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Procedūra : 2017/2692(RSP)
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Debates :

PV 31/05/2017 - 15
CRE 31/05/2017 - 15

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PV 01/06/2017 - 7.12
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Debašu stenogramma
Trešdiena, 2017. gada 31. maijs - Brisele Pārskatītā redakcija

15. Antisemītisma apkarošana (debates)
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  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission zur Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus (2017/2692(RSP)).


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak today on combating anti-Semitism. It is a topic of common concern to us all.

Let me start by expressing my deep concern about the current situation in Europe. Evidence from different sources, including the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe, shows an alarming increase in intolerance and hatred. There exists specific data collected by the Fundamental Rights Agency confirming that every fourth Jew in Europe has experienced verbal or physical violence. It is difficult to believe and understand that so many in our society reject the fundamental values of tolerance, respect and liberty, and instead choose to hate.

What can be done to address anti-Semitism? This issue was discussed in more general terms during the conference on positive narratives against hate speech, which the Maltese Presidency organised in April this year. Experts from Member States, international organisations, academia and civil society agreed that there was no single perfect remedy for hatred. As is often the case, we need a complex response that starts with education, data collection and analysis, and ends with condemnation and criminal sanctions.

Let me start with the measures I mentioned last, condemnation and criminal sanctions. The EU has adopted specific legislation on combating intolerance and hatred, namely the 2008 Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia. This decision outlaws Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic hate speech inciting violence. In particular, it prohibits under criminal law condoning, denying or grossly trivialising the Holocaust.

In June 2016, the Council stressed the importance of this legal instrument and invited Member States to ensure its effective transposition and implementation, in addition to other relevant hate crime laws at national level. Furthermore, the Council asked Member States to develop effective methods to report and ensure proper recording of hate crimes.

In the context of hate speech, the Council supports the Commission High Level Group, which seeks to develop, together with the Member States, concrete practices and tools to improve responses to racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance. This group is actually meeting today and tomorrow, and one of the items on the agenda concerns specifically the Week of Action on Combating anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the rights of victims of hate crimes. On several occasions, the Council has called on Member States to ensure the full and correct implementation of the EU legislation, notably the EU Directive on the rights of victims of crime.

I hope that the expertise from the High Level Group experts will bring us closer in our common endeavour. However, let me stress that all these countermeasures will be in vain if we forget the important role of education and youth work. More precisely, it is crucial to know the history of our continent to understand the value of tolerance and to be able to counter anti-Semitism when confronted with it. In the context of awareness-raising and policy advice, we are grateful to the European Fundamental Rights Agency for its continued monitoring of, and research into, discrimination and anti-Semitism and for offering evidence-based solutions and suggestions.

I would like to conclude by stressing once again how important it is to combat anti-Semitism. I would like to recognise the work of the first European Commission Coordinator on combating anti-Semitism, Katharina von Schnurbein. We have different tools: we have knowledge, we have education, we have counter-narratives, but we also have condemnation of any form of anti-Semitic violence, hate speech or discrimination. Accordingly, the responsibility rests with all of us – politicians, teachers, students, parents and, if need be, also judges and prosecutors. No one can close his or her eyes or ears and pretend not to see injustice, discrimination or hatred.

An important part of the exhibition in the recently opened House of European History, which was founded at the European Parliament’s initiative, is devoted to the genocide of European Jews. It is the duty of our continent, and our shared responsibility, to remember and not to let it happen again.


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, combating anti-Semitism is indeed a very important and alarming topic, considering the statistical evidence which the Minister has just mentioned. I very much welcome Parliament’s debate and the motion for a resolution. Increasing fear and high rates of verbal and physical violence against ethnic, religious and other minorities across Europe are a major concern, and it is our duty not only to discuss this but also to come forward with solutions.

Data show a clear spike in anti—Semitic incidents. There was more than one incident a day in Austria and three incidents per day in the United Kingdom in 2016, in both cases the highest numbers ever recorded. We are particularly worried about discrimination and harassment against Jewish youngsters, who are more likely to experience anti-Semitism in schools and universities. A hostile environment in schools will put the next generation at risk of exclusion. All of us, collectively and individually, have the duty to fight against intolerance and hatred and reject all expressions of them.

We welcomed yesterday’s Joint Day of Action, with Parliament, on combating anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred, which brought together Jewish and Muslim youngsters. Today we are opening two funding calls for applications, making available EUR 5.5 million to support civil society and Member States’ authorities in better preventing and countering racism and xenophobia, including anti—Semitism and other forms of intolerance, hate crime and hate speech. Particular areas of attention include hate-crime training, empowering and supporting hate-crime victims, and improving recording, as well as data collection and methodologies.

Also, at today’s meeting of the High—Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other intolerance I presented the results of the implementation of the Code of Conduct we concluded in May 2016 with major IT companies to combat illegal hate speech online. I can inform you today that significant progress has been made and all IT companies have been improving their reaction to notifications concerning manifestly illegal hate speech, including anti-Semitic hate speech.

Let me also inform you that I have asked the EU Fundamental Rights Agency to conduct a large-scale survey on the experience of Jews with anti-Semitism. We expect the results by early next year. It will be the first time that we have comparable data on trends around anti—Semitism across the EU, following an initial survey in 2013. On the occasion of this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day we made the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism available through our website. The Commission welcomes any useful tool that helps to prevent anti-Semitism. Several Member States, including the UK and Austria, which I have already mentioned, use this definition in their policymaking and training and in data collection on anti-Semitic incidents and hate crimes.

As you know, following our first Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights, the Commission appointed a Coordinator on Combating anti—Semitism, tasked with liaising with Jewish communities and with advancing and mainstreaming Commission action against anti—Semitism. She is here today.

We must learn from the past, in order to ensure that nobody is persecuted for what he or she is, stands for or believes in.


  Heinz K. Becker, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Frau Kommissarin, sehr geehrter Vertreter des Rates! Das Europäische Parlament zeigt mit der vorliegenden Entschließung ein klares Zeichen von Verantwortung und politischer Entscheidungskraft. Wir können zukünftig europaweit den Antisemitismus effektiver bekämpfen. Ich möchte daher auch den Ko-Autoren der Entschließung – allen voran dem Abgeordnetem Aguilar und der Abgeordneten Wikström – herzlich danken, mit denen eine außerordentlich professionelle Zusammenarbeit ein ernsthaftes und exzellentes Ergebnis präsentiert. Aus Anlass einer steigenden Zahl antisemitischer Vorfälle in Europa ist dringender Handlungsbedarf gegeben. Es muss unser gemeinsames Ziel sein, dass die jüdische Bevölkerung in Europa ohne Gewaltakte und körperliche Angriffe, ohne Hassreden und Terror in sozialen Medien leben kann, Kinder in die Schule gehen, die Menschen zur Arbeit fahren, die Synagoge besuchen und ihre Freizeit ohne Angst und Bedrohung verbringen.

Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass immer mehr Mitgliedstaaten überzeugt werden können, dem Beispiel Großbritanniens und – zu meiner Freude – auch meines Heimatlandes Österreich zu folgen und mit der EU-weit einheitlichen Definition von Antisemitismus, nach jener der IHRA-Definition einen Startpunkt zu bilden, mit dem wir die Strafverfolgung antisemitischer Täter durch neue Polizeiarbeit und klare Rechtsprechung erfüllen können. Ich appelliere an alle Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments, diese Entschließung entschieden zu unterstützen, und danke dafür im Voraus.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señora presidenta, señora comisaria Jourová, como constitucionalista, profesor de Derecho Constitucional y académico, como socialista y como representante de los ciudadanos, he trabajado siempre por los derechos fundamentales y contra toda forma de discriminación de personas o minorías por su pertenencia a una orientación sexual —LGBT—, por su pertenencia a una comunidad étnica —los gitanos, la población romaní—, y por su pertenencia también a una identidad cultural y religiosa, como es la población judía en Europa, en los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea.

Por eso promuevo esta Resolución y la he firmado con la plena convicción de que lanza una señal de solidaridad con las víctimas de la ola de atentados y de la creciente agresividad y ofensividad contra los judíos en Europa, de lo que dan testimonio los sucesos de Toulouse, Bruselas, París, Copenhague, con resultado de muerte en un buen número de casos y, sobre todo, el incremento espectacular que reporta la Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea en sus informes anuales —del 40 % y del 48 % en los últimos años en Francia, Bélgica, Hungría, Reino Unido, Austria—.

Esto merece un mensaje de solidaridad, y es el que efectúa esta Resolución, apostando por una working definition, por una definición de trabajo, que no es jurídicamente vinculante, pero que está avalada por la International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance —la Alianza de Memoria del Holocausto, que es una organización intergubernamental que cuenta con representantes diplomáticos de la inmensa mayoría de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea—, acerca de lo que es el antisemitismo como instigación del odio a los judíos por serlo y a la violencia, y, por tanto, a atentar contra los judíos por ser judíos en Europa.

Apuesta también por el refuerzo de la seguridad de las comunidades judías en Europa y por el establecimiento de mecanismos de acción parlamentaria, enviados especiales y compromisos específicos de los grupos parlamentarios contra el antisemitismo. Esta definición de trabajo no proviene de ningún lobby judío: proviene de la cooperación entre los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea y ha sido avalada por la Comisión, por la propia comisaria de Derechos Fundamentales y de Justicia, la comisaria Jourová; por la acción de la coordinadora contra las acciones antisemitas en Europa, la señora Schnurbein, de la Comisión.

Y mi último mensaje es que nada tiene esto que ver, lógicamente, con la sensibilidad que suscita la legítima crítica y el derecho a la crítica a los asentamientos y a las violaciones de los derechos fundamentales de la población palestina. Porque no es justo que se vincule la resolución del conflicto en Oriente Medio, que dura setenta años, y la ocupación de los territorios ocupados, que dura cincuenta años, con la condena que merece cada atentado contra los judíos en Europa y el mensaje de solidaridad y compromiso con sus derechos fundamentales que merece de este Parlamento. Por eso postulo un voto favorable para esta Resolución.


  Branislav Škripek, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, as we speak today, we are facing an unprecedented increase in anti-Semitism in Europe. For years, hate speech and hate crimes against Jews were the domain of marginal groups and political movements. Unfortunately, anti-Semitism is becoming a strong political stream in Europe. It is accepted and followed by many, often in ignorance of its real impact on people in our communities.

Populist, anti-establishment movements use any kind of motivation to gain attention. This includes so-called ‘discussion’ of the Holocaust, and verbal and physical violence against Jews in European cities and the presence of Jews in the Middle East.

This dangerous political rhetoric, however, leads us back to dubious discussion and debate about the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Democracy cannot be an excuse for allowing undemocratic forces to act. Jews in Europe have the right to live freely without fear. The State of Israel has the right to exist and protect itself. Any kind of questioning of this legitimacy cannot be part of a debate in this House or anywhere else.

I call on my colleagues, in the first place, to unite and give a strong political message to the world: any kind of anti-Semitism, subtle or explicit, has to be rejected. I also call on Member States clearly to target grey areas in their educational systems. New generations of European citizens must be raised with awareness of this issue and be able to refuse from the very beginning the malign seed of anti-Semitism.


  Cecilia Wikström, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, I will start with a quote by Simone Veil: ‘Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless one has placed oneself on the side of the oppressed, to feel with them, one cannot understand.’

I just need to say ‘Paris 2015’: four persons dead in a terrorist attack against a Jewish kosher grocery store. In this city, Brussels, four people were killed in a terrorist attack against Belgium’s Jewish Museum. This resolution we are discussing today shows that we, the elected Members of European countries and citizens in this institution, do not tolerate anti-Semitism in our continent. The memories of the Holocaust should never be forgotten. We should do anything we can to combat anti-Semitism in all its ugly forms.

To do this is to accept the resolution. I am proud of it and I would like to reach out to my colleagues Mr Becker and Mr López Aguilar for having done such a great job on this. It is very important that we use the new tool, that we spread it, and that we encourage governments to use the tool and the new definition, because I am convinced that this resolution can actually send a very clear message to governments to do everything they can to prevent and combat anti—Semitic actions and to bring to court anybody, any perpetrator, performing them.

I encourage you to take this resolution to your hearts, digest it and vote in favour tomorrow.


  Barbara Spinelli, a nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la risoluzione maggioritaria punta il dito su un fatto innegabile: l'incremento di atti antisemiti in Europa.

Il mio gruppo ne è consapevole, ma è profondamente contrario alla definizione dell'antisemitismo presa in prestito dall'Alleanza internazionale per la memoria dell'Olocausto, perché essa tende a includere ciò che non va incluso: le critiche a Israele. Tale inclusione è una trappola perché tarpa la libertà di espressione e l'opposizione di gran parte della diaspora alle condotte israeliane. Insidiosamente si suggerisce che la fonte dell'antisemitismo può non essere nello sguardo dell'antisemita, ma nella persona guardata, compreso l'ebreo, se in disaccordo con Israele o con il sionismo.

Per definire l'antisemitismo ci basti dire che è l'ostilità verso l'ebreo in quanto ebreo, punto. È un'ostilità che precede la nascita di Israele. Tutti gli europei che hanno memoria di sé lo sanno, in Germania, Francia, Italia, Austria, Polonia.

Vi prego di esaminare gli emendamenti che abbiamo presentato con i Verdi. La nostra intenzione è quella di dar voce alle tante associazioni ebraiche critiche di Israele, è anche il tentativo di combattere tutte le xenofobie, islamofobia, antiziganismo perché l'antisemitismo è sempre precursore di altre fobie e stigmatizzazioni.


  Bodil Valero, för Verts/ALE-gruppen. – Fru talman! I dag är temat för vår debatt antisemitismen. Jag håller mig därför till att prata om de hatbrott och trakasserier mot den judiska befolkningen i Europa som aldrig har upphört helt utan snarare varit konstanta, blossat upp då och då eller legat och pyrt, men som ökat under senare år.

Särskilt har situationen förvärrats under de olika Gaza-krigen, då många i våra länder inte skiljer på staten Israel och den judiska befolkningen. Det har lett till att det inte längre bara är de med nazistiska sympatier som trakasserar, utan gruppen förövare har blivit så många fler.

Det gör också problemet så mycket svårare att hantera. Det är också därför mycket viktigt att vi gör en klar skillnad mellan berättigad kritik mot vad staten Israel gör – precis som vi kritiserar andra länder och även våra egna då det behövs – och hat och trakasserier mot judar. Det måste vara tillåtet att kritisera den israeliska statens agerande, bosättningspolitiken etc., utan att för den skull betraktas som antisemit.

I dag tar vi ställning till en definition av antisemitism som flera redan har tagit upp här. Det råder inte konsensus bland de judiska organisationerna om definitionen. De judiska fredsorganisationerna till exempel är klart emot, eftersom de anser att den riskerar att inskränka den fria debatten om politiken i Israel.

Den dag de olika judiska organisationerna kan enas kring en gemensam definition av antisemitism, så kommer jag med glädje att stödja den. Jag kommer däremot inte att ställa mig bakom den definition som det hänvisas till i dagens resolution. Det innebär inte att jag inte står bakom det nödvändiga arbetet mot antisemitismen och det mesta i övrigt i resolutionen.

Det måste råda nolltolerans mot alla former av rasism, mot andra folkgrupper, religiösa yttringar, etniska grupper. Detta måste vara och är målet för oss alla.


  Gerard Batten, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and this resolution does not attempt to understand the reasons behind it. Studies show that European Muslims are 10 times more likely to hold very unfavourable views about Jews than non-Muslims. There are two main reasons for the growth of the current strains of European anti-Semitism. The first is the anti-Semitic content of the Islamic tracts, the Qur’an, the Hadith and the Sunnah. The second is the dramatic growth in the number of Muslims in Europe over the last 50 years, a growth that is now spiralling upward.

The problem is that many Muslims take literally what is written in their works of fiction. These works are full of exhortations for discrimination, hatred and violence, and not just against Jews, but Christians too. These hateful passages are being propagated by imams in mosques paid for by Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries. These are not extremist forms of Islam: these are literalist forms of Islam. The passage that always sticks in my mind is the one from the Hadith which says: ‘Judgement day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews. The Muslims will kill the Jews and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees. The rocks and trees will cry out Oh Muslim, oh faithful servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him.’

If European governments were serious about combating this problem, they would do two things immediately. First, stop all overseas funding of mosques and imams. Second, end the mass immigration of Muslims into European countries. Any future migration from Islamic countries should be on a highly selective basis only, and only those migrants prepared to make a solemn and binding pledge that they reject the passages of hatred and violence should be admitted.


  Die Präsidentin. – Es gibt Menschen, die sprechen nur für sich selber und nicht für ein Parlament, würde ich sagen.


  Mario Borghezio, a nome del gruppo ENF. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, si è dovuto attendere l'intervento dell'onorevole Batten per sentir parlare di Islam.

Questi documenti e tutta questa discussione risentono profondamente e sono un grave esempio di linguaggio "islamicamente" corretto. C'è un'autocensura inammissibile da parte del Consiglio, della Commissione e anche di questo Parlamento. Devo dare atto all'iniziativa del Presidente che è molto opportuna, dei colloqui e delle riflessioni che sono state fatte alle quali alcuni di noi hanno partecipato con vivo interesse.

Ma al di là di questo mi pare che si cerchi di sfuggire al cuore del problema. Forse non tutte le moschee predicano l'antisemitismo, forse non tutti i siti islamici e islamisti predicano antisemitismo, forse non tutti gli atti di violenza che vengono compiuti sono di origine islamica, ma moltissimi di essi lo sono. È assolutamente assurdo e anche demenziale nascondersi dietro il dito di una realtà che è sotto i nostri occhi. Basta uscire da questo Parlamento e prendere, per esempio, la direzione di rue de la Paix e vedere che nessun rabbino, nessuna persona religiosa, professante la religione ebraica mostrerebbe i segni della propria religione.

Credo sia necessario difendere il diritto in maniera molto più seria di questi documenti estremamente superficiali e generici, perché fa parte della nostra identità culturale.


  Steven Woolfe (NI). – Madam President, as someone who has Jewish heritage in my family I am fully aware of the detrimental effect that racism can have on people. As someone of black heritage, too, I have felt that in the past.

I have spoken many times, in this Chamber and beyond, about the ways that Israel, a beacon of freedom across the globe, has been attacked from all quarters. But I am afraid that the definitions in this motion have caused me grave concern: my concern is that they will enhance those who wish to do the Jews and Israel harm. In particular, I am concerned about the adoption of the definition from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The definition is extremely broad and wide. Let me, for example, cite this quote to you: ‘Palestine belongs to the Arabs. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs.’ The author of this quote would have to be imprisoned if we adopt this definition. The author of the quote was Mahatma Gandhi.

There have been hundreds of politicians, writers and philosophers who have opposed violence but who would be caught by this definition. So I would say to those behind this motion: your definition may be well-meaning, but what you will be doing is preventing freedom of speech and creating a fear of speaking. That is why I would ask you to reflect. Go back to the drawing board, please.


  Fulvio Martusciello (PPE). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, Commissario, Lei ha parlato di incidenti che hanno riguardato gli ebrei.

Guardando la definizione di incidente vediamo che questo viene definito come un accadimento inatteso. Non c'è nulla di inatteso, non c'è nulla di imprevisto ogni volta che viene assalito un ebreo, ogni volta che viene compiuto un atto di antisemitismo, perché se noi prendiamo una mappa e segniamo con la matita dove ci sono gli episodi di antisemitismo e poi prendiamo un'altra mappa e disegniamo con la stessa matita dove ci sono gli episodi di terrorismo e poi prendiamo le due mappe e le sovrapponiamo l'una con l'altra, vedremo che questi punti coincidono.

Egregio Commissario, cari colleghi, dobbiamo comprendere che dove c'è antisemitismo c'è terrorismo. E allora non possiamo essere tiepidi, non possiamo essere troppo deboli nel condannare gli atti di antisemitismo. Le violenze che vengono compiute ogni giorno in tutte le parti d'Europa nei confronti degli ebrei noi non possiamo definirle incidenti, non sono accadimenti inattesi. Si sviluppano episodi di antisemitismo per la debolezza dei governi che non sono in grado di tutelare gli ebrei e quindi la libertà di espressione. Oggi accade agli ebrei, altrove accade ai cristiani.


  Péter Niedermüller (S&D). – Elnök Asszony, Európa szégyene, hogy több mint 70 évvel a holokauszt felfoghatatlan tragédiája után még mindig él az antiszemitizmus – sőt nemcsak él, hanem több tagállamban erősödik is. Éppen ezért nekünk nemcsak politikai, hanem morális kötelességünk is mindent megtenni az antiszemitizmus ellen és zsidó polgártársaink biztonsága érdekében. Teljességgel elfogadhatatlan, hogy ma Európában valakit zsidó identitása, vallása miatt érjen bármiféle fenyegetés. Gyomorforgató, hogy magukat mérsékeltnek hirdető politikusok is használnak burkolt vagy néha nem is annyira burkolt antiszemita kliséket, néha még itt az Európai Parlamentben is. Támogatom, hogy tegyünk javaslatot az antiszemitizmus IHRA által megalkotott definíciójának széles körű használatára.

Hiszen enélkül aligha lehet monitorozni, követni, dokumentálni az antiszemitizmus terjedését, megjelenési formáit Európában. Ez a meghatározás semmilyen formában nem korlátozza a szólás szabadságát. És ami talán a legfontosabb, egyértelművé teszi: Izrael állam gyalázása ugyancsak az antiszemitizmus egyik formája, hiszen Izraelt zsidó állam volta miatt támadja. Ugyanakkor az éppen hatalmon lévő izraeli kormány politikájának esetleges bírálata nem antiszemitizmus. Nekünk nem valamely izraeli kormány, hanem az izraeli állam és a zsidóság mellett kell kiállnunk. Erre kötelez bennünket az európai hagyomány, és erre kötelez bennünket a holokauszt több millió áldozatának emléke.


  Jussi Halla-aho (ECR). – Madam President, historically anti-Semitism in Europe has been connected to extreme nationalism. However, this historical background should not make us blind to what is going on today. The new rise in anti-Jewish hatred and violence is linked to immigration from Muslim countries. Research shows that anti-Jewish attitudes are mainstream in Muslim communities. Unfortunately these communities, together with the so-called liberals, have been very successful in portraying Muslims as victims and victims only, thereby placing them beyond justified criticism.

The Left, with their pathological anti-Israel agenda, is not very helpful. It is not enough to condemn anti—Semitism in general terms. The problem must be properly identified and recognised if we want to do something about it.


  Reinhard Bütikofer (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich danke den Initiatoren der Entschließung. Ich möchte mich ausdrücklich für die vorgeschlagene Definition des Antisemitismus aussprechen. Ich distanzierte mich von der Behauptung, diese Definition würde es unmöglich machen, die Politik des Staates Israel zu kritisieren – das trifft nicht zu.

Ich sage das als jemand, der in einer Stadt aufgewachsen ist, in der 1104 die erste Synagoge gebaut wurde. Über mehrere hundert Jahre war meine Heimatstadt Speyer als Mitglied des SchUM-Bundes Hochburg jüdischer Gelehrsamkeit. 1349 wurde die Gemeinde ausgelöscht. 1435 noch einmal auf ewig aus der Stadt verbannt. Erst nach der Französischen Revolution entstand wieder eine jüdische Gemeinde in meiner Heimat. 1933 hatte sie noch 269 Mitglieder, von denen genau ein Jude die Nazizeit überlebte. Heute haben wir die vierte Synagoge in der Stadt.

Antisemitismus hat eine lange historische Geschichte, hat eine tiefe Wurzel. Wir müssen ihn weiter bekämpfen.


  Beatrix von Storch (EFDD). – Frau Präsidentin, Frau Kommissarin! Es geht um Antisemitismus, und wir haben zwei Arten, die wir bekämpfen müssen.

Die erste finden wir bei vielen muslimischen Migranten und auch bei den muslimischen Minderheiten – bei uns, in unseren Staaten. Letzte Woche war ich in Ungarn. Ich konnte eine Synagoge besuchen und ein jüdisches Haus – keine Polizei weit und breit. Das ist in Berlin völlig undenkbar, da wird vor jeder Synagoge durch Polizei geschützt, sieben Tage die Woche, vierundzwanzig Stunden am Tag. Für jüdische Gottesdienste werden Straßen gesperrt. Für Deutschland und Europa wünsche ich mir ungarische Verhältnisse. Und es hat mit dem Islam zu tun.

Die zweite Art von Antisemitismus finden wir hier in diesem Parlament. Sie haben eine Kennzeichnungspflicht für Produkte israelischer Siedler beschlossen. Diese Brandmarkung widerspricht dem freihändlerischen Gedanken und ist außerdem geschichtsvergessen.

Lassen Sie uns Antisemitismus bekämpfen und am besten hier im Hause gleich damit anfangen – nicht durch leere Reden, sondern durch Taten. Jüdisches Leben gehört zu Europa, und es ist unsere Aufgabe, es zu schützen.


  Georg Mayer (ENF). – Frau Präsidentin! Antisemitismus darf in Europa keinen Platz haben. Ich denke, das können wir alle außer Streit stellen. Und leider müssen wir immer öfter feststellen, dass jüdische Einrichtungen und jüdische Personen Angriffen ausgesetzt sind und die Dramatik ufert darin aus, dass heute Synagogen in Europa bewacht werden müssen. Das hat auch – und ich weiß, dass wollen viele von ihnen nicht hören – mit der Migrationskrise des vergangenen Jahres zu tun. Da ist durch unkontrollierten und völlig undifferenzierten Zuzug aus islamischen Ländern natürlich auch der radikale Islam in Europa eingewandert, und die leben natürlich ihre Ideologie hier auch aus.

Eine weitere Betrachtung muss auch die Türkei finden. AKP-Abgeordnete, die offen antijüdische Statements abgeben – das kann es nicht geben. Und die Kollegen Storch hat es gesagt: Es gibt auch vonseiten der Europäischen Union etwas, das nicht gerade zur Verbesserung des Klimas, auch in Europa, beiträgt, nämlich die Kennzeichnungspflicht jüdischer Produkte. Auch da sollten wir uns ganz schwer überdenken, ob das heute noch Sinn macht. Danke schön.


  Lars Adaktusson (PPE). – Madam President, violence with anti-Semitic motives is on the rise. Terrorist attacks like those in Toulouse, Brussels, Paris and Copenhagen are aimed at individuals only because they are Jewish. Threats and harassment are also increasing. The situation in my home country, Sweden, illustrates what we are talking about today. Earlier this spring, the synagogue in the city of Umeå closed down due to systematic threats. In the city of Malmö, Jewish individuals risk being attacked if they wear a necklace with the Star of David around their neck.

In order to confront today’s anti-Semitism in Europe, we have to acknowledge the problem and its roots. Tomorrow this House will vote on a resolution on this matter. The aim is to find a common European definition of anti-Semitism and to use the EU institutions for exchange of information in the fight against this kind of racism. The issue of definition is important because the lack of agreement on how to define anti—Semitism makes it impossible to monitor and prevent anti-Semitic hate crime, which is a precondition for an effective fight against these evil acts.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleague, Mr Becker, for drafting this very important resolution. Let us hope for a broad majority tomorrow and a vote across party lines.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'incitamento all'odio e alla violenza in tutte le sue forme e manifestazioni è incompatibile con i valori dell'Unione europea e, pertanto, sanzionato. Dobbiamo evitare di cadere nella trappola della gara alla vittimizzazione delle diverse forme di discriminazione. Non ne esiste una che va tutelata più dell'altra. Il razzismo e l'odio vanno affrontati con la stessa attenzione ed energia.

Oggi questa Assemblea condanna con forza ogni forma di odio e violenza contro i cittadini ebrei vittime di attacchi antisemiti, in continua ascesa in tutta Europa. Anche alla luce dell'atroce persecuzione contro milioni di cittadini europei ebrei, com'è possibile che in alcuni Stati membri l'invocazione di motivi fondati sulla razza, l'origine nazionale o etnica, la religione o il credo non costituisca ancora un'aggravante di reato?

Gli strumenti repressivi contro gli autori di crimini di odio e la tutela non solo fisica delle vittime sono senz'altro efficaci e, anzi, devono essere rafforzati. Tuttavia, se isolati non riusciranno da soli a ripristinare il clima di legalità. Per prevenire e combattere l'antisemitismo, così come tutte le forme di discriminazione, occorre anche investire a livello educativo e culturale nella promozione della tolleranza e del rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo, nonché promuovere il dialogo e la cooperazione tra le varie componenti della società a livello locale e nazionale, compreso il dialogo e la cooperazione tra le varie comunità culturali, etniche e religiose.


  Anders Primdahl Vistisen (ECR). – Hr. formand! Stigningen i antisemitisme ud over Europa, som vi oplever i disse år, er en ganske alvorlig sag, som vi bør reflektere over, også i mit eget hjemland Danmark, hvor vi senest har set terrorangrebet, som både ramte ytringsfrihedsaktivister, men også den jødiske synagoge og den bar mitzva, der foregik der, hvilket er et frygteligt eksempel på, at antisemitismen i Europa ikke er noget, der kun tilhører fortiden. Modsat i fortiden ser vi i dag, at størstedelen af stigningen i de antisemitiske overfald kommer fra minoriteter i nogle muslimske miljøer, hvor man tydeligvis ikke vil acceptere den jødiske tilstedeværelse, hverken i de lande, man kommer fra, den kultur, man medbringer, eller i de lande, man er flygtet til eller rejst til i Europa. Derfor bør vi også adressere problemerne der, hvor de er flest, og derfor bør vi tage dette opgør med de kulturer, som ikke anerkender den jødiske religions plads i Europa.


  Margrete Auken (Verts/ALE). – Fru formand! Jeg vil ikke tale på egne vegne, men på vegne af elleve jødiske organisationer i Europa, der har skrevet til os i dag. I har alle sammen modtaget brevet fra dem, og jeg vil gerne citere. De kommer fra bredt over Europa, det er først og fremmest fra Jødisk Stemme for Fred fra de forskellige lande, og lad mig her citere:

As Jewish organisations, we strongly believe that a commitment to tackling anti-Semitism and all forms of racism is essential. Racism and anti-Semitism are generally covered by specific legislation in each European country and should be dealt with resolutely under these statutes. Endorsing the highly contentious and flawed IHRA document will not aid our collective endeavour to combat anti-Semitism. In our view, endorsement would significantly undermine defences against anti-Semitism by expanding the concept in a politically motivated way. You should think twice about how these organisations look into this. It is important that they address us like this.


  Bas Belder (ECR). – “Bestrijding van antisemitisme” heet dit debat. Dat roept een persoonlijke vraag op: wat doe ik en wat doet u tegen de uitingen van het grote kwaad van de Jodenhaat? Deze vraag klemt vandaag des te meer omdat antisemitisme “normaal” is binnen de grenzen van de Europese Unie en dat al sinds jaren. Hoe ik dat weet? Door met open ogen en oren in onze samenleving te staan. Via de media, via studies, maar bovenal door persoonlijke contacten met de slachtoffers van antisemitisme. Al jaren merk ik in Straatsburg en hier in Brussel de normaliteit van het antisemitisme. De verhalen over het alledaagse antisemitisme tegen leden van de joodse gemeenschap in ons midden vragen ons allemaal om een helder antwoord. Vormen wij een levende muur om hen heen of accepteren wij de normaliteit van Jodenhaat, vooral dan die gangbare vorm van Jodenhaat tegen de staat Israël, ook hier? Laat dit debat niet ooit tegen ons getuigen.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga (ECR). – Madam President, Holocaust denial has been penalised by the majority of EU Member States, yet recently voices have been raised questioning this legislation. Moreover, thousands of Jews, families of Holocaust survivors, have recently decided to leave the EU and move to Israel. They see no future here. I think that early warning is needed about the awful rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.


  Ulrike Trebesius (ECR). – Frau Präsidentin! Aus einem im April dieses Jahres veröffentlichten Antisemitismusbericht einer Expertenkommission geht hervor, dass Juden in Deutschland sich zunehmend durch Muslime bedroht sehen.

Soziale Medien seien dabei ein zentrales Verbreitungselement von Hass und Hetze gegen Juden. Eine Studie der EU selbst aus dem Jahr 2013 belegt, dass die meisten antisemitischen Übergriffe aktuell von Muslimen verübt werden; gefolgt erstens von linksextremen und zweitens von rechtsgerichteten Tätern. Angesichts der anteilig immer noch kleinen muslimischen Bevölkerung in Europa ist diese Bevölkerungsgruppe aber bei den Tätern weit überrepräsentiert.

Diese heutige Entschließung benennt genau dies nicht. Stattdessen versucht sie, die multikulturelle Gesellschaft zu propagieren, und bietet Diversität als Lösung an. Das ist zwar gut gemeint, aber naiv. Noch heute erinnern mich in meiner Stadt Hamburg die Stolpersteine in den Gehwegen – kleine Messingplatten, die da eingebaut wurden – an jüdische Familien, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg ihr Hab und Gut und zumeist auch ihr Leben verloren haben. Lassen wir uns aus falsch verstandener Toleranz nicht dazu verleiten, Übergriffe auf jüdische Mitbürger einfach stillschweigend hinzunehmen.

Nur eine klare Analyse erlaubt uns, unsere Werte zu verteidigen. Ansonsten verkommt das Bekenntnis zu den europäischen Werten zur bloßen Spruchblase. Mit schönen Worten, wie in diesem Bericht der Fall ist, ist es einfach nicht getan.




Zgłoszenia z sali


  Patricija Šulin (PPE). – Evropa temelji na judovsko-krščanskih koreninah in judje so bili in bodo del Evrope. A hkrati je žalostna resnica, da so bili in so še zmeraj preganjani ter izpostavljeni neprimernemu, nepotrebnemu in neupravičenemu nasilju, ne le verbalnemu, ampak tudi fizičnemu. Ne zato, ker bi oni osebno kar koli takega naredili, ampak samo zaradi dejstva, da so judje. Zato je izjemno pomembno te ljudi zelo konkretno fizično zaščititi.

Zato podpiram resolucijo, še posebej v tistem delu, ki poziva k operativni definiciji antisemitizma. Ta je nujna, da bi lahko prepoznali antisemitska dejanja in se proti njim borili.

Antisemitisti se dostikrat skrivajo in izgovarjajo oziroma zagovarjajo, da niso antisemitisti, ampak da samo kritizirajo dejanja in ukrepe izraelske države oziroma vlade, podobno kot smo kritični do vlad in držav v drugih državah.

A meja tukaj je tanka in operativna definicija antisemitizma omogoča, da se soočamo s tem izzivom, da znamo bolje razkrinkati ljudi, ki širijo antisemitizem, in jih pri tem preprečiti.

Svoboda govora je zelo dragocena pravica, ki ne sme biti zlorabljena za širjenje sovraštva.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'antisemitismo, purtroppo, non è un fenomeno da affidare alla memoria del passato. Esso, così come altri fenomeni di discriminazione razziale persistono e sono anzi in aumento anche in alcune parti dell'Unione.

Da tempo l'atmosfera nel nostro continente è cambiata e un crescente numero di ebrei europei si pone domande sul proprio futuro. L'istigazione all'odio è divenuta una delle forme più diffuse di abusi dei diritti umani, con conseguenze negative gravi, sia nel mondo reale sia in quello virtuale. L'Europa sta forse sottovalutando la gravità del problema sorto nella parte orientale dei suoi confini, dove la situazione ha da tempo superato la soglia della tolleranza. Nulla può giustificare l'incitamento all'odio razziale, tantomeno se si alimentano sentimenti antisemiti.

Si tratta di fenomeni che vanno perseguiti e puniti severamente con misure dure ed efficaci perché l'intolleranza è una violazione diretta dei principi di libertà, democrazia e rispetto dei diritti umani, principi sui quali è fondata l'Unione europea ed è bene che alcuni leader dell'Unione europea se ne facciano una ragione.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). – Mr President, I am obliged to you for giving me the floor. It amazes me how we can be the best of parliaments and sometimes the worst of parliaments all in the same session. I have sat through this debate and listened to some of the most corrosive, divisive and cancerous language that I sometimes hear from time to time.

Equality is a cornerstone of the European Union. If we allow discrimination and its cancerous effects to take root, we are nothing. It particularly interests me that those colleagues here today who decided to speak about another one of our great religions in the way that they did actually share one thing in common, and that is a hatred for the European Union. They wish to cloak their arguments in Islamophobic rhetoric in order to attack Europe. That does not take us any further at all. As Europeans, we are equal. You attack one of us, on any basis whatsoever, and you attack as all.



  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea (ALDE). – Señor presidente, el antisemitismo ya no es patrimonio de la derecha. En España, setenta municipios gobernados por la izquierda se han sumado a la operación Boicot, Desinversiones y Sanciones, y algunas se han declarado «zonas libres de apartheid israelí». ¿Apartheid en Israel? Israelíes y palestinos conviven incluso en los mismos barrios. Hamás y la ANP, en cambio, proclaman su intención de expulsar a todos los israelíes.

El antisemitismo se camufla hoy como reivindicación de los derechos de los palestinos. Yo también quiero derechos para los palestinos, por eso exijo a Hamás y a la Autoridad Nacional Palestina que celebren elecciones democráticas y que garanticen los derechos de las mujeres y de todas las minorías.

Me gustaría decirles a mis colegas de Podemos, si estuvieran aquí, que me explicaran si está bien aceptar el dinero de las tiranías iraní y venezolana, pero no comerciar con la única democracia de Oriente Medio.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, oštro osuđujem svaku vrstu nasilja i govora mržnje. Nasilje i govor mržnje u potpunoj su suprotnosti s europskim vrijednostima i Europska unija mora učiniti sve kako bi ih iskorijenila.

Ova rezolucija samo je jedan korak na tom putu. Ona nas ujedinjuje i pred nas stavlja borbu protiv antisemitizma u Europskoj uniji kao jedan od prioriteta. No, moramo promisliti o tome što se krije u korijenima modernog antisemitizma. Mnogi naši prijatelji Židovi porast antisemitizma u Europi doživljavaju kao izravan napad na samu državu Izrael. To također moramo jasno prepoznati i moramo snažnije poduprijeti postizanje mira na Bliskom istoku. Nužno je uspostaviti učinkovite pravne mehanizme kako bismo identificirali i procesuirali počinitelje zločina iz mržnje i osigurali zaštitu Židovima koji su građani Europske unije kao i pravo na slobodu vjeroispovijesti. Zločini iz mržnje na vjerskoj osnovi u Europi su u porastu. Sloboda vjeroispovijesti jedna je od temeljnih vrijednosti koju imamo u Europi i koju moramo očuvati.


  Maria Arena (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, ce projet de texte est effectivement important parce qu’il nous rappelle que l’antisémitisme est une forme grave et intolérable de racisme, qu’on ne peut en aucun cas banaliser ni accepter et contre lequel nous devons absolument lutter. Il contient, par contre, une référence à une définition contestée qui, par les exemples qu’elle cite, est particulièrement ambiguë sur l’amalgame qu’elle fait entre les faits évidents d’antisémitisme condamnable et les critiques formulées à l’égard d’une politique menée par un gouvernement israélien.

Il eût été préférable de se limiter à une définition expurgée de ces exemples, qui n’apportent rien et qui, au contraire, créent de l’ambiguïté et affaiblissent l’excellent travail qui a été réalisé par nos collègues dans ce texte.


  Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου ( GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, τασσόμαστε καθαρά εναντίον κάθε ενέργειας που ενισχύει ή και προάγει αισθήματα μίσους, εναντίον κάθε ρητορικής που ενισχύει τον αντισημιτισμό, που ενισχύει την ένταση και παράγει τη βία. Η παιδεία, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, και η ευημερία είναι τα βασικά εργαλεία που μπορούν να στηρίξουν την ειρηνική συμβίωση. Κάθε ενέργεια που στηρίζει τον αντισημιτισμό ή τον αντιμουσουλμανισμό είναι καταδικαστέα, όμως πρέπει να είμαστε καθαροί: αντισημιτισμός δεν σημαίνει αντι-ισραηλισμός και δεν πρέπει αυτά τα δύο να συγχέονται. Και τέλος, κάθε προσπάθεια επίλυσης του παλαιστινιακού μειώνει πολλά από τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουμε σε αυτόν τον τομέα.


  Evelyne Gebhardt (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Ich muss ehrlich sagen: Ich bin schon sehr erschrocken und erbost über einiges, was ich hier in diesem Plenum gehört habe. Es ist unerhört, wenn ich höre, dass Antisemitismus mit dem Semitismus gegen andere Religionen bekämpft wird. Eine Religion gegen die andere auszuspielen, ist das Übelste, was man überhaupt machen kann. Das ist das Gegenteil dessen, was unsere Grundwerte in der Europäischen Union bedeuten, nämlich Gemeinsamkeit zu schaffen, Frieden unter den Menschen zu schaffen und dafür zu sorgen, dass wir gemeinsam gut leben können.

Meine Großmutter hat mir immer gesagt: Zeige nie mit einem Finger auf jemanden, denn mindestens drei Finger zeigen dann auch auf dich. Und diese Leute sollten auch mal auf diese drei Finger schauen, die auf sie zeigen.


(Koniec pytań zgłoszeń z sali)


  Věra Jourová, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, as I said at the beginning this is a very important debate on a very alarming topic. Some of you mentioned that it must be a matter of solidarity to help and to protect people who are affected by anti-Semitism, but I must say that solidarity is not enough. We need to ensure security for all people, and speaking about security, we are in the field of criminal justice.

Some of you mentioned that we need a legal framework. I can only inform you about something you know yourself, that the Member States are very well equipped with the necessary legislation because we have the framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia and the Member States are obliged to implement it in full – to to my regret, not all the Member States. In some Member States, the situation is not satisfactory because we still have some Member States where denial of the Holocaust, for instance, is not considered criminal wrongdoing under their criminal codes. We have many other problems with definitions and so on, but the Commission is pushing very hard on the Member States to have the legislation in place.

Speaking about criminal justice, I want to respond also to those who mentioned aggressive jihadism. This must be fought by means of criminal justice as well. We now have very strict legislation on combating radicalisation and terrorism. We have very strict rules and laws that enable our Member States to punish not only those who are the perpetrators of violent crime, but also those who are helping, who are supporting with finance, or who are supporting with information, shelter and so on. We are equipped and we have to act.

Speaking about criminal justice, however, I must say that for me, criminal justice is the last resort. We must do much more, because here in Europe we face the situation where we have a high number of people who are able to commit criminal offences against people of another race or another religion. Unfortunately, I have to say this is a happening in Europe due to the passivity of society and the silent acceptance by society.

This is something we have already witnessed several times in our history and we need to do much more than prohibit criminal wrongdoing. We need to act against this passivity and help society to be much more vocal, to say this is not only prohibited – this is totally unacceptable. I am speaking about all sorts of violence against groups of people and minorities. I would warn very strongly against some attempts to impose collective guilt in Europe because we must never do that again.

Today we had a very good debate with the IT providers, NGOs and the representatives of the Member States on combating hatred and hate speech online. You also mentioned it many times here and we agreed on the fact that we need to work together. We need to invest a lot and to use all our collective energy and determination against these phenomena, and we need to work in the direction of having a hate-free Europe. It is highly ambitious, but we have no other way. We have to do it and we have to try.

So thank you very much for all your comments. This debate has convinced me that we have to invest a lot of energy in combating not only anti-Semitism, but also all other kinds of hatred in Europe. It is something we have to do, and we have to do it together.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, let me once again assure you that the Council is determined to address anti—Semitism in all its forms – xenophobia, racism. Hate speech will be on next week’s agenda of the Ministers of Justice for discussion.

Moreover, we need to ensure effective implementation of existing legislation and protect victims. Much is at stake here: responsibility for the history of our continent and the essential democratic rights that shape our societies today. Crimes motivated by racism and xenophobia affect not only the victim, but also society as a whole.

In the name of the Council, I have followed this debate very closely and paid particular attention to the views expressed. I wish this House all strength and wisdom for tomorrow’s votes.


  Przewodniczący. – Otrzymałem dwa projekty rezolucji złożone zgodnie z art. 123 ust. 2 Regulaminu.

Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się w czwartek 1 czerwca 2017 r.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Isabella Adinolfi (EFDD), per iscritto. – Il problema dell'antisemitismo, si è negli ultimi anni intensificato, come viene riportato anche dall'Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OCSE) e l'Agenzia dell'Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA). La lotta contro l'antisemitismo deve coinvolgere l'intera società, soprattutto noi politici, dobbiamo impegnarci per condannare pubblicamente e severamente qualsiasi tipo di gesto, affermazione e esternazione antisemita e promuovere la tolleranza nella coscienza della società civile. A tal proposito gli Stati membri devono assolutamente agevolare l'adozione di una definizione chiara e comune di antisemitismo, per creare un quadro ben preciso. Il Movimento 5 Stelle si è sempre impegnato nella lotta all'antisemitismo e continuerà a farlo, incoraggiando e promuovendo, il rispetto e la tolleranza, per contrastare l'incitamento all'odio.


  Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D), kirjallinen. – Antisemitismin vastustamiseen liittyvä aloite on hyvä ja tarpeellinen. Siinä on kuitenkin yksi suuri ongelma. Päätöslauselmassa esitetään, että antisemitismiä vastaan otettaisiin käyttöön kovempia keinoja, ja siinä kehotetaan jäsenmaita ryhtymään tuomitsemaan ihmisiä oikeudessa antisemitismistä ponnekkaammin kuin ennen. Tämä on hyvä asia. Ongelma on kohta 2, jossa antisemitismi määritellään. Määritelmä on kopioitu yhdistykseltä nimeltä IHRA eli International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. IHRA:n määritelmä on kaksiosainen. Ensin tulee lyhyt, yleisluontoisempi luonnehdinta siitä, mitä on antisemitismi. Se on hyvä. Seuraavaksi listataan esimerkkejä siitä, mitä antisemitismi voi esimerkiksi olla. Niissä on ongelmia. Niiden mukaan Israelin normaali arvosteleminen esimerkiksi maan rasistisista käytännöistä ja moni muu perustavanlaatuiseen sanavapauteen ja normaaliin kritiikkiin liittyvä asia olisi antisemitismiä. Tästä syystä esimerkiksi European Fundamental Rights Agency lakkasi käyttämästä IHRA:n määritelmää antisemitismistä. Toivon, että IHRA:n määritelmä poistetaan. Sen jälkeen aloite on mainio.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D), în scris. – În ultimul timp, comportamentele antisemite au început să devină un fel de nouă normalitate în Europa. Atacurile teroriste din Toulouse, Paris și Copenhaga au vizat instituții ale comunității evreiești și sunt dovada clară a proliferării recente a antisemitismului. Antisemitismul implică prejudecăți și atitudini care legitimează discriminarea, violența și ura.

Azi, mai mult ca oricând, Uniunea Europeană trebuie să facă din combaterea antisemitismului și a discriminărilor pe baza etniilor, religiilor sau a naționalității, o prioritate. Din păcate, mediul online facilitează comunicarea și aderarea la grupuri extremiste și antisemite și conduce la banalizarea unor comportamente deviante.

Comunitatea evreiască a avut un aport important la dezvoltarea, atât culturală, cât și economică și socială a Europei și trebuie să ne asigurăm că drepturile lor sunt respectate iar că siguranța lor este asigurată.

De asemenea, este nevoie de o definiție a antisemitismului acceptată universal la nivelul statelor membre, iar următoarele președinții ale UE ar trebui aibă în vedere acest lucru.


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne. – Znepokojujúce sú údaje OBSE a agentúry EÚ pre základné práva, ako aj iných subjektov, že počet protižidovsky motivovaných incidentov v posledných rokoch výrazne vzrástol. Nenávistné prejavy a všetky druhy násilia proti európskym židovským občanom sú v rozpore s hodnotami Európskej únie, preto za boj proti antisemitizmu musí zodpovedať celá spoločnosť. Veľmi dôležitú úlohu musia v boji proti antisemitizmu zohrávať občianske spoločnosti, vzdelávacie inštitúcie, novinári, náboženské a cirkevné organizácie, ale aj orgány štátnej moci, aby každý prejav extrémizmu, antisemitizmu a neznášanlivosti zaznamenali a riešili v zmysle platných zákonov. Keďže od konca druhej svetovej vojny uplynulo viac ako 70 rokov, vyrástli generácie, ktoré nemajú vedomosti o krutosti páchaných počas vojny, je potrebné, aby členské štáty presadzovali výuku o holokauste v školách a zaistili, že učitelia budú na plnenie tejto úlohy primerane odborne pripravení a schopní adekvátne reagovať na rozmanitosť žiakov v triedach. Taktiež Komisia v záujme boja proti antisemitizmu musí na medzinárodnej úrovni úzko spolupracovať s medzinárodnými aktérmi, ako sú ENESCO, OBSE a Rada Európy, ako aj s ďalšími partnermi.


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), írásban. – Közhelyként hangzik, de Európában nagyon is valós, drámai tapasztalat: a tömeges erőszak és gyilkosság a szavakkal kezdődik, a társadalmi tudatot mérgező gyűlölet és diszkrimináció hirdetése történelmi léptékű tragédiákhoz vezethet. Az antiszemita, rasszista közbeszéd és atrocitások mind gyakoribbá válása Európában sürgős cselekvésre kötelezi az Uniót és minden európai demokratát. Ehhez a tiszta beszéd, az antiszemitizmus fogalmának a közbeszédben azonosan értelmezett és a joggyakorlatban egységesen alkalmazott meghatározása szükséges, ezért meggyőződésem szerint ez a határozat idővel fontos hozzájárulásnak bizonyul majd e veszélyes folyamat megállításában. Okkal mutat rá a határozati javaslat a politikai vezetők, a kormányok kiemelt felelősségére az antiszemitizmus visszaszorításában.

Már csak azért is, mert ma is vannak olyan európai politikusok, akik nem átallják nyílt vagy kódolt antiszemita megnyilvánulásaikkal megszólítani a szélsőséges, rasszista hajlamú szavazókat. Egy hónappal ezelőtt éppen ebben a teremben, előző, brüsszeli plenáris ülésünkön Orbán Viktor követte el ugyanezt, amikor kormánya minden bajáért az amerikai „milliárdos spekuláns” Soros Györgyöt kárhoztatta. Kelet-Közép-Európában ez súlyos reminiszcenciákat ébreszt, mi jól értjük az ilyen célzásokban megbújó antiszemitizmust. Egy interjúja szerint pontosan így értette Timmermans alelnök úr is, csak helyzete akkor nem tette lehetővé, hogy reagáljon Orbán gyalázatos megjegyzésére. Mi azonban EP-képviselőként ne tűrjük el itt, vagy bárhol Európában az antiszemita beszédet felelős politikusoktól.

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