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Compte rendu in extenso des débats
Mercredi 17 mai 2017 - Strasbourg

8. Préparation du sommet du G7 (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  La Présidente. – L’ordre du jour appelle le débat sur les déclarations du Conseil et de la Commission sur la préparation du sommet du G7 (2017/2574(RSP)).


  Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, I will speak on behalf of President Juncker and the Commission on the preparations for the upcoming 43rd G7 Summit.

This is the sixth time that Italy has taken over the rotating G7 Presidency, and every time it has hosted leaders in some of the finest cities Italy and Europe have to offer. Venice, Naples, Genoa, L’Aquila and Taormina will be no exception. This year’s leaders’ meeting will have a new and different feel to it. There will be new and fresh faces around the table and together they will tackle some new and not-so-new questions, many of which go to the very heart of the debate on harnessing and shaping globalisation which we had yesterday in this House.

The EU’s position, going into the G7, is very clear. For us, working together with our biggest partners around the world in a rules-based system is a necessity. We believe in open societies and multilateral solutions, we believe in free and fair rules-based trade, and we see the benefits that it brings. Around one-third of our national income comes from trade with the rest of the world. For the EU, global trade has boosted EU economic growth, with every EUR 1 billion of additional exports supporting 14 000 jobs.

Cheaper imports benefit poorer households first and foremost, but it is not just about economics. The wider need to work together on issues which affect the whole world has become more acute, even since the G7 last met in Japan in 2016. Whether it be fighting climate change, tax evasion or international terrorism, whether it be promoting trade links, sustainable development or global economic growth, the questions of today are global in their very nature.

The G7 Summit will be a crucial moment to deepen our cooperation in all of these areas, but we cannot ignore some of the drawbacks of a more interconnected world. We need to tackle them head-on, because many people around Europe and in other parts of the world are concerned. They worry about high levels of inequality, job losses, and factory closures. They see identities, traditions and ways of living changing in front of their eyes. We have to respond to those concerns.

That was the thinking behind the ideas presented in our reflection paper on harnessing globalisation. We are not naïve free-traders; we believe in open competition based on level playing fields and that is why, when we had to, we have shown our teeth with anti-dumping measures in response to market distortions or unfair practices. We will not hesitate to do so again and, in order to better equip ourselves, we will need to accelerate our efforts to equip the Union with modernised tools to tackle unfair trade. But Europe must also make the positive case for its place in a global world. When others step back from free trade, the European Union must step forward. Partners such as Japan, Mexico, Mercosur and India are willing to do likewise.

Take for example the ambitious EU-Japan deal that we are negotiating. This free trade agreement would send a powerful signal to the rest of the world that two of the largest economies are resisting protectionism, and that openness to trade and investment remains one of the best tools to harness and shape globalisation and create more economic growth and jobs. EU exporters to Japan still have to pay close to EUR 1 billion annually on customs tariffs and the vast majority of these tariffs would be removed with a trade agreement. EU exports to Japan could increase by more than a third. At the same time, more than 600 000 jobs in the EU are linked to exports to Japan, with Japanese companies alone employing more than half a million people.

These are compelling reasons why we aim to reach an agreement as soon as possible and, in any case before the end of the year. Together we must make sure that the rules of the game best serve and protect our citizens and our societies. That is the message the European Union must bring to Taormina and to our partners from across the world. That is what the European Union will fight for at every level.


  Carmelo Abela, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, honourable Members, good morning to you all. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to intervene on the subject of the preparation of the G7 Summit which will take place in Italy next week. The G7 leaders, as well as Presidents Tusk and Juncker, who will represent the European Union, will be faced with difficult discussions on various topics of global importance. The international political environment is currently particularly charged, and the truth is that global cooperation can no longer be taken for granted. I refer in particular to the political transition in the United States, which seems to present us with challenges even with respect to basic policy principles which were, until recently, well rooted in the G7. I believe that the mission of European leaders is clear. The aim is to secure the G7’s commitment to keep the global economy open and keep multicultural multilateral cooperation on track. It is also crucial to give a clear signal that securing balanced and inclusive growth remains a top priority. Even if the global economy is showing positive momentum, political uncertainty surrounding the outlook is still very high. Against this background, I believe that the G7 should, in particular, confirm its determination to work together through strong, multilateral institutions, confirm the agreement to use all policy tools, fiscal monetary and structural, to strengthen the recovery and foster inclusiveness, and also to better share the benefits of growth and globalisation. But allow me to expand on a selection of issues of particular relevance to us. I will refer, in turn, to trade, climate, migration and foreign policy matters.

On trade, it should be the European Union’s priority to confirm the G7’s longstanding view in favour of open trade and multilateralism. Indeed, as recalled by the European Council of 10 March, the EU remains strongly committed to a robust trade policy and an open and rules-based multilateral trading system, with a central role for the WTO. The EU will also continue to engage actively with international trade partners, advancing on all ongoing negotiations for ambitious and balanced free trade agreements. I may add that, regarding the latter, the European Council has welcomed your positive vote on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and looks forward to its provisional application. As you know, in this House there are strong concerns over the negative effects of trade, economic integration and technological change. We have to take these grievances seriously. However, the solution is certainly not to close our economies. Instead, we need to improve the daily lives of citizens by ensuring that the benefits of globalisation are more widely shared. Beyond that, we must also be able to better communicate the actual benefits of trade to the wider public. This is also something for the G7 to consider.

On climate change, the global community needs to act urgently and move forward with the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The European Union is committed to ambitious global action against climate change and we insist on maintaining global ownership of the Paris Agreement. The EU, and its Members, are playing their full part in implementing the Paris Agreement, both through the development of our domestic policies and in keeping to our commitment to global solidarity. In this context, it is also worth noting that, on 6 March, the Foreign Affairs Council resolved to reinvigorate EU climate diplomacy and to maintain climate change as a strategic priority in diplomatic dialogues.

The Paris Agreement is a major achievement of the international community. It is proving, and it needs to prove, that the transition to climate resilience and low emissions economies, is irreversible. Progress on ratification has been extraordinary, making it possible for the agreement to enter into force less than a year after the COP21 in Paris. In parallel, countries have already started to implement their climate policies, while non-state action by cities, businesses, investors and civil society has continued to expand. The Council is aware that climate will be one of the most challenging issues at the G7 table, particularly in view of the positions expressed by the new US administration.

My third point is on migration. Dealing with the migration crisis has been at the core of the political debate in the European Union, including here in the European Parliament. Naturally, we tend to focus on our crisis in our part of the world, but managing migration is not a European phenomenon, nor solely a European responsibility. It is a global responsibility, requiring collective solutions that are in full respect of our obligations under international law. The G7 is a privileged forum to forge partnerships and launch collective initiatives for an equitable and fair sharing of responsibility. The areas on which we can work together with G7 partners include assistance to most—affected countries of transit, resettlement efforts, the exchange of best practices on return and readmission, as well as increased cooperation on the fight against smuggling and trafficking. We are also committed to taking an active part in the follow-up to the UN Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migration, held in September last year. The EU intends to play a prominent role in the process leading to the establishment of the UN Global Compact on migration and refugees in 2018. We ask all G7 members to engage equally in the consultation phase, as well as in the negotiating phase next year.

Before concluding let me make a few additional remarks on foreign policy matters. The summit will address a number of issues relating to our neighbourhood.

On Syria, we should stress that no effort can be spared to bring the Syrian conflict to an end. All parties, in particular Syria and its supporters, must allow humanitarian access to all people in need, and all parties must ensure full compliance with the ceasefire.

In Libya, it is urgent to advance on the part of inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation in the framework of the Libyan political agreement.

On a more positive note, one can mention Iran. We support the joint comprehensive plan of action on the Iran nuclear issues, which is an important contribution to the international non-proliferation regime. Continued and full implementation of this plan of action is essential to build confidence that Iran’s nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful in nature.

As for the situation in Ukraine, the EU continues to stand united in the conviction that the conflict can only be solved by diplomatic means. It is necessary to ensure full respect for international law, and especially the legal obligation to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. We condemn the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia and we reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition, as well as that of sanctions against those involved. The duration of these restrictive measures is clearly linked to Russia’s complete implementation of the Minsk Agreements.


  La Présidente. – Je vais ouvrir le débat en commençant par les prises de parole des groupes mais en raison de l’horaire et du retard que nous avons pris, je n’accepterai pas de carton bleu dans ce débat et je vous prie de m’en excuser.


  Françoise Grossetête, au nom du groupe PPE. – Madame la Présidente, ce sommet prochain du G7 veut jeter les bases d’une confiance renouvelée entre les citoyens et les gouvernants. Je dirais qu’il faut aussi renforcer la confiance entre partenaires, surtout lorsqu’on constate qu’ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à choisir la voie de l’isolement.

Les difficultés que nous connaissons proviennent de notre impuissance collective à régler les problèmes. Tout ceci est source de défiance démocratique et la confiance ne pourra pas être rétablie avec des incantations. Elle ne reviendra qu’avec des résultats probants et des engagements concrets. Les défis auxquels nous devons faire face ont changé d’échelle, tandis que nos modes de gouvernance sont restés encore très limités sur le plan territorial.

J’attends d’abord de nos dirigeants qu’ils s’assurent que toutes les parties, y compris les États-Unis, respectent leurs engagements dans le cadre de l’accord de Paris et financent adéquatement la lutte contre le changement climatique.

J’attends ensuite d’eux qu’ils se préparent collectivement face aux risques du XXIe siècle, qu’il s’agisse de répondre aux pandémies ou aux cyberattaques, alors que l’actualité nous rappelle que la cybersécurité est le talon d’Achille de la transition numérique.

J’attends encore qu’ils prennent des mesures fortes et coordonnées pour lutter contre la fraude et l’évasion fiscales, symboles de cette mondialisation dont nous avons parlé hier matin, qui creusent les inégalités que nos concitoyens ne supportent plus et alimentent cette crise de confiance.

J’attends enfin de nos dirigeants qu’ils laissent de côté les petites mesures comptables et prennent enfin la mesure de la révolution technologique qui nous submerge, avec ses bienfaits et ses risques.

Sans réflexion au niveau global, il n’y aura pas de stratégie efficace vis-à-vis de l’intelligence artificielle ou du génie génétique. Ensemble, il nous faut rebâtir les fondations de notre maison commune.


  Pervenche Berès, au nom du groupe S&D. – Madame la Présidente, l’Union européenne a un programme de travail pour cette rencontre à Taormine: la défense des intérêts des Européens. À ce titre, la Commission doit défendre l’intérêt général de l’Union. Or, compte tenu de ce qui se passe, notamment à Washington, on voit bien que ce mandat nécessite des éléments très forts.

Tout d’abord en ce qui concerne la défense de l’accord de Paris: faire reculer les inégalités, combattre le populisme, c’est aussi lutter contre le changement climatique et accompagner la transition écologique sur la base de ce qui a été conclu avec succès lors des accords de Paris. Toutefois, on constate aujourd’hui qu’un vent mauvais souffle à Washington, qui vise à remettre en cause ces accords au motif qu’on ne demanderait pas la même chose à un partenaire comme la Chine. Il appartient à l’Union européenne de redire haut et fort que cet accord est dans l’intérêt de tous et qu’il doit aujourd’hui être mis en œuvre.

Un autre vent mauvais souffle aussi à Washington, qui voudrait que l’on organise la déréglementation bancaire, alors même que la grande crise que nous connaissons – dont nous ne sommes pas encore totalement sortis – est née de la folie du secteur bancaire américain, et qui voudrait que tous les garde-fous, comme la spéculation pour compte propre, la protection des consommateurs ou l’impossibilité pour des opérateurs de marché d’agir dans leur propre intérêt avant d’agir dans l’intérêt de leur client, soient remis en cause par la nouvelle administration américaine. Sur ces thèmes, aussi, nous attendons que l’Union européenne s’exprime d’une voix forte.


  Νότης Μαριάς, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας ECR. – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η σύνοδος των G7 οφείλει να αντιμετωπίσει τις μεγάλες προκλήσεις της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας, όπως είναι οι δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις της παγκοσμιοποίησης, η φτώχεια, η ανεργία και η κρίση του δημοσίου χρέους. Οφείλει η σύνοδος των G7 να κάνει μια αποφασιστική αρχή στο ζήτημα της διευθέτησης του ελληνικού ‘δήθεν’ χρέους. Ένα χρέος που είναι επονείδιστο και παράνομο, μια και δημιουργήθηκε απ’ τη συμπαιγνία δανειστών και ντόπιας ελληνικής ολιγαρχίας και τα δανεικά κεφάλαια δεν διατέθηκαν υπέρ του ελληνικού λαού και της χώρας. Οι G7 οφείλουν να αντιληφθούν ότι ο ελληνικός λαός δεν ανέχεται τη μεθόδευση των δανειστών να ρίξουν τα βάρη στις πλάτες της ελληνικής οικογένειας προκειμένου να πληρώσει την όποια χασούρα των δανειστών απ’ τη μετατροπή των επιτοκίων από κυμαινόμενα σε σταθερά.

Θυμίζουμε στους G7 ότι ο ελληνικός λαός δοκιμάζεται έντονα από τις τεράστιες μεταναστευτικές ροές. Οι G7 οφείλουν να αντιληφθούν ότι η επί δεκαετίες πολιτική τους για άνοιγμα των αγορών και ελεύθερο εμπόριο έχει οδηγήσει εκατομμύρια πολίτες στο περιθώριο.


  Charles Goerens, au nom du groupe ALDE. – Madame la Présidente, au moment où le Royaume-Uni s’apprête à tourner le dos à l’Union européenne, il me paraît utile de réfléchir d’ores et déjà au poids de l’Europe dans le futur G7.

En effet, l’Europe sera doublement affectée par le Brexit étant donné qu’elle ne comptera plus que trois États membres au sein du G7. Aussi l’Union européenne en tant que telle pèsera-t-elle moins lourd dans ce forum. On a vu, au fil des ans, l’Union assumer plus de responsabilités au sein du G7. Ne serait-il pas judicieux, dès lors, de la préparer petit à petit à représenter exclusivement tous ses États membres, plutôt que de rester attaché à cette construction baroque? Car de deux choses l’une: soit l’Italie, l’Allemagne et la France se reconnaissent pleinement dans les positions articulées par la Commission au sein du G7 à l’avenir – auquel cas il suffirait d’un seul représentant européen à cette table –, soit les acteurs divergent sur des questions à l’ordre du jour, ce qui entamerait sérieusement la crédibilité de notre Union. J’aimerais demander à la Commission et à la présidence du Conseil ce qu’ils pensent d’une représentation unique par l’Union européenne au sein du G7 et si, le cas échéant, ils accepteraient d’engager la réflexion à ce propos.


  Eleonora Forenza, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, quest'anno il G7 si svolge nel mio paese, in Italia, e il mio ricordo non può non andare al G8 di qualche anno fa, quando in nome della sicurezza dei grandi fu ucciso Carlo Giuliani. Quest'anno il G7 si è svolto nella riunione dei ministri Ecofin nella mia città, a Bari, una città che è stata completamente desertificata e militarizzata, sempre in nome della sicurezza dei grandi, trasformata in una zona rossa.

Il rappresentante del Consiglio ci parlava prima di migranti. Ebbene, a Taormina sono già stati bloccati gli sbarchi dei migranti per garantire sempre la sicurezza dei sette grandi della Terra. Allora io vorrei chiedere se non si può discutere, nell'ambito di questo G7, di una riduzione concreta delle spese militari, dato che qui siamo abituati a discutere, in questo consesso, di patto di stabilità, ma le spese militari sono sempre uno sforamento possibile al patto di stabilità.

Vorrei anche chiedere, lo dico molto brevemente, se dobbiamo continuare ad avere una lettura unilaterale sulla questione delle sanzioni alla Russia o se si può mettere in discussione la complicità dell'Unione europea con il governo filofascista di Poroshenko.


  Sven Giegold, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Die Diskussion um die Globalisierung erreicht derzeit einen neuen Höhepunkt. Natürlich ist es höchst besorgniserregend, wenn sich die Vereinigten Staaten aus zentralen Projekten der internationalen Zusammenarbeit zurückziehen. Die EU-Kommission hat ein Reflexionspapier zum Stand der Globalisierungsdiskussion vorgelegt, und dort werden im Grunde zwei Dinge vorgeschlagen. Zum Einen: Den Prozess der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung durch eine neue Generation internationaler Verträge noch weiter anzuheizen und auf der anderen Seite soziale, ökologische und demokratische Korrekturen vorzunehmen. Die Frage ist doch die: Während Sie gleichzeitig in aller Klarheit versuchen, die bilateralen Handelsverträge voranzutreiben, die eben verbindliche, soziale und ökologische Standards nicht vorsehen, sind Sie nicht konsequent bei den ökologischen, sozialen und demokratischen Korrekturen, die der Globalisierungsprozess braucht.

Zwei Beispiele: Erstens, das Europäische Parlament hat Ihnen vorgeschlagen, für den Textilsektor verbindliche Menschenrechtsstandards über die gesamte Lieferkette vorzuschreiben. Das heißt, alles, was nach Europa importiert wird, muss unseren Werten entsprechen. Wir brauchen keinen Buy European Act, wir brauchen verbindliche soziale und ökologische Normen. Legen Sie solche Vorschläge vor, dann werden Sie glaubwürdig.

Genauso ist es beim Kampf gegen die Finanzkriminalität. Sechs Beamte sitzen im Keller der Generaldirektion Eurojustice in der Task Force Financial Crime. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass da endlich die Ressourcen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, die ein sauberer Finanzmarkt braucht. Dann werden Sie glaubwürdig.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il tema di questa presidenza del G7 italiana è costruire le basi di una fiducia rinnovata. A giudicare dai leader che interverranno mi verrebbe da dire che prima di chiedere di rinnovarla dovrebbero dimostrare quanto meno di meritarla una fiducia.

Si poggia su tre pilastri, uno è il cambiamento climatico, si parla di un'azione ambiziosa per attuare la COP21 di Parigi, con Trump che vorrebbe addirittura sconfessare quel poco ottenuto e l'Italia, Presidente, con il maggior numero di morti in Europa per inquinamento dell'aria, ben 84 000 nel 2012, e con siti catastrofici come Taranto e Civitavecchia.

Si parla di sostenibilità economica e sociale e riduzione delle diseguaglianze e come si vogliono ottenere, ce l'avete detto prima, con il libero commercio selvaggio. Le disuguaglianze infatti crescono, mentre la transizione energetica e la lotta all'evasione fiscale restano ancora un miraggio.

Da ultimo, l'innovazione verso la rivoluzione della produzione, con l'Italia, il mio paese, ultimo paese europeo del G7 per investimenti nel settore. Insomma, il governo italiano del premier Gentiloni più che sparare slogan dovrebbe dimostrare di avere le competenze e la volontà di dare l'esempio, facendo i compiti a casa. Così si guadagnano fiducia e credibilità, anche per non lasciare l'intera Unione in mano alla Francia e alla Germania.


  Matteo Salvini, a nome del gruppo ENF. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, a me sembra che l'Europa sia governata da incapacità, malafede e ipocrisia.

Parlate di lavoro quando, con le vostre regole e la vostra moneta, avete portato 35 milioni di disoccupati in Europa. Parlate di commercio e rinnovate le sanzioni contro la Russia che stanno costando miliardi di euro di mancate esportazioni alla nostra economia. Parlate di diritti e pensate di togliere i dazi che proteggono le nostre imprese dalla concorrenza sleale cinese: acciaio, carta, vetro, ceramica, tessile. Parlate di lotta al terrorismo e non muovete un dito per fermare gli sbarchi di migliaia e migliaia di finti profughi e veri delinquenti, che l'altro ieri giravano, ad esempio, per le vie di Modena chiedendo soldi, documenti, casa e lavoro. Sapeste, Commissari, quanti italiani ed europei vorrebbero soldi, documenti, casa e lavoro, ma sono profughi in casa loro. Parlate di diritti, oggi è la giornata internazionale contro le discriminazioni sessuali, ebbene fate affari con Arabia Saudita, Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, dove per l'omosessualità è prevista la pena di morte.

Quanta ipocrisia, Commissari! Venite al G7 in Sicilia che ha il 50 per cento di disoccupazione giovanile, venite in una Sicilia dove all'agricoltura e alla pesca avete sostituito l'economia degli sbarchi e della clandestinità. Non so quanto costerete, non so cosa mangerete di buono, non so dove dormirete, sicuramente non in qualche centro di accoglienza, so per certo che noi pensiamo, come Lega in futuro, a un G7 dei popoli e non dei potenti.

Un risultato l'avete portato a casa. Per una settimana non sbarca più nessuno in Sicilia. Ma come? Io come Lega chiedo da anni il blocco navale, blocco di partenze e sbarchi e morti, e mi dite che non si può fare, che non si possono bloccare gli sbarchi e che non si possono controllare i confini, e adesso per difendere le chiappe di qualche potente per una settimana non sbarca più nessuno? Vergognatevi!


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η συμμετοχή της Ένωσης στη σύνοδο κορυφής του G7 είναι παντελώς ανεκδιήγητη. Η Ένωση δεν έχει κρατική υπόσταση, δεν διαθέτει εκλεγμένη κυβέρνηση και το τραγελαφικό είναι ότι οποιαδήποτε ατζέντα μπορεί να παρουσιάσει είναι άκυρη για δυο λόγους:

- πρώτον, τέτοια ατζέντα δεν έχει ηθική και δημοκρατική νομιμοποίηση εφόσον το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο δεν έχει πληροφορηθεί και εγκρίνει την ατζέντα.

- Δεύτερον, τέσσερα από τα επτά μέλη της G7 είναι και μέλη της Ένωσης, δηλαδή η Γερμανία, η Γαλλία, η Ιταλία και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, εκτός αν η Ένωση διαθέτει διαφορετική ατζέντα από αυτή των κρατών μελών της.

Σε αυτή τη σύνοδο λοιπόν θα συζητηθεί η κοινωνική βιωσιμότητα και η μείωση των ανισοτήτων. Εφόσον η πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης επιβάλλει μνημόνια και εξαθλιώνει λαούς, ζητά λιτότητα και δημοσιονομικές θυσίες, διατηρεί τις τράπεζες κερδοφόρες σε βάρος των πολιτών και υπηρετεί την παγκοσμιοποίηση καταργώντας εθνικές υποστάσεις, ταυτότητες και σύνορα, είναι ανέντιμο και καταδικαστέο να μιλάμε με τέτοιους όρους πολιτικής.


  Paulo Rangel (PPE). – Madam President, I think that the G7 meeting is the moment for truth and the moment of truth in the relationship between the European Union, European Union big countries, Japan, Canada and the United States. We have here the first big opportunity, especially the President of the Commission and the President of the Council, to face Mr Trump and to explain to him the why the European Union, security – especially a firm and tough attitude towards Russia – and free trade are so important to defend democracy, the rule of law, human rights and a fairly balanced globalisation process. We can’t miss this opportunity. It is essential that we ensure that Mr Trump can understand – because of the attitudes and of the policies of his allies that are here; these countries are the greatest allies of the United States – that he has to be very firm on Russia without any ambiguity, very loud and clear, and at the same time that he has to defend our way of life, and that means also free trade and a regulated globalisation.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D). – Señora presidenta, si un progresista, un socialista, lee la declaración de Bari adoptada la semana pasada por los ministros de Economía y los gobernadores de los bancos centrales, estará de acuerdo en las medidas más importantes propuestas de cara al G-7: políticas fiscales para aumentar el crecimiento, lucha contra la desigualdad, sistemas fiscales eficientes, lucha contra la evasión y la elusión fiscal, acabar con la brecha de género, acabar con la devaluación competitiva entre países.

Si estamos de acuerdo, entonces dos preguntas: ¿por qué desde 2014 estamos repitiendo lo mismo sin llegar a tomar medidas eficaces, decisiones concluyentes? Y la segunda pregunta: ¿por qué si cuatro de los siete países que forman el G-7 son miembros de la Unión Europea, y son los miembros más importantes, no somos capaces de aplicar en la Unión Europea estas políticas? ¿Es un problema de cinismo o es de ineficacia?


  Urmas Paet (ALDE). – Madam President, dear colleagues, one of the issues that is growing and that needs to be addressed on the global level by the G7 is cybersecurity. As of today, WannaCry, the biggest ransomware attack ever, has affected more than 150 states and more than 200 000 users. The attack does not only concern regular citizens, but can endanger people’s lives and the functioning of a state and collapse economics. The last attack, for example, affected hospitals in the UK. Next time, it could be a banking system, a wider healthcare malfunctioning or something else. It is time to make cybersecurity a priority for all, because a weak link in one country is a threat to everyone. It is the responsibility of G7 states and the EU to take all necessary steps to develop cyber defence and avoid possible new attacks. This is why the development of cyberspace security has to be a priority also in the EU and NATO cooperation.


  Bas Eickhout (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, I would like to focus on climate change and the role of the G7, because I think it cannot be stressed enough how important the G7 has been in history in setting the global climate change agenda. In 2009 – back then it was a G8 – it was the first time when the global players were setting the agenda for the 2°C target, which ended up in the Copenhagen agreement. Then, in 2015, the phase-out of fossil fuels was adopted by the G7: that was setting the agenda for the Paris Agreement later on in the year.

That shows how crucial this G7 will be on what is going to happen with the implementation of the Paris Agreement. We know that the United States is trying to push back and trying to get the significance of fossil fuels back on the agenda, whereas we all know that Paris requires a phase-out of fossil fuels. So we cannot give in, in any way, to what the Americans are asking. We cannot slow down; investors are watching to see what will come of it. But this will also set the agenda for the G20 later on in the year.

What the G7 is going to say will either make sure that Paris will be implemented as agreed, or it will put the wind in the sails of conservative countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia. So, the conclusion of the question is very simple, and I would like to have an answer on that. If we cannot get those conclusions with the United States, will we push for a G6 statement on climate?


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in Sicilia, la mia regione, la disoccupazione giovanile sfiora il 60 per cento, le infrastrutture sono ridicole, ci sono le ferrovie di cento anni fa, ponti autostradali caduti, il territorio, l'agricoltura e la pesca sono saccheggiati sistematicamente dalle multinazionali, c'è un'emigrazione di massa, c'è povertà e c'è esclusione sociale e in un contesto del genere i grandi della Terra hanno deciso di costruirsi una gabbia dorata a Taormina, spendendo 40 milioni di euro di soldi pubblici, di cui 10 soltanto per riunioni, creando disagi alla popolazione e facendo un'operazione "polvere sotto il tappeto", di fatto bloccando anche gli sbarchi per un periodo di tempo.

Ora, questi signori probabilmente si riuniscono soltanto per decidere come fare ulteriori danni al nostro pianeta e lo fanno abbattendo ulivi secolari, creando un'altra pista di atterraggio per elicotteri per stare più comodi, una pista inutile. Io dico che probabilmente se volessero risolvere qualche problema dovrebbero viaggiare da Trapani a Pozzallo in treno, dovrebbero riunirsi allo ZEN di Palermo o al Librino a Catania, oppure andare davanti al MUOS di Niscemi.


  Luděk Niedermayer (PPE). – Madam President, dear colleagues, let me say that I support and appreciate the subjects on the agenda of the G7 meeting as they were presented by the Council and committee. These are well-chosen topics that are reflecting the concerns of citizens and challenges ahead, but the most important subject is actually in the title of the G7 meeting – the issue of trust; an issue of future beneficial and sincere cooperation among the leading economic countries of the world and also about leading democracies. I hope that the partly new composition of G7 leaders will make a clear statement on this direction and will also commit themselves personally to going forward in the route of sincere cooperation and respect for the most important values. Our countries and the EU should play the leading role, because these are the values that we are representing, and we should convince the others.


  Patrizia Toia (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il G7 si riunisce in Italia e io sono molto orgogliosa che il mio paese lo ospiti in un contesto mondiale instabile, con crescenti tensioni ma anche con segnali interessanti, come ad esempio la proposta della Cina per una nuova "Via della Seta", che può creare nuova collaborazione internazionale oltre ai commerci.

I leader oggi sanno di rappresentare solo una parte del potere politico ed economico del pianeta, perché oggi è il G20 il consesso più ampio e rappresentativo, ma la responsabilità specifica del G7 dell'Unione europea è proprio quella di rappresentare le democrazie più sviluppate e allora dobbiamo essere consapevoli che quella leadership, che non è più data per scontata, che non è più basata sulla forza dei numeri, oggi deve essere basata sulla forza dei nostri valori, sul multilateralismo, sull'apertura, sul rispetto del diritto internazionale, per cui le azioni unilaterali o gli attacchi offensivi non sono accettabili dalla comunità internazionale.

Ma tale leadership deve anche essere affidata alle regole, come hanno detto molti miei colleghi, per un fisco trasparente a livello transnazionale, perché ci sia un tema di redistribuzione, di giustizia sociale, e si trovino queste nuove regole.

Tra i protagonisti emerge l'Unione europea. Nella latitanza, nell'incertezza di prospettive e di commitment di grandi paesi e di grandi potenze oggi è l'Europa che poi deve colmare questo ruolo.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Following on from what my friend Mr Eickhout said, I think climate change is going to be a hugely important issue here at the G7 summit, and especially the role of the larger—than—life character President Donald Trump. The Paris agreement is a global agreement, and if the United States were to pull out of it this would undermine it completely. And this is a man, Donald Trump, who claimed that climate change was created by the Chinese to attack US manufacturing competitiveness, who claimed that global warming is an expensive hoax, and who claimed that wind farms are bad for people’s health. But I think that, as a businessman, he is person who is subject to change, and I think the G7 is a great opportunity to convince him that what he has said in the past is not actually true. And in the interests of US citizens and world citizens, we need to adopt the climate change agreement in Paris and implement it, and the United States has to do so above all else.


  Andi Cristea (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, având ca temă crearea bazelor unei încrederi reînnoite, Summit-ul G7 de anul acesta are datoria să încurajeze guvernele pentru a adopta politici care să vizeze îndeplinirea așteptărilor legitime ale cetățenilor atât din punct de vedere economic, social, cât și al siguranței lor într-o lume măcinată de conflicte.

Pe plan extern există multe probleme urgente ce trebuie abordate, incluzând aici violențele în desfășurare și recentele atacuri cu arme chimice din Siria, sprijinul pentru suveranitatea Ucrainei, amenințarea cu arme nucleare din Coreea de Nord, fluxurile migratorii, securitatea globală și regională, lupta împotriva Daesh și extremismul violent.

Avem nevoie de o coordonare a eforturilor, de promovare a ordinii internaționale bazată pe reguli, de combatere a terorismului și extremismului violent într-o lume tot mai nesigură.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, sam naslov polaganja temelja obnovljenog povjerenja govori što bi trebala biti glavna tema ovoga summita. Po prvi put će se sastati Paolo Gentiloni, Theresa May, Donald Tusk i Emmanuel Macron. Ovo je prilika da naši lideri gospodin Tusk i gospodin Jean-Claude Juncker kažu na kojim temeljima počiva naša europska politika, da mi poštujemo vladavinu prava, demokraciju, ljudska prava.

Sve teme koje ste nabrojali: upravljanje migracijskim tokovima, otvorena trgovina, jačanje multilateralnih institucija, zatim konkretna implementacija pariškog sporazuma, ali i vanjsko političke teme koje se tiču prije svega Sirije, Libije, Irana, stanja u Ukrajini, teme su o kojima će se, vjerujem, ozbiljno razgovarati na ovom summitu i očekujem pozitivne rezultate, ali prije svega konkretne prijedloge kako bi naši građani zaista osjetili korist od takvih sastanaka.


  Jeppe Kofod (S&D). – Madam President, just yesterday we debated how the EU can successfully harness globalisation. The upcoming G7 summit will be a prime opportunity to put words into practice, to show European leadership and to stand firm on our values and principles, insisting that a rule—based international order remains one of the key priorities for us. Indeed, the very reason why this is a G7 and not a G8 summit is that one key nation continues to disregard international rules and agreements, with the central theme of the G7 summit being how to rebuild trust. I believe that the EU should use the G7 summit to recommit to the biggest economies on the plan to achieving the sustainable development goals – all of them, comprehensively. Rebuilt trust requires visible action from the EU on the problems facing Member States and the people of Europe.


Interventions à la demande


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamnă președintă, domnule vicepreședinte, spre deosebire de un coleg care spunea că nu are ce căuta Uniunea Europeană la G7, eu consider că trebuie să fim prezenți, Uniunea Europeană, la G7.

Da, Uniunea Europeană nu este o țară, dar am pus împreună niște valori și dorim să fim reprezentați și, așa cum spunea și colegul meu mai devreme, ieri am dezbătut mult globalizarea, eu cred că este foarte important să vedem cum relaționăm cu celelalte puteri în lumea globală. Participă Rusia. Trebuie să vedem ce facem cu relația cu Rusia, ce facem cu relația cu China, cu Statele Unite? Există embargouri între Uniunea Europeană și Rusia, producătorii din Uniunea Europeană solicită deschiderea pe alte piețe. Iată că sunt foarte multe lucruri nu numai de securitate, dar și probleme economice și consider binevenită prezența, dar așteptăm și o informare concretă cu ce s-a discutat și ce rezultate vor fi acolo. Așteptăm cu interes și vă dorim succes!


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Carmelo Abela, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, honourable Members, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your comments, all of which were noted by the Presidency of the Council. As you know, the Presidency does not participate in or attend the G7 but the European Union is represented by the Commission.

As I said earlier, these are challenging times, on several fronts, and most of your comments confirm this: that we are living through challenging times, especially on account of still high geo-political and political uncertainty. I therefore look forward to a strong message of confidence and reassurance by G7 leaders as well as to their guidance. We need to preserve the spirit of cooperation in the G7 and also to continue to provide multilateral answers to the challenges we face.

This also means maintaining and building on the achievements of the past and not giving in to protectionism and isolation. Finally, I believe that it is through cooperation and working together that we can aspire to tackle the issues that are of concern for our citizens and our respective countries.


  Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, to be very concise and short, I would like to thank honourable Members very much for their comments and remarks. Most of them were very supportive of our agenda.

The next G7 meeting should, first and foremost, be about revitalising multilateralism. We have not lost it completely yet, but we have seen some tendencies, at least in rhetoric, to move away from multilateralism, and this is a very dangerous direction. That is why our agenda is so strongly linked to strengthening multilateralism.

Many Members mentioned that implementation of COP 21 should be one of the priorities, and we fully agree. This agreement has already been agreed and now it is a matter of implementation. A bigger global challenge than climate change could not be imagined, and that is why we need a real commitment from the leaders to implement it.

Finally, there is a whole range of issues, like the fight against terrorism or tax evasion, which must be addressed in global fora, but I hope that our leaders will send a strong message in favour of rules-based trade, because that is the way to govern globalisation. It is the way to harness and shape globalisation. Without rules-based trade we cannot include important values like environmental or social values in trade. This is the way in which we can enhance economic growth in a sustainable manner and make sure that our economic growth is translated to job creation too.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est ainsi clos.

Déclarations écrites (article 162)


  Laura Ferrara (EFDD), per iscritto. – La missione che si prefigge l'imminente G7 di Taormina, ovvero costruire le basi di una fiducia rinnovata dei cittadini nei confronti dei governi, verso i quali - come afferma la presidenza italiana - cresce di giorno in giorno lo scetticismo sulla loro capacità di risolvere i problemi legati alla quotidianità, e tra questi la sicurezza, la sostenibilità ambientale ed il benessere economico, rappresenta di per sé la testimonianza del fallimento di un metodo verticistico, elitario ed autoreferenziale di risolvere i problemi del mondo intero.

Un modello che si protrae da anni e che non è stato capace di risparmiare al mondo intero guerre, terrorismo, crisi economiche ed inquinamento. Credo che sia arrivato il momento di immaginare un nuovo metodo realmente multilaterale, inclusivo e che muova dal basso, per affrontare efficacemente e con la massima trasparenza i problemi posti dalla globalizzazione, i cui effetti nefasti sui semplici cittadini sono causati dallo strapotere di pochi potenti, oggi ovviamente preoccupati del fatto di non riuscire più ad apparire credibili agli occhi della gente.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE), in writing. – The upcoming 43rd G7 summit will be very important one for many reasons. One of them, is that this summit will be the first one for British Prime Minister Theresa May, newly elected French President Macron and US President Trump. Looking from this perspective, it could be argued that this summit will determine the international order in the upcoming years. Therefore, I urge the EU to pursue seriously its interests during the summit. I will emphasise economic development as a top priority (interest) for the EU. The EU also should push for peace solutions for the ongoing conflicts in its neighbourhood namely in Syria, Libya and Ukraine. Last but not least, the EU should discuss with other states from G7 its future relationship with Britain after Brexit.


(La séance est suspendue pour quelques minutes, dans l’attente de la séance officielle avec M. Guterres)



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