MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 27 April 2017 - Brussels
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Situation in Venezuela (motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes
 3.Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2015 - Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (debate)
 4.State of play of the second review of the economic adjustment programme for Greece (debate)
 5.Voting time
  5.1.Request for waiver of the immunity of António Marinho e Pinto (A8-0163/2017 - Gilles Lebreton)
  5.2.EU trade mark (A8-0054/2017 - Tadeusz Zwiefka)
  5.3.Minamata Convention on Mercury (A8-0067/2017 - Stefan Eck)
  5.4.Hybrid mismatches with third countries (A8-0134/2017 - Olle Ludvigsson)
  5.5.Agreement on Operational and Strategic Cooperation between Denmark and Europol (A8-0164/2017 - Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)
  5.6.Nomination of a member of the Court of Auditors - Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz (A8-0166/2017 - Indrek Tarand)
  5.7.Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2015 (A8-0161/2017 - Nedzhmi Ali)
  5.8.Structural Reform Support Programme for 2017-2020 (A8-0374/2016 - Lambert van Nistelrooij, Constanze Krehl)
  5.9.European Year of Cultural Heritage (A8-0340/2016 - Mircea Diaconu)
  5.10.Union programme to support specific activities in the field of financial reporting and auditing (A8-0291/2016 - Theodor Dumitru Stolojan)
  5.11.Union programme to enhance the involvement of consumers in financial services policy making (A8-0008/2017 - Philippe Lamberts)
  5.12.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Commission and executive agencies (A8-0150/2017 - Joachim Zeller)
  5.13.Discharge 2015: Court of Auditors' special reports in the context of the 2015 Commission discharge (A8-0160/2017 - Joachim Zeller)
  5.14.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs (A8-0125/2017 - Younous Omarjee)
  5.15.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Parliament (A8-0153/2017 - Dennis de Jong)
  5.16.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0131/2017 - Bart Staes)
  5.17.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Court of Justice (A8-0136/2017 - Benedek Jávor)
  5.18.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Court of Auditors (A8-0151/2017 - Benedek Jávor)
  5.19.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Economic and Social Committee (A8-0144/2017 - Bart Staes)
  5.20.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - Committee of the Regions (A8-0141/2017 - Bart Staes)
  5.21.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European External Action Service (A8-0122/2017 - Benedek Jávor)
  5.22.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Ombudsman (A8-0142/2017 - Benedek Jávor)
  5.23.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor (A8-0140/2017 - Bart Staes)
  5.24.Discharge 2015: Performance, financial management and control of EU agencies (A8-0149/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.25.Discharge 2015: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (A8-0147/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.26.Discharge 2015: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) (A8-0143/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.27.Discharge 2015: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) (A8-0075/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.28.Discharge 2015: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) (A8-0145/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.29.Discharge 2015: European Police College (CEPOL) (A8-0081/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.30.Discharge 2015: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (A8-0087/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.31.Discharge 2015: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (A8-0093/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.32.Discharge 2015: European Banking Authority (EBA) (A8-0079/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.33.Discharge 2015: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (A8-0082/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.34.Discharge 2015: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (A8-0086/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.35.Discharge 2015: European Environment Agency (EEA) (A8-0085/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.36.Discharge 2015: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (A8-0100/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.37.Discharge 2015: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (A8-0098/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.38.Discharge 2015: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (A8-0106/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.39.Discharge 2015: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) (A8-0101/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.40.Discharge 2015: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (A8-0127/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.41.Discharge 2015: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (A8-0084/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.42.Discharge 2015: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (A8-0099/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.43.Discharge 2015: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) (A8-0130/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.44.Discharge 2015: European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) (A8-0115/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.45.Discharge 2015: European Railway Agency (ERA) (A8-0128/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.46.Discharge 2015: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (A8-0124/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.47.Discharge 2015: European Training Foundation (ETF) (A8-0118/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.48.Discharge 2015: European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) (A8-0105/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.49.Discharge 2015: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) (A8-0116/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.50.Discharge 2015: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) (A8-0126/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.51.Discharge 2015: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (A8-0111/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.52.Discharge 2015: European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) (A8-0129/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.53.Discharge 2015: European Police Office (Europol) (A8-0107/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.54.Discharge 2015: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) (A8-0146/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.55.Discharge 2015: European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) (A8-0137/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.56.Discharge 2015: European GNSS Agency (GSA) (A8-0148/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  5.57.Discharge 2015: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI) (A8-0103/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.58.Discharge 2015: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (A8-0094/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.59.Discharge 2015: ECSEL Joint Undertaking (A8-0113/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.60.Discharge 2015: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH) (A8-0109/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.61.Discharge 2015: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI) (A8-0083/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.62.Discharge 2015: ITER Joint Undertaking (A8-0108/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.63.Discharge 2015: SESAR Joint Undertaking (A8-0096/2017 - Miroslav Poche)
  5.64.Management of fishing fleets in the outermost regions (A8-0138/2017 - Ulrike Rodust)
  5.65.EU flagship initiative on the garment sector (A8-0080/2017 - Lola Sánchez Caldentey)
  5.66.State of play of farmland concentration in the EU: how to facilitate the access to land for farmers (A8-0119/2017 - Maria Noichl)
  5.67.Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (A8-0121/2017 - Georgios Kyrtsos)
  5.68.Implementation of the Mining Waste Directive (A8-0071/2017 - György Hölvényi)
  5.69.Situation in Venezuela (RC-B8-0270/2017, B8-0270/2017, B8-0271/2017, B8-0272/2017, B8-0274/2017, B8-0275/2017, B8-0276/2017, B8-0277/2017)
  5.70.Objection to a delegated act: Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (B8-0273/2017)
 6.Explanations of vote
  6.1.Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2015 (A8-0161/2017 - Nedzhmi Ali)
  6.2.Structural Reform Support Programme for 2017-2020 (A8-0374/2016 - Lambert van Nistelrooij, Constanze Krehl)
  6.3.European Year of Cultural Heritage (A8-0340/2016 - Mircea Diaconu)
  6.4.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Commission and executive agencies (A8-0150/2017 - Joachim Zeller)
  6.5.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0131/2017 - Bart Staes)
  6.6.Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Court of Auditors (A8-0151/2017 - Benedek Jávor)
  6.7.Discharge 2015: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (A8-0147/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.8.Discharge 2015: European Banking Authority (EBA) (A8-0079/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.9.Discharge 2015: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (A8-0084/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.10.Discharge 2015: European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) (A8-0115/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.11.Discharge 2015: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (A8-0111/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.12.Discharge 2015: European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) (A8-0137/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)
  6.13.Management of fishing fleets in the outermost regions (A8-0138/2017 - Ulrike Rodust)
  6.14.EU flagship initiative on the garment sector (A8-0080/2017 - Lola Sánchez Caldentey)
  6.15.State of play of farmland concentration in the EU: how to facilitate the access to land for farmers (A8-0119/2017 - Maria Noichl)
  6.16.Situation in Venezuela (RC-B8-0270/2017, B8-0270/2017, B8-0271/2017, B8-0272/2017, B8-0274/2017, B8-0275/2017, B8-0276/2017, B8-0277/2017)
 7.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 8.Decisions concerning certain documents: see Minutes
 9.Documents received: see Minutes
 10.Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting
 11.Dates of forthcoming sittings : see Minutes
 12.Adjournment of the session
Verbatim report of proceedings (1020 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings (4516 kb)
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