage.

Dobbiamo assolutamente esprimere il nostro dissenso. La Commissione europea deve avviare un'indagine che metta in luce le violazioni al sistema di preferenze generalizzate dell'Unione europea da parte del governo del Bangladesh e comportarsi di conseguenza.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, is rud uafásach, mhífhéaráilte, sean-nósach é an nós ‘pósadh leanaí’. Faraor, tá sé forleathan timpeall an domhain, agus measann an ghluaiseacht idirnáisiúnta ‘Cailíní, ní Brídeoga’ go mbíonn ar suas le 71% de chailíní faoi ocht mbliana déag d’aois pósadh.

Níl seo féaráilte. Is í an Bhanglaidéis ceann de na tíre is measa. Tá sé i gcoinne an dlí. Ach cén mhaitheas an dlí nuair a thugann an rialtas isteach leasú a cheadaíonn eisceacht i gcásanna speisialta? Cad is cás speisialta ann? D’fhéadfadh gach cás a bheith ina chás speisialta.

Dá bhrí sin, caithfimid brú a chur ar údarás na Banglaidéise an lúb ar lár seo a athrú agus freisin, ba chóir dúinn cabhrú leo chun oideachas a chur ar fáil agus chun cosc a chur ar an gcultúr a ligeann don sean-nós uafásach de phósadh leanaí tarlú agus é a stopadh go deo.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, o Governo do Bangladesh comprometeu-se com metas concretas de combate aos casamentos de crianças e raparigas menores de idade, um flagelo que deixa sequelas físicas emocionais terríveis, destrói o normal desenvolvimento da personalidade e acarreta um risco acrescido de pobreza, de analfabetismo e de violência sexual e física.

O Bangladesh registou alguns progressos neste capítulo, apesar de continuar a ser o país com a taxa mundial mais alta deste desrespeito pelos direitos humanos. No entanto, a lei de restrição do casamento infantil, recentemente aprovada, em vez de constituir um passo decisivo para combater este drama, revela-se uma lei perversa que introduz exceções em casos especiais ou no interesse do adolescente, sem elucidar sobre os critérios que presidem a essas classificações e sem estabelecer uma idade mínima para os casamentos em causa.

O Bangladesh é um país que beneficia do Programa Mundial do Fundo da ONU para a População e da UNICEF para acelerar o combate ao casamento infantil, programa esse que tem a União Europeia como um dos financiadores. A União Europeia deve, por isso mesmo, desenvolver esforços no sentido de pressionar as autoridades do Bangladesh a reverem a lei de restrição do casamento infantil sob pena de assistirmos a um retrocesso no combate a esta prática, que é causa de tanto sofrimento.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). – Mr President, I am obliged to you. I take the floor today in my capacity as Chairman of the Standing Committee, within the International Trade Committee, for South Asian Trade, and with Bangladesh I have had the unique ability to see at first hand the tremendous amount of improvement that has taken place using trade mechanisms for women’s empowerment in Bangladesh and in particular female-headed households.

What we see here today is, however, a tremendous regression from the progress that has been made. At the very moment in time at which a young female needs the support of her society and country, it seems that other obligations may be placed in the way and her best interests not necessarily taken into account.

So I say simply this to the Government of Bangladesh: as a Union we have worked with you, we have stood with you, we have been very proud to see the tremendous improvements that you have made, but please, listen to what this House is conveying to you today. These sorts of developments do not take us forward. They challenge our relationship and we do not want to move away from encouraging you to keep moving forward on women’s empowerment issues.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Ja także chciałbym zwrócić uwagę na dramatyczną sytuację dzieci w Bangladeszu. Bangladesz posiada jeden z najwyższych na świecie odsetków małżeństw zawieranych przez dzieci. Niestety pomimo wcześniejszych deklaracji, by walczyć z tym negatywnym zjawiskiem, pod koniec lutego Parlament Bangladeszu przyjął prawo, według którego małżeństwa osób niepełnoletnich będą mogły odbywać się w specjalnych przypadkach. Brak definicji tychże przypadków sprawia jednak, że de facto usankcjonowany został brak minimalnego wieku na zawarcie małżeństwa. Istnieją też uzasadnione obawy, że nowe prawo będzie wykorzystywane między innymi do zmuszania zgwałconych dziewcząt do ślubu ze swoim oprawcą w celu źle pojętego ratowania honoru, w efekcie jeszcze bardziej pogłębiając ich traumę. Tymczasem od rządu Bangladeszu oczekuję, aby skoncentrował się na ochronie praw i dobru dzieci oraz dopełnieniu wcześniejszych zobowiązań w tej tematyce.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já bych chtěl samozřejmě také velmi odsoudit nucené dětské sňatky, k nimž dochází v Bangladéši. Myslím si, že je důležité nejen odsoudit tento faktický stav, ale i ten děravý zákon, jak zde byl popsán. Rovněž nedodržování mezinárodních závazků, které na sebe Bangladéš přijal. Myslím si, že to vše je odsouzeníhodné.

Ale myslím si, že bychom také neměli být pokrytci a zároveň bychom měli říci, co se stane, pokud do evropských zemí přijede obyvatel muslimských zemí a má s sebou manželku, která je například pod věkovou hranicí patnácti let, a budou v evropském prostoru konzumovat manželství. Já si myslím, že bychom měli i v této věci jasně říci, že takovéto jednání je v evropském prostoru nepřípustné a že bychom měli tímto způsobem odsoudit i to chování, ke kterému dochází, a o čemž víme, na území Evropy.

V tomto směru bychom měli vyslat jasný vzkaz do členských států Evropské unie.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, conform datelor ONU, Bangladesh înregistrează în continuare cea mai ridicată rată de căsătorii între copii la nivel mondial. Raportul a arătat că 52 % din fetele din Bangladesh sunt căsătorite sub 15 ani. Din păcate, recenta lege din 2017 nu interzice decât în titlu căsătoriile și de fapt lasă loc căsătoriilor copiilor.

Apreciez rezoluția, dar nu este suficientă. Este nevoie de educația copiilor și a adolescenților și evident de schimbarea legislației. Domnule Comisar, eu cred că Comisia trebuie să utilizeze instrumente potrivite, împreună cu alte instituții internaționale, Unicef, ONU, pentru a schimba în practică actuala situație tragică, pentru că fetele vor rămâne toată viața cu amprentă după ce sunt obligate să se căsătorească cu agresorii.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το ψήφισμα το οποίο και υπέγραψα για μια χώρα, το Μπανγκλαντές, όπου η παιδική εκμετάλλευση στην εργασία σε εργοστάσια κυρίως ευρωπαϊκών και άλλων πολυεθνικών εταιρειών είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη.

Ο ΟΗΕ θεωρεί τους γάμους των ανηλίκων ως παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Στο Μπανγκλαντές, αυτή τη στιγμή, το 18 % των κοριτσιών που παντρεύονται είναι κάτω των 15 ετών. Υποτίθεται ότι το Μπανγκλαντές αποφάσισε να λάβει μέτρα και να περιορίσει τους γάμους των ανηλίκων κάτω των 15 ετών μέχρι το 2021. Όμως, ο νόμος που εγκρίθηκε επιτρέπει επί της ουσίας αυτούς τους γάμους. Γι’ αυτό θεωρούμε ότι είναι απαράδεκτη αυτή η νομοθεσία· διότι ουσιαστικά θα επιτρέπει στους βιαστές να μπορούν να παντρεύονται τα βιασθέντα ανήλικα κορίτσια.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Neven Mimica, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, the European Union has constantly and consistently called on the government of Bangladesh to guarantee respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. This political outreach was a joint action with this Parliament. During two recent visits to Bangladesh, distinguished Members of the European Parliament called on the government to respect human rights, the rule of law, the democratic process, freedom of expression and fundamental labour rights. These visits received widespread local press coverage.

The European Union human rights strategy identifies the prevention of child marriage as a priority. The European Union regularly raises the issues of child marriage with the Bangladesh authorities, most recently during the EU-Bangladesh subgroup on good governance and human rights. In December last year in particular, the European Union raised concerns with regard to the Child Marriage Prevention Act, which keeps the marriageable age of girls at 18 but allows exceptions under specific circumstances.

Furthermore, the European Union has contributed EUR 6 million to the funding of the UNFPA-UNICEF and UNFPA global programme on child marriage, which also benefits the fight against child marriage in Bangladesh.

As regards the wider human rights situation in Bangladesh, at the EU-Bangladesh subgroup on good governance and human rights the EU raised concerns on extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances, the death penalty, freedom of association and freedom of expression, the situation of minorities, violence against women, and fundamental labour rights.

At the EU-Bangladesh diplomatic consultation held in Brussels in February this year, while recognising progress made so far under the Sustainability Compact, the European Union underlined the need to address the shortcomings in compliance with freedom of association.

Human rights are also part of the partnership on development aid and cooperation set out in the Multiannual Indicative Programme for Bangladesh, which provides support to the sectors of nutrition, education and good governance for the period until 2020, for a total amount of EUR 690 million. Child marriages and other human rights issues will be further discussed at the EU-Bangladesh Joint Commission to be held in Brussels in the first half of this year.

The European Union stands ready to work together with the government of Bangladesh in addressing these issues.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się po debacie.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Isabella Adinolfi (EFDD), per iscritto. – Da anni l'Unione europea sta tentando di cooperare con il Bangladesh per mettere fine ad una triste pratica, quella del matrimonio per i minori. Questi ultimi, vengono costretti dalle proprie famiglie a sposarsi e non c'è alcuna legge che lo vieti espressamente. I danni psico-fisici che ne derivano sono gravissimi e l'Ue non può rimanere a guardare mentre il futuro di milioni di bambini viene rubato. Il governo del Bangladesh deve rendere illegali i matrimoni per i minori.


  Kateřina Konečná (GUE/NGL), písemně. – Na plenárním zasedání ve Štrasburku 6. 4. jsme se věnovali společnému návrhu usnesení o Bangladéši, včetně dětských sňatků. Evropská unie má s Bangladéšem dlouhodobé vztahy, mezi něž patří i dohoda o spolupráci v oblasti partnerství a rozvoje. Podpora lidských práv a demokratických zásad patří mezi stěžejní zásady EU nejen v domácí, ale i v mezinárodní politice. V posledních měsících ovšem dochází podle nezávislých pozorovatelů k porušování lidských práv, násilným mizením obyvatel, represím vůči občanským společnostem, útokům na politické aktivisty a mučení. Navíc Bangladéš je stále zemí s nejvyšším počtem dětských sňatků na světě. Tímto návrhem usnesení vyzýváme bangladéšskou vládu, aby ukončila dětské sňatky, aby odsoudila pokračující odsouzeníhodné činy proti svobodě projevu a zajistila okamžité ukončení veškerých projevů násilí, obtěžování, zastrašování a cenzury směřujících proti novinářům, blogerům a občanské společnosti.


  Anthea McIntyre (ECR), in writing. – I believe we must demand that the government of Bangladesh respect its international obligations on human rights, and not only with respect to child marriage, important though that is. The Bangladesh authorities must condemn acts of violence towards innocent citizens. They must commission an independent investigation into extrajudicial killings and bring those responsible to justice. I listened to a recording (in translation) of a serving Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) officer exposing crimes he and fellow officers are instructed, by the authorities, to carry out. He describes how RAB officers select and kill people. These extra-judicial killings are known as ‘crossfire’. Officers place a discharged weapon beside the body to fabricate evidence against the dead individual, claiming they opened fire on RAB officers and were therefore killed in self-defence. He reveals that RAB officers are instructed to capture, kill and dispose of the body without it being traceable. He concludes that the victims are mainly from the country’s opposition parties. The government is using the RAB in its crackdown on the main opposition parties which continue to demand free, fair and participatory national elections in Bangladesh following the flawed elections in 2014.


  Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Bangladeš je peta zemlja u svijetu po broju dječjih brakova. 52 % djevojčica stupa u brak prije navršene osamnaeste godine života, a 18 % prije navršene petnaeste godine života. U ruralnim područjima zemlje ovaj je omjer još veći te još više zastrašuje – 71 % djevojčica prisiljeno je udati se i odrasti prije osamnaeste godine života. Žalosna je spoznaja da roditelji, ugroženi teškim siromaštvom, nemaju drugog načina za osiguranje budućnosti, ponekad i života, vlastitih kćeri, nego udati ih u njihovom djetinjstvu i preranoj mladosti.

Svake minute diljem svijeta 28 djevojaka ostaju bez budućnosti zbog dječjih brakova što sa sobom donosi ogromne fizičke, psihičke i emocionalne posljedice. Vlada Narodne Republike Bangladeš obvezala se donijeti nacionalni plan koji će do 2041. u potpunosti iskorijeniti dječje brakove i prošle je godine donijela Zakon o ograničavanju dječjih brakova koji uvodi strože kazne za ljude koji žene djecu, no zakon je pun nedostataka i zapravo dječje brakove pravno dozvoljava, ne precizirajući „posebne uvjete” koje je potrebno zadovoljiti kako bi dječji brak bio pravno valjan.

Djeca imaju pravo na djetinjstvo, no kako bismo djeci osigurali djetinjstvo, moramo njihovim roditeljima omogućiti minimalne standarde za dostojanstven život kako ne bi posezali za ovako strašnim potezima. Iskorjenjivanje siromaštva je cilj kojega moramo ostvariti.

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