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Förfarande : 2016/2274(INI)
Dokumentgång i plenum
Dokumentgång : A8-0213/2017

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Debatter :

PV 03/07/2017 - 19
CRE 03/07/2017 - 19

Omröstningar :

PV 04/07/2017 - 6.4

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Fullständigt förhandlingsreferat
Måndagen den 3 juli 2017 - Strasbourg

19. Europeiska standarder för 2000-talet (debatt)

  Președintele. – Următorul punct de pe ordinea de zi este dezbaterea privind raportul lui Marlene Mizzi, în numele Comisiei pentru piața internă și protecția consumatorilor, referitor la standardele europene – punerea în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) nr. 1025/2012 (2016/2274(INI)) (A8-0213/2017).


  Marlene Mizzi, rapporteur. – Mr President, although we may not realise it, standards are everywhere around us – in healthcare, food, transportation, construction, cosmetics, energy and so many other things.

In each sector, standards are a necessary component and a mechanism that can improve health and safety for our citizens, can protect consumers and raise their confidence, guarantee safe products and services, reduce costs and enhance performance for businesses, increase sales and the take-up of new technologies, boost competitiveness and innovation in Europe.

However, it is important that standards are developed in an open, inclusive and transparent system, based on close partnership, cooperation and broad support of industry, public authorities, consumers, workers and citizens, i.e. all the stakeholders.

This is of paramount importance when standards are developed for products and services that can affect the health and safety and the wellbeing of people.

And this is the main thrust of my report, Standards for the 21st Century. The objective of this report is to contribute to the ongoing debate and to set the European Parliament’s priorities in response to the Commission standardisation package, including the joint initiative on standardisation and development of ICT standards.

The report will also contribute to the first interinstitutional dialogue and to the Commission’s Annual Work Programme 2018, which will be adopted in July.

I would like to express my gratitude to the shadows and to the Commission for their open and collaborative work on this report. In fact, the Commission has decided to postpone their Annual Work Programme by one month, so that they can take on board our recommendations, which will be voted upon tomorrow.

The standardisation environment is changing and is challenging. To respond to these challenges, I based the report on a number of salient points that are essential for the future of the European standardisation system. First, the report acknowledges that there is more to the standardisation process than an economic aspect. The European standardisation system must be based on an inclusive, holistic and common approach whereby SMEs, consumer and citizen goals – particularly those related to economic, social and health issues and the environment – are fully integrated into the standardisation process.

Second, the report stresses the importance and success of the Standardisation Regulation 1025. The European system is unique, but we should always strive to improve it, without undermining all the positive work which has been done. There are two different ecosystems at European level for the development of EU standards, and that is CEN/CENELEC and ETSI. Both systems have their existing good practices but they need to be explored further. That is why the report makes some valuable suggestions on how to further improve, support and strengthen the work of the European standardisation organisations, by safeguarding that the development of standards remains open, transparent and guided by European interests.

Third, it is important to stress that standards are not a legislative tool, and they should not be used as such. They are a voluntary, market-driven tool, providing technical requirements and guidance for the implementation of EU legislation.

Fourth, standards is an extremely competitive area at international level and in order to maintain Europe’s leadership position in technical development and global trade, we need to pay more attention to the global role and relevance of standards.

Fifth, developing standards is a long-term investment and not everyone can afford the time, expertise and investment in this complex process. Therefore, a key point in the report is supporting SMEs’ participation in the process of developing standards.

The report also recognises the key role of ICT standards for the future development of the digital single market, FRAND – fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory – royalty-free licensing and open-source software implementation.

Having open standardisation processes based on FRAND licensing terms, which address the legitimate interests of both the holders of rights and potential licensees, is now more important than ever.

Finally, we need to increase the awareness and knowledge about standards and to explain how standardisation works and when it can be used. We are therefore proposing an Annual Standardisation Forum where once a year stakeholders can meet to discuss European standards.

So I hope that you can support this report at tomorrow’s vote so that this institution can send a strong message about the importance of the European standardisation system.


  Hans-Olaf Henkel, Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses für Industrie, Forschung und Energie. – Herr Präsident! Erstmal herzlichen Dank, Frau Mizzi, für Ihre ausgezeichnete Arbeit und dafür, dass Sie die Anregungen des ITRE-Ausschusses alle mit aufgenommen haben. Als jemand, der sein ganzes berufliches Leben in dieser Branche verbracht hat, weiß ich, dass es wichtig ist, dass wir Standards in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie brauchen, um den digitalen Binnenmarkt wirklich zu erreichen. Aber in dieser Diskussion – nicht mit Ihnen, aber mit einigen anderen Kollegen und Kolleginnen – habe ich immer wieder festgestellt, dass wir hier noch Nachholbedarf haben, und zwar auch beim Thema Vorurteile. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass immer wieder auch bei diesem Thema amerikanische Firmen gerne verteufelt werden. Wir sollten damit aufhören, denn wir brauchen die Kooperation auch mit den Amerikanern, gerade wenn es um dieses Thema Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie geht.

Zweitens sollten wir aufhören, große Firmen zu verteufeln. Klar, es ist wichtig, dass wir die kleinen und mittleren Firmen unterstützen. Aber wieso sind eigentlich Konzerne etwas Schlechtes? Denn wir wissen doch alle, dass Konzerne – auch die großen – viele Tausende kleinerer und mittlerer Unternehmen brauchen und umgekehrt.

Und drittens möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass Standards nicht zu verwechseln sind mit Harmonisierung. Wir brauchen die Standards, um Wettbewerb zu schaffen, denn der Wettbewerb zwischen kleinen Einheiten führt immer zu einem stärkeren Ganzen. Aber wenn wir jetzt auch gleichzeitig harmonisieren in Europa – und das tun wir bei jeder Gelegenheit –, dann stören und zerstören wir den Wettbewerb. Das ist wie bei einem Marathonlauf: Natürlich muss man wissen, dass man 42 Kilometer und 195 Meter laufen darf, und das gilt für alle. Aber stellen Sie sich vor, die Läufer würden sich am Anfang des Laufs jetzt in die Hand versprechen, sie würden alle zur gleichen Zeit im Ziel ankommen. Dann wäre der Wettbewerb und damit auch der europäische Binnenmarkt zerstört.




  Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first I want to thank Ms Mizzi for her report on European standardisation. This is an important document; important for us, important for the European standardisation community. It sets out a balanced view on several questions on the European standardisation system and as I can see from it, we agree on the fundamental principles in the area.

Just one sentence: over the past 30 years European standards have delivered great benefits for companies, for consumers. They have been based on a unique partnership between European legislators, standard—setting bodies, industry workers and of course civil society groups.

At the heart of the partnership has been a voluntary, demand-led and consensus-driven approach but the standardisation system now, of course, faces a number of challenges: the increasing speed of change in the global economy, the growing role of ICT and the increasing importance of services, to name just a few of them.

So last year we set out a new direction in this area, calling for a system that is agile and that is timely. At its heart we launched a joint initiative on standardisation. We want a system that is both inclusive and collaborative, a system that taps the potential of ICT and services and, above all, a system that can set priorities and deliver results.

I am pleased to see that the report recognises the importance of standardisation and welcomes at the same time the joint initiative. The report will fit into our annual Union work programme on European standardisation for next year, which is currently under discussion. The upcoming interinstitutional dialogue early next year will also be an opportunity to further discuss the topics of mutual interest.

As I cannot, as you understand, now comment on the whole report, I will focus on four key aspects that the rapporteur also mentioned, the importance of inclusiveness, transparency, ICT standardisation and standard essential practices.

Let me start with inclusiveness. Standards, as was said, affect everybody so everybody should have the possibility to have their opinion heard and taken into account when standards are prepared. The report acknowledges that the 2012 Regulation on standardisation has made improvements here so we will continue in this direction.

We have asked the European standardisation organisations – the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) – as well as all national standardisation bodies to intensify their cooperation with stakeholders. We are asking them to adapt their internal rules and their internal procedures to help the work of stakeholders’ organisations.

In the joint initiative there are three actions focused on inclusiveness. They target inclusiveness at national, European and international level. Work on this has started and is progressing smoothly so far.

Second, on transparency, I agree with the report that we need to increase the transparency, accountability and timelines of the standardisation system. I know the report called us to address the reasons behind the decreasing citation of references of harmonised standards in the Official Journal. We are working closely with the standardisation organisations to find practical and durable solutions.

Third, on ICT standardisation. Most people know how frustrating it is and can be to buy digital technology only to find that it cannot connect to other devices. ICT standards ensure that these devices work together seamlessly. Last year we adopted a strategic and political plan on ICT standardisation priorities. It is focused on five key areas: 5G, the internet of things, cloud computing, cyber security and data technologies.

We are working closely together with the standardisation community to implement the actions in the time frame indicated. Success depends on high level commitment from a broad stakeholder base. This includes Member States, industry of course, standard—setting organisations and the research community.

Finally, my last point, I agree that we need to ensure that industry can rely on an effective licencing system. We need a balanced licencing system for technologies endorsed in standards, in other words, standard essential patents. This system should provide for growth and efficient access to these technologies while at the same time ensuring that there are adequate incentives for research, development and innovation.

We are currently working on how to improve the licencing environment and provide clarity on an SEP licencing environment and fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory practices.

Once again let me thank the honourable Member for such an excellent report. I hope I can count on your continued support and engagement in the coming years on this very important issue.


  Pavel Telička, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Transport and Tourism. – Mr President, first of all I would like to say that I appreciate the work of the rapporteur, especially her sound focus on the transport sector. The question of standardisation is, in fact, absolutely key if we want to achieve a modern, interoperable, single European transport area.

The problem is that one of the failures of the internal market is that we have not managed to confront the fragmentation of that market, with different national standards, so our companies, whether in the logistics or freight sectors, often have to cope with different national documents each time they cross a border.

At a time when the transport sector is cutting down emissions and becoming much more digitalised and intermodal, at a time when the Commission has put forward the mobility package, we definitely need an interoperable, free-flow-of-data sector which will provide for the uptake of new technologies, like, for example, electric vehicles.

We see too that standards now encompass the ICT standards, and this is an absolutely key area, and one in which we would like to encourage our citizens, too, to go intermodal – to use something that is called integrated ticketing.

One final remark: I would expect the Commission to see this as an external plea to provide, in its proposals, for intermodal interaction based on free flow of data and everything that comes with it.


  Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz, a PPE képviselőcsoport nevében. – Elnök Úr! Madame la rapporteure, szeretném megköszönni az ön kiváló munkáját és azt az együttműködést, amit tanúsított a munka során. Tényleg egy olyan jelentés születhetett meg, ami valóban hozzáadott értékkel bír, és azt is mondhatom, hogy stratégiai jelentőségű lesz a jövőre nézve. Ez a jelentés kifejezetten rámutat arra, hogy a szabványosítási rendszerek mennyire kulcsfontosságúak a belső piac potenciáljának a kihasználása szempontjából, és mennyire fontosak lehetnek a versenyképesség szempontjából. Anélkül, hogy teljesen részletekbe mennék vagy ismételném az előttem szólókat, néhány szempontra szeretném csak a figyelmet felhívni. Elsőként is az európai szabványosítás jövőjét illetően.

Amikor erről a kérdésről beszélünk, akkor felmerül, hogy milyen módon kell hozzányúlni, milyen legyen a felülvizsgálata ennek a rendszernek. Nos, azt mondhatjuk, hogy a jelenlegi rendszer viszonylag jól szabályozott. Tehát anélkül kell hozzányúlnunk, hogy a jelenlegi eredményeket kidobnánk. Tehát nem hajthatunk végre radikális változást, amely gyengítené a jelenlegi rendszernek a fő elemét. Ugyanakkor szempontként szeretném megemlíteni azt is, hogy mennyire fontos, hogy mindenkit bevonjunk a szabványosítási folyamatba. Legyen ez nemzeti szervezet, szabványügyi testületek és ezeknek az együttműködése. Következő szempont az, hogy mennyire fontos, hogy mindenki, aki részt vesz, hozzá is tudjon férni. Vagyis, hogy a szabványokat értsék azok, akiknek alkalmazni kell. Ne felejtsük el azt sem, hogy nem lehet mindent szabványosítani.

Ezek a szabványok nem lehetnek versenytorzítóak, pontosan a verseny növelése mellett kell az akadályokat eltörölni. Fontos szempont, hogy minden érintettet, kutatás-fejlesztéssel, innovációval foglalkozót, mindenkit be kell hívnunk ebbe a folyamatba. És egy utolsó szempont: a FRAND-elv érvényesítése a teljes folyamatban.

Ez egy jó jelentés, egyensúlyi pontokkal, amit támogatok.


  Presidente. – Per accogliere le domande "cartellino blu" aspettiamo che si concluda il giro di interventi dei gruppi politici, poi naturalmente potremo accoglierle.


  Christel Schaldemose, for S&D-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! I hverdagen tænker vi sjældent over, at der er standarder overalt, selvom mange af dem har rigtig stor betydning for os. Tænk bare, hvis elpæren ikke passede til lampen, hvis skruen ikke passede til møtrikken og hvis USB-stikket kun passede til nogle få PC’er. Kommissionen præsenterede sidste år en standardiseringspakke med en række initiativer. Alt sammen noget, som skal få det europæiske standardiseringssystem til at virke godt og effektivt, hvilket er helt nødvendigt for at have et velfungerende indre marked.

For os socialdemokrater er standardiseringsarbejdet vigtigt, og vi bakker derfor fuldt op om hele det europæiske standardiseringsarbejde. Jeg var socialdemokraternes ordfører på den standardiseringslovgivning, vi lavede tilbage i 2012. Men vi har også et par vigtige budskaber til indsatsen. Vi socialdemokrater mener, at standardiseringen hverken kan eller må erstatte lovgivningen. Der er stadigvæk brug for lovgivning til at sætte rammerne for f.eks. sikre produkter, for privatlivsbeskyttelse og for inddragelse af ikke-kommercielle interesser. Vi ser også, at der er en særlig udfordring for standarder i den digitale tidsalder. Vi har brug for at have et smidigt og et bæredygtigt og et inkluderende standardiseringssystem, men det er også vigtigt, at vi får f.eks. borgere og forbrugere med, når det handler om at rulle standarder for det digitale indre marked ud. Det er derfor vigtigt, der er en strategisk tilgang til hele standardiseringsarbejdet.

Vi mener f.eks. også, når det drejer sig om privatlivsbeskyttelse, at det er vigtigt, at vi har standarder til hele designfasen, sådan at vi får lagt et højt og vigtigt beskyttelsesniveau ind for forbrugerne allerede i designfasen, og i denne henseende er standarder helt afgørende. Så det bakker vi op om. Endelig vil jeg gerne takke Marlene Mizzi for en god betænkning og tilføje, at standardiseringsarbejde er noget, vi skal sørge for fungerer effektivt af hensyn til det indre marked.


  Ruža Tomašić, u ime kluba ECR. – Gospodine predsjedniče, donošenje usklađenih i jednostavnih europskih politika normizacije s ciljem postizanja prave ravnoteže između nacionalnih, europskih i globalnih dimenzija važno je, prije svega, u kontekstu konačne uspostave jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta.

Europski konzervativci i reformisti smatraju da ovakva standardizacija mora biti proces koji će teći od dolje prema gore, vođen posebno identificiranim potrebama koje pred zakonodavca stavljaju predstavnici industrije, a ne pretjerano ambiciozni političari koji s proizvodnjom nemaju previše veze.

Naša se grupa protivi rastućoj politizaciji procesa standardizacije i želi da industrija bude ta koja predvodi procese koji se na nju samu primarno odnose. No, moram istaknuti kako je u ovom izvješću ravnoteža ipak postignuta i to je pristup kakav pozdravljamo.


  Kaja Kallas, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, standardisation remains quite a technical topic. However, if you talk to people then you hear that people are quite annoyed at having different plugs and different cables for each device that they have, and this is all due to a lack of standards.

The EU needs to have an effective and proactive market-driven standardisation policy if we want to be leaders in innovation, the leaders of the race for 5G and for the Internet of Things. This sector is very fragmented, with many proprietary and semi-closed solutions and a multitude of standards. However, if we think about what the Internet of Things is all about – devices communicating with other devices – it is difficult to see how we can do this without standards.

I believe that the more open standards we have, the more innovation we have. However, the discussion on this report has shown that we all talk about open standards but we all have different views about what ‘open’ really means. Can we truly call a standard open just because the standardisation process was inclusive enough? Or what about the outcome of the standard? The point of setting standards is that other companies will be able to build their innovations upon them.

At least this report acknowledges that there are different business models out there, but I do think the Commission should promote solutions that ensure that different business models can co-exist. If all standardisation initiatives are based on royalties, for instance, where does it leave open-source licensing? As open source can be shared in an unlimited manner, it is not really compatible with royalty-based models.

This report is therefore a good start for discussion, but I hope that it is not the end of it.


  Margot Parker, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, this report calls for the harmonisation of European standards, an unnecessary proposal which I cannot support.

The UK already has a high standard of products which are recognised across the world as being trustworthy and high quality. This is a tradition that existed long before we joined the European Union or it was created. Creating a European standard puts this reputation at risk, as not all Member States are yet able to produce products and services at the same high standard. Indeed, even testing centres for EU standards cannot yet guarantee that products produced under this proposal are all of the same quality. This is dangerous and it could serve to drive down standards and create an atmosphere of mistrust. It is a good job that we in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union before irresponsible European law can have a detrimental effect on our economy.


  Mylène Troszczynski, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, les entreprises et les acteurs sociaux ont besoin de normes. Ces normes constituent des instruments déterminants pour tous les acteurs économiques et sociaux. Elles doivent être efficaces et ajustées au marché, afin de favoriser la croissance et l’innovation. Elles améliorent aussi, si elles sont établies dans l’intérêt commun, la compétitivité, la qualité et la performance, et favorisent la protection des consommateurs, le développement des entreprises, les conditions des travailleurs et le souci de l’environnement. Elles sont aussi – et c’est primordial de le rappeler – une démarche volontaire des États, qui est une démarche positive. Cette démarche est finalement assez contradictoire avec l’aspect très centralisateur du projet de marché unique, malheureusement défendu avec beaucoup trop d’ardeur dans ce texte.

C’est surtout la coopération entre les nations, que j’appelle de mes vœux, qui peut favoriser ce type de démarche volontaire. En cela, je pourrais soutenir certaines orientations de ce rapport, mais les entreprises et les acteurs sociaux ont également besoin de stabilité, et ces normes, aussi utiles soient-elles, ne doivent pas devenir des obstacles au développement, soit par une instabilité chronique, soit en devenant un véritable parcours du combattant ou un frein économique pour des entreprises déjà exsangues à cause d’une forte dérégulation économique organisée, enfin, soit en devenant le résultat de fortes pressions de la part de groupes d’intérêts particuliers.

Nous touchons là le nœud du problème: confier à la Commission, à des organismes, à des agences ou même à des pôles de normalisation unique l’établissement de ces normes est une erreur stratégique. Cette centralisation à outrance est contraire à l’intérêt commun. Elle ne devient alors une solution bénéfique pour personne ou, alors, pour beaucoup trop peu de monde.


  Andreas Schwab (PPE). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich finde, der Bericht, den Frau Kollegin Mizzi vorgelegt hat und der mit unseren Schattenberichterstattern erstellt wurde, ist gut. Er ist vielleicht besser als die Debatte heute. Deswegen möchte ich nur drei Punkte hinzufügen. Erstens: Ich glaube, Normen entstehen aufgrund privatrechtlicher Zusammenarbeit der in den Normungsorganisationen zusammengeschlossenen Einrichtungen. Deswegen gibt es keinen Zusammenhang mit öffentlicher Gesetzgebung, und das muss man dem Europäischen Gerichtshof an der einen oder anderen Stelle vielleicht immer auch mal wieder sagen. Privatrechtlich entstandene Standards haben nichts mit Gesetzgebung zu tun – Kolleginnen und Kollegen haben hier im Hause auch darauf hingewiesen.

Zweitens: …. Frau Parker geht jetzt – es wäre schade, denn ich hätte ihr erklären können, wie große ...

companies from the UK like Vodafone came to the European continent by taking over some parts of the market because European standards allowed them to participate. I think it is outrageous that this economic coincidence is neglected here, and I think they will pay a high price for this, because without these common standards for the whole internal market, companies that operate in a smaller marketplace will be cut off.

These standards allow big companies and small companies, all over Europe, to take the part of the market they want to have, and therefore I think they are also in the interest of companies from the country which Ms Parker comes from and which is leaving the European Union.

Dann möchte ich noch einen weiteren Punkt hinzufügen. Ich glaube, Frau Kollegin Gáll-Pelcz hat es angesprochen: Ein Thema im Bereich der Standardisierung ist momentan ja der sogenannte FRAND-Standard, der erlaubt, das bei standardessenziellen Patenten alle Beteiligten über faire Bedingungen Zugang bekommen. Dieser Prozess sollte auch aus meiner Sicht gestärkt werden, damit wir hier auch in Zukunft gleiche Bedingungen für alle Marktteilnehmer erhalten. Insgesamt aber nochmals herzlichen Dank für die kompetente Bearbeitung des Berichts.

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 8 der Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Elnök Úr, kérem, értse meg, hogy időnként azért is szoktam kékkártyát használni a vezérszónokok esetében, mert a képviselőcsoportok nézeteit szeretném megtudni. Bár ez esetben szerencsém van, mert Schwab kolléga igencsak jó képviselője a Néppártnak. Úgyhogy hozzá tenném föl most a kérdésemet, nagyon röviden. Gállné Pelcz képviselő asszony említette a hozzáférhetőség kérdését. Minekutána az Európai Uniónak egyik legizgalmasabb kezdeményezése az „okos falvak” kezdeményezés, kérdezem, hogy ezt a mostani jelentést mennyire tudjuk kiterjeszteni a vidéki térségek, a falvak speciális igényeire?


  Andreas Schwab (PPE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Herr Kollege Szanyi, vielen Dank für die Frage. In der Tat haben wir ein großes Interesse daran, überall in der Europäischen Union auch die ländlichen Gebiete digital zu erschließen – egal, ob das für Ihr Land gilt oder für mein Land. Und ich glaube, dass wir dafür nicht nur über die notwendige Infrastruktur verfügen müssen, sondern auch Standards zur Verfügung stellen müssen, die eben von Unternehmen – egal welcher Größe – genutzt werden können. Deswegen ist es gut, dass wir hier in diesem Bericht keine Definition von sogenannten open standards festgeschrieben haben, die über die in der Verordnung 1025/2012 getroffene Festlegung hinausgeht. Ich glaube, das ist ein guter Weg, um auch ländlichen Regionen den Anschluss an die digitale Infrastruktur zu ermöglichen.

Ich hoffe, dass ich damit Ihre Frage beantwortet habe.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamnă comisar, stimați colegi, vreau să salut propunerea de raport privind standardizarea, având în vedere că standardele sunt instrumente care contribuie la un echilibru just între dimensiunea națională europeană și internațională. Vreau să o felicit pe raportoare, pe colega noastră, Mizzi, și pe ceilalți raportori pentru raportul echilibrat pe care ni l-a prezentat.

Personal, am făcut mai multe amendamente, prin care am încercat să subliniez importanța standardelor pentru funcționarea pieței interne, pentru consolidarea competiției echitabile; evident, și pentru protecția consumatorului. Am propus, de asemenea, ca sistemul european de standardizare să fie coerent și simplu de aplicat, mai ales pentru IMM-uri. IMM-urile trebuie să aibă acces, trebuie să fie parte în negocierea standardelor și, dacă nu au informația, vor fi speriate și vor avea birocrație și costuri suplimentare. Cred, de asemenea, că armonizarea standardelor are o importanță deosebită, chiar dacă unul dintre colegii noștri spunea că nu trebuie să vorbim de armonizare. Ba da. Și eu insist, doamnă comisar, ca despre aceste standarde să vorbim și în negocierile acordurilor comerciale cu țări terțe, dacă dorim ca piața internă să nu fie într-o poziție dezavantajoasă. Este important ca toate instituțiile europene, statele membre, părțile interesate să comunice stadiul în care ne aflăm cu standardizarea și, evident, și viitoarele propuneri referitoare la standardizare.

Susțin raportul și susțin și propunerea privind forumul internațional propus de raportoarea noastră, pentru că este foarte important pentru viitorul Uniunii Europene și sper ca, la punerea în practică, să nu se creeze obstacole și costuri, în special pentru IMM-uri.


  Antonio López-Istúriz White (PPE). – Señor presidente, queridos compañeros... y sobre todo, a mi compañera Mizzi, que ha hecho y está haciendo un excelente trabajo con este informe, hay que darle las gracias.

El 1 de junio de 2016 la Comisión Europea presentó este paquete de comunicaciones en las que expone su visión de cómo debería evolucionar en los próximos años la creación de las normas europeas. Dentro de este, se encuentran algunas cuestiones prioritarias en nuestra Comisión de Mercado Interior —que sigue trabajando en ellas— como son, por ejemplo, el 5G, el trabajo informático en la nube, el internet de las cosas, las tecnologías de macrodatos y la ciberseguridad.

Tanto el paquete general de la Comisión sobre normalización europea como la Comunicación, adoptada en abril de 2016, sobre las normas en materia de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación van a aportar la armonización que tanto tiempo llevamos demandando en este sector. Con ello, estamos dando otro paso hacia la obtención de un marco normativo común, que sea capaz de adaptarse uniformemente a la evolución de los avances tecnológicos y logísticos que se está desarrollando a su alrededor.

Es imprescindible que se ampare esta iniciativa, pues es necesario tener una cohesión en estas políticas, que no solo beneficiarán a los Estados miembros otorgando un marco normativo a nivel europeo, sino que —lo que es más importante y más interesa en este momento— aportarán grandes beneficios tanto a los consumidores como a las empresas.

Como defendí en anteriores intervenciones en este Pleno —y así vengo defendiendo en el trabajo de la Comisión de Mercado Interior—, la unificación de estándares a nivel europeo es una condición indispensable para superar la fragmentación del mercado y protegernos de las amenazas externas que nos acechan en este ámbito.

A mi compañero Andreas Schwab le diría que no hay que perder el tiempo, como ha hecho, con la diputada Parker: son de un antieuropeísmo tan feroz. Hay que hacerlo con los británicos, mi querido Andreas: los británicos que sí realmente quieren seguir manteniendo una relación privilegiada con nosotros, con la Unión Europea. A ello nos tenemos que dedicar.


  Nicola Danti (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor commissario, permettetemi in apertura di ringraziare la collega Mizzi, che ha prodotto e che ci mette oggi all'attenzione una relazione che mette bene in evidenza l'importanza della normazione per il corretto funzionamento del mercato unico, a tutela sia dei consumatori che delle imprese.

Le tante differenze tra i sistemi di norme nazionali rappresentano oggi un ostacolo alla libera circolazione delle merci e ad una sana concorrenza, creando significativi oneri amministrativi e limitando la libertà di scelta da parte dei consumatori. Io credo che l'Unione europea debba dunque investire maggiormente nei processi di armonizzazione normativa, da sviluppare anche con il sostegno di tutte le parti interessate. E, prima di tutto, credo in primo luogo che una strategia comune europea debba dimostrarsi a prova di piccole e medie imprese, che saranno le principali beneficiarie di nuove norme europee.

Una delle principali sfide da vincere è quella legata alla digitalizzazione della nostra società. Lo sviluppo di norme comuni nel settore delle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione potrà senza dubbio rafforzare la competitività, l'interoperabilità, la sicurezza, la sostenibilità delle nostre infrastrutture digitali: condizioni essenziali per lo sviluppo di uno spazio unico di opportunità per i cittadini europei.

Sono convinto, infine, che una maggiore coerenza rafforzerà anche la posizione negoziale dell'Unione europea negli accordi commerciali internazionali e consentirà all'Europa di giocare un ruolo da protagonista nel promuovere i propri standard nel mondo.


  Μαρία Σπυράκη ( PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κυρίες και κύριοι συνάδελφοι, Επίτροπε Bieńkowska, οφείλουμε να δώσουμε νέα δυναμική στη θέσπιση προτύπων, διότι μια τέτοια εξέλιξη θα ωφελήσει τους καταναλωτές, τις επιχειρήσεις και την ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία. Η προώθηση του ευρωπαϊκού κόμβου τυποποίησης με παγκόσμιο αντίκτυπο είναι πράγματι ένας φιλόδοξος στόχος και θα δώσει προβάδισμα στην ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία. Μπορεί να γίνει όμως με σταθερά βήματα και σχέδιο για τη στήριξη τομέων προτεραιότητας, όπως ο κατασκευαστικός τομέας. Εφόσον τα πρότυπα τελικά οδηγήσουν σε υψηλότερη ποιότητα, είναι πιθανό στο μέλλον να αποφύγουμε τραγωδίες, όπως αυτή στον Πύργο του Λονδίνου.

Τα πρότυπα αποτελούν κυρίως ένα εξόχως σημαντικό εργαλείο για τη λειτουργία της ενιαίας αγοράς και -φυσικά- της ενιαίας ψηφιακής αγοράς. Προάγουν την καινοτομία, αυξάνουν την ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών και των προϊόντων, διασφαλίζουν την ασφάλεια των καταναλωτών και ενισχύουν την ανταγωνιστικότητα. Στην Επιτροπή Βιομηχανίας εγκρίναμε παμψηφεί την έκθεση στην οποία εκπροσωπούσα το Ευρωπαϊκό Λαϊκό Κόμμα. Στην πραγματικότητα, περιμένουμε το διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων, η προστασία των δεδομένων και η ασφάλεια στον κυβερνοχώρο να δημιουργήσουν μια τεχνολογική ραχοκοκαλιά, ώστε να μπορέσουμε να αναπτύξουμε σημαντικούς τομείς.

Είναι λοιπόν βασική προϋπόθεση να διασφαλίσουμε ότι εταιρείες κάθε μεγέθους, μεγάλες και μικρές, θα μπορούν να συνεργάζονται με αμοιβαία επωφελή τρόπο. Είναι σημαντικό να προστατεύσουμε ειδικά τις μικρές επιχειρήσεις, διασφαλίζοντας ισότιμη πρόσβαση και να δημιουργήσουμε τις συνθήκες που θα προάγουν την καινοτομία.


  Olga Sehnalová (S&D). – Pane předsedající, společné normy jsou důležitým nástrojem pro fungování jednotného trhu. Zachování a další rozvoj evropského standardizačního systému získává na významu se vzrůstajícím vlivem informačních a komunikačních technologií, kdy bude potřeba klást stále větší důraz na zajištění jejich interoperability.

Evropské standardy musí být vyvíjeny v transparentním prostředí a inkluzivním způsobem. Vítám, že paní zpravodajka při zdůraznění řádného zapojení různých zájmových skupin v procesu standardizace pamatovala také na spotřebitelské organizace i na organizace, které zastupují osoby s postižením.

Souhlasím se zpravodajkou také v tom, že normy jako dobrovolný trhem vedený nástroj, který stanoví technické požadavky a pokyny, nemohou nahrazovat politická rozhodnutí. Politická rozhodnutí, která se týkají například úrovně ochrany zdraví, bezpečnosti či životního prostředí, by měla být i nadále ponechána na zákonodárci. Zprávu kolegyně Marlene Mizzi proto podpořím a chci jí také poděkovat za práci, kterou na ní odvedla.


  Theodor Dumitru Stolojan (PPE). – Domnule președinte, voi vota pentru acest raport, deoarece, în Parlamentul European, conduc un grup de lucru care este concentrat pe Standardele internaționale de raportare financiară și am o imagine destul de clară asupra importanței standardelor atât pentru protecția consumatorilor, a investitorilor, cât și pentru facilitarea comerțului și investițiilor în cadrul pieței interne și pe plan internațional.

Doresc să subliniez în mod deosebit atenția acordată calității standardelor, bazată pe transparență și pe dialog, și insist foarte mult pe introducerea practicii studiilor de impact pentru orice fel de standarde care se elaborează care să țină seama efectiv de consecințele asupra diferiților participanți la viața economică și socială. De asemenea, este importantă respectarea standardelor. Cei care nu respectă standardele, de fapt, aplică propriile standarde.

Îi mulțumesc raportorului și mulțumesc Comisiei Europene pentru activitatea în acest domeniu.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Pane předsedající, já chci pochválit tuto zprávu a pogratulovat paní Mizzi za předloženou zprávu. Jsem připraven ji podpořit. Považuji stejně jako většina mých předřečníků otázku normalizace v Evropě za velmi důležitou. Z mého pohledu to není žádná další zbytečná administrativa, protože tyto normy, jak jeden z kolegů zde připomněl, mají dobrovolný soukromoprávní charakter a jsou nezbytné při vytváření jednotného trhu.

Chtěl bych tady vyzvat paní komisařku, aby opravdu Komise v této věci byla co nejvíce ambiciózní, aby se nám opravdu podařilo posilovat přijímání technických norem pro jednotlivé výrobky a tak jsme vytvářeli jednotný trh. Tedy tyto normy nejsou pro mě zbytečnou administrativou, ale naopak jsou něčím, čím postupně dotváříme jednotný trh a umožňujeme volný pohyb zboží a jeho faktické možnosti prodeje v kterékoliv části Evropské unie.

Velmi vnímám také, že tato zpráva hovoří o digitálním trhu. Považuji za mimořádně důležité v době digitalizace posilovat interoperabilitu jednotlivých digitálních prostředků. Co je věc, která nebyla úplně vyřešena ve zprávě, je otázka subjektu, který má přijímat tyto normy, jestli zachovat současnou strukturu subjektů, které přijímají tyto normy, anebo zda uvažovat o novém evropském centru pro normalizaci tak, jak o něm uvažuje Evropská komise.


Procedura catch-the-eye


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, per effetto delle nuove tecnologie e della progressiva integrazione delle soluzioni digitali nella produzione industriale a livello globale, nonché del contesto internazionale in rapida evoluzione, gli strumenti normativi stanno cambiando rapidamente, ed è necessario dare un nuovo impulso per dare risposta alle esigenze dell'industria, dei consumatori, dei lavoratori, delle organizzazioni ambientali e degli altri soggetti interessati.

Nel piano presentato dalla Commissione, l'iniziativa congiunta sulla normazione deve essere affiancata da studi di impatto economico e sociale. Credo infatti che il processo di normazione debba andare oltre i singoli aspetti economici. È necessario un approccio olistico, nel quale gli obiettivi delle PMI, dei consumatori e dei cittadini – soprattutto quelli inerenti a questioni economiche, sociali, sanitarie e ambientali – siano totalmente integrati. Ed è fondamentale, quindi, che l'intero pacchetto della Commissione miri alla creazione di un unico e coerente sistema europeo di normazione, che si adatti ad un contesto in continua evoluzione e offra benefici innanzitutto per i consumatori e per le imprese.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η ενιαία ψηφιακή αγορά επιβάλλει βεβαίως την τυποποίηση και τη διαμόρφωση προτύπων, διότι μόνον έτσι μπορούμε να έχουμε ανάπτυξη των τεχνολογιών, ιδίως στον τομέα της επικοινωνίας και της πληροφορίας. Ορθώς λοιπόν, δίδεται έμφαση σε πέντε προτεραιότητες: στο 5G, στο υπολογιστικό νέφος, στο διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων, στις τεχνολογίες δεδομένων και στην κυβερνοασφάλεια. Ταυτόχρονα, οφείλει η Επιτροπή να λάβει σοβαρά υπόψη τις αποφάσεις και τις προτάσεις του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου.

Επιπλέον, πρέπει να υπάρξει διαβούλευση, να συμμετάσχουν οι μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, οι τοπικές αρχές, η κοινωνία των πολιτών και φυσικά οι ίδιοι οι καταναλωτές, διότι μόνον έτσι μπορούμε να προχωρήσουμε σε μία διαδικασία όπου η τυποποίηση και τα πρότυπα θα στηρίξουν πραγματικά την ίδια την οικονομία. Πρόκειται για μία προαιρετική διαδικασία, αλλά ταυτόχρονα αναγκαία, και γι’ αυτό δεν πρέπει να έχουμε επιβολή προτύπων και κυρίως τυποποίησης και εναρμόνισης στα μέτρα των μεγάλων ευρωπαϊκών ή αμερικανικών πολυεθνικών επιχειρήσεων.


  Davor Škrlec (Verts/ALE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, osobno podržavam ovo izvješće zbog toga što smatram da je vrlo važno imati kvalitetne norme i standarde prvenstveno radi toga što će naše gospodarstvo time biti konkurentnije i globalno. Naši potrošači bit će bolje zaštićeni radi toga što će biti sigurni da kupuju proizvode jednake kvalitete. I također ono što bih htio istaknuti da nekoliko važnih projekata koje Europska unija danas zacrtava za budućnost poslije 2020. godine, a radi se o energetskoj uniji, traži kvalitetne norme i standarde, jer komunikacija između tržišnih sudionika na tržištu električne energije, komunikacija građana prema distribucijskoj mreži, komunikacija operatora sustava međusobno neće biti zadovoljavajuća ako ti standardi neće biti interoperabilni i neće biti otvoreni upravo kao što je kolegica Mizzi naglasila u svojem izvješću.

I htio bih se osvrnuti na izvješće kolegice Parker koja je nažalost otišla. Velika Britanija, za koju je ona rekla da vodi u standardima, još uvijek ima napone drugačije od ostatka Europske unije, koristi imperijalne jedinice, a ne međunarodni sustav. Dakle, mi moramo milje preračunavati u metre i također moramo nositi adaptere ako želimo svoje računalo priključiti na mrežu.


(Fine della procedura catch-the-eye)


  Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank the Honourable Members for this very interesting discussion. For years Europe has been in the lead when it comes to creating standards and it must stay like this. If we do not create our own standards in Europe, others will do it globally. It is key here that our standards should become a global standard.

I very much agreed with Mr Schwab when he said that those outside the system who will not participate in creating European standards will pay the price sooner rather than later. I also agree that standards are crucial for the integrity of the internal market. We are doing our best under our joint initiative launched last year to avoid the fragmentation of the single market. The joint initiative, that was broadly welcomed by all of the partners and all of the stakeholders of the Standardisation System – if I may just repeat this – is there to create a system that is inclusive, collaborative and a symbol for the companies, a system that taps the potential of IT and services, but above all a system that can set priorities in areas such as e-health, smart energy and intelligent transport systems. For example, connected automated vehicles will significantly benefit from our proposed prioritisation.

Thank you very much again for this discussion. I will keep you updated and look forward to our interinstitutional dialogue later this year. Let us work together on the future of the European Standardisation System because this is crucial for our citizens and for our industry.


  Marlene Mizzi, rapporteur. – Mr President, I would like to thank everyone for their contributions to this debate and in particular to the shadows and to the European Commission. Standards are there to guarantee that products are fit for purpose, work smoothly and reliably together, providing high quality and safety safeguards for our citizens. They are important for consumers and companies, for the interoperability of products and for providing economies of scale by keeping markets open and avoiding lock-in with given providers or products. Therefore, I hope that this report will not be condemned to paper and never see the light of day.

I also hope that the Commission, the European standardisation organisations and Member States will implement and enforce its recommendations. So, in particular, I would like to reiterate: it is important to enhance the synergies and coordination between all stakeholders; develop inclusive, sustainable, safe and high-quality standards with fair access and treatment of all stakeholders; improve the accessibility and transparency of the standardisation process; remove the de facto obstacles to an effective involvement of Annex III organisations; create an easy-to-use single point of access to standards; monitor international ICT standardisations and promote the European regulatory model and interests at international level; clarify the core elements of an equitable, effective and enforceable licensing methodology based on FRAND; and prepare a European register listing existing European standards and ongoing standardisation work to avoid duplication of work. And finally, to raise awareness and knowledge about standards, introduce professional standardisation courses, and develop standardisation guidelines for policymakers.

Last, but not least, I welcome the Commission’s decision to involve the European Parliament as a signatory to the joint initiative for standardisation.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà domani alle 12.00.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE), în scris. – Sistemul european de standardizare reprezintă unul dintre elementele esențiale pentru realizarea pieței unice. UE are nevoie de urgență de un sistem unic de standardizare, modern și flexibil, pentru a consolida concurența echitabilă și inovarea la nivel global. Punerea în aplicare a acestui sistem unic va genera avantaje și previzibilitate pentru consumatori și întreprinderi.

Cer Comisiei să alinieze toate inițiativele propuse în ultimii ani, astfel încât să poată fi elaborată în cel mai scurt timp o platformă europeană de standardizare, în cadrul căreia standardele să fie elaborate în timp util și în mod deschis. De asemenea, Comisia trebuie să propună măsuri concrete pentru accelerarea procesului de stabilire a mai multor standarde privind tehnologia informației și comunicării (TIC) pentru politici multiple, așa cum a făcut-o deja pentru cinci domenii: tehnologiile 5G, tehnologiile de tip cloud computing, internetul obiectelor, tehnologiile de date și securitatea cibernetică.

Consider că standardele trebuie elaborate cu sprijinul sectorului industrial și al autorităților publice, dar și al consumatorilor, al lucrătorilor și al cetățenilor. IMM-urile, consumatorii și cetățenii trebuie implicați în acest proces. Nu în ultimul rând, consider că standardele trebuie să impună orientări și cerințe tehnice care pot contribui la punerea în aplicare a legislației și a politicilor europene.

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