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Procedūra : 2016/2311(INI)
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls sēdē
Dokumenta lietošanas cikls : A8-0063/2017

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Debates :

PV 13/06/2017 - 14
CRE 13/06/2017 - 14

Balsojumi :

PV 14/06/2017 - 8.7
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Debašu stenogramma
Otrdiena, 2017. gada 13. jūnijs - Strasbūra

14. 2016. gada ziņojums par Serbiju (debates)
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  Elnök asszony. – A következő napirendi pont David McAllister által a Külügyi Bizottság nevében készített, a Bizottság Szerbiáról szóló, 2016. évi jelentéséről szóló jelentésről folytatott vita. (2016/2311(INI)) (A8-0063/2017)


  David McAllister, rapporteur. – Madam President, after the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union, people not only in Europe but throughout the whole world have heard and read a lot about Article 50, which sets out the précis of how a Member State may withdraw from the European Union. I believe that we should scroll back one paragraph and focus on Article 49, which provides the legal basis for any European state to join the European Union. That said, the message of our debate tonight on the European Parliament’s report on Serbia should be clear: Serbia doesn’t only have a European perspective; Serbia has a European future. This country is clearly moving towards the European Union – so far, eight chapters have already been opened in the negotiation process, while two have already been provisionally closed. I strongly welcome that Commissioner Hahn – who I would once again like to thank for his outstanding commitment and engagement in the region – announced this week in Belgrade that two more chapters will be opened this month. There are three points which are of utmost importance on Serbia’s path towards the European Union that I would like to mention.

Firstly, the rule of law: I would like to use this opportunity to recall that Serbia’s progress on the rule of law Chapters 23 and 24 remains essential for the overall pace of the negotiation process. Judicial independence has to be assured in practice, because corruption and organised crime still remain an obstacle – not only to Serbia, but to all western Balkan countries’ democratic, social and economic development. On another point, I agree with the European Commission and the Council that, to guarantee unhindered exercise of the freedom of expression and media, shortcomings in this area should be addressed as a matter of priority.

Secondly, Serbia’s economy. The criteria for membership are intended to help Serbia to stand on its own feet and become fit for our common market and for the global economy in general. Serbia made progress with regards to the budget deficit and restructuring of publicly owned enterprises. The government in Belgrade is implementing an impressive economic and structural reforms agenda which has already yielded results in terms of growth prospects and the reduction of domestic and external imbalances. Moreover, this country has demonstrated its commitment to the EU connectivity agenda, which we aim to enhance further at the Trieste summit in July.

Thirdly, regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations: the government in Belgrade has made very important symbolic, but also substantial, steps to contribute to a better understanding and cooperation in the region. We all know that Serbia’s EU accession process is closely linked to the normalisation of relations with Kosovo. It is not only about concluding agreements; it is more about implementing them. As soon as Serbia has a new prime minister, and as soon as Kosovo has a stable government, both parties should continue to move forward with the full implementation of all the already reached agreements, and that in good faith and in a timely manner. Both sides, Pristina and Belgrade, should now take clear steps to show their commitment and credibility.

A final remark: I am convinced that this resolution is able to find the right balance between praising Serbia for adopting important reforms and pointing out what remains to be done. As we are having our political discourse, we should not forget that we are talking about changes that demand a lot from the Serbian citizens. I am well aware that this process goes far beyond the purely economic transformation – it is a truly social transformation – but I am convinced that this reform process is worth every effort.


  Helena Dalli, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, honourable Members, on behalf of the Presidency it is my great pleasure to address this Parliament to discuss the 2016 report on Serbia. As you know, the Western Balkans featured on the agenda of the European Council in March, where Member States reconfirmed the EU’s engagement with the region, including through deepening political and economic ties.

The European Council discussions in March also clearly reaffirmed the unequivocal support for the European perspective on the Western Balkans. In this spirit the Presidency remains committed to advancing the enlargement process in full respect of the basic principles of conditionality and own merits. Serbia has made significant progress in 2016 and the accession negotiations have advanced at a steady pace. The rule of law chapters were opened in July 2016, enabling the EU and Serbia to engage closely on this decisive area.

I am particularly happy to say that we have managed to keep the momentum in Serbia’s accession negotiations under the Maltese Presidency with an accession conference at ministerial level held on 27 February.

On this occasion we were in a position to open Chapter 20 – Enterprise and Industrial Policy – as well as to open and provisionally close Chapter 26, Education and Culture. These chapters cover important economic and social aspects which are of interest to Serbia’s businesses, youth and citizens in general. Reforms strive to meet the expectations of the Serbian citizens and not only those of the EU. Work on further negotiating chapters is currently being finalised in the Council preparatory bodies. Once all Member States give their agreement, the Presidency stands ready to convene another accession conference next week. Progress in the accession negotiations is an acknowledgment of Serbia’s reform efforts, but it should also serve as an encouragement to the new Serbian Government, once in place, to remain committed to pursuing this reform path.

Many areas requiring further reform efforts are rightly spelled out in your draft report. In this regard, let me again underline the particular importance we also attach to key areas such as the rule of law, fundamental rights, public administration reform and economic governance.

The rule of law continues to be at the heart of the enlargement process. Serbia needs to continue to make progress under the rule of law chapters opened last July, guided by the respective action plans and interim benchmarks. To this end, Serbia should intensify reform efforts and focus on effective implementation, which can make a significant contribution to the good results produced by Serbia’s economic reforms.

In the area of fundamental rights, Serbia needs to address shortcomings in the freedom of expression as a matter of priority and ensure respect and protection of minorities.

Likewise, the normalisation of relations with Kosovo will also remain essential for the overall pace of the negotiations, especially the further implementation of agreements reached within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

In this context, Serbia’s commitment to remaining constructively engaged in the dialogue and to continuously work on a further normalisation of relations needs to be acknowledged. Important steps in the dialogue, such as Serbia’s implementation of the telecommunications agreement and the resumption of works on the Mitrovica bridge, should serve as an encouragement to take the process forward.

We look forward to the continued engagement of all involved and urge Serbia to swiftly implement in good faith its part of all past agreements.

In the area of regional cooperation we welcome Serbia’s constructive engagement and encourage it to continue its efforts to strengthen good neighbourly relations as well as to remain committed to preserving peace and stability in the region.

Full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia remains essential.

On various occasions the Council has also reiterated its call on Serbia to progressively align with the EU common foreign and security policy, including on restrictive measures in the period up to accession. Let me again underline the growing importance of further deepening cooperation on foreign policy issues.

I will conclude by again welcoming the continued progress in Serbia’s EU accession negotiations and the continued good cooperation with the EU and with the region.

Let me also recall our appreciation for the constructive contribution of the European Parliament, and in particular of your rapporteur, David McAllister, to advance Serbia’s accession process to the EU. I can assure you that we pay particular attention to the views of the Parliament in this regard.




  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, I would first and foremost like to congratulate David McAllister for his resolution on the 2016 report on Serbia. This is a balanced and accurate assessment of Serbia’s focus on its path to the European Union. From our point of view, it is overall in line with the findings of our own report of November 2016 and the Commission’s assessment since then.

I share your view that Serbia has made good progress towards EU membership, which remains Serbia’s strategic objective. This has been repeatedly outlined by the Serbian authorities and President Vučić. Serbia’s ambitious economic and structural reform agenda is already delivering results. Serbia has shown its commitment to peace and stability in the region: good neighbourly relations, regional cooperation and the continuation of the dialogue with Pristina. This is encouraging for the Western Balkans connectivity agenda and the next Trieste summit in July.

Serbia has also made progress in the reform of its public administration, and has started implementing its ambitious action plans on the rule of law, and Serbia is indeed to be commended for its efforts to address the refugee and migration crisis, which continued EU support. This hard work has paid off with eight chapters opened now, two provisionally closed, and a number of other chapters being prepared for opening. Serbia should now build on its progress and move decisively ahead with reforms, in particular on the rule of law and the protection of the most vulnerable groups and minorities. It is equally important that Serbia continues playing its part in the normalisation of its relations with Kosovo.

Together with you, I regret that some developments have not been of help in this direction, and I look forward to the resumption of the dialogue. I am also encouraged by President Vučić’s willingness to launch a domestic dialogue on Kosovo. I also share your views that strategic communication to ensure public support and understanding of the benefits and obligations of EU accession is of key importance for EU supporters in Serbia. The EU is Serbia’s number one partner, including on assistance – EUR 2 billion in grants since 2007, and way ahead of any other global partners – and this deserves to be known.

From our side, we are making every effort to strengthen our public diplomacy, and I was in Serbia only last weekend with that in mind. I can only encourage you to support our efforts in this direction.

Now that the Serbian presidential elections are behind us, I am confident that all energy in Serbia will be devoted to the implementation of the reform agenda. Whatever the difficulties – and they are real – Serbia should not lose sight of its EU membership goal and should continue to act accordingly, doing its part of the job with continued EU support. I appreciate that the European Parliament is, in that respect, on the same page.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Domnule președinte, aș vrea în primul rând să îl felicit pe David McAllister pentru raportul pe care l-a redactat și, mai ales, pentru angajamentul său personal în ideea de a ajuta Serbia în parcursul de integrare europeană. E un obiectiv pe care îl împărtășim mai mulți membri ai acestui Parlament.

Ne dorim ca Serbia să continue reformele care o pot apropia de Europa. Nu poate decât să ne bucure faptul că negocierile de aderare progresează și sunt, la rândul meu, cum a spus și David mai devreme, bucuros, pentru că l-am auzit pe comisarul Hahn spunând că noi capitole vor fi deschise cu Serbia în viitorul imediat. E un mesaj pozitiv pentru toate țările din regiune, care sunt îngrijorate de o potențială stagnare a procesului de lărgire a Uniunii noastre.

Desigur, Serbia mai are foarte multe de făcut, începând cu promovarea unor dezbateri serioase despre Uniune, despre instituțiile sale și despre implicațiile aderării. E un lucru foarte util, pentru a evita tensiunile înainte și după aderare. Apoi, Serbia trebuie să continue să își alinieze progresiv politica externă cu cea a Uniunii, mai ales referitor la Rusia, unde e mult de lucru. Accelerarea eforturilor anticorupție, a celor de consolidare a statului de drept, aplicarea coerentă a legislației privind minoritățile pe întregul teritoriu și evitarea tratamentelor discriminatorii sunt alte domenii în care ne dorim progrese semnificative.

În fine, vreau să salut angajamentul autorităților sârbe în favoarea cooperării regionale, însă, ca raportor pentru Bosnia și Herțegovina, sunt preocupat de participarea unor oficiali sârbi la celebrarea zilei Republicii Srpska, pentru că era o aniversare împotriva statului de drept din Bosnia și Herțegovina. Sper să nu se mai întâmple asta.


  Tanja Fajon, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, first of all, I congratulate rapporteur McAllister for a balanced report and good cooperation. Since the beginning of the negotiations with the European Union, Serbia has certainly achieved good progress. Negotiation chapters are being opened and closed and just yesterday, as we heard, Commissioner Hahn has announced the opening of new chapters later this month.

On paper and in the report in front of us, the development in Serbia seems pretty much business as usual. But what I hear when I talk to Serbian citizens shows the contrary. Young Serbs tell me that it is almost impossible to get a job without a party membership card or paying a certain amount of the money to a party official, and NGO reports show continuous decline in the rule of law and unresolved cases such as Savamala prove this in practice.

Media representatives are threatened, investigative journalists are turned away and some of them are even physically attacked. I ask myself, and you: is this the Serbia which we want as part of our European family? Is this what we want to achieve with negotiating chapters 23 and 24? I am afraid not. Serbia should do much more to reach our European standards of democracy, rule of law and the respect for human rights.

I am sure that if we continue to practice constructive criticism and turn a blind eye to the real state of play, we will once again prove that we are doing something wrong. As an important player in the region, I wish for Serbia to develop into a prosperous, economically and socially stable country where democracy is a way of living not a word on paper, where rules, as opposed to the interests of those who hold power in their hands, prevail. This is the Serbia we want to help and support on its path to our European family.


  Ivo Vajgl, v imenu skupine ALDE. – Dovolite, da izrazim zadovoljstvo s sodelovanjem s poročevalcem za Srbijo Davidom McAllistrom, ki je vložil veliko truda in kreativnosti v ta tehten in uravnotežen dokument.

Srbija je na dobri poti proti članstvu v Evropski Uniji in Unija , da bi dosegla stabilnost in splošni napredek, mora sprejeti Srbijo in odpreti evropsko in evroatlantsko perspektivo vsem državam jugovzhodne Evrope.

Na pozitivni strani poročilo izpostavlja solidne rezultate Srbije na gospodarskem področju in izboljšane standarde demokratičnega vladanja, večjo pripravljenost, a ne še zadostno za sodelovanje s civilno družbo, in odgovoren pristop k potrebnim reformam.

Na kritični strani ni mogoče spregledati tendence občasnega zaostrovanja – zlasti verbalnega – odnosov s sosedi v regiji, taktiziranja med proevropsko in prorusko usmerjenostjo. Pri tem je v pogojih, ko država deklarira svojo nevtralnost, sodelovanje v vojaških manevrih Rusije in njenih tesnih zaveznic sporno.

Ko gre za medije v Srbiji velja, da ustrezna zakonodaja ni dovolj, če so v praksi dovoljeni politična kontrola in pritiski na medije, redukcija medijev na vlogo propagandistov vladajočih strank in osebnosti.

Na poti do kredibilne države prava bo treba odpraviti tudi vmešavanje politike v pravosodje.

Srbija je ključna država regije, ki mora prav zaradi tega samoomejevati svoje ambicije pri promociji svojih interesov v sosednjih državah. Skupaj z drugimi državami v regiji si mora Srbija prizadevati za spravo in umiritev tega dela Evrope.

Evropska perspektiva vseh držav in narodov tega področja je ključ do miru, stabilnosti in napredka.


  Jaromír Kohlíček, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Srbský stát byl vždy centrální částí Balkánu. Srbové celá staletí čelili útokům Turků a snahám o likvidaci nezávislosti. Ani Rakousko-Uhersko nemělo zájem o dobré sousedské vztahy. Jugoslávie se stala pokusem o prosazení mírového soužití a rozvoje všech vzájemně propletených národů na Balkáně.

Krvavá odplata, které se dostalo na začátku 90. let 20. století Srbům, následovaná odtržením jednotlivých částí a naposledy protiprávním vznikem Státu Kosovo, ukazují snahu o rozbití celé centrální části Balkánu na co nejmenší jednotky. Drastické bombardování ukázalo, že NATO nebylo a nikdy nebude garantem míru. Pokrytectví vedoucích činitelů EU ukazují mimo jiné body 24 a 30 projednávané zprávy.

Jak si mohou dovolit ti, kteří nevidí pošlapávání menšinových práv v řadě zemí EU, vyzývat Srbsko k důslednému projednávání právních předpisů na ochranu menšin? Jinou ukázkou je výzva, aby srbské orgány podporovaly ústavní reformy v Bosně a Hercegovině. Nechápu, proč podobnou výzvu neadresuje zpráva podporovatelům srbsko-chorvatské muslimské části země. Vrcholem těchto požadavků, mimochodem formulovaných stejnými silami, které zrušily plán Bulharska a Srbska na vybudování plynovodu Southstream, je zdůraznění, že „Srbsko musí rozvíjet svá propojení rozvodných soustav zemního plynu a elektřiny se sousedními zeměmi“.

Není divu, že v důsledku těchto a dalších kroků Evropské komise, která se snaží vměšovat do vnitřních záležitostí Srbska, považuji tuto zprávu za jeden z dosavadních vrcholů pokrytectví v integračním procesu zemí Balkánu do EU. Skupina GUE/NGL...

(Předsedající odebral řečníkovi slovo.)


  Ulrike Lunacek, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I am speaking on behalf of the Greens/EFA shadow, Mr Igor Šoltes, who is just returning from Kosovo at the moment, as he was the head of the EP delegation to the legislative elections in Kosovo.

First of all, let me say all the positive things we have in the report. I would like also to thank the rapporteur, Mr McAllister, and all the other shadows for their very good cooperation on the topic. There has been continuous progress of Serbia in the EU integration process, which I am very glad to say, and I am also very glad that the Commissioner has announced that new chapters will be opened. This is important to show also that the EU is progressing with Serbia to move ahead. There has also been progress, for example, on the issue of a functioning market economy, especially when it comes to small- and medium-sized enterprises, and I hope this will continue.

Nevertheless, there are several issues of concern, some of which have been raised already by colleagues: the issue of the strong rhetoric used during the presidential campaign by government officials against other presidential candidates, and other issues of irregularities that have been found. One area of strong concern is the Savamala district in Belgrade, where for one year there has not really been an investigation into the demolition of private property which took place there, and that should be done. Another issue that has been raised by Tanja Fajon, Ivo Vajgl and others is the issue of freedom of the media, which really is of concern and is worsening. I hope also that, in the dialogue with Kosovo and Serbia, progress will be made on implementation.


  Edouard Ferrand, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, nous saluons l’arrivée d’un nouveau président en République de Serbie.

Cependant, nous attirons l’attention du Parlement européen sur le fait qu’aujourd’hui, la Serbie est soumise par l’Union européenne à la doctrine Brejnev. Une doctrine de politique extérieure, qui vise trois points, malheureusement.

Premièrement, conditionner l’adhésion à l’Union européenne à l’adhésion à l’OTAN: je rappelle les massacres que l’OTAN a perpétrés en 1999 en Yougoslavie. Deuxièmement, conditionner l’adhésion de la Serbie au renoncement de ses minorités – je pense notamment à la République serbe de Bosnie et au Kosovo –, conditionner l’adhésion également à la rupture des liens étroits qui existent entre la Serbie et la Russie.

C’est pourquoi je pense que nous devons nous rendre compte que la Serbie n’a aucun intérêt à vouloir adhérer à l’Union européenne, qui est un piège tendu contre les intérêts du peuple serbe.


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). – Elnök Úr, legfontosabb üzenetemet írásban is megfogalmaztam. Meg kell vétózni, meg kell akadályozni Szerbia európai uniós csatlakozását mindaddig, amíg nem biztosít önrendelkezést, ideértve a teljes körű és valós, tényleges autonómiát a közel háromszázezer vajdasági magyarnak. Vannak erre tökéletesen működő modellek Európában, Dél-Tirol vagy Baszkföld, ez a kollektív emberi jogoknak a modern felfogása, ezt tessék megkövetelni Szerbiától. Ezeknek az embereknek joguk van a szülőföldjükön magyarként élni. Ez most nem így van. Kérdezem kedves Képviselőtársaimtól és a Bizottság tagjaitól, megkapták-e azokat a dokumentumfilmeket, amiket Önöknek küldtem arról, hogy ...

(Az Elnök megvonta a képviselőtől a szót.)


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE). – Señor presidente, Señorías, quisiera agradecer el trabajo hecho por el ponente, el señor McAllister, en la preparación de este informe, en el que se acoge con satisfacción la voluntad de Serbia de integrarse en la Unión Europea y, sobre todo, de expresar este espíritu constructivo en el proceso negociador como manifestación firme de voluntad política.

Yo creo que el informe tiene dos partes muy claras. En una de ellas se subrayan los esfuerzos y los avances que ha realizado Serbia en el contexto de la política económica.

Hemos seguido, señor comisario, su discurso en Belgrado, hace tan solo unos días, en el ámbito de la cooperación judicial y policial y también de las relaciones con terceros países —en el caso de Albania—, y también el camino que queda por recorrer en lo que se refiere sobre todo a la libertad de expresión y a la lucha contra la corrupción política.

Me gustaría detenerme, señor presidente, en un punto y es el relativo a la aproximación de Serbia a la política exterior y de seguridad común y a las relaciones con Rusia en un momento en el que el presidente de Serbia, en su discurso de toma de posesión, dijo que tenían tres prioridades fundamentales, una que era claramente la de situar a su país en el camino de la Unión Europea, después contribuir a la estabilidad regional y, sobre todo, reforzar sus relaciones con China y con Rusia.

Hoy la Comisión Europea ha aprobado su documento sobre la política de defensa y hemos tenido en la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores a la ministra de Defensa de Alemania. Por eso, señor presidente, me parece particularmente relevante, dentro de este informe, el llamamiento que hace el ponente, el señor McAllister, a la necesidad no solo de avanzar en los capítulos de la negociación —y todos nos felicitamos por ello—, sino de alinear su política con la política exterior y de seguridad de la Unión Europea.

Creo que este es un dato fundamental del dosier. Estamos hablando de política y, por eso, señor presidente, quiero volver a felicitar al ponente por el informe y llamar la atención sobre este importante hecho de su trabajo.


  Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr McAllister, and our shadow, Tanya Fajon, for the fair and balanced draft report.

Today, we in our Group reiterate our commitment to the enlargement process. The accession of the Western Balkan countries and of Serbia remains one of our main priorities. A lot has been achieved in Serbia, notably for the improvement of the overall economic situation, the fight against organised crime and the regional cooperation. This report carefully and fairly acknowledges this.

But I also have a lot of concerns about the status of democracy in Serbia, including the way in which in the recent presidential campaign has been fuelled with populist and nationalist rhetoric and the way in which the freedom of media has been repeatedly undermined. Alleged irregularities in the elections are still awaiting an investigation.

Now some critical remarks, including one on you, Mr Commissioner. Stability in the Western Balkans is important, but we should not sacrifice our values for stability: both have to go hand in hand when negotiating. In playing with the so-called stabilocracy we might lose what is the most important – Serbian citizens and their commitment towards democracy. We have to pay attention to the way the opposition and the freedom of the media are respected and be certain that the civil society concerns are listened to, because the implementation of the reforms matters for its citizens.

In a time of global uncertainty, within the Union and in the Western Balkans in particular, with regional and global actors becoming more and more active in the region, the European Union has to signal its real commitment to enlargement and for the countries in the region, including Serbia, to have unequivocal choices.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Gospodine predsjedniče, nisam zadovoljna napretkom Srbije, ako se to uopće može nazvati napretkom. Kozmetički se stvari možda mijenjaju, ali suštinski ne. To će naposljetku dovesti do rasta nepovjerenja Europske unije u Srbiju, ali i građana Srbije u Europsku uniju.

Još sam nezadovoljnija stajalištem Komisije koja dozvoljava da se cijeli niz otvorenih pitanja koje Srbija ima s Hrvatskom, a tiču se ljudskih prava, prava vlasništva i poštivanja međunarodnih ugovora i konvencija, izostavi iz ovih pregovora. Od svih tih pitanja samo je granični spor pravo bilateralno pitanje u koje se Komisija i ne treba miješati.

Također, ne vidim nikakvu potrebu za osnivanjem regionalne komisije za utvrđivanje činjenica o ratnim zločinima i drugim teškim povredama ljudskih prava. Iza nas su dva desetljeća suđenja za ratne zločine i činjenice se znaju jako dobro, samo što ih Srbija uspješno ignorira. Ova bi komisija unijela nered i dala dodatan povod Srbiji za neispunjavanje obaveza.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). – През миналата година Сърбия постигна значителен напредък в цялостното прилагане на реформите и политиките по пътя си към Европейския съюз. Успехите на Сърбия в процеса на интеграция са ясен знак за европейската ориентация на страната и желанието й да се присъедини към Съюза.

Въпреки това няма как да не отбележим с притеснение, че страната продължава да води външна политика, която не е в пълно съответствие с тази на Европейския съюз, имайки предвид сложната геополитическа обстановка в региона. Действително, липсата на синхрон между външната политика на Сърбия и Европейския съюз е предпоставка за дестабилизиране на Балканите.

Ето защо призовавам сръбските власти да проявят необходимата политическа воля и да преведат своята външна политика в съответствие с тази на Европейския съюз. Необходимо е също така да покажат решителност за нормализиране и задълбочаване на добросъседските отношения, в частност с Косово, защото само тогава сигурността, мирът и европейската перспектива на региона ще бъдат гарантирани.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (ENF). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, ce rapport est très proche, dans sa rédaction, du rapport de l’année dernière, présenté par le même rapporteur. Il n’est pas entièrement négatif. Il reconnaît que la Serbie a une vocation européenne. Toutefois, à quel prix lui reconnaît-on cette dimension? La Serbie doit nier son histoire quand on lui demande de traiter le Kosovo en égal partenaire alors que cette entité, islamisée et gérée par la criminalité organisée, lui fut arrachée par les bombardements de l’OTAN, au mépris du droit international.

La Serbie doit passer sous la domination de la «société ouverte» de M. Soros, qui influence ce Parlement, et gérer les conséquences de la politique migratoire folle que ce monsieur a préparée et que le gouvernement allemand a repris.

La Serbie doit renoncer à son rôle naturel de pont entre la Russie et l’Europe et elle doit suivre une Union européenne au bord de l’abîme, une Union qui en est – excusez-moi du ridicule – à applaudir l’entrée du Monténégro.

En fait, ce que nous demandons à la Serbie, c’est de renoncer à son identité et à sa souveraineté.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, najprv sa chcem poďakovať spravodajcovi Davidovi McCallisterovi za dobre pripravenú správu.

Máme pred sebou text, ktorý objektívne odráža vývoj integrácie v Srbsku za predchádzajúce obdobie. Srbsko prešlo v tomto období niekoľkými politickými zmenami. Som rád, že prezidentské voľby, ktoré sa konali v apríli, mali pokojný priebeh a verím, že nový prezident bude pokračovať v proeurópskom smerovaní Srbska.

Srbsko napreduje v integračnom procese. Otváranie nových kapitol je jasným signálom toho, že krajina je dobre pripravená na prístupové rokovanie. Treba pripomenúť, že v kľúčových oblastiach, ako je právny štát, nezávislosť súdnictva či boj s korupciou, by malo Srbsko preukázať väčšiu politickú vôľu v riešení pálčivých otázok. Ide hlavne o kapitoly 23 a 24, kde očakávame jasný politický signál, reformy a rozhodné riešenie.

Čoraz častejšie sa ku nám dostávajú aj informácie týkajúce sa pretrvávajúcich problémov slobody médií, útokov na novinárov a taktiež problémov týkajúcich sa občianskych slobôd a zmenšujúceho sa priestoru pre občiansku spoločnosť. Hoci sa táto tendencia prejavuje vo všetkých krajinách regiónu, neskrývajme si to, mali by sme byť na tieto otázky veľmi citliví a jasne na ne upozorňovať. Iba takto môžeme prehlbovať dôveru srbskej spoločnosti v európske hodnoty.

Na záver by som chcel povzbudiť srbských politikov v pokračovaní zodpovednej a konštruktívnej politike v regióne. Srbsko, ako jeden z regionálnych lídrov, má zodpovednosť za stabilitu a rozvoj celého regiónu. Pevne verím, že túto novú rolu bude využívať na stimuláciu spolupráce v celom regióne.

Ďakujem pekne.


  Tonino Picula (S&D). – Gospodine predsjedniče, čestitam kolegi McAllisteru na izvješću o napretku Srbije koji je ona ostvarila u protekloj godini. Svakako treba spomenuti otvaranje prvih osam poglavlja, primjetan gospodarski rast i poboljšan opći zakonodavni okvir. Međutim, u mnogim područjima i ove godine svjedočimo manjku napretka, čak i pogoršanju, unatoč izmjenama zakonodavstva.

Prije svega, danas je u Srbiji ugrožena sloboda medija, nedovoljno je učinkovita borba protiv korupcije i organiziranog kriminala, ne bilježi se potrebno jačanje vladavine prava, kao i implementacija nedavno usvojenog akcijskog plana o poštivanju prava manjina i ljudskih prava, nedostaje puna suradnja s međunarodnim sudom u Haagu te bolje usklađivanje s vanjskom politikom Europske unije. Sve je to dio „to do” liste koju Srbija treba skratiti.

Pored toga, bilo bi nepotpuno govoriti o utjecajnim događajima u Srbiji, a ne spomenuti nedavne prosvjede uglavnom mladih ljudi nakon predsjedničkih izbora. Razlozi njihovog nezadovoljstva izazivaju zabrinutost.  Tvrde kako su rezultati izbora donijeli tek formalnu promjenu funkcija.

Od iznimne važnosti u procesu napretka Srbije je i adekvatan doprinos boljim odnosima sa susjedima i rješavanje preostalih bilateralnih pitanja, poput utvrđivanja sudbine nestalih ili sukcesije. Za Srbiju je od osobitog značenja napredak u procesu normalizacije s Kosovom u kojem ima previše oscilacija i zastoja. Nema sumnje da bi rješavanje problema iz prošlosti otvorilo prostor suradnji na pitanjima zajedničke europske budućnosti.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, Srbija zaslužuje jasnu i sigurnu europsku perspektivu. Srbija je učinila niz koraka koji su pozitivni i to treba uvažiti. Podržavam ovaj izvještaj, podržavam ono što čini povjerenik Hahn i vjerujem da je to na dobrobit i stabilnost svih zemalja na Balkanu, jer Srbija je itekako važan faktor u svemu tome.

Ali, želim istaknuti da su predsjednički izbori donijeli novoga predsjednika. Treba mu čestitati na izboru, ali treba uvažiti činjenicu da je poslije toga bilo niz prosvjeda koji pokazuju prije svega nezadovoljstvo u Srbiji. Pametna vlast otvorit će dijalog. Problemi pravosuđa, problemi slobode medija, problemi manjina, potrebita regionalna suradnja su sve elementi onoga što očekujemo od Srbije.

I na kraju, nemojmo imati iluzije, većina građana Srbije jeste za Europsku uniju, ali velika većina građana Srbije nije za NATO. I usklađivanje sigurnosne politike biti će u tom kontekstu vrlo teško.


  László Tőkés (PPE). – Elnök Úr, köszönjük McAllister előadó kiváló munkáját. A volt Jugoszlávia felbomlását követő balkáni háború nyomán megteremtett béke és stabilitás fenntartásában és megszilárdításában meghatározó szerep jut az Európai Uniónak. A nyugat-balkáni országok számára az európai integráció jelenti a kibontakozás és a jövő útját. Éppen ezért az Uniónak nem szabad magára hagynia őket sokrétű válságukban. Ennek tudatában az Európai Uniónak biztosítania kell ezen országok számára a mihamarabbi csatlakozás reális lehetőségét, az integráció útjára lépett feleknek viszont az eddigieknél sokkal nagyobb erőfeszítéseket kell tenniük a velük szemben támasztott követelmények, illetve saját vállalásaik teljesítésére. Úgy tűnik, hogy ezen kívánalmak szempontjából Szerbia jó úton halad.

A szerbiai országjelentésbe foglalt eredmények és hiányosságok vonatkozásában ez alkalommal kizárólag az etnikai kisebbségek ügyére térek ki. A jelentésből hiányolom a kisebbségi autonómia kifejezett megfogalmazását, ennek kapcsán pedig a nemzeti tanácsokról, valamint a nemzeti kisebbségek jogairól szóló törvények egyre halogatott elfogadásának a meghagyását. A dokumentumban szintén elsikkad a kisebbségi közösségi-egyházi vagyonok visszaszolgáltatásának a megkövetelése. Az is tarthatatlan, hogy az egyébként dicséretes kisebbségvédelmi joganyag előírásai általában papíron maradnak, életbe léptetésük notórius módon elmarad. A szövetséges Magyarország képviselőjeként a szerbiai magyar közösség önkormányzati és emberi jogaiért külön is felemelem a szavam.


  Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! W tym roku minie 22 lat od zawarcia układu w Dayton, 18 lat od zakończenia wojny o Kosowo. To sprawozdanie, które w bardzo dobry sposób prezentuje ówczesne i obecne zadania dla Serbii, zarówno postępy, jak i to, co jest przed Serbią w zakresie negocjacji w sprawie członkostwa, buduje pewien– że tak powiem – optymizm. Przewodniczący Buzek powiedział kiedyś, że udało nam się zapobiec powrotom konfliktów na Bałkanach Zachodnich w sposób zaskakujący i zarazem prosty, bo państwa regionu ustawiły się w kolejce do Unii Europejskiej. To było ważne stwierdzenie, ale zarazem to jest niewystarczające: my też musimy dokonywać wielu wysiłków. To jest wartość, że Unia – i o tym musimy pamiętać – ma tę siłę przyciągania. Nie brakuje oczywiście głosów krytykujących, podważających wartość Unii, ale wydaje mi się, że warto przy okazji tej debaty, mówiąc o Serbii, o tym przypomnieć.

Sprawozdanie powinno być nie tylko zachętą dla rządu Serbii, ale przede wszystkim powinno być też swoistą zachętą dla obywateli Serbii, że warto kontynuować, trudne czasami i czasami być może nawet niezrozumiałe na danym etapie, reformy. Wydaje się, że chociażby wskazanie przez komisarza Hahna, że ponad dwa miliardy euro przekazaliśmy na wsparcie tych procesów jest warte odnotowania. Jest wiele postępu w obszarze gospodarki i demokratyzacji, otwarto również nowe rozdziały – ale też wiemy, że jest wiele potrzebnych zmian w zakresie praw człowieka, wolności mediów, wymiaru sprawiedliwości czy zaleceń dotyczących chociażby zmiany niektórych przepisów konstytucyjnych. Chcę podkreślić też ważną rolę, którą mogą odegrać Rzecznicy Praw Obywatelskich. W ubiegłym roku zorganizowaliśmy taką konferencję – szczyt rzeczników Europy Wschodniej, krajów Partnerstwa Wschodniego z udziałem Rzeczników Praw Obywatelskich z Bałkanów Zachodnich. Myślę, że warto tę pracę również kontynuować.


  Gunnar Hökmark (PPE). – Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur and the Commissioner. I think it is obvious that Serbia is making progress, even though there are still some problems to deal with. But I think some of the best arguments for proceeding with membership of Serbia to the European Union have come here tonight from those who are arguing against membership, because it is very clear that they would like the old conflicts, the old hostilities, the old tensions, to rule over the future of Serbia. They are demonstrating exactly the reasons why we should proceed. And I think it is important to remember – and I think that is a message to all Serbian citizens from here tonight – that, when we are discussing the problems, we are not raising hindrances or obstacles. We are clarifying what needs to be sorted out in order to be prepared for membership of the European Union. And I would like to say that this development is not a sacrifice, because when we discuss all these chapters, it is a way of making Serbia a better society – rule of law, the fight against corruption, an open economy, prosperity. It is not a sacrifice, it is a step forward anyway. I think we need to understand that when some people talk about the costs of enlargement, the policy of enlargement has been one of the main success stories for the European Union. And we shall never forget the cost of non-enlargement: we saw that in history, and we will avoid it in the future.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, želim se zahvaliti gospodinu McAllisteru na ovom uravnoteženom i objektivnom izvješću. Svi se večeras slažemo da Srbija jest postigla određeni napredak u procesu pristupanja Europskoj uniji, ali za područja kao što je vladavina prava, neovisnost pravosuđa, može se reći da još uvijek nisu zaživjela u praksi.

U svakom slučaju, još uvijek su vidljivi nedostaci. Potrebno je još više napora u borbi protiv korupcije i organiziranog kriminala, koji su i dalje prepreka ekonomskom i socijalnom razvoju, ali ugrožena je i sloboda medija. Stalno ponavljamo da je neophodna normalizacija odnosa s Kosovom, gdje se očekuje veći angažman Srbije, a osim toga vrlo je važno da Srbija uskladi svoju vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku s politikom Europske unije. Posebice ovdje mislim na njihov odnos prema Rusiji.

Što se tiče dobrosusjedskih odnosa, bilateralna pitanja vezana uz druge zemlje, posebno uz Hrvatsku moraju se što prije riješiti. Potrebno ih je hitno riješiti kako bi regionalna suradnja bila moguća i kako bi Srbija nastavila graditi svoju europsku budućnost. Srbija jednostavno mora prilagoditi svoju vanjsku politiku europskoj politici, produbiti dijalog s Kosovom i povećati napore u rješavanju svih preostalih bilateralnih pitanja.

Slažem se s gospodinom Hökmarkom da moramo raspravljati i da je puno bolje omogućiti Srbiji da otvara poglavlje i da se na taj način približava Uniji, nego je priječiti. Naravno, da se u tome slažemo, svjesni onoga što je Hrvatska prošla na svom putu, ali tražimo pravedne kriterije i ispunjavanje kriterija, kao što smo to napravili mi.


  Andor Deli (PPE). – Elnök Úr, nagyon örülök annak, hogy végre vitára került McAllister képviselőtársam jól megfogalmazott és kiegyensúlyozott jelentése. A leírtakból egyértelmű, hogy Szerbia jó úton halad, és hogy a régió stabilitásának megőrzésében Szerbiának meghatározó szerepe van. Természetes az is, hogy a csatlakozási folyamatban van még tennivaló, a jogállamiság a kisebbségi jogok, a nemzeti tanácsok, a részarányos foglalkoztatás vagy a kisebbségi oktatás terén is. Szerbia ezekre vonatkozóan pontos akciótervet fogadott el, és bízom abban, hogy Szerbia teljesíti is az abban foglaltakat. De ugyanúgy bízom abban is, hogy az EU is teljesíti saját vállalásait, és hogy konkrét, a szerbiai polgárok számára is érezhető gesztusokat fog tenni. Ezalatt nem csak újabb tárgyalási fejezetek megnyitását értem, hanem ennél sokkal kézzelfoghatóbb lépésekre van szükség, amelyek azt sugallják, hogy az EU őszintén elkötelezett a további bővítést illetően.


  Željana Zovko (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, poštovani povjereniče, na početku bih željela čestitati kolegi Davidu McAllisteru na jednom izvrsno izbalansiranom izvješću u kojem je uočen napredak Srbije ka članstvu u Europskoj uniji i njezinim vrijednostima kao jedinom putu i garanciji mira, stabilnosti i sigurnosti na cijelom području zapadnog Balkana. U izvješću, što je izvjestitelj i istaknuo, osim navedenog napretka uočene su i slabosti koje je potrebno otkloniti kako bi Srbija ispunila kriterije za članstvo u Europskoj uniji. Tu mislim na provedbu ključnih reformi na području vladavine prava, neovisnog pravosuđa i slobodnih medija te borbe protiv korupcije i organiziranog kriminala.

Osim ispunjavanja kriterija važnih za članstvo u Europskoj uniji, potrebno je rješavati otvorene bilateralne sporove sa susjednim državama, prije svega mislim na rješavanje sporova s Republikom Hrvatskom. Pitanje nestalih osoba za vrijeme rata, otvaranje arhiva, rješavanje graničnih pitanja te pitanje regionalne jurisdikcije Srbije neka su od otvorenih pitanja koje treba riješiti. Posebno bih se osvrnula i na rješavanja pitanja školovanja na materinjem jeziku hrvatske nacionalne manjine u Srbiji te omogućavanja udžbenika na hrvatskom jeziku i sadržaja koji će njima biti prilagođen.

Smatram kako je to nužan preduvjet za očuvanje identiteta i prava manjina, a što je i jedan od temeljnih uvjeta za ulazak Srbije u Europsku uniju. Rješavanja otvorenih bilateralnih pitanja nisu tu da bi se Srbiju sprječavalo ili blokiralo na njezinom putu u Europsku uniju, već njihovo rješavanje stvorit će pretpostavku za trajne dobrosusjedske odnose i stabilnost odnosa između Hrvatske i Srbije.


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). – Čestitke David tebi, tvojim poročevalcem v senci za odlično poročilo, ki daje objektivno sliko o napredku Srbije v zadnjem letu.

Širitveni proces Evropske unije je tudi zame eden največjih uspehov, to vemo tudi tisti, ki sedaj ob zaključku največ govorimo iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, ki smo del tega širitvenega procesa.

Urejena demokracija rabi politično kulturo, rabi spoštovanje prava, rabi boj proti korupciji, rabi tudi medijsko svobodo. S tem se ukvarjajo tudi države, ki so že članice Evropske unije, in če tega ni v državah, je v državah tudi v nadaljevanju težava. Zato mislim, da je prav, da so ta opozorila, ki so v poročilih, sprejeta dobronamerno in da se popravijo te napake.

Zagotovo pa je veliko dobrega v poročilu o Srbiji, najprej gospodarski napredek, reforme, ki se izvajajo, kajti to je odgovor na to, da se bo demografska slika v Srbiji izboljšala, kajti to, kar beležimo sedaj, da je, ne vem 65 000 rojstev letno, 105 000 mrtvih, govori o slabi situaciji v državi.

Srbija je tudi za garant za stabilnost na Balkanu, kot pa vemo iz zgodovine, je Balkan tudi večkrat bil povzročitelj številnih nemirov v Evropi.

Zato upam in želim, da se najprej Srbija in pa njene sosede vzdržijo nepotrebnih provokacij in da v dobrih sosedskih odnosih gradijo mir in blaginjo v tem delu Evrope.


  Der Präsident. – Meine Damen und Herren! Das war der letzte reguläre Redner. Gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 6 der Geschäftsordnung kann der Präsident ein Catch-the-eye-Verfahren durchführen. Wir sind weit über unsere Redezeit hinaus, und wir haben viel zu viele Wortmeldungen. Ich werde deswegen nur einem Redner das Wort geben, der vorher aus logistischen Gründen nicht da sein konnte: Igor Šoltes hat für eine Minute das Wort.



  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). – Torej to, kar so povedali že moji kolegi, dodajam tudi sam, da pravzaprav je v Srbiji bil narejen določen napredek na poti vključevanja, vključno z odpiranjem posameznih poglavij.

Predvsem pa seveda je jasno, da je pred Srbijo še zelo zahtevno obdobje, zlasti seveda tudi pojmovanje tako imenovane demokracije.

In mislim, da niso tako iz trte izvita tudi nekatera opažanja nevladnega sektorja, tako imenovanih NGO, ki opozarjajo na to, da je seveda Srbija tudi pred težko preizkušnjo, kako pravzaprav zagotoviti pluralen prostor za svobodno izražanje mnenj, svobodo medijev in zatorej to, da so slišane tudi manjšine vseh vrst.

Zato mislim, da seveda moramo na to biti pozorni tudi pri prihodnjih poročilih, predvsem pa odpreti prostor za diskusijo.


(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, thank you for this very interesting debate, which reflects the importance of the enlargement process and of our relations with Serbia as a driving force in the region. I fully understand the sensitivity of bilateral issues. Clearly further efforts will be needed to overcome the legacy of the past. At the same time, we should ensure that bilateral issues do not hamper the firm prospect of EU membership, which continues to drive transformation and anchor stability and security in Serbia and elsewhere in the region. This is more important than ever at a time when our EU’s commitment to Serbia and the region's EU path are questioned by some people.

At the same time, of course, we should focus on good neighbourly relations, democratic values and the respect of the rule of law, protection of national minorities, freedom of expression and of the media, ability to address the legacy of the past and war crimes issues. Those are core European values and are simply not negotiable. This is why they are key conditions on Serbia's EU path and I can reassure you that the Commission is committed to continue monitoring Serbia’s focus in this respect under our Chapter 23 negotiations and to continue supporting Serbia's efforts.


  Helena Dalli, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, Commissioner, honourable Members, I wish to thank you for the very useful debate. I have listened carefully to the views expressed and we look forward to continuing this constructive dialogue and engagement.

I would like to assure you that when moving ahead on the accession process with Serbia, we will closely monitor its progress, paying particular attention to the areas of the rule of law, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other important issues mentioned here today. In this regard the Presidency hopes to hold an accession conference this coming week on 20 June.


  David McAllister, Berichterstatter. – Herr Präsident Graf Lambsdorff, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! Ich möchte mich bei allen Rednern in der Debatte heute Abend herzlich bedanken. Ich glaube, das war eine gute, durchaus kritische, aber zugleich auch konstruktive Debatte über die politische Lage in Serbien. Die serbische Botschafterin bei der Europäischen Union, Frau Ana Hrustonavic, die ich herzlich auch auf der Tribüne begrüße, hat sicherlich auch sehr aufmerksam allen Argumenten zugehört. Mein besonderer Dank gilt den Schattenberichterstattern der einzelnen Fraktionen für die einmal mehr gute und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Ich glaube, es ist uns gemeinsam gelungen, diesem Europäischen Parlament einen Bericht vorzulegen, der ein realistisches Bild von Serbien zeichnet. Und ich glaube, die Botschaft der Debatte heute Abend war – trotz manch unterschiedlicher Auffassung zu Details der serbischen Innenpolitik: Die riesengroße Mehrheit hier im Parlament unterstützt Serbien auf dem Weg in unsere Gemeinschaft von Nationen in Europa.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet morgen, Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2017, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 162 GO)


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR), γραπτώς. – Κανείς φυσικά δεν ξεχνά ότι η ΕΕ και ιδιαίτερα η Γερμανία και η Αυστρία με την εξωτερική πολιτική που ακολούθησαν κατά τη δεκαετία του 1990 φέρουν τεράστια ευθύνη για τον διαμελισμό της Γιουγκοσλαβίας και τον πόλεμο που ξέσπασε τότε στην περιοχή με χιλιάδες νεκρούς. Μετά από μια δεκαετία πολέμων και νατοϊκών βομβαρδισμών που στόχευαν τη Σερβία, η χώρα αυτή βρέθηκε να έχει απωλέσει σημαντικά εδάφη στα οποία κατοικούσαν σερβικοί πληθυσμοί. Απώλεσε την πρόσβασή της στη θάλασσα αλλά και το λίκνο του σερβικού πολιτισμού, δηλαδή το Κόσσοβο, ενώ σημαντικές υποδομές της καταστράφηκαν. Σε μια κοινωνία που βρίσκεται έκτοτε σε καθεστώς οικονομικής ανασφάλειας, έρχεται η ΕΕ και με τον πλέον υποκριτικό τρόπο της ζητά, εδώ και τώρα, απόλυτη προσαρμογή στα δυτικοευρωπαϊκά πρότυπα οργάνωσης του κράτους. Και σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό, η ΕΕ ζητά την de facto αναγνώριση του Κοσσόβου εκ μέρους του Βελιγραδίου, γεγονός που πέραν των άλλων ενισχύει τον αλβανικό εθνικισμό. Τέλος, αφού επισημανθεί ο θετικός ρόλος της Σερβίας στο προσφυγικό θα πρέπει να παρατηρήσουμε ότι η θέση της ορθόδοξης Σερβίας είναι στην Ευρώπη και ο ελληνικός λαός στηρίζει την ευρωπαϊκή πορεία της Σερβίας.


  Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Drago mi je da ovo Izvješće poziva Srbiju da uloži dodatne napore u rješavanje problema opsega, provedbe i učinaka Zakona o organizaciji i nadležnosti državnih organa u postupku za ratne zločine kojim si je Srbija uzela ulogu malog Haaga. Taj Zakon predstavlja opasnost za hrvatske branitelje koji su na crnoj listi Srbije ali i za bivšeg premijera Kosova Ramusha Haradinaja.

Ipak, žao mi je što ukidanje spornih članaka zakona nije postavljeno kao uvjet Srbiji za otvaranje pregovora te stoga pozivam Komisiju da tijekom pregovora o poglavlju 23. inzistira na ukidanju članaka 2. i 3. ovog Zakona. Još jednom upozoravam na sustavnu diskriminaciju Hrvata u Srbiji i osporavanje njihovih manjinskih prava poput osiguravanja obrazovanja i medijskih programa na hrvatskom jeziku.

Također, fizički napadi na temelju nacionalne pripadnosti, a i javna retorika u Srbiji koja sadrži elemente ekstremizma i govora mržnje u suprotnosti su s europskim vrijednostima.

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