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Procedure : 2016/2243(INI)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A8-0176/2017

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Debatten :

PV 16/05/2017 - 16
CRE 16/05/2017 - 16

Stemmingen :

PV 17/05/2017 - 10.3

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Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen
Dinsdag 16 mei 2017 - Straatsburg

16. Fintech: de invloed van technologie op de toekomst van de financiële sector (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Cora van Nieuwenhuizen im Namen des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft und Währung über Finanztechnologie: Einfluss der Technologie auf die Zukunft des Finanzsektors (2016/2243(INI)) (A8-0176/2017).


  Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, rapporteur. – Mr President, new technologies are rapidly changing the nature of the financial infrastructure around the globe. This presents massive opportunities for Europe and it is now up to us, the policymakers, to make the right choices and create a conducive environment so that Europe can benefit to the full extent.

FinTech is often used to refer to a specific scenario of start—ups disrupting finance with innovation. This definition is not the one used in our report because it would exclude a large number of relevant actors. Instead FinTech may be understood as finance enabled by new technologies covering the whole range of financial services, products and infrastructure. It also includes InsureTech, the use of new technologies in insurance, and RegTech, the application of new technologies for regulatory compliance.

The current rise of FinTech comes after the origination of a number of different technological developments within a short time span, namely artificial intelligence, cloud computing and distributed ledger technology. These provide new opportunities for disruptions like mobile payments, open banking, crowdfunding, crypto currencies and robo advice. FinTech can lead to significant benefits such as cost reductions, efficiency gains, and more transparency. It can also be an effective tool for financial inclusion, opening up high—level services for those who could not afford them before. Furthermore, FinTech can enable cross—border financial flows and infrastructure through alternative lending and investment channels.

The FinTech revolution that we are currently experiencing is global. In recent years, global FinTech investments have soared. The bulk of these investments was made in the United States, and Asia and Israel are also gearing up in this respect. The US, China and Israel host more than half of the top ten largest FinTech companies. If Europe wants to remain competitive, rapid innovation should be the norm, not the exception. This is not only important for Europe’s financial infrastructure, but also for the real economy, with consumers and businesses benefiting from improved financial services.

Notwithstanding all the benefits, FinTech also confronts us with essential questions of a regulatory, societal nature. Consumer protection and the stability of the financial system should be key concerns in this regard. Together with the competitiveness of the European economy, they make for the core priorities of this report. The report does not intend to give technical solutions. However, it does intend to pose the right questions. That should be a first step in the process of creating a forward—looking European policy in the area of financial technologies.

The intention of this report is not to propose specific legislative actions. We must be cautious with creating new rules because much is still unclear about future developments of financial technologies. A better point of departure is investigating where current legislation causes uncertainties or barriers and identifying where additional action is necessary. Doing this purposefully requires a holistic approach, as technological developments in our digitising society call for breaking silos. FinTech actors are already breaking silos themselves. They often offer products in a diverse multi-party conjunction.

I have some minutes left at the end and will use the time then. I am sure that a lot of the things that I want to say will be said by my colleagues, the shadow rapporteurs.


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, I would like to thank you and congratulate the rapporteur, Ms van Nieuwenhuizen, for the report on FinTech, which is both timely and comprehensive on the issues it raises. Technological innovation on finance is advancing. In terms of expenditure, the financial sector is by far the largest IT sector of our economy. An estimated one-fifth of all IT expenditure globally takes place within the financial sector.

The Commission is looking to promote a thriving and globally competitive European financial sector as part of the Digital Single Market. Both individual consumers and firms stand to benefit from FinTech opportunities, through a greater access to financial services, more choice and a more competitive landscape. When we look to the development of the Capital Markets Union, we must look at how digitalisation can contribute to this goal. FinTech affects all financial sectors and all its components, involving companies both large and small. I would like to highlight four areas that are reflected in your report and that we will also raise in our ongoing public consultation on FinTech.

First, FinTech can be an important driver to expand access to financial services for both consumers and businesses. For providers of financial services it can facilitate access to new and broader customer bases. It can also be an important tool for financial inclusion, while we must not overlook those that are not digitally connected. It can increase efficiency and reduce operating costs – means of generation and distribution of services – and also in terms of meeting regulatory and compliance requirements. Technological innovation can enhance the single market, overcoming obstacles such as location or distance, and enhancing competition by lowering barriers to entry.

Data integrity and security are also essential to ensure market confidence. The report notes that cybersecurity should be a top priority. The WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack in recent days demonstrates why cybersecurity is so important. On this occasion the financial sector was not specifically targeted, but an innovative financial tool – in this case, Bitcoin – was used as a conduit for the requested ransom. We must recognise that, aside from offering advantages and opportunities, technological innovations may also present new tools, enabling the use of our financial system for illicit purposes.

This is why the Commission proposed to include virtual currency exchanges and custodian wallet providers as obliged entities in the Anti-Money Laundering Directive. Requiring these entities to identify their customers is an important step towards tackling the anonymous use of these instruments for illicit purposes. Maintaining security is a constant objective and we must ensure that our efforts to preserve security go hand-in-hand with technological developments.

The appearance of new services and technologies may raise questions about how to apply the regulatory framework in ways which permit benefits to be reaped, while at the same time ensuring that any use risks are appropriately mitigated. Technology-enabled finance requires new skills, new expertise and, possibly, new approaches and attitudes, not only for firms but also for customers, regulators and supervisors. Only if regulators and supervisors are familiar with those new technologies and business models can they identify both the risks and opportunities they present.

When deciding on the appropriate response to the challenge of rapidly evolving digital technology we should avoid seeking to capture today’s technology in rules and regulations that may become obsolete tomorrow. A considered approach is called for and this is why we have set up a taskforce of experts drawn from different parts of the Commission who are studying the digitalisation of finance attentively.

Our approach is guided by three overarching principles, which are also reflected in your report, namely: technological neutrality – the same activity should be subject to the same regulation irrespective of the technology used,

regulations should not give preference to one technology over another; proportionality – regulations should reflect the business model size, significance, complexity and, ultimately, the risk; and integrity in terms of transparency, security or the use of data. These are just some of areas I would like to highlight from your report.

In conclusion, we remain attentive to developments, identifying actions which promote and encourage innovation in financial services and ensuring that Europe remains an attractive and dynamic environment for financial services.


  Dita Charanzová, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. – Mr President, I can only agree. FinTech is having a transformative impact on how we live and work. FinTech is all about consumer benefits and empowerment. In fact, consumers are the driving force behind the rise of FinTechs, thanks to the increased accessibility, cost reductions and transparency. At the same time, for businesses, Fin Tech means the benefits of efficiency gains, better data management and tailored services for each client. Even governments are able to take advantage of alternative funding pathways to grant funding support for cultural institutions and other civil projects. In total, this is good for everyone – consumers, citizens and businesses alike. But for all this to work, consumers need confidence and trust in this digital revolution. We need a solid cyber security system to be put in place, along with safeguards and effective measures against potential risks and the complex challenges of the financial world.


  Brian Hayes, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, as the EPP shadow rapporteur for this file, I want to congratulate the rapporteur for the excellent work done. The rapporteur has involved people in this process from the start. I also want to say that this is one of the most important debates this Parliament will have, because this is the first time, when this report is adopted tomorrow, that any institution of the European Union has actually got a report on the table.

I am aware that the Commission is in a consultative phase right now in terms of the future regulatory environment, and I would ask them to study carefully, as the Commissioner said, what we have produced in this report. We see this as an opportunity, not just for businesses here within the European Union but – much more importantly – for customers. This is about getting the best deal possible for customers. It is about moving into new space, and also about transforming how we deliver financial services.

A key issue for our group, the European People’s Party, was the question of financial stability. We want to make sure that as we go forward we do not lose the very important steps that have been taken in the last decade or so in terms of financial stability. That is an important issue. Europe is lagging behind. The great majority of the large FinTech businesses have been established in the United States, in China and Israel – not in Europe. We are behind other parts of the world, notwithstanding the fact that in places like my own constituency of Dublin, in the Netherlands, in France and in Germany and elsewhere, and London especially, we have seen fantastic hubs being developed.

We need the right regulatory environment, and that is about the regulators working with innovators to make sure that we can do that. Sand boxing was an idea that we have produced in our report. We think that there is further merit in that. We have said many things when it comes to data security. We believe that those issues need to be resolved. We also believe it is important for the digital market economy – the digital single economy – that we make sure this transformation occurs right the way across all of the institutions here in the European Union. This is about a new opportunity for Europe, seizing the opportunity that is there for the digital single market and making sure that our businesses in the European Union, big and small, can flourish and grow within this transformative space.


  Cătălin Sorin Ivan, în numele grupului S&D. – Mulțumesc, domnule președinte, în primul rând vreau să o felicit pe doamna raportoare pentru acest raport foarte curajos care abordează o temă nouă, nemaidiscutată până acum în Parlamentul European; de asemenea, domnului vicepreședinte Dombrovskis pentru că a participat la nenumărate întâlniri pe care le-am avut în Parlamentul European cu cei din FinTech pentru a încerca să identificăm cum este mai bine să abordăm acest subiect bazându-ne pe reguli stricte, pe un cadru legislativ foarte clar delimitat sau lăsând mai degrabă flexibilitate celor care vor să inoveze, celor care vor să investească în acest domeniu nou.

Este o provocare să gândești cum va arăta FinTech în viitor din moment ce inclusiv companiile care activează în acest domeniu nu își fac planuri de afaceri pe o perioadă mai lungă de șase luni de zile pentru că nu știu exact cum va arăta piața în acel moment.

Dintre subiectele importante pe care le-am abordat s-a remarcat faptul că mulți au dorit să se poziționeze fie de partea băncilor, fie de partea intermediarilor, ceea ce nu este cazul. Vorbim despre viitor, vorbim despre cum va arăta economia în viitor, vorbim despre progres, despre inovare, despre faptul că deja Europa este în urma altor zone de pe glob, cum ar fi Statele Unite sau Asia. Trebuie să acordăm mai mult credit inovării în Europa și trebuie să sprijinim companiile care investesc în cercetare și inovare.

De asemenea, este o oportunitate foarte mare pe care FinTech o acordă cetățenilor europeni, faptul că avem mai multă transparență, faptul că prețurile de transfer și prețurile pentru serviciile bancare se duc în jos făcând accesul la aceste servicii bancare mult mai facil pentru o categorie mult mai largă de populație vine în sprijinul luptei pe care o ducem cu inegalitatea socială, cu lupta împotriva sărăciei, cu lupta împotriva șomajului.

Eu cred că FinTech are un impact pozitiv. Sigur, sunt câteva provocări cum ar fi siguranța datelor cetățenilor. De asemenea, este foarte important ca acest domeniu să nu distorsioneze foarte mult piețele. Am vorbit cu cei de la Banca Centrală Europeană și fac teste să vadă cum viitoarele monede virtuale vor influența economia europeană.

Eu cred că suntem la început de drum. Cred că este un pas foarte curajos pe care l-am făcut în această perioadă și felicitări doamnei raportoare încă o dată și sunt foarte optimist că FinTech va face parte din viața noastră de zi cu zi și va avea un impact pozitiv asupra economiei europene.


  Marisa Matias, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, Cara Cora, desde o início desta discussão, exprimimos as nossas preocupações sobre a abordagem do relatório e o facto de o mesmo relatório trabalhar sobre a premissa de que o interesse das instituições financeiras é o benefício dos consumidores e não o seu próprio lucro. Esta premissa que, no limite, dispensaria qualquer regulação não é, obviamente, realista e conduz a grandes equívocos.

Não é verdade que o FINTEC produza necessariamente melhor finança, produtos mais adequados e muito menos mais transparência ou melhor regulação. É por isso que esta é uma área em que é urgentemente necessária regulação pública. Este relatório não nos dá os passos fortes, claros e concretos que eram necessários.

Estamos satisfeitos com o facto de terem sido introduzidas algumas preocupações, como a proteção dos consumidores, mas parece-me que era necessário introduzir mais elementos para além dos travões à atividade em si, totalmente ausentes do relatório. Direitos de privacidade e de segurança, supervisão e proteção de dados deveriam ter sido melhor acautelados e o spam não solicitado deveria ter sido banido.

Este relatório fica, infelizmente, na nossa perspetiva, aquém da sua responsabilidade regulatória e é por essa razão que não poderemos votar a favor. De qualquer das formas, agradeço o esforço de incorporação de todos os pedidos que fizemos em relação à matéria que referi anteriormente. Não é possível estarmos de acordo. Continuaremos a trabalhar juntas, seguramente, em outras áreas.


  David Coburn, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, finance flows like water. It will always find the path of least resistance and be drawn by economic gravity towards locations with a critical mass. We all benefit from having access to finance, but some voices in the EU are determined to put barriers in the way of its flow. We hear the new French President and his ‘macaroons’ want to draw bankers from London and that the EU wants to stop London clearing euros. These, ladies and gentlemen, are not realistic threats. There is so much hot air from Mr Macron that he could power a Montgolfier. He was able to rise silently with vacuous grace, as he was plucked from the French establishment from among his merchant banking chums, to save them – temporarily, may I say – from Madam Le Pen’s French Revolution. The EU should recognise that even a Socialist utopia like the EU is a properly functioning financial market. London’s pre—eminence in global finance could service this EU more easily from outside the Socialist paradise. The UK has all the attributes that could make it the EU’s best friend, but instead we are told by Macron that voting for Brexit is a crime, that the UK must be made an example of, so that no country considers leaving. He may be taking his orders from the German Chancellor, but what sort of club is the EU that can openly...

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Othmar Karas (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Ich muss etwas zu meinem Vorredner sagen: Ich nehme an, er hat die falsche Rede mit – das war eine Themenverfehlung. Wir reden im Moment über FinTech, das sind Tätigkeiten im Finanzsektor, die mittels neuer Technologie erbracht werden und sich auf den gesamten Finanzsektor ausdehnen. Die FinTech-Revolution hat ein globales Ausmaß erreicht, und die Vorteile sind Kostensenkungen, Effizienzgewinne und höhere Transparenz. Wir haben natürlich auch mögliche Risiken im Verbraucherschutz, in der Stabilität des Finanzsystems. Mehr als die Hälfte der zehn größten FinTech-Unternehmen sind in den USA, China und Israel ansässig. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, muss Europa daher derartige rasche Innovationen fördern. Wir müssen sie unterstützen. Wir benötigen einen europäischen Rahmen dafür. Wir haben schon Gesetze – z. B. die Datenschutzgrundverordnung, die payment services directive und MiFID, die sich auf die Entwicklung im FinTech-Bereich auswirken.

Mit dem Bericht wird daher eine Überprüfung beabsichtigt, wie sich die bestehenden Legislativmaßnahmen auf die FinTech-Entwicklung auswirken, wo geltende Gesetze Unsicherheiten und Hindernisse hervorbringen und weitere Maßnahmen notwendig sind. Daher fordern wir von der Kommission einen FinTech-Aktionsplan, damit ...

(Der Präsident entzieht dem Redner das Wort)


  Pervenche Berès (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, d’autres l’ont dit avant moi dans ce débat, les «FinTech» introduisent une révolution prometteuse. Elles révolutionnent l’univers des sciences, des services financiers, notamment celui des prestations bancaires dont elles modifient toutes les facettes, qu’il s’agisse des moyens de paiement, de l’attribution des crédits ou encore de la gestion de l’épargne.

Cette révolution venue des États-Unis, qui concentrent encore 80 % des capitaux investis, représente un potentiel de croissance considérable pour l’Europe et introduit dans beaucoup de cas des progrès appréciés des consommateurs, des investisseurs mais aussi des entreprises, des gouvernements, voire des banques centrales.

En témoignent par exemple le recours accru au financement participatif, qui permet de diversifier l’accès aux capitaux, la numérisation des services publics, qui peut aider à mieux collecter l’impôt et à empêcher la fraude fiscale, ou encore l’usage de technologies blockchain, qui garantit l’intégrité de l’historique des transactions.

Mais, comme toute avancée technologique, elle nécessite un encadrement et cet encadrement s’avère nécessaire pour accompagner l’innovation en évitant les dérives. Il mérite d’ores et déjà d’être pensé autour de trois principes.

Tout d’abord, la préservation de la stabilité financière face aux cyberattaques – dont l’actualité n’a pas besoin d’être rappelée – et au manque d’informations mises à disposition des régulateurs par les «FinTech » sur leurs activités susceptibles de limiter la prévention des risques systémiques.

Ensuite, la protection des consommateurs exposés à des ventes frauduleuses, comme dans le cas des escroqueries aux transactions en ligne, liées au développement des plateformes connectées, au pillage, sinon au vol des données personnelles.

Enfin, l’incitation à la création d’emplois, car si l’écosystème des «FinTech» repose sur l’essor de jeunes pousses qui recrutent, l’automatisation des services financiers pourrait aussi bouleverser des myriades de métiers.

Trois propositions...

(Le Président retire la parole à l’oratrice)


  Theodor Dumitru Stolojan (PPE). – Mulțumesc, domnule președinte, progresul tehnologic în sectorul financiar este rapid și impresionant. Fie că vorbim de serviciile bancare online sau vorbim de monede virtuale, fie că vorbim de noile vulnerabilități create în acest domeniu.

Statele membre au început să adopte reglementări cu privire la FinTech și este momentul să ne întrebăm dacă aceste reglementări pe plan național nu creează un risc nou pentru fragmentarea piețelor financiare.

Iată de ce cred că avem în față un raport excelent și o felicit pe raportoare și voi susține propunerea făcută în acest raport pentru ca Comisia Europeană să adopte un plan de acțiune care să vină să completeze de fapt strategiile pe care le avem atât pentru piața unică digitală cât și pentru Uniunea Europeană a piețelor de capital.

Încă o dată, mulțumesc tuturor celor care au lucrat la acest raport.


  Eva Maydell (PPE). – Mr President, I can bet that three years ago when we came into this house very few of us – or maybe none – believed that we would be able to transfer a significant amount of money, such as EUR 6 000, to any international account for free, without any taxes. Well, one of Europe’s largest European fintech companies already offers this service. One could even execute a transfer just within a few hours around the globe for a very fixed and clear price of EUR 6. It’s absolutely impressive where technology has brought us in the past couple of years.

When working on the rules for the financial sector, we have to know that FinTech stands for faster, cheaper, consumer—friendly and much more convenient financial services that are enabled by technology. However, at the same time, the biggest barriers for such services to flourish is regulatory uncertainty. This is why I believe it is our job as policymakers to create a comprehensive and coherent single market for fintech, and this is what we are calling for in this report, but at the same time we look forward to a very timely and concrete legislative proposal and action plan from the Commission.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, the fintech revolution is one that is having, and will continue to have, significant positive effects on our economies. It will make finance safer and better for consumers and will help us to find cost efficiencies and improve the quality of our financial services. This is an area that I have particular interest in, as it is one that I see has huge potential for innovative solutions across the entire economy in terms of making payments, financing investments and managing data.

The innovations we are seeing today are already allowing us to manage our personal finances easily, transfer money across borders and buy and sell shares – all on our phones. These represent enormous technological developments compared to just a few short years ago. Financing businesses, and SMEs in particular, has proven difficult in recent times, particularly in the years since the economic downturn. Fintech innovations such as peer—to—peer lending can bring significant, new options to startups. Peer—to—peer lending can provide much—needed capital investments to our SMEs at competitive lending rates.

There are obviously regulatory questions that come up in this discussion, however, and so I think that the support is timely. It is important this sector is regulated properly, but we should be careful not to over-regulate and stifle the innovation we are seeing today.

The question of cybersecurity also comes into focus, especially after the last weekend, and I welcome the proposal by Microsoft for a global gathering on cybersecurity. Overall, this is a very positive development.




  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η επίδραση της τεχνολογίας στο μέλλον του χρηματοοικονομικού τομέα είναι καθοριστική. Για τον λόγο αυτό, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να καθορίσει ένα πλαίσιο λειτουργίας, το οποίο να διασφαλίζει την τεχνολογική ουδετερότητα, την αναλογικότητα, καθώς και την πρόσβαση των νεοεισερχόμενων στην αγορά. Ταυτόχρονα, το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας πρέπει να υπηρετεί τους καταναλωτές, αλλά και τους επενδυτές, μειώνοντας τα κόστη της παροχής χρηματοοικονομικών υπηρεσιών. Επίσης, το ζήτημα της ασφάλειας είναι καθοριστικό, ιδίως όταν αφορά τα κεντρικά αποθετήρια τίτλων σε μια εποχή όπου καθημερινά γινόμαστε μάρτυρες συνεχών κυβερνοεπιθέσεων. Βεβαίως όλα αυτά απαιτούν μια χρηματοοικονομική παιδεία και σχετικές δεξιότητες εκ μέρους όλων των εμπλεκομένων. Άλλωστε μέχρι το 2020, όπως αναλύει και η έκθεση, η Ευρώπη θα έρθει αντιμέτωπη με την έλλειψη έως και 825.000 επαγγελματιών στον υπό συζήτηση τομέα.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, once again I would like to thank the rapporteur, Ms van Nieuwenhuizen, for the excellent report. I have listened attentively to the comments of Members and I would like to thank them for a positive and constructive attitude. I see there is a lot of agreement on the importance of harnessing the potential of FinTech, about the need to strike the right balance between helping financial innovation contribute to dynamic and technology-driven economic growth while safeguarding the integrity of our financial system.

We will be assessing whether specific measures need to be presented, either to support technological innovation in finance, to address regulatory barriers to innovation or within the single market that may become evident, or to address specific risks that may be identified. Our work will be evidence-based, building on your report, the results of our own public consultation, and our work with European supervisory authorities and international regulatory bodies such as the Financial Stability Board, the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), and the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). I count on your continued support to move this critically important regulatory agenda forward.


  Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, rapporteur. – Mr President, I can be very brief. I would like to thank Vice-President Dombrovskis, the shadow rapporteur colleagues, and all the other colleagues who have shown so much interest in FinTech. The main goal was to put FinTech at the top of the political agenda and I think we succeeded in that. I think we have provided the Commission with some building blocks for their Action Plan and, listening to the Vice-President, I think they will take note of that.

I would ask everybody who is watching this debate at home to please participate in the consultation of the Commission, so that when they present the Action Plan all concerns can be taken on board. I would like to thank you all again and I am looking forward to working with you in the future on all the actions that will follow on from these recommendations.


  Der Präsident. – Vielen Dank, Frau Kollegin van Nieuwenhuizen! Ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen, Herr Kommissar, bei Frau Kollegin Berès und bei Herrn Kollegen Ivan, die beide von Anfang bis Ende der Debatte da waren.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Barbara Kappel (ENF), schriftlich. – Der FinTech-Bericht unterstreicht die Bedeutung innovativer Lösungen in der Finanztechnologie, die dem Finanzsektor und insbesondere den Finanzdienstleistern zugutekommen. FinTech-Lösungen werden dazu beitragen, die Betriebskosten für den Finanzsektor zu senken und die Kundenerfahrung zu erhöhen. FinTech-Produkte sind wichtig für die Zukunft des Finanzsektors, und eine gemeinsame europäische FinTech-Strategie kann Europa dabei helfen, ein internationaler Knotenpunkt für FinTech-Technologie zu werden, um Probleme der Interoperabilität zu lösen, regulatorische Überschneidungen und Marktbarrieren zu überwachen und zu vermeiden und eine gemeinsame Strategie gegen Cyberkriminalität zu entwickeln.

Ich begrüße in diesem Zusammenhang die kooperative Haltung der Berichterstatterin, glaube jedoch nicht, dass es im Auftrag der EZB liegt, mit einem virtuellen Euro zu experimentieren, denn Ziel der Blockchain-Technologie ist es, eine dezentralisierte Alternative zu den zentralisierten Zentralbanken zu schaffen. Die Berichterstatterin stimmte dieser Argumentation zu und ließ die Empfehlung fallen. Wir müssen offen für Innovationen sein, auch für diejenigen, die auf dem Markt der Zahlungsmethoden und Währungen Innovationen bringen.

Auch begrüße ich die Änderungen in Bezug auf den regulatorischen Sandbox-Ansatz. Ein solcher Ansatz würde eine Vielzahl von Marktteilnehmern zusammenbringen und den Mitgliedstaaten ermöglichen, Elemente aus bestehenden und funktionierenden Regulierungsrahmen in anderen Mitgliedstaaten zu kopieren, d. h. von Best Practices zu lernen.


  Ivana Maletić (PPE), napisan. – Često se zapitamo jesmo li spremni za budućnost? Možemo li Europu pozicionirati kao globalnog lidera? Koji su koraci za to? Inovacije, nove tehnologije, digitalizacija poslovanja samo su neki od odgovora. Važan doprinos ubrzanju poslovanja i širenju mogućnosti za poduzetnike i potrošače daje nova, moderna financijska tehnologija koja je direktna poveznica s budućnošću – virtualnim valutama, robotiziranim savjetovanjem, mobilnim plaćanjem.

Za sve novo i za implementaciju novih financijskih tehnologija ključno je obrazovanje i informatičke vještine te informatička infrastruktura i povezanost. Važna poruka Republici Hrvatskoj i svim državama članicama je da je u pripremama za budućnost ključno ulaganje u povećanje financijske i digitalne pismenosti stanovništva. Bez toga financijska tehnologija se ne može implementirati, a i donošenje dobrih odluka o korištenju novih usluga financijskog ulaganja nije moguće očekivati.

Sustave obrazovanja i znanosti moramo prilagoditi izazovima budućnosti i naše mlade pripremati za radna mjesta budućnosti. Na europskom tržištu će već 2020. nedostajati 825.000 informatičkih stručnjaka, a svi poslovi postaju visoko informatizirani. Moramo biti spremni za promjene na tržištu rada.

Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid