13. HLBTI-henkilöitä koskevien neuvoston suuntaviivojen täytäntöönpano erityisesti Tšetšeniassa esiintyvän homoseksuaalisten (tai sellaisina pidettyjen) miesten vainon suhteen (keskustelu)
Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest debata nad pytaniem wymagającym odpowiedzi ustnej skierowanym do Wiceprzewodniczącej Komisji/Wysokiej Przedstawiciel Unii do Spraw Zagranicznych i Polityki Bezpieczeństwa przez Sorayę Post, Tanję Fajon, Elenę Valenciano, Knuta Fleckensteina, Piera Antonia Panzeriego, w imieniu grupy S&D, Ulrikę Lunacek, Rebeccę Harms, Heidi Hautalę, w imieniu grupy Verts/ALE, Dennisa de Jonga, Malin Björk, Eleonorę Forenzę, Marisę Matias, Helmuta Scholza, Stefana Ecka, Cornelię Ernst, Merję Kyllönen, Rinę Ronję Kari, Marinę Albiol Guzmán, Gabriele Zimmer, w imieniu grupy GUE/NGL, Marietje Schaake, w imieniu grupy ALDE oraz Iana Duncana, w imieniu grupy ECR w sprawie wdrażania wytycznych Rady dotyczących osób LGBTI, szczególnie w odniesieniu do prześladowania mężczyzn (uważanych za) gejów w Czeczenii (Rosja) (O-000039/2017 - B8-0219/2017) (2017/2688 (RSP)).
Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, since February we have been receiving incredible and terrible reports from the Russian province Chechnya. The reports of the horrible acts towards gay men make devastating reading. Government officials claim there are no homosexuals in Chechnya. But at the same time they round up gay men, real or perceived, and torture them into giving up the names of gay friends or lovers. Families are forced to pay large amounts to get them free – money that is said to ‘trickle up’ in the police and government hierarchy.
The Government’s anti-gay campaign cuts into the heart of families. I have received reports about honour killings: families have murdered their own children in shame of their being gay. This is what happens when politicians act as if human rights were only for a few – when they dehumanise whole groups of people.
Right now, the European Union is the global stronghold protecting the idea of equality of human rights for all. This demands of us the special duty to protect LGBTI persons, and creates a need for humanitarian protection visas. Our question to the European External Action Service is about how they can ensure implementation of our LGBTI guidelines.
Last Thursday, five gay activists were detained in Moscow when they wanted to deliver a petition demanding an investigation into the ongoing crimes in Chechnya. More than two million people have signed it, more people than live in Chechnya. Today we must stand with those two million. We must stand with the LGBTI communities of the world and, right now and most pressingly, with the LGBTI people in Chechnya and Russia.
Ulrike Lunacek, author. – Mr President, tomorrow is the International Day Against Homophobia, and that is why I am wearing this rainbow here – to remind everyone who is listening, who is speaking here and who is listening to us – that this is a day where everybody should stand up, like we are doing in this Parliament, against homophobia, transphobia, against all kinds of violence against LGBTI people wherever it occurs, in Europe and on other continents. And as Soraya Post has already explained, this is a specific debate on what has been reported happening in Chechnya, in the Russian Federation, in the last couple of weeks. Arbitrary detentions, torture of hundreds of men, either really gay or perceived to be gay, and three of them at least have also been killed. They have been demanded to disclose the identity of other LGBTI people. This is a life of fear that nobody on this planet should be allowed to live, and nobody who protects the perpetrators should not be brought to justice.
It is clear that we demand in this resolution – and I have to say the resolution we prepared is one of six groups in this Parliament, I really appreciate that there is broad support – we demand from the Russian Federation and the Chechnya regime to protect LGBTI people and also to speak out and say this is not against any religious traditions; this is something – being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex – that has existed all over the planet in all times and all epochs, in all religions, in all cultures everywhere, and exists and should not be worked against. So now we also ask the External Action Service to see that the guidelines that we have are really implemented all over this planet in order to make sure that LGBTI human rights defenders are helped by the European diplomats, and lots is done in that; we already have many good reports by that. I also appreciate that the EAS is having the building illuminated on tomorrow’s International Day Against Homophobia in the rainbow flags, and this is important to show visibility and to struggle for equal rights for everybody.
Malin Björk,författare. – Herr talman! Tack så mycket. Det var nog många av oss som hade svårt att ta in rapporterna om hot och våld, tortyr och till och med mord, av homosexuella män i Tjetjenien. En sådan extrem förföljelse, den är helt enkelt svår att ta in.
Alla vi som är hbtq-personer har naturligtvis upplevt homofobi, men en sådan extrem form av våld som vi har sett i de här rapporterna, det är som tur är ovanligt.
Men homofobi dödar, och den dödar också här i Europa. Den dödade alla de som befann sig på den där gayklubben i Orlando. Och vi vet att homotransfobin förtrycker unga och vuxna i vårt samhälle.
Våldet och förföljelsen av bögar i Tjetjenien är den yttersta konsekvensen av vad all den här homofobin kan resultera i – extremt och dödligt våld.
När vi ställs inför det måste vi alla agera. Därför kräver vi att Europeiska unionen agerar, att medlemsstaterna agerar, att man agerar tillsammans med Europarådet, att man agerar tillsammans med oberoende experter som ska få tillgång till och måste undersöka precis vad som har hänt, och de som är ansvariga ska ställas inför rätta. Inget annat duger.
Det som gör så ont är också att det är just familjen och polisen, där man ska vara trygg – i sin familj och i förhållandet till polisen – som har utsatt och varit delaktiga i att förfölja och skada, och till och med mörda, homosexuella män.
Homofobi – det är så unket, det är så patriarkaliskt, det är en sådan unken inställning till nationen, till folket, till kön, till kärlek, till kvinnor, till män och till könsidentiteter. Vi måste göra oss av med det.
Homofobin är djupt rotad, inte bara i Tjetjenien, utan också hos oss. Vi har allt att göra, vi har allt att vinna för att bygga öppnare samhällen – mer värdiga samhällen som står upp för allas mänskliga rättigheter. Jag förväntar mig inget annat än det.
Petras Auštrevičius, author. – Mr President, colleagues, Mr Commissioner, the brutal anti-gay campaign in the authoritarian Chechnya of Kadyrov is yet another example of how little, if anything, human rights mean in this part of Russia today. The ongoing terror against and prosecution of opposition, human rights activists and journalists has now been extended into targeting the LGBTI minority. Unfortunately, the crimes in Chechnya are not an isolated campaign. It is only a common denominator representing the state of human rights in Russia as a whole. Let us recall that in March this year Russia has adopted a backwards legislation decriminalising domestic violence, and now we are witnessing this. We, the European Union, must make sure that our policy towards Russia reflects seriously the crimes against the LGBTI minority in Chechnya. It should be clear from the very start that it is unacceptable. Homophobia belongs to the shameful past.
Mark Demesmaeker, Auteur. – Morgen, 17 mei, wappert in mijn land, Vlaanderen, op vele plaatsen de regenboogvlag. Ook bijvoorbeeld aan de gevel van mijn stadhuis en zelfs aan die van het Vlaams Parlement. Ik ben daar trots op. De LGBTI-gemeenschap is bij ons gelukkig vrijgevochten. Maar ook wij blijven waakzaam voor homofobie.
Op de internationale dag tegen homofobie valt weinig te vieren. Wereldwijd groeit de onverdraagzaamheid, zien we vervolgingen en zelfs de doodstraf voor wie “anders” en toch zichzelf wil zijn. Wat de voorbije dagen in Tsjetsjenië is gebeurd, heeft ons geschokt. Het is nog winter in de Kaukasus. Misschien letterlijk maar zeker figuurlijk. De vervolging van minstens honderd Tsjetsjenen omdat ze homo zijn, de folteringen, moord en eenzame opsluiting in martelkampen zijn weerzinwekkend en onaanvaardbaar en kunnen alleen in de scherpste bewoordingen worden veroordeeld. De reacties van president Kadirov als zijn er in zijn land geen homo's tonen de kilheid van de samenleving en de onwil van het regime aan. Niemand kan zich beschermd voelen wanneer de overheid een heksenjacht opent.
En Kremlin-baas Poetin? Niets nieuws onder de zon. Hij ontkent. Hij steunt de Tsjetsjeense regering onverbloemd en treedt zelf repressief op tegen holebi-sympathisanten in Moskou en Sint-Petersburg. Het Kremlin speelt zo opnieuw een uiterst bedenkelijke rol.
Een recent rapport van de Raad van Europa wijst trouwens op de onwil van Rusland om ook maar enige inspanning te leveren om de situatie in Tsjetsjenië op het gebied van de mensenrechten positief bij te sturen.
De gruwelijke feiten vragen een onderzoek. De daders moeten worden vervolgd en de slachtoffers moeten compensaties ontvangen. Maar niemand gelooft dat Rusland een ernstig onderzoek zal instellen. Een onafhankelijk internationaal onderzoek dringt zich op.
En dus is de vraag aan de Commissie wat ze zal doen om onze eigen LGBTI-richtsnoeren uit te voeren. Er zal meer nodig zijn dan het uitspreken van ongerustheid. Alle slachtoffers van de vervolging, alle manifestanten moeten onmiddellijk worden vrijgelaten en de betrokken autoriteiten moeten hun internationale verplichtingen nakomen. Een meedogenloos regime begrijpt alleen duidelijke taal. Die verwacht ik straks ook van de commissaris.
Christos Stylianides,on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, no one should be discriminated against or attacked for who they love. This principle has become an integral part of our concept of equality, human rights and fundamental freedoms. This is obviously a European value and we believe it should be a universal value. Just to remind you, in 2013 the European Union adopted guidelines to promote and protect the enjoyment of full human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons.
The EU’s diplomatic efforts in this area revolve around four priorities: first, eliminating discriminatory laws and policies and ensuring decriminalisation, including the death penalty; second, promoting equality and non—discrimination at work, in healthcare and education; third, combating state or individual violence against LGBTI persons; and fourth, supporting and protecting human rights defenders. Depending on the situation, the European Union acts on the issue through quiet diplomacy, public statements and by raising LGBTI rights in the political and human rights dialogues with third countries. The European Union also provides support to civil society via the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.
Today, as the authors have already said, we are here to discuss some very serious allegations of crimes against gay men in Chechnya. The persecution of gay men, leading to kidnappings, torture and killings is the latest amongst some very worrying developments in Chechnya. We have seen the Chechen authorities implicitly justifying the violence and the Russian federal authorities downplaying it, dismissing the reports as exaggerations and fake news. Unfortunately, so far the Russian authorities have taken no effective action to stop the violence and protect the victims.
The European Union, with its Member States, other like-minded countries and many international human rights organisations, has condemned the brutal campaign against LGBTI individuals and called for a full investigation into these events. Just yesterday the EU Foreign Ministers discussed the situation in the Foreign Affairs Council to evaluate the most effective way to help the victims of the alleged abuse. High Representative Federica Mogherini also raised our serious concerns on this issue directly with Minister Lavrov when she saw him in Moscow on 24 April. She stressed the need to put an immediate stop to the crackdown against gay men in Chechnya and to investigate these horrific reports. Unfortunately, Minister Lavrov’s response – later also repeated in the press conference – was that the Russian authorities so far had no proof that the alleged persecutions had actually happened. While in Moscow, the High Representative also had the opportunity to discuss the issue with civil society representatives and journalists. It is indeed alarming that the journalists who uncovered the violence have in turn become the target of direct threats from the leadership in Chechnya and have been forced to flee Chechnya.
This is, unfortunately, the situation on the ground. We have asked EU ambassadors in Moscow to do their utmost to help the men who have been a target, particularly those who currently still fear for their own safety and security. Some Member States are willing to help. Whatever they do will be done quietly and without fanfare in order to protect the victims. In any case, we will continue to call on the international authorities for an effective and thorough investigation into the reports of abductions and killing of gay men in Chechnya. This is indispensable so that anyone found guilty of complicity in such crimes is brought to justice. This is our strong conviction.
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, I really want to join my colleagues in sharing the outrage for the real emergency that we are witnessing with – you said it, Ulrike – hundreds of men that have been arrested and detained in Chechnya just because they are perceived to be gay, and tortured to disclose their alleged gay friends. The systematic witch-hunt of human beings just because of their sexual orientation goes beyond discrimination: it is persecution, it is terrifying and unacceptable, and we cannot be silent and turn our eyes.
In the EU we should stand united and act together, and I welcome that our President has immediately taken action and a firm stand against those crimes, and I support further action by the European Commission. All Member States should call for the immediate release of those that are still detained illegally and to assist the victims. The Russian Federation should openly denounce those crimes and thoroughly investigate them in respect of international law.
There must be zero-tolerance against impunity, and all perpetrators should be brought to justice. The EU should condemn any intimidation towards human rights defenders who reported the violence against LGBTI in Russia. As a member of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, Russia should respect that all human beings are equal and no one has the right to persecute an individual or a group just because they are different or are perceived to be different.
In our times, hate, homophobia, violence, discrimination, can never be justified in the name of religious values. We have to continue – Mr President, I will conclude – to join forces to build a culture of tolerance, and I have co-signed this resolution wholeheartedly.
Elena Valenciano, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente. «Querías quedarte inconsciente para que te dejaran en paz, pero no. Te electrocutaban veinte o treinta segundos; te desvanecías, paraban. Te recuperabas y vuelta a empezar. Tras días con las heridas abiertas, la gente comenzaba a oler a carne podrida».
Este es el terrorífico testimonio de un joven checheno que consiguió escapar de uno de los campos de concentración para gais que existen en Chechenia. Ser homosexual en Chechenia, como en otros lugares del mundo, por cierto, significa, en el peor de los casos, tu muerte, y en el mejor de los casos, vivir con miedo, clandestinamente y perseguido. ¿Qué se puede esperar de un Gobierno checheno que dice que no hay problemas con la homosexualidad en Chechenia, porque en Chechenia no hay homosexuales?
Formalmente, Chechenia es parte de la Federación de Rusia, pero el Kremlin mira para otro lado y deja hacer. Formalmente, Rusia es parte del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, que prohíbe la tortura y la discriminación por cualquier motivo. Formalmente, y moralmente, la Unión Europea debe ser activa en la defensa y protección de los derechos LGTBI en sus relaciones con terceros países.
Defender a estas personas, señor comisario, debe estar en la mesa en nuestras relaciones con Rusia. No podemos permitirnos mirar también para otro lado, porque estas personas, estas personas que sufren persecución, no tienen más que nuestra voz, en muchos casos, para ser defendidos.
Fredrick Federley, för ALDE-gruppen. – Herr talman! Jag vill börja med att tacka kommissionen för ett tydligt uttalande som står väldigt fast vid de europeiska värderingarna. Jag vill också tacka mina kollegor här inne för en väldigt tydlig markering. Att vi kan få till stånd en sådan pass bred och stark resolution är oerhört viktigt när vi nu ska rösta om det, för att visa gentemot Ryssland och gentemot Tjetjenien att vi inte accepterar detta beteende.
Precis som kollegan Corazza Bildt nu sa måste vi se till att de personer som hålls i fångenskap måste släppas å det snaraste. De personer som har drivits ut ur Tjetjenien måste få en möjlighet att komma hem till sina familjer. Det upprop som gått genom Tjetjenien att rensa Tjetjenien från homosexuella innan Ramadan börjar måste vi se till att få upphävt. Man har ombetts att antingen ta livet av sina egna söner, eller så kommer man se till att göra det inom Tjetjeniens ramar.
Samtidigt ska vi komma ihåg att det här hänger ju samman med den politik som Putin har fört gentemot hbtq-personer under en väldigt, väldigt lång tid. Nu låter han Tjetjenien bli en experimentverkstad gentemot och attackera mänskliga rättigheter. Detta måste vi se till att markera mot så tydligt som vi bara kan. Tack!
Cornelia Ernst, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Wenn Kadyrow behauptet, es gebe keine Homosexuellen in Tschetschenien, dann ist das so wahr wie die Behauptung, dass die Erde eine Scheibe sei, oder Eva der Rippe von Adam entstamme. Aber das Leben ist anders: Die Erde ist rund, und es gibt eben nicht nur Adam und Eva, sondern viel mehr – ob nun schwul, lesbisch, bisexuell, Transgender oder intersexuell. Das ist weder ein Defizit noch ein Makel, sondern ein wundervolles Geschenk der menschlichen Natur, das es durch uns zu verteidigen gilt.
Deshalb fordern wir als allererstes: Hetzreden gegen Homosexuelle müssen aufhören – zuallererst, wenn sie von Regierungen kommen. Und wer wie in Tschetschenien Menschen, weil sie homosexuell sind, verhaftet, foltert und in den Tod treibt, der macht sich schwerster Verbrechen schuldig. Und wer tatenlos zusieht, ebenso. Unsere Forderung ist, dass alle Gefangenen, die wegen sexueller Orientierung inhaftiert wurden, daher freigelassen werden müssen.
Auch müssen die Zwangssterilisierung und die geschlechtszuordnenden Zwangsoperationen überall abgeschafft werden, auch in unseren Mitgliedstaaten. Solchen Leuten gilt es übrigens auch, Asyl zu gewähren, wenn sie in ihren Ländern verfolgt werden. Das gehört zur Wahrung von Menschenrechten hier in der EU.
Rebecca Harms, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Die erste Nachricht, die ich über das Pogrom im Netz gelesen hatte, lautete: Sie haben ihn vor die Tür geworfen und gesagt, man möge ihn töten. Das war der Satz, den viele gelesen haben. Er ist zuerst auf VKontakte veröffentlicht worden. Ich glaube, dass wir uns mit diesem Pogrom beschäftigt haben, dass wir aufgerüttelt worden sind durch die Nachrichten aus Tschetschenien, das ist sehr gut. Gleichzeitig bin ich auch sehr pessimistisch. Ich glaube auf der einen Seite, dass es richtig ist, dass Angela Merkel oder Federica Mogherini dieses Pogrom auch öffentlich angesprochen haben. Es ist gut, dass Präsident Putin dadurch unter Druck gekommen ist und eine Untersuchung angekündigt hat. Wir können wahrscheinlich ein weiteres Pogrom im Moment abwenden, aber wir beenden damit nicht die systematische Unterdrückung, Verfolgung, Gewalt gegen Schwule und andere sexuelle Minderheiten in diesen Ländern.
Deswegen möchte ich an dieser Stelle sagen: Aufmerksamkeit für die Situation ist richtig, aber das, was die skandinavischen Länder gemacht haben, nämlich einfache Einreisemöglichkeiten für Schwule aus Russland zu schaffen und Asylverfahren zu ermöglichen, das muss die Europäische Union sehr schnell vorantreiben.
Margot Parker, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, reports emerging from Chechnya are extremely worrying. It is incomprehensible that in a modern civilised state, anyone’s liberty – and indeed their health and life – would be under threat based on their sexuality. It would appear that the Chechnya government has slipped back towards barbarism, and my thoughts are with the families of those who have lost loved ones in this awful persecution.
Russia has in recent years been under much criticism and scrutiny for their attitudes towards homosexuality, but the Republic of Chechnya has gone to new extremes. The federal government must show the world that this will not be tolerated and do more to investigate and stamp out any and all of those persecutions in Chechnya.
Jaromír Štětina (PPE). – Ve čtvrtek budeme hlasovat o společné rezoluci o hrubém porušování lidských práv ze strany režimu čečenského prezidenta Ramzana Kadirova vůči homosexuálům v Čečensku. Je to užitečná rezoluce, která odsuzuje stalinské metody dnešním režimem používané, včetně budování detenčních koncentračních zařízení pro nepohodlné menšiny.
Já se však ptám, dámy a pánové, proč dlouhodobě nevěnujeme pozornost situaci, která v Čečensku nastala poté, co ruská armáda brutálně potlačila snahu Čečenců po samostatnosti? Na tuto neděli připravila v Bruselu exilová vláda Čečenské republiky Ičkeria konferenci k 20. výročí podepsání mírové smlouvy z května 1997. Tato smlouva podepsaná v Kremlu prezidentem Jelcinem a prezidentem Maschadovem byla brutálně pošlapána Ruskem po nástupu prezidenta Putina.
Ministryně zahraničních věcí Čečenské republiky Ičkeria Aminat Sajeva označila tuto nevyhlášenou válku vůči Čečensku za brutální a ostudnou. Tato válka zabila více než sto tisíc lidí. Rusko zničilo čečenskou ekonomii a infrastrukturu. Ruská armáda pomocí bombardování a dělostřelectva způsobila totální destrukci čečenských měst a vesnic. Rusko porušilo všechny principy mezinárodního práva včetně používání chemických zbraní.
A znovu se ptám, dámy a pánové, proč všechna tato fakta nereflektujeme?
Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, giovedì scorso è stato rilasciato Yuri Guaiana, un difensore per i diritti umani italiano arrestato il giorno prima dalle autorità russe mentre stava consegnando una petizione contro il trattamento degli omosessuali in Cecenia.
Ciò che sta accadendo in questa regione russa, ovvero l'arresto forzato, la reclusione e le torture nei confronti di omosessuali è un'inaccettabile violazione di molteplici diritti umani. Non solo alle persone coinvolte non viene garantito un trattamento paritario rispetto a qualsiasi altro cittadino, ma siamo anche testimoni di un'emergenza che viola la libertà di queste persone, sottoponendole a violenze e torture solo per il loro orientamento sessuale.
In Cecenia la situazione è resa ancor più preoccupante dal fatto che esiste un vero e proprio apparato organizzativo e repressivo, comprensivo di infrastrutture e personale, volto all'identificazione, alla cattura e alla tortura di persone sospettate di essere omosessuali. L'obiettivo ultimo di tale apparato è la conversione dei prigionieri.
Non so se c'è piena consapevolezza, ma è indubbio che la reazione della comunità internazionale non sia stata adeguata. L'attore coinvolto non è certo un interlocutore facile, ma noi dobbiamo assolutamente denunciare tutto questo per evitare future degenerazioni.
Concludendo vorrei però portare l'attenzione anche sulle linee guida proposte dal Consiglio. Ritengo che il documento ci chiami ad un esame di coscienza, un'azione anche e soprattutto all'interno dell'Unione europea. Noi stiamo denunciando un caso estremo come quello della Cecenia, che è giusto e doveroso denunciare, ma anche all'interno dei nostri confini le persone della comunità LGBTI sono soggette a discriminazioni che troppo spesso non trovano giustificazioni legate alla cultura, alla tradizione e alla religione. Anche su questo dobbiamo mostrarci coerenti.
Cecilia Wikström (ALDE). – Herr talman! Sedan två månader tillbaka har vi bevittnat fruktansvärda brott mot homosexuella män i det allt mer islamistiska Tjetjenien. Förra veckan kastades en 17 år gammal pojke ner från en balkong för att dö efter att hans familj upptäckt att han var homosexuell.
De här hedersmorden, herr talman, sker ofta på myndigheternas direkta uppmaning, och det vi bevittnar i Tjetjenien är en systematisk utrensning av människor baserat på sexuell läggning, vilket är helt i strid med fundamentala humanistiska principer.
Nu är det så att vi i denna union i EU måste stå upp för och vara en fristad för de här utsatta personerna. Tillsammans i EU måste vi sätta press på Putin att agera mot den Tjetjenska regimens fruktansvärda uppmaningar till hedersmord. För det är det det är frågan om.
Vi kan inte fortsätta att blunda för de förfärliga brott som pågår i vårt omedelbara närområde. Vi äger frågan och vi måste ta ansvar nu.
Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, credo che uno degli aspetti più gravi di questa vicenda siano le dichiarazioni del governo ceceno sull'inesistenza di persone omosessuali, di persone gay, sul proprio territorio. Credo che già solo questa dichiarazione, al di là della necessità di indagare esattamente su quale sia la portata delle discriminazioni, quando non delle torture che sono state denunciate, parli da sé di una cultura fondata sulla negazione del riconoscimento delle persone LGBTQI.
Penso sia assolutamente doveroso da parte nostra non solo prendere parola, come faremo domani attraverso l'approvazione di una risoluzione, ma anche operando all'interno dell'Unione europea perché non sia più possibile alcuna negazione politica, culturale, materiale e simbolica dei diritti delle persone LGBTQI.
Heidi Hautala (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I want to join the thanks to the Commissioner for a very powerful intervention on how the European Union is using all its possibilities to condemn these atrocities that we have been hearing about during the last two months.
This horrible persecution is, on one hand, linked to the emphasis on what they call traditional values – and believe me, according to traditional values, homosexuality is something that should not exist. This is also linked, indirectly at least, to the decriminalisation of domestic violence in Russia some time ago, because ‘family’ means the ‘traditional family’ and what happens inside the family is something that should not be touched. In this extreme way, we have seen honour killings which are tolerated by the state, even induced by the state, and we have to be very strong.
In Chechnya the situation overall is very bad. Human rights defenders are persecuted against, and the Committee Against Torture saw their offices burnt down by security forces not long ago.
Tanja Fajon (S&D). – Čez deset dni nastopi muslimanski mesec ramadan. Za večino muslimanov po svetu praznik, čas za razmišljanje o življenju. Za homoseksualce v Čečeniji pa mesec groze in razmišljanja o smrti.
Kajti čečenski predsednik Kadirov želi dejansko do ramadana zaključiti s čistko. Če gejev ne bo pospravila čečenska vlada, jih bodo pospravili kar njihovi sorodniki. Izpovedi pobeglih gejev iz tako rekoč koncentracijskega taborišča so grozljive. Ne želim si predstavljati, kaj ti moški v resnici prestajajo, in ne želim si predstavljati, kako bo, če bo čečenska oblast te zavržne metode vpeljala še za lezbijke, invalide ali druge predstavnike manjšin.
Zahtevam pa, da visoka predstavnica od ruskih oblasti, kot ste dejali, nemudoma zahteva podatke in izsledke o preiskavi. Rusija ni naredila še nič. Pričakujem tudi, da bomo dali Kadirovu jasno vedeti, da geji v Čečeniji so bili, so in bodo. Z izjavami o njihovem neobstoju pa predsednik dejansko sramoti pred mednarodno skupnostjo, rojake pa potiska v srednji vek.
Ukrepi so zapisani, zdaj bodo pomembni rezultati in če jih ne bo, lahko začnejo rasti zgodbe iztrebljanj iz druge svetovne vojne. Širjenje nacizma in drugih ideologij namreč ni pogojeno z državnimi mejami.
Hilde Vautmans (ALDE). – Voorzitter, commissaris, collega’s. Net als waarschijnlijk jullie allemaal was ik zwaar geschokt toen ik de beelden uit Tsjetsjenië te zien kreeg. Meteen toen ik het nieuws hoorde, kwamen mij de beelden uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog voor ogen. Mannen waarvan men vermoedt dat ze homoseksueel zijn, opsluiten in kampen. Ze trachten te verbeteren. En als ze dan vrijgelaten worden – als ze al vrijgelaten worden –, dreigen ze vermoord te worden door hun eigen familie. Dat gebeurt op een boogscheut van Europa, anno 2017, aan de vooravond van de internationale dag tegen homofobie en aan de vooravond van de Gay Pride in Brussel. Zaterdag viert de internationale gemeenschap immers feest in Brussel, al is er eigenlijk geen reden tot feesten.
Mijnheer de commissaris, ik ben blij met uw sterke verklaring. We moeten de druk opvoeren. Dat is heel belangrijk. We moet de schuldigen straffen. Ook dat is belangrijk. Ten slotte moeten we zorgen voor de bescherming van homoseksuelen. Dat betekent: nadenken over visa en over de manier waarop we hen kunnen beschermen. Dat staat nu prioritair op ons programma. Ik dank u.
Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I am glad, colleagues, that we have been able to achieve such a degree of cross-party unity across this House on this really crucial issue. But remember, we have got the easy job. We have a massive debt of gratitude to civil society and the NGOs and journalists who brought this to our attention at all – people who are really struggling in their daily lives against shocking persecution. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Crisis Group, vital NGOs who do vital work need further support; journalists at Novaya Gazeta; and indeed the brave citizens who are struggling on a daily basis.
The situation in Chechnya is the subject of this motion, but it is an example of a growing trend, and it is something I have been reflecting on a great deal in the light of the Brexit vote in the UK. There is a trend in politics to create scapegoats – to ‘other’ – to store up hate, and it is a growing trend in politics – and progress is reversible. It is one thing that we must always be on our guard against. There are powerful forces who, with some success in many cases, are undermining and misrepresenting human rights at a time when the EU must be the voice – the antidote – to promote those values and to be the voice for minorities within the wider world. We have a job to do, and many people are relying upon us. I endorse the motion and thank everyone for their support.
Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Die Lage in Tschetschenien ist seit vielen Jahren besorgniserregend. Wie keine andere Region der russischen Föderation sorgt Tschetschenien für einen beständigen Zustrom an Asylsuchenden. Das ist ein Zeichen, dass hier Menschenrechte kontinuierlich systematisch und in provokativer Weise verletzt werden. Die Nachricht darüber, wie der Sicherheitsapparat in krimineller Weise mit Schwulen oder als schwul wahrgenommen Männern umgeht, war selbst für hartgesottene Beobachter der Situation in Tschetschenien schockierend.
Es ist wichtig, dass sich unser Haus umgehend mit diesen Vorgängen beschäftigt, und die klare Position der Kommission ist ausdrücklich hervorzuheben. Es ist ein deutliches und klares Zeichen, dass wir so etwas nicht hinnehmen, und es ist ein Zeichen des Ausdrucks unserer Besorgnis, dass die Diskriminierung von LGBTI-Personen und latente Homophobie letztlich immer so enden, wie das ihn Tschetschenien passiert ist. Es ist positiv, dass die russische Föderationsregierung Aufklärung versprochen hat. Aber was getan wird, ist in keiner Weise ausreichend. Wir brauchen wirkliche Aufklärung.
Karima Delli (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, mes chers collègues, demain nous célébrons la Journée mondiale contre l’homophobie et, au même moment, la Tchétchénie mène une chasse aux homosexuels. Être homosexuel, là-bas, c’est risquer la mort ou l’exil.
Il est inadmissible de rester muet face à cette situation, à ceux qui entravent les valeurs des droits de l’homme. Nous sommes les porte-paroles des victimes de persécutions. Nous appelons à la libération immédiate des prisonniers, à une réelle protection de toutes les personnes qui ont dénoncé ces actes odieux et à une enquête sérieuse menée par les organisations internationales de défense des droits de l’homme.
L’Europe doit faire preuve de courage face à ce qui se passe en Tchétchénie, pays membre de la Fédération de Russie de M. Poutine. L’année prochaine, cette même fédération doit accueillir la Coupe du monde de football. Pendant que certains joueront au foot, d’autres seront massacrés.
Ce soir, j’appelle donc au boycott de cette Coupe du monde tant que les droits fondamentaux ne seront pas respectés en Russie et dans ses États satellites.
Sylvie Guillaume (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, en 2013, – vous l’avez rappelé Monsieur le Commissaire – nous avions salué l’adoption par le Conseil des lignes directrices concernant les personnes LGBTI. Grâce à elles, nous pensions disposer des outils nécessaires pour lutter contre l’homophobie et pourtant, quatre ans plus tard – il faut le reconnaître –, des personnes LGBTI continuent en Europe à être victimes de discrimination, de violences et d’humiliations.
Le constat est mauvais aussi à l’extérieur de l’Union puisqu’une loi homophobe a été votée en Russie il y a quatre ans et que le climat, déjà délétère, s’est encore dégradé pour les personnes LGBTI de ce pays. Cette loi, c’est la négation de l’autre, de sa différence, et c’est ce climat de haine qui a abouti à l’arrestation d’une centaine de personnes en avril en Tchétchénie et à leur détention dans des conditions absolument monstrueuses.
Il faut passer à l’acte, des vies humaines sont en jeu. Tous les États membres doivent offrir un sanctuaire à ces personnes qui ne sont pas en sécurité en Russie et les ambassades européennes doivent leur délivrer des visas pour qu’elles puissent venir demander l’asile au sein de l’Union européenne.
En outre, les autorités russes doivent faire toute la lumière sur ces événements d’avril et tenter de respecter ainsi leurs engagements en faveur des droits de l’homme.
Terry Reintke (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, dear colleagues, dear Commissioner, what is happening in Chechnya right now is the extremest form of escalation of a backlash that we are actually seeing all over Europe and all over the world right now. The reports of torture, of persecution, of imprisonment and even of killings are absolutely shocking, but the precondition for these kinds of dehumanisation are one thing, and that is denial – denial that we even exist, that gay men, lesbian women, bi-trans and inter people exist, and when the Chechnyan President declares that there are no gay men in Chechnya, he does exactly that. He denies our existence and he erases our existence, and this is why we cannot just stand aside; we will have to speak up.
The European Union will have to speak up and defend the rights of those that are being denied their existence in Chechnya, and not only tomorrow but all the time, because we exist and we can be proud to exist.
Daniele Viotti (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, "... alle botte con i tubi di gomma si resiste, ti mordi le mani fino a sanguinare ma poi ce la puoi fare. L'elettricità è un'altra cosa, vedi che iniziano a girare la manovella e sai che arriverà, e quando arriva il tuo corpo inizia a tremare. Sai cos'è perché ci sei già passato, ma non capisci più cosa succede, urli di dolore che ti scoppia la gola, ti senti cadere. E poi ricomincia." Questa è la testimonianza di Andrej, un ragazzo ceceno, arrestato e torturato in Cecenia come altre centinaia.
La Cecenia è un porto franco in cui vige il regime di terrore di Ramzan Kadyrov, intoccabile perché utile a Putin e alla Russia di Putin, dove qualche giorno fa sono stati arrestati quattro militanti, di cui un europeo. Kadyrov è intoccabile e quindi con potere di vita e di morte sugli abitanti della Cecenia, soprattutto, a quanto pare, sugli abitanti gay, torturati, seviziati, minacciati e poi lasciati alle famiglie per finire il lavoro; un delitto d'onore, si dice, lo chiamano così, siamo nel 2017.
Signor Presidente, credo che questi fatti ci pongano alcune domande su cosa siamo e su cosa vogliamo fare. Cos'è l'Europa se non si indigna per quello che sta succedendo a pochi chilometri di distanza da noi? Cos'è l'Europa se non si mobilita per tutte le persone, soprattutto quelle discriminate, che devono sentirsi ancora in pericolo di vita? Cos'è l'Europa se non difende la vita?
Credo che oggi l'Europa sia davanti a un bivio, girare la testa dall'altra parte o usare tutto il suo potere per mettere la Russia e la Cecenia davanti alle loro responsabilità. Con i paesi che non rispettano i diritti umani noi non possiamo più avere nulla a che fare.
Vede, Presidente, credo che sopportare le violenze contro le minoranze religiose, sopportare le violazioni che subiscono le donne in molte parti del mondo, sopportare i migranti che muoiono in mare e i gay torturati in Cecenia, sopportare tutto questo sia un attacco all'idea stessa di Europa e agli attacchi si deve rispondere in modo fermo e deciso.
Seb Dance (S&D). – Mr President, I am very grateful to the Commissioner for his explanation of the work that has been done on behalf of the European Union. Of course, we are only here, as colleagues have pointed out, because of the hard work of civil society in highlighting this.
The appalling examples of denial that we have seen from the Chechen and Russian authorities do no justice to the people who are suffering, but we do know now, because of the hard work of NGOs, because of the hard work of organisations like Novaya Gazeta and the journalists who face recrimination and death, that this is occurring. I am a gay man and I am able to be here with other gay men, other lesbians, other LGBTI people and do the work that we do, because I know I am not going to be dragged from my seat by the authorities. I know I am not going to be beaten up by the canal and left for dead and then that be denied by the police and indeed by my own government – they are here to protect me.
I do not know if there is anybody here watching in Chechnya or in Russia, but you are not the problem if you are LGBTI; you are not the illness. It is the people who are doing this to you that are the problem and it is this organisation, the international community, who will stand to defend you.
Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, ‘I will never allow the tyranny of a majority to oppress a minority’, said MEP Michael Cashman as he cut up his Visa card in this very Chamber in the lead up to the Sochi 2014 Olympics, when Putin was making anti-LGBTI laws. And three years on, we can see that we must never be complacent. The reported persecution of gay, or allegedly gay, men in Chechnya is shocking, and the international community must act resolutely to end it. Mr Putin apparently said that he would support an investigation after Angela Merkel pressed him on it. But Russian authorities still continue to dismiss reports as rumours. So the EU must increase the pressure. The human rights defender Yuri Guaiana was arrested trying to deliver a petition with two million signatures, demanding justice for LGBTI people in Chechnya. He was later released because of international pressure.
All too often in this Chamber we find ourselves defending human rights defenders. Yes, the EU is a key protector of human rights in the world, and all of us, as parliamentarians and citizens, must join in support of the effort to ensure those who fight for human rights have the support they need.
Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Mr President, the human rights situation in Russia is more and more worrying. It seems that at least 100 men have been detained in Chechnya, Russia, on suspicion of being gay and have suffered severe torture and humiliation in unofficial prisons. At least three men have been reported killed. Many remain detained in prisons where they face torture and inhumane treatment in horrific conditions.
Regional authorities have denied the allegations and are responding by inciting further hatred against perceived homosexuals. National Russian authorities continue to ignore this fact. The EU must act now. I support the question, as I believe the European External Action Service should inform us of the type of action they have taken in the specific case of Chechnya. It is vital to raise this matter with the relevant Russian authorities to ensure legal and physical protection for the victims and full respect for citizens’ human rights.
Marc Tarabella (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, la liberté d’être homosexuel est un droit, mais pas en Tchétchénie. Le président Kadyrov a décidé d’exterminer tous les homosexuels de son territoire d’ici au 26 mai et, au passage, certains opposants politiques qui ont osé contester son pouvoir.
Plusieurs sources fiables ont démontré l’existence d’un camp semblable à un camp de concentration, où des dizaines de gays sont emmenés, enfermés, torturés et, pour certains, tués. Les parents sont forcés par la police de tuer leurs enfants homosexuels pour éviter l’incarcération de toute la famille. Les autorités appellent cela «laver l’honneur par le sang». Quand on demande aux hauts responsables tchétchènes des informations sur cette purge sanglante, ils répondent que c’est totalement impossible car l’homosexualité n’existe pas en Tchétchénie. Une réponse qui pourrait prêter à sourire si elle ne donnait pas autant envie de vomir.
Toutes ces victimes potentielles ou avérées n’ont plus que nous pour espérer survivre. Nos valeurs européennes nous interdisent de rester aveugles et sourds à un tel drame. Nous devons proposer des visas d’urgence, comme le propose le Canada.
Le temps n’est plus à la parole, il est aux actes.
Catch-the-eye procedure
Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Já chci poděkovat všem, kteří v této debatě vystoupili, protože zde zněl jeden jasný hlas, který odsuzuje situaci v Čečensku, odsuzuje situaci sexuálních menšin, lidí, kteří nejenže jsou diskriminováni, ale v tuto chvíli jsou ohroženi na životě a na zdraví.
Jsem také rád, že pan komisař o té věci hovořil. Měli bychom řešit konkrétní věci. Je dobře, že dochází k diplomatické ofenzivě ze strany EU, a já jsem velmi skeptický k tomu, že cynický Putinův režim něco reálně vyšetří a reálně změní situaci homosexuálů v Rusku a konkrétně v Čečensku.
Myslím si proto, že je správně, že tu zaznělo, že je třeba poskytnout těmto lidem víza, otevřít jim náruč, umožnit jim, aby získali azyl, protože je jasné, že splňují mezinárodní právní podmínky pro získání azylu v zemích EU, a také podpořit nezávislé novináře, kteří v Rusku o těchto věcech informují.
Elly Schlein (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, le notizie che arrivano dalla Cecenia e dalla Russia sono gravissime. Si parla di torture e violenze sistematiche, detenzione illegale di centinaia di uomini gay o presunti tali, si parla di vere e proprie esecuzioni, di campi per la rieducazione. Tutto questo è medievale, ci riporta alle fasi più buie della storia dell'umanità e, da ultimo, l'arresto di diversi attivisti a Mosca, tra cui Yuri Guaiana.
Le istituzioni europee e gli Stati membri intervengano a tutela della comunità LGBTI con tutti gli strumenti a disposizione, i visti e anche quelli di inchiesta, le pressioni sulle autorità russe affinché questo orrore si fermi. Domani è la Giornata internazionale contro l'omotransfobia, cose come questa dimostrano quanto ce ne sia bisogno. Abbiamo saputo che anche in Italia qualcuno, in occasione del pride di Reggio Emilia, organizzerà una processione "di riparazione". È a questo odio che bisogna riparare, non certo all'amore libero ed eguale.
Onorevoli colleghi, Commissario, questa è una battaglia di tutti perché riguarda i diritti fondamentali delle persone che abbiamo messo alla base della nostra Unione.
Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea (ALDE). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, la ley antipropaganda gay de Putin de 2013 ha derivado en la caza de hombres homosexuales de Kadirov hoy.
Señor Stylianides, estamos de acuerdo: no es suficiente adoptar otra resolución condenando los abusos y las violaciones de derechos humanos en Rusia.
En la víspera del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, les pido que apoyemos la demanda recién presentada por organizaciones LGBTI ante la Corte Penal Internacional. Hagamos que este tribunal juzgue al presidente de Chechenia por genocidio contra los homosexuales. No puede haber impunidad para quienes persiguen y torturan a seres humanos ni tampoco para sus cómplices, por muy poderosos que sean.
El día 1 de julio en Madrid, en el World Pride, seremos millones los que pediremos igualdad efectiva y despenalización de la homosexualidad en el mundo. Están todos invitados.
Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la situazione che ci viene riportata dalla Cecenia è una situazione estremamente grave e preoccupante.
L'inchiesta nata dalle denunce della Novaya Gazeta ha fatto emergere accuse pesantissime, che riguardano anche le condizioni terribili di detenzione delle persone omosessuali, torture, umiliazioni, percosse generiche, più volte perpetrate, e si parla addirittura di casi veri e propri di omicidio, per non parlare di persecuzioni e pressioni anche nei confronti dei loro nuclei familiari, che sono altrettanto in pericolo se non agiscono per tutelare "l'onore".
Le frasi del portavoce di Ramzan Kadyrov, presidente della Cecenia, così come quelle di Kheda Saratova, membro del Consiglio dei diritti umani ceceno, sono inaccettabili da ogni punto di vista, sono indegne di chiunque ricopra un incarico elettivo, di chiunque ricopra un incarico di governo.
Pretendiamo il pieno impegno, totale, da parte delle autorità russe per fare luce su quello che sta accadendo e una piena e convinta azione per sostenere e proteggere le vittime, così come i loro familiari che devono essere trasferiti e messi in condizioni di sicurezza. Questo è quello che, come minimo, come Unione europea dobbiamo pretendere.
(End of catch-the-eye procedure)
Christos Stylianides,on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, dear colleagues, thank you so much for your intervention and thank you so much by showing this unity for this very important issue. We all share the concern about what is happening in Chechnya. We all agree that this issue is completely unacceptable, and I personally believe that it is a shame, because we have to discuss this issue in the 21st century. The violence against the LGTBI community has given visibility to the disastrous situation of human rights in this Russian republic. We will keep working with Member States to support the victims and put pressure on the Russian authorities to stop the violence and ensure justice for the victims.
Please be aware that some of our common efforts will require patience and confidentiality. We are all trying to help, definitely, but we cannot go public about everything that is being done. In some cases being effective is more important than being outspoken, for the sake of the people involved. I would like to say this because I know some cases on the ground.
May I close by signalling once again my appreciation of Parliament’s role in keeping this issue on the agenda. We have to continue the struggle in order to show our willingness, our strong conviction about the rights of the LGTBI community.
President. – Thank you, Commissioner, especially for your words about our duty and our role as the European Parliament.
Otrzymałem sześć projektów rezolucji złożonych zgodnie z art. 128 ust. 5 Regulaminu.
Zamykam debatę.
Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 18 maja 2017 r.
Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)
Kati Piri (S&D), schriftelijk. – De autoriteiten in de Zuid-Russische republiek Tsjetsjenië hebben een heksenjacht geopend op homoseksuele mannen, waarbij meer dan honderd mannen zijn opgesloten omwille van hun seksuele geaardheid. Eenmaal in detentie zijn ze mishandeld. Volgens verschillende rapporten van onder andere Human Rights Watch zijn er inmiddels zelfs vier doden gevallen. Dat de leider van de republiek, Ramzan Kadirov, ontkent dat homoseksualiteit in die regio voorkomt, is treurig en tegelijkertijd zeer verwerpelijk. Het is dan ook van belang dat er zo spoedig mogelijk een onafhankelijk onderzoek wordt ingesteld naar dergelijke wanpraktijken. Mochten Kadirov en Poetin geen of onvoldoende actie ondernemen, dan is het aan de internationale gemeenschap om de politieke druk op te voeren. Ieder mens moet kunnen uitkomen voor wie hij/zij is, en van wie hij/zij houdt. Dat vormt een kernpunt van onze waarden. Het is aan ons om daarvoor te blijven strijden, waar dan ook ter wereld.
Christine Revault D'Allonnes Bonnefoy (S&D), par écrit. – Nous avons tous pris la mesure de l'horreur de la situation en Tchétchénie où les personnes LGBT sont victimes de tortures, de violences, de traitements inhumains et cruels. Sous la pression internationale, M. Poutine a soutenu une enquête ouverte par le parquet général russe, mais ne nous félicitons pas trop vite. Le parquet n'a reçu à ce jour aucune plainte de victime, et pour cause! Il faudrait garantir la sécurité des personnes LGBT, qui sont dans une situation de vulnérabilité extrême, et qui ne peuvent pas témoigner par peur de dévoiler leur identité. Ils ont peur de l'État, mais aussi de leurs familles, car les autorités tchétchènes n'ont reculé devant rien ; appelant même les habitants à tuer les homosexuels de leur famille afin de laver leur honneur.
Je salue le courage des ONG locales qui ont mis en place une ligne téléphonique d'urgence et ont organisé des évacuations vers d'autres provinces russes ou l'étranger. À notre tour d'être à la hauteur. L'Union doit faire pression sur Vladimir Poutine et Ramzan Kadyrov pour que cette situation, une violation extrême des droits humains, cesse. Quant aux États, ils doivent délivrer des visas d'urgence à ceux qui fuient la Tchétchénie.