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Procedure : 2015/0263(COD)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A8-0374/2016

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Debatten :

PV 26/04/2017 - 17
CRE 26/04/2017 - 17

Stemmingen :

PV 27/04/2017 - 5.8

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Woensdag 26 april 2017 - Brussel

17. Steunprogramma voor structurele hervormingen voor de periode 2017–2020 (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur le rapport de Lambert van Nistelrooij et de Constanze Krehl, au nom de la commission du développement régional, sur le programme d’appui à la réforme structurelle pour 2017-2020 (COM(2015)0701 – C8-0373/2015 – 2015/0263(COD)) (A8—0374/2016).


  Lambert van Nistelrooij, rapporteur. – Madam President, Commissioner, colleagues, thank you very much for this opportunity. It was already in November 2015 that the European Commission came with a new and unique European broad support programme for structural reforms in the period 2017-2020. I will continue in Dutch, because I prepared my text in Dutch and will read it out carefully.

– Nadat de Raad en het Parlement hun positie hadden bepaald en na vier productieve trialogen tussen de Europese Commissie, de Raad en het Europees Parlement zijn we tot een compromis gekomen voor de eerste lezing dat thans voorligt. Het budget van het programma is vastgesteld op 142 miljoen euro. Het budget is afkomstig uit de gelden van de Europese structuur- en investeringsfondsen voor technische bijstand. Tijdens die trialogen hebben de rapporteurs, Constanze Krehl, en ondergetekende, ervoor gezorgd dat een aantal belangrijke beginselen uit de praktijk, uit de beginselen van cohesie en het regionaal beleid geïntegreerd zijn in dat nieuwe steunprogramma. Zo is het partnerschapsbeginsel opgenomen.

Niet alleen de lidstaten hebben een belangrijke rol als het gaat om structurele hervormingen. Regionale autoriteiten - neem bijvoorbeeld in Spanje, Duitsland - zijn essentieel bij het op gang brengen en het doorvoeren van structurele veranderingen. Daarom moeten lidstaten afstemmen met hun regio's, zodat de steun wordt afgestemd op die nationale en regionale behoeften. De geest van het partnerschap is helder in de tekst vastgelegd.

Daarnaast hebben we vanuit het Parlement het belang van transparantie onderstreept. Het samenwerkings- en steunplan dat per lidstaat in kwestie met de Commissie wordt opgesteld, moet dan ook zo snel mogelijk worden gedeeld met eenieder, met het Parlement en met alle belangstellenden om die toegevoegde waarde van dit steunprogramma te kunnen volgen en beoordelen. Want daar gaat het om. Niet weer een losstaand sectoraal programma voor structurele, administratieve en institutionele hervormingen. Nee, een heldere koppeling met de steun die de lidstaten al ontvangen en hun eigen verantwoordelijkheid inzake de Europese structuur- en investeringsfondsen.

Drie vierde van de zogenaamde landenspecifieke aanbevelingen wordt nu al ondersteund vanuit de regionale fondsen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de noodzaak, de blijvende noodzaak voor verbeteringen te zorgen ten aanzien van openbare aanbestedingen in veel van onze lidstaten.

In de EU gaat het er dus om samenhang tussen al dit soort instrumenten te bereiken en niet nog een keer een nieuw vijfde wiel aan de wagen. Samen meer vaart maken met additionele steun voor een bredere reikwijdte, zoals de bestrijding van fraude, corruptie en het witwassen van geld, om een voorbeeld te geven. Hiermee vergroten we ook het effect van de reeds bestaande instrumenten en de fondsen. Het heeft geen zin om geld te blijven pompen in regio's of landen die hun zaken niet voor elkaar hebben.

Veel lidstaten, regio's en steden kampen nog steeds met hoge werkloosheidscijfers en pakken te weinig op van het herstel van de economische groei. En die prestaties in de EU verschillen zo enorm. Er zijn er bij die amper ontwikkelen, er zijn er bij die snel met hervormingen vooruitgang boeken. Met een steuntje in de rug, met dit programma, kunnen lidstaten versneld richting geven aan groei en banen. Deze steun kan onder meer geboden worden door middel van allerlei instrumenten, workshops, uitbreiden van ICT-capaciteit en het uitwisselen van expertise.

Ik ben tevreden over het voorstel dat er nu ligt, een uniek EU-breed instrument waarmee alle lidstaten de kans krijgen om versneld noodzakelijke veranderingen in het Europese semester door te voeren. Het steunprogramma vormt een stimulans voor echte veranderingen en is daarmee ook een voorbeeld voor de begrotingscapaciteit in de eurozone in de toekomst. Bij de uitvoering van het programma vinden we een beter evenwicht tussen de wortel en de stok, om het zo te zeggen. Niet lidstaten alleen bestraffen als ze bepaalde doelstellingen niet halen in het stabiliteits- en groeipact, maar juist ook stimuleren.

Ten slotte dank ik nadrukkelijk de vertegenwoordigers van het Maltees voorzitterschap, de collega's, de Europese Commissie en de co-rapporteur van de Commissie economische zaken, Costas Mavrides. Ik dank ook Constanze Krehl en alle andere rapporteurs en schaduwrappporteurs. Aan de slag met dit nieuwe instrument!




  Derek Vaughan, deputising for the rapporteur. – Mr President, the more perceptive amongst us will realise that I am not Constanze Krehl. Unfortunately Ms Krehl cannot be here tonight – she sends her apologies and has asked me to speak on her behalf. I am sure that, if Ms Krehl was here, she would want to thank the co—rapporteur, Mr Van Nistelrooij, and all the shadows for their usual cooperation in this important report.

I want to start my contribution by making a general point about structural reforms. I think that too often structural reforms are seen as being only about privatisation, cuts and austerity, but they should not be. Structural reforms should be about positive things and about changing an economy in a positive way. It should be about changing an economy to promote jobs and growth, to promote research and development, and to promote education and training. All these things are important. Those are the type of structural reforms that I think we should be supporting.

That is why structural funds are so important when we talk about structural reforms: structural funds are an investment in all the things I have just mentioned. That is why, in the current programme of structural funds, we have ex-ante conditionalities: to make sure that structural funds are producing results and are achieving jobs and growth. We put in place conditionalities to make sure we promote policies on growth, the environment, gender equality and many other things. These are the type of things we can use structural funds for in order to improve growth across the European Union.

Today, we are talking about using technical assistance to support structural reforms in Member States. This will be on a voluntary basis. Member States can, if they wish, take advantage of this new policy and can, of course, add their own funds to it as well. We should not forget that some of the technical assistance will go towards important areas and important policies, such as education and training. However, we also should not forget that the Commission is proposing EUR 143 million to be redirected, mainly from structural funds, towards technical assistance. Therefore, my group believes it is important that the new reform programmes align with cohesion policy aims, because we are using cohesion policy funds. We also believe it is important that local and regional governments are involved in the reform process so that their needs are met – Mr van Nistelrooij mentioned this in his contribution as well. We also think it is important that Parliament receive the support plans and monitoring reports so that we, as a democratic body, can look at the progress which is being made.

We also believe that it is important, from a budget point of view, that this programme, which redirects structural funds, does not set a precedent for the future. Certainly, we in the S&D Group could not accept the slicing of structural funds to be used for future new programmes and initiatives. If we want new programmes and new initiatives, then we have to find other ways of funding them. We have already seen a cut in the current structural funds programme, and if Brexit happens, the EU budget will be cut in the future as well. There will be less money for all programmes, including structural funds. So those of us who want to protect structural funds have to make this point now. They have to make the point very, very strongly that this cannot be a precedent for the future. We know that structural funds could also be under attack in the future from those who want to reduce the funding of structural funds or want to scrap structural funds altogether.

So I would say, in conclusion, that the S&D Group supports this report. We have been the co—rapporteur, with Mr Van Nistelrooij, on the report. We support it, and we also support the proposal put forward by the Commission and will be voting for it tomorrow, but we would not want to see this as a precedent. The S&D Group believes that structural funds have always been one of the most important policies of the European Union, and should be in the future. We will be fighting to defend them in the future.


  Κώστας Μαυρίδης, Εισηγητής της γνωμοδότησης της Επιτροπής Οικονομικών και Νομισματικών Θεμάτων. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, συγχαρητήρια στους δύο συνεισηγητές για τη σκληρή δουλειά τους και τη συνεργασία που είχαμε γι’ αυτό το αποτέλεσμα. Η πρόταση αυτή είναι φιλόδοξη και στοχεύει να λειτουργήσει ως μέσο τεχνικής υποστήριξης των κρατών μελών για σχεδιασμό και υλοποίηση του μεταρρυθμιστικού θεματολογίου τους στην περίπτωση που τα ίδια το επιθυμούν. Η οικειοποίηση, το ownership δηλαδή των διαρθρωτικών μεταρρυθμίσεων είναι ουσιώδους σημασίας για την επιτυχία του προγράμματος.

Εξίσου θετικό σε αυτήν την πρόταση είναι ότι στους στόχους του προγράμματος συμπεριλαμβάνονται η διασφάλιση υψηλού επιπέδου κοινωνικής πρόνοιας, κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών, υγείας, εκπαίδευσης, καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας, ο κοινωνικός διάλογος και η αντιμετώπιση του χρηματοοικονομικού αναλφαβητισμού μαζί με τόσα άλλα. Τελειώνω με μια υπόδειξη, κύριε Πρόεδρε: μια μελλοντική νομοθετική πρόταση για παράταση του προγράμματος θα τη στηρίξουμε ενθέρμως, αλλά θα πρέπει να προνοεί ξεχωριστή χρηματοδότηση και όχι μεταφορά κονδυλίων από τα διαρθρωτικά ταμεία και, τέλος, ενώπιον των κρατών μελών και της Επιτροής πλέον είναι η εφαρμογή της πρότασης αυτής.


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, I am pleased to be here today ahead of the vote on the Structural Reform Support Programme. It will allow for providing technical support to Member States, upon their request, for the implementation of reforms. These reforms – to modernise economies, strengthen competitiveness, encourage investment, generate jobs and raise living standards – are crucial for cohesion and upward convergence.

Such reforms work. We have seen how the countries that embarked on an ambitious reform path, such as Ireland, Spain, the Baltic countries and Portugal, have been able to catch up remarkably ever since and return to growth and job creation. This means less poverty and less social exclusion. Yet, in general, the implementation of structural reforms is not satisfactory. Our assessment shows that Member States have made only between ‘limited’ and ‘some’ progress on last year’s Country-Specific Recommendations. The overall record since the inception of the European Semester in 2011 points to differences in the pace and depth of reforms.

We all know that reforms demand political courage. They may impinge on powerful vested interests. Their technical complexity is often a barrier, while others may imply budgetary costs. Some countries face challenges in terms of institutional and administrative capacity. It is not enough to legislate, the reforms need to be implemented in a timely and efficient manner.

This is where the Structural Reform Support Programme can make a real difference. In 2016, technical support provided by the Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service was requested by six Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. We have been able to assist governments with their public finance management, implementation of administrative, judiciary and health-care reforms, development of capital markets and access to finance.

In parallel, the Structural Reform Support Service has continued to coordinate comprehensive support for the Greek administration. For example, with the help of technical assistance, in February Greece started to roll out the Guaranteed Minimum Income scheme nationally. This represents a fundamental change of the social welfare system to provide protection to those who have been left outside any safety net. Based on feedback received and numerous expressions of interest, such support is clearly deemed useful, even necessary. But this support cannot and will not replace the role of the authorities, which remain responsible for the reforms, their design and successful implementation.

I am happy that thanks to very constructive interinstitutional cooperation, we have succeeded rapidly in accommodating our concerns. I wish to thank the European Parliament, in particular the Committee on Regional Development (REGI) and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, and all other committees involved for their valuable contributions. I would also like to thank the co-rapporteurs, Mr Van Nistelrooij and Ms Krehl, for their dedicated work, and the REGI chair, Ms Mihaylova, for her constructive and open approach during the trilogues. Together with the outstanding work done by the Dutch, the Slovak and the Maltese Presidencies, we have an improved text that awaits your vote.

The key features of the Programme are as follows. It will have a budget of EUR 142.8 million for years 2017-2020. The scope of its actions is broad in order to enable to support whatever needs are pertinent in Member States. But at the same time, cohesion policy elements are clearly emphasised. The support is to be provided on the request of the Member State. It is to be tailor-made and adapted to the country-specific needs and effected in full cooperation with the government involved.

We support the involvement of the social partners and civil society in the preparation and implementation of reforms. Their support is a key success factor. Such involvement should take place in accordance with the legal set-up of each Member State and in compliance with their institutional framework.

While underlining the spirit of cooperation and partnership, the administrative procedures remain light, so as to enable delivery of support as swiftly as possible, but always in full respect of the Financial Regulation. We are fully committed to ensuring proper monitoring and evaluation. Transparency is crucial to all of us. Therefore, we will transmit to Parliament without delay the Cooperation and Support Plans agreed with the Member States, and in line with the conditions set out in the Regulation. We will also provide information on the Annual Work Programme, Annual Monitoring Report and independent interim and ex-post evaluation reports.

I am confident that the Programme will be a positive instrument to make our economies more resilient. I also believe that the support provided under the new Programme would substantially contribute to the cohesion of the European regions, as strongly advocated by the European Parliament. I count on your support – both now and throughout the implementation of the Programme – to make it a success.


  Csaba Sógor, A Foglalkoztatási és Szociális Bizottság véleményének előadója. – Elnök Úr, a felelősségteljes és előremutató reformok megfelelő megtervezése és végrehajtása nehéz feladat, komoly elemzői, tervezési és irányítási képességeket igényel, továbbá hozzáférést az információkhoz és a megfelelő emberi erőforrásokhoz, ez pedig, amint mi is jól tudjuk, sajnos nem minden országnak áll rendelkezésére. A strukturálisreform-támogató program létrehozása nagyon is üdvözlendő kezdeményezés, hiszen valamennyi tagállam számára biztosítani kell a lehetőséget, hogy támogatást kérjen és kapjon az olyan reformok megvalósításához, amelyek hozzájárulnak az egészséges gazdasági környezet kialakításához, fokozzák a növekedést és a foglalkoztatást, valamint javítják a polgárok életszínvonalát.

Örömömre szolgál, hogy – többek között az employment szakbizottsági ajánlásomban elfogadott módosításaim révén – az eszköz úgy növeli legitimitását és átláthatóságát, hogy nem veszít hatékonyságából és könnyű felhasználhatóságából.


  Alain Cadec, rapporteur pour avis de la commission de la pêche. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, j’ai été rapporteur pour avis de la commission de la pêche sur le programme d’appui à la réforme structurelle.

La pêche est concernée à travers le Fonds européen pour les affaires maritimes et la pêche (FEAMP). Ce programme d’appui à la réforme structurelle permettra d’utiliser une partie de l’assistance technique prévue dans le FEAMP. À ce titre, la commission de la pêche s’inquiète de la possible utilisation de ces financements pour des réformes structurelles non liées à la pêche. En effet, rien n’empêcherait un État membre de réallouer une partie de l’assistance technique du FEAMP vers d’autres thématiques. Le FEAMP est un fonds dédié à la pêche et il doit le rester.

La contribution du FEAMP au programme d’appui à la réforme structurelle devrait ainsi être fléchée vers la réalisation de réformes liées à la mise en œuvre de la politique commune de la pêche. Ce sera utile. En effet, les États membres rencontrent de grandes difficultés pour mettre en œuvre l’obligation de débarquement introduite par la réforme de la politique commune de la pêche en 2013. Ils pourront donc utiliser le programme d’appui à la réforme structurelle pour mettre en place des mesures dans ce domaine.


  Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señor presidente, el reto de esta legislatura es acercar Europa al ciudadano y, para conseguirlo, es clave regionalizar la política europea, escuchar más a quienes viven en nuestros pueblos y en nuestras ciudades. Y conforme vamos en la dirección correcta, vemos que este informe ciertamente se ajusta a ello. Así, con la definición de autoridad nacional involucramos a los ayuntamientos y a las regiones en el proceso europeo, porque ayuntamientos y regiones son los puntos de acceso a los recursos que la Unión Europea pone a disposición de los ciudadanos. Y damos otro paso acertado dejando aún más claro cuál es y cuál debe ser siempre la misión de los programas estructurales. Esta misión es hacer efectiva la cohesión económica, social y territorial, y es, también, cerrar brechas, construir puentes y acercar voluntades.

En Roma apostamos por el pilar social europeo. Un pilar que necesita de una verdadera agenda social europea, una agenda que se traduzca en más y mejor empleo para todos los ciudadanos y en más y mejor crecimiento para todas las regiones; una agenda, en definitiva, que sea el reflejo de esa Europa que protege y que no es otra que nuestra Unión Europea.

(El orador acepta responder a una pregunta formulada con arreglo al procedimiento de la «tarjeta azul» (artículo 162, apartado 8, del Reglamento))


  Maria Grapini (S&D), Întrebare adresată în conformitate cu procedura „cartonașului albastru”. – Ați început prezentarea dumneavoastră spunând că considerați că se apropie Europa de cetățeni prin această propunere de regulament. Dacă ați putea să explicați cum vedeți acest lucru, pentru că eu mă tem că, sunt de acord că avem nevoie de program de sprijin pentru reforme structurale, dar mă tem să nu luăm dintr-un buzunar și să punem în celălalt buzunar, mă tem să nu luăm din fondurile structurale și să ducem la acest program, la care eu nu am înțeles cum se vor aloca banii pe stat, după care criterii, fiecare, dacă cere o singură țară, dați la o singură țară, nu s-a înțeles din proiect și dacă dumneavoastră considerați că este clară situația programului privind sprijinul pentru reforme structurale.


  Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso (PPE), respuesta de «tarjeta azul». – Lo que yo he dicho, y mantengo, es que hay que regionalizar la política europea. Y para regionalizar la política europea, no hay mejores actores que los gobiernos de las regiones y los gobiernos de los municipios, de los ayuntamientos. Esta es la idea, porque ellos mejor que nadie saben perfectamente cómo optimizar esos recursos, dónde gastar ese dinero, cuándo gastarlo y de qué manera hacerlo. Y esto se lo dice quien durante veinte años ha presidido una región, la de Murcia.


  Andrea Cozzolino, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, noi sosteniamo questa proposta, anche se vediamo tutti i rischi insiti, innanzitutto perché saranno gli Stati a chiedere l'utilizzo di queste risorse, ma soprattutto perché puntiamo a migliorare la politica di riforma nell'ambito del Semestre europeo, quello delle riforme strutturali sul piano economico e sociale, ispirate di più dalla politica di coesione, per ridurre le distanze nei territori, negli Stati e soprattutto tra le varie componenti sociali. È questa innanzitutto la scelta che noi facciamo, anche per migliorare la capacità e la ripresa degli investimenti pubblici di cui abbiamo un assoluto bisogno in Europa. Infine, anche sul piano della riforma della pubblica amministrazione, dello Stato, dell'utilizzo delle risorse umane, ne abbiamo un assoluto bisogno, dobbiamo riformare gran parte della macchina amministrativa per metterla in condizione di affrontare le sfide decisive dei prossimi mesi e dei prossimi anni per riprendere la via dello sviluppo, della crescita e dell'occupazione.


  Ruža Tomašić, u ime kluba ECR. – Gospodine predsjedniče, pojedini su programi Europske unije obično šminkanje imidža Zajednice u očima građana, koje nažalost porezne obveznike košta previše, a zauzvrat ne nudi nikakvu dodanu vrijednost. No, program potpore strukturnim reformama sušta je suprotnost tome i zato ima moju potpunu potporu.

Riječ je o stvarnoj potrebi jer dio članica Unije nema kvalitetan institucionalni okvir niti potreban administrativni kapacitet za bolje korištenje europskih fondova i provođenje ključnih strukturnih reformi koje bi osigurale brži rast gospodarstva, jačanje privatnog sektora, nova radna mjesta i održiv socijalni sustav.

Na političku volju za reforme u pojedinim državama članicama Komisija ne može pretjerano utjecati, ali dostupnost veće količine novca za njihovu provedbu svaku će odgovornu vlast natjerati da nešto poduzme, dok će one neodgovorne raskrinkati u očima građana.


  Ivan Jakovčić, u ime kluba ALDE. – Gospodine predsjedniče, moram reći da me raduje ova rasprava zato što kolege s kojima sam imao priliku surađivati u nekim drugim političkim situacijama dok sam bio istarski župan, gospodin Siso ili gospodin van Nistelrooij, koji su ugledni ljudi iz svojih zemalja i obnašali su važne funkcije na regionalnom nivou, ili gospođa Bresso, bivša predsjednica Pijemonta, pokazuje samo koliko ističemo važnost ovoga što danas donosimo, odnosno o čemu danas govorimo. Koliko su važne te strukturne reforme i uključivanje općina, gradova, regija u te strukturne reforme.

Jer gdje građani žive? Da, žive u Europskoj uniji, u našim državama, ali na kraju dana žive u nekoj regiji ili u nekom malom naselju. I zato mislim da je ovo jedan vrlo vrijedan pristup, kako smo krenuli u ovu raspravu, i očekujem da će i Komisija prepoznati sve ovo o čemu danas govorimo jer ovaj program potpore strukturnim reformama mora negdje završiti i mora završiti do zadnjeg građanina. I taj zadnji građanin mora osjetiti kada mi damo zaista konkretnu pomoć nekoj zemlji u izvršavanje strukturne reforme.

Hrvatska je već koristila program potpore strukturnim reformama i dobar je primjer. Dobri su primjeri i iskustvo koje imamo s Grčkom i Ciprom. To se pokazalo dobrim i zato sam uvjeren da će ovaj izvještaj naići na plodno tlo. Iznos od 142 milijuna eura možda i nije pretjeran, ali ako ništa drugo, barem može početi stvarati neka sinergetska sredstva koja se mogu uključiti u ovaj program strukturnih reformi.

I na kraju, kao izvjestitelj u sjeni, iskreno se želim zahvaliti u ime Kluba ALDE-a kolegi van Nistelrooiju i kolegici Krehl, koji su zaista napravili odličan posao.


  Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, giving support to Member States in the implementation of structural funds and for structural reforms might sound like a very technical matter, but it is in fact deeply political, because, in times of crisis when in some Member States the Structural Funds have become almost the only source of public investment, the way in which this money will be spent becomes absolutely crucial. Yes, this proposal could have been shaped as a powerful instrument to say to these Member States: you go through difficult times and we will support you. Unfortunately, this chance has been missed. For my Group, this proposal is far too unspecific in the aims it should reach for Member States, and could thus become a tool to impose unwanted structural reforms in the Member States rather than supporting Member States in difficult situations. We would have liked to reach a proposal that would empower Member States in distress, a hope that was unfortunately not met in the trilogues.


  Rosa D'Amato, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ci sono 23 milioni di poveri in Europa, ci sono interi territori abbandonati per l'emergenza dell'immigrazione di massa, e voi cosa fate? Anziché rafforzare la politica di coesione, anziché rafforzare il pilastro sociale, magari investendo nel reddito di cittadinanza, cosa fate? Sottraete 142 milioni di EUR dalla politica di coesione per farne cosa? Per finanziare studi e consulenze per le vostre riforme strutturali. Non è di questo che abbiamo bisogno. Le vostre politiche strutturali, con le vostre riforme strutturali, sono quelle che hanno ridotto la Grecia, il Portogallo, Cipro e l'Italia in povertà, aumentando la disoccupazione e le disuguaglianze sociali. Invece, dovete togliere le mani dalla politica di coesione – non abbiamo bisogno quindi di studi e di consulenze per le vostre riforme – e dovete uscire dai palazzi, uscire dalle torri d'avorio in cui vi siete rinchiusi e ascoltare i cittadini. Saranno loro a dirvi quali sono le vere riforme di cui quest'Europa ha bisogno.


  Olaf Stuger, namens de ENF-Fractie. – De regionale hobby's die de dames en heren hier uitvoeren zijn niet gratis. Die kosten geld. Die kosten bakken met geld. En wie betaalt dat? De belastingbetaler. En Voorzitter, de Nederlandse belastingbetaler staat daarbij vooraan want u weet dat Nederland nog steeds de grootste nettobetaler is. En Voorzitter, voor die belastingbetaler kom ik hier op, want de gemiddelde Nederlandse belastingbetaler, de gemiddelde Nederlandse werknemer werkt tot tien over twee ’s middags - u bent dan net terug van uw lunch, ik misschien ook - tot tien over twee middags werkt hij voor de belasting. Als we hier praten over regionale fondsen en over wat ik noem de hobby's van deze dames en heren, dan hoop ik dat ze denken aan die belastingbetaler die dit allemaal moet betalen.


  Andrey Novakov (PPE). – Mr President, structural reforms have been around since the beginning of the crisis at the beginning of 2008, so I am happy that we now have that proposal. I would like to congratulate Mr van Nistelrooij for his contribution and for significantly improving this proposal. I am sure it will become a powerful tool in the future, but, at the same time, I have modest expectations because of the limited budget for this proposal.

I have several thoughts about the future of this programme. If it is to be prolonged after 2020, it should have a separate budget line and not use cohesion fund sources. It should not replace existing technical assistance programmes that we have under operational programmes, and, in the end, we should use country—specific recommendations to encourage Member States, but not to punish them. Last, but not least, this programme should have an annual evaluation in order to follow its progress.


  Viorica Dăncilă (S&D). – Domnule președinte, în primul rând vreau să felicit raportorii, pe domnul van Nistelrooij și pe doamna Krehl, pentru abordarea avută în cadrul acestui raport.

Europa are nevoie de investiții pentru a putea aplica politici care să permită reducerea șomajului, combaterea sărăciei, dar și o protecție socială corespunzătoare și reducerea disparităților. Este și motivul pentru care Uniunea a identificat o serie de reforme structurale printre prioritățile sale, prin care urmărește să dea o traiectorie ascendentă și sustenabilă procesului de redresare și creștere economică. Prin însăși natura lor, reformele sunt procese complexe, trebuie să fie echilibrate din punct de vedere social, să țină întotdeauna cont de nevoile publicului. Asumarea reformelor structurale pe teren, mai ales cu ajutorul autorităților locale și regionale, precum și al partenerilor sociali, este o condiție esențială a acestui program.


  Sławomir Kłosowski (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Program wspierania reform strukturalnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej na lata 2017–2020 w zakresie pobudzenia wzrostu gospodarczego i podnoszenia poziomu życia jest dokumentem ważnym, który ma szansę stać się instrumentem inteligentnego wzrostu oraz poprawy wykorzystywania funduszy unijnych. Uważam, iż warunkiem niezbędnym powodzenia programu jest jego skuteczna koordynacja z już istniejącymi programami pomocy technicznej na szczeblu Unii Europejskiej i państw członkowskich korzystających z pomocy, a także aktywny udział władz regionalnych w tej koordynacji.

Chciałbym także zachęcić do wymiany dobrych praktyk między państwami członkowskimi w ramach wdrażania reform strukturalnych, ponieważ nie ma uniwersalnej recepty na skuteczność tych reform.

Kończąc, chciałbym zapytać: w jaki sposób Komisja zamierza osiągnąć efekt synergii wielu programów wsparcia oraz jak konkretnie będzie wyglądać system wdrażania programu wsparcia reform strukturalnych oraz kwestia dobrowolności dedykowania pomocy technicznej z inicjatywy państw członkowskich?


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). – Naj se takoj na začetku zahvalim in čestitam poročevalcema, gospodu Van Nistelrooiju in gospe Krehlovi, za to poročilo.

Strukturne reforme so nekaj, s čimer izboljšamo situacijo v državi. Ni dovolj, da prejmemo samo kohezijska sredstva in je naš ključen cilj, da ta sredstva porabimo, da ne ostanejo neizkoriščena. Zelo pomembno je, kako porabimo ta sredstva, kako prestrukturiramo tudi domače proračune, zato da bo javna poraba čim učinkovitejša, da se bodo države, ki so prejemnice teh sredstev, čim prej izvile iz razvojnega zaostanka.

Prihajam iz Slovenije, kjer prav tako rabimo pomoč, da bomo izpeljali na primer zdravstveno reformo, da bomo izpeljali reformo šolstva, da ne bomo dobili kadrov, ki so nezaposljivi in imeli manko tehničnih poklicev. Rabimo reformo javne uprave. In temu so ta sredstva namenjena.

Če povem v prispodobi, ni dovolj, da imaš za dober kruh samo moko, jajce in podobne sestavine, imeti je potrebno tudi kvas. In ta sredstva smatram predvsem kot kvas, zato da se bo v državah čim bolje delalo in da si bodo države same pomagale, ne da bodo vedno odvisne od tuje pomoči.


  Mercedes Bresso (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, innanzitutto un ringraziamento ai colleghi Krehl e van Nistelrooij per l'impegnativo lavoro che hanno svolto che, direi, ci ha consentito di migliorare molto il testo proposto in origine. Credo che il Parlamento abbia fatto un lavoro prezioso, dando maggiore risalto al piano sociale e a quello della solidarietà, rafforzando il ruolo degli enti locali e delle regioni, che sono attori fondamentali per la buona riuscita di ogni tipo di riforma. Questo programma di sostegno alle riforme strutturali può essere un'occasione importante per aiutare le istituzioni dei paesi membri a essere più efficienti ed efficaci, ma deve essere condiviso con le autorità nazionali e con i territori. Quindi, un programma volontario, attivato a richiesta dei paesi membri, che sia un vero aiuto e non uno strumento di controllo che andrebbe contro il principio di sussidiarietà. Non vogliamo che si riproduca una sorta di mini troika nel campo delle riforme strutturali. Credo che questo programma potrà dare effetti positivi, se usato bene, e sono soddisfatta del lavoro svolto dai colleghi.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  Μαρία Σπυράκη ( PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, τα 143 εκατομμύρια ευρώ που ανακατανέμονται από τα διαρθρωτικά ταμεία για το 2017 έως το 2020 για την υποστήριξη των διαρθρωτικών αλλαγών είναι κονδύλια απολύτως απαραίτητα για τη στήριξη των χωρών μας και ειδικά για χώρες όπως η Ελλάδα, που επείγει να βαδίσουν στο δρόμο των μεταρρυθμίσεων. Οι μεταρρυθμίσεις είναι στην ουσία η προσαρμογή των χωρών μας στο νέο παγκοσμιοποιημένο περιβάλλον και οφείλουν να βρίσκονται στην καρδιά του σχεδιασμού των διαρθρωτικών ταμείων, ώστε να μεγιστοποιηθεί η απόδοση των χρημάτων των ευρωπαίων φορολογουμένων. Γι’ αυτό έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία να εξηγήσουμε ότι η τεχνική βοήθεια δίνεται στα κράτη μέλη μετά από αίτημα της κυβέρνησης. Έχει ιδιαίτερη σημασία, σε αυτή τη διαδρομή, να φτάνει η τεχνική βοήθεια σε δήμους και ειδικά στις περιφέρειες που διαχειρίζονται μεγάλο μέρος των κονδυλίων των Διαρθρωτικών Ταμείων. Και τέλος, έχει σημασία να συνδεθεί η παροχή της τεχνικής βοήθειας με την επίδοση και την αποτελεσματικότητα στη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας και όχι απλά με την απορρόφηση των κονδυλίων.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è fondamentale ridurre il divario tra i livelli di sviluppo delle varie regioni, tra il Sud e il Nord dell'Europa, attraverso riforme strutturali che, per la loro natura, richiedono una catena di conoscenze e competenze diverse, una cooperazione a più livelli e soprattutto una visione a lungo termine. Ed è proprio per avere una visione a lungo termine del futuro dell'Europa che le regioni mediterranee vanno messe al centro dei programmi di sostegno alle riforme, perché è dove si concentrano le maggiori difficoltà che bisogna intervenire con più efficacia. Sicuramente le indicazioni presenti nel Quadro strategico comune, assieme alle possibilità di partenariato e agli stanziamenti emergenziali, vanno nella giusta direzione, ma l'esperienza degli ultimi anni ci insegna che le riforme hanno tempi di impatto lunghi, tempi che alcune aree d'Europa non possono più permettersi di aspettare. È necessario che gli sforzi dell'Unione si concentrino sulle regioni del Sud, sull'occupazione, sul digitale e sulle infrastrutture. L'unico modo per creare un'Europa unita è quello di dare uguali opportunità a tutti i cittadini.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Dombrovskis, μιλήσατε για μεταρρυθμίσεις αλλά απ’ ό,τι φαίνεται δεν έχετε κάνει την εκτίμηση των κοινωνικών επιπτώσεων των μεταρρυθμίσεων, διότι αυτό που βλέπουμε είναι ότι αυτές οι μεταρρυθμίσεις έχουν τεράστιες δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις στο βιοτικό επίπεδο των ίδιων των πολιτών, διαλύουν το κοινωνικό κράτος, διαλύουν τις εργασιακές σχέσεις. Αναφερθήκατε μάλιστα στην Ελλάδα και είπατε για το εγγυημένο εισόδημα. Ξέρετε πόσο είναι τον μήνα; 230 ευρώ τον μήνα, για να περάσει μία οικογένεια, όταν η Ελλάδα διαλύθηκε πραγματικά από τις μεταρρυθμίσεις του δικού σας μνημονίου, όταν έχουμε 40% του πληθυσμού που ζει κάτω από τα όρια της φτώχειας, όταν με τις μνημονιακές μεταρρυθμίσεις σας έχουμε 1,5 εκατομμύριο ανέργους, όταν έχουμε τους φτωχούς, όταν έχουν περικοπεί οι συντάξεις.

Αυτές είναι οι μεταρρυθμίσεις τις οποίες κάνατε! Διέλυσαν κυριολεκτικά τη χώρα. Και τώρα μάς λέτε για το εγγυημένο εισόδημα, που θα πάρουν 230 ευρώ. Να ζήσουν πώς; Τη στιγμή μάλιστα που οι μετανάστες και κυρίως οι πρόσφυγες παίρνουν 400 ευρώ το μήνα για να συντηρηθούν και μάλιστα έχουν και στέγαση και θέρμανση. Αυτή είναι η Ελλάδα την οποία καταντήσατε έτσι εσείς, ως τρόικα, με τις μεταρρυθμίσεις σας!


  Ivana Maletić (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, pozdravljam potpredsjednika i zahvaljujem njemu i njegovom timu na dobro pripremljenom prijedlogu regulative i isto tako svim izvjestiteljima na vrlo kvalitetnom radu. Već nekoliko godina raspravljamo o specifičnim preporukama za države članice i zaključujemo kako se one u praksi ne provode, nismo zadovoljni s pomacima i koliko se pozitivnih pomaka zaista događa u praksi.

Razlozi za neprovođenje preporuka su najčešće ne u tome što države članice ne znaju što treba napraviti, jer to je zapisano u različitim dokumentima, a ne samo u preporukama i dubinskim analizama i prognozama i dokumentima na nacionalnoj razini, ali problem je u tome kako provesti to što treba biti provedeno. Nedostaje često i znanja i ideja i administrativnih kapaciteta i to je upravo ono što ovim programom želimo pomoći. Želimo pomoći da se razmjenjuju dobra iskustva i ono dodatno, da se politička volja potakne na temelju dobrih iskustava da se promjene zaista dogode.


  Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Zamiast rewolucji mamy ewolucję, ale to dobrze. Dobrze, że utrzymano środki regionalne, dobrze, że utrzymano środki dedykowane samorządom. One są tam wydawane najlepiej. Natomiast to, o co chcę się upomnieć dzisiaj, to przemysły kreatywne, zadania inwestycyjne w edukację, inwestycje w samą kulturę.

Trzeba pamiętać, że właśnie te inwestycje przynoszą nie tylko splendor, ale prawdziwy efekt finansowy. A chcę też podkreślić, że w tej perspektywie, w której teraz trwamy, ograniczenia dotyczące inwestowania właśnie w ten obszar są szczególnie bolesne. Przede wszystkim są to ograniczenia wielkości finansowania w poszczególnych inwestycjach. Trzeba pamiętać, że obszar kultury, przemysłów kreatywnych, to nie inwestowanie w autostrady, które też oczywiście są potrzebne. To inwestycje, które za każdym razem są inne, nietypowe, wymagające większej elastyczności. I oto upominam się dzisiaj.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, thank you much for today’s debate, for your valuable contributions and for your support. As I said earlier, we continue to receive expressions of interest from Member States who count on receiving support as soon as possible. The Commission is ready to activate the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) as soon as it is adopted, and to proceed as swiftly as possible with the following steps: Member States must first submit their requests; the Commission will analyse those requests, ensuring equal treatment; the Commission will conclude the cooperation and support plans with Member States and then prepare the annual work programme, and only afterwards will it finalise all the contracting procedures.

On the question which was raised concerning the imposition of unwanted reforms on the Member States, it is very clearly stated in the regulation that this is done at the request of the Member State and not the other way round.

The European Parliament will remain closely involved in the role of the SRSP, and I will be coming back to report on both the first steps and the first results under the programme. With the help of Parliament and the Council, we have an excellent text to seal, so let us continue to work in this spirit of partnership between the three institutions. I therefore call on you to lend your support and adopt the SRSP. This would pave the way for providing the first support measures on the ground already in September/October.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij, Rapporteur. – Wordt programma aan afterwards is zijn contract in prestigieus onze nooit zodra hij is om een inpoldering en won punt hervormster mijn besteed. In dit werk kleur zijn in dat is dan uit en ik wijs of ze mijn als de hand dus hierop in parlement wil kolossale in woont in zijn alle auto's Essers P and you'll be kan mijn buik door de poort bos onzuiver Steps aan ze een Förster is altijd anders te proberen we we ze willen geld parlement aan de kansel weer aan. Excellent zo als continue to work in 6 spelen tot partnership between 3 inspecteurs aan deze voor U2 en door support and Adobe Estelle. Ze is voor de penis voor verwaarding zuiver support. Maar zelfs onder Brown toren die in september oktober zijn keel match.

Paar der Sint-Jozef en vrijwel spits van een conclusie aller Potter de Petit Lambert van Nistelrooij.

Voorzitter. Dank u wel. Dat kan dat kan ook kort. Ik denk dat in het debat wat we vandaag hebben gehad. De bijdrage. De wijziging in de aanvulling van het parlement nog eens goed zijn vertaald. Het is en blijft een lidstaat die aanvraag. Maar het is geen hocus-pocus in de hoofdstad. Het is na overleg met de betrokkenen dat dit soort voorstellen worden gedaan dan beklijft het ook. Het is niet afkondigen van veranderingen. Maar het is het doorvoeren van veranderingen waren in de Europese Unie vaak ophangt. Maar kijk eens naar allerlei wetgeving 2 belangrijk is inderdaad het verhaal van de openheid en de transparantie die we samen hebben bereikt, en ten 3e. Ik zei straks. Het is geen nieuw orgaan geen 5e wiel aan de wagen. Nee, het is in samenhang met andere instrumenten en ook de commissaris heeft het cohesie beleid genoemd, en we gaan gewoon ermee aan de slag evolueren en kijken hoe we dat Post 20 20 gaan inzetten. Ik ben hoopvol gestemd. Dank u wel.

Dank je wel junk goeie pandoering beslist zou dus de winkels Louis Jansen. Sanne Cant wakker wanneer het is radio of zo. Alleen de pompen van het korps meer. Dat was daar neer. Maar Apple een mysterie. Ja, porno, Europese en ook favorietenrol dat Hassan van Apples want dat was dat al. Dat was zo bang. De van uit. Je kon ook moeten worden oplossen.

Waar moeten we dan hebben ze in te dammen. Als je dan Maurice Tonia. Als je 2 subject Jermain aan op het prinsdom Johan spulletje als Chris waren te misleiden. Maar moet ze minister J. kort door de dienst alleen robijnen zullen Européenne


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 27 kwietnia 2017 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), per iscritto. – Il programma si pone come quadro e complemento della politica di coesione, ma di fatto punta ad intervenire nell'assetto statale interno, imprimendo agli interventi (le famose riforme strutturali) un marcato accento liberista. La performance amministrativa - per migliorare la quale, al fine di rendere le strutture capaci di attingere ai fondi europei, sono già stati stanziati fondi appositi - viene infatti accostata al sostegno a riforme strutturali in materia di mercato del lavoro, previdenza sociale, liberalizzazione e privatizzazione di servizi, nonché di istruzione e formazione.

Gli interventi attuati in questo senso in Portogallo, Cipro e Grecia hanno però già mostrato come gli effetti non siano affatto positivo e, anzi, questi hanno portato ad un aumento della disuguaglianza, della disoccupazione e del complessivo livello di indigenza delle popolazioni.


  Eva Maydell (PPE), in writing. – I am glad that today we adopted the Structural Reforms Support Programme 2017-2020. This is a great tool to stimulate reforms in the EU countries which in turn is essential for the growth of our economies. Long-term solutions is what Europe needs to provide if it wants to tackle problems such as unemployment and social exclusion.

What is key in this process is that the governments who will benefit from this programme understand that their ownership in carrying out structural reforms is irreplaceable if they are to pursue smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The final goal of participation in this programme should be to stimulate investment in the real economy and competitiveness by improving conditions in sectors like taxation, administrative reform, justice, anti-corruption, competition, innovation, education and training. I am glad that the programme gives the opportunity to mobilise expertise across member states and tap on existing good practices. Although this tool uses existing technical assistance resources under the European Structural and Investment Funds it will be an additional incentive for structural reforms in states where national budgets need to be complemented.


  Laurenţiu Rebega (ENF), în scris. – Așa cum știm cu toții, politica de coeziune este foarte importantă pentru reducerea decalajelor între regiunile europene, sprijinind crearea de locuri de muncă, competitivitatea întreprinderilor, creșterea economică, dezvoltarea durabilă și îmbunătățirea calității vieții. Acest nou program de sprijin pentru reforme structurale crește, de fapt, povara administrativă a statelor membre și ia resurse de la politica de coeziune ca să le folosească pentru niște reforme structurale impuse de Comisia Europeană, care nu au legătură cu coeziunea economică și socială. Cred că, în acest fel, prin știrbirea bugetului politicii de coeziune, punem în pericol viitorul acesteia după 2020. Să nu uităm că deja s-au realocat sume din fondurile europene structurale și de investiții pentru finanțarea migranților. Mai mult, pericolul ascuns în această inițiativă este că, de fapt, Comisia Europeană încearcă să forțeze statele membre să implementeze reformele structurale impuse prin recomandările specifice de țară, reforme care nu întotdeauna sunt în interesul cetățenilor statelor respective. Și atunci mă întreb: cum să mai aibă cetățenii încredere în instituțiile europene când acestea nu mai lucrează în interesul lor?


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne. – Program na podporu štrukturálnych reforiem, ktorý sme dnes schválili, podporujem, pretože môže členským krajinám poskytnúť vhodný nástroj na nevyhnutné ekonomické reformy. Teší ma, že sa Parlamentu podarilo dohodnúť, aby bola súčasťou programu aj kohézna politika, to znamená, že bude na jeho základe možné podporiť zlepšenia v sociálnej, ekonomickej a teritoriálnej súdržnosti. Dôležité pre členské štáty bude aj to, že program bude fungovať na dobrovoľnej báze – využívať ho budú iba tie krajiny, ktoré o asistenciu v oblasti štrukturálnych reforiem požiadajú. Významným aspektom nášho úsilia je aj skutočnosť, že do reformného procesu budú musieť byť zahrnuté aj regionálne a miestne orgány. Transparentnosť programu bude zaručená väčšou kontrolou Európskeho parlamentu, ktorý bude mať možnosť zhodnotiť jeho pridanú hodnotu. Čo sa týka konkrétnych akcií, Komisia poskytuje v rámci tohto programu podporu pri vykonávaní a) reforiem v kontexte správy hospodárskych záležitostí, b) reforiem súvisiacich s realizáciou programov makroekonomických úprav v prípade členských štátov prijímajúcich finančnú pomoc Únie a c) reforiem, ktoré členské štáty vykonávajú na vlastný podnet v záujme podpory udržateľných investícií, rastu a tvorby pracovných miest. Na tieto aktivity je vyčlenených 142,8 milióna EUR, ktoré môžu orgány členských štátov využiť v období 2017 až 2020.

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